· tms cknwu3 wom. e. +_en*nt uste's 3tasiment a toh peseant...

TMS CKNWU3 WOM. E. +_en *nt uste's 3tasiment a toh Peseant Cendteten of the Publteattum. 1a view of the leghiatio of the last Congress which provides that the oeoe of the superia- tenient of the census shall be abolished sn the 31st of next December and that the unpub- lished work shay be anished in a division at- tached to the Secretary of the Interior there as a good deal of interest in the ecndition of the cemsu eece. On this subject Superine=ndent Porter said today to a Mran reporter: "I am glad to say that the work of the eleventh census is rapidly drawing toe class. There." said he. pointing to a volume fresh tresm the government printing oee., "is part I of the compendium which practically contains the essential facts relating to the population of the United States. Five hundred and twenty- oft M of part 3 of the cosmpendiam are also yp. Within a few days the machines will have completed what is known as the see- end run and the final or third run is now fairly under way. There are now printed as final re- parts the volumae en the mineral in- dustries. part 1 of the report on wealth, debt and ta=ation. the report on transportation bn ess of the great lakes, on the rivers of the ississippi valley and on street rail ways, also raperts on the Hix Nations of New York and the eastern band of Cherokees. In addition so this we have now published ten volumes of bulb- tins. including one showing the population by minor civil divisions and one in relation to sdeie of manufactures in cities. The total nmber of pages of the eleventh cnses now pubMshed and in type is over 11.660. avaas, NEW wTrarans. "While these volumes are out, and while it is a bet that we have given data in the shape of bulletine to the public much more rapidly than ever before. there are many new features not icimled in the previous censuss. All the work relating to mortgage indebtedness is practically finabed work. The additional work required on these reports will be simply re- binding. This work is In no sense prelimi- nary. "As to the volumes. which will average about 1.060 pages each, now in the hands of the pui- lbe printer I would say that over 400 pages of the report on population, over 300 pages of the re ort on mortality and vital statistices. practi- eafy the whole of the work on social statistics of cities, nearly 400 pages of the work on statistics of special classes, portions of the work on pauperism and crime, education, churches. agricaultuare. manufactures and insur- ance are printed. The report on Alaska is practically completed. as is also that on the condition of the Indians. The next volumes to be out, which I hope will be in three or tour months, will be the volumes on church statis- tics, some -onograph on manufactures. the volume on social statistics of citiesand the final report on railroads. wars Tam orrcu IS AnoLWEED. "Tu will see that the ensus Is substantially m head. It is hoped by the 31st of December to have all volumes completed, except possibly the second part of population volume, part 2 of the volume on manufactures and the volume en agriculture. The statistical atlas is also an- der way. "It will be readily seen that the work at this juncture must be watched very carefully in order that the final results should be in har- mnony with the general scheme of the census. It is gratifying to be able to my that the scheme for the elerenth censu., as you will se from the introduction to the compendium. was made up by me in the early .print of 1999. That I then arranged each volume. that no numbers have ever been changed and that not one of the investigations has failed. and that everything is aeeordance with the original plans will be carried through to completion. As far as I am personally concerned I am anxious to have this work completed." There are now about 1.200 persons employed in the office. On the 31st of December the terms of all ofies expire. The Secretary of the Interior is. however, authorized to erganize a census division, with a chief and about twenty-three employes. to complete the unfinished work. The farms, homes and mort- division is to be continued until Septem- '9L This division now employs about fir persona TAKOMA PAEK. Csanersemaanceof The Evening Star. Tazona Paax. D. C.. April 5. 189x. The chapel was literally packed last night by as audience. which included many from Wash- ingtem,towitness the performance of the closing day of a "Deustrick Sknle." The platform was arranged to represent an old-fashioned district school room, with wooden pegs for hats, dunce block, a. Mr. D.G. schoolmaster, promptly at 8 o'clock rapped on the window for the school to come to order. when a crowd of boys and girls came rushing and tumbling on the stage. When hats were hung up, in re- opete rol call, the following answered to heirtmes: Martha Jane Honeysuckle and Hannah Maria Boneysuckle. twins, Mrs. C. M. Heaton and Miss Etta Hamlin: Samantha Honeysuckle. Lavina Honeysuckle. also twins. Mrs. Louis Dadley and Mrs. Henry Garrett: Ezekiel Jedediah Honeysckiei toosmall to go toschool , a visitor with his big sister. Mr. (seo. L. Fa- vrite: Make-hilt Humphrey. Mies Longfellow: The Giggling (,irl. Mirs Bitzer: Polly Simi- kins., Mrs. J. It. Finch: Temperance Hart- herne. Mrs. Amanda Thomas: John Wana- maker. Mr. S. S. Shedd: Jonathan Pettibone. Mr. Blodgett; Grover Cleveland. Mr. Sleeper; John Bul. Mr. (). D. Summy; Win. Steele Hol- man. Mr. Bailey: lIaac Jones. Mr. Chris.Brase- hears: Tardy scholar. Mr. Damude; Jay Hawker, Mr. Petty; Mike O'Frlyn. Mr. Fred Dudley. The nrogram that was carried out was full of fun arnd many requests have alrady been made for a repetition of the performance. Mrs. W. T. Clark. who has leased Mrs. Williams' cottage on Chestnut avenue, has vis- iting her T. S. Clark of Cornell. with his friend. W. P.z Walker of Lebagh University. CeL. Prentiss Ingraham is