the rotary club of essendon if you...

N N e e w w s s l l e e t t t t e e r r o o f f t t h h e e R R o o t t a a r r y y C C l l u u b b o o f f E E s s s s e e n n d d o o n n I I n n c c . . THE ROTARY CLUB OF ESSENDON D9800 President 2015-16: Peter Halaseh ABN 91036600532 P.O Box 161 Essendon 3040 Australia Contact us – [email protected] and follow us on facebook Editor – Sunil Perera Volume 81, Issue 17, 27 October 2015 Sergeant Steve Chandler introduced President Peter who in turn welcomed the members present & guests, including Margarite Portelli, Kathy Draim, Gema Portelli and Cameron William and our exchange student Freja. President Peter spoke about the “Keeping Kids Alive” event at St Bernard’s and informed all present that it was touching as well as inspiring especially the talk by the mother of the son who was addicted to the drug ICE, Peter stated that we all must endeavour to give our kids more love in times of crisis in order for them to have the resilience to recover. President Peter mentioned the BBQ that our club will be having this Friday and the walk to support the intended plastic factory in Peru. Relay for Life – It’s that time to get ready Our Club will again be participating in the Moonee Valley Relay for Life. This year’s event will be held at Aberfeldie athletics track on Friday 19/2/16 from 6.45pm until 4pm Saturday 20/2/16. Many of you will be aware that this is an annual event for our club that combines great fellowship with a very worthy cause to raise funds for. Over the years we have raised well in excess of $100,000 to support much needed cancer research. Also, importantly, it is a chance for many of us to reflect on loved ones and club members impacted by cancer. So if you have not participated before, or if you are a regular participant, please get on board to participate in 2016. Closer to the event we will sort out a walking roster plus volunteers to help with setting up/pulling down our site, plus catering for fellowship and participant’s breakfast. We will also likely be looking for sponsors to help raise additional funds for cancer research. What we need you to do: 1. Mark your diary with the event details 2. Register your participation by 25 November 2015. See instruction below. 3. If you do not wish to participate but do wish to make a donation then also see instructions below. Registration instructions: Each participant MUST register and pay for their (and any family/friends) participation using the online web site:;jsessionid=D2502C79B74F9711A48B E558EF9A23EB.app325a?pg=team&fr_id=2781&team_id=39542 Once at the above site press on the “Join our team” button on right hand side of screen From this site you can also donate additional funds to Cancer research should you desire and/or should you wish to honour our dear friend Rob’s request that in lieu of flowers at his funeral, donations instead be made to Rotary Club of Essendon Relay for Life. Donation Instructions: Click on the link above and press the “Donate” button on right hand side of screen If you have any difficulties registering on the above web site or donating then please contact Grant Sheldon for assistance.

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Page 1: THE ROTARY CLUB OF ESSENDON if you have not participated before, or if you are a regular participant, please get on board

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THE ROTARY CLUB OF ESSENDON D9800 President 2015-16: Peter Halaseh ABN 91036600532 P.O Box 161 Essendon 3040 Australia

Contact us – [email protected] and follow us on facebook Editor – Sunil Perera mmmmm

Editorial Logistics: Sunil Perera

Volume 81, Issue 17, 27 October 2015 Sergeant Steve Chandler introduced President Peter who in turn welcomed the members present & guests, including Margarite Portelli, Kathy Draim, Gema Portelli and Cameron William and our exchange student Freja. President Peter spoke about the “Keeping Kids Alive” event at St Bernard’s and informed all present that it was touching as well as inspiring especially the talk by the mother of the son who was addicted to the drug ICE, Peter stated that we all must endeavour to give our kids

more love in times of crisis in order for them to have the resilience to recover. President Peter mentioned the BBQ that our club will be having this Friday and the walk to support the intended plastic factory in Peru. Relay for Life – It’s that time to get ready Our Club will again be participating in the Moonee Valley Relay for Life. This year’s event will be held at

Aberfeldie athletics track on Friday 19/2/16 from 6.45pm until 4pm Saturday 20/2/16.

