span 210-mwf syllabus spring 2014

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  • 8/13/2019 Span 210-MWF Syllabus Spring 2014


    SPAN 210: Intermediate Spanish. MWF DEPARTMENT OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGESSPRING 2014 GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITYInstructor/a:E-mail: (703) 993-1220Oficina: ________ Aquia BuildingHoras de oficina & Tutora: _____________


    SPAN 210 is a three-credit semester course for intermediate students of Spanish who have completed Span 110, Span

    115 successfully, or have taken the placement exam. This course completes the basic language requirement for most

    majors in CHSS and COS. Span 210 is designed to help students further develop basic listening, speaking, reading andwriting skills in Spanish and to provide them with an introduction to the various cultures of the Spanish -speaking

    world. In this course, students will:

    1. synthesize the acquired vocabulary and sentence structures to broaden oral and written comprehension;2. strengthen their ability to express ideas orally and in writing with an appropriate level of grammatical

    accuracy and fluency focusing on both presentational and interpersonal modes of communication;

    3. demonstrate a certain level of knowledge and critical understanding of the products, practices andperspectives of the Spanish-speaking world;

    4. understand speech used by native speakers;5. Increase their ability to find resources, information and other tools to continue the study of the language.


    If you You must take

    have never studied Spanish or have had less than 2 years of Spanish in high school

    AND have not learned Spanish outside of the classroom (e.g, by speaking Spanish at

    home, by living in a Spanish-speaking country)

    Span 110

    have taken 2 years or more of Spanish in high school AND have not learned Spanish

    outside of the classroom (e.g, by speaking Spanish at home, by living in a Spanish-

    speaking country)

    The placement

    test or Span 115

    have learned Spanish outside of the classroom (e g by speaking Spanish at home by The placement

  • 8/13/2019 Span 210-MWF Syllabus Spring 2014


    have learned Spanish outside of the classroom (e g by speaking Spanish at home by The placement

    2. 501 Spanish Verbs with CD-ROM and Audio CD (501 Verb Series) [Paperback] byChristopher Kendris (2010)3. The publishers Website with online quizzes, digital flash-cards, etc. that students can use as self-tests: link is available from the Basic

    Spanish Page).


    1. PREPARATION & PARTICIPATION: 20%Classes will be conducted in Spanish, and active participation is a major requirement. The participation grade is not

    earned by just coming to class. Students need to participate and demonstrate they are fully prepared and have

    completed all assignments for the class. Furthermore, students must volunteer to participate and not expect to be

    called on by the instructor. Students absent on any given day will receive a zero grade for participation for that day. Itis the studentsresponsibility to find out about assignments from a classmate, so exchanging email addresses with at

    least two classmates during the first week of class is highly recommended.

    Participation will be recorded daily, and an average will be entered every two or three weeks, with a total of four

    grades spread out throughout the semester.

    Students will frequently be asked to work in pairs or small groups, and are expected to make every attempt to

    communicate in Spanish. Classwork will include activities such as role play, oral and written questions and answers,

    small group/pair work, discussions, and activities from the textbook.

    In order to prepare for class, students are asked to complete the assigned exercises from the Dos mundos textbook

    and check their answers in the answer key at the end of the book. If any questions arise when you compare the

    answer key to your own results, it is important that you mention this to your instructor and ask for clarification. The

    homework from these bluepages may be collected by your instructor. It is also important that you review the

    vocabulary lists from your Dos mundos textbook on the days they are assigned.

    From time to time, your instructor may also give you announced or unannounced short quizzes on the assigned

    material for the day to assess your preparation for class.

    As with any other skill, learning a language requires a lot of practice. Therefore, it is highly recommended that studentsspend 3-5 hours per week of preparation outside of class.
  • 8/13/2019 Span 210-MWF Syllabus Spring 2014


    = alt + 160 = alt + 129 = alt + 130 = alt + 164 = alt + 161

    = alt + 173 = alt + 162 = alt + 168 = alt + 163

    MacUsers: Hold down the Option key, and while holding it down, type the letter e; then release those keys and

    type the letter that you want the accent to appear on: = Opt + e, then a = Opt + e, then e = Opt + e, then I = Opt + e, then o

    = Opt + e, then u = Opt + n, then n = Opt + u, then u = Opt + 1 = Opt + shift + ?

    4. CHAPTER EXAMS: 25%There will be three chapter-exams. The dates are included in the calendar below. The exams cannot be made up for

    unless they are missed due to an emergency, in which case you need to provide documentation to be allowed to take

    the exam on a different date.