in Chicago in the interests of Col. Cody r"Buffalo Bill"). Iang- lay Ingraham returned to the M. A. C. from his Ester vacation. Mr.. tart lleekes is visiting her parents, Dr. nd Mrs. Blennett. Mr. and Mrs. French S. Evans have returned to Washington from a visat to friends in Ta- hem Lbs services in the chanel Sunday began with a communionsaerviceat o'clock. Sunday school at 9:30. ani Easter service and preaching at 11 by l-ev. lar. Little of Assembly Presbyterian Church of Washin~gtoni unio-a Sunvday school at 4o'elock art Ep..ieo'al service at 7:0 p.m. Many W ahangtonmans S ere presens. O4ingu to the serious rlnress~of bea father. Mr. Siortaman of lliimrv'. Mtr. Win. Alver did not receiveeas usual .ou Friday last, but will be at homse mest Friday as u'.uai. Mr. arid Mlrs. Alesy, with their children, spent the Eastet semin with Judge Alvey in Hiagerssown. Mr. John Hamlin is visiting him nieces, the Maasse Hamlan of Maple annue. The Census and the Cettegee. Ths interest taken in the work of the eenaus uese by the institutions of learning through. ei the country is shown by the demand f os the bulletins which are issued from time tc tima Ia somne of the colleges the bulletina na used as text books. especily those giving the staties as to the foreign born popuation and~ othe topics bearing on econiomic subject. The superintendent ot the censia has dehiveredi lsmrea on the work of the census before tha Institute of Tfechnoloy in Boston and also be foge the Ann Irbor UnDiversity. On the 21a instant M1r. Porter will deliver a hecture at tha U.JPersity of Chiagno on the methods em plaped in taking the late census and hew th. seete have been tabulated. -..a.i- a--.-.-- I astgention. ~kdIs interested in the subject of liedm guSmen and how our laws pertaining theret. enenforced. To this end she has seat D. F *@essetoLondon. who represents her majesty' gsnment. and Jokn Burnett of the Lads band of trade to this country to inveetigati teabject. They are now traveling thraugi te ss. rianting various ports at whish be a nte enter She United Stes. Mevenne Martue V--...e.. he there will he a surplus et varsass ai to avy for the class that will graduate tha pam there wall be no cadets available fer ag pdahmet to the revenue marnes servas Th mee now ien va---=a-- in the list of tim tanmate in that aervie. Capt. Shepard ha hpdto get esme msembere ot this yea ohei~t as there will he enough eem.s-iss See andsthe v-aane in the sevens am w prebably ne held over for anothn M. There are nwa sueent number a ea in the servie to perform all duties ii quid, and as toe haw dee se aimake is ma Sto fill vacaneise the baren E prebabi ihthe pe that eame af te nest ge aUmg el.. wiul net be e welu psevisied l The Psoper Thaams omkers is a ...e= ef at(d Dambi massagamnaSan pam WANTED-HELP. 1jTANTED A FIRST.CLAS WAITER AND hogm servant; m s ha Dent alt seerenes. Addrems F. S. M.. ear e._ _ _ _& ANTED-FOUR RSTLING AGETS R the best selhar book ever sold for o . Call tomorrow on A. A. DOLE. 301 Fat. . w.ap6.9ta W ANTED-SALESMEN--ONE ACTIVE MAN. competent to take chare of growint ee de- rartmwnt ia etty store; als one for /satw fara wade. Addres. with reference. 5 EUSThERS[ 1ANTED-1 EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTER by M. L. EADER. 5338th s.e. ; must bria ref- erence. ap-9a' WANTED-A I.ARGE TRONG BOT. ABOUT 18 e years old:; wilg ad gpick. Apply at passe t C r s. w. a0. CN W ANTED--S FIRST-CLANS PLUMBERS FOE aksh t work. GEO. k HUTCHINS. l20 E 1 AN A WHITE HOY WHO WANTS ." lessrna : also a colored hoe. Call at at 14th at. a.w. 3s* V Aad ose cos tmakerto werk instae JNO.p. BE RENS. 1125 7th s. a.w. I" ANTID-A SEAT YOUNG COLORED MAN. VI esapeisnt weils aad driver. for prvatae Nill ; eity reerence reeared513 ist w._ass- J W ANTED-A WEITE MON. UNMARRIED. AS ceaebma and ter general wark ow the oly must thwoowi/Yuudetutad lborses. and be aw_ 100~ ref.snces A m Bus 106. star oe. au5" ANTRD-A BUY TO WORK IN STORE; MUS be industriens, bring good refereece. or need not. app ly. (M F ast. asw. 1- ANTED-A YOUNG MAN FOR TEE GijjT furatshinag and hat bmsimess; only those well ex- perienced need apply. Add.fess e158. Star o~re 1a* p WT ANTED-TWO GOOD FARM HANDS TO WORE b Dc the day or aonth; momse know.-lgeof gardia- lee and good references required. A ly between 10 o'eloch and S. oou 1. Fendell hldr..344 D at. api-3s* h 'ANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH SOME E1- pernence in br tending to make bMmself gsea- orally etfuc" one who speake German prefer Ap. SNTE0-;J COAT ANDS. b BUSHELMEN. ___ lk'9l4 kM.anw. ap4-3* ANTED--A BOY FRO 15 TO 1 YEAMb OLD 1for carriage clerk at a hotel; one who has had b Sa~m raerf ered. Inquire at BUIRODORFS rTABF. 4atE et. ew. p4-b NATED-IMMYEDIATELY-ONE PIRST-CLASS S white barber of sober habits and nbs mans; will pay gper week ad half eer 511. At '.'(t!{ C st.a.e. WANTED-A FIRST-C.ASS BABE.L APPLY to H. R AB. 1411 Now York ave. apd-a* SANT ED-10 COAT HANDS AT KEEN'S, 18g k FL. ep ANTETD-AN ACTIVE YOUTH TO ATTEND str ; one that has had some experienc in book- keeping and a gowd pemiain. Address C. E.. Star WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS PLUMBER AND sattter; must be temperate; ecastant y- m- met to a readable man. JOHN MORAN. - . PA awa acd-d - WANTED-AT CITY INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 1 cooks. waiters. chamnermades. drivers, clerks. portes. mos., women. baj for an wok~ t se far- Nis tIl suited.SHACKLkORD'S. that.W. a! 0 ANTED-A BOY O115 OR 16 YEARS OF AGE to atbet In a furnishang store. Addrmes T. J.. Star .Eee. apd& a WANTED -AN E1PERIENCED YOUNG MAN fic una. bakesy. Apply T14 7th sh a.w.; reer- emees required. apd.m* WANT D-OUNG MAN TOLEARN TAILOR. eing; most bef good habits and come well raese- merded. Add e mows handwriting AMITI)US Star oflce. ANT:FD-B A LARGE RETAIL HOUSE. yo tmnwho have leisure em Saturdaya to 1 asaist as saesmen n hat and shoe dp s. An ..e pe-Iaun.ty for kusines= trauung. 