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36 Titan / Titanium Versorgung proximaler Femurfrakturen Treatment of proximal femoral fractures Rotation-stable screw anchor Rotationsstabiler Schraub-Anker RoSA ®

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    / Titanium

    Treatment of proximal femoral fractures

    Rotation-stable screw anchor


    Titan / Titanium

    Versorgung proximaler Femurfrakturen

    Treatment of proximal femoral fractures

    Rotation-stable screw anchor

    Rotationsstabiler Schraub-Anker


    Titanio / Titanium

    Tratamiento de fracturas proximales del fmur

    Treatment for proximal femoral fractures

    Rotation-stable screw anchor

    Ancla roscada antirotacinRoSA

  • 2 Positioning and reduction


    Determining the ap-angle and the antetorsion angle

    Insertion of the K-wires

    Length measurement and drilling

    Screwing in the support screw

    Exchange the guide wire for a threaded wire and insert the guide sleeve

    Inserting the blade with the sliding sleeve plate

    TAPInserting the blade with the sliding sleeve plate and TAP

    Compression of the fracture

    Inserting the shaft screws

    Inserting the connecting screw


    RoSARoSA surgical steps at a glance

    c 7 Page 7

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    Table of contents

    Lagerung und RepositionPositioning and reduction


    Bestimmung des AP- und des AntetorsionswinkelsDetermining the ap-angle and the antetorsion angle

    Einbringen der K-DrhteInsertion of the K-wires

    Lngenmessung und BohrenLength measurement and drilling

    Eindrehen der TragschraubeScrewing in the support screw

    Austausch Fhrungsdraht gegen Gewindedraht und Einbringen der FhrungshlseExchange the guide wire for a threaded wire and insert the guide sleeve

    Einbringen der Klinge und GleithlsenplatteInserting the blade with the sliding sleeve plate

    Einbringen der Klinge mit Gleithlsenplatte und TAPInserting the blade with the sliding sleeve plate and TAP

    Kompression der FrakturCompression of the fracture

    Einbringen der SchaftschraubenInserting the shaft screws

    Einbringen der VerbindungsschraubeInserting the connecting screw


    Die RoSA Operationsschritte im berblickRoSA surgical steps at a glance

    Seite 7 Page 7

    Seite 8 Page 8

    Seite 9 Page 9

    Seite 10 Page 10

    Seite 16 Page 16

    Seite 17 Page 17

    Seite 19

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    Seite 20 Page 20

    Seite 22 Page 22

    Seite 24 Page 24

    Seite 26 Page 26

    Seite 26 Page 26

    Seite 27 Page 27

    Table of contents Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction Indice

    Postura y reposicinPositioning and reduction


    Determinacin del ngulo AP y del ngulo antetorsinDetermining the ap-angle and the antetorsion angle

    Colocacin de los alambres de KirschnerInsertion of the K-wires

    Medicin de longitud y perforacinLength measurement and drilling

    Enroscar el tornillo portanteScrewing in the support screw

    Cambiar el alambre gua por el alambre roscado y colocar el casquillo guaExchange the guide wire for a threaded wire and insert the guide sleeve

    Colocacin de la cuchilla y de la placa de casquillo deslizanteInserting the blade with the sliding sleeve plate

    Colocacin de la cuchilla con la placa de casquillo deslizante y con la TAPInserting the blade with the sliding sleeve plate and TAP

    Compresin de la fracturaCompression of the fracture

    Colocacin de los tornillos diafisalesInserting the shaft screws

    Colocacin de los tornillos de uninInserting the connecting screw


    Cuadro general de los pasos de la operacin RoSARoSA surgical steps at a glance

    Pgina 7 Page 7

    Pgina 8 Page 8

    Pgina 9 Page 9

    Pgina 10 Page 10

    Pgina 16 Page 16

    Pgina 17 Page 17

    Pgina 19

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    Pgina 27 Page 27

  • 3 - (= / ) .

    Correct positioning of the central guide wire in the centre of the head (=Center/Center position) at the start of surgery, is a fundamental require-ment for ideal implant position.

    Rotationally Stable Screw-Anchor Versus Sliding Hip Screw Plate Systems in Stable Trochanteric Femur Fractures:

    A Biomechanical Evaluation

    Knobe, Matthias; Gradl, Gertraud; Maier, Klaus-Jrgen; Drescher, Wolf; Jansen-Troy, Arne; Prescher, Andreas; Knechtel, Toralf; Antony, Pia; Pape, Hans-Christoph

    Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 27(6):e127-e136, June 2013

    Scientific literature


    Die korrekte Positionierung des zentralen Fhrungsdrahtes im Kopfzentrum (= Center/Center Position) zu Beginn der Operati-on ist Grundvoraussetzung fr die ideale Lage der Implantate.

    Correct positioning of the central guide wire in the centre of the head (=Center/Center position) at the start of surgery, is a fundamental require-ment for ideal implant position.

    Rotationally Stable Screw-Anchor Versus Sliding Hip Screw Plate Systems in Stable Trochanteric Femur Fractures:

    A Biomechanical Evaluation

    Knobe, Matthias; Gradl, Gertraud; Maier, Klaus-Jrgen; Drescher, Wolf; Jansen-Troy, Arne; Prescher, Andreas; Knechtel, Toralf; Antony, Pia; Pape, Hans-Christoph

    Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 27(6):e127-e136, June 2013

    Wissenschaftliche Literatur Scientific literature


    El correcto posicionamiento del alambre central gua en el centro de la cabeza (= centro/posicin central) al comienzo de la opera-cin es una condicin elemental preliminar para una posicin ideal de los implantes.

    Correct positioning of the central guide wire in the centre of the head (=Center/Center position) at the start of surgery, is a fundamental require-ment for ideal implant position.

    Rotationally Stable Screw-Anchor Versus Sliding Hip Screw Plate Systems in Stable Trochanteric Femur Fractures:

    A Biomechanical Evaluation

    Knobe, Matthias; Gradl, Gertraud; Maier, Klaus-Jrgen; Drescher, Wolf; Jansen-Troy, Arne; Prescher, Andreas; Knechtel, Toralf; Antony, Pia; Pape, Hans-Christoph

    Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 27(6):e127-e136, June 2013

    Documentacin cientfica Scientific literature

  • 4 Introduction


    / - - RoSA. , RoSA , . ( , - , ...) ( , ...). . - / - - (Cut Out Cut Through). - , TAP, - ( AT-), / - (= CLS: ). , AT- ( 2-3 - ) -

    . , - .

    The rotation stable fixation of the femoral head/ femoral neck fragment in the case of femoral neck fractures or trochanteric femoral fractures is the aim of osteosynthesiswith RoSA, the rotation-stable screw anchor.For the first time RoSA makes possible a combination of the gliding principle, compressibility and rotational stability with a compact, load-bearing device existing of several parts. The advantages of the blade (high rotational stability, especially in osteoporotic bone, high load bearing capacity...), are combined and achieved with the advantages of the screw (pull-out resistance, compressibility...) in a single load-bearing device. As an extra-medullary implant, the screw anchor is housed in a sliding sleeve plate. The option of dynamic sliding and the rotational stable anchor of the screw anchor in the femoral head / in the head-neck fragment prevent the penetration of the implant into the joint (Cut Out or Cut Through). Through the additional use of a trochanter support plate, in the following called TAP, and if necessary combined with the anti-telescoping screws, (in the following called AT screw), excessive telescoping of the femoral head / head-neck fragment can be prevented (= CLS principle: Compression and Limited Sliding). If necessary, through later removal of the AT screw (2- 3 months post surgery) a secondary dynamisation using the sliding mechanism can take place. The extramedullary stabilization of unstable trochanteric fractures is a thera-peutic alternative to nailing, which in certain situations also offers surgical technical advantages.

    RoSA, P1 (1 )- - I-IV- I-III- B1-B3 AO

    RoSA, P3 P5 (3 5 )- - A1-A3 AO- I-V

    RoSA, P1 (1 shaft hole)- Femoral neck fractures- Garden I-IV- Pauwels I-III- Fracture types B1-B3 according to AO

    RoSA, P3 and P5 (3 or 5 shaft holes)- Trochanteric fractures- Fracture types A1-B3 according to AO- Evans and Jensen types I-V




    The surgical technique and the instruction for use for the instrumentation do not claim

    to be exhaustive due to the complexity of their use. Prior to the first surgery,

    additional training in the use of this instru-mentation by an experienced surgeon in these surgical techniques is strongly


    : - ( , , -, ...) TAP AT-.

    ATTENTION: with unstable fractures (comminution zones, dorso-medial fragment, fragmenting of the trochanter major, inverse fractures...) use TAP and if necessary AT screws.


    Die rotationsstabile Fixation des Hftkop-fes / des Kopf-Hals-Fragmentes bei Schen-kelhalsfrakturen bzw. trochantren Ober-schenkelfrakturen ist das Ziel der Osteo-synthese mit RoSA, dem Rotationsstabilen Schraub-Anker.RoSA ermglicht erstmalig die Kombina-tion von Gleitprinzip, Kompressionsmg-lichkeit und Rotationssicherung mit einem kompakten, aus mehreren Teilen bestehen-den Krafttrger. Die Vorteile der Klinge (hohe Rotationsstabilitt, insbesondere auch im osteoporotischen Knochen, hohe Belastbarkeit...) werden mit den Vorteilen der Schraube (Ausreifestigkeit, Kompres-sionsmglichkeit...) in einem einzigen Kraft-trger kombiniert und erreicht. Als extrame-dullres Implantat wird der Schraub-Anker in einer Gleithlsenplatte aufgenommen. Die Mglichkeit des dynamischen Gleitens und die rotationsstabile Verankerung des Schraub-Ankers im Hftkopf / im Kopf-Hals-Fragment verhindern das Eindringen des Implantates in das Gelenk (Cut Out bzw. Cut Through). Durch zustzliche Verwendung einer Trochanterabsttzplatte, nachfolgend TAP genannt, gegebenenfalls kombiniert mit Antiteleskopierschrauben (nachfolgend AT-Schraube genannt), kann ein zu starkes Teleskopieren des Hftkopfes / des Kopf-Hals-Fragmentes verhindert werden (= CLS-Prinzip: Compression and Limited Sliding). Falls erforderlich, kann durch sptere Entfernung der AT-Schrauben (2 bis 3 Monate postoperativ) eine sekun-dre Dynamisierung unter Ausnutzung des Gleitmechanismus erfolgen.

