the substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · pays 673 problemset 3 benoitlaurent #...

PAYS 673 Problem set 3 Benoit Laurent # The substruction of the 2 diagramr given taken we don't include the polarisation µ ' of the externat photon ) Ë÷é - § ien Tp k p t " HENRY ni!-?ulpYpiiz pË¥ . where trumeaux . We see that at small momentum lkànt , the second term in the barbets gees like prie . So the second term is negligible and nearly get a contribution from the first diagram . At large momentum Hi " Mike Ë PÉTÉ PËÆ .io . So the second diagram cut off the high momentum from the first one , which is what corned the UV divergence . This is hour the Pauli Villars volume has no effect on small moment and cut off the large moment which causal the UV divergence . If we had instant taken a second set of fermion of mass M » m , we would have À ktq fr+8 ¥ ËË - mn k pr 7ps toi ¥1 # titillait ;¥à÷Hnm÷ ? umm * ai " - aimait !ËËî Kiki ? " M I

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Page 1: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

PAYS 673 Problem set 3 Benoit Laurent

# The substruction of the 2 diagramr given taken we don't include the polarisationµ' of the externat photon)

Ë÷é -§-ienTp- k



- t"!-?ulpYpiiz - p˥ .where trumeaux .

We see that at small momentum lkànt,the second term in the barbets gees like→ prie .

So the second term is negligible and nearly geta

contribution from the first diagram .

At large momentum Hi"Mike →Ë ⇒ PÉTÉ PËÆ.io .

So the second diagram cut off the high momentum from the first one , which iswhat corned the UV divergence . This is hour the Pauli - Villars volumeletuswgnlarizethisdiagrami.ithas no effect on small moment and cut off the large moment which causalthe UV divergence .

If we had instant taken a second set of fermion of mass M»m ,we would have

Àktq fr+8 ¥ËË -⇒mnk pr


- toi ¥1# titillait;¥à÷Hnm÷?umm*ai"- aimait!ËËîKiki?"M


Page 2: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

We can see from dimension analysais that this has not exaetlp the same effectthan the Pauli Villars régularisation seheme . We can see that undptn ptn sincefin ulptùlp) =Ptn . Soif we assume a collision at low energy (pin :p ' '

"M' and q%M'),

the quantités between brochets behaves like

Æi¥¥¥¥¥û - ÆHÆ-ÆÆn4kffNKM )2 z

EM Fptmpînîkp - Mt which does not cancel the UV divergence sinceM»ÆÆmT

Brute ait- off :

The amplitude of the diagram ËÜÏ is

in -_÷! Étaiq , pinkie lp-ki

Using Feynman paramétrisation ,we can write

{ ,where g) + ie,since a-ytz -- t - z) tie

Page 3: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

=Lftp.pzf-lgx-pzttqax-ipaz-maltzltie-l?-Atie ,

where l'= kntxqn -zpnandt-lqx-pzf-qix-paz-maltzt-qiri-txzg.ptmaya'xlx-h-2xzp.g+mYt-zt=-ojxly+z) g)

But m'=p":( -zi

⇒ intiti xdgdzdx-ytz-ttfdkulpf.NU#Elp ) , .


where A- tu mlklktmltH-tnktrktu-mtnlkk-KHF-m.tkM

Using 8µVN' = -2K,Hatteras and tutti t'= -

,we get

A- HAHAHmlkutkil -2mW ]

= -24f -xgtzpdtrl-h-xtqftzpd-tmlkl-xgtzpt-qih.tnNv }We can now change the intégral ouerktoanintgralouerl :

in -_ )Http

Sinn Dis eveninl, fd "l ¥ = 0

.for the same room


the intégral fdklz.lvtaniser when mer , so by Lorentz invariance it must he quattro tgfdlf⇒ gmfd"llµ¥ = Agurgmfd "llÊ

Page 4: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

⇒ file --4A fait! ⇒A-4

This impies that we can drop all the toms linear in l in Nr

⇒ Nu =}

Butt = Host-K¥2lettre-- 24bar-hl : taguer-HE -taré

⇒NE-2f#l'}From the Dinar équation , pulpt-mulpl.ulptpt-ulp.IM ⇒ ùlp .IQ/ulpt-ulpYlp-pAulpt-O .⇒NE-2L-Étre :L-xp -ptzptrfltxllptptzpt -2mW }= -4-ttrltttxmtlztxtptrlltxptlxtz - Dm] -2mW -axlph-kx-itz-hp.ttM'A }= -2 ttatrlitxymatr )- dmktaxlph-H-aylp.ttM'A }= -statut txymrtr - pop'-D'pdt