97. a Sar or. ap31.a m W ANTED-OPTICaL SALESMAN FOR RETAIL Sstore ; must be b' e to St a eares of refraetioa as well as a fre utter:; must be of Mood el faMead addre. Address A. 8. ALOn l 1 e LIcate. Me. mh31. - 'ANTED- ACTIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO sell the Pert-t Pecl tat and ether uick- C mllnc labor-savng articles, Pleaat. p sC able work. Laberal ferma Eaclusive territory. For par-I ticular, sadrsm the mamufacturars. GOOD LL COMPANY. Antrim. N. B. ah23-ekw& 'ANTED SA.ARY OR Q0M3MISM'Ok TO agents to handle tae Patent mcal Ink Eaa- 'n Psocui. The most usefui ad newel anvetiea of the ire. Erases ank thoro whly in two "ooed". 1 Works like nagic. 2Ot 300 per cent proft. Awetm tnaking S.O per week. We ales want a gesnera agent to take cha'ge of territory and eppint sub agents. A rare chance to mey. Write for terms and e pen of eraing. WON E RASER 'F'G.00.. g 190. La Croee. Wi, d-.ya - ANTED-'TENOdRAPHERB AND REMING- e tywrites eat directed to psitionis-" F M PLOYEN provi dd competeat tenorrape and Remington oaeratnes: no chearg for Teraices. WTC- OFF. SEAMANS A BENEDICT. Remintoa Type- write- ,ece. Nth and F st,. a. w. se;"Itf FEIMALE. "ANTED-COOKS. 812 TO 875; cHAMBER- A matas. waitresess. nrses. imemstrea. bouse and kitchen women. waiters. tot sad h oe. DICK'S AGENCY. 6137th at. new. ap-db* ANTED-FIRS l-l A'S WHITE LAUNDRESS C I to go away with family. pay 118; also dret-class whilte wactre s. py 016: rood whitwo-0k pay 618. Apply to Mrr. EM. DI0N'No. at. nw. , employment bureau for white servan .a apR3h* 'ANTED--A WHITE GIRL TO NU-tSE TWO I I children and wait an tabe and make hereslf ue-; fal; reteremnoe required. Apply at 131314th at. .w. WAN rED AN EEPERIEN\CED NUReE FOR t Chi dren; mast have aood references and be will- A trg to so away for the summer. Address N. 8. P.. - Star onre. apl.3* 'A NTED-A FIRST-CI.A'S COOK MUST FUR- nis.g wed references. Apply at 161x 3 it. ap5-2b* WA TED A FI ST-CLASS WHITE K; Con. ave.3ap a ANTD-LADY OF REFINEMENT (NOT UN- der 3) with some business e periece for rht iciti. Call 10 to i2. 6.7 12t Lw. B. L. EVEKITT. 1l* WANTLD-A GOOD COO. AT 1213 C ST. N. A. WANTED-TWO FIRuST-CLASS W IST TRIM- r" mer. one sleevemnaker;also apprentices; steady a and god pay. Apply for three days. Take elevator. C 142 New a rk awe. 1b W ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR W baby. amend address, with name of last emploer. toY1. trvn pf to E. Z . Star o~ce-* - ANTED-4 WOMtN (#HITE OR COLORED) as chambernaaad and waitree and to sist to care of child ;o r yeas old : must have reference and i stay at miwht. App.y at 1543 Ra 1b* ANTED- INMkDIiTELY-A YOUNG GIRL that can sew to lern t., meake vests. Apply to M iseRObE BEN'INi. 7f8sltat. sw. 1 * *ANTED-A WHItE GIRL IN A FAMIIJ OF four grown people. Apply at eoes 1118 5th at. n.w. 1' " ANTED - A YOUNG WRITE GIRL TO CARE te two furnighed ofter s.120 Fat.L - n. w.. Upstacra. 1b * ANtDL-- A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL il 1jANTEI)-A GOOD DhES8INNR; NONE iwth -r need apply. 14iS New cark awe. 16* a.U.sTED- A CLEAN. BONEST GIRL OR iwe r an to coot and "clean hoise for famnly of- fon-. Appay, with referencese iEN. 5. ave amw.1b*0 'ANEIALAD FO APOSITIiN REqUIR- ha i ours' c ork daily: only theme willutg to 'earna need sopsy: malar OS. 0wemk~y. A-'vly from ' 30 to 12. o3'ee -tih27. 5 Fast. n.W. Toaele'rator.bV ANTED-GINL.S BITE OR BIGHITCOL- I V ored: ; atejirent. etay n.,kts;li t1 hmeoe; 'ANT'D - A RESPECTABLE C OLOR ED - iwoman as cham -bermaad and ti de plata seewlt- must stay nighs; Weing referee. - Apply 1SIS05 y, ANTED-TWO Y -UNG SALESLADIE's WHO nave a me experie:;ce in a Iadiee' feormtshin=. yor ted ad sancy atoe. Apply at tICS 9th st. m.w. " !ANTED - A FIRST-CLASS SLEEVE BAND; alcoeox ertenced skari and wait honda; to such pneellent wages. Apply at 1 4 Pa. awe. after 5 o'ec'c apb-S* EDAWOMAN AS NURSE AND CRAM- bcmidity re~ereces requaued. Apply at WANTED--A GIERMAN GIRL FOR GE, EAL han .uework; so wa==Mngor Ironing; good home. Apply 406 B st. a. w. ap_____ "__ WVANTED-OLO)RE WbMEN TO DO WASK.- ViIns. Iroc-ing and reneral housework; referemois r-quired. App.y at once 615 De an. w..- bit. 6th and 7tlastan.w. 1b* ' ANTED)-A YOUNG COLORED WOMAN TO coo,,. arash and tron ad hel p with housework ; bring references. 610 lias,. awe, a. w. 1b' '1ANTED-4 WOMAN TO COOE, WASH. IRON. d gt~eaeneral work of amall famIty; atag ab; - 30 di reference ; vases 610. 1312 9th it. m. lb '17ANTED-A 4 FRST-CLASS TAILtORESS; ALSO Vpsiets maker. Apply 16G 14th stoaw. apt& W I'ANTKI-A WOMAN COMPETENT To the general haassworg of a mal family. N t U. a e. ANTD--FRSTCLSUWRITE COOK. TWO Vi fa,.ly. ayS3n; good F5Uh acres. peg W|); white atrI ltr alenera housework two In famy.a Ol61; white chambermaid and to lo uamtn. pay 61. Appljso M'. E... D)UNNING. plym etBrean fe. White Serwva. _ap4-2b* 4207th at. s.w. *ANTED-A WEITE GIRL FOR CUaMBER. wo kandaimne eemfor a anall family; Gee- naam referrd ; referencs required. Call at 390 H at. mw. ;swene cabte eare pea the dear. atad4lb ANE-A GIR.. FOR GENERAL. BOU.E WrkED0 17th at ,mear Newasd awe.. 17ANIRII-T less STE ST. N.W., WOMAN FOR ii geaeral homsswork ; mus eeod caok. assst with washangmeade asener sta at sluMt: reiwp- amsreuird. ap- ANTED-A GOOD WOMA T CO A8 -bomEII.bbUIa, mrIIS N es. nw._____ ANTED-U~sTO RT TJ e-OM mwse.:ateas. a. U WA.yeTL.tes U 3r. W.w.. A a WANqTED-HELP. RIPats o wf~a * .