    Die extramedullre Stabilisierung instabiler trochantrer Frakturen ist eine therapeu-tische Alternative zur Nagelung, welche in einzelnen Situationen auch operationstech-nische Vorteile bietet.

    The rotation stable fixation of the femoral head/ femoral neck fragment in the case of femoral neck fractures or trochanteric femoral fractures is the aim of osteosynthesiswith RoSA, the rotation-stable screw anchor.For the first time RoSA makes possible a combination of the gliding principle, compressibility and rotational stability with a compact, load-bearing device existing of several parts. The advantages of the blade (high rotational stability, especially in osteoporotic bone, high load bearing capacity...), are combined and achieved with the advantages of the screw (pull-out resistance, compressibility...) in a single load-bearing device. As an extra-medullary implant, the screw anchor is housed in a sliding sleeve plate. The option of dynamic sliding and the rotational stable anchor of the screw anchor in the femoral head / in the head-neck fragment prevent the penetration of the implant into the joint (Cut Out or Cut Through). Through the additional use of a trochanter support plate, in the following called TAP, and if necessarycombined with the anti-telescoping screws, (in the following called AT screw), excessive telescoping of the femoral head / head-neck fragment can be prevented (= CLS principle: Compression and Limited Sliding). If necessary, through later removal of the AT screw (2- 3 months post surgery) a secondary dynamisation using the sliding mechanism can take place. The extramedullary stabilization of unstable trochanteric fractures is a thera-peutic alternative to nailing, which in certain situations also offers surgical technical advantages.

    RoSA, P1 (1 Schaftloch)- Schenkelhalsfrakturen- Garden I-IV- Pauwels I-III- Frakturtypen B1-B3 nach AO

    RoSA, P3 und P5 (3 bzw. 5 Schaftlcher)- Trochantre Frakturen - Frakturtypen A1-A3 nach AO- Evans und Jensen Typen I-V

    RoSA, P1 (1 shaft hole)- Femoral neck fractures- Garden I-IV- Pauwels I-III- Fracture types B1-B3 according to AO

    RoSA, P3 and P5 (3 or 5 shaft holes)- Trochanteric fractures- Fracture types A1-B3 according to AO- Evans and Jensen types I-V

    Die OP-Anleitung und die Gebrauchsanweisung fr das

    Instrumentarium erheben bei der Komplexitt der Anwendung

    keinen Anspruch auf Vollstndigkeit.Eine zustzliche Einweisung in die

    Handhabung dieses Instrumen- tariums und die OP Methode durch

    einen in dieser Methode erfahrenen Chirurgen vor der ersten OP wird

    dringend empfohlen.

    The surgical technique and the instruction for use for the instrumentation do not claim

    to be exhaustive due to the complexity of their use. Prior to the first surgery,

    additional training in the use of this instru-mentation by an experienced surgeon in these surgical techniques is strongly


    Introduction Einleitung

    ACHTUNG: bei instabilen Frakturen (Trm-merzonen, dorsomediales Fragment, Frag-mentierung des Trochanter major, inverse Frakturen...) TAP verwenden und ggf. AT-Schrauben.

    ATTENTION: with unstable fractures (comminution zones, dorso-medial fragment, fragmenting of the trochanter major, inverse fractures...) use TAP and if necessary AT screws.

    Introduction Introduccin


    La finalidad de la osteosntesis mediante el ancla roscada antirotacin RoSA, es la fija-cin antirotacin de la cabeza del fmur o del fragmento del cuello de la cabeza, si se trata de fracturas del cuello del fmur o de fracturas trocantreas del cuello del fmur.RoSA permite por primera vez la combi-nacin del principio de deslizamiento con la posibilidad de compresin mediante un soporte de fuerza compacto formado por varias piezas.. Las ventajas de la cuchilla (gran capacidad antirotacin, especialmente en huesos osteoporticos, gran capacidad de carga...) se obtienen y combinan con las ventajas del tornillo (resistencia al desga-rre, posibilidad de compresin...) mediante un nico soporte de fuerza. El ancla roscada se instala como implante extramedular en una placa de casquillo deslizante.La posibilidad del deslizamiento dinmico y el anclaje antirotacin del ancla roscada en la cabeza del fmur / fragmento del cuello de la cabeza evitan la penetracin del implante en la articulacin (cut out respectivamente cut through). La apli-cacin adicional de una placa de soporte trocantrea (denominada a partir de ahora TAP), combinada en caso dado con tornillos antitelescpicos (denominados a partir de ahora tornillos AT), permite evitar un efecto telescopio de la cabeza del fmur o frag-mento del cuello de la cabeza (= principio CLS: Compression and Limited Sliding). En caso necesario es posible llevar a cabo una dinamizacin secundaria desmontando ulteriormente los tornillos AT (2 a 3 meses postoperativos) aprovechando el mecanis-mo de deslizamiento.

    La estabilizacin extramedular de fracturas trocantreas es una alternativa teraputica al enclavijamiento de fracturas, ya que en ciertas situaciones ofrece tambin ventajas de carcter tcnico para la operacin.

    The rotation stable fixation of the femoral head/ femoral neck fragment in the case of femoral neck fractures or trochanteric femoral fractures is the aim of osteosynthesiswith RoSA, the rotation-stable screw anchor.For the first time RoSA makes possible a combination of the gliding principle, compressibility and rotational stability with a compact, load-bearing device existing of several parts. The advantages of the blade (high rotational stability, especially in osteoporotic bone, high load bearing capacity...), are combined and achieved with the advantages of the screw (pull-out resistance, compressibility...) in a single load-bearing device. As an extra-medullary implant, the screw anchor is housed in a sliding sleeve plate. The option of dynamic sliding and the rotational stable anchor of the screw anchor in the femoral head / in the head-neck fragment prevent the penetration of the implant into the joint (Cut Out or Cut Through). Through the additional use of a trochanter support plate, in the following called TAP, and if necessarycombined with the anti-telescoping screws, (in the following called AT screw), excessive telescoping of the femoral head / head-neck fragment can be prevented (= CLS principle: Compression and Limited Sliding). If necessary, through later removal of the AT screw (2- 3 months post surgery) a secondary dynamisation using the sliding mechanism can take place. The extramedullary stabilization of unstable trochanteric fractures is a thera-peutic alternative to nailing, which in certain situations also offers surgical technical advantages.

    RoSA, P1 (1 orificio diafisal)- Fracturas del cuello del fmur- Garden I-IV- Pauwels I-III- Tipos de fractura B1-B3 segn AO

    RoSA, P3 y P5 (3 respectivamente 5 orificios diafisales)- Fracturas trocantreas- Tipos de fractura A1-A3 segn AO- Evans y Jensen tipos I-V

    RoSA, P1 (1 shaft hole)- Femoral neck fractures- Garden I-IV- Pauwels I-III- Fracture types B1-B3 according to AO

    RoSA, P3 and P5 (3 or 5 shaft holes)- Trochanteric fractures- Fracture types A1-B3 according to AO- Evans and Jensen types I-V

    Debido a la complejidad de la aplicacin, las instrucciones para

    realizar la operacin y para usar el instrumentario no pretenden tratar

    esta materia por completo.Se recomienda apremiantemente

    una instruccin adicional para el manejo de este instrumentario

    y para determinar el mtodo de operacin. Esta instruccin debe

    ser llevada a cabo por un cirujano experimentado antes de la primera


    The surgical technique and the instruction for use for the instrumentation do not claim

    to be exhaustive due to the complexity of their use. Prior to the first surgery,

    additional training in the use of this instru-mentation by an experienced surgeon in these surgical techniques is strongly


    ATENCION: Si se trata de fracturas inestables (zona fragmentada, fragmento dorsome-dial, fragmentacin del trocnter mayor, fracturas invertidas...) utilizar la TAP y en caso dado los tornillos AT.

    ATTENTION: with unstable fractures (comminution zones, dorso-medial fragment, fragmenting of the trochanter major, inverse fractures...) use TAP and if necessary AT screws.

  • 5Advantages

    - ( , - ).Relatively small access for osteosynthesis of a femoral neck fracture with preservation of the head and with extensive protection for the musculature (small implant, user-friendly instrumentarium).

    - , ( - )..Good support thanks to the compact and bone-conserving load-bearing device (blade and support screw).

    Rotational stability between the bone and the implant

    Rotational stability between the implant components

    , Extremely high pull-out resistance, even in cases of osteoporosis

    - Intraoperative controlled reduction and compression

    Low dependency on bone quality

    - No risk of intraoperative loss of reduction during the insertion of the implant

    / - (Trochanter major)Protection / reconstruction of the lateral wall of the trochanter major.


    CLS principle

    - ( ) 7 (122, 129, 136 143).

    The sliding sleeve plate is available with angles at intervals of 7 (122, 129, 136 and 143), in order to allow for treatment of all CCD angles (from varus to valgus).

    RoSA 3 ( ). 75 130 .

    RoSA is available in 3 lengths (screw and blade as a pair). In conjunction with the sliding sleeve plate, this covers a length range of 75 to 130 mm.

    3 , 1, 3 5 -. 4,5 ( ):- ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( )

    The sliding sleeve plate is available in three shaft lengths, with 1, 3 and 5 holes. The shaft holes are combi- compression holes with the following options for the use of cortical screws 4.5 mm (large fragment):- Standard screws (variable direction) without compression- Standard screws (approximately perpendicular to the shaft) with compression- Angle-stable screws with a threaded head (perpendicular to the plate) without compression- Angle-stable screws with a threaded head (perpendicular to the plate) with compression

    TAP 2 4 - 0; 4 8 .

    The TAP is available in two different head types: the 2-hole and 4-hole plate each with neck length 0; 4 and 8 mm.

    :The extra-medullary implant consists of:

    , 3,0 .

    A support screw, which is inserted into the femoral head via a guide wire with trocar 3.0mm.

    , .

    A blade which is driven in over the screw.


    A sliding sleeve plate.

    .Connecting screw for screw and blade.

    () ( TAP).

    Optionally, a trochanter stabilization plate (TAP).


    Relativ kleiner Zugang bei kopferhal-tender Osteosynthese der Schenkel-halsfraktur unter weitgehender Schonung der Muskulatur (kleines Implantat, anwender- freundliches Instrumentarium).

