silabus discourse analysis-sdt

UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI SILABUS MATA KULIAH : DISCOURSE ANALYSIS FRM/FBS/19- 00 Revisi : 00 31 Juli 2008 Hal. Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Mata Kuliah & Kode : Discourse Analysis /Kode PBI 206 Jumlah SKS : Teori 2 sks SKS Praktik : ___ SKS Semester : III (Satu) Mata Kuliah Prasyarat & Kode : - Dosen : Siti Sudartini I. DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH This course is aimed at introducing the study of how sentences in spoken and written language form larger meaningful units such as paragraphs, conversations, interviews, etc., and introducing some of the key concepts in the field of discourse analysis. This knowledge is expected to help them to know how such analysis influences the methods in the teaching of language. The topics to be covered include: 1) introduction to discourse, 2) discourse vs text, 3) the characteristics of spoken and written language, 4) the linguistic elements of discourse, 5) making sense of discourse, 5) how to process discourse, 6) conver- sation analysis, 7) negotiating meaning, 8) intercultural communication, 9) developing discourse competence, 10) discourse analysis and language teaching, 11) the acquisition of discourse, and 12) critical discourse analysis. Activities conducted are lecturing, presentations on the sample of analysis on each topic, discussions, and literature studies. Assessment is done in terms of mid and final tests, students’ presentation papers, assignments, and students’ classroom participation. II. STANDARISASI KOMPETENSI MATA KULIAH 1

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silabus Discourse Analysis UNY




FRM/FBS/19-00Revisi : 0031 Juli 2008Hal.

Fakultas: Bahasa dan SeniProgram Studi: Pendidikan Bahasa InggrisMata Kuliah & Kode: Discourse Analysis /Kode PBI 206Jumlah SKS: Teori 2 sks SKS Praktik : ___ SKSSemester: III (Satu)Mata Kuliah Prasyarat & Kode: -Dosen: Siti Sudartini

I. DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAHThis course is aimed at introducing the study of how sentences in spoken and written language form larger meaningful units such as paragraphs, conversations, interviews, etc., and introducing some of the key concepts in the field of discourse analysis. This knowledge is expected to help them to know how such analysis influences the methods in the teaching of language. The topics to be covered include: 1) introduction to discourse, 2) discourse vs text, 3) the characteristics of spoken and written language, 4) the linguistic elements of discourse, 5) making sense of discourse, 5) how to process discourse, 6) conversation analysis, 7) negotiating meaning, 8) intercultural communication, 9) developing discourse competence, 10) discourse analysis and language teaching, 11) the acquisition of discourse, and 12) critical discourse analysis. Activities conducted are lecturing, presentations on the sample of analysis on each topic, discussions, and literature studies. Assessment is done in terms of mid and final tests, students presentation papers, assignments, and students classroom participation.

II. STANDARISASI KOMPETENSI MATA KULIAHBy the end of the course, the students are expected to have the ability of 1. Understanding the Notion of Discourse2. Identifying the Characteristics and Components of Discourse3. Understanding the theory and practice of Discourse Analysis


1Introduction to the Coursea. What is Discourse?b. Semantics, Pragmatics and Discoursec. Discourse Vs TextBrown and Yule (1983) Intro and Ch.1.

2-3The Notion of Discourse Analysisa. The Role of Context in Interpretationb. What is Discourse AnalysisBrown and Yule (1983) Ch. 2.-McCarthy (1991). Ch. 1, -Gee (1999) Ch.9

4-5Discourse Analysis and Grammara. Grammar Cohesion and Textualityb. Information Structurec. Theme and RhemeMcCarthy (1991) Ch. 2, Nunan (1993) Ch 2

6Discourse Analysis and Vocabularya. Lexical Cohesionb. Lexis in talkMcCarthy (1991) Ch. 3

7Discourse Analysis and Phonologya. Word Stress and Prominenceb. Tones and Their Meaningsc. Pitch across SpeakersMcCarthy (1991) Ch. 4


8Kinds of Discoursea. Spoken Discourseb. Written DiscourseMcCarthy (1991). Ch. 5 and 6

9-10Discourse Structurea. Definitionb. Conversation Analysisc. Review ExercisesNunan (1993) Ch.2, Pridham (2001) Ch. 3

11Discourse and Intercultural Communicationa. Basic Conceptsb. Some ExamplesNunan(1993) Ch.3

12Developing Discourse Competencea. Discourse Competenceb. Some Points to rememberNunan (1993), Ch.4

13-14Discourse Analysis and English Language Teachinga. The Importance of Discourseb. Discourse and ELTNunan(1993), Ch.4, Cook, (1989 )Ch.7

15Critical Discourse Analysisa. The Notion of CDAb. The Theory and MethodBlommaert (2005) Ch.5, Rogers in Rogers (2004)Ch. 1

16Review Exercises on CDA

IV. REFERENSI/ SUMBER BAHANA. Wajib : 1. Nunan, 1993. Introducing Discourse Analysis. Penguin English. 2. McCarthy, Michael. 1991. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.B. Anjuran : 1. Blommaert, jan. 2005.Discourse: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.2. Brown, Gillian and George Yule. 1983. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.3. Gee, James Paul. 1999. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. New York: Routledge.4. Pridham, Francesca. 2001.The Language of Conversation. New York: Routledge.5. Rogers, Rebecca.(ed). 2004. An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

V. EVALUASINoKomponen EvaluasiBobot (%)

1Class performance and participation15 %


3Mid Term Exam30%

4Final Exam40%


VI. Catatan Tambahan1. Contact Email/ Mobile: [email protected] or [email protected]/ 08156877141 2. Workload and grade calculation:10% Participation. Half of the participation grade is equivalent to attendance. At the beginning of every lecture and presentation, all students will sign their initials on the attendance sheet. You may miss 3 lectures.30% Homework. There will be a small homework assignment due almost every week. All homework must be word-processed; handwritten assignments will not be accepted or graded.30% Midterm. Tests are in-class, short answer/true or false/multiple choice. There will be a detailed review session before the test so youll know exactly what is coming. The dates for both the midterm and the final are fixed at the beginning of the semester. Please schedule your other obligations around these dates,because THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP TESTS. Make up exams will not be given except in the case of extraordinary circumstances.40% Final. See Midterm.Attendance policy.In line with the university policy, you are supposed to fulfill the 75 % of attendance to pass this subject.