Many of you will be aware that this is an annual event for our club that combines great fellowship with a very

worthy cause to raise funds for. Over the years we have raised well in excess of $100,000 to support much

needed cancer research. Also, importantly, it is a chance for many of us to reflect on loved ones and club

members impacted by cancer.

So if you have not participated before, or if you are a regular participant, please get on board to participate in


Closer to the event we will sort out a walking roster plus volunteers to help with setting up/pulling down our

site, plus catering for fellowship and participant’s breakfast. We will also likely be looking for sponsors to help

raise additional funds for cancer research.

What we need you to do:

1. Mark your diary with the event details

2. Register your participation by 25 November 2015. See instruction below.

3. If you do not wish to participate but do wish to make a donation then also see instructions below.

Registration instructions:

Each participant MUST register and pay for their (and any family/friends) participation using the online web



Once at the above site press on the “Join our team” button on right hand side of screen

From this site you can also donate additional funds to Cancer research should you desire and/or should you

wish to honour our dear friend Rob’s request that in lieu of flowers at his funeral, donations instead be made

to Rotary Club of Essendon Relay for Life.

Donation Instructions: Click on the link above and press the “Donate” button on right hand side of screen

If you have any difficulties registering on the above web site or donating then please contact Grant Sheldon

for assistance.

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Grant Sheldon spoke about donations for Cancer on behalf of Rob Thomas, Grant further informed the

members of the Bendigo Bank offer below. Grant also informed the members and guests of the origin of the

men’s shed which was started as a Hall for older men by the Rotary Club of Essendon and stated that the

building still stands.

Other matters Lino won the raffle but failed to draw the joker Jack Honson visited the Templestowe Rotary club on the 21st of Oct 2015 for makeup.

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The next speaker was Cameron Williams from Rotarac who attended the Rotarac meeting in Jakarta Indonesia, he spoke about the events with the aid of an overhead slide and informed the members & guests that it was a very interesting gathering of students from all over the world and showed slides of costumes worn by youth from different countries. Next speaker 10th Nov Remembrance Day, speaker or AGM – The Anglers Tavern 12.30 to 2pm 27th October Tuesday meeting Our speaker on the 27th October was Daniel Kuzeff, Daniel was introduced by Glen Smith, was finalist of the Victorian Young Achiever Award who is involved in tackling issues amongst youth through alleviating poverty. He has experience with students that are under-performing, having disciplinary issues, personal issues or instigators of bullying, he runs a program to help get them back on track. He says, “We run a three stage personal development and leadership program”. It also fits in well with the PDS (foundation and intermediate) of the VCAL program. Part of the program includes an immersion to the Philippines. Daniel, who is working for free at the Bended Elbow pub to raise the money to build a village for 40 poor families in the Philippines, has gained the North Albury Rotary Club’s support. The club donated $5600, which is enough for two homes. Daniel, 22, has raised about $50,000 for the walk from Melbourne to Albury, which, on top of the $70,000 he and Bended Elbow owner Gavin Grant have raised, has made the village a reality.

Daniel spoke eloquently about the suffering of kids in Asia where he has done most of his work, he said that there was a lot of depression and other mental health issues among the youth in these countries. Daniel explained to the members & guests present about how he started his work with under privileged youth in Asia and in Australia, he said that after graduating from University he felt empty and on a visit to the Philippines he witnessed the suffering of the youth in that country and was touched by their situation and after talking with several of the youth he met while in that country decided to help build a school. Daniel stated that the stress levels of today’s youth are high due to high expectations and increase in broken families. He also stated that due to the increasing use of technology young people find a way out by indulging in online communications and this has social implications. Daniel mentioned a book written by Mary Gordon titled “Roots of empathy” He also mentioned that the autobiography of Nelson Mandela had a profound effect on his thinking on

humanity as said that today’s media also has an effect on the youth due to the negativity, violence and material success put forward, and this can cause an identity crisis he said Daniel finished by saying that he is currently involved in designing a program for Australian Schools.

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Note from Dr Peter Condos

Bill Early Trophy Ten Pin Bowls night – RCE vs RC North Essendon 6.30pm Wednesday 28th October

2015 at the High Point Bowls Centre $27 per person – We need 20 Bowlers!!

