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Running Head: WHY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES MATTER 1 Why Extracurricular Activities Matter Luke Smith University of Northern Iowa

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Why Extracurricular Activities Matter

Luke Smith

University of Northern Iowa

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“Extracurricular activities serve the same goals and functions as the required and elective

courses in the curriculum. However, they provide experiences that are not included in formal

courses of study. They allow students to apply the knowledge that they have learned in other

classes and acquire concepts of democratic life” (Massoni, 2011). Extracurricular activities are

important and beneficial to middle school and high school students, and should be required for

learning. Extracurricular activities have many benefits that not only affect the student here and

now, but also may benefit him in the future as well. Different aspects that extracurricular

activities effect are behaviors, academic achievement, social aspects, and completion.

Extracurricular activities are activities that do not fall into the realm of normal curriculum

for schools. They are found in all levels of schooling: middle school, high school, and college. I

know when people hear the word “extracurricular” they think of just sports, and that can shut

people off to the idea relatively quickly. If you’re a parent who doesn’t think their child is

athletic or the sporty type there are many different kinds of activities besides sports including

different clubs, organizations, music, art, and drama to name a few.

The first thing that extracurricular activities effect is behaviors. In sports, they show

discipline in drills, practices and games, and even routines or specific moves. When a student

shows proper discipline in doing these tasks correctly, a sense of pride and self-worth comes to

the student and can even be rewarded for what they did. Some might say this can lead to students

feeling superior to others, leading to excluding others and creating some to become antisocial

towards others. That is another benefit to being in these types of activities, because the kids will

be under supervision and an adult’s guidance. With that guidance and supervision, hopefully that

can steer the kids away from becoming to selfish and feeling superior and can teach the students

modesty and respect. Respect not only for others but for themselves as well. “In today's society

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of ‘everybody needs to feel good about themselves,’ it has become too easy to quit and too easy

to let somebody else do the work” (Kennedy, 2008). These improved behaviors and being under

good supervision allow the students great learning experiences. For those who feel academics

and learning are more important, the next area might help sway opinions.

Something else that extracurricular activities effect is the students’ academic success and

achievements. Most sports teams, show choir groups, or even FFA (Future Farmers of America)

members require good grade point averages (GPA) to participate in the group or team. Because

of this reason it forces the student focus on academics and his studies to ensure he will be able to

do the activities after school that he likes and enjoys. “Research conducted by the National

Center for Education Statistics found that participation in extracurricular activities have a

positive correlation to the students’ attendance, GPA, test scores, and expected educational

goals” (CourseHero, 2014). “In addition, physical activity increases brain function and

concentration levels, which lead to higher grades” (Rivers, 2015).

Plus most extracurricular activities have a connection to higher education opportunities.

When a kid finds something that he excels at and enjoys, such as being good at football, playing

the trombone well, or having exceptional singing and acting skills, they open doors for the

chances to win scholarships and grants for college. I know as a future parent, I would want the

best for my kid and allow for him to get the most out of life and the opportunities he has. Plus

who doesn’t love free money? It seems like a no brainer when put into those terms. If a student

doesn’t believe that college is for him then that’s fine. College isn’t for everyone, and the people

who don’t go to college usually go to work right away. In that case, the ex-student hopefully has

exceptional social skills to help him get through his every day job with people he might not

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know one bit of information about. I know being in extracurricular activities can help prepare for


The most important reason why extracurricular activities should be required for a

student’s learning is because these activities allow the student many social opportunities and

lessons that can help him in whatever he may be doing, but also help him in the future for the

rest of his life. By participating in extracurricular activities students are then exposed to many

assorted tasks: leadership roles, teamwork, time management, organization, problem solving,

critical thinking, learning how to adapt, and even speaking with more confidence. These are just

a few of many tasks that one may benefit from doing a wide range of activities many schools

offer. With all of the different extracurricular activities available students are able to meet so

many different people. When meeting new people, one is to gather more information, ideas and

beliefs, thoughts, values, and interests. This is important because as adults, we meet new people

in so many different settings and learning how to handle that is important with building the

relationship. “Through participation in extracurricular activities, students are afforded with

natural opportunities for developing and practicing priority skills related to individualized

education program (IEP) objectives while having fun in an inclusive environment”

(Dymond;Pence, 2015).

