texts on human rights


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Literature workshop, Comenius Project (Sax, Spain, 22nd October 2014)





Ostatni wiersz

Te dni są małym miasteczkiem zdarzeń.

Znam świat na pamięć,

na pamięć znam każdą gwiazdę i ból wieków,

rzeczywistość granitową co dzień.

Nie żyję w mieście i krajach globów,

żyję w ogrodzie

przekwitłych uczuć zwierzęcych i pragnień.

Ja: rozstrzelany po tysiąckroć żołnierz stuleci,

z sercem na bagnet brata nakłutym,

nie czekam. Za wzgórzami czasu nabrzmiewa nowy atak.

Odważnie nie wiem końca i początku świata.

Kiedy mnie jak boga - przez tysiąclecia nie znanego - wyklęto,

znam drogę krzyżowej mądrości - obojętność.

czerwiec 1940r.

The last line

These days there are small town events.

I know the world of memory,

I know by heart every star and pain for centuries,

granite reality every day.

I do not live in the city and country globes,

I live in the garden

faded animal feelings and desires.

Me: soldier shot dead a thousand centuries,

with heart on bayonet brother nakłutym,

do not wait. Beyond the hills swell time a new attack.

Bravely I do not know the end and beginning of the world.

When me like a god - not known for millennia - wyklęto,

I know the way the cross of wisdom - indifference.

June 1940.


Kuinka? Meitä vaaditaanko

laulantaan nyt riemuvirren?

Valkeusko voitti? Maanko

mahti nousi alta kirren?

Suomen oikeus, Suomen vapaus

tunnustettu tuolta puolen,

mistä joka merkkitapaus

meille oli aihe huolen?

Kysyy, katsoo Suomen kansa:

Naapurissa nähdään unta!

Vaiko ollaan valveillansa,

vapaa koko kansakunta?

Ihmis-oikeus istutettu

maahan, missä äsken vainen

viihtyi hukka, viihtyi kettu,

vaan ei kunnon kansalainen?

How? Are we required

to sing a triumphal hymn now ?

Did the light win?

Did the power rise underground the frosty ground?

Justice in Finland, Finland freedom

recognized from that side,

why was that event a topic of concern to us?

We ask, the people of Finland:

Are they dreaming next door?

Or are they being awake,

free the whole nation?

The human right to planted in

the country, where we were

in comfort, men and foxes,

but not the good citizen?


Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη του σπαθιού την τρομερή,

σε γνωρίζω από την όψη που με βία μετράει τη γη.

Απ' τα κόκαλα βγαλμένη των Ελλήνων τα ιερά,

και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελευθεριά!

Εκεί μέσα εκατοικούσες πικραμένη, εντροπαλή,

κι ένα στόμα εκαρτερούσες, «έλα πάλι», να σου πεί

I recognize you from the edge of the terrible sword,

I recognize you from the view of the one who gets over the land with force.

From the sacred bones jabed out of Greeks,

and brave as before , hail Oh hail, Freedom

Therein you resided embittered, humble,

and you waited for somebody to tell you "come again"


Y es que esa misma semejanza en la inteligencia, en la capacidad

de cálculo y proyecto, en las pasiones y los miedos, eso mismo que

hace tan peligrosos a los hombres para mí cuando quieren serlo, los

hace también supremamente útiles. Cuando un ser humano me viene

bien, nada puede venirme mejor. A ver, ¿qué conoces tú que sea mejor

que ser amado? Cuando alguien quiere dinero, o poder, o prestigio...