Peter requested the members who are attending the bowls night to please pay up before the event!

Dr Peter Condos was handed the trophy to be presented to the winner of the Bill Early Trophy on the

28th Wednesday.

Let’s get back to basics, says Dr Peter, out for the kill

Note from Roger Leask

Good Morning Roger, Great that you were able to drop in for coffee yesterday. I was eager to ‘boast’ about the awards received from the Hume City Council. A bit later we could have shared a ‘roadsafety red’ – perhaps next time

Have modified this statement just a bit to read more fluently

Trust that this computes.

Will contact you later today as soon as times are confirmed for Wednesday.

Cheers, Des,

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Day for Girls Imagine… What if not having sanitary supplies meant DAYS without school, DAYS without income, DAYS without leaving the house? Girls use leaves, mattress stuffing, newspaper, corn husks, rocks, anything they can find...but still miss up to 2 months of school every year. It turns out this issue is a surprising but instrumental key to social change for women all over the world. The poverty cycle can be broken when girls stay in school.

Speak up. Raise Awareness. Mission: Creating a more dignified, free and educated world through access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions and community-based health leadership programs. Days for Girls International is a grassroots 501(c)3 non-profit. Women, and girls discover their potential and self-value, are equal participants and agents of social change and are given opportunities to thrive, grow and contribute to their community's betterment while ensuring quality sustainable feminine hygiene. Vision: Every girl and woman in the world with ready feasible access to quality sustainable hygiene & health education by 2022. For more information about the Days For Girls project go to the website; Our local Days For Girls (D4G) working bee will be held this Friday 30th October 2015, 12 noon – 6.00 pm at the home of East Keilor Rotarian Cherrie Osborne, 997 Old Calder Highway, Keilor. ph; 0414 459 487 There is no need to have any particular skills in sewing, but if you can sew and have a sewing machine or an overlocker bring it along. Come along and enjoy making a difference for women and girls around the world. You certainly don’t need to come for the whole session - if you can only make an hour or two at any time during the day do make sure you come along. Every bit of help is welcome and the more the merrier.

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Wellbeing of members Jean Abbey has moved into assisted care on the 4th floor East Ardmillan Place, the old Essendon Hospital, the pass to get into the 4th floor east is 2580. There is a reception on the floor they will direct to her room. Her phone number is 9377 2421 Anne Ramsey has macular degeneration and she is having a course of injections to her right eye, we wish her well. Ray Kukk has been operated on for prostate cancer at the Epworth Hospital East Melbourne, we send our best wishes to him for a speedy recovery

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Maria Kouppas made a special appeal to members to attend the March District Conference

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Rotary Club of Essendon door roster

November 2015 – Daryl Lee, Roger Leask, Michael Pepi & Maurice Mollica

December 2015 – Daryl Lee, Roger Leask & Maurice Mollica

January 2016 - Daryl Lee, Roger Leask & Maurice Mollica

February 2016 - Daryl Lee, Roger Leask & Maurice Mollica

March 2016 - Daryl Lee, Roger Leask & Maurice Mollica

April 2016 - Daryl Lee, Roger Leask & Maurice Mollica

May 2016 - Daryl Lee, Roger Leask & Maurice Mollica

June 2016 - Daryl Lee, Roger Leask & Maurice Mollica


3rd November No meeting due to Melbourne cup

No meeting

10th November Remembrance Day or AGM The Anglers Tavern 12.30 to


17th November Steve Sammartino – is an expert on the digital revolution and disruptive technologies

The Anglers Tavern 6.30pm to


24th November Glenn Ford – Glen is a dynamic, energetic chef

The Anglers Tavern 12.30 to


Thought for the day

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Help yourself and help the Club by banking with

Strathmore Community Bank. For example,

take out a home loan and the club will receive

up to $500. Take out a 3 month fixed term

deposit and the club will receive up to $50.

For more details drop into the branch at 337

Napier St or call branch Manager Philip Stewart

on 9374-2607.

John L Gregory

Certified Practising Accountant

272 Keilor Road,

North Essendon, VIC 3041

[email protected]

Telephone: 03-9379 1705