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Page 1: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一


茨城大学学術企画部学術情報課(図書館)  情報支援係

ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)

Title Notes on Time Variations of Gas Flow in Seven GlobularClusters

Author(s) Tanaka. Yasuo / Sunaoshi. Misako

Citation 茨城大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学(28): 13-24

Issue Date 1979-03




Page 2: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

Bull. Fac. Educ., Ibaraki Univ.(Natural Sciences), No.28(1979),13-24           13

Notes on Time Variations of Gas Flow

in Seven Globular Cluste路

Yasuo TANAKA and Misako SUNAOSHI*



(Received October 17,1978)


Gas flows in actual model clusters are illustrated in figures where the

effect of heating by ultraviolet radiation is taken into account. There are

three typical flows, that is, entirely outward flows, weak inflows in a limited

region, and rather strong partial inflows within a stagnation point. The de一

pendence of gas且ows upon structural paramcters of the clusters is discussed

in comparison with the initial temperature and density, the temperature and

After the discovery of the discrepancy between the observed and computa一

tionally estimated amounts of hydrogen gas in globular clusters(Knapp et al.,

1973)and especially of the X-ray emissions from clusters(Giacconi et al.,1974),

the behavior of gas in globular clusters is studied by many authors(Scott and

Rose,1975, VandenBerg Imd Faul㎞er,1977, and Tanaka et al.,1978 hereafter

referred to as Paper I). The numerical calculations have been carried out by Scott

and Rose(1975)for isothermal steady outnows and by Faul㎞er and

(1977)for steady out且ows where the effOct of radiative cooling is taken into

account. Time-dependent numerical solutions of gas f[ow in rather compact

globular clusters are fi聡Uy obtained by VandenBerg and Fau1㎞er(1977). In

Paper I, gas flows in actual model clusters are analyzed and also the effect of heat一

ing by ultraviolet radiation is discussed. However, the time variations of gas flows

in only two typical clusters were illustrated in Paper L We like to supplement the

behaviors of gas with time iロthe remaining seven clusters in this note. We will

discuss the dependence of gas flows upon the structural parameters of clusters and

sketch the plan for further detailed studies.

We summ曲e theおs㎜ptions㎝d pr㏄edures for nume翻computationshere, since the details are given in Paper I. Adopted clusters are NGC 1851,1904,

* Present address, Business Consultant CooP., Shinjuku, Tokyo 160, Japan.

Page 3: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

14        Bull. Fac. Educ。, Ibaraki Univ.(Natural Sciences), No.28(1979)

6266,6541,6712,6715and 6752 for which七he structural parameters are speci一

fied mainly following Peterson and King(1975). Those are the core radius R c, the

logarithm of the ratio of the tidal radius of clusters to the core radius C, the

central density of stars ρ*c, and the dispersion velocity of stars 7*・Then the

density distribution of stars is obtained by using the parameters・Stars in the stage

of transition from七he red giant branch to horizontal branch are assumed to eject

gas into clusters and to distribute spatially in a cluster. The gas flows are deter一

mined by the disribution of gravity, mass loss rate from stars and energy supply

and loss. The energy supply and loss are refered to Mathews and Baker(1971)

who take the heating by ultraviolet radiation into account. The basic equations

for gas flow are solved by the beam scheme method(Sanders and Prend6rgast,

1974)by using HITAC 8700/88000f the University of Tokyo from the Mito

Branch of the Computer Center, Ibaraki University.

The computed results of the time-variations of the velocity distribution, of

the temperature distribution and of the density distribution are shown in the

figures. The characteristics of gas flows in the adopted clusters are as follows.

(1》 NGC 6715

This cluster belongs to the group of clusters with large values of C,7*and

ρ*c.The velocity distributions vary with time since gas ejected from stars is

assumed to be rest at the initial廿me step,104 years, as shown in Fig.1-a. The

radius of the stagnation point within which gas flows inward increases slightly

with time. The maximum velocity of the partial inflow also,increases and becomes

aconstant v訓ue of 4㎞/sec. A compression wave genera加d at the center pro・

pagates outwardly as seen on七he curve denoted as A in Fig.1-a After 12×107

years, the velocity distribution remains unchanged. Although the temperature of

gas is initially spatially constant value of 2070°K, the central temperature in・

creases with time, whereas the temperature decreases in the outer region after the

・・mp・essi・n wave h鎚passed. The cent・組d・n・ity・f gas incre肥・・f・・m 4×10-26

9/cm3 at 104 years to 1.2x10-2591cm3,as seen in Fig.1-c.