- dmktaxlph-H-aylp.ttM'A }= -2ff81 ?tmttrlxy + -m'4-g)ltxttrb


Page 5: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

= -}

= -2¥ trltmtrfxytx - xtiyyattztzytzx -zxgtdmpitxt-y-xyI-dmprty-x-xyJ-qalt-ykt.HN}

= -2ff trlttmatrtdxyxttx -}= -2¥41math- tug)H-yz-H-2mpifxltztytdmpt-yltzttxtqih.HU -xttr}=-21Kff l' -2mL piytpx)}=-21Kff14 ) - pdzytxD}But )

⇒⇒NE -21Kff l'+ }

The dénomination of the intégral the intégral overx andy ofthe term proportionnel

can now use the Gordon ident-tyulpytuulpt-ulp.NET tintât)ulptho moitethe best term :

NE-21Kff l'+ -21kffétait - g) Il 1) ftp.s.w.pulplltrttttgk-zk-xkmalt-4ztztttiomgumzt-4¥!,HAI

Page 6: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

There are think of intégral over l to compute :

H¥i¥Ë Es .

The second intégral is divergent : I-ffffqyff.jpHowever wecan régularise it by including a cut -off at large l . First , we can minplfyit by goingin Euclidien coordinateur :

l'site and Is È2

⇒ ,we can go in sphoiual cardinales :

±- i saisie:*:÷à¥!h÷Let's change variables for E- lits ⇒ a- = Hello

⇒E-÷Ëæa¥→÷Ë¥¥¥ lent -¥ -¥IË=

, tennistennis - a-¥⇒¥fËHÆH¥¥Il=

:# lent#t' s¥¥÷ -IfIf his my large ,

it gees like

I→ Égalent ,which is exultez the result régularisation if| Ê)we do the transformation l'→ ztt .

Page 7: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

We can also régularise I by doing it in 4- c- dimensions,with eso


fËËüÈËË¥dÊÇËËq , inaugurait¥soi the angdoimtapd willwe can change the variable for x-1K¥

'⇒ dx = -21¥14

⇒ F- ËËÆ "

x µ s'"( txt" x""This intégral is the definition of the beta function :

± avais

But UE) ¥-8,b-"=Ë? t - Êfnb and Its - E)→atriale

⇒ Iç÷¥ -4f" -"Il ens) ¥as -uns-4 ¥- end -z)If we set c-=L

,this bromes identieal to the result obtained with Pauli - Villars

mn andbrute eut -off régularisation .

The function f. IgM and Fdg') are defined asin-_ - ieùlp' ) (t' ftp.t igmmqfalg ')) ulp) Edy )We prevîously found


= hé§*-ftltHltxttmKHHittorff?ftp.?yg,

Page 8: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

This is only the first correction to the tree - level diagram .The correction to the

fi and fa function is then

oflait = Hé§ -sikM¥¥7ËBWe can get rid off the divergent logarithme by snhtraeting the value of this correctionat geo :

Fait -Flot-g¥ !xdgdzdans - Ilftp.gyq.etfailtm?qgf:mjftgKH-- High}f-doit !xdydzdx-yiz-ttqftzt-mfef.dxdydzdxtytz.tth¥j¥→g.We can emily compute this intégral when ga :O :

et falot-¥§↳ because x can be

equaltoty-zonlyifyatz.g-2-28f.IQ⇒ g- 2 = ¥ x 0,00232

We see that the choice of the régularisation schemedoesnt change the final resultsince these are only different waysofisolatmgtheinfinituimintegrols.TK finit part ,which has a physico meaning , stars unchange by this choice .

Page 9: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

¥2 The diagramme contribution at that outer are

① ② ③ ④

¥. Ii # II.⑧

¥. ¥. ËIf we assîgn to the www.umgandoutgoingeleetrom the moment panda ,

the photons the maranta k and k ' and one of the fermin propagation in eachloop the momentum g ,

the amplitudes are

in- t- ie¥:* ami i§¥:?÷ü:¥iïà:÷:un↳÷: **"


ff1* ami!attire)"#MAG- g-k lp-k.ptit¥:÷?"MË?÷ "Ë"initie" ¥¥¥mii¥::÷¥:÷?Haitink"MË÷. le"""The 4 other amplitudes can be on the polarisationvector and changing km - toi


