st. andrew's proclaim may june 2013

Proclaim May June 2013 Proclaim Newsletter of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Mahtomedi, Minnesota A message that addresses the challenges and realities of daily life. Music to match. 900 Stillwater Rd • Mahtomedi MN • (651) 426-3261 • Wednesday Night Worship Next Wednesday Night Worship Series: “Who is this man?” 5/8/13 “The man who won’t go away” 5/15/13 “A revolution of humanity” 5/22/13 “The power of forgiveness” 5/29/13 “Why it’s a small world after all” 6/5/13 “Three days that changed the world” 6/12/13 “Next to Jesus, the two things that will change your life the most” Wednesday Nights at St. Andrew’s Food Trucks 5-8 p.m. June 5-Aug. 28 Worship 6:15-7 p.m. All Year Long Grab a blanket or chairs, your family and neighbors, and join us for "Wednesdays at St. Andrew's." A community event with a variety of food trucks, fun jumps for kids and world class musicians playing during the 6:15 worship service. COME FOR THE FOOD...STAY FOR THE WORSHIP .

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Newsletter of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church


Page 1: St. Andrew's Proclaim May June 2013

ProclaimMay June 2013

ProclaimNewsletter of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Mahtomedi, Minnesota


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Next WednesdayNight Worship

Series:“Who is this man?”

5/8/13 “The man who won’t go away”

5/15/13“A revolution of humanity”

5/22/13 “The power of forgiveness”

5/29/13 “Why it’s a small world after all”

6/5/13“Three days that changed the world”

6/12/13“Next to Jesus, the two things that

will change your life the most”

Wednesday Nights at St. Andrew’sFood Trucks 5-8 p.m. June 5-Aug. 28 Worship 6:15-7 p.m. All Year Long

Grab a blanket or chairs, your family and neighbors, and join us for "Wednesdays at St. Andrew's."

A community event with a variety of food trucks, fun jumps for kids and world class musicians playing during the 6:15 worship service.


Page 2: St. Andrew's Proclaim May June 2013


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Not long ago, the cover of our denominational magazine “The Lutheran” had a picture of a small countrychurch at sunset with bold words that read, “The Shrinking Church.” The article went on to describephenomena that are not only happening in our denomination but in all main-line denominations: de-clines in denominational members, total numbers of churches, and in attendance. The article reportedthat 30 percent of our churches now worship 50 people or less a weekend and denominational member-ship continues to go down. The article stated that declines are happening without respect to geographicarea. In other words, the decline is not only happening in rural but in urban areas as well.

Why is the church shrinking? The article stated many reasons: A lessening of denominational loyalty.Political conflicts within denominations. A society that is busier and more exhausted than ever. A soci-ety that now has youth sporting events on Sunday mornings, as well as changes to the traditional familystructure. Increasing competition from social media, etc... etc….

What can be done about the decline in “the church”? First and foremost this trend is not only unaccept-able but unfaithful. Christ’s great commission is to “Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them

in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the HolySpirit.” Not, “Open your doors and hope people come to you.” Second, I havecome to believe that somewhere along the line far too many churches became in-ternally focused instead of externally focused. Most churches and church organi-zations were started as a “Mission of God” with the purpose of changing theircommunity and the world, but far too often their focus shifted towards institutionalmaintenance and survival. As in our own personal lives, when our focus is prima-rily on the self, not on others, our world becomes smaller. I have now served fivechurches during four different calls. Each one of them was different except for thefact that all of them, with one exception, were experiencing a decline in atten-

dance and a shortage of resources. In each case, the trend began to reverse when we became more intentional about look-ing outward as opposed to looking inward.

At the start of every worship service we announce that, “Our mission is to Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve! Weexist to give ourselves away in love to the world in the name of Christ.” Our newer ministries such as the Resource Centerand Tree House, and our long-standing ministries like Mission Jamaica and Vision Slovakia, all exist to do kingdom work,which is to make the world more like the world Christ envisioned. I believe that this outward focus is responsible for some ofthe spiritual and numerical growth we are starting to experience. The church is to “Proclaim Christ” by announcing the goodnews but also by being the hands, the arms, the feet of Jesus doing his work in the world until he comes.

Let us not “shrink” but grow in our impact in our community and the world.

In the name of Christ,

John Hogenson





The Shrinking ChurchWhat can be done about it?

Page 3: St. Andrew's Proclaim May June 2013


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

900 Stillwater RoadMahtomedi MN 55115

(651) 426-3261

S T . A N D R E W ’ S W O R S H I P T I M E S

Traditional Sunday Worship9 & 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary

Contemporary WorshipSaturday 5 p.m. Great HallSunday 9:30 a.m. Great Hall

Wednesday Night Worship6:15 p.m. Sanctuary


Worship at St. Andrew’s Village: 1 p.m.

Hilton Trail Closing Late May to Mid-JulyThe Hilton Trail interchange at Highway 36 and parts of Hilton Trail are scheduled to close in late May and re-open mid-July. Two pri-mary alternative routes are shown below – Lake Elmo Avenue north to Stillwater Road; or Century Avenue to 244 (County Road E).Call if necessary and we’ll talk you in, and we’ll keep things updated at Information is also available at


Page 4: St. Andrew's Proclaim May June 2013


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church presents

God’s Handiwork, Our HomeGod’s Handiwork, Our HomeSaturday, May 4

Outdoor Service, Great Hall, 5:00 PM

Sunday, May 5Both services feature

Professor Terrence Fretheim

Blessing of the Animals Sunday, 1:00 PM • Sanctuary front lawn


Celebrate the great wonder of God’s creation, and get inspired to care for our earthly home

Featuring:Activities for kids

Animal Angels – Therapy DogsLive, WILD Animals

U of M Master GardenersBuying Local: River Market Coop

The Crazy Puppy Gourmet WorkshopCycling and more!

BIKE or WALK to church instead of driving!We’re on, rain or shine.

Hosted by the St. Andrew’s Environmental Stewardship Team

Guest to Preach on Creation WeekendProfessor Terrence Fretheim Guest Preacher for St. Andrew’s Caring for Creation Weekend Professor Terrence Fretheim will preach atall worship services on Caring for CreationWeekend May 4 and 5. He is a graduate ofLuther College (Phi Beta Kappa) and LutherTheological Seminary. He received hisPh.D. from Princeton Seminary and hasalso studied at the Universities of Chicago,Durham, Heidelberg, Cambridge and Ox-ford. A prolific writer and scholar, Fretheimparticularly likes writing for pastors and laypeople. Recently,he has added three books to his list of publications: God andWorld in the Old Testament: A Relational Theology of Cre-ation; Abraham: Journeys of Family and Faith; and Hope inGod in Times of Suffering (with Faith Fretheim). He is alsofeatured in a nine-part video series, Fretheim Explores Gen-esis.

Donations RequestedAs you may know, St. Andrew’s sends many guests from theCommunity Resource Center to the Alley Shoppe for neededitems; therefore, we help to stock their shelves. You candrop off any of the below items in one of our donation binson campus and we will make sure it gets to them. Items needed - spring and summer clothing, jackets, shoes,bedding, blankets, kitchenware, toys, games, childrens'books, and small kitchen appliances.

800 Easter Baskets GoTo Hurricane VictimsMore than 800 Easter baskets (in the form of backpacks)were gratefully accepted atthe Lutheran Social ServiceCenters of New York andthen distributed to victimsof Hurricane Sandy andSnowstorm Nemo. Thankyou to all who contributed –the baskets and contentswere greatly appreciated in a great time of need.