Being in extracurricular activities also can help one in the work place as well. The most

important, impressive, and most valuable activity for college students is an internship. According

to a 2010 Boston University survey and a 2008 NACE survey, students that have experienced an

internship 31% of college students have a higher salary than their counterparts, 53% of them

have at least one job offer by graduation, and 75% of the students are preferred in hiring

(CourseHero, 2014). So again, extracurricular activities should be mandatory for learning at

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younger ages, because they benefit in the present and can benefit in the future as well. If this still

doesn’t explain the importance on why extracurricular activities should be mandatory, there is

still one important factor that these activities benefit from.

Lastly, extracurricular activities benefit and improve a student’s completion. What I

mean by that is student’s completion when it comes to schoolwork, assignments, and school

attendance. “According to the National Center for Education Statistics, students who participate

in extracurricular activities have a 15 percent higher classroom attendance rate than students who

are not involved” (Rivers, 2015). Attendance and participation are important because they go

hand-in-hand when talking about performance in school. For example, as I said before, sports

teams usually require students to be at practices and in order for them to be at practices they need

to attend school. If I student really enjoys whatever extracurricular activity they do, whether it be

a sport, club, or organization, the student is then forced to practice and force themselves to attend

school. Also the student is usually required to get good enough grades to stay eligible to keep

participating, so that is another completion benefit; the student needs to complete homework and

assignments and put work into it to get the grade they need.

Extracurricular activities are for everyone and anyone. Coming from a school of only 240

total enrollment I understand that there may not be a club or organization that sounds all that

appealing at first, but I also understand that there are plenty of opportunities in each activity, no

matter what it was. I know that no matter the kind of student you are, you can fit in anywhere to

a group. I know that if a teacher is doing their job correctly, they make sure the student’s needs

come first and they will keep the student on the straightest path possible. I can think of a group

for every type of person as well whether it be a fostered child growing up, mentally challenged, a

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pastor’s kid or whatever else. Every student can and will benefit at least a little bit from

participating in extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are very beneficial and should be mandatory in a student’s

learning starting young. I have given several reasons as to why I think this way. I first brought up

how it enhances a student’s behavior. I went into detail about how the behavior can increase a

student’s self-esteem, self-worth, and how they look and feel about themselves as a whole. Next

I talked about how extracurricular activities can tremendously sway a student’s academic success

and achievements. Being involved in the activities can be traced back to increased grade point

averages and tests scores. Also, being involved can attract the eyes of colleges and universities.

Good grades can equal free money. Next I gave reasons how beneficial extracurricular activities

are to a growing student’s social life and social being. Being involved in some sort of activity

can help a student gain huge experiences for future references. Finally I talked about how having

a busy schedule can help force a student to become better at time management in order to

succeed inside and outside of the classroom. All of these benefits go hand in hand with each

other, which makes joining and participating in extracurricular activities even more important!

Some may ask how this is relevant to them and this is where I ask a few questions. Do you plan

on becoming a parent? If yes then you should want your child to be the best they can be. Do you

have co-workers at your workplace? If yes, then you probably want co-workers who are able to

have intelligent conversations with, and maybe gain a new friend or two. It benefits not only

them, but can benefit everyone around them as well. “More now than ever, education and

community leaders must be made aware of the benefits and need for high school extracurricular

programs. From interscholastic sports to music, drama, and debate, these activities enrich a

student's high school experience. These programs must be kept alive” (Kennedy, 2008).

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Kennedy, R. (2008). The Need for High School Extracurricular Activities. Mount Joy, PA. Vol.

78 Issue 4, p38-39. 2p. Coach & Athletic Director

Massoni, E. (2011). "Positive Effects of Extra Curricular Activities on Students,"ESSAI: Vol.

9, Article 27.

Rivers, S. (2015). Extracurricular Activities and Academic Success. Retrieved from

The Value of Extracurricular Activities Infographic. (2014). The Extra Push: How

Extracurricular Activities Can Give You A Leg Up. Retrieved from