We can write the first amplitude at

i M = - tiel" àlpttmulpt ETRE*HA


Am ¥H§¥m¥→!¥î¥ii¥Hh÷ iraitHH"

Page 10: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ


= q'- m'y -24 - x) g.lp-ikt-U-xkptkf-ic-lg-U-xkp-kba-H-xtlp-kkltxllp.lkt -Maxxie

= la - t -xkpftp.ktpi/ltx-D-mtxeie=lIx4-xXm42p.ktmix-iie--lt-D- ie

with f- g- ltxllpxkl , t.xltxllm42p.ttm'x

⇒tri -*ftp.t#mnf*U!xft*Hi:xsq-1q:amI-ymktmtklp-tht-mt.itSince Diseveninl

,the Integral fd


¥ vanishes.

We onlyneedto amputé the integral

¥¥µ¥µ¥ .

We can emily see that it diverges .

We with régularise itusing dimensionnent régularisation :

HÉ "HÉHÉ Mff1,1 ¥. . If we chose d- 4- c- this boom

"÷!¥÷ Kitten tÊH¥Ë*ËDËH¥D

⇒ Était¥1

Page 11: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

⇒ tri -¥+1!xËH¥DH¥¥h.HN#kHmItqF?trWe then have*lk '),where*ofmrttYg-iHIm'EpatantBut 88F89. = -2098'

,OJJEH ' and hit. = -28"

⇒Ami 4h ftp.f#mImafjdxdydzdx-y-iz-Dffq*fsHEHtr#2mldgrkr ) -m'8D ,

where D= -g)'

=p -m'lxty )-2g .Llytzkxzptyktzlptkl'

=L g- ltxlk ')-m'ltz)= l' -m'4-g)=p - )Abu

, Iqtkltvqflg-KIRA-8kt- 29dg -Al - qatrtkgtv=L Llrtltxlkrtzprllltltxlktzp -AI -

Page 12: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

= 24484ff' 8.,

where we used .

⇒ - Lg-HIGHmkg - k . ) -match -4dm - zprlzm -mm

⇒!dxdydzdx-y-iz-Dfd!*efspKt4dllVr- )There are d intégrales to do :

+ lmiitmzktdzltxllkp) -mm

H¥m¥IËÉ and

¥.ph - Hd ) . Aqimwewilluse dimensionnel rogutarizatùntoamputetfisgae :""¥÷ËYË¥f¥¥→=ihËÊII "M¥1"

LHAIHEHD kf1 E-DU - - t - t - ent#D

Ame ftp.fhf?mI.f!xdydzkxtztz-Dffet-t-lnp*Dt # fort )- (miam -mm}

Page 13: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

⇒ iMèËÏËËzàMk¥¥!*DtrttIzprlzm-xk-iak-aml-lniz4mzkt2zh-xllkp) - m'④ULPIÉLKIËLK ')

The amplitude ils

iMEËË )-8dm -m'Btptxkltmltrulpte

À4k¥41 ')

Finaly , thefourth amplitude à

iMy= -èàlpttmulpklkklk,where

J%¥Ît¥÷÷?gE¥¥¥¥¥.it?p..!p:ic.--bs! -glatiese- gaxpaw -1mW -m'ltwttie

=L '- ftp.pixlz-iw-2pi.pwx-2koplztw/w-p'' pw andsédkpixlztwtpiopwx - '

And Nmitdqfkitmltnlgtmttrlgtktmht.#Http ftp.kkm/tngHrH-KHg-AfutrlgtkHgtkHnqN+m'Ltutrlgtktttugtrlg -AHAHAHAH

Page 14: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

= ta#d)tnllthltrlltctmltnlltbltr#HAahhh HAHAHAHA)

+m'Ltutdltctttnlltbhtlltatttrtmsttr } T,where

a-- pilxtttklztwtpw , can use the identités t.HN?4gm,txfutNoT-- -2888'



_ Htptntvtottotrtntp) and kfr48.HN?-2K.tptokk:Nm--2ttlHdtdlttbAfullltaDtMLllHH8nlltHAHAHA ttrtrlltattulltbttdl#fille

+ Ntdll HAHAHA) tu#NI-m'#Athlète Mtn tkt#Dttmgµ}

We can now negbeteveryoddtouninl :

Nm-dtckltnl-lkbtd-ltvltna-ekbtnat-mf.ltHANNAH + l'tintant+ Kf8ne + tratnbttvltnlttrbtncxtvtpéttrtnactltnltrbquatr]-m'4kfr trbtnxtrtnatitmignr}