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Bible Studies Open To You1. READ Old TestamentMondays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. ORTuesdays, 7-8 p.m.Taught by Pastor John StraitonGreat Hall. Open to all.

2. Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible StudyTuesdays, 6:30-7:30 a.m.Taught by Pastor John StraitonGreat Hall. Open to all men.

3. Women’s Bible Study ConnectionTaught by Carrin MahmoodOpen to all women.Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Great Hall OREvery other Tuesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Off Campus OREvery other Saturday, 9-10:30 a.m.

Off Campus

4. Gospel Lesson Study (April 8-May 20)Mondays, 9:30-10:15 a.m. Great HallStudy Gospel from upcoming week’s worship.Taught by Pastor John Straiton.Open to all.

Wear Red to Worship May 18 and 19Pentecost Festival Weekend May 18 and 19 Pentecost commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit to theTwelve Apostles and other followers of Jesus as described inActs 2: “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all to-gether in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of aviolent wind came from heaven and filled the whole housewhere they were sitting. They saw what seemed to betongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each ofthem. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.” For thisreason, Pentecost is known as the "Birthday of the Church."In message and music we celebrate the coming of the HolySpirit. See you in red!

New Member ClassSunday, July 14, 11:30 a.m.Interested in becoming more formally connected with St. An-drew’s? Attend a New Member class on Sunday, July 14, at11:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Building. The class provides 1)an overview of St. Andrew’s and its ministries, 2) an introduc-tion to the pastors and staff, 3) an opportunity to learn moreabout the Lutheran faith, and 4) how to get involved in the lifeand ministry of St. Andrew’s. Call Ronda at 651-762-9139 ore-mail at [email protected] to register. Lunch pro-vided and childcare available.

Loaves & Fishes Dorothy Day Center Meal Meals are served every other month on the 4th Tuesday topeople that are homeless or struggling with poverty. The nextmeal serving date is Tuesday, March 28, 2:30 - 6 p.m. Let usknow if you would like to help! Rice Krispie Bars are alsoneeded. If you can supply these, please deliver them to thechurch kitchen by 11 a.m. Thank you! Contact Mike/GayleHuseth at 651-426-4166 or [email protected].

Calling All Garden LoversNo green thumb necessary! We need your help to keep ourgardens and campus beautiful. Please consider volunteeringon a rotating schedule for the following opportunities:1. Water our containers2. Spring clean up of the gardens3. Help weed, plant and maintain the Great Hall garden4. Help maintain the rain garden5. Help plant, weed, harvest community vegetable garden. Please contact Cynthia Hammel at [email protected].

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

by Liz Schreier, Resource Center Team

This is not a grand story about a family who is experiencinghomelessness. This is a simple story of a woman in her fortieswho came to the Community Resource Center because she wasfeeling as if her life was “falling apart.” Shehad a series of challenging events in her life.She had surgery and had one lung removed.This put her out of work, and required alengthy recovery. Through a “glitch” in thesystem, her disability checks were not com-ing, and she was owed five months worth.Her car was having trouble in the “front end,”and she couldn’t afford to fix it. She felt as ifnothing in her life was going right. As sheshared her situation, tears welled up in hereyes. She shared how thankful she was thatSt. Andrew’s was here for her. She had no idea how else shewould receive help.

She came in because she needed food and some householditems. As I helped her carry her things out to her car, I invitedher to the Free Community Meal on Thursdays. Her first ques-tion was, “Will you be there?”

This question suggests to me that she was apprehensive aboutcoming to a dinner where she doesn’t know anybody. As amember of St. Andrew’s community, I not only invite you tocome to a community dinner, but I implore you to come. Please

come and be the welcoming presence and the gra-cious host that represents St. Andrew’s. If you seesomeone coming in alone, please sit with them.

I am often told by congregation members that theydon’t want to come and have a free dinner thatcould be for someone else that really needs it. Tothis, I say that we make enough food for ALL tocome. This is the purpose of the “community” din-ner.

I am also often told, “But we don’t know what tosay to anyone.” This one is easy: say whatever you say to yourown family when you are sitting at the dinner table. Talk aboutyour joys of the week, talk about your struggles of the week,talk about your fears and your triumphs, your friends, your pets,or your family. Or better yet, just listen.

Hours of operation (Starting in March 2011)

Monday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon

St. Community Resource Center 900 Stillwater Rd. Mahtomedi, MN 55115

Email: [email protected] Phone: 651-762-9124 Fax: 651-426-1716 Online:


community RReessoouurrccee CCeenntteerr

------------------------------ CChhrriisstt--cceenntteerreedd lloovvee ffoorr aallll

There’s Enough Food For You – Please Come

Pete StraumanChristian love and sympathy are extended to the family ofPete Strauman. Pete died at the age of 61 on February 18.Pete was a member of St. Andrew’s and his memorial servicewas held on Feb. 22. May Christ’s resurrection bring hopeand comfort to his family and to his many relatives andfriends.

John RodenChristian love and sympathy are extended to the family ofJohn Roden. John died at the age of 71 on Mar. 14. John wasa friend of St. Andrew’s and his memorial service was held onMar. 21. May Christ’s resurrection bring hope and comfort tohis family and to his many relatives and friends.

Faerie WernerChristian love and sympathy are extended to the family ofFaerie Werner. Faerie died at the age of 94 on Apr. 5. Faeriewas a member of St. Andrew’s and her memorial service washeld on April 11. May Christ’s resurrection bring hope andcomfort to her family and to her many relatives and friends.

Alvin MohrChristian love and sympathy are extended to the family ofAlvin Mohr. Alvin died at the age of 96 on Apr. 6. Alvin was amember of St. Andrew’s and his funeral service was held onApr. 12. May Christ’s resurrection bring hope and comfort tohis family and to his many relatives and friends.


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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

by Kris Mason, Resource Center Team

We have had quite a journey these past two years at the Com-munity Resource Center! We continue to share hope and helpfamilies as we grow and put God’s gifts to work. The individu-als, families, and staff of the Resource Center have formed asafe and supportive community where everyone is welcome.Even after they have received help, manyguests call to say hi, or visit at the ThursdayNight Community Meals.

This past August 2012, a mom and dad withtwo children came to us needing help. Momhad recently lost her job at a bank, they wereunable to pay the full amount of rent, and hadbeen evicted from their home. Mom had beensearching for another job, but had not foundone at this point. They were homeless, and allof the other shelters were full. We were able to get them intoour shelter program, set up a goal plan, and provide supportduring what can be a very stressful time. Unfortunately for thisfamily, the stress of no income and no home of their own was ina sense paralyzing for them. Even with everything our programwas able to provide, it was too difficult for them at the time tofollow through with the appointments and guidelines that werein place to help them. They left our program after a couple ofweeks to stay with a family member, where they felt like theywould have a better chance for progress.

We had not heard from this particular family again until March12 of this year. Mom contacted us via email and said that they

were once again in need of help; they had no place to live andasked if we “could find it in our heart to give them anotherchance.” The next day when they came in we asked them togive us an update; where they had been living and working, andhow they were doing as a family. Their story was not a happyone. They had stayed with a brother for a short time after leav-ing us last fall, but had really been bouncing around from place

to place. Dad had been working some side jobsfor cash, but did not have consistent employment,and mom had not found that banking job she hadbeen looking for. They were exhausted and did notknow where else to turn. There were tears whenthey talked about so desperately wanting a betterlife for their family. “Our kids deserve better thanthis,” they said.