    Relatively small access for osteosynthesis of a femoral neck fracture with preservation of the head and with extensive protection for the musculature (small implant, user-friendly instrumentarium).

    Gute Absttzung durch kompakten und knochensparenden Krafttrger (Klinge und Tragschraube).

    Good support thanks to the compact and bone-conserving load-bearing device (blade and support screw).

    Rotationsstabilitt zwischen Knochen und Implantat

    Rotational stability between the bone and the implant

    Rotationsstabilitt zwischen den Implantatkomponenten

    Rotational stability between the implant components

    Extrem hohe Ausreifestigkeit auch bei Osteoporose

    Extremely high pull-out resistance, even in cases of osteoporosis

    Intraoperative kontrollierte Reposition und Kompression

    Intraoperative controlled reduction and compression

    Geringe Abhngigkeit von der Knochenqualitt

    Low dependency on bone quality

    Kein Risiko fr intraoperativen Repositionsverlust beim Einbringen des Implantats

    No risk of intraoperative loss of reduction during the insertion of the implant

    Schutz/Rekonstruktion der lateralen Wand des Trochanter major

    Protection / reconstruction of the lateral wall of the trochanter major.


    CLS principle

    Um alle CCD-Winkel (vom Varus bis zum Valgus) versorgen zu knnen, wird die Gleithlsen-platte mit Winkeln in 7-Schritten (122, 129, 136 und 143) angeboten.

    The sliding sleeve plate is available with angles at intervals of 7 (122, 129, 136 and 143), in order to allow for treatment of all CCD angles (from varus to valgus).

    RoSA gibt es in 3 Lngen (Schraube und Klinge paarweise). Im Zusammenhang mit der Gleithlsenplatte wird ein Lngenbereich von 75 bis 130 mm abgedeckt.

    RoSA is available in 3 lengths (screw and blade as a pair). In conjunction with the sliding sleeve plate, this covers a length range of 75 to 130 mm.

    Die Gleithlsenplatte gibt es in 3 Schaftlngen, mit 1, 3 und 5 Lchern. Die Schaftlcher sind Kombi-Kompressionslcher mit folgenden Optionen zur Besetzung mit Kortikalisschrau-ben 4,5 mm (Grofragment):- Standardschrauben (variable Richtung) ohne Kompression- Standardschrauben (etwa senkrecht zum Schaft) mit Kompression- Winkelstabile Kopfgewindeschrauben (senkrecht zur Platte) ohne Kompression- Winkelstabile Kopfgewindeschrauben (senkrecht zur Platte) mit Kompression

    The sliding sleeve plate is available in three shaft lengths, with 1, 3 and 5 holes. The shaft holes are combi- compression holes with the following options for the use of cortical screws 4.5 mm (large fragment):- Standard screws (variable direction) without compression- Standard screws (approximately perpendicular to the shaft) with compression- Angle-stable screws with a threaded head (perpendicular to the plate) without compression- Angle-stable screws with a threaded head (perpendicular to the plate) with compression

    Die TAP steht mit zwei verschiedenen Kopfformen als 2-Loch und 4-Loch Platte jeweils mit Halslnge 0; 4 und 8 mm zur Verfgung.

    The TAP is available in two different head types: the 2-hole and 4-hole plate each with neck length 0; 4 and 8 mm.

    Das extramedullre Implantat besteht aus:The extra-medullary implant consists of:

    Einer Tragschraube, die ber einen Fhrungsdraht mit Trokar 3,0 mm in den Hftkopf eingebracht wird.

    A support screw, which is inserted into the femoral head via a guide wire with trocar 3.0mm.

    Einer Klinge, die ber die Schraube eingeschlagen wird.

    A blade which is driven in over the screw.

    Einer Gleithlsenplatte.

    A sliding sleeve plate.

    Einer Verbindungsschraube fr Schraube und Klinge.

    Connecting screw for screw and blade.

    Optional, einer Trochanterabsttzplatte (TAP).

    Optionally, a trochanter stabilization plate (TAP).


    El acceso es relativamente pequeo con osteosntesis de conservacin de la cabeza de la fractura del cuello del fmur y proteccin de la mayor parte de la musculatura (implante pequeo, instrumentario fcil de manejar).

    Relatively small access for osteosynthesis of a femoral neck fracture with preservation of the head and with extensive protection for the musculature (small implant, user-friendly instrumentarium).

    Buen apoyo gracias al soporte de fuerza compacto economizador de hueso (cuchilla y tornillo portante).

    Good support thanks to the compact and bone-conserving load-bearing device (blade and support screw).

    Fijacin antirotacin entre el hueso y el implante

    Rotational stability between the bone and the implant

    Fijacin antirotacin entre los componentes del implante

    Rotational stability between the implant components

    Resistencia extremadamente alta al desgarre, tambin en casos de osteoporosis

    Extremely high pull-out resistance, even in cases of osteoporosis

    Reposicin y compresin intra- operativa controladas

    Intraoperative controlled reduction and compression

    Reducida dependencia de la calidad del hueso

    Low dependency on bone quality

    No hay riesgo de prdidad de reposicin intraoperativa durante la colocacin del implante

    No risk of intraoperative loss of reduction during the insertion of the implant

    Proteccin/reconstruccin de la pared lateral del trocnter mayor

    Protection / reconstruction of the lateral wall of the trochanter major.

    Principio CLS

    CLS principle

    Para poder tratar todos los ngulos CCD (desde el varus hasta el valgus) se ofrece la placa de casquillo deslizante con ngulos escalonados en 7 (122, 129, 136 y 143).

    The sliding sleeve plate is available with angles at intervals of 7 (122, 129, 136 and 143), in order to allow for treatment of all CCD angles (from varus to valgus).

    RoSA se suministra en 3 longitudes (tornillo y cuchilla en parejas). En combinacin con la placa de casquillo deslizante se cubre una gama de longitudes de 75 hasta 130 mm.

    RoSA is available in 3 lengths (screw and blade as a pair). In conjunction with the sliding sleeve plate, this covers a length range of 75 to 130 mm.

    La placa de casquillo deslizante se suministra para 3 longitudes de difisis con 1, 3 y 5 orificios. Los orificios diafisales son orificios combinados de compresin que ofrecen las siguientes opciones para utilizarlos con tornillos corticales de 4,5 mm (gran fragmento):- Tornillos estndar (direccin variable) sin compresin- Tornillos estndar (aproximadamente perpendiculares a la difisis) con compresin- Tornillos de cabeza roscada de ngulo estable (perpendiculares a la placa) sin compresin- Tornillos de cabeza roscada de ngulo estable (perpendiculares a la placa) con compresin

    The sliding sleeve plate is available in three shaft lengths, with 1, 3 and 5 holes. The shaft holes are combi- compression holes with the following options for the use of cortical screws 4.5 mm (large fragment):- Standard screws (variable direction) without compression- Standard screws (approximately perpendicular to the shaft) with compression- Angle-stable screws with a threaded head (perpendicular to the plate) without compression- Angle-stable screws with a threaded head (perpendicular to the plate) with compression

    La TAP se suministra con dos formas de cabeza diferentes como placas de 2 y 4 orificios, con longitud de cuello de 0, 4 y 8 mm respectivamente.

    The TAP is available in two different head types: the 2-hole and 4-hole plate each with neck length 0; 4 and 8 mm.

    El implante extramedular est formado por:The extra-medullary implant consists of:

    Un tornillo portante que se instala en la cabeza del fmur mediante un alambre gua con trocar de 3,0 mm.

    A support screw, which is inserted into the femoral head via a guide wire with trocar 3.0mm.

    Una cuchilla que se introduce mediante el tornillo.

    A blade which is driven in over the screw.

    Una placa de casquillo deslizante.

    A sliding sleeve plate.

    Un tornillo de unin para el tornillo y la cuchilla.

    Connecting screw for screw and blade.

    Opcionalmente una placa de soporte trocantrea (TAP).

    Optionally, a trochanter stabilization plate (TAP).

  • 6 Implantation

    - -. (= - ) - , - - . , - , - (Cut-Out). -- , . , (122, 129, 136 143), - , .

    The prerequisite for stable and secure osteosynthesis is an exact position of the implant. The screw anchor (=screw thread and blade) must be placed optimally in the femoral head centre, slight deviations from the centre in a caudal direction however are tolerated. A misplace-ment to a cranial, dorsal or ventral direction in the femoral head increases the risk of implant loosening even Cut-out.

    When selecting the angle of the sliding sleeve plate, the individual CCD angle, the repositioning of the frac-ture and the line of fracture, play a role. Because of the available angular dimensions of the sliding sleeve plate (122, 129, 136 and 143), all individual CCD angles from the varus hip to the valgus hip are covered.

    Preliminary considerations

    ad latus ( ) - . , , ( , , ).

    The postoperative slide path should, if the fracture line is very steep, be as perpendicular as possible to the frac-ture, i.e. run in an increasing horizontal direction in order to avoid a varus drift of the femoral head / head-neck fragment or a slide resulting in an ad latus displacement during postoperative weight bearing. It should always be borne in mind that the direction and the degree of postoperative sliding is always a result of the predefined angle of the selected sliding sleeve plate, the fracture angle and the fracture shape (smooth fracture, dorso-medial dispersed fragment, comminution zones...).

    - - - , - . (, -III) - () , - - Calcar (= ). , , - .

    The angle of the sliding sleeve plate will define the direction of the postoperative slide path of the head-neck fragment fixed with screw anchor. Therefore if the fracture line is very steep (e.g. fracture type Pauwels III), a sliding sleeve plate, should, if anything, be chosen with an obtuse (varus) angle, in order to avoid the head-neck fragment slipping on the calcar in the postoperative phase (=loading). These considerations are also of course applicable to trochanteric fractures.

    - - , .. , - / - -, -

    Ideal position of load-bearing device

    -III, (Coxa normala), RoSA P1 122

    Subcapital femoral fractureType Pauwels III, Coxanormala, RoSA P1 122

    -I, (Coxa valga), RoSA P1 143

    Subcapital femoral fractureType Pauwels I, Coxavalga, RoSA P1 143

    Implantation Implantation

    Voraussetzung fr eine stabile und sichere Osteosynthese ist die exakte Lage des Implantats. Der Schraub-Anker (=Schrau-bengewinde und Klinge) muss mglichst optimal im Hftkopfzentrum platziert werden, geringe Abweichungen vom Zen-trum drfen allenfalls nach kaudal toleriert werden. Eine Fehlplatzierung kranial, dorsal oder ventral im Hftkopf erhht das Risiko fr eine Implantatlockerung bis hin zum Cut-Out.