Also, -tatoué

⇒Nµ=2¥NHHHv - tvlbldlrltnttatrtnaltctrbtnatmttatnrlttetnbtv

+ étourneaux - ttrtnéttratnbtttrtnlxtrbtnlthtntttrtnac -tantrlitbfnatsf-m' llctrtnttrbtnttrtnalttmgµ}

⇒ tachette' llctrtnttrbtnttrtnalttmgµ}

Page 15: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

mdrrr= l' llctrtnrldgnr - trtnb - HAK -trbtn-trfuab-2etrbtua-2mtctrtmtrbtm-ktndl.hnmhctnbtrxcatttttvatnbttrbtnlttrtnd ¢ #trahi 4mgµThere are this d intégrale to compute :

ËüË⇒iËË and H¥i¥*iË⇒ Am =

˧ËqÜËw KHANNA - blah -trbtmktnatmurrtmtrbrmkrnah-dckbtna.imlctnbtrtcatnttttvatrbttrbtncttrtud ¢ +ÈÙaK) -t 2mg,§ ,

where a-- k' lxtttklztwl,'



There are stitl 3 diagramme that we could considére : g- k'

Iv ¥ and° À

P P'

We can easily see that the first 2 diagramsvanish because they involve theIntegral over the loop


Page 16: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

Thethirddiagramhasan amplitudeini - tietàtptuulpttiecilkktlfdtr-EHmk-k-mblitlhttlqf-maxitklq.AT-mtticillgtk - kHmt-Â

We can compute the trace on Mathematica : , }= }


⇒ IMEC"[dxdydzdlxxytz - t)¥¥,.IQ?2maKkp8ar-kagsr-krgxrtkagsu3 ,

where Ü=iêûÆuHËÎlmÉMk ') andA-' -2g.LK#z)-kzItzlpi-2k.pitk'Yxyk'xie=lg-k4-xt-kz)'

- -m' + ie

= l',with

f- andwecan negbtt.hetY.IE⇒ IMEC"[dxdydzdlxxytz - 1)ftp.y.2lt-2-ma/Lkp8ar-kagsr-krgxrtk'agsu3l'-Stitt

Page 17: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

A-gain ,

we have d intégrale to do :

tt:#¥⇒ü÷à and

¥üË⇒÷Æ÷¥÷ËïEH¥¥If we set D= 4-E , we get

ËËÈËD¥ÏË¥. ¥44 - Einstein#

GÈLE - t - abstinent - atf-Ë¥ -at- t -hpËB⇒ - }

ME -A- tentant ff7t -x

= i ["Lkpg. . - . } § ff1]Frit

Page 18: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

In this analyses , we didn't include correction to externat legs since theyare not relevant in a expriment . These corrections have an effect on aspecific partite state . for exemple, they can be used to go from the photon +electronstate in a free theory Ip ,

b. to the équivalent state in the interactive theory .However

,they don't have any effect on the seattoimg amplitude in .

Also,we can see that including these corrections in in would result in divergences .

Au easy way to see that is with the following diaporama :


7û_The amplitude would contraire the propagation for the Internal photon of momentumk.But the externat photon is on shell so k:O .

The propagation intrus

àf÷ = - , the seattuing amplitude would diverge .

The relevant diagramme for Compton seottering with soft photon emission are

ËËï ②Ë: %Fa.ir⑥¥Ëp .

¥1; o#n

q k'

The amplitude for these diagramme are

Page 19: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ


1-gain , the lost amplitudes can be obtained from the first 3 .Wewill also have to tohu the limit q- O at the end of the calculateur aimait représentera soft photon .

We can first see that , and similarly Hitptn ! tkplqxplm?!Also


=ppa - t.kdulpk.TN

⇒ im-ieulptl-trkp.plNEHA ËlgklkfiéàlpHinault EMMÈNERAi Ma and i Mrs can be obtained from i M

, by intouhanging g- k' and geek respectives :

⇒ in = - iéàlp ) ftp.n-gtnltrlapa-txk/lulptE*YgtE*TpitElkf-ieiilp#i'de# *



in -*MpiteTHETot--ieiilp'Hinault ÉTAIENTËlglin éàlptapageNETAIËLIË = - ièùlptttmaulptîth lot ki