- Sin WA T.IIAIN Fair-' r- sar haMuiR. sl ANT-! AMARIED AI PSIIO use 5 nai Be16 WmttAf. . I&. I w a gl oy mo eri who Lel fldne... sAdTD-B Ae WHIwT= AX. mPBINB. DOsisa to d faew sNet. ief AIddia Bo: v bta rr " ANTED-BYOSATIOS YA AR GOODS AES C. L, bar @5cc. w- 3AXTZD-3y A COLORED MAN. AC ITO mo a:W.d trae *dre PBXU ANj~TKD-OO TO DIKSAGNO AO CAK XT~boosTWuatO IIESPT~ABZao.E COLORED, ndoyamal lft- ras Q anI' IF -S. ctrt o ok4 4,TANTED--Y AWHIT WOMAN AY %DPACE so Adrg alary.I Adrs WANTED-SIUTIN B RY GWOODIS AS lade[am; wil kske tim Va :ga ar wincesu arod str ,o e at mig t tiet feraeaya.AddIt ermont eA.J. P. Strecs 4I L aNTD-GIT CKPAENCY FOIT COIRL rladse chosehragms vowr te ma as TAiTLY TWOCOZOENDTWOMEN.COLORED CV wilt i. ta ulay eino. or do cabewor Iva 14.Str o~e.PTT AELS.c.1 IANTZ D-RI aA RESECALE COLREDR dl or *uatonl tato anrmius w S InS rAXt-camsta O BY TW twtMBA d~Sc..oealtirSds ssst b W ANTED-BY 2COLORS!) T WHIT=mar oIR, plceasehh dieh or take ecamof rowna 03 avd lSWa 01a. . -10, uWme ANoE- w2hnCOORD WOMEN.g APLyA E asr cook a. priescar. fams ;d eere n e. al radyIrtM 1WABN. JEJEIU.14tb"w JANTED-BY A OUTN' WHT AND EIAL *Y place to do gp eerea oo-ak or d eriate gaaS a alsrmMJ MU. Y IIGSl i gaw sedsfrs-Addre. AX ANTD-BY MALESPCAEta RT lak. pcan t.. a AC 1. ANTED-BYCOO GRADUA WHTE WOULD pubtia. ech. . No cards aswere, lam ANE ATESD-HOUSES.NUSE W ANTED-oY WIUNG ARITEN DIS~TANE 541ronei l o elA~i careRS IO3ta oe hole. outalg no ).e sahm. 10oos, weit ouane or two WANTcED- Al~. PATYOW DULS. A ii In toiaJ SSt Il to ~e of durIns t uinpmusi ro lpo Eave eh°f Fa p otoareato J. cae yANTED-RDERS FOR EMAN TOOAN bcammL Adimgl oak ;0 Sals bar- WANTED- ROOMS. 'AhTZDWI TWO MUST LAIN DSTROOM tacit'- r room sad t _" sr t he _810,010.o -t JOH B. WIGT.eee. ae ort orhe o bb. Armid du .iiJSME tar omeoea ret t.eon ANTD-O UYA SI THREVEN-BOOM WANTrED-BA NLIALD WARTY. NE ROO teed ctlar w Bn fm0 0vot Stao tree r ,Maoe ~ANT1 WANTED-BOOS.W WANTED-ONYO TWO UNFUT ADESHOM WoosnI eft oew roomsae wit per ony came w- - - -v aa' r. - WARTED- MISCTLANEOUS. WANTD-. HIOUDAN N ST. N. W. essaante erts sii a iIA a. above. ap3bun1 a eme i 1 A/ a n Z .pap*a A IED AN lSALE-HOUSRROb AND ANTED-TENT' SPRING SUITS TO CLEAN at a suit " coat. 60s. ; pat. 6. - vests. 25.-oM Ris.- I s . 111th a. .w.rtu n W trim roes m S nder e do I for e M Lb Ad e r cRI A SECOND-HAND PHAETON OR 1 AssaLN" b;_ReoC « cha W TrDA 0OOD bCOs.A D VICTORIA. DAMON,61718th t..a.w..ap AbE--TR NOTICE tlswUpprt-JUST RCIE sprig sl sprIN SrO L a taaw set he. :t. ..LTE.Wd 11th ge b. toe. Dm Sm onit ion d calp; t ho. rat-da macplae- osnly; lowest irateinrn U14 T VE W iE NGE, e1i9 t.a... WASKR d P3AID FOR OLD A- aeaat . LOmK NSEI~. Ya t Jeweler eadJ Par of Old Bol and Silver. 91s291 et. n. w. I mhIO-im I0 WANTED-ORSES TO PASTURE; REPING a sallawm)r graiba . rom, aLax. o. It.. 3,[goid mhl-m*" WANTED-ALL WATNSRTGAH n cabineta, at reduSeed rats; sueces it $ -E NER119.s (ove ape '> erja11-Sm WANITED-GOODBO01 ALL KINDS, SUCH An T~aatr.sat va st fthe bed. ao. he..- * ,rim.9tme. hIin'Ei Ia LARGE a S. wh ti o ~pse cst ae.. Callo adreis R XINlsTKW J ANTED-WILLIAM C. PRIZZELL PIANO re W tunerms.t1 t 6ti tsw. Orden. from Mid. Ys.- [nal perieif th by mail will receive promptJ attntui. lmclain tuning at lowest ra~tes. feb-ti t> BUSINESS CHANCES. I re WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WITH EIGHT 1 a~w~7~ina tt-cm pn ~uines ati s b iliniif6It p0 a~e.FreulaeiimmmssD W.~ V. Star o~ce. t fi 50 WILL BUY STOCK AND FIXTURES OF i corer grocery In northeast; fne location, VPrent; owner going to leave tieJ sty. Address. L. .tmtoffie, ap.2t 1( R SALE-PUBLISHING BUSINESS; LEAD- J AmrIdn month ;pa or whole interest in- e -re mut furni rrencs-, THE 'a Wi. at cor mesmm. 131 Conrer. ER. Boston. Marn. X10 000 WE HAVE FOR SALE 510.00 te S1OOO Oworth of trfterred stock with an S pejwr tet g~uarauteed dividend; shares. $100) each. b y lbe Waigton reasae We wiltk sseeipiosfo for the nxt3 dar at to par value. Thil is a Rood and mate inveatnuent[ Paiuar. can be obtained at our offc. 1 n- t a ~vait. ave. aw. Wei-E SCc WARiE. It FOB SALE-STOCK AND FTURES OFFITRE ndlanch roodPnnr aygdni bI-. nes. Cl EA 7t Zt n." a.te-t t RSALE-HEAP CGAR STORE~~ AND NEW r sal; ~w AdrssA.B.T.,* Star NfieWSpb3t F SAL EEY ~AND PROVISION ST.IRE i4drs1SUHWS LR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE _' tosa exellen goatodon aehoo busiesse no opttlo Apy at 918 E.rae tO . ap otf. LOR SALE--AVING DECIDED TO GIVE LL A7of my attention to my coal yards. I will sell my g laageas and lro oms tosi; ten years apeeC 10th and D Tibsst. s. t b F EALE-STCL. FITURE. Ac.. OF GRO. eery and provision store; one of the oldest and best h stands in the southwest ; reason for selling. owner a n- busin Apy to d. FITZGEe no - oois Aroplr at015i. Ctapio w. and-3t" 160R SALE-THE BEST LOCATED PRETTIEST nd a dining room t clt; proits VR 8ALE-$1,MD0-FIRST-CLAS8 GROCERY and mentmarket; ... w. location: rood stock; tne fiEdtures'ENY~w clarri goere 522"5 perp *oth A,464 lapan 4g.. - PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR ANY STORE rstock n he ohans. I ou thin. ow selline gmdinoe rbusinesmr. Aonipetply to . ITZGE.45LD b N. Y. rvr, ap4-Jt AT RAOATS 4 Yedo watch leaned for o1; watch mainspring, a our work CAFA.t office. a. . B ALE-BUSINES IROPERT ON PA. AVE ... rumning through wide at ; now rented to iziree ow tnr q clar? or tea peoeral mont- AdsemeW. T. DE E. 121 t. n ov t- 1PA! PAGYST COA HORIE LOTR TIA' c15 i og mthe. Is. If Ao tant ity adr pafro rltose commutatioa to t PBE.4 - liig a bashing, sailing: city and country .y sa and aure invea. ;5nvsed will lot are 140 fet ao ocean ; per cent ma for 210. Alor work wil ipared on yeiuar. NAY> IA~f IPROVEMEN CO. ap3-2w Franklin st.. Philadelphia. fq)R BALE-FINE PAYING CIGAR STORE. P.. F.. Star coci. mh1-14t* a FR SALE-RAR CHANCE-AN ESTAIBLISHED mllianerandnslae' 7 er hce bsie oe atl old Attorneyat-Law. 91621 t. n. w. ap3-St a Wig A- S0 ECHANGE PROPERTY IN junation lf the railrobds co Atln t of prinpa; soead stoek ofte erandise rundenc villg a D. C. propit.IE. mn ty. a 3try WANIED-TO EXCHNGE ONE HUNDRED tares of . land. mies from Washineto wn 1 ,and O. son monnectior Caifornta prop- p ert: "epr peerre. Abre JNO. W. U-A lo.i are etaoe can;r0er ent befo ash 2Aoi for par'tite amre. Sen fo cicu.1Ws g ton.A LAND.NG C.. rr.