say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、...

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Page 1: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2


Page 2: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Smoking is a bad habit. It does great harm to our health , not only to the smoker himself , but also to others.

It is said that in China smokers cover about 45 percent.

Page 3: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

For smokers , it is a great waste of money. For example, if a pack of cigarettes costs about 3 yuan, and Mr. Brown smokes one pack a day, it will cost him up to 1095 yuan per year.

Page 4: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Smoking can make your teeth black and your fingers yellow. It even be the cause of blood deficiency and nausea, and it will definitely decrease your level of intelligence.

Page 5: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

On the other hand, the nicotine in cigarettes will make you want them more and more.

Page 6: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Besides , many fires are caused by careless smokers.

Page 7: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

You know you shouldn’t smoke . You know all that tar and nicotine are destroying your heart and lungs , Smoking can be harmful to your health.  But why do people smoke?

Page 8: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

One reason is that people become addicted to cigarettes. To be addicted means that your body comes to need them. The addictive substance in cigarettes is nicotine. When people smoke, the nicotine goes right into the blood stream and makes people feel relaxed.

Page 9: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

A smoker's body gets accustomed to the nicotine and if he stops smoking he feels nervous.  Many smokers try to stop smoking, but because of the addiction to nicotine they feel so uncomfortable that they often find it too difficult to stop.

Page 10: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Another reason is that people simply enjoy smoking and what it symbolizes. Having a cigarette for many people means taking a break.  For some people smoking becomes part of certain social rituals, for example, the cigarette after dinner. Many people enjoy smoking because it gives th

em something to do with their hands.  Reaching for a cigarette, lighting it, flicking the ashes are especially comforting in situations where a person feels tense.

Page 11: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

some people think smoking is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.

Page 12: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes. However, it is the tar that causes cancer. While governments and health experts have tried to get people to give up smoking entirely, cigarette manufacturers have tried to keep selling them by producing cigarettes with less tar. 

Page 13: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Question: What is the substance in cigarettes that causes cancer?

Answer:The addictive substance in cigarettes is nicotine.( When people smoke, the nicotine goes right into the blood stream and makes people feel relaxed.) 

Question: What are health experts trying to do?

Answer:health experts have tried to get people to give up smoking entirely

Page 14: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.Cigarette smoke contains thousands of dangerous chemicals that are unhealthy for both smokers and nonsmokers.Secondhand smoke refers to the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled by smokers.

Page 15: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Secondhand smoke can cause heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults. Breathing secondhand smoke for even a short time increases risk for diseases. Secondhand soke is aknown cause of sudden infant deat syndrome,respirotory problems,ear infections,and asthma attracks in infants and children.

Page 16: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Secondhand smoke in the home environment can slow the lung growth of exposed childean. Older children whose parents smoke get bronchithis and pheumonia more often them the children of nonsmokers.

Page 17: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Protecting yourself and others The only way to fully protect yourself and lovedonesfrom the dangerous chemicalsin

secondhand smoke is through 100 % smoke-free environment.

Page 18: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

When you are in public places , you will see many smokers , most of whom are young people and the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even including some middle school students.

Page 19: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Clean indoor air laws: regulations or ordinances that eliminate( 排除 ) smoking in workplaces or public places. The strongest and most controversial of these laws prohibit smoking in restaurants and bars

Page 20: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Although these laws are intended to protect the public from secondhand smoke exposure, some have hypothesised that they may also reduce youth smoking by altering smoking related social norms.

Page 21: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Clean indoor air laws may send a message to youths that smoking is not socially acceptable. Since restaurants are the predominant social setting in which youths may see smokers.

Page 22: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵

Today , more and more people are beginning to realize the harm of smoking and decide to give it up. If you are not a smoker , don't start.

Page 23: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵
Page 24: Say “no” to smoking 制作人: 08 级国会 2 班 江慧欣、余慧欣、 马妍真、刘耀婵