Page 20: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

in:*MgteHt-Elkf- ièùlpttiiiiulpt Étroite Ykt ki

in: ieulptlprkpzg.pulpt.MN Était Ëttrièùlp#"maulp tkt Ëtkt Ëlgl

The whale amplitude is nowin = - ie bin ÈHKFCYKIÉTg) àlp#



So the équation 5.81 now bécanes

4!Mt- éasmbjçr. ËLKYEUYÉUËtktËlgtÉ t'II. AÏ TÆ! -Ass! -ÆIt%µ= -¥bjçç grog"j Tr ftp.imtttfxr-AIm-AI?xtAItn-AHm-tIhxKpHm)× ftp.t-t?os-A?otAI'm-AIhs-tYoxD ,

because § ÊTRElp) → - quand t'¥8 - TAILThis gennady diverges for q→ 0 .

But,we can expert that divergence

ts exaetly cancel the infrared divergence from the Compton seatteringwithoutthe soft photon . So , the sum of the 2 squared amplitude rtayr finit .

Page 21: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

where D= ) ¢= -m'txxyiztietxtytzxw)= tttwlfg


-2¥qq.lp-ikhyfwjlp-iktftlptktfty-yy.IM - malt -wttit

= lytwlfq - yfzwylptktjilpttapkttilftp.ffqt-f-mttwtic-ly-iwllt-bxie,where l = g- ¥w lptk ) and

A- m'4- µ42yqj¥wfqw-yw#= malt -wtlmiédpoklyfgtdw - toutt=mah -''nE*lk't-k. Elkto so we can ngbetknandkr :

placeuse ta tut? -2fr and fr814

Nm = ftp.n-lm-ik/tntmtnIt2gt4mlfdpr-Klm-AHmtr]= -tapir-KOH¥.gl#Ktamyapr-trklSineeDiseveninl

,the toms in Nur linear inlvanish :

Nur = -km)Wtf

= -2¥,

12pm'#8Mfr lm# -

Page 22: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ


lapin-n' y-



= -2µg ftp.I-mtn-2lpmknttnlptk/Dldprmttrlap.k-KmDt- lbmaprtn- )

= -¥wy # kiimtullaprmttdapuk-}tlbmptn -8matnkk-8mlpkltnk-fqzlapmtmzmk.EE-m'ftp.H-tdpmte-tfrmI-ttprlpkltn-fmpnf-xpkltntrlm+montre - ftp.AI-tlbmaptn-8matnkkttmlpkltntr

= -w¥y{ .tk#8mlpkltnk⇒¥¥ÎË=Nm¥**àsÏËËËme"ÜFia¥⇒Ami¥*¥Ëüü¥¥ .

Since the intégrant enlydepadonyandw, thexintegralcanbedonedûutty :

Page 23: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

tu !Ë4z7û¥ X⇒!:4jfz! àtrwmutpklkt tilwith Nm

= -w¥y {4pmVu - 8makkk-smlp.dkk

We can compute the second amplitude with a similor method :

IME -éùlpttnrulp) EURÊKA) , where

ÆÆ¥ïHfH?!?¥mm÷.MIL?mn7i?ip**i-bs!.dsdzdwdxx-z-w-¥¥*f÷D= .;lklz-iwttpwI+fklzq))


ftp.kwlzjyftma#-mawx2p.khHwttit=ltxK-stit,with t-g-pklzf.IM#andA-2pkwlyq-mwI-niw-apkhaut

Nm =ftp.tkkm/8xlqftmltrlg-kHmlF=8nlp+kHml8xLgtrlq-A) + mtdef-kkmgk.intKIT

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=ftp.IH-mttdlf-HKA-4mkg-krttmND ×We now set fr-0 and fin -- O since kEUR1 -_ KIÊHK :O .term linear in q :

Nmitnlptkltmtt HA -AHµ 8mg -2mW

= ftp.mkitlpukltmmtht#-tHl2gr-qktt8mgr-dmNr ]= tapé -1mAHmmHttp#-HAK Kappa 8mg-2mW

tapir -Hinton f4µkb¥¥rwÜHq¥w-kf44kb¥¥Ü*ftp.w#wDkt8mflrtku-zwwf2mNJt - x

As befoa , we can and replace lulu by tgml ?

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Page 25: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ

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Finaly , the fourth amplitude à

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Page 26: The substruction we of photon Ë÷ékeshav/674/sol33.pdf · PAYS 673 Problemset 3 BenoitLaurent # The substruction ofthe 2diagramr given takenwedon't include thepolarisation µ