    5. ORAL ASSESSMENT: 10%Students speaking skills will be formally assessed by means oftwo role-playing activitiesin groups of three or four.On the specified date (see calendar), students will submit the names of the group participants and the chosen topic.

    The instructor will provide a list of possible topics to be considered; students can contribute ideas as well. In all cases,

    the oral-performance assessment should reflect class discussions and grammar/vocab. items studied so far. Students

    are encouraged to rehearse out of class. However, no notes will be allowed during these assignments as they are

    meant to be as spontaneous as possible as opposed to a prepared speech by each student. The first role-play will be

    on the spot whereas there is the option (at the instructors discretion) to video-tape the second one. A grading rubric

    will be made available on Blackboard shortly.

    6. FINAL EXAM: 15%The final exam will assess all the grammar sections covered throughout the semester, and the vocabulary and culture

    topics dealt with in the last few chapters. There is a specific date for the final exam (see the schedule below).

    Therefore, plan beforehand. In case of an emergency, the student who has not taken the final exam will receive an

    Incomplete in the class, and both the instructor and the language coordinator need to be notified. If the instructor has

    not been notified of the emergency, the grade will be a zero.

    ASSESSMENTThe progress made by students in this class will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

    Assignments %Grade scale

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    MAKE-UPSNo make-ups are allowed for exams, oral examinations, in-class compositions, oral presentations, or any other graded

    assignment in this course. In the event of a medical emergency or other extreme situation, each case will be discussed

    on an individual basis. In such a case, you must notify your instructor in advance by electronic mail, or by calling the

    Department of Modern and Classical Languages (703) 993-1220. NOTE that oversleeping, travel plans, parking trouble

    and similar situations are not valid emergency cases. Therefore, please make sure to plan ahead.

    CLASSROOM ETIQUETTETo avoid disruption and to ensure a positive learning environment, the use of cell phones or any other electronic

    devices will not be allowed. Classes may not be recorded (audio or video) without the instructors consent. Learning a

    language requires rigorous discipline; for that reason, punctuality is a requirement in this course, and your grade will

    be penalized if you arrive late or leave early without prior instructors consent.

    GMU HONOR CODEUpon applying for admission, all Mason students sign a commitment to uphold the Honor code, and to pledge not to

    cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie in matters related to academic work. All students are responsible for understanding the

    Honor Code, as well as for reporting any violations. For more information on th e Honor Code and its requirements, the

    Academic Integrity Website:

    Plagiarism, or the use of someone elses words, ideas, sequence of ideas, or other intellectual or creative work without

    proper acknowledgement, constitutes an Honor code violation. All students are strongly encouraged to read the

    Writing Centers online guide for avoiding plagiarism: this course, you areNOT allowed to have a native speaker or a more advanced student correct your homework or compositions.

    If you have any doubts about the types of assistance that you are permitted to receive from others, ask your

    professor. Students who violate the Honor Code in this course will be reported to the Masons Honor Committee:

    ( should expect to receive an F in the course.

    George Mason University is committed to providing equal opportunity and an educational and work environment free

    from any discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, veteran status, sexual

    orientation, or age. Mutual respect and civility of others will be considered an essential component of students

    participation in this class.

    GMU EMAIL ACCOUNTS: Students must activate their GMU email accounts to receive important University
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    INCLEMENT WEATHER: In case of inclement weather, the Basic Spanish Program follows GMU procedures. Note thatassignments might have to be completed via Blackboard. In that case, your instructor will get in touch with you via e-

    mail, if possible.

    IMPORTANT DATES: The following dates are for full semester courses only. For add/drop deadlines for courses thatmeet less than a full semester, seeNon-standard Sections Dates.

    January 1 Day of Week Wednesday

    Martin Luther King Day (no classes) Mon Jan 20

    First day of classes; last day to submit Domicile Reclassification Application; Payment DueDate; full semester waitlists removed

    Tue Jan 21

    Summer 2014 Graduation Intent Available via Patriot Web Mon Jan 27

    Last day to add classesall individualized section forms due Last day to drop with notuition penalty

    Tues Jan 28

    Last day to drop with a 33% tuition penalty Tues Feb 11

    Final Drop Deadline (67% tuition penalty) Fri Feb 21

    Last day to file your Spring 2014 Graduation Intent Fri Feb 21

    Immunization Record Deadline Sat Mar 1

    Midterm progress reporting period (100-200 level classes)grades available viaPatriot


    Mon Feb 17 -

    Fri Mar 21

    Selective Withdrawal Period (undergraduate students only)Mon Feb 24 -

    Fri Mar 28

    Spring BreakMon Mar 10 -

    Sun Mar 16

    Incomplete work from Fall 2013 due to Instructor Fri Mar 28
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    Span 210. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar created by Mnica Mulholland, Ph.D. Spring 2014. MCL, GMU Page 6





    All the activities on the assigned pages should be completed on

    paper. Read and do the exercises on all assigned pages. Correctthe exercises before class according to the key in Appendix Four.