-1w* a ORSALE-TOE. PAYIIG C e.,AR -eV rom:inr mod lationm;n trule buseinglicenuo; AttorE ratL 91 6 t. n.e w.o 7 ato 0 m 00 IL NET 5 WEEELYRORTY IN W falleinbNe R Yopprki asyte, locatern at en am rBend vueduu ar; 1OorenceOU.fomb D.C. ppe . mhEt. 2e-ap. WR AE-TOTES.OTTGE. BTE UNDRED thU. lansoter Cot.Nne.tion for aifrnal prof. f13-ro2dmreere.At ean JNc Ci . MU. A FORIE MALEW--PAENOATIEL Onli e rience anw charc5 e woul be2 ppr. tOn U ihotne 30 C.w 18.h0w R SALE-"OR~ IEDUAES BA. i PFCBAR m17tho eatie. emam wEneatwneS breakuw frolt 0a.. and3t OOhf LL NABE UPRGH PIANY-O;~ N 1ir. aSo and cmfuyar;efe ne tmb mt.Arigs ec s pive cscJ.portm the city * ma DAM Arv CO. $ Reek as nowfor ony La buldbial. f -oel algingawy.Aplat Ce, N. TFOPAN EEAEAREOOM E) SALE-A8LN AL-EE A0 One U~ih, 417 e 67. o 611t3. nw tie esigni ancoarvewese0d. fnow one1 ice. Alisumnt guneed an moed asde insl CR SALE-TWO I UEITESL. PCA week own~~ beekig u 81one.a . p~3 F0 SPCIL RBTOARDING. a THUPA ORCAGEAHROS "- ters.u' a y A a/s FOB BENT-BOOMS. Ves. B T-32 H . LE AND bl OR re w.. e re. am.F w. poieot.)gons " i j OR RENT-BACK PARLOR ON FIRSTLO femi ed for bad room; Airst-ass a dldren. Call at 3316Nms. n.w. * OR RENT - ROOMS. g4 AND S7; BOARD. 1! desired; terms very ..aerate; barderS dsi m mate (qust gentlemen); near pension, peei id printing' olffces. 618 :14l at. . w. P OR RENT-110K NEW HAMPSNIR AVF"- bright. newly furnished room on 2d Boor; sait. ile for ma: red couple or two gentlemen; wood ard at a reasonable rate ; near two car lines. apt-3w jOR RENT-l1~U K ST. N W.. LARGE ROOMS. facing sauth, with board. ap-6m* jOR RENT-FURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR- nished communicating rooms. 21 Boor. suitable r three or tour gentlemen or ladies; terms reasons- e; beet board near by ; F at. cars. 254 Delaware re. n.e. ap-Sa' MOR DENT-ROOMS IN TEE E.NDON. 125 New York ave. n. w.; nicely furnihed with new raiture; bours in thorough repair. ap3-3a' OR RENT-ONF. OR TWO FURNISHED CON. mun eatnwlted rooms on second foor; gentlemen etwrrediu 1'.Marssehumatte aye. a..s OR 1tENT-A BIAUTiFUL SECND-STORi front room; newly pered and furnished; eseel. t location: near herdic; private family: tern. w. l&26 0 at. n. w. OR RENT-FRONT RbOON.~FURNIUHED AND unfurnished. At 522 2d at. n. w. ap.3s* 'OR RENT-A NEW ENGLAID FAMILY HAVE roons, single or en suite, at reasonable price. !1 _13th aL _n. w. sJ3 'OR RENT- P!furniabed rooms; Opposite park. 1003 Lot. 'OR RENT-1335 N ST.. CORNER 14TH. NEAR Thomas cirela. -d.atory south-tront rem; also eat exposure; furnace heat; table board; beet ed ferenese. apl-0s* FOR RENT-DELIGHTIL ROOMS. WITH O without board: transient or permanent; best lnca- an in the city. 1017 14th at. n. w. apl-0a* 'OR RENT-NICEIY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board ; for two in room, heat sad gas, 35; smaller oma for one. $16; near cars and departments. 908 that. n.w. mb31.lwa* 'OR RENT-LARGE FINELY FURNISHED rooms; delirhtful for summer - bay windows san Ilcony; private family; ressohab rates: Issences. 22 9th at. n.w. mh25-12a* OR RENT - TO GENTLEMEN. FURNISHED in private family, with gas and At 18 t. at. a.'..mS~ OR RENT-1211 K ST. N.W., PARLOR SUITE and other desirable rooms; handsomely furnished; mier rates. mh20-6m* 14)R RENT-AT THE WOODMONT. 18TH AND Iowa circle, rooms en suite with private bath and bleO5t ; termsareaaousb~e. ." . F. OBINSON. Proprietor. UNFURNIMH ED. j OR RENT-TWO LARGE SUNNY. AIRY ROOMS with private family ; nice high block: oanvenieni three lines cars; excellent neighborhood. 1416 dast. 1b" OR RENT-2 NICE UNFUR. ROOMS ON 2D AN one on :t Soor with water. gse and beth. for a Ople without children, near pension office. 729 5th n. w. Ib* OR RFNT-1107 F ST. N.W.-PARLOR FLOOD over Palmer's milinery; 2 large rooms; 3 win- IV, on Fa.; best bustnem location in city. Inquire sicre. apSeyb 'OR RENT-UNFURNISHED-SUITE OF ROOMI 111dren. Bl1 4th t. n. e. gs&.lmb jOR RENT-TWO ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR nice.y papered; heat and light; 610; no children. 7 F at. n.e. ap4,m* OR RENT-IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. I basement of 4 rooms, suitable for caterer. CAY 'OOD A GARRETT. 13th ad N. Y. ave. n.w.a4-it OR 5NT-3 DESIRBLE COMMUNICATING rooms; 2d Sat with bath heat and gas if desired ro squares from 7th at. cable in near;y new brie) ,use anI good location. 409 *rlorida ave. ap-eo3b 'R RENT-TWO ['NFURNISHEI, .OOMB ANI . bath on second Boor of 1303 Hat. n.w. for light muekeeping. CAYTV.OD A GARRETT. ap3-:;b" 13th at. and New lork ave. n.w. FURNINHED AND UNFURNIMURD. "OR RENT-FURNISHED OR UN RNISHED. La:ayette square. B. H. ROBERTSOsp 1 OR RENT-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, two second-story, south-front. comnunicatin aoms: rererences exchanged. 1009 H St. n.w. ap-8e 'OR RENT-127 CARROLL ST. S E. NEAT FUR nished , r unfurnished rooms for light house ceplun:convenient to two lines of cars;sm.. acrd if desneired: ono children in fcarep3-3c i FOR RENT-128 11TH ST. N.W. TWO UNFUR nisber front rooms: newly painted and papered fro furnished room on first Soor t.r gentleman at odern conveniences ; private family. mh.3me FOR RENT-FLATS. -Ox RENT-THE PORTLAND. VERMONT AVE m11l Large unfurnished apartment. FOR RENT-OFFICES. OR RENT- buiteof elegant office room., 618 Fas. n. w. ap5-3m Apply on premises. ORt RENT-HALF OF HANDSOME OFFIC or desk room, at 605 7th at. n.w. ; rent reason tie to goed party. ap4-3t* -"OlRRENT-OFFICE ROOMS-SINGLE AND El suite; all mod. con ; electric lBrbt, steam *eat ater in every room. peaking tubes, electric bells ie of omas, *10. B.u or "'0. Stewart bl'd'g. t md D n.w.__ _ mWbl.w' 4 OR RENT-TWO FINE OFFICE ROOMS. 51 10th at. n. w. ; mod. imp. ; in bus'ness center, well lapte': for claim or sa u; attorney rent low. mh 0-61 R. 0. CAMPBELL. 517 10: at.. Room S. OR RET-OFFICES IN THE McGILL BUILD ing. 908 to 914 Get., just west of the patent office his building contains every modern device and im rovementknown fore mfor.eafety andconvenience Il offices have direct light and ventilation. mh1-tn y OS ENT -OFFICE ROMB IN COLUMBUl BUILDING. 