    Bei der Auswahl des Winkels der Gleithl-senplatte spielen der individuelle CCD-Winkel, die Reposition der Fraktur und der Frakturverlauf eine Rolle. Mit den zur Ver-fgung stehenden Winkelmaen der Gleit-hlsenplatte (122, 129, 136 und 143) wer-den alle individuellen CCD-Winkel, von der Varushfte bis zur Valgushfte, abgedeckt.

    The prerequisite for stable and secure osteosynthesis is an exact position of the implant. The screw anchor (=screw thread and blade) must be placed optimally in the femoral head centre, slight deviations from the centre in a caudal direction however are tolerated. A misplace-ment to a cranial, dorsal or ventral direction in the femoral head increases the risk of implant loosening even Cut-out.

    When selecting the angle of the sliding sleeve plate, the individual CCD angle, the repositioning of the frac-ture and the line of fracture, play a role. Because of the available angular dimensions of the sliding sleeve plate (122, 129, 136 and 143), all individual CCD angles from the varus hip to the valgus hip are covered.

    VorberlegungenPreliminary considerations

    vor Augen halten, dass die Richtung und das Ausma des postoperativen Gleitens immer eine Resultierende des vorgegebenen Win-kels der ausgewhlten Gleithlsenplatte, des Frakturwinkels und der Frakturform (glatter Bruch, dorsomedial ausgesprengtes Fragment, Trmmerzone) ist.

    The postoperative slide path should, if the fracture line is very steep, be as perpendicular as possible to the frac-ture, i.e. run in an increasing horizontal direction in order to avoid a varus drift of the femoral head / head-neck fragment or a slide resulting in an ad latus displacement during postoperative weight bearing. It should always be borne in mind that the direction and the degree of postoperative sliding is always a result of the predefined angle of the selected sliding sleeve plate, the fracture angle and the fracture shape (smooth fracture, dorso-medial dispersed fragment, comminution zones...).

    Der Winkel der Gleithlsenplatte gibt die Richtung des postoperativen Gleitweges des mit dem Schraub-Anker fixierten Kopf-Hals-Fragmentes vor. Daher sollte bei sehr steilem Frakturverlauf (z.B. Frakturtyp Pauwels III) eine Gleithlsenplatte mit eher stumpfem (varischem) Winkel ausge-whlt werden, um ein Abgleiten des Kopf-Hals-Fragmentes am Calcar in der postope-rativen Phase (=Belastung) zu vermeiden. Diese berlegungen gelten sinngem natrlich auch fr trochantre Frakturen.

    The angle of the sliding sleeve plate will define the direction of the postoperative slide path of the head-neck fragment fixed with screw anchor. Therefore if the fracture line is very steep (e.g. fracture type Pauwels III), a sliding sleeve plate, should, if anything, be chosen with an obtuse (varus) angle, in order to avoid the head-neck fragment slipping on the calcar in the postoperative phase (=loading). These considerations are also of course applicable to trochanteric fractures.

    Der postoperative Gleitweg sollte bei sehr steilem Frakturverlauf mg-lichst senkrecht zur Fraktur, d.h. in vermehrt horizontaler Richtung ver-laufen, um ein varisches Fehlgleiten des Hftkopfes / Kopf-Hals-Frag-mentes bzw. ein Abgleiten mit dem Resultat eines Versatzes ad latus im Rahmen der postoperativen Belas-tung zu vermeiden. Man sollte sich

    Idealposition des KrafttrgersIdeal position of load-bearing device

    Subcapitale Schenkel- halsfraktur Typ Pauwels III, Coxa normala, RoSA P1 122

    Subcapital femoral fractureType Pauwels III, Coxanormala, RoSA P1 122

    Subcapitale Schenkel- halsfraktur Typ Pauwels I, Coxa valga, RoSA P1 143

    Subcapital femoral fractureType Pauwels I, Coxavalga, RoSA P1 143

    Consideraciones preliminares

    Preliminary considerations

    Implantation Implantacin

    ad latus, dentro del margen de una carga postoperativa. Es necesario tener claro que la direccin y la magnitud del deslizamien-to postoperativo es siempre la resultante del ngulo preespecificado de la placa de casquillo deslizante, del ngulo y de la for-ma de la fractura (fractura plana, fragmento desprendido en direccin dorsomedial, zona de fractura astillada).

    The postoperative slide path should, if the fracture line is very steep, be as perpendicular as possible to the frac-ture, i.e. run in an increasing horizontal direction in order to avoid a varus drift of the femoral head / head-neck fragment or a slide resulting in an ad latus displacement during postoperative weight bearing. It should always be borne in mind that the direction and the degree of postoperative sliding is always a result of the predefined angle of the selected sliding sleeve plate, the fracture angle and the fracture shape (smooth fracture, dorso-medial dispersed fragment, comminution zones...).

    El ngulo de la placa de casquillo deslizante determina la direccin del recorrido de deslizamiento postoperativo del fragmento cabeza/cuello fijado mediante el ancla ros-cada. Por esta razn, si el ngulo de la frac-tura es muy empinado (por ejemplo, tipo de fractura Pauwels III) es conveniente uti-lizar una placa de casquillo deslizante con un ngulo ms bien obstuso (ngulo vri-co), a fin de evitar en la fase postoperativa un deslizamiento del fragmento del cuello de cabeza en el calcar femoral (=carga).Naturalmente que estas consideraciones rigen tambin para fracturas trocantreas.

    The angle of the sliding sleeve plate will define the direction of the postoperative slide path of the head-neck fragment fixed with screw anchor. Therefore if the fracture line is very steep (e.g. fracture type Pauwels III), a sliding sleeve plate, should, if anything, be chosen with an obtuse (varus) angle, in order to avoid the head-neck fragment slipping on the calcar in the postoperative phase (=loading). These considerations are also of course applicable to trochanteric fractures.

    Si el ngulo de la fractura es muy empinado, el recorrido de desliza-miento postoperativo debe ser lo ms perpendicular posible a la frac-tura, es decir, debe ser en lo posible horizontal, a fin de evitar un desli-zamiento incorrecto vrico de la cabeza del fmur o del fragmento del cuello de la cabeza o bien para evitar un desplazamiento resultante

    Posicin ideal del soporte de fuerzaIdeal position of load-bearing device

    Fractura subcapital del cuello del fmur tipo Pauwels III, coxa nor-mala, RoSA P1 122

    Subcapital femoral fractureType Pauwels III, Coxanormala, RoSA P1 122

    Fractura subcapital del cuello del fmur tipo Pauwels I, coxa valga, RoSA P1 143

    Subcapital femoral fractureType Pauwels I, Coxavalga, RoSA P1 143

    La posicin exacta del implante es una con-dicin preliminar para obtener una osteo-sntesis estable y segura. El ancla roscada (=rosca de tornillo y cuchilla) debe colocarse en una posicin ptima en el centro de la cabeza del fmur. En el mejor de los casos podran tolerarse desviaciones del centro en direccin caudal. Los posicionamientos craneales, dorsales o ventrales incorrectos en la cabeza del fmur aumentan el riesgo de un aflojamiento del implante pudiendo llegar incluso a un cut-out..

    Para la seleccin del ngulo de la placa de casquillo deslizante es necesario considerar el ngulo CCD individual, la reposicin y el desarrollo de la fractura. Mediante los n-gulos disponibles de la placa de casquillo deslizante (122, 129, 136 y 143) se cubren todos los ngulos CCD individuales desde la cadera varo hasta la valgo.

    The prerequisite for stable and secure osteosynthesis is an exact position of the implant. The screw anchor (=screw thread and blade) must be placed optimally in the femoral head centre, slight deviations from the centre in a caudal direction however are tolerated. A misplace-ment to a cranial, dorsal or ventral direction in the femoral head increases the risk of implant loosening even Cut-out.

    When selecting the angle of the sliding sleeve plate, the individual CCD angle, the repositioning of the frac-ture and the line of fracture, play a role. Because of the available angular dimensions of the sliding sleeve plate (122, 129, 136 and 143), all individual CCD angles from the varus hip to the valgus hip are covered.

  • 7

    - ( )AP X-rays shoot (before and after reduction)

    Positioning and reduction

    , -, , 6 , 24 . , 24 . - - , , ( , )., . , - (P3/P5), .

    ., , , - .

    In principle the indication for osteosynthesis for a femoral neck fracture represents an emergency situation and sur-gery should, if at all possible, take place within a 6-hour time limit and at the latest 24 hours after the fracture occurred. Trochanteric fractures too, should be treated in an emergency at the latest 24 hours after the fracture occurred. If there is a delay in treating the fracture the rate of perioperative and postoperative complications increases and there is a higher number of problems in fracture healing; (femoral head necrosis, pseudoarthrosis) to be reckoned with.The working steps are shown below using an example of a femoral neck fracture.The method of procedure for trochanteric fractures for which purely long sliding sleeve plates are used (P3/P5), is analogous.

    ( )Axial X-rays shoot (before and after reduction)

    : , , (!) .

    Important: a precise anatomical reduction, with, at most, minimal(!) valgusization, is essential.

    , Before reduction, ap

    , After reduction, ap

    , Before reduction, axial

    , After reduction, axial

    Deviations or special case considerations with respect to trochanteric fractures, are shown in blue.Reduction usually occurs by means of internal rotation. longitudinal traction and moderate adduction of the leg.

    AP-Rntgenbilder anfertigen(vor und nach Reposition) AP X-rays shoot (before and after reduction)

    Lagerung undRepositionPositioning and reduction

    Prinzipiell stellt die Indikation zur Osteosyn-these einer Schenkelhalsfraktur eine Not-fallsituation dar, der Eingriff sollte mglichst innerhalb der 6-Stunden Grenze, sptestens aber 24h nach Frakturereignis durchgefhrt werden. Auch trochantre Frakturen sollten notfallmig, sptestens 24 Stunden nach Frakturereignis versorgt sein. Bei verzgerter Frakturversorgung steigt die Rate peri- und postoperativer Komplikationen, auch mit einer hheren Zahl von Frakturheilungsst-rungen (Hftkopfnekrose, Pseudarthrose) ist dann zu rechnen. Die Arbeitsschritte werden im Folgenden am Beispiel einer Schenkelhalsfraktur darge-stellt. Die Vorgehensweise bei trochantren Frakturen, fr die lediglich lange Gleithl-senplatten (P3/P5) verwendet werden, ist analog. Bei Abweichungen oder gesonder-ten berlegungen fr trochantre Frakturen werden diese in Blau betitelt dargestellt.