¿acaso no apetece esas riquezas para poder comprar la mitad de lo que

cuando uno es amado recibe gratis? Y ¿quién me puede amar de verdad

sino otro ser como yo, que funcione igual que yo, que me quiera en tanto

que humano... y a pesar de ello? Ningún bicho, por cariñoso que sea,

puede darme tanto como otro ser humano, incluso aunque sea un ser

humano algo antipático. Es muy cierto que a los hombres debo tratarlos

con cuidado, por si acaso. Pero ese «cuidado» no puede consistir ante

todo en recelo o malicia, sino en el miramiento que se tiene al manejar

las cosas frágiles, las cosas más frágiles de todas... porque no son

simples cosas. Ya que el vínculo de respeto y amistad con los otros

humanos es lo más precioso del mundo para mí, que también lo soy,

cuando me las vea con ellos debo tener principal interés en

resguardarlo y hasta mimarlo, si me apuras un poco. Y ni siquiera a la

hora de salvar el pellejo es aconsejable que olvide por completo esta


Ética para Amador, Fernando Savater

And is that the same similarity in intelligence, in the and computing

power project in the passions and fears, that it makes it so dangerous to

men for me when want to be, also makes them supremely useful. When

a human being I is good, nothing can come to me better. Let's see, what

you know it better than being loved? When someone wants money, or

power, or prestige ... do you not want those riches to buy half of what

when one is loved get free? And who 'n I can truly love another being but

like me, who work like me, you want me as an human ... and despite

this? No bugs, for loving it, can you give me as much as another human

being, even though a human being rather nastily. It is true that men

should treated with care, just in case. But that 'care' cannot primarily

consist in suspicion or malice, but in considerations but you have to

handle fragile things, fragile things because not all ... They are simple

things. Since the bond of respect and friendship with the other human is

the most precious in the world for me, also I am, when I see them with

them I have primary interest in safekeeping and to cuddle, if I slightly

hurry. And not when save his skin is advisable to completely forget this



Leul, lupul, vulpea şi câinele odat’,

Ca nişte buni vecini, s-au fost alcătuit,

Cu toţii întrunit,

Să umble la vânat:

Şi ce vor căpăta să-mpartă măsurat.

Se-ntâmplă dar, că vulpea-ntâi

Un cerb frumos au prins,

Şi adunând pe toţi ai săi,

Spre jertfă l-au întins.

— Acuma e treaba mea, băieţi,

Le zise leul lor.

Voi trebui numai să vedeţi

Cum eu împart uşor.

Şi despicând îndat’ pe cerb în patru părţi,

Au zis: “Aceste sunt frăţeştile bucăţi.

Şi iată: cea întâi e partea mea de frate;

A doua, pe drept ca unui leu se cade;

Ş-acea a treia tot mie se cuvine,

Precum voi ştiţi prea bine.

Iar de a patra, oricare s-ar atinge,

Pe loc îl voi învinge.”

The lion on hunting

The lion, the woolf, the fox and the dog once '

As good neighbors, they all met and decided

To go hunting together:

And all they gain to share equally.

It happened that the fox

a beautiful deer caught,

and gathering all her fellows,

she sacrificed him down.

- Now it's my job guys,

the lion said.

You just have to sit and watch

as I split it easily.

And as soon splitting the deer into four parts,

he said: "These are fraternal pieces.

Behold: the first is mine as a brother;

The second, as a lion, it is my right;

The third belongs to me too,

as you all know very well.

And the fourth, any of you who dares to touch it

I'll instantly defeat. "


Lauryna Luničevaitė “Žmogaus teisės”

Visi turi teisę į skėtį,

Į savo širdies plakimą.

Visi turi teisę mylėti

Aistringai ir be praradimų.

Visi turi teisę į saulę,

Į debesis, miegą, vyną,

Į savo paties apgaulę,

Į savo paties neigimą.

Visi turi teisę žaisti

Ir jei patinka - švepluoti.

Visi turi teisę geisti

Ir apie tai negalvoti.

Visi turi teisę kartą

Išbėgt basi į lietų,

Per šaltį pamiršti paltą

Ir kojines sukeisti vietom.

Dar turi teisę sapnuoti,

Kad skrenda arba krinta.

Visi turi teisę bijoti,

Netgi kai tai nerimta.

Visi turi teisę į tėtį,

Mamą ir tikrą draugą.

Visi turi teisę liūdėti

Ir garsiai verkti kai skauda.

Visi turi teisę tęsti

Šį sąrašą lig begalybės.

Human Rights

Everyone has the right to have an umbrella,

feelings and memories,

to everyone‘s heart beating.

Everyone has the right to dream,

everyone has the right to love,

feel passion and sorrow.

Everyone has the right to the sun,

for a little bit of truth.

To his cloud, sleep and wine,

everyone has the right to continue

to his own deny.

Everyone has the right to crave

and do not think about it.

Everyone has the right time

to walk out barefoot in the rain,

and the right to forget the coat and socks.

Everyone has the right to dream,

to fly or fall.

Everyone has the right to be afraid,

even when it is not serious.

All are entitled to dad

mother and a true friend.

Everyone has the right to grieve

and cry loudly when hurt.

Everyone has the right to the word...

and continue this poem without end.