After a long conversation with Mom and Dad abouttheir goals and our program, we all agreed that a

second chance was what this family needed. What a blessing ithas been for us to have them return! They are committed toworking hard on their goals, supportive toward one another, andare a positive example to our other guests. In just a week, Dadfound full-time employment, and they have several promisinghousing opportunities that are close to his new job.

In the case of this family, we were able to show what grace isall about, but this is only one story of the incredible things hap-pening at the Community Resource Center. Because of the sup-port of our fabulous congregation, lives are being changed.Thank you!

Hours of operation (Starting in March 2011)

Monday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon

St. Community Resource Center 900 Stillwater Rd. Mahtomedi, MN 55115

Email: [email protected] Phone: 651-762-9124 Fax: 651-426-1716 Online:


community RReessoouurrccee CCeenntteerr

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Return to Grace

As part of its mission to serve others in Christ’s name, St. An-drew’s created the Benevolence Committee to help supportministries around the world. We allocate grant money tolocal, national and international categories. Our most recentgrants are:• East Metro Women’s Council (local, $5,000) The grant wasfor their HomeSafe Program that helps move survivors of do-mestic violence out of shelter and into stable housing.• Desana (international, $10,000) This grant is for House ofHope, a safe house for children rescued from the slums inKisenyi, Uganda, and Naguru Remand Center (children’s

prison). The monies will be used for food, educational sup-plies, and Bibles for the kids.• Operation Dignity (international, $25,000) This grant is thesecond in a project that will complete four fish ponds thatwill supply food and income to the village of Adagya, Ghana.Profits from the fish farm will help build the infrastructure ofinformation and health care for the town.

If you want to learn more about what the Benevolence Com-mittee has done in our effort to support ministries, check usout under the Give tab at St. Andrew’s website.

Benevolence Committee Awards New Grants

Page 8: St. Andrew's Proclaim May June 2013


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


Young Families3 for MeRegister Online Now! A Fun Break for Parents and Kids! “Three for Me” offers three hours of free time for busy momsand dads while their kids enjoy three hours of Bible explorationthrough play, songs, crafts and group activities - all in a safe,nurturing environment. Staff is CPR and first aid certified.Location: Great Hall NurseryAges: 12 months to 5 yearsDays: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and/or ThursdaysTimes: 9 a.m. – noon; Lunch Bunch 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

(lunches are brought from home) Cost: $16/day or $21/day (lunch bunch added) Dates: Summer Session 4, June 4 – August 29Payments are collected for the entire session at the time of reg-istration. Reimbursement will not be given for missed days. Inorder to insure proper staff coverage, drop- ins for the day willnot be possible. For more information please contact KristyMoosbrugger at 651-762-9136 or [email protected]

Parent’s Night OutTake a break with a night away! Enjoy a quiet dinner or do a littleshopping while your children enjoy a Veggie Tale Party with crafts,games, songs, and a movie. We will provide dinner for children. Location: Sanctuary Nursery Room 101. Ages: Birth – 5 yrs. (will take up to 8 yrs. with request) Dates: Fridays, May 10, June 14, July 12 and Aug. 9, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $10 per child or $25 per family. Register online at one week priorto the event. For more information contact Kristy Moosbrugger at651-762-9136.

Family Frolic Mondays: 9-11 a.m. Continues through June 3.Parents and their preschool age children are invited to opengym time in the Youth & Sports Center.Cost is $1 per child at the door. Contact Lisa Heyer at 651-762-9175 for more information.

Camp WAPO Summer 2013There are still spaces available! Register today to join in the ex-citement. What better way to grow in your faith than spend timeat Bible camp this summer. Join St. Andrew’s this August atcamp.

New this summer: Seeds Weekend for completed 2nd and 3rd Grade. When: Aug. 2 – 4, 2013, Cost: $150 due with registration.An action packed weekend for our young campers begins onFriday, Aug. 2, at 7 p.m. and concludes with worship at 12:30p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 4. WAPO will provide a safe and caring en-vironment filed with music, Bible study, campfires, crafts, wateractivities and tons of games.

WAPO Youth Camp for completed 4th through 6th grade. When: Aug. 4-9, 2013, Cost $395; $100 deposit with registrationDuring the week at WAPO you will stay in a cabin with up to 14kids and 2 counselors. Each day includes Bible study, worship,cabin activities, field games, and campfire. During scheduledfree time you can enjoy swimming, arts and crafts, hanging outwith friends, treats from the canteen, and so much more. Meetnew friends and spend time with old ones during non-stop funat Camp WAPO.

Registration is now available online. If you have questions con-tact Lisa Heyer at [email protected] or 651-762-9175.

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


kipping tones

M i n i s t r y

F a i t h


Vacation Bible School This summer St. Andrew’s is pleased to announce new options for VacationBible School. Not only will we have our morning VBS in June, we will be offer-ing VBS Extended Day for a full day of fun for kidsat our June VBS. We are also adding in program-ming for ages 12 months to 3 years in our Nurs-ery VBS, for the morning program. Looking for adifferent time frame? There will be an eveningCross+Generational VBS later in the summer withseparate parent Bible study and kids rotations. Allof these options are available for ages 3(01/01/13) through completed Grade 5. Childrenand families of all abilities are welcome. Pleasenotify us if you or your children need modifications or special accommoda-tions. Check out the details below! Registration is open online.

VBS 2013:Dates: June 24-28, 9 a.m. - noonAges 12 months – Grade 5Cost: $35 per child family max $125Join in the fun of Vacation Bible School where children will learn about God’sbig backyard! Students will learn through songs, games, crafts, service andBible stories that pull the whole day together.

VBS Extended DayDates: June 24-28, noon – 5:30 p.m.Cost: $100 per child, bring your own lunchContinue on with the theme of VBS through movie, playtime, field trips, andother fun activities. Bring a book from home for quiet time or your Librarycard for our trip to the library. This option is open to ages 3 through Grade 5,enrolled in VBS mornings.

Cross+Generational VBSCross-Generational Vacation Bible School will be a great opportunity for thewhole family (moms, dads, grandparents, even young adults) to grow in faithtogether. Start the evening with dinner and fellowship, then worship for allages. Break into groups for adult Bible study, as kids move through a rotationof activities. Come back together at the end of our time for group service proj-ects and sending. Dinner will be provided!Dates: July 29-Aug. 1 Time: 5:30-8 p.m.Costs: $125 for a family, or $35 for an individual

Celebrating BaptismBaptism Preparation Class: Sunday, May 5,12 noon in Sanctuary Room 204, OR Thurs-day, June 13, 6:30 p.m. in the Great HallRoom 6. We ask that families attend one baptismclass to prepare for the baptism of yourchild. The class is free of charge; pleaseregister at least one week prior. Childcare isavailable. Contact Lisa Heyer at 651-762-9175 to register for the class and set up abaptism.

Important Dates in May and June

May:5: Baptism Class, Sanctuary Room 204, 12 noon

10: Parents’ Night Out18 & 19: Last weekend of Sunday School22: Wednesday Night J.O.Y. Continues29: Family Worship at

Wednesday Night WorshipJune:

13: Baptism Class in Great Hall Room 6,6:30 p.m.

14: Parents’ Night Out20: Family Summer Stretch Jr.24-28: VBS and VBS Extended Day

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

CCONFIRMATIONONFIRMATIONConfirmation Finale and FamilyBlast Celebration! Sunday, May 19, 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the SanctuaryWe are excited to welcome the nationally known group Lostand Found to St. Andrew’s. George Baum and MichaelBridges, with piano and guitar, have a unique way of singingand telling stories that will entertain and touch your spirit. Thisevent is open to the whole congregation.