    Die Reposition geschieht in der Regel durch Innenrotation, Lngszug und miger Adduktion des Beines.

    In principle the indication for osteosynthesis for a femoral neck fracture represents an emergency situation and sur-gery should, if at all possible, take place within a 6-hour time limit and at the latest 24 hours after the fracture occurred. Trochanteric fractures too, should be treated in an emergency at the latest 24 hours after the fracture occurred. If there is a delay in treating the fracture the rate of perioperative and postoperative complications increases and there is a higher number of problems in fracture healing; (femoral head necrosis, pseudoarthrosis) to be reckoned with.The working steps are shown below using an example of a femoral neck fracture.The method of procedure for trochanteric fractures for which purely long sliding sleeve plates are used (P3/P5), is analogous. Deviations or special case considerations with respect to trochanteric fractures, are shown in blue.Reduction usually occurs by means of internal rotation. longitudinal traction and moderate adduction of the leg.

    axiale Rntgenbilder anfertigen(vor und nach Reposition)Axial X-rays shoot (before and after reduction)

    Wichtig: eine exakte anatomische Reposition, mit allenfalls minimaler(!) Valgisierung, ist essentiell.

    Important: a precise anatomical reduction, with, at most, minimal(!) valgusization, is essential.

    Vor Reposition, APBefore reduction, ap

    Nach Reposition, APAfter reduction, ap

    Vor Reposition, axialBefore reduction, axial

    Nach Reposition, axialAfter reduction, axial

    Postura y reposicinPositioning and reduction

    Tomar radiografas AP (antes y despus de la reposicin)AP X-rays shoot (before and after reduction)

    La indicacin de una osteosntesis del cuello del fmur constituye por principio una situa-cin de emergencia. La intervencin debe llevarse a cabo en lo posible dentro del lmite de 6 horas, pero a ms tardar 24 horas des-pus de haber tenido lugar la fractura. Las fracturas trocantreas tambin deben tra-tarse de emergencia a ms tardar 24 horas despus de haber tenido lugar la fractura. Si el tratamiento de la fractura tiene lugar con ms retardo, aumentar la probabilidad de complicaciones perioperativas y postopera-tivas. Adems habr que contar con una ma-yor cantidad de problemas de curacin de la fractura (necrosis de la cabeza del fmur, seudoartrosis).Los pasos de la intervencin se describen a continuacin con un ejemplo de fractura del cuello del fmur. El tratamiento de fracturas trocantreas es anloga; aqu se aplican slo las placas largas de casquillo deslizante (P3/P5).

    Si hubiera desviaciones o consideraciones especiales para tratar las fracturas trocant-reas, stas se visualizan en color azul oscuro.La reposicin tiene lugar generalmente me-diante una rotacin interior, una traccin longitudinal y una moderada aduccin de la pierna.

    In principle the indication for osteosynthesis for a femoral neck fracture represents an emergency situation and sur-gery should, if at all possible, take place within a 6-hour time limit and at the latest 24 hours after the fracture occurred. Trochanteric fractures too, should be treated in an emergency at the latest 24 hours after the fracture occurred. If there is a delay in treating the fracture the rate of perioperative and postoperative complications increases and there is a higher number of problems in fracture healing; (femoral head necrosis, pseudoarthrosis) to be reckoned with.The working steps are shown below using an example of a femoral neck fracture.The method of procedure for trochanteric fractures for which purely long sliding sleeve plates are used (P3/P5), is analogous.

    Tomar radiografas axiales (antes y despus de la reposicin)Axial X-rays shoot (before and after reduction)

    Importante: Es esencial una exacta reposicin anatmica, en el mejor de los casos con un desplazamiento mnimo valgo (!).

    Important: a precise anatomical reduction, with, at most, minimal(!) valgusization, is essential.

    Antes de la reposicin, APBefore reduction, ap

    Despus de la reposicin, APAfter reduction, ap

    Antes de la reposicin, axialBefore reduction, axial

    Despus de la reposicin, axialAfter reduction, axial

    Deviations or special case considerations with respect to trochanteric fractures, are shown in blue.Reduction usually occurs by means of internal rotation. longitudinal traction and moderate adduction of the leg.

  • 8 Implantation


    Fascia lata .

    Incision of the skin and subcutis, cutting open of the fascia lata and exposure

    of the vastus lateralis.

    Fascia propria - (Septum intermusculare laterale), - (Vastus lateralis) - , .

    Incision of the fascia propria dorsally in the course of the lateral intermuscular septum, push aside the vastus lateralis ventrally with a Hohmann lever, exposure of the lateral femoral cortex layer.


    . (= ) - (= Calcar - - ). - (= , - ). - (= ) -.

    (= ) - .

    Reduction takes place under longitudinal traction with balancing of rotational malposition. The rotation must be adjusted according to clinical ( = foot position) and according to radiological criteria (= attention to the contours of the corticalis along the calcar in an ap and axial X-ray). Adduction or abduction, depending on the fracture situation can be varied (=advantage compared to a nailing system, because in order to insert a nail it is always necessary to have adduction of the leg). Dif-ficult side positioning on an extension table or additional assistance (= traction on the leg) is not necessary. Sagging in the trochanteric region (axial X-ray) is typical for highly unstable fractures extending into the subtrochanteric region; can be compensated with additional support to the femur from dorsal side.

    Trochanteric fracture

    , Before reduction, ap

    , After reduction, ap

    , Before reduction, axial

    , After reduction, axial

    : - - - (. - : ).

    Important: exact anatomical reduction with restoration of the individual CCD angle is essential (Cf. with opposite side from a pre-operative X-ray: radiographic survey, deep pelvic view).

    Inzision von Haut und Subcutis, Spalten der Fascia lata und Darstellen

    des Vastus lateralis.

    Incision of the skin and subcutis, cutting open of the fascia lata and exposure

    of the vastus lateralis.

    Inzision der Fascia propria dorsal im Ver-lauf des Septum intermusculare laterale, Abdrngen des Vastus lateralis nach ventral mit Hohmannhebel, Freilegen der lateralen Femurkortikalis.

    Incision of the fascia propria dorsally in the course of the lateral intermuscular septum, push aside the vastus lateralis ventrally with a Hohmann lever, exposure of the lateral femoral cortex layer.


    Implantation Implantation

    Die Reposition geschieht unter Lngszug und Ausgleich einer Rotationsfehlstellung. Die Rotation muss nach klinischen (= Fu-stellung) und nach radiologischen Kriterien (= Beachtung der Konturen der Kortikalis entlang des Calcar im ap- und axialen Rnt-genbild) eingestellt werden. Adduktion oder Abduktion knnen je nach Fraktursituation variiert werden (= Vorteil gegenber einer Nagelung, da fr das Einbringen eines Na-gels immer eine Adduktion des Beines erfor-derlich ist). Aufwendige Seitenlagerung auf dem Extensionstisch oder zustzliche Assis-tenz (= Zug am Bein) ist nicht erforderlich. Das fr hochinstabile, subtrochantr auslau-fende Frakturen typische Durchhngen in der Trochanterregion (=axiales Rntgen-

    bild) kann durch zustzliches Absttzen des Femurs von dorsal ausgeglichen werden.

    Reduction takes place under longitudinal traction with balancing of rotational malposition. The rotation must be adjusted according to clinical ( = foot position) and according to radiological criteria (= attention to the contours of the corticalis along the calcar in an ap and axial X-ray). Adduction or abduction, depending on the fracture situation can be varied (=advantage compared to a nailing system, because in order to insert a nail it is always necessary to have adduction of the leg). Dif-ficult side positioning on an extension table or additional assistance (= traction on the leg) is not necessary. Sagging in the trochanteric region (axial X-ray) is typical for highly unstable fractures extending into the subtrochanteric region; can be compensated with additional support to the femur from dorsal side.

    Trochantre FrakturTrochanteric fracture

    Vor Reposition, APBefore reduction, ap

    Nach Reposition, APAfter reduction, ap

    Vor Reposition, axialBefore reduction, axial

    Nach Reposition, axialAfter reduction, axial

    Wichtig: eine exakte anatomische Reposition mit Wiederherstellung des individuellen CCD-Winkels ist essentiell (Vgl. mit Gegenseite durch propera-tives Rntgen: Beckenbersicht tief eingestellt).

    Important: exact anatomical reduction with restoration of the individual CCD angle is essential (Cf. with opposite side from a pre-operative X-ray: radiographic survey, deep pelvic view).


    Implantation Implantacin

    Incisin del cutis y subcutis, particin de la fascia lata y visualizacin del

    vastus lateralis.

    Incision of the skin and subcutis, cutting open of the fascia lata and exposure

    of the vastus lateralis.

    Incisin de la fascia propria dorsal en el desarrollo del septum intermusculare laterale, apartado ventral del vastus lateralis con la palanca de Hohmann, exposicin de la corteza cortical lateral del fmur.

    Incision of the fascia propria dorsally in the course of the lateral intermuscular septum, push aside the vastus lateralis ventrally with a Hohmann lever, exposure of the lateral femoral cortex layer.

    La reposicin tiene lugar bajo traccin lon-gitudinal y compensacin de una posicin incorrecta de rotacin. La rotacin debe ajustarse de acuerdo con criterios clnicos (= posicin del pie) y segn criterios ra-diolgicos (= considerar los contornos de la corteza cortical a lo largo del calcar en la radiografa AP y axial). Tanto la aduccin como la abduccin pueden variarse segn la situacin de la fractura (= ventaja respecto al enclavijamiento, ya que para instalar una clavija es necesaria una aduccin de la pier-na). Es innecesaria una postura lateral com-plicada sobre la mesa de extensin o una asistencia adicional (= traccin de la pier-na). La combadura tpica de la regin del trocnter (= radiografa axial) en fracturas

    altamente inestables del tipo subtrocant-reo puede compensarse mediante un apoyo adicional dorsal del fmur.