(2} NGC 1851

This cluster has the largest values of C and ρ*c, but it is noted for the

cluster to be smaller Rc and 7*than those for NGC 6715. The position of the

stagnation point is hardly changed in Fig.2-a. The maximum inflow velocity

increases in the absolute value, but is not surely recognized after 5×106 years

because of rough spatial gdds near the center. A compression wave propagates

and causes small disturbances on the curves in Fig.2-b. The initial temperature is

of 1700°K at 104 years. The behaviors of gas temperature and density with time

are similar to those fbr NGC 6715. However, the central density becomes 5.2×

Page 4: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow          l5

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Page 5: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

16         Bull. Fac. Educ., Ibaraki Univ.(Natural Sciences), No.28(1979)

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Page 6: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17

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Page 7: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

18 Bull. Fac. Educ., Ibaraki Univ.(Natural Sciences), No.28(1979)







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Page 8: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 19

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Page 9: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

20 Bull. Fac. Educ., Ibaraki Univ.(Natural Sciences), No.28(1979)

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Page 10: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 21

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Page 11: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

22       Bull. Fac. Educ., Ibaraki Univ.(Natural Sciences), No.28(1979)

Table I. Ranking for structural parameters and physical quantities

of flow in the order of magnitude.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)(11)(12)

NGC Cρ*c 7・ φ  Tcilρ・i R・fρ・f T・f 7mf1851     1   1   3   2   1   3   1   3   3   1   1   2

1904     7   7   7   7   7   7   7   -   7   7   -   7

2419    9   9   9   9   9   9   9   -   9   9   -   9

6266    6   4   4   4   4   4   3   5   4   4   4   4

6541    2   5   5   5   4   5   5   4   5   5   4   5

6712     8   8   8   8   8   8   8   -   8   8   -   8

6715     5   2   2   2   3   2   2   2   2   2   3   3

6752    4   6   6   6   6   6   6   -   6   6   -   6

7078     3   3   1   1   2   1   3   1   1   2   2   1

10-249/cm 3 at 2.6×107 years from 5.3 x 10-269/cm 3 at 104 years.

《3) NGC 6266                          」shis cluster falls in the group of clusters with mediate values of C.However,

the central stellar density and 7*ale rather high. From Fig.3-a, it appears that

the region of inflow is limited in O.5 pc〈R<1.2pc, which is almost constant

with time. The initial temperature is of 1600°K. The central density of gas valies

from the initial value of 3.4×10-269/cm 3 to 2.O x 10-249/cm 3.

(4} NGC 6541

It should be noted that this cluster has a large value of C following NGC 1851.

However, the limited region of inflow is nallower than for NGC 6266. The initial

central temperature and density are 1030°K and 2.1x10-26 9/cm3,respectively.

Abump on the curve of B in Fig.4-b is caused by ashock wave to which the

compression wave has grown up. After 2×107 years, the flow remains unchanged

in all distributions of velocity, temperature and density.

{5} NGC 6752, NGC 1904 and NGC 6712

These clusters have low values of ρ*c and 7*. NGC 6752, however, has the

nearly same value of C as that for NGC 6715. The values of C,ρ*c and 7*for

NGC 6712 are the lowest among the clusters adopted here. The value of C for

NGC 6712 is chosen tentatively, because of a lack of the observation on the tidal

radius of this cluster. The time-vahations are given in Fig.5,6 and 7 for NGC

6752,1904and 6712, respectively. Gas f[ows entirely outward in these clus ters.

Page 12: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) · Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow 17 o o 麟 N し 1⊥1 o Q α〕 く (E σ)3 一

Tanaka&Sunaoshi:Time Variations of Gas Flow          23

Table II. Choice of stmctural parameters for further studies.

R,(P・)  C   ρ*c(M。/P・3)  7・(km1・ec)

0.5        2.2         1×105              15

1.0        2.0         4×104             10

2.0         1.5          1×104               5

1.0        4×102


The only f[ows after the compression waves have passed through the clusters are

shown in each figure of(a). The initial temperatures are very low such as 790,520

and 440°K for NGC 6752,1904 and 6712, respectively. The central density is also

increased by several ten times of the initial values of 10-26,5x10-27 and 2×

10-2791cm3 for NGC 6752,1904 and 6712, respectively.

The且ows in NGC 7078 and 2419 should be referred to Paper 1. Although

NGC 7078 and 6712 are seemed to coincide with X-ray sources, it is interesting

that the pattem of flows differs in each other. In order to study the relation of

the structur訓parameters to the char㏄teristics of now, we rank the p鑓㎜eters

and physical quantities of flows in Table I, including NGC 2419 and 7078. The

central gravitational potential of clusters, the central temperature, the stagnation

point are denoted in Table I asφ,Tc,ρc,7m and R s,respectively. The su鮒xes

of i and f represent the initial time and the time when flow becomes nearly

steady. We give also the ranking by the simple mean for the columns of(1)to(4)

in the fifth column and that for the col㎜ns of(6)to(12)in the twelveth


From Table.1,it is seen that small values of the parameters represent well the

feature of jユow with which clusters have entirely outward且ows. However, in the

clusters with partial inflow in a limited region, it seems that the individual para.

meter takes part in the property of flow. That is,ρ*c seems to relate to ρci,

Tcf and 7mf, while 7*andφare responsible to Tci, R sf and ρcf・These, how一

ever, are rather qualitative because our present aim was computations of flow in

actual cluster models. Thus, further calcし皿ations are desired with the choice of

parameters as shown in Table II in order to reveal the relation between structural

parameters and charactehstics of flows in clusters with partial且ows.

The authors ale indebted to Mr. Y. Hirayama for the aid of modifソing his

program in the beam scheme for flows in創obular clusters.

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24       Bull. Fac. Educ., Ibaraki Univ.(Natural Sciences), No.28(1979)


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Sanders, R.H. and K.H. Prendergast.1974. The Possible Relation of the 3-Kilo一

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Time・dependent Flow Models.!13‘ropんyε.」.,218,415-430.