6117 F : steam beet; front rooma.largl nd cheerful. Only 610 and 615. ja21-tr JIOHN 0. JOHNSON. 617 F. FOR RENT-STORES. 'OR BENT- SUITABLE FOR A CONFEC tiooser-store roomn,cellar and eight-room dwelling st. Ac..* cor. 10th and N st. n.w. ; newly papes od nted. Rentol3F FO.00a. w R' RENT-P'ART OF FINE STORE WITI plate rasa show window. and urn of bassmen1 nd work-shop, in good businese location. znh27-19t* Aply to A. F. FO1.060 F at. anw. 'OR RENT-A LABRE STORE, 106B 7TH ST nw: two show widows; nie concrete cells aj1-0 LOUIS P. HOEMAKERR- 0 et. n.w. ~'OR DENT-FINE STORE IN MANTROSI iat :-26S8 heated by steam, will retoheep a ermanent tenant. L. 8.ISTOE, ja19-14w* 133S F at. amw. R 1SENT-ONE-HALF OF NEW STORE ON ( st erPalis Royal; bmet location in town;excel mh24-1m FOR RENT-SHOPS. 'R RF.T-SECOND AND THIRD FLORS Ol [215 12th at. n.w. ; ads ted for1 lht man atur mPurpoee; 615 and r R.. G.CAMPRELL1 FOR RENT-STABLEA [OR DENT-.NEW TWO-STORY BRICK UTABLE sita le, water was and concrsta *oore: rear o Jeeyave. sa ims w. eOB C'XRENT-A L.ARGE NICE STABLE AND CA! Lriage house. 12331 Ma=achusetts ave. a. w ap3-3t* t IRRN -TWO-STORY BRICK STA BLE 01 1h .bt.Q ad Daits. n.w. *with water :2stll ad hroot.; 69. B. G.'5 0t st. nw. FOR BENT-CHICAGO. F0204 ra~~eave.. Chicago, choas accommoda n : taoa te;injrla' un Sie neiwhba haneed :correspondence solicited. ap-7t* SCOUNTRY R AL ESTATE. 'RSALE-RARE BARGAIN IN MAGNIFIEN1 -new. j lo Ch' ..oi. W.Va. e~tawaestis be slbn LQUAR IXOFA MILE FROM rfed $6 a usa .i.y te wso 1, iW ams. apiseel*~ enOR 3*.-N FT E OmIS1R3I LYan. ost2sas~3~ UM 3. e. We MW -.Ai - £.43LLo FOR RERT-HOUSEmL t RENT-A D~eIRAM f9ATED lltD -bot .F 0." a. sa BENT- Eho ~ UO ~ aur,. 1ess es t in en s summer monte: W. ifiearme J. L ANTFiiE 0 bseqUNi -0UL-T 1?P n-w7.J a eom il. tuely naw bW k ie. 1J'SSSN. bath, sailer. furnas: all md -r lmprovema: cem seratory; aids esamaao. A cost forn priveat amily. .. . WARL. s u i0, R RENT-1' MASS. AVE. N.E.; 8 ROAMS. all m. 1. ; newly papered: rent 63.O is advance. Apply at stee. nt door, or 3:0 24. sa". a6.31* 1 ROM T- CREilCMlT .T.. MER!D1A. 19th and 17th *as.. ne ca ., rM mik laur V F. UGL R RENT-5KB KST. N.W.; 1 ROOK P. BRICK oue, all moden improv mets; no objec ton tA 9~e~ssd party. Inquire 4 25A st a.w or lA& t. a. w. =5.::14* L O EBNT-P ST. NEAR DUIONT CICLE rselat new hose; reduced rent for saurm mouth ad will give NA for ad 10 room. VTOU. A. MARkltllmbt 12th ad 0. 3aaoBik b ig .E RENT-46 FLA. AVE. N.W.; 10REOMS b ath ; steely pa-pered.......................... g4":.: 41114. n.w. 10 ; 214 Kim Sr.;: rooms; at .... .................t30( :34i- 2811th.trcoms; tath...... .............590.3 1107 aat : 7 ruoos.........................820 10094thst. i.e. ;6 soms;bath................... ".6( 305 P st. n.w.; 10 room.: bath............ it DAVID D. STONE. N0M F et. aw. O ItENT CHEAP-FURNISHED 305U385E, Frenchst. n orthwest _ *n-. SRENT-FURNISHED BOUSE; 15 ROOMS l econveniences; detlghtful location; ren.. 01(R per month. Apply SB at. n.w. ap1.5At' O RENT-A 6-ROOM HOI'qE ON R.R. AVE. Hyattaville: latrobe; good water in kitchen: larmr front yard; rued shade: large gardcu; star. ant chicken bons; in thorourh repr. 16 er month. DUCKE '. FORD t CO., ap-3 617 fst. a.w. L RENT-THE BALANCE OF LEASE 01 army eer; a chas . i rsidennc. in eaeelled location 10 rooms. J. & 0.. ap.Et 1:'24 F at. a.w. LO RENT- X'. R 1905 7TH IT. N.W.. Desirable store and dwelling contaiaing b toot and bath; - fine saeuens stand; occupid for the last 4 years as alher ehl. THOMAS J. FrHER t Cu.. ap-St 1:14 F at. . W. LO RENT- ON Q ST. S.W. BET. 2:D AND 23D STE.. Two asw and very desirable 3.story and basemeni brick dwelling, containing 12 roomssd bath esan all conveniences will be pered to sit tat. (5 tensant; terms rtaabLt.C ap5-64 8 1?4 F st. a.w. LoR RENT-LAROE THREE-STOREY B ILDINt K on D st. ar vdtner of 7th at. n. w. : 20 y 16 teet tuJ dost aller ; d120 ,er month. s-2w T. B. BROOKS. 616 12th at. n. w. R RENT-ELEGAN T DOUBLE FRONT BRICK K438 Y t. L w.; 19 roomas; newls paeW andL painted throughot ALBETF. a. ape-3t MO F st.n.w. RRENT- r 2'JOOlive. Or. mL. -.( 304 P. lr. mL603.332'G. r, .w. -.....4 244 Del ave se. *I. 04tp4 N. Or.w.g......20 mt............. ..Ya505177:h mae, O. w.... 1 19th st. 1lk. In 1..Z;712 Ps ave west, half 1.4617th, l0r. m 1.65..6' of stor. w & g.........2 .B nw 14r. m l......1:3086 17th. carpsmeer 125. 12r. miL......0 sihop. .........0 1 Pa av. 10r m..0.6'220 .r. w........ 5( 114.321st, 10x.m ..0.131;im..w.... t 618 Tr. m 5.......35.50V'124 2+th.&.w..........1 M 5t, 7r. m ..:i.044r.1-1! 1. tr. w. M 72217th. roomts O.'-21st. Or.w...15 l80L0arch. 8r. m i..35. l 200 9th ne. 8r. mt......351'6 Pa av.3d r..15 3 1903 Ps av, store........352613K 7r w..........1 1210-14 25rh.7r.mL .3.50 1:4- 2:5th. Or.........1.1 1749 Pa sve.stre...35.501;S 11th. 4r. w.........11 2213 . 1. w........30.70 . 0. r.w.........14.5( 1313 ±. O. mi .' 501 23528t1.r. w......14.3 1333 th.&.m I..... 50'2313.17 0. Sr.w......14.3 2129 Pave.7r.mL.523 itsr.w..........14.3 818 S w,8. in ........30*8%8d: Or. o ........13 71721.r.mi......30.002416N.Qr..............1L 52121, r m1....2.50313 Va sv.4r.o.....12.5t 1414:1t.r .mt.... 2&.12414 N or~w.. ......12.51 5.'° B ne, ...25.50 '310-1 Q.4r w. r....12.3( 420 1th. 7r. t.... 50 sabrear L.d L ...... 1706 Pa av. . 50 420 ta. r..............1 ND 9th se. r. m... 050,.31 2bth. Or..............1 *13 H. 6r. mL.... 3u *ib0th 1 41012-16.18-28 Elm 16th. ,r..........11.& at. L Droit Parkdr. 11 22 N Y av.4r.w 113 i .new....... 5~1 V i........ 3811L1c .11 1021 V. store. w. g..205 21(3 N L[.. 4219th ow. 9r. w. or.22.503 Fowler fil.4r.........11 1928 N H av. 'jr.m I..20..O.01, rear P. Or.........1( For fall list apply to WESCOTT & WILCOX. apt 1907 lFanwlvaalaave. sw. O RENT-121 6TH ST.N. W.; 811-003 'frame: all i. . rent reasonable to good temaal Apply to OWNF R. 15019th at. a. w. ap3O* Rt RENT-UFURNIBHFb. pHotel centrally l0- O ,3 Q t nw. 1$..... cated, Mr.. ........ 