    Reduction takes place under longitudinal traction with balancing of rotational malposition. The rotation must be adjusted according to clinical ( = foot position) and according to radiological criteria (= attention to the contours of the corticalis along the calcar in an ap and axial X-ray). Adduction or abduction, depending on the fracture situation can be varied (=advantage compared to a nailing system, because in order to insert a nail it is always necessary to have adduction of the leg). Dif-ficult side positioning on an extension table or additional assistance (= traction on the leg) is not necessary. Sagging in the trochanteric region (axial X-ray) is typical for highly unstable fractures extending into the subtrochanteric region; can be compensated with additional support to the femur from dorsal side.

    Fractura trocantreaTrochanteric fracture

    Antes de la reposicin, APBefore reduction, ap

    Despus de la reposicin, APAfter reduction, ap

    Antes de la reposicin, axialBefore reduction, axial

    Despus de la reposicin, axialAfter reduction, axial

    Importante: Es esencial una exacta reposicin anatmica con un resta-ble-cimiento del ngulo individual CCD (comparar con el lado opuesto mediante radiografa preoperativa: toma general profunda de la pelvis).

    Important: exact anatomical reduction with restoration of the individual CCD angle is essential (Cf. with opposite side from a pre-operative X-ray: radiographic survey, deep pelvic view).

  • 9 - , -, ; - - / . . - ( ) .

    The AP angle determines the angle of the sliding sleeve plate selected later and therefore also the angle of the angle guide to be used; the antetorsion angle corresponds to the introduction angle of the central guide wire/sliding sleeve plate in the axial X-ray.The aim is to achieve exact positioning of the screw anchor and the sliding sleeve plate. Prerequisite is a perfect position of the central guide wire (using laser marking) on two planes.

    Determining the ap-angle

    and the antetorsion angle

    , , . (= - -). , ( - ). - - , .

    A K-wire is pushed forwards free-hand using image control with the tip sliding ventrally on the corticalis of the femoral neck and is pushed forwards up to the femoral head. Because of the position of the wire on the bone, the antetorsion angle (=angle of the femoral neck axis in relation to the femoral shaft axis) can be recognised in the axial X-ray and shown approximately. The K wire forms an angle with the lateral corticalis of the femur, called here the ap-angle (angle on the anteroposterior plane). By turning and moving the

    - Free-hand wire - axial

    - Free-hand wire - AP

    Trochanteric fracture

    - - - .

    Exposing the lateral femoral cortex layer by careful and gradual dissection with selective ligation or coagulation and separation of the perforating vessels located here, makes muscle-sparing exposure of the lateral femoral cortex layer feasible.

    wire up and down this ap-angle can be varied and adapted accordingly to the redution, the individual anatomy and fracture situation.

    Der AP-Winkel legt den Winkel der spter ausgewhlten Gleithlsenplatte und damit auch den Winkel des zu verwendenden Zielgertes fest, der Antetorsionswinkel entspricht dem Einbringwinkel des zentra-len Fhrungsdrahtes/der Gleithlsenplatte im axialen Rntgenbild.Ziel ist es, eine exakte Lage des Schraub- Ankers und der Gleithlsenplatte zu errei-chen. Voraussetzung dafr ist eine perfekte Lage des zentralen Fhrungsdrahtes (mit Lasermarkierung) in beiden Ebenen.

    The AP angle determines the angle of the sliding sleeve plate selected later and therefore also the angle of the angle guide to be used; the antetorsion angle corresponds to the introduction angle of the central guide wire/sliding sleeve plate in the axial X-ray.The aim is to achieve exact positioning of the screw anchor and the sliding sleeve plate. Prerequisite is a perfect position of the central guide wire (using laser marking) on two planes.

    Bestimmung des AP- und des Antetorsions- winkelsDetermining the ap-angle

    and the antetorsion angle

    Es wird ein K-Draht freihand unter Bild-wandlerkontrolle, mit der Spitze ventral auf der Schenkelhalskortikalis gleitend bis zum Hftkopf vorgeschoben. Durch die Lage des Drahtes auf dem Knochen wird der Antetorsionswinkel (= Winkel der Schen-kelhalsachse in Bezug zur Femurschaft- achse - zu erkennen im axialen Rntgen-bild) nherungsweise angezeigt. Der K-Draht bildet mit der lateralen Femurkortika-lis einen Winkel, hier AP-Winkel (Winkel in anteroposteriorer Ebene) genannt. Durch Auf- und Abschwenken des Drahtes kann dieser AP-Winkel dann der Reposition, der individuellen Anatomie und Fraktursitua-tion entsprechend variiert und angepasst werden.

    A K-wire is pushed forwards free-hand using image control with the tip sliding ventrally on the corticalis of the femoral neck and is pushed forwards up to the femoral head. Because of the position of the wire on the bone, the antetorsion angle (=angle of the femoral neck axis in relation to the femoral shaft axis) can be recognised in the axial X-ray and shown approximately. The K wire forms an angle with the lateral corticalis of the femur, called here the ap-angle (angle on the anteroposterior plane). By turning and moving the wire up and down this ap-angle can be varied and

    Freihanddraht - axialFree-hand wire - axial

    Freihanddraht - APFree-hand wire - AP

    Trochantre FrakturTrochanteric fracture

    Durch Freilegen der lateralen Femurkorti- kalis durch vorsichtige schrittweise Prpara-tion mit gezielter Ligatur oder Koagulation und Durchtrennung der hier verlaufenden Perforansgefe ist eine langstreckige muskelschonende Freilegung der lateralen Femurkortikalis mglich.

    Exposing the lateral femoral cortex layer by careful and gradual dissection with selective ligation or coagulation and separation of the perforating vessels located here, makes muscle-sparing exposure of the lateral femoral cortex layer feasible.

    adapted accordingly to the redution, the individual anatomy and fracture situation.

    Con el ngulo AP se define el ngulo de la placa de casquillo deslizante seleccionada ulteriormente y por lo tanto define tam-bin el ngulo del aparato gua a utilizar. El ngulo antetorsin corresponde al ngulo de colocacin del alambre gua central / de la placa de casquillo deslizante en la radiografa radial.La finalidad es lograr una exacta posicin del ancla roscada y de la placa de casquillo deslizante. La condicin preliminar es una posicin perfecta del alambre gua central (con marcas de lser) en ambos planos.

    The AP angle determines the angle of the sliding sleeve plate selected later and therefore also the angle of the angle guide to be used; the antetorsion angle corresponds to the introduction angle of the central guide wire / sliding sleeve plate in the axial X-ray.The aim is to achieve exact positioning of the screw anchor and the sliding sleeve plate. Prerequisite is a perfect position of the central guide wire (using laser marking) on two planes.

    Determinacin del ngulo AP y del ngulo antetorsinDetermining the ap-angle

    and the antetorsion angle

    Se empuja a mano libre un alambre de Kirschner usando un intensificador de imagen, deslizando la punta ventralmente sobre la corteza cortical del fmur hasta llegar a la cabeza del fmur. La posicin del alambre sobre el hueso permite visualizar aproximadamente el ngulo antetorsin (= ngulo del eje del cuello del fmur referido al eje del fmur puede verse en la radiografa axial). El alambre de Kirsch-ner forma con la corteza cortical lateral del fmur un ngulo denominado aqu ngulo AP (ngulo en el plano antero-posterior). Girando el alambre hacia arriba y hacia abajo es posible variar y ajustar este ngulo AP segn la reposicin, la anatoma individual y la situacin de la fractura.

    A K-wire is pushed forwards free-hand using image control with the tip sliding ventrally on the corticalis of the femoral neck and is pushed forwards up to the femoral head. Because of the position of the wire on the bone, the antetorsion angle (=angle of the femoral neck axis in relation to the femoral shaft axis) can be recognised in the axial X-ray and shown approximately. The K wire forms an angle with the lateral corticalis of the femur, called here the ap-angle (angle on the anteroposterior plane). By turning and moving the wire up and down this ap-angle can be varied and

    Alambre de mano libre - axialFree-hand wire - axial

    Alambre de mano libre - APFree-hand wire - AP

    Fractura trocantreaTrochanteric fracture

    La exposicin de la corteza cortical lateral del fmur mediante una cuidadosa pre-paracin paso a paso con una ligadura o coagulacin exactas y la separacin de los vasos perforantes que se encuentran aqu permiten una alargada exposicin de la corteza cortical lateral del fmur, sin afec-tar mayormente los msculos.

    Exposing the lateral femoral cortex layer by careful and gradual dissection with selective ligation or coagulation and separation of the perforating vessels located here, makes muscle-sparing exposure of the lateral femoral cortex layer feasible.

    adapted accordingly to the redution, the individual anatomy and fracture situation.

  • 10


    Insertion of the K-wires (122, 129, 136 143) T- - , - .

    , , , , - (= / / ). 7 - , 129 136.

    Selection of the angle guide (122, 129, 136 or 143) with a mounted T-handle in accordance with the ap angle previously and approximately determined using the free-hand wire.

    The choice of the correct angle guide can be approxi-mately determined very quickly both clinically and radiologically by placing the angle guide on the lateral femoral cortex layer (=comparison of the angle/incline of the free-hand wire with the angle/incline of the drill wire guide of the angle guide). In practice, the variability at 7 intervals is entirely sufficient; in the vast majority of cases, it is the 129 and the 136 angle guide which are used.

    Einbringen der K-Drhte

    Insertion of the K-wires Auswhlen des Zielgerts (122, 129, 136 oder 143) mit montiertem T-Griff entspre-chend dem zuvor mit dem Freihand-Draht nherungsweise festgelegten AP-Winkel.

    Die Auswahl des richtigen Zielgertes kann durch Anlegen des Zielgertes auf die laterale Femurkortikalis sowohl klinisch als auch radiologisch sehr schnell nherungsweise erkannt werden (= Vergleich des Winkels/der Neigung des Freihanddrahtes mit dem Winkel/der Neigung der Bohrdrahtfhrung des Zielgertes). Die Variabilitt mit den 7-Abstnden ist in der Praxis vllig ausrei-chend, in der weit berwiegenden Zahl der Flle werden das 129- und das 136-Zielgert verwendet.

    Selection of the angle guide (122, 129, 136 or 143) with a mounted T-handle in accordance with the ap angle previously and approximately determined using the free-hand wire.