    CENTRO - Dos MundosOnlinewww.mhcentro.comDUE ON SUNDAY NIGHT. TWO

    ATTEMPTS WILL BE ALLOWED.Note to instructors: please,assign all green (machine

    graded) activities and at leasttwo red (instructor graded)

    ones per chapter.

    The instructor will review the main items

    assigned for homework, and will select

    someof the communicative activities

    listed here to put them into practice.

    SEMANA 1

    Mirc., 22 de

    eneroBring book with code to class

    Read complete course description and calendar

    Create an account on

    Introduccin al curso, al libro y al

    programa de clase (syllabus)

    Repaso de los caps. 1-8

    Viern., 24 de


    Estudiar vocabulario, p.327 (index cards are recommended)

    9.1 Parecerse y llevarse bien, pp.328-330Captulo 9: La niez y la juventudActividades sobre el vocab. de la p.327

    La familia y los parientes: pp.312-314

    SEMANA 2 Tues. Jan 28- Last day to add classesLast day to drop with no tuition penalty

    Lunes, 27 de


    Estudiar vocabulario, p.327

    9.2 Preposiciones + pronombres, pp.330-331

    9.3 El imperfecto, pp.331-333

    Captulo 9:Prctica comunicativa (El imperfecto)

    Actividades pp.315-317

    Conversacin, Act. 9, p.318

    Mirc. 29 de


    9.4 El imperfecto y el pretrito, pp.334-336,

    9.5 El imperfecto de ir + a + infinitivo, pp.336-337

    Actividades pp.320-325

    Viern., 31 de


    Estudiar vocabulario, p.363

    Leer Costa Rica, un pas excepcional, pp.360-362, hacer ejercicio

    Comprensin de la p.362 y contestar las siguientes preguntas:

    Qu ha aprendido sobre este pas? Le gustara visitar Costa

    CENTRO Captulo 9 dueSunday, Feb. 2by midnight

    Captulo 10: Nuestro planetaConozca Puerto Rico! y Conozca la Rep.

    Dominicana!, p.341

    Actividades sobre el vocab. de la p.363
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  • 8/13/2019 Span 210-MWF Syllabus Spring 2014


    Span 210. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar created by Mnica Mulholland, Ph.D. Spring 2014. MCL, GMU Page 8

    Viern., 14 de feb. Estudiar caps. 9 & 10 detenidamente CENTRO Captulo 10 dueSunday, Feb. 16by midnight

    Repaso Caps. 9 y 10

    SEMANA 5Tues., Feb. 21: Final Drop Deadline (67% tuition penalty)

    Midterm progress reporting period(100-200 level classes): Feb. 17-Mar. 21 Grades available viaPatriot Web

    Lunes, 17 de feb Estudiar para el examen 1, caps. 9 y 10 EXAMEN 1Caps. 9 y 10. 50 min.

    Mirc., 19 de feb. Estudiar vocabulario, pp.396-397

    11.1 Mandatos formales, pp.398-399

    Captulo 11:Actividades sobre el vocabulario de las


    Conversacin, Act. 3, p.376

    Ejercicios de gramtica (Mandatos


    Act. 5, p.378

    Viern., 21 de feb. Estudiar vocabulario, pp.396-397

    11.2 El presente del subjuntivo con querery sugerir, pp.400-402

    11.3 El presente del subjuntivo de verbos irregulares, pp.402-406

    Captulo 11:Los planes de viaje, pp.381-382

    Prctica comunicativa: Presente delsubjuntivo.Conversacin, Act. 9, p.383

    SEMANA 6Feb. 24- Mar 28: Selective Withdrawal Period(undergraduate students only)

    Lunes, 24 de feb. Estudiar vocabulario, pp.396-397 Captulo 11:Conversacin, practicar el vocabulario del


    Actividades comunicativas a cargo del

    instructor usando el presente del

    subjuntivo con querer, sugerir, etc.

    Conversacin, Act. 11, p.385Repaso

    Mirc., 26 de feb. Estudiar vocabulario, pp.396-397Captulo 11:Actividades comunicativas a eleccin del

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    Span 210. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar created by Mnica Mulholland, Ph.D. Spring 2014. MCL, GMU Page 9

    Viern., 28 de feb. Estudiar vocabulario, pp.396-397

    11.4 El pasado progresivo, p.407

    11.5 Diferencias entre el imperfecto y el pretrito, pp.408-409

    Submit list of group members and description of Role-play #1.