025rj1 7 awe ow. 1.... 510 11th at nw. 1Or 14021st nw.lir........ and 2large halls and 2. R st nw.9r..........6 str.............. ....20lIaurel ave. Mt. Pleas- 1723 B ave ow. 17r.:_i ant. 109...... ........ 5 1 34Fatw (std).233.332306th aase. r........3 1 K at nw, 15r..20.:14 20th at no.11r....51 1022 Vt ave ow. 15i...200309 Maple av. Le Drott 141d 30th at. 2$r......201) Park. 19...............41 1304 0 st nw. stere and 241614th at rw. 9r....4 Sats............. ....200 1416 14th statw r.....4 205NF Javeav.11r....1.-5 N Yavnw. 1r.........4 MM0 14th st ow. 14r....150,1114 14"h "'nw. 3r fat..4 12:8 Mat nw. 15r.....10 1~30 n.. wr......4 1726 Masavaw.14r133.333030 P st ow. 10r.......41 Ridee at. Georgetown. j'.i2 I at w. tir........4 1.r ....................1212!30 12th at nw.Sr....4 211N Capat. 20r......125i19057:h at ow. store 1311 Cona av ow. 14r.1201 and dwellInr...........3 1 K st uw. 12r......110'29O Q st nw -r....:3.3 14 N wt nw. 1r......100'.hOt and M. $ & Q. Or..2 1323th it ow 12r.. io0 1316 N s aw. 1st floor 17-6 Q as ow. 1- ......10 and cellar..............2: 1518 Cona ave. 13r.. 87.50 413 Elm at ow. or.......21 1225 Conn av nw.8r.87.50 1106 14th at aw. Sr......2 *16 N TYave aw. 12-..5 19219Mt aw Qr.... 2l3 N40 Y ave aw. 14r ...6lj4 st nw. h--....2 720 10th at aw. 19....7:11721 Tst aw. Or.... ....1. 50P . St ow. 11r.......75 2 Freman's alley. 4.10.3 1601 23 et ow. i1r.....7011 Gould's alley aw. 3r..1 2034 Hillyerave.Or. L71225Connectlcutav ow 1294 9th st nw. 11r..6S..0 rear). sat.........6.2 40511that ow.2r .......0 FURNISHED. In aw. 2rS.. .3500'R I ave s'r 13th aw. R I ave near 18th 1'r .............gO ow, 17r...............375 19th o'r Q t nw. 10r..15 1028 Vtav. l8r.......:.3 11311 conn avow. 14r..17, K at nr18th nw.16r.3' 3.:3, N Jew nr Baw. lr.157.4 20th at near at ow. 21945 Capitol at. 9r....15: Lr ..............300 P at near 1lth at rw. K at nearlath irnw. 1 ............ 1. 18r ................300N J av n'r Capitol. 1r. Mas ave near Dupont 21st and O ats aw. lO. Li Circle, 1r............300 Conn ava sear K t aw. R I aye near 13th at 10r..............10 ow. 16r................30 1d aro ne. 12r.........11t B I ave nr 17th st nw. NJ ave n'r Bat aw..101 12r....................250 216 N J ave aw. 9r....10 ith at a'r P st rw.1 .250.1:4h near la w. 10r.83.3 N tn'rl4thaw.13. 0.33 120 C e its. 1tr..........6 Ne cur 'oth A F. 14r..."00 30th and Masts. and E Can at a'r 6th. 11r..1'O: 1 flats. 7r............. 211 S Cap it. 0r......150'3015 Q st aw. 131.......31 OFFICES. Ba eor 12th and latan 13's E at uw, entre ow. Ir, entire third 2d floor............39 floor............68;L33I3".MF st w.*2.3dflr..2 Pasav & 11th at ow.2r...666O-7 7th st.averal ru. - Se cor 12th ande F ate 1 1213?Fstuw.eeveralre. - nw. tr. *4 floor...50 e earqthsad Fu....-. 1225 Paav nw. 3dfler. ..30l13th at bet 3 and S 73." 7th at ow. lit and (coal yard).......- 24 teors.............4 47Gas w. s'l a.-- STORES. 140-R3%Gst av...01501107 14th at aw..4g 7 7thetOw.....110 l1l211thasnw.....1 __ tn ..... 841t at aw....1; STABSLES. - etl17thand 18th. K I 2. eO .............0 and Late..........45 132M N Tevenw(reari..1 1,sq 6 ............... 251 112114th atsw= rearJ..1 4. eq 105..............251 120913thawcrears.. The sbove houses cean be bl rttt ff03 oar eocN only. TROMBJ.~FI R & Co.. apO 13:5MF t.m. w. OR RENT-.1207 C ST. 3. W.; NEW; 73 ANh Decatur st. u.s., bet.O. P. 1st andW. Cap. ; 10 san apre-nL6I * O. B. STAHI. 484 Lonisama ave. FOR RENT-FLAT OF THNR ROOMS AT 125 .B~Wyle at. n.e. for 68.35 ermouth; modern inn provementa. Applyoonpro~e- . ap-3t E0 RENT-THAT COST DWELI..NG. PMm ST nmw.. containing 7 bright roomns and bath; na arinrear; rent, 840. spe34 WORXSTEDT & BRADLY.3W F0 RENT-ONLY 6 PER MONTH. 724 1.31 fost. n.w.;1 rooms a..d bath; location conveni a. SWORMTED a EADLET. ap4-Or 927F st. a.w. R ET-WEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AT TAKOMa Park; 3 bea :a ocaion; oflyi a few mainima walk from railroad and electree ea saions: ap4.6S SWORBSTEDW &RADE. . F0 RENT-A NICE CORNER HOUBE!, 191 31 st aw . L Drit Park ; has eaven re..m am bath; cabinet mante; reobna sleypapered; le. taon very pleasat, adonly short taefrom 71 I . cable cars; 630 per moath. UIg & CO.. ap44 615 F t. asw.. Roos4 IR RENT-SEVER.AL MEW HOUSES 1N TRj county onlineo efti cas. Apply 5ORW REALLr. 121F 5t- ep4-lz P)RENT-A HOUSE. ANDOML 53 en Q at. bat. an sd 10th ata Fr erprteieia addam s.. amo eS. FOR RENT-ROUE-NOT3WS. E1B 221.1. 11r....M6 ARB Capital at. 13t...S 213 Nv ....- -.& ...2. 8 a0. .......45 .... ' - 613h6s ... at s st ...m . 43...... - 61mbsto.i am -O mmaT FOR RENT-HOUSEL. RENT-BT I. a MULTE ~A "SAL Em- taie and Iamse r. klek,,. 1ah sa jm a. w. l'NFURIsRe-D RCOUERs. i1 aw. r........ . t t ste at ae 7 .......V. sI ave. 11r....... .. tOt Oths as. ...........S.i .d021e lor .. ....... 4a.3rtU17 ma us. 7r ... .2% 1017 0.10 ..............4S;I1.'1 E.piteat..... : 1341 I bmwe.S ........4M l' . [l e a t..........l.. . 14 4th or, ler ...........4 '30 t [e aa1.......... 111 15Q l4th aw. w r........ .-3 C ea. 3 .........16.2- 144' W . r .............. . m e. Sr .......... .. 41 4. 7-...............W law. ir.........12.3 112 Caoesa. .......35 FURNIaR8Eli ROUESt.{ Afte Jn 1. It I ave -1@ha t.ltr.peraS 02.00 nar 10th. 12re. 4 1d ae near 'J4. t-. ...L30 baths sad stable. O mee0 ar H e. new at.anm ............ O bnes ad ft., 10...1 I awe fir Y.. Ohl I av s1r....... too lin aeei a nena ave er 1 t." X.100 circl...1. ............ 300 OF IC Le=ant -oam is * . 3r..... M.. bet14tar." tran L area Ole t to100 ea. .WF ..t .......... 10160aave ........ 133'.14th a .... 0 10241 Conn. ae....... 11s a... with aM 10 U Lon are............. m a.....y ............' RLa ave. hall ........3 t4TSRLFS. { 100 O. star .. ........ cc 10 It Cons awe, toer....004 1951 B I ave. rear. ...1*l0Oaa are. reow....11 a,.i R. O t!Y.TEMAN. Uta and F se. a. w. 011 :RFNT-S -ORE t CELLAR. 510 11TH..140 '9 03Vt a. rP-. -.. '131 N cap. 7r......3.40 ' 807t:. 10 .4: 54 b fe. 1r ............3I 1349 Wal: eeast. 71 ..333"24!24 .t, f............ Ia W" V. r ad hoath.-.. : - 1t4 13tht wt, Otr......... _a! t3* R~nTkHUNGERFORD. 6&4thamt. LTR itYIT )O\LY * 0-1232 MAii. AY N W..I r a-eto-r a;d oneseat. 10 rooms; In perfert aedor. -ilAstLEh I. RINGWALT. Atlantc hier.. at 3t: 9-111 t at. n w. LL;: REN-T'-12t ila.e 1030u-1 12t lie tir $12..n AVe v. 10. a m t..7 1214i-1° 1: L se, tr .1-.! 14:1 1' I fra n.10r. a nu.7 11%G Pil r ame' Or... " 74 lith ne. 11r.. m i ... Twimtrcrtc. Sr t eli.. ' 44 v aw.an0.. 20I 60 184th m. Sr.......0..a1 Sac H nw. 7r. ami .... 4010 ft 1:tie. Or....... I4 D I 417 6th at uw. 1& aad 43 lentes place aw. 00It ne.r... .3 6121N N.J.aseausr..10.0 U6513 wa; ar n.r,. at .. i . .3s 17 don piace 1:3 Ma. ave ae. .r. it ...... ... "i a :10lth at m.W&b ...... m i Oan's alley aw. 4r ..9 1t14 12th me. Or......13. :1 11 Dinana p;avm n 13 Patterson m.4r.wl2.50 ir ... ..................R., ap3 4WOR'VTEPT & READI.YF. WrT F e. sOR REIT---1 41 RT. S.W., N2ft4 ND S. I" mm wel itti ' .1LV14 Hot. 0.s." Stere ad n- rootndwe Iinadr.'ar, 424 CATWuD t (AR' RETT. 13th .t. Sad N. Y. aw. a.V. ap3-3k 1 t3d St. n... 7 r.. Em . asItable..........6:ll O* t "M P at r.. m. I............................ .5.. 41 Maine ave.u .w.. 6r.......................... l .0U C' D iOAIR E :1 .aM i: v. a. )R RENT-THEEE NE~W RICK 'oICtEn. 1206. 11"t ad I' -d t. a. w.. above New York eae.:15 per monath. ap:-33 CH S. W. RANDY. 610 13th St. a. w. OS RENT-ti-a EAbT CAPITOL NI. .S WKnos; lbath and paatry; fillmoders tImprovements: W-y next door. 4p3.-6t FOR RENT-1816 15TH RT. X.W.; A PLEASANT hloms n a desrable location. containtnr 12 roms and bath all in frlt.c las condltton ; ret. $30. Owner ariw ar houaekeepian. will sell femraie at a low pr e.. p IWn uemuieS. ap3-t*- nR LENT-10(27TR tT. N.W.; 511 dtOOMS; all moderntaproveneta;6 1 apl.64 IMUIS P. EROLMAK. MG 18F at. a.w. RB RENT-BRICK HOURE NO. 2JS 12TH T. MAKER. 92OF t. a w. ap1-1it R RFNT-UNFURNIsWED- 1447Massave..... 1UH'0 A at es...............t 144 are............ 100n 7 R a...................m 1311 H at................l1O.l.ME Termest ae ...... 8 2017 I st................100143o6ma .................40 1313 t..............83.37tl3Dats......... .. Omos 1400 0 at ......03.:0 14 7 F Rt seeoa.....7 FLRNISHED. .ytte. mate..O6. McPeum. ......... S .thl. ..U t r th. ........1L10 19th and I ag......416.A17 1th and R aee......... L sad 16th Ste....41LOS9N St naar 14th ....... I arrag3S aomme LTI&.0 P at boat 11k ...... lfth&Corcgraa ts..30 .3 D 1th we Seat . «......3 Vt are near Thome 0 awe mr . Cale...........d. htmsar 1sth. ...... 161 Ma ave ear 0th m..h. at h sad I, . RIaeasarldthS... IIWC0atmeljet ....60 1 Iowa circia.............2001 Unseesity Park.........0 FITCH. FOg a BEOWx. . Onmee-romismaetalrookland.atesleada.512,60. 1419 Corcoran at. V.w.. 10 rou.s. bath. cellar and all in. . wer desrable and chwmp at 043 t.'2t1-1142 De... plce ae.....e reom. bath. alli. L. 01..30. 12061 a. n.e.. R euema, bath. all ea.. .new. 017.60. 634 Whitney ave i. .w 6 reom. newly pa --eed. Ras. conveniant to tarn 'i . McLAd1 EN RATCBELDER. ap1 Car. 10th and Oeta, a.w FOR RENT-ROUSES- RARNER & *AVR REAL FRTATE BtRO3 6297s.5m.w. 51224 st. lap.. 6 roons. all t.L............3..0.. 0 602 prore .t..f rna all m l................... 39..0 lt Sp~ruce at..9 rooms. all mn................... ;o.0) 10( North Carolia ave. a...7 roa. al m.i. 26.14 1. 43 North c apitolut . 6 rooms. all m.t ........ 26.30 1.3 California St. a.e . 6 reonas, all mi......... 20.30 163 11th a. w.. store....................... 15.00 p ap3-5t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OR RENT-FROM APRIL 10--THE FINE RESI- deuce 916 S St. n.3w.; 10 roeaa, beath, ellar, rear. had, &c. ; at #50 Per mouth in advance. Alpply to OWNEE.510iuet ti.wbet. Oaad 1a.m. pl-4t FOR RENT-1 19 3D ST. N.W.. 2-TORY AND FOR llarbri water; Is. Good r.. par; 015.0 prmsh. WABS*N DAlENROWeR, R RENT-1731 REATON ST. W.W. NEAR 18th and U s.. 2-Story 6-Seam bru: all med. humes; 01&.30 par montfibh. ap14 C 13th sad G ita. L R RENT-GOOD 2-STORY 6-ROOM RCK house. 918 25th St. n. w.; ia and Qatetr; test $16.:1) per ath. WAdb DANEWEE. apt-4te 136and GSta a.w. OR.RENT-19632ED T. W.W.. CORNER WARD place.'2-story and cellsr briek. ;t d roams, batband all mod imps. ;3am sroer. mth. &aWWB' DANENRaWER, Sapl-t 13th and O ate a. w. SVlRENT-313 R ST. S. E.. BRIOK dOUE; ail'wves oma and bath: larfe lot; 025 per omth; key. at corner drg Store. A. M. IMORRION, api-f 122%Ft. a.w. I RENT-A NICELY FURNISHED ROUBE OF 7 six rooms; a. m. I. : at low rates; e eclls I chance for pleasant bone. 608 C st. n.4. mp14* R RINT- 27de Sat, stags. 9r....{1 2018 0 We. 12r-- 1:7SYd et" r.......1.3 f4r...b.d..........401%11 5........0. 99.h~u l 1 6r..... .5t. ........ 210-51 at s. .... ..0 Rise 1.* m..... 2410 Pa ave. e..3.80 ar s.... 121225t,.St. 60 .. 3.10eamble rear 20311 at....@ mbCh-14t U. N. MARTIN. 12103Pa. ate. amw. LR RENT-AT A REDUCED RATE. SETERAL Kattrrav oene em K St. maa 3Mh St. ; brick and -atoae 3 itorIe. 11 rooms ad hat; all moderm ba- preeemunsa MSt emmlutder. . E. WARMER a 00.. ank1-2dt 91 Ft. amm. 131 w ET. ;O .LMNIE JCa.33 10 Bme.Im ad 6077te MAw.h1 . T.. ... 224 ..C.p................ tUia.........s.5 11h1 2 Maw T.. ERPORD4 1*. ve 7 P.t. 1779 l EN-12M.'I87.N. W.6.0. :P DE r f 1e s.;1i 4*tns:15.0. w E e .w.;13. t...............JO02|3Rst lme ...... . IDlK a . 11r....SL60!1 ueav.O ... 1 17174 Itat. 12r.........e 3 Dte mar..... 19' K a. 16r.......5. 4th st m. r....f - 139tUh at a. 1ir....10 26 Mma an. 3w ... ~ii1*t Kstav ave me.6. @ 1gMP a st. 10....... 7th !aveaw . 1.. 11 6t at am. 11. .45.. 114101kavMm. '.tt 19tm at. l.........1135 Neta. .... - Law.se1 ....5.45 1st m.7&....r vat t. Or....560206C me,.... Slaw e. &..50 j1410tha m.. -a WM r. ..2