    The choice of the correct angle guide can be approxi-mately determined very quickly both clinically and radiologically by placing the angle guide on the lateral femoral cortex layer (=comparison of the angle/incline of the free-hand wire with the angle/incline of the drill wire guide of the angle guide). In practice, the variability at 7 intervals is entirely sufficient; in the vast majority of cases, it is the 129 and the 136 angle guide which are used.

    Implantation Implantation Implantation Implantacin

    Colocacin de los alambres de Kirschner

    Insertion of the K-wires Seleccin del aparato gua (122, 129, 136 oder 143) con mango en T montado segn el ngulo AP determinado anteriormente de forma aproximada con el alambre de mano libre.

    La seleccin del dispositivo de bsqueda correcto puede reconocerse de forma aproxi-mada y rpida tanto clnica como radiolgi-camente colocando el aparato gua sobre la corteza cortical lateral del fmur (= compara-cin del ngulo/inclinacin del alambre de mano libre con el ngulo/inclinacin de la gua del alambre de perforacin del aparato gua). La variabilidad con los pasos de 7 es absolutamente suficiente en la prctica; en la gran mayora de los casos se utilizan los aparatos gua de 129 y 136.

    Selection of the angle guide (122, 129, 136 or 143) with a mounted T-handle in accordance with the ap angle previously and approximately determined using the free-hand wire.

    The choice of the correct angle guide can be approxi-mately determined very quickly both clinically and radiologically by placing the angle guide on the lateral femoral cortex layer (=comparison of the angle/incline of the free-hand wire with the angle/incline of the drill wire guide of the angle guide). In practice, the variability at 7 intervals is entirely sufficient; in the vast majority of cases, it is the 129 and the 136 angle guide which are used.

  • 11

    Recommended procedure

    for inserting the K-wires

    - - - , .

    With the angle guide, the laser-marked central guide wire is aligned on both planes parallel and congruent to the free-hand wire using image control and pre-drilled into the femoral head with direct subchondral placement.

    : , , , (= ) .

    Tip: Taking account of the physiological antetorsion of the femoral neck, the angle guide tends to be easy to place from dorsal on to the circumference of the femoral cortex layer - and if there is retroversion of the femoral head (=rare variant), easy from ventral direction.


    Guide wire with laser marking parallel and congruent with the free-hand wire

    Empfohlenes Vorgehen zum Einbringen der K-DrhteRecommended procedure

    for inserting the K-wires

    Mit dem Zielgert wird der laser-markierte zentrale Fhrungsdraht in beiden Ebenen unter BW-Kontrolle parallel bzw. deckungsgleich zum Freihand-Draht ausgerichtet, in den Hftkopf vorgebohrt und zentral, unmittelbar subchondral, platziert.

    With the angle guide, the laser-marked central guide wire is aligned on both planes parallel and congruent to the free-hand wire using image control and pre-drilled into the femoral head with direct subchondral placement.

    Tipp: Unter Bercksichtigung der physiolo-gischen Antetorsion des Schenkelhalses wird das Zielgert tendenziell leicht von dorsal auf die Zirkumferenz der Femurkortikalis aufgesetzt - bei Retroversion des Hftkopfes (= seltene Variante) leicht von ventral kom-mend.

    Tip: Taking account of the physiological antetorsion of the femoral neck, the angle guide tends to be easy to place from dorsal on to the circumference of the femoral cortex layer - and if there is retroversion of the femoral head (=rare variant), easy from ventral direction.

    Fhrungsdraht mit Lasermarkierung parallel bzw. deckungsgleich zum Freihand-Draht

    Guide wire with laser mark-ing parallel and congruent with the free-hand wire

    Procedimiento recomendado para introducir alambres de KirschnerRecommended procedure

    for inserting the K-wires

    Mediante el aparato gua se alinea el alambre gua central marcado con lser en ambos planos bajo control BW paralela o congruentemente al alambre de mano libre. Luego se perfora el alambre en la cabeza del fmur y se coloca exactamente en posicin central y subcondral.

    With the angle guide, the laser-marked central guide wire is aligned on both planes parallel and congruent to the free-hand wire using image control and pre-drilled into the femoral head with direct subchondral placement.

    Consejo: onsiderando la antetorsin fisiolgica del cuello del fmur, se tiende a colocar el apa-rato gua desde la direccin dorsal sobre la circunferencia de la corteza cortical del fmur y si la cabeza del fmur presenta retroversin (= variante poco frecuente) se coloca levemente desde la direccin ventral.

    Tip: Taking account of the physiological antetorsion of the femoral neck, the angle guide tends to be easy to place from dorsal on to the circumference of the femoral cortex layer - and if there is retroversion of the femoral head (=rare variant), easy from ventral direction.

    Alambre gua con marcas lser paralelas o bien congruentes al alambre de mano libre

    Guide wire with laser mark-ing parallel and congruent with the free-hand wire

  • 12


    , Indicator ventral, incorrect

    , Indicator dorsal, incorrect

    , Indicator central, correct

    . (!) . - ( 3). , . . 2.

    The free-hand wire can now be removed and intro-duced as an antirotational wire. The wire drill guide is advanced over the centrally positioned guide wire without using force, with the indicator ahead. For this process the marked cannulation of the wire drill guide is used (position 3). The wire drill guide must not be pressed down so distortion of the wire is avoided. A flush fit against the bone is not absolutely necessary. The wire drill guide serves purely for parallel guidance of the wire and subsequent introduction of the anti-rotation wire in position 2.

    Alignment of the wire drill guide on the femoral shaft

    Introduction of an antirotational wire using a wire drill guide

    - - 3- () 2 . - -, , .

    Following alignment of the wire drill guide, an 3 mm K-wire (short) is put in position 2 of the wire drill guide as an anti-rotational measure. The head-neck fragment is thus protected against unintentional loss of reduction. The wire drill guide must only be held loosely; it must not be tilted in order to ensure that the wires run parallel.

    - - . - -. , - . .

    The wire drill guide can now be rotated around the centrally positioned guide wire in a ventral direction or dorsally. Central alignment of the indicator in a shaft direction is done clinically by finger palpation on the lateral femoral cortex layer and may, if necessary, be monitored with image control. This procedure serves to align the later position of the screw anchor and the sliding sleeve plate. Readjustment is however still possible at a later time.

    Zeiger ventral, Falsch Indicator ventral, incorrect

    Zeiger dorsal, Falsch Indicator dorsal, incorrect

    Zeiger mittig, Korrekt Indicator central, correct

    Der Freihand-Draht kann jetzt entfernt und als Rotationssicherungsdraht einge- bracht werden. Das Vorschieben der Bohr- lehre ber den einliegenden zentralen Fhrungsdraht erfolgt ohne Kraftanwen- dung(!) mit dem Zeiger voraus. Fr diesen Vorgang wird die markierte Kanlierung der Bohrlehre verwendet (Position 3). Man darf die Bohrlehre nicht einpressen, um ein Verbiegen des Drahtes zu vermeiden. Ein bndiges Anliegen am Knochen ist nicht zwingend erforderlich. Die Bohrlehre dient lediglich der parallelen Drahtfhrung beim anschlieenden Einbringen des Rotations-sicherungsdrahtes in Position 2.

    The free-hand wire can now be removed and intro-duced as an antirotational wire. The wire drill guide is advanced over the centrally positioned guide wire without using force, with the indicator ahead. For this process the marked cannulation of the wire drill guide is used (position 3). The wire drill guide must not be pressed down so distortion of the wire is avoided. A flush fit against the bone is not absolutely necessary. The wire drill guide serves purely for parallel guidance of the wire and subsequent introduction of the anti-rotation wire in position 2.

    Ausrichten der Bohrlehre auf demFemurschaftAlignment of the wire drill guide on the femoral shaft

    Einbringen des Rotationssicherungsdrahtes mit der BohrlehreIntroduction of an antirotational wire using a wire drill guide

    Nach Ausrichten der Bohrlehre wird ein 3 mm K-Draht (kurz) als Rotationssicherung in Position 2 der Bohrlehre gesetzt. Damit ist das Kopf-Hals-Fragment gegen einen unbeabsichtigten Repositionsverlust gesichert. Die Bohrlehre wird dabei nur locker gehalten, sie darf nicht gekippt wer-den, damit die Drhte parallel laufen.

    Following alignment of the wire drill guide, an 3 mm K-wire (short) is put in position 2 of the wire drill guide as an anti-rotational measure. The head-neck fragment is thus protected against unintentional loss of reduction. The wire drill guide must only be held loosely; it must not be tilted in order to ensure that the wires run parallel.

    Die Bohrlehre kann jetzt um den zentral ein-liegenden Fhrungsdraht nach ventral oder dorsal geschwenkt werden. Die zentrale Ausrichtung des Zeigers in Schaftrichtung erfolgt klinisch mit dem tastenden Finger auf der lateralen Femurkortikalis und kann gegebenenfalls mit BW kontrolliert werden. Diese Vorgehensweise dient dazu, die sp- tere Position des Schraub-Ankers und der Gleithlsenplatte auszurichten. Ein Nachjus-tieren ist aber auch noch zu einem spteren Zeitpunkt mglich.

    The wire drill guide can now be rotated around the centrally positioned guide wire in a ventral direction or dorsally. Central alignment of the indicator in a shaft direction is done clinically by finger palpation on the lateral femoral cortex layer and may, if necessary, be monitored with image control. This procedure serves to align the later position of the screw anchor and the sliding sleeve plate. Readjustment is however still possible at a later time.

    Implantation Implantation Implantation Implantacin

    Indicador ventral, incorrectoIndicator ventral, incorrect

    Indicador dorsal, incorrectoIndicator dorsal, incorrect

    Indicador central, correcto Indicator central, correct

    El alambre de mano libre puede ahora retirarse e introducirse como alambre anti-rotacin. El avance de la gua de perforacin sobre el alambre gua central introducido tiene lugar sin aplicar fuerza (!) con el in-dicador hacia adelante. Para este proceso se utiliza la cnula marcada de la gua de perforacin (posicin 3). Para evitar que el alambre se doble, no debe presionarse la gua de perforacin. No es absolutamente necesario que est apoyada al ras del hueso. La gua de perforacin sirve solamente para guiar el alambre paralelamente para intro-ducir a continuacin el alambre antirota-cin en la posicin 2.