    CENTRO Captulo 11 dueSunday, March 2 by midnight

    Role-play #1 (recoger lista)

    Captulo 11:Los sitios tursticos, p.388

    Prctica comunicativa (Diferencias entre el

    imperfecto y el pretrito)

    Conversacin, usando dibujos, pp.388-

    389, hablar de lo que estaba pasando

    (usen el pasado progresivo para


    Repaso Cap. 11

    SEMANA 7

    Lunes, 3 de marzo Estudiar vocabulario, pp.431-433

    Leer Ventanas culturales: La msica, nuestra mejor medicina,

    p.418, contestar las preguntas de la p.418 y las siguientes:Cules la importancia de la msica para los seres humanos? Est Ud.

    de acuerdo o no con la idea/ creencia que la msica tiene un

    poder curativo? Usa Ud. la msica como terapia? Cmo?

    Captulo 12: La salud y las emergencias:Conozca Chile!, p.411

    Actividades sobre el vocabulario de las


    El cuerpo humano, p.412

    Conversacin, Acts. 1, 2 y 3, p.413

    Ventanas culturales: La msica, nuestra

    mejor medicina, p.418

    Mirc., 5 de


    Estudiar vocabulario, pp.431-433

    12.1 El verbo haber, p.43412.2 Become/get en espaol, pp.435-436

    Captulo 12:Las enfermedades y su tratamiento, p.415

    Actividades 5 y 6, p.416

    Prctica comunicativa (con el verbo habery ponerse, hacerse, etc.)Conversacin, Act. 8, p.417

    Viern., 7 de marzo Estudiar vocabulario, pp.431-433

    12.3 Pronombres del complemento indirecto con mandatos y el

    subjuntivo, pp.436-437

    Captulo 12:Prctica comunicativa (Pronombres del

    complemento indirecto con mandatos y elsubjuntivo)

    Las visitas al mdico, a la farmacia y al

    hospital, p.419

    Act. 9, p.420

    10-16 de marzo Spring Break

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    Span 210. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar created by Mnica Mulholland, Ph.D. Spring 2014. MCL, GMU Page 10

    SEMANA 9

    Lunes, 17 de


    12.5 El pluscuamperfecto (presente perfecto), el imperfecto y el

    pretrito, pp.440-443

    Captulo 12:Prctica comunicativa: El

    pluscuamperfecto, el imperfecto y el


    Mircoles, 19 demarzo

    Estudiar para la composicin 2 COMPOSICIN 2: (200 palabras) 35 min.Repaso Caps. 11 y 12

    Viern., 21 de


    Estudiar vocabulario, pp.463-464

    13.3 Otros usos de por ypara, pp.467-468CENTRO Captulo 12 dueSunday, March 23by midnight

    Captulo 13: De compras:Conozca Per!, p.445

    Actividades sobre el vocabulario de las


    Los productos y los materiales, p.446

    Acts. 1 & 2, pp.446-447

    SEMANA 10

    Lunes, 24 de


    Estudiar para el examen 2,caps. 11 y 12 EXAMEN 2Caps. 11 y 12. 50 min.

    Mirc., 26 de


    13.4 Pronombres del complemento indirecto, pp. 469-470.

    13.5 Los pronombres del complemento directo e indirecto,pp.470-


    Captulo 13:Prctica comunicativa (Los pronombres

    del complemento directo e indirecto)

    Los precios, p.449

    Conversacin, Act.6, p.451

    Viern., 28 de


    ROLE-PLAY #1 tener todo listo para practicar en clase CENTRO Captulo 13 dueSunday, March 30by midnight

    Captulo 13:Comprando ropa, p.453

    Acts. 7, 9 y 10, pp.454-455

    Las compras y el regateo, p.456

    Conversacin, Actividad 11, pp.456-457

    ROLE-PLAY #1: practicar en clase

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    Span 210. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar created by Mnica Mulholland, Ph.D. Spring 2014. MCL, GMU Page 11

    SEMANA 11

    Lunes, 31 de mar ROLE-PLAY #1

    Comp. 2, version 2.Submit both version 1 & 2 stapled

    ROLE-PLAY #1

    Comp. 2, versin 2 (recoger)

    Mirc., 2 de abril ROLE-PLAY #1 ROLE-PLAY #1

    Captulo 14: La familia y los consejos:Conozca Espaa!, p.475

    Viern., 4 de abril Estudiar vocabulario, pp.496-497

    Leer Los refranes, pp.493-494, hacer ejercicio Comprensin de la

    p.494 y contestar las siguientes preguntas: De estos refranes,

    explique cules prefiere. Conoce otros refranes en espaol?