Confirmation Schedule(6th, 7th & 8th Grade)Sunday Village:

April 7 - Session 12April 14 - Session 13April 21 - Session 14April 28 - Session 15May 5 - Session 16May 19 - Confirmation Finale and Sunday Family Blast

Wednesday Villages: April 3 - Session 13April 10 - Session 14April 17 - Session 15April 24 - Session 16 May 1 - Session 17 (6th) Service Day (7th & 8th)May 8 - Session 18 (6th) Session 18 (7th & 8th)May 15 – Session 19May 19 - Confirmation Finale and Sunday

Family Blast Night

Confirmation Service Day (7th & 8th graders) We are going to help serve the campus of St. Andrew’s bydoing a spring clean up day! We will be serving alongside theEnvironmental Stewardship team. Make sure to wear clothesyou don’t mind getting dirty and get ready to have fun!Wednesday, May 1 from 5 to 6 p.m. and from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.

Confirmation Camp! Remember that it is an expectation of the ministry that youthcomplete one week of Christian Camping or a Mission Trip be-fore they are confirmed. We have several options and alsohave financial assistance available. Talk with Erin if you arenot signed up yet!• Journey of the Cross, July 14-19 at Ox Lake, Amery, WI, $385• Confirmation Camp (completed grades 7 & 8), Aug. 4-9 at Camp WAPO, $300

• 8th grade only: Wisconsin, July 14-19, Cost: $492, Nebraska, June 15-22, Cost: $383

Confirmation Camp MeetingSunday, July 7, 11: 30 a.m. to noon. Sanctuary Room 201This will be the meeting for all those who are going to Journeyof the Cross Camp. This meeting is for parents and campers.Find out what to pack, how we will be getting to camp, andwhat we will be doing. You will not want to miss this informa-tive time.

Thank You-A-Thon In the middle of February, youth from St. Andrew’s called over 500 families from the congregation to say thank you for their pastsupport. Your generous response to a great need helps to make ministries affordable for families! And don’t forget, we will have aWorship Service and Summer Celebration on August 18 in the Great Hall to hear the stories from youth and leaders on how theirfaith has been transformed.

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Mission Trips (completed grades 8-12)• Axtell, Nebraska - June 15-22 For over 100 years Mosaic has been providing a life of possibili-ties for people with intellectual disabilities. At the core of thismission is the belief that every person deserves the opportu-nity to live each day with purpose and the way they choose to.Mosaic helps make that happen so that every person they serveis able to describe each day as their perfect day. Come and bea part of this life changing week. Cost: $383. Last Day to Reg-ister: June 2.

• Crossways Camp, Hatley Wisconsin - July 14-19 Come and spend a week learning about God, serve in a localcommunity, go canoeing and stay at camp. A perfect mix ofservice, adventure and camp. This Mission Trip will suit youthwho like a little adventure with their mission. Cost: $492. LastDay to Register: June 30

Wednesday Night ActivitiesFinal nights are May 1, 8 & 15!2:45 to 7 p.m. in the Gym, Pier 7, Community Room. All activitiesfree of charge. The Youth and Sports Center offers space for

homework, gym time, organized games, outdoor games(weather permitting) and a movie room for relaxing or burningoff some energy after the school day. Papa Murphy’s Pizza, Do-natelli’s salad and soup is also available for purchase.

Final Mission Trip Meeting Sunday, June 2, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Pier 7Join us for the final mission trip meeting before we all head outon our summer journeys. Both trip attenders are highly encour-aged to be present, but Nebraska Missionaries are expected tocome because it will be the last time for any big news or infor-mation regarding your trip!

Mission Commissioning Sunday, June 9 at the Sanctuary 10:30 a.m. serviceBe a part of this final blessing from the entire St. Andrew’scommunity before heading out on your mission experience thissummer. All those going on summer mission trips to Wisconsin,Nebraska and Slovakia are expected to attend as it will be partof connecting the missions with the church.


Soo Bahk Do KarateClasses run in 12-week sessions. Tuesday Nights – Beginners6:30-7:30 p.m.; Advanced 7:30-8:30 p.m. Training Sessions –Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m. Y&SC. $95; 2nd family member is $55;3rd $35. Uniforms required and available through the instructor.To register, please fill out a registration envelope available ineach building. Call Dan at 651-275-0892 for more information.

Do You Like to Bike?The “Holy Rollers” are underway for 2013. It is for people of allages and abilities. The rides are about 1 – 1.5 hours in lengthand start in the Great Hall lot. The rides will be every week allsummer Tuesdays, 8 a.m.; Thursdays 6:30 p.m.; and Saturdays,9:15 a.m. For more information call Dennis Lindeke at 651-426-9415 or Barb Lunn at 651-429-3806.


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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Spring FlingFriday, May 10, 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the Great Hall. Cost: $5Put some spring in your dance step! Join us for this year’sSpring Fling, a Middle School-only dance (grades 6, 7 and 8) inthe Great Hall. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated!Contact Jenelle Thorvilson if you’d like to help:[email protected].

A Day Away at the MOAFriday, June 14Come experience a fun day with your friends at the Mall ofAmerica! We’ll look for different ways God is working whilewe’re at the mall, as well as experience all the exciting thingsthe mall has to offer. We’ll check out all the cool shops andenjoy the exciting amusement park! Register online by Sunday,June 2.

Summer Stretch Wednesdays, June 19,-July24 and Thursday, Aug. 1Stay connected with your friends at St. A’s and connect with ourcommunity through this awesome summertime experience! Formiddle school youth who have completed grades 6 thru 8. Therundown of your midweek getaway looks like this:June 12 - 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost: $25

• Morning: Minnesota Zoo• Afternoon: Second Harvest Food Shelf

June 19 - 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost: $20• Morning: Union Gospel Mission• Afternoon: Vertical Endeavors

July 3 - 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: $15• Morning: Feed My Starving Children• Afternoon: Cascade Bay

July 10 - 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost: $25• Morning: Science Museum • Afternoon: Second Harvest Food Shelf

July 17 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost: $25• Morning: Grand Slam• Afternoon: Feed My Starving Children

July 24 - 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost: $10• Morning: PINZ• Afternoon: Second Harvest Food Shelf

August 1 (Thursday) – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Must sign up for at leastone other day to attend

• All Day: Valleyfair Cost: $32

Tshirts: $6 (needed only for Valleyfair) free if you sign up forthree or more days.

Drivers for SummerStretch Needed!If you are available to help drive to any of these locations, wewould love to know your availability! You can do a full day or ahalf day. Contact either Justin Pinotti at [email protected] or Mary Post at [email protected] if you areinterested in helping out!

VBS God Squad (June 24-28)Training Sessions:June 2, 1 to 2 p.m. or June 9, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Room201 (must attend one)June 23, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30, in Room 204AB (everyone mustattend to get assignments)

Soon it will be VBS time, and those in Middle School will get tostep up and work alongside high school and adult leaders. Youmight get to help run games, make crafts and play with childrenof all ages. We have two different options for our Middle SchoolYouth.

Morning Only Option: Meets from 8:30 a.m. to noon, Monday- FridayYouth will meet for morning devotions and then go off to theirassignments. At noon they will be dismissed. Cost is $15- cov-ers T-shirt, CD and snacks for each day.

Full Day Option: Meets from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday – Friday. Youth will meet for morning devotions and then go off to theirassignments. During the extended time youth will get to makeall the crafts, explore the Bible stories on their own level, havetime to make new friends and connect with their old ones, havelunch together and so much more. Cost is $40. This coverstheir T-Shirt, name tag, CD, lunch, crafts other supplies for theextended afternoon time.