    The free-hand wire can now be removed and intro-duced as an antirotational wire. The wire drill guide is advanced over the centrally positioned guide wire without using force, with the indicator ahead. For this process the marked cannulation of the wire drill guide is used (position 3). The wire drill guide must not be pressed down so distortion of the wire is avoided. A flush fit against the bone is not absolutely necessary. The wire drill guide serves purely for parallel guidance of the wire and subsequent introduction of the anti-rotation wire in position 2.

    Alineacin de la gua de perforacin en la difisisAlignment of the wire drill guide on the femoral shaft

    Colocacin del alambre antirotacin con la gua de perforacinIntroduction of an antirotational wire using a wire drill guide

    Una vez alineada la gua de perforacin se coloca un alambre de Kirschner (corto) de 3 mm como seguro antirotacin en la posi-cin 2 de la gua de perforacin.De esta manera el fragmento del cuello de la cabeza queda asegurado contra una prdida inintencional de la reposicin. Para este efecto la gua de perforacin se sujeta slo levemente; ella no debe volcarse para que los alambres queden paralelos.

    Following alignment of the wire drill guide, an 3 mm K-wire (short) is put in position 2 of the wire drill guide as an anti-rotational measure. The head-neck fragment is thus protected against unintentional loss of reduction. The wire drill guide must only be held loosely; it must not be tilted in order to ensure that the wires run parallel.

    La gua de perforacin puede ahora girarse hacia la direccin ventral o dorsal alrededor del alambre gua colocado centralmente. La alineacin central del indicador en direc-cin diafisal tiene lugar clnicamente con el dedo palpador sobre la corteza cortical lateral del fmur y en caso dado puede controlarse con el BW.Esta forma de proceder sirve para alinear la posicin ulterior del ancla roscada y de la placa de casquillo deslizante. No obstante una correccin del ajuste es tambin posible posteriormente.

    The wire drill guide can now be rotated around the centrally positioned guide wire in a ventral direction or dorsally. Central alignment of the indicator in a shaft direction is done clinically by finger palpation on the lateral femoral cortex layer and may, if necessary, be monitored with image control. This procedure serves to align the later position of the screw anchor and the sliding sleeve plate. Readjustment is however still possible at a later time.

  • 13


    (- 2 3 ) . - - - . - , .

    Setting these wires (position 2 and 3 of the wire drill guide) will mostly determine the position of the implants later in relation to the femoral neck and shaft. The expected position of the screw anchor in the head-neck fragment can already be estimated accurately. If a gross error in positioning the wires is detected, it is easy to reposition them at this stage.

    2: , . - . - , -. - , - . . , , - , -. -, . - - , , . -

    , - .

    Tip 2: If the central guide wire is not in an optimum position at this point in time, it can now be repositioned with the help of the wire drill guide. For this purpose, the wire drill guide can be used as a parallel drill sleeve. Alternatively the incorrectly positioned central guide wire can be removed and the wire drill guide withdrawn a little over the anti-rotation wire. Then the wire drill guide can be turned and if necessary tilted over the anti-rotation wire in order to optimize positioning of the central guide wire under X-ray fluoroscopy.The position of the central guide wire determines finally the subsequent the subsequent position of the screw anchor in the femoral neck and femoral head. Tilting the wire drill guide caudally or cranially can of course result in a change to the originally established ap angle and later this must be taken into account when selecting the sliding sleeve plate. If in doubt, the angle can be re-measured by pushing the angle guide onto the newly placed central guide wire. If the guide plate of the angle guide is lying flush with the lateral femoral cortex layer without the guide wire being bent, then the selected angle is correct. Otherwise the next largest or smallest angle must be used, slight deviations with later introduction of implants are however tolerated without problem.

    1: - (- ), , .

    Tip 1: If it is not possible (because of the length of the drill holder) to fully insert the anti-rotation wire mechani-cally, then the impactor for K wires is used for subse-quent insertion of the anti-rotation wire.


    Wire drill guide with central guide wire and anti-rotation wire.

    Durch Setzen dieser Drhte (Position 2 und 3 der Bohrlehre) wird die sptere Lage der Implantate in Bezug zum Schenkelhals und zum Schaft weitgehend festgelegt. Die sp-ter zu erwartende Lage des Schraub-Ankers im Kopf-Hals-Fragment kann bereits jetzt gut abgeschtzt werden. Falls eine grobe Fehl-positionierung der Drhte zu erkennen ist, kann zu diesem Zeitpunkt problemlos eine Neupositionierung erfolgen.

    Setting these wires (position 2 and 3 of the wire drill guide) will mostly determine the position of the implants later in relation to the femoral neck and shaft. The expected position of the screw anchor in the head-neck fragment can already be estimated accurately. If a gross error in positioning the wires is detected, it is easy to reposition them at this stage.

    Tipp 2: Falls der zentrale Fhrungsdraht zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht optimal positio-niert ist, kann jetzt unter Zuhilfenahme der Bohrlehre eine Neuplatzierung erfolgen. Zu diesem Zweck kann die Bohrlehre als Parallelbohrbuchse verwendet werden. Alternativ kann der fehlplatzierte zentrale Fhrungsdraht entfernt und die Bohrlehre ber den noch einliegenden Rotationssiche-rungsdraht etwas zurckgezogen werden. Anschlieend kann die Bohrlehre ber den Rotationssicherungsdraht gedreht und ggf. gekippt werden, um den zentralen Fhrungs-draht unter Rntgendurchleuchtung jetzt optimal zu platzieren.Die Position des zentralen Fhrungsdrahtes legt die sptere Lage des Schraub-Ankers im Schenkelhals und im Hftkopf endgltig fest. Ein Verkippen der Bohrlehre nach kaudal oder kranial kann natrlich eine Vernderung des ursprnglich festgelegten AP-Winkels zur Folge haben, dies muss dann spter bei der Auswahl der Gleithlsenplatte bercksichtigt werden. Im Zweifel kann der Winkel durch Einschieben des Zielgertes auf den neu platzierten zentralen Fhrungsdraht nach-gemessen werden. Liegt die Fhrungsplatte des Zielgertes der lateralen Femurkortikalis plan auf, ohne dass der Fhrungsdraht verbogen wird, ist der ausgewhlte Winkel korrekt. Ansonsten muss der nchst grere oder kleinere Winkel verwendet werden, geringe Abweichungen werden beim spteren Einbringen der Implantate aller-dings problemlos toleriert.

    Tip 2: If the central guide wire is not in an optimum position at this point in time, it can now be repositioned with the help of the wire drill guide. For this purpose, the wire drill guide can be used as a parallel drill sleeve. Alternatively the incorrectly positioned central guide wire can be removed and the wire drill guide withdrawn a little over the anti-rotation wire. Then the wire drill guide can be turned and if necessary tilted over the anti-rotation wire in order to optimize positioning of the central guide wire under X-ray fluoroscopy.The position of the central guide wire determines finally the subsequent the subsequent position of the screw anchor in the femoral neck and femoral head. Tilting the wire drill guide caudally or cranially can of course result in a change to the originally established ap angle and later this must be taken into account when selecting the sliding sleeve plate. If in doubt, the angle can be re-measured by pushing the angle guide onto the newly placed central guide wire. If the guide plate of the angle guide is lying flush with the lateral femoral cortex layer without the guide wire being bent, then the selected angle is correct. Otherwise the next largest or smallest angle must be used, slight deviations with later introduction of implants are however tolerated without problem.

    Tipp 1: Falls der Rotationssicherungsdraht maschinell (wegen der Lnge des Bohrfutters) nicht vollstndig eingebracht werden kann, wird das Einschlaginstrument fr K-Drhte zum Nachschlagen des Rotationssicherungs-drahtes verwendet.

    Tip 1: If it is not possible (because of the length of the drill holder) to fully insert the anti-rotation wire mechani-cally, then the impactor for K wires is used for subse-quent insertion of the anti-rotation wire.

    Bohrlehre mit zentralem Fhrungsdraht und Rotations- sicherungsdraht.

    Wire drill guide with central guide wire and anti-rotation wire.

    La colocacin de estos alambres (posicin 2 y 3 de la gua de perforacin) permite definir en gran parte la posicin ulterior de los im-plantes en relacin con el cuello del fmur y con la difisis. Ahora ya puede estimarse bien la posicin esperada ulteriormente del ancla roscada en el fragmento del cuello de la ca-beza. Si se observa un gran error de posicio-namiento de los alambres, puede tener lugar ahora sin problemas un reposicionamiento.

    Setting these wires (position 2 and 3 of the wire drill guide) will mostly determine the position of the implants later in relation to the femoral neck and shaft. The expected position of the screw anchor in the head-neck fragment can already be estimated accurately. If a gross error in positioning the wires is detected, it is easy to reposition them at this stage.

    Consejo 2: Si ahora la posicin del alambre gua central no es ptima, es posible llevar a cabo una reposicin mediante la gua de perforacin Para este efecto puede utilizarse la gua de perforacin como casquillo de per-foracin paralela. Alternativamente puede sacarse el alambre gua central posicionado incorrectamente y retroceder un poco la gua de perforacin por el alambre antirotacin an introducido.A continuacin puede girarse o volcarse la gua de perforacin por el alambre antiro-tacin para buscar la posicin ptima del alambre gua central observando el proceso con los rayos X.

    Con la posicin del alambre gua central se determina definitivamente la posicin ulte-rior del ancla roscada en el cuello del fmur y en la cabeza del fmur. Naturalmente que una inclinacin caudal o craneal de la gua de perforacin puede alterar el ngulo AP definido inicialmente. Esto debe tomarse en cuenta despus al seleccionarse la placa de casquillo deslizante. En casos de duda es posible medir nuevamente el ngulo colo-cando el aparato gua sobre el alambre gua central en su nueva posicin. El ngulo selec-cionado es correcto, si la placa gua del apa-rato gua de la corteza cortical del fmur est bien apoyada sin que el alambre gua est doblado. De otra manera deber utilizarse el ngulo prximo mayor o menor; no obstante, al colocarse ulteriormente los implantes, se toleran sin problema pequeas desviacio-nes.

    Tip 2: If the central guide wire is not in an optimum position at this point in time, it can now be repositioned with the help of the wire drill guide. For this purpose, the wire drill guide can be used as a parallel drill sleeve. Alternatively the incorrectly positioned central guide wire can be removed and t