    Cules son los refranes ms populares en ingls / en otro idioma

    que Ud. habla?

    Captulo 14:Actividades sobre el vocabulario de las


    La familia, las amistades y el matrimonio,


    Acts. pp.477-478

    Los refranes, pp.493-494

    SEMANA 12

    Lunes, 7 de abril Estudiar vocabulario, pp.496-497

    14.1 Pronombres recprocos, pp.498-499

    14.2 Ser vs. estar, pp.499-502

    Captulo 14:Conversacin, practicar el vocabulario del

    cap. 14

    Conversacin, Acts. 4 y 5, pp.478-479

    Ejercicios de gramtica (Pronombres

    recprocos. Ser vs. Estar)

    Mirc., 9 de abril 14.3 Los mandatos familiares y formales, pp.502-505 Captulo 14:Prctica comunicativa (Los mandatos

    familiares y formales)Las instrucciones y los mandatos, pp.482-


    Conversacin, Acts. 9 y 10, p.484

    Viern., 11 de abril 14.4 Mandatos con el subjuntivo, pp.506-508

    14.5 Ms usos del subjuntivo, pp.509-511

    Submit list of group members and description of Role-play #2.

    CENTRO Captulo 14 dueSunday, April 13by midnight

    Role-play #2 (recoger lista)

    Captulo 14: Prctica comunicativa(Mandatos con el subjuntivo y ms usos

    del subjuntivo). Las rdenes, consejos y

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    Span 210. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar created by Mnica Mulholland, Ph.D. Spring 2014. MCL, GMU Page 12

    sugerencias, p.485- 487

    SEMANA 13

    Lunes, 14 de abril Estudiar para el examen 3, caps. 13 y 14 Repaso Caps. 13 y 14


    16 de abrilEstudiar para el examen 3, caps. 13 y 14 EXAMEN 3Caps. 13 y 14.50 min.

    Viern., 18 de abril Submit list of group members and description of Role-play #2.

    Estudiar vocabulario, pp.536-537

    15.1 El futuro, pp.538-539

    Role-play #2 (recoger lista)

    Captulo 15: El porvenir:Conozca Mxico!, p.513

    Actividades sobre el vocabulario de las


    Prctica comunicativa (El futuro)

    Conversacin, Acts. 3, 4 y 5 p.516

    (pp.514-515 opcional)

    SEMANA 14


    21 de abril

    Estudiar vocabulario, pp.536-537

    15.2 El subjuntivo con clusulas del tiempo, pp.539-541

    Captulo 15:

    Conversacin, practicar el vocabulario delcap. 15

    El futuro y las metas personales, p.514

    Prctica comunicativa (Las clusulas del



    23 de abril

    Venir preparados a escribir Composicin 3 (250 palabras)

    Leer Ventanas Culturales: La presencia hispana en EEUU, p.523,

    contestar las preguntas de la seccin Comprensin y las

    siguientes: Hay varios grupos tnicos que tienen mucha

    influencia en la sociedad de EE.UU., cules son? Qu sabe de

    esas culturas? Tiene contacto con alguna comunidad hispana

    de los Estados Unidos? Disfruta de algn aspecto de esacomunidad? Cul? Mencione por lo menos 5 ejemplos de la

    presencia hispana en los Estados Unidos.

    COMPOSICIN 3: (250 palabras) 35 min.

    Ventanas culturales: La presencia hispana

    en EEUU, p.523

    Viern., 25 de abril Role-play #2 venir preparados para practicar o grabar (video-tape) la conversacin. Traer elementos (props) para hacer el

    trabajo ms interesante.

    Los estudiantes tienen este da para

    practicar o grabar su conversacin.

    Recurdenles que no pueden leer. Deben

    practicar mucho.

    SEMANA 15

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    Span 210. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar created by Mnica Mulholland, Ph.D. Spring 2014. MCL, GMU Page 13


    28 de abril

    Role-play #2 Role-play #2

    Mierc. 30 de abril Comp. 3, version 2. Submit both version 1 & 2 stapled.

    Role-play #2

    Comp. 3, versin 2 (recoger)

    Role-play #2

    Viern., 2 de mayo Repaso para examen final (Caps. 9-15) CENTRO Captulo 15 dueSunday, May 4by midnight

    Repaso para examen final (Caps. 9-15).

    Actividades comunicativas a cargo del


    5 de mayo

    Last day of classes

    Repaso para examen final (Caps. 9-15) Repaso para examen final (Caps. 9-15).

    Actividades comunicativas a cargo del


    FINAL EXAM: Instructors, please, specify date and time of your final exam:
