the company resources construction of oil facilities

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National Polytechnic InstituteCollege of Engineering and ArchitectureCampus ESIA Ticomn

Career: Petroleum EngineeringTeacher: Ing. Alberto Oviedo HinojosaSubject: Construccin de instalaciones petrolerasGrupo: 4Pm3Subject: The Company ResourcesMembers: Acevedo Alvarado Vctor Daniel 8.26Fras Gallegos Arturo 8.37Hernndez Martnez Luis ngel 7.5Martnez Snchez Sadday Josu 8.0Velasco Acosta Edwin 8.42

Human Resources2.1 DefinitionIn business administration, is called human resources (HR) to work transferring all employees or employees of an organization but more often and call management system or process that addresses select, hire, train, employ and retain staff of the organization. These tasks may be performed by a person or department together with the directors of the organization.

ObjectiveThe basic objective is to align the area or HR professionals with the strategy of the organization, which will implement organizational strategy through people, who are seen as the only living and intelligent resources capable of leading to organizational success and address challenges

FunctionUsually the HR function consists of areas such as recruitment and selection, hiring, training, administration and personnel management while within the company

Manpower PemexEvery day our company forward in attracting and developing talent as a key priority for human resources are a strategic factor in the development of projects of exploration, production and distribution of hydrocarbons.

The importance in PemexThrough teamwork and innovation plans to help strengthen competitiveness and productivity at all levels and the relationship with our customers, achieving efficiency through better staff training, in order to generate the cultural transformation that are implemented Pemex requires and the commitment and identity of workers with the company, and thus retain valuable talent that we have.

Financial Resources2 FINANCIAL RESOURCESAre debt and equity, economic and monetary requires the company to develop its activities.

Own financial resources: A) cash B) Members' shares (shares) C) profits

FINANCIAL RESOURCESExternal financial resources: A) loans from creditors and suppliers B) bank or private credit C) issuing securities (bonds, certificates, etc.).

All recuirsos have great importance for the achievement of any objective of a company. The proper management thereof and productivity depend on the success of any company.

The financial resources to guarantee the achievement means of the other resources of the company and refer to money in different ways:

cash capital income expenses credits investments in general

FINANCIAL RESOURCESFor the operation of the company is needed: Acquire fixed assets: land, buildings, machinery and equipment, vehicles, furniture and fixtures, etc.. Cancel raw materials, fuel and energy necessary in the production process. Pay salaries, wages and employee benefits. Cancel rent, utilities, taxes, repairs, maintenance, etc.. Finance loans to its clients or users.

FINANCIAL RESOURCESThe money that requires the company to start its operations or expand their production capacity, can come from various sources among which are: Personal assets of the owner of the company. Personal contributions of several individuals or families associated to form or expand the business. Issue of shares by the company to offer them to the public, which are traded through a stock exchange, the company runs its operations independently of the activities of the owners of the shares. Contributions from the State Department or municipalities, these entities are associated with particular to form or refinance the company, or provide funds on loan. Subscription of shares in favor of a cooperative enterprise, made by the same partners. Loans from financial institutions, government agencies or individuals.FINANCIAL RESOURCESFor normal operation of the company is necessary to allocate the necessary financial resources for productive activity, to pay its obligations as: wages taxation services so you should receive the income necessary to meet this and also produce the expected utility.The company was created in order to obtain the greatest value to invested capital if the company produces harm or produce low utility for the sale or liquidation of the same. There is also talk of liquidity is the ability to convert assets to cash and the availability of funds to meet their needs.

14The implementation of management systems (known as ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning) has become popular in the business market. The reason probably is that help support efficient management and lead to the maximization of profits through lower costs.

FINANCIAL RESOURCESEconomic indicators provide information that investors can be analyzed to understand the current state and direction of the economy.The correct interpretation of economic data allows: Get the best possible return with respect to an investment; Study the operation of enterprises and their products; Detect the right to acquire, invest in or enter the market now; Understand the development of the economy; Analyze and judge the various economic policies.

Material resources2.3 It is an area of support that tries to overcome the expectations of supplies of Goods, Services and Lease, as well as to the contracting of Public Works assuring the best conditions for our internal and external clients, looking principally for quality, opportunity and price, always with ethics, transparency, honesty of the personnel and with base in the normative in force frame and hereby to contribute in the Chain of Pemex Gas's Value and Basic Petrochemistry. Material Resources

General definitionThe material resources are the tangible goods that the organization can use for the achievement of his aims

In the material resources we can find the following elements:

- Machineries - Real estate - Inputs - finished Productos- Office elements - Instruments and tools Pemex eliminates areas of material resources and purchases of feeder industries These areas will join to the Headquarter of He Tries and Supply, which will concentrate all the acquisitions that the semistate one does.

Technological resources2.4 TechnologySet of theories and techniques that enable the practical use of scientific knowledge.

It is the set of scientifically ordered, expertise for designing and creating goods and services that facilitate adaptation to the environment and satisfying the essential needs and wants of mankind.Technological ResourcesIt is a medium that uses technology to fulfill its purpose.

The technological resources serve to optimize processes, time, human resources; streamlining the work and response times that ultimately impact on productivity and often the preference of the customer or end user.Transversal ResourcesTechnoligical resources in Oil Industry

The use of technology in business and industry is essential to have achieved stability in the market and be much more profitable as an organization.ReferencesWikipedia. Tecnologa. de recursos tecnolgicos - Qu es, Significado y Concepto. Tecnologa de. Tipos de tecnologa. Qu son los recursos tecnolgicos. Madrigal Freddy. Integracin de los recursos tecnolgicos.

Materials, Natural and Processed2.5 Natural and Processed Materials.Natural Materials: they are those found in nature. They are classified according to their origin, animal, vegetable or mineral. Examples:MaderaStoneCottonWoolCoalCopperSandOil

Processed materials:They are those made by humans. Examples:PlasticPaperPaperboardGlassGumPorcelain

To create a product using an artificial material performs the following process:Extraction of raw materials from natureTransformation of raw materials into processed materialFinal product manufacture

Properties of Materials

Every material is different and has Qualities calls Properties. Some properties of the materials are:HardnessFragilityFlexibilityThermal InsulationTransparencyImpermeabilityReferencesWikipedia. Tecnologa. de recursos tecnolgicos - Qu es, Significado y Concepto. Tecnologa de. Tipos de tecnologa. Qu son los recursos tecnolgicos. Madrigal Freddy. Integracin de los recursos tecnolgicos.