Summer Service OpportunityLooking for a cool Youth Service Opportunity this Summer?Volunteers are needed Monday-Thursday from June 10-Aug. 29,2013 from 9-12 and 12-3. Contact Beth Smith at the ResourceCenter at [email protected] to help out! Both groupswill be invited to a party at the end of the week after the Volun-teer Lunch.


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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Senior BlessingSunday, June 2, 9:45 a.m. for brunch, 10:30 a.m. serviceAll those graduating high school and their families are invited tocome for a brunch and a special worship service. It is a greattime re-connect with old friends and catch up with currentones. For seniors, come with your cap and gown as we willtake a class picture after worship. You can RSVP online or youmight have received a post card in the mail that you can return.

Camp Leader TrainingSunday, May 19, 1 to 3 p.m. in the Youth & Sports Center, Pier 7 This is the FINAL spring training meeting. We need everyone tobe there as we will be talking about some final details for camp.

Summer Camp Training Make-Up SessionsSaturday, June 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pier 7 in the YSCThis is a make-up session for any and all youth who wish to bea leader at Confirmation Camp. You can come to only the partsyou missed, or stay the whole day to connect with other lead-ers. The schedule will be:

• 9 to 10:30 a.m. - Session 1• 10:30 to noon - Session 2• Noon to 1 p.m. - Lunch break (bring your own)• 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Session 3• 2:30 to 4 p.m. - Session 4

If you did not attend any of the trainings and now want to be acamp leader then you must attend all day.

Peer Ministry Meetings Sunday, May 5, & Tuesday, May 28, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Pier 7These are the final meetings until the fall. We will be planning aday Feed My Starving Children on July 25. Please RSVP advance as dinner is included and needs to be prepared.

High School Sunday SchoolMay 5, 12, 19, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Youth & Sports Center Pier 7 Come join this new and exciting program for high school stu-dents! We will dive into God’s word, looking at different ques-tions we have about our faith, current event topics, along with aBible study. This is a time to connect with others, discuss ourfaith and how it’s related to what’s happening in the world.We’ll also play games while we enjoy some breakfast goodies!

Book Club For Seniors and College StudentsFridays, June 14 & 28, July 5, 12, 19 & 26 and Aug. 2 & 16What will your faith look like after you leave the hallowed hallsof home and St. Andrews? Living your faith beyond high schoolis a whole new reality. We will come together at the Caribou onWhite Bear Ave and read the book “Red Letter Revolution” byTony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. It is great book that asksthe question: What if we took seriously what Jesus said?

Early Bird Breakfast ClubWhen school is in session: (last Week June 6)Every Thursday, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. Mahtomedi: Coffee Cottage, 88 Mahtomedi Ave. Stillwater: Starbucks, 5980 Neal Ave. N.

Every Thursday, 6:45 to 7:45White Bear Lake: McDonald’s, Highway 61

Meet with other High School youth to begin your day in theWord. Come for coffee, breakfast, connections and good con-versations. All high school youth are welcome!

Summer Jesus at the MoviesTuesdays, June 11, 25, July 9, 23 and August 13, 18Who doesn’t love a good flick and stimulating conversation?Especially when the conversation is about our faith and ourlives. Each week we meet, we will watch a film, some currentand some classics, and talk about how we are to view thisthrough a Christological lens. • June 11, July 9 & Aug. 13 at St. Andrew’s YSC- bring a snackto share 7 to 9 p.m.• June 25 & July 23 at Marcus Theater in Oakdale- Meet at 7p.m. at the Theater, bring money for movie and snacks• Aug. 18 - At Woodbury Drive-In

St. Paul Saints Baseball GameTuesday, June 18, 5 to 10 p.m.Come for a night full of baseball fun! We’ll enjoy some Jesustime while eating delicious stadium food and watching thecrazy antics that go along with a St. Paul Saints baseball game!Register online by Sunday, June 9.


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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


Two Girlfriends’ Get-Aways1. Weekend Away in Grand Marais Friday, July 26-Sunday, July 28. Join Women On the Edge, as we participate in the North ShoreDragon Boat Festival 2013. ( Spendyour days with fascinating women in community, adventure andpaddling.$130 saves a spot in the boat and covers your accommoda-tions. Contact Carrin Mahmood for more information at 651-762-9119, cmahmood@saintandrews, or see details in theWomen On The Edge Brochure located in all kiosks.

2. Sailing the Apostle IslandsFriday, Sept. 14–Sunday, Sept. 16Join Carrin Mahmood, Director of Women’s Ministry, for thisamazing voyage. Friday we will meet in Bayfield and spend theevening on the boat. Saturday we’ll sail through the heart ofthe Apostle Islands and visit some of the best sea caves on ourway to Cornacopia. We’ll stay in this secure quaint harbor onthe boat. Sunday we’ll have worship on the sea, pass moregreat islands and a light house or two as we head back to Bay-field. $350 is the fee for the trip. $100 non-refundable depositis due August 10. Contact Carrin [email protected] 651-762-9119 with questions.

Creative Prayer CirclePraying can be difficult: you may not know what to pray about,where to start, or which words to use. It shouldn’t be boring ormake you feel guilty. This is the perfect prayer opportunity foryou to experience prayer in a different way! Join us for a halfhour of creative prayer. Both morning and evening opportunitiesavailable, come to one or come to all!Sanctuary, Atrium LoungeJune: Letting Art Be Your Guide (all art provided)Monday, June 17, 10 a.m. OR Wednesday, June 19, 5:30 p.m.July: Creating A Clinging CrossMonday, July 15, 10 a.m. OR Wednesday, June 17, 5:30 p.m.August: A Multi-Sensory Walk Through John; “I am” PrayersMonday, Aug. 12, 10 a.m. OR Wednesday, Aug. 14, 5:30 p.m.

Women's Book ClubAll are Welcome3rd Monday of the month, Maplewood library

May- The Healing, by Jonathon O'dellJune-The Life of Alice K., by Jim Heyman

For Questions call Trudy McMurtry 651-773-3261

Habitat for HumanityWomen Build Days Monday, June 17, Wednesday, June 19 Mother Daughter Day (16 years old and up )Friday, June 21. Join us as we work on this year’s Habitat for Humanity home.Swing a hammer, learn a skill or be a site host or lunchprovider. To volunteer, go to and click on Help-ing Others, tab then local missions, where you will see theHabitat for Humanity tab.

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


Men’s Summer BBQsWednesday, June 12; 6-7:30 p.m.Great Hall (rain or shine); Free-will offeringPete Larson is the guest speaker for the June 12event. Pete is founder and director of Family FestMinistries, Inc., which seeks to strengthen families inthe Christian faith through week-long and weekendretreats for families and couples. He developed andleads the Marriage Booster Retreat for churchesthroughout Minnesota and beyond. Pete lives inBloomington with his wife, Lynn, and their two sons,Dan and Tim.

Invite your father, son, brother, neighbor and join otherChristian men in food, fun and fellowship.

Other BBQ Dates:Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 6-7:30 p.m.Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 6-7:30 p.m.

Men’s Softball Team Every summer St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church has twomen’s softball league teams. One of the teams islooking to add players. Games are held on Wednes-day nights, May 1 to July 31, at Lakewood Hills Parkfields. A double elimination tournament is held at theend of the season. Cost is $45. If interested, pleasecontact Bob Ohs; [email protected].

NOW ENROLLING FOR FALL 2013!Half Day Preschool for 3-5 year oldsFull Day Preschool, ages 16 mo-5 yrs

REGISTER TODAY FOR FALL 2013!Give your child a great start by enrolling in our Christian Preschool! The goal of the Preschools of St. Andrew’s is to provide a nurturing environmentstructured to enable children to become confident,inquisitive and independent learners. Our faith-basedcurriculum fosters spiritual growth for the entire family. We offer a wonderful intergenerational component as part of the senior living community ofSt. Andrew’s Village.

900 Stillwater RoadMahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 (651) 762-9121 (651)




Lunch Bunch

Learning with Friends, Fun and Faith

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Dear St. Andrew’s Foundation:

I am honored to be a recipient of a scholarship for Fall 2012 Semester.I appreciate your confidence in me and your willingness to contribute to my the-ological education. As I attend Luther Seminary this fall in part of your generousdonation, I will be able to continue to strive forward as I journey through my callinto ministry. I am grateful for the opportunities this award will provide me sinceI rely on financial aid, grants and student loans to help finance my education.Your prayers, guidance and monetary assistance have already impacted my lifein so many ways and I praise God for all of it.

Once again, I would like to extend my thanks to the scholarship committee andplease extend my thanks to the St. Andrew’s Community as well for their gen-erosity, guidance and kind spirit in helping provide funds for a scholarship of thisnature to be possible. I promise to work very hard and to continue giving back tothis community, my family here at St. Andrew’s. My work and education will beused to give back to others as I continue to serve as part of the Children’s Teamand many other capacities at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church.

Sincerely,Jenifer L. Lucero, M. Div Student at Luther Seminary


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


Listen to worship LIVEon the web and radio!Every Sunday our 9 a.m. worship service is broadcast live onKLBB radio 1220 AM and online at – justclick the "listen live" link. The broadcast is sponsored by TheFoundation of St. Andrew’s.

Sponsor a Radio BroadcastIndividuals are invited to sponsor a live radio broadcast ofworship at St. Andrew’s. Your sponsorship willbe announced on the air prior to the worshipbroadcast. Cost is $150 and checks can bemade payable to St. Andrew’s Foundation.Please drop at reception desk: Yes, I want tosponsor a weekly broadcast for $150.

Date of sponsorship:

Sponsored by:

Circle one and include details: • IN HONOR OF... • IN MEMORY OF... • TO THE GLORY OF GOD

Jenifer Lucero: Scholarship RecipientJen is the Children's Minister ofElementary Education here at St.Andrew while she attends LutherSeminary. She is originally fromAlbuquerque, New Mexico and agraduate of Roanoake College inVirginia. She originally plannedon a medical career, but chose totake some time off before making that decision. Shejoined Youth Encounters of St. Paul in 2010 and trav-eled with them for 2 years visiting over 600 churches,including St. Andrew’s. She discovered she had apassion for children and the ministry and returned toSt. Andrew’s on an intern basis and then moved intoher present position. This October she will be marriedand in 2014 she will graduate from the Seminarymoving forward into her pastoral future. Excerptsfrom her acceptance letter is at right.

Mustard Seed Garden ClubAfter a “normal” Minnesota winter, many of uslook forward to planting our flower and veg-etable gardens. We anxiously await the miracleof new growth and marvel at the diversity ofplants that spring forth from tiny seeds. Withproper care, these plants can flourish intobeautiful flowers and nurturing food.

Dreams are like seeds. They are kernels ofideas and hopes for the future. What dreamsdo you have for the children at St. Andrew’s? The Foundationhas nurtured the Christian development of our children over theyears with many scholarships to Bible camp and seminaryschool. We created the Mustard Seed Fund last year to reinforcethat support. Our first grant was to provide Spark Bibles to allour pre-school children as they enter Sunday School.

The children of St. Andrew’s are fertile ground for our spiritualand financial support. Why not plant a legacy seed now to sup-port our children with a bequest of a small portion of your es-tate? It’s a tiny seed of the many blessings given to you. It canbe as simple as naming the Foundation as a beneficiary of aportion of your 401K. Contact the church to have a member ofthe Foundation answer any questions you have. Imagine thepower of God’s return on our investment in the children. StartSmall, Dream BIG! How beautiful his garden will be!

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


Month of May Schedule for Choirs and Instrumental Groups in May

SUNDAY SCHEDULE Sunday, May 5 9:00 - St. Andrew’s Choir

10:30 - Choristers K,1; St. Andrew’s Choir; New Dimension Singers

Celebration Singers and Middle School Choirs will be singing at Christ Lutheran Church in Marine on St. Croix

Sunday, May 12 9:00 - Senior High Choir; St. Andrew’s Choir; Handbells

10:30 - Orff 2,3; King's Messengers 2,3; St. Andrew’s Choir; New Dimension Singers; Handbells

Sunday, May 19 9:00 St. Andrew’s Orchestra; St. Andrew’s Choir; Celebration Singers; Senior High Choir

10:30 - St. Andrew’s Orchestra; St. Andrew’s Choir; New Dimension Singers; MiddleSchool Choir

Sunday, May 26 Our choirs do not sing

Thank you, everyone, for your faithfulness in serving in music and worship.

Make a Joyful Noise CampPreschool Music Camp

July 22-26, 20139-11:30 a.m. 3 ½-5 year olds Cost: $45Does your preschooler -Love music?Love to wiggle to music?Love to sing?Love to make noises to music?Love to play musical games?Love to listen to stories?This is the camp for them!

Taught by Miriam Sikora, teacher and St. Andrew’s Choristers(Kindergarten/First grade) choir director. The week culminateswith a short musical program by campers sharing their songs,movements, and musical instruments.

Register online or contact Dianne Nash, 651-762-9141.

Upcoming ConcertsSunday, May 5; 4 p.m.Grand Symphonic Winds Concert

Sunday, May 12, 3:00 p.m. Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies ConcertFor tickets:

Sunday, June 9, 3:00 p.m.Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra – Free Concert

See the web for more information at

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

GriefShare Through June 27, 20126:45 to 8:45 p.m. in Sanctuary BuildingBEGIN ANYTIME! GriefShare is a Christ-centered grief recovery support group.The Biblically-based program, focusingon grief topics associated with the deathof a loved one,is presented ina 13-weekvideo seriesfeaturing nationally respected grief ex-perts. In group discussion you will havean opportunity to share with people whounderstand how you feel and the pain ofyour loss and start the journey frommourning to joy.

Call Joanne Zehnder at 651-730-9073 formore information. To register, contactLisa Grundtner at 651-762-9117. Cost is$18 which covers all materials.

Need Connection?St. Andrew’s Valet Ministry is a successand now we need help to expand to otherservices. It is really easy: must be 21 orolder, clean driving record, and serve oneSunday every five weeks. It is a chanceto meet some awesome people. Thereare opportunities to serve at special serv-ices, and Pastor Cindy will bring you hotchocolate or ice tea. Please consider Pro-claiming Christ by serving with this team.Call Lisa Grundtner at 651-762-9117.

TLC MinistryInterested in visiting people and sharingGod’s love through your presence? Con-tact Dana Gabor at 651-762-9106 orDana.Gabor at

Prayer Shawl MinistryA tangible evidence of prayer.We have a Prayer Shawl Ministry that of-fers tangible evidence of prayer; prayersthat are knit into the shawls and that therecipient is wrapped in with each shawl.

One member of the prayer shawl grouptold us that she had taken a shawl to asick friend with the prayers and a cardand was very surprised and moved byhow much the shawl meant to her friend.She told her daughter of this experienceand was surprised when her daughtertearfully asked her to make a shawl for

her. The woman asked her daughter whyshe wanted a prayer shawl and thedaughter told her she wanted the shawlso she could wrap herself in God’s loveand prayers for the rest of her life.

Our prayer shawl group meets the SEC-OND Saturday of every month in the Gar-den Room of St. Andrew’s Village from9-11 a.m. Come and pray and knit withus if you can, or pray and knit at homeand bring us your shawl for gifting.

Contact: Jackie O’Neill, 651-770-1155.

Inner Peace AlanonEvent Date: Thursdays; all yearTime: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Room 204 Registration: None required; just comeNursery/Childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113Contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

12 Step AAEvent Date: Fridays, all yearTime: 5:30-7 p.m.Location: Sanctuary Room 204ARegistration: None required; just comeNursery/Childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113Contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

12 x 12 Step AAEvent Date: Fridays, all yearTime: 7-8:30 p.m.Location: Sanctuary Room 204A Registration: None required, just comeNursery/Childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113Contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

Alanon Works FamilyEvent Date: Fridays, all year Time: 7-8:30 p.m.Location: Sanctuary Room 201 Registration: None required; just comeNursery/Childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113Contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

NA Event Date: Fridays, all year Time: 7-9 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Room 203 Registration: None required; just comeNursery/Childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113Contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

Gratitude in Action AAEvent Date: Sundays, all year Time: 5:30-7 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Rooms 201 & 202Registration: None required; just come Nursery/Childcare: NoContact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

Happy and Joyous AAEvent Date: Sundays, all year Time: 7-8:30 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Room 204A Registration: None required, just come. Nursery/Childcare: NoContact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

NAMIEvent Date: 3rd Thursday of MonthTime: 7-8 p.m.Location: Great Hall, North LinkRegistration: None requiredNursery/Childcare: NoContact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117


Support Groups

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

CCAREARE CCONNECTIONONNECTION –– Connect for Care• Let us know if you are going to be hospitalized …contact Lisa at 651-762-9117 or [email protected].• Emergency, a pastor is on call 24 hours a day…contact 651-426-3261 and follow the prompts.• Post-hospital visit, contact Lisa at 651-762-9117 or [email protected]. • TLC [Tender Lutheran Care] team members available for ongoing visitation, Lisa at 651-762-9117 or [email protected].

IntercessoryPrayer Group1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month1- 2:30 p.m. Sanctuary LibraryThis group prays for the staff, ministry,and congregation of St. Andrew’s. All arewelcome - no registration is necessary.Call Mary Blanchard at 651-653-1610with any questions.


How can I join the Prayer Team?If you are new to prayer or are an experienced pray-er, the Prayer Ministry Teamneeds you! If you feel God leading you into prayer ministry, we would like to talk toyou about joining this team. We have special training sessions and regular teammeetings. We also will work with you one on one as you get comfortable prayingfor others. We have opportunities for Prayer Link members (pray on your ownschedule for submitted prayer requests that you will receive via email) or PrayerPartner members (pray one-on-one during worship services). Prayer Partner mem-bers are on a five-week rotation.

Questions about Prayer Requests or about joining the Prayer Team? Contact Lisa Grundtner 651-762-9117 or Pastor Cindy Senarighi 651-762-9129.

Meet Dana Gabor, New Parish Nurse

Dana Gabor is the new Parish Nurse here at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Churchin partnership with Lakeview Hospital. She is a registered nurse with ad-vanced training in faith community nursing. She has a background in Psy-

chiatry and Family Practice. Her areas of interest are in holistic health,stress management, chronic disease education & palliative care. Dana looksforward to meeting you and helping you with your healthcare needs, body,mind and spirit. She is also excited to begin working with the TLC volun-

teers in a joint effort to meet the needs of our congregation. Dana currentlyresides in Stillwater with her husband, two sons (ages 7 and 9) and their

golden retriever. She was born and raised in Madison, Wisc. Her favorite ac-tivities are spending time outdoors with her family camping, hiking canoe-

ing and skiing. Hobbies include gardening, cooking, yoga and knitting.

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


Historic St. Paul Featuring the Union Depot and Landmark CenterWednesday, May 15. Cost: $57 per person. 9 a.m. motor coach departs from St. Andrew's Village, 240 EastAve. For details and to register call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by May 6.

New Ulm, Minnesota Day TourWednesday, May 29. Cost: $74 per personNew Ulm has been called “The Most German City in the USA”and invites you to enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of thisunique town. 7:15 a.m. motor coach departs from St. Andrew'sVillage, 240 East Ave. For details and to register call JulieAhlman at 651-426-2313 by May 17.

Minnesota Centennial Showboat for “SweetRevenge” and Dinner at Mancini’s Char HouseThursday, June 27. Cost: $76 per personDelicious dinner at Mancini’s Char House. After dinner it is off tothe banks of the Mississippi River and the Centennial ShowBoat for the melodrama, “Sweet Revenge.” 4:30 p.m. motorcoach departs from St. Andrew's Village, 240 East Ave. For de-tails and to register: Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by June 13.

Don Williams at the Paramount Theater in St. Cloud and lunch at the Coyote GrillWednesday, July 10. Cost: $84.50 per personWith his laid-back, straightforward vocals and large, imposingbuild, Don Williams came to be known as "the Gentle Giant."Prior to the concert you will enjoy a delicious lunch at the Coy-ote Grill, a buffet with salads, soup, 4 hot entrées with sides.NOTE: There are steps to our seats at the Paramount Theater.9:15 am motor coach departs from St. Andrew's Village, 240East Ave. For details and to register call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by PLEASE NOTE EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE ofMay 10.

Fireside Dinner Theatre presents “Run For Your Wife”Thursday, July 25 - Friday, July 26.The Fireside Dinner Theatre in Fort Atkinson, Wisc., is a profes-sional theatrical gem that offers Broadway-style productionsand gourmet dinners. “Run For You Wife” is one of the funniestPlays you will ever see. It is a play about a London cab driverwho finds himself caught between two highly curious police-men, a gaggle of nosy neighbors, and a couple of ever moresuspicious spouses. $289 per person double occupancy, $329single occupancy, $269 per person triple occupancy. Includes:Lodging at Baymont Inn with breakfast, dinner and show atFireside Dinner Theatre, a special mystery tour, driver gratuity,luggage handling, deluxe motor coach, and escort. To receive aflyer with tour details call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313. Regis-tration deadline is June 25.

WICKED: The Untold Story of the Witches of OzSaturday, Oct. 5. Cost: $112 per personWe have a very early registration and payment deadline of June3 to guarantee our tickets. This deadline policy is set by theproducers of WICKED and is not negotiable. We have excellentmain floor seats at the Orpheum Theatre downtown Minneapo-lis. Only 45 tickets are available for this production and the tourwill be filled on a first-come basis. WICKED” is the most excitingmusical theatrical experience since “Lion King” and one youwon’t want to miss. 12:30 pm motor coach departs from St. An-drew's Village, 240 East Ave. For details and to register callJulie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by June 3.

Connect OFF CampusHOW TO REGISTER AND PAY FOR A TOUR: Call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by the registration deadline.

Payment can be sent to: Julie Ahlman, 176 Locust St., Mahtomedi MN 55115.REFUND POLICY: No refunds can be given after the registration deadline.

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


2013 will be the 22nd year St. Andrew's has helped a needyfamily achieve home ownership. After three decades in a Thai-land refugee camp and five years in the U.S. in cramped apart-ments, last year’s homeowner, Kyaw Si, is very grateful to havea place for him and his family to call home. On Habitat for Hu-manity Weekend, the Si family conveyedtheir heartfelt thanks to all who helpedbuild their home.

Wall raising is scheduled to start on June 3for a new 2-story single family home at522 Thomas Ave W in St. Paul. We willbuild and sponsor the first four of the 10weeks it will take to build this new home. St. Andrew's willpartner with several other area churches to finish the house.

You may know that Habitat for Humanity is not a charity pro-gram. Homeowners make their down payment with 300-500hours of “sweat equity,” and then pay a zero interest mortgagefor the actual cost of the house. Homeowners are carefully se-lected from needy applicants: only one in ten qualified appli-cants is offered one of the 60 homes built each year byvolunteers and Habitat families here in the Twin Cities.

Here is how you can help!• Be a construction volunteer (must be 16 years old)• Be a site host• Bring lunch or provide snacks/beverages • Donate to the Habitat building fund• Put this mission on your prayer list

Each year St. Andrew's members raise a minimum of $24,000to pay for the materials used during the four weeks we build.The special Habitat offering was April 13/14 this year, but youcan designate a gift to the Habitat for Humanity fund any time.

Did you miss the registration drive? You can still register on-line by going to and selecting the Habitat forHumanity page, or contact Dave Schrader at (651) 689-1447.

Contact Dave Engh (651) 482-8642 for general questions, orLynn Hamblin (651) 653-1676 for questions regarding food andrefreshments.

Would you like to join our Tuesday Crew? A group of dedicatedretirees volunteer each Tuesday year-around. Contact DaveEngh 651-482-8642 for information.

22 Years and Counting

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


by Vickie Johnston, St. Andrew’s Missionary

As a long-time sewing enthusiast, I was excited to participate inmy first Mission Jamaica trip, especially since we hoped toteach local Jamaican women to sew. This desire came out ofprevious MJ trips, and we hoped that sewing might enablewomen to sew for their families and possibly establish an in-come-generating cottage industry for interested women. Priorto travelling to Jamaica, we put together sewing supplies, andplans for teaching a simple project: how to sew kid's shorts.We brought with us about 70 shorts which were cut out, andready for assembly. At our first sewing session in Jamaica, Ifound myself alongside a young mother named Cassandra. Shehad never used a sewing machine before, but was very eager tolearn. Before long, she was assembling her first pair of shorts.As the garment neared completion, I said to her, "Cassandra, Iam so proud of you!" With a huge smile, she meekly replied, "Iam proud of myself!" I then explained to her the reason we hadbrought sewing machines and supplies to her community: wewant women, like herself, to be able to sew for themselves,their families, and even to use the machines to generate in-come for themselves. As she heard this, Cassandra was over-come with emotion. With difficulty, she explained to me, thatshe and her two children are currently living with her mother.But her mother has told her that she and her children need tofind someplace else to live. She explained that she is trying tosave for a home; so far, she has 50 blocks towards building asmall home for her family. She was obviously very troubledabout these circumstances. Cassandra then picked up amarker, and wrote directly on the front of the now-finishedshorts: Cassandra Works. I learned that she went home, andhung those shorts, with the message Cassandra Works, on theoutside of her home. Cassandra was telling her neighbors thatshe now knows how to sew, and was willing to sew for a living!Mission Jamaica is helping women like Cassandra develop fi-nancial independence!

Thanks to missionaries like Vickie, we were able to accomplishmuch on our Spring Break Mission Trip, bringing hope and en-couraging dreams. Lives were changed. We also built a house,did lots of tiling and teaching VBS at the preschool, painting tofreshen things up, roofing and cement pouring at Hope ValleyExperimental School, and the younger kids had fun paintinghopscotch squares around the school. We loved the inter-gen-erational aspect of the trip and had folks from ages 6-75 work-ing and playing well together. So we hope you'll start planningnow to join us next year!

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Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!


Eleventh Annual Vision Slovakia Golf FUNdraiser at Indian Hill Golf Course – May 20, 2013The theme this year is again, “It’s About the Children.” Over ten years this event has raised over $100,000 in support of the stu-dents and renovation of buildings for the Lutheran Elementary School in Martin, Slovakia. Sign up with Dianne Nash by May 13;[email protected] or 651-762-9141 or online.

Teaching of Vacation Bible School – July 1-5, 2013Sixteen members from St. Andrew’s and partner congregations will conduct a program of Vacation Bible School in Martin, Slovakia,this summer. This program includes pre-school and elementary school children from the Lutheran Church in Martin and the city ofMartin. The curriculum focuses this summer on “God’s Promises,” and includes stories of faith from the Bible.

Festival Choir Concerts in Slovakia and St. Petersburg, Russia – July 1-14, 2013The St. Andrew’s Choir has been invited to once again return to Martin, Slovakia. This year will be the fourth time the choir hasgone to Martin to celebrate significant moments in the history of the Center for Christian Education.

The choir will sing festival concerts in Martin and Bratislava, Slovakia, marking the 15th Anniversary of the Bible School and 10thAnniversary of the Lutheran Elementary School. The extension of this year’s choir tour will conclude by singing concerts inchurches in St. Petersburg, Russia, celebrating the growing connection and partnership between the Lutheran Church in Slovakiaand Russia.

Fulfilling the commitment of St. Andrew’s partnership with the Center for Christian Education Below is an opportunity for you to participate in “Making Miracles Happen” by supporting the educational ministry of the Center forChristian Education by providing gifts that will be used for purchasing teaching materials for Vacation Bible School program in Mar-tin, Slovakia, this summer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We are/I am interested in supporting Vacation Bible School in Martin, Slovakia

We are/I am enclosing a gift of $_____________ for Vacation Bible School in Martin, Slovakia.

You may give your gifts by check made out to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, and sent to Paul Berge, Director of Vision Slovakia,900 Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi, MN 55115.Please identify in the memo line of the check “Vision Slovakia – Summer Programs”

You may also give your gift with VISA or MasterCard

VISA __ MasterCard __ Account # _____________________________ Exp. Date _________

Name on Card: ____________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

You are invited to join in ‘Making Miracles Happen’

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900 Stillwater RoadMahtomedi, Minnesota 55115-2206



Annual Golf FUNdraiser in Support of Vision SlovakiaMonday, May 20, 2013; Indian Hills Golf Club in Stillwater

St. Andrew’s will sponsor its 11th annual Vision Slovakia Golf FUNdraiser in support of the Lutheran Elementary School in Mar-tin, Slovakia. The event will be held on Monday, May 20, 2013, at Indian Hills Golf Club in Stillwater. The focus for the 2013 eventis “IT’S ABOUT THE CHILDREN.” All proceeds from this year’s event will again go toward the students and programs of theLutheran Elementary School in Martin, Slovakia.

The event is a scramble format with a 12 noon shotgun start. Registration be-gins at 10 a.m. with a group photo at 11:30 a.m. Individual registration is$165 and includes green fees, cart, range balls, banquet dinner, prizes,awards and fun.

Sponsorships available for the FUNdraiser range from a tee or green sponsorsign ($200); a business team sponsorship, which includes four golfers and atee or green sponsor sign ($800); and a corporate level ($2,500) sponsorshipfor area businesses and organizations.

We will have auction and raffle items, and with 110 pre-registered golfers, Indian Hills will donate a one-year seasonal golf membership valued at approximately $5,000.

If you wish to register for the event please contact Dianne Nash (651-762-9141) at St. Andrew’s or register online at Please watch the weekend bulletins in the coming weeks for further information and sign up Sundays in the Atrium.

Your attendance will help keep miracles happening in Martin with the 279 children in grades one through nine attending theLutheran Elementary School.