research proposal inggris

YAYASAN PEMBINA UNIVERSITAS MURIA KUDUS UNIVERSITAS MURIA KUDUS FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Kampus Gondangmanis Bae Kudus Po. Box 53 Telp/Fax. 0291- 438229 PROPOSAL SKRIPSI Name: Noor Farida NIM/Semester: 2007-32-161/VIII 1. Title “The Use of Wall Magazine to Teach Writing Recount Text to The Eight Grade Students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in the Academic Year of 2010/2011”. 2. Reason for Choosing the Topic Teaching English in Indonesia is considered to be one of the most important issues in our national education. The government has included the English as one of the International Language to be taught in the formal 1

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FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKANKampus Gondangmanis Bae Kudus Po. Box 53 Telp/Fax. 0291-438229


Name: Noor Farida

NIM/Semester: 2007-32-161/VIII

1. Title

“The Use of Wall Magazine to Teach Writing Recount Text to The Eight Grade

Students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in the Academic Year of


2. Reason for Choosing the Topic

Teaching English in Indonesia is considered to be one of the most important

issues in our national education. The government has included the English as one of

the International Language to be taught in the formal education. Because of the socio

culture factors, English is taught as a foreign language. This statement is in

accordance with Brown’s statement dealing with the characteristics of the foreign

language learning. Brown (2000: 193) states that learning English as a foreign

language is learning English in one’s culture with few immediate opportunities to use

the language within the environment. In accordance with the previous statement,


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there is a challenge on how to teach English in Indonesia. There is also a challenge on

how to improve the quality of the English teaching-learning.

The objective of the English teaching-learning is to make students to be able to do

English communication in both spoken and written form. In order to achieve the

objective, the teaching and learning of English should emphasize on integrating and

developing students’ for language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Those four skills are closely related to each other.

Many people think that being able to write well is a talent that one either has or

does not have. Actually everyone will be able to write effectively if they are writing

to learn some strategies and practice them. Writing as a language skill does not come

automatically, but it needs some regular exercises and also some support potential.

That potential can be reached by intensive reading and studying hard. Through this

writing activity, students can share their idea in scientific or imaginative written text.

Therefore, school as a place to give an education must give good writing skill.

There are some problems in teaching writing. One of them is students regard that

writing is a boring activity. Besides, there is an internal factor that students are lazy to

write down their idea on a paper. For that, we need intensive writing to drill the

students’ writing. Their low creativity in writing needs some method and special

technique in order to appeal their attention. This is because students have not even

mastered the art of writing English.

According to English teacher in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in

communication context, the students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus


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feel that writing is most difficult of the language skills, because it is clearly a

complex process. In writing the student should present meaning in the world that

consist of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. When the writer got the data score

from the English teacher in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk of writing recount, the mean

of the score is 65,5% with 19 students get the score ≤ 60 (fail) and 34,5% with 10

students get the score ≥ 60 (pass), but based on the KKM of the eight grade students

in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in academic year 2010/2011 the

students must get minimum score 60.

In this research the writer hopes the entire eight grade students in MTs Miftahul

Falah Kutuk get good result especially in writing, so the writer uses a wall magazine

to teach them because through the wall magazine their creation will be displayed.

Automatically they will do their best in writing. The students can use the wall

magazine to share the ideas with other. Publishing can be a great motivator for

students for interesting the students’ interest and performance in the writing skill. The

writer hopes that use wall magazine as a medium can increase the ability of writing

recount text.

In KTSP, standard of competencies for English for eight grade of Junior High

School (SMP), which the students have to master in the writing skill is that “The

students are able to express the meaning nuance in the from of a written text like a

short functional text, which is in the form of recount, procedure, recount, descriptive,

and news item in daily live context” (translated from KTSP Syllabus).


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One way to increase their creativity is invite the students to active in direct

practice. To solve the students’ problem share their written idea, the writer use wall

magazine as a medium to innovative their writing skill. This techniques is expected to

increase their creativity in writing area. Indirectly, it forces the students to take

delight writing. Moreover, the students sometimes need too much time only for

thinking what they are going to write. The writer thinks that it wastes of time, so they

need more writing exercises.

Therefore, in English teaching and learning process, writing exercise must be

intensively given by the teachers, so the students have chance to write and they are

personally involved in the learning process.

The research is conducted based on the following reasons:

1) English is an important language for many purposes, as in communication,

science, culture, education fields as well as in the international affairs. English is

considered as difficult language and difficult lesson by the students, mainly in


2) In junior high school, students dislike writing activity because they think that

writing is a boring activity. Some of students think that they do not have a talent to

write well.

3) The teacher just give them a score, there is no reward to appreciate them. So, it

needs some techniques to motivate the students’ writing skill. The writer uses a wall

magazine to teach them because through the wall magazine their creation will be


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displayed. Automatically they will do their best in writing. The writer hopes that use

wall magazine as a medium can increase the ability of writing recount text.

3. Statement of The Problem

From the explanation above, the writer formulates the research questions as

follows: Is there any significant difference between the ability of writing recount texts

of the eight grade students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in the

academic year of 2010/2011 before and after being taught by using wall magazine?

4. Objective of the Study

In accordance with the problem formulation above, the objectives of the study as

follow: To find out whether there is any significant difference of the ability of writing

recount texts of the eight grade students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus

in the academic year of 2010/2011 before and after being taught by using wall


5. Brief Review of Related Literature

5.1 Teaching English at MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus

English becomes one of the subjects at Junior High School in teaching program

that should be mastered by the students. The four skills that should be mastered by

the students are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Beside that, there are some


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aspects should be mastered by the students consist of vocabulary, pronunciation, and


There are many definition of term “Teaching English”. The definition of teaching

English depends on that person states. Brown (2007: 7) says “Teaching English is

showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction,

guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or

understand about English”.

Based on the definition, I can conclude that teaching English an effort to convey

the knowledge or important message of English from the teacher to the students in

order that they can understand English and able to communicate and have good life


English is a lesson that include in teaching program, which must be followed by

all the students in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus, in the class VII, VIII,

IX. The students attend to English class, which taught five hour a week and each hour

consist of 45 minutes.

The textbooks that are used in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus are

English supplementary material for SMP/MTs. Meanwhile workbook that is used is

module of English Learning for SMP/MTs published by canggih. The materials of

this book arrange based on “Literacy Approach”. The steps are building knowledge of

field, modeling of text, join construction.

The materials, which are used in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus, must

follow the standard in the curriculum. The curriculum that is used at MTs Miftahul


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Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in academic year 2010/2011 is KTSP, which is still

focused on four skills are supported by the role of grammar. KTSP becomes a set of

education that is widening as reform of education; it means that gives the autonomy

to the headmaster and set of education to develop the curriculum as potency, demand

and requirement. English is a foreign language, which is supposed to be very

important to be taught in the school for reserving and developing science, technology,

art international relation.

According to Brown (2001:232) “For more than six decades now research and

practice in English Language Teaching has identified the four skills there are

listening, speaking, reading, and writing as a paramount importance”.

In teaching, the teacher has to know and understand about the purpose of the

study. If the teacher understands about the purpose the teacher can prepare instrument

and method that is used.

The material of English lesson always develops based on the need and situation.

The material can be taken from the textbooks, books from government, magazines,

picture, novel, song, radio, interview, etc. Each school has its own English materials.

The English materials taught are usually based on the agreement of English teacher

forum (MGMP).

5.2 Writing

The objective of the teaching of English in Indonesia is that the students will be

able to use English for communication. Communication involves the use of the for


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language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. But the writing skill

requires more capable cities than the others language skill and it needs special


Writing is an activity to produce a sequence of sentences arranged in a particular

order and linked together in certain ways. Writing is an important thing even taught it

is difficult skill to be developed, it is very important to be taught. We can imagine

every thing if we can write. Writing such as important thing for many reasons, we can

read of things that happened so long ago. Writing is developed and become crucial

thing in our daily life.

According to writing is the act of

creating written works. Writing is the work of a writer; anything expressed in letters

of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and

effect). Lundsteen in Palmer (1994:1) in Retno Maryani’s research defines “writing is

a tool for getting along in the world. Writing is something complex. It is spontaneous

activity that needs a work hard to do it well. Writing needs some mental efforts,

which must be combined and arranged, When the students to do writing, they not

only have to keep minds but also consider opinions or ideas which are relevant to the

goals in teaching process.

Writing is not only combinations of letters, which relate to the sounds made when

people speak, but writing is more than production of these graphic symbols. The

graphic symbols must be arranged in such a way according to certain conversation, to


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form words to phrase and phrase to sentence; sentence to paragraph and paragraphs to

text or passages.

Teaching process will be based on how much language the students know, what

their interest are and what the think will not only be useful for them but also motivate

them as well. The students should be able to produce and construct kinds of text

depend on their level. For example, the students of Junior High School should be able

to produce narrative and recount text.

According to Heinement (1986) in Dian Fitriyani’s research, “there are six

common components of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, sharing, revising,

editing and publishing”. The explanations about six common components of the

writing process are follows:

1) Prewriting

Prewriting is time to gather information, to experiment with the ideas, and to plot a

course. It’s time for students to get ready to write.

2) Drafting

During this stage students translate their thoughts and ideas into sentences or

paragraph. Drafting should always be done with a particular purpose and audience in


3) Sharing

This is opportunity for the write to achieve mental distance from a piece of writing.

The writer reads aloud either to peers or to teacher. The listener then giving respond

and comment of it.


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4) Revising

Revising involves rethinking and changing the text or paragraph, or several

paragraph, or part of paragraph. Revising involves adding new writing or cutting out

writing or rearranging what is written or substituting another way or saying


5) Editing

Editing means polishing a piece of writing by making word level changes, such as

spelling, mechanics, usage, word choice, and so on. Most often, writes edit a piece of

writing at the end of writing process.

6) Publishing

To publishing of students’ work can take of form: individual books, class books,

newsletter, and literary magazine. Of course, not all pieces of writing need to be

presented in a polished form, but student’s writer should have opportunity to

celebrate it.

From the description above, we can conclude that writing is really thinking

process, beginning from prewriting and finishing in editing. Much reading will

contribute to success in writing. Thus, a good composition can be created if it is

written by using these stages.

5.3 Genre

Actually, genre is one of material taught to the students either in Junior High

School or in Senior High School students. Gerot and Wignel (1994: 17) argue that


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genre can be defined as a culturally specific text type which results from using

language (written or spoken) to help or accomplish something. Whereas as quoted

from explains “genre is a style of expressing

yourself in writing.

Beside generic structure, lexicogrammatical is also important in arranging a text.

Through lexicogrammatical choices the meaning is built up in a text. Different genres

deploy the resources for meaning making through the grammar in different ways.

Thus, genre is kind of texts arranged based on their own generic structure and

language features dealing with social purpose.

According to Gerot and wignell (1994: 192), there are thirteen types of genre,

they are:

1. Spoof is to retell an event with a humorous twist.

2. Recount is retelling events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

3. Report is to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural and

social phenomena in our environment.

4. Analytical exposition is to persuade the reader to listener that something is the


5. News item is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which

are considered newsworthy or important.

6. Anecdote is to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident.

7. Narrative is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in

different ways.


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8. Procedure is to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of

actions or steps.

9. Description is to describe a particular person, place or thing.

10. Hortatory exposition is to persuade the reader or listener that something should or

should not be the case.

11. Explanation is to explain the process involved in the information or working of

natural of socio – cultural phenomena.

12. Discussion is to present two points of views about an issue.

13. Review is to critique an art work or event for a public audience.

Recount Text

Recount is a kind of genre which has been taught in junior high school. Recount

has a social function to retell events for the purpose of informing and entertaining.

The tense that used in recount text is past tense (Gerot and Wignell, 1998:194).

The generic structure of recount consists of tree elements, among others:

1. Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants.

2. Events : tell what happened, in what sequence.

3. Re-orientation : optional-closure of events.

Language Features of Recount:

1. Social Purpose

Recounts ‘tell what happened’. Its retell past event for the purpose of informing

or entertaining. It could be someone’s experiences, someone’s life in the past, the


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history of something, etc. The purpose of a factual recount is to document a series of

events and evaluate their significance in some way. The purpose of the literary of

story recount is to tell a sequence of events so that it entertains. The story recount has

expressions of attitude and feeling, usually made by the narrator about the events.

2. Structure

Recounts are organized to include:

1) An orientation providing information about ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘where’, ‘when’, and


2) A record of events usually recounted in chronological order.

3) A reorientation which ‘round off sequence of events’.

3. Grammatical Features

Common grammatical Features of a recount include using:

1) Nouns and pronouns to identify people, animals or things involved. It has a

specific participant.

2) Action verbs to refer to events.

3) Past tense to locate events in relation to speaker’s or writer’s time.

4) Conjunctions and time connectives: then, after that, when to sequence of events.

5) Adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time.

6) Adjective to describe nouns.

(English Revolution, third edition: 2008: 6)


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For Example:

Trip to Tawangmangu

Orientation On Sunday last week, my family and I went to a tourist resort,

called, Tawangmangu.

Event 1 It was beautiful Sunday morning. My father, mother, brother,

and I went there by our family wagon. We brought some food,

fruits, and drinks for our lunch there. We departed from our

house at 10.00 o’clock. Half an hour after that, we came to a

market, the busiest market in the town. We hiked more or less

a kilometer again, and came to Balekambang Park. We parked

our car just in front of the park at 11.00 o’clock.

Event 2 We left everything in the car, except our sun-glasses and hats.

We rode on horsebacks to ‘Grojogan Sewu’ waterfall. We had

enjoyed feeding the playing monkeys with peanuts before we

finally came to the site. We went down to the river. While

enjoying the flying cool fresh water vapor, we were walking in

the river until we arrived at just under the fall.

Event 3 Being satisfied with the fall, we went back to the park. We

were very tired. After having paid the tickets we went in the

park, bringing all the food, fruits, and drinks we had, including


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a large plastic mat to sit. After having found a shady place, we

unfolded the mat and started enjoying the meal and drink.

Reorientation At 15.00 o’clock we went home. We were tired and sleepy all

the way home, but we were satisfied with our picnic.

(English Revolution, third edition: 2008: 40)

5.4 Wall Magazine

Wall Magazine is a periodical run on a notice board especially in an educational

institution where the students and other members of the institution can post their

articles, poems, drawings and other such compositions to share with each other

( magazine Taken on March 16, 2011).

According to Dobbs (2001:1) in Retno Maryani research, in some classrooms,

one also finds flip cart, large tables of paper used for many of same purposes and

activities as board. From here the writer shall refer to public writing space of these

different kinds simply as the board.

The students can use the wall magazine as a medium to share the ideas with other.

Publishing can be a great motivator for students for interesting the students’ interest

and performance in the writing skill. Based on Retno Maryani(2010) studied about

The Use of Wall Magazine as A Medium to Teach Students in Writing Recount and

Narrative Texts to the Second Year Students of SMP Institute Indonesia Semarang in


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the Academic Year of 2010/2011. The result of study shows that the second year

students of SMP Institute Indonesia Semarang have mastered the function of the

writing. They have written the recount to retell events for informing to someone, the

narrative to entertain someone, and most of the students (74% of total students) are

motivated by the wall magazine to make a good writing.

Some principles of language teaching are to give the students in their effort to

solve the problems the writer used some steps as the following:

1. Oral discussion

In the step the writer asked the students if they knew the structure of recount text,

then the writer little discussion about that. The main purpose of this step was to

review the recount text.

2. Ask the students to write in the exercise paper

In this step the writer gave each student a piece of paper. The writer gave a free

theme for recount text and they were asked to write short paragraph on that paper.

After that, the students had to submit their work.

3. Ask the students to write in the wall magazine paper

In this step, the students’ work was returned to them and they were given a chance to

edit their work. Then the writer gave each student a wall magazine paper that was

prepared to attach their work on it. After that, the students had to submit their wall

magazine paper. Then their work was showed in the public board or wall magazine

board there is on the class.


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Wall magazine is one of boards of that is used as a medium to share the student’s

idea. The function of wall magazine is as a public writing. Writing on the wall

magazine is an active, public, physically make it happen themselves. Finally, writing

on the wall magazine is active: it adds variety to classroom routines, and best of all, it

is fun.

6. Review of Previous Research

Writing is one of the skills that is interesting to be researched. Many scientific

studies had been conducted on this skill. Here are some previous studies related to

this research which are relevant in teaching English:

The previous studies of Dian Fitriyani(2009) studied about The Ability of Writing

Recount Text of Tenth Grade Students of SMAN I Jekulo Kudus in Academic Year

2008/2009 Taugh by Using Pictures. The result of study shows the students achieve

before being taught by using picture is 74 and the lowest score is 46. After they have

been taught by using picture, the students achieve is 90 and the lowest score is 61.

These facts showed that the use of pictures could improve student’s ability of recount


Retno Maryani(2010) studied about The Use of Wall Magazine as A Medium to

Teach Students in Writing Recount and Narrative Texts to the Second Year Students

of SMP Institute Indonesia Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011. The result

of study shows that the second year students of SMP Institute Indonesia Semarang

have mastered the function of the writing. They have written the recount to retell

events for informing to someone, the narrative to entertain someone, and most of the


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students (74% of total students) are motivated by the wall magazine to make a good


7. Method of the Research

In this study, the writer chose the experimental research to obtain the required

data and information. Research design is basically a process of thinking and planning

for the writer’s guidance during the research. In the other word, research design is

needed as a plan of collecting and analyzing data in a research.

This experiment research design uses statistical design of one group with pre-test

and post test. The writer gives pre-test to the subjects in order to find out their ability

before using wall magazine. A post test was a test that subject took after use a

medium or treatment was applied. According to Ali (1984:136), it will show in the

diagram below:

T1 : pre-test

T2 : post-test

X : treatment

In the research activity will do in two step, first activity is pre-test that will do

before giving treatment. And post-test that will do after giving a treatment to the



T1 X T2

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Based on statements of the problem in previous chapter, this research consists of

two variables.

1. Independent variable

In this research the independent variable is using wall magazine.

2. Dependent variable

In this research the dependent variable is the ability of writing recount texts.

The result of the test will be analyzed in order to find out whether there any

significant different between the ability of writing recount texts of the eight grade

students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in the academic year of

2010/2011 before and after being taught by using wall magazine.

Population refers to the object of investigation. As quoted by Arikunto (2003: 18)

from Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation, population is a set or collecting of all

elements consisting one or more attribute of interest. The research target, a term

which is used interchangeably with population, can be in a form of group of object,

phenomena, or tendencies. The objects in a population are investigated, analyzed, and

concluded before the conclusion in finally valid to the whole population.

The first step in choosing sample is to determine the population. For the example,

the total number of the population used in the study is 57 students. They are all of

eighth grade students in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus in academic year

2010/2011 that divided into two classes. Class VIII A consist of 29 students and class

VIII B consist of 28 students.


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In a study, the writer should determine the population and then select a sample.

The writer selects the sample randomly and the sample was taken not individuals but

class. In doing the research, the writer used a technique called cluster random

sampling though lottery. One class was taken as the simple of the research. Class VIII

A as the experimental group that consists of 29 students.

To measure the accurateness of the data in the research was done by using an

instrument. Suharsimi Arikunto (1998: 114) says that the resource in a research is

basically subject from which a research get a data. In accordance with the objective of

this research, the writer chooses a test as an instrument to get a collecting data.

Suprihadi states (2001: 1) states that test was sample of behavior under controlled

of specified conditioned and aimed evaluation toward providing a basis for forming

judgments. Based on the explanation, the writer has chosen writing test as the test

instrument. Here, the writer using an essay test that is the students asked to write

paragraphs of recount text.

To make the research successful, the writer conducted the several step:

1. Collecting some example of recount text.

2. Asking permission to the Dean of UMK to do the research.

3. Asking permission to The Headmaster of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan


4. Asking permission to English teacher in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan


5. Making lesson plan and exercise to the students.


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6. Giving pre test to the students before getting teaching writing recount text by

using wall magazine.

7. Teaching writing recount text by using wall magazine.

8. Doing post test to find out the data result of the ability in writing recount text by

using wall magazine.

9. The writer collects the students’ work and then analyzes their works.

10. Attached their works on the wall magazine board.

Based on the statement of the problem stated in the previous chapter, the data that

should be analyzed are:

1. Scope of pre – test that is used before using wall magazine of teaching writing

recount text.

2. Score of post – test that is test used after using wall magazine of teaching writing

recount text.

The technique is used to analyze the difference between the results of teaching

writing before and after being taught by using wall magazine. Based on the data that

had been gathered, this research used a method to analyze the data t-test formula by

Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1979: 150).


t = the t-value for nonindependent (correlated) means


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= the difference between the paired score

D = the mean of the differences

= the sum of the squared difference scores

N = the number of sample

To find out mean, median and modus, the writer uses formula by Ali (1984:179), as


Mean =

: The sum of frequency times mean result

N : Number of sample

Formula of calculating deviation standard

Standard Deviation

SD : Standard Deviation

i : interval width

f : ability

: The sum of score

N : the number of sample

In processing the data obtained form the result of the test, the writer uses the

percentage of scoring of the student’s test. Then, after getting the score of the test, the


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writer could make conclusion of the student’s ability by categorizing them into some

group in order to express various criterions of the student achievement.

8. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research is there is a significant difference between the

ability of writing recount texts of the eight grade students of MTs Miftahul Falah

Kutuk Undaan Kudus in the academic year of 2010/2011 before and after being

taught by using wall magazine.

9. Outline of The Research

In this research consist of the six chapters as follows: Chapter I present the

introduction. It consists of background of the study, statement of the problem,

objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, definition of the

key term, outline of the research.

Chapter II deals with review or related literature. It concludes review of previous

studies, teaching English for eight grade students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk

Undaan Kudus, curriculum of teaching English in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan

Kudus, purpose of English teaching in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus,

material of teaching English in MTs Miftahul Falah Kutuk Undaan Kudus, writing,

definition of writing, process of writing, genre, types of genre, recount text, generic

structure of recount, general language features of recount, definition of media, wall

magazine, hypothesis.


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Chapter III explains about the research method, which covers design of the

research, population and sample, instrument of the research, technique of collecting

data, and technique of analyzing data.

Chapter IV presents finding of the research.

Chapter V presents discussion of the research finding.

Chapter VI is the last chapter. It presents conclusions and suggestions of the



Ali, Mohammad. 1984. Penelitian Kependidikan: Prosedur dan Strategi. Bandung: Angkasa.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1998. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2003. Menejemen Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Second Edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Definition of genre. 2011. Retrieved February, 2th, 2011 from .

Definition of wall magazine. 2010. Retrieved December, 24th, 2010 from magazine.

Definition of writing. 2011. Retrieved January, 14th, 2011 from .

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Kudus, March 2011

Acknowledge by

Head of English Education Department Proposer

Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S. M.Pd Noor Farida

NIS. 0610701000001155 2007-32-161

Approved by Advisor I :

Drs. Muh. Syafei, M.Pd

NIS. 196204131988031002


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Advisor II :

Dra. Sri Endang Kusmaryati, M.Pd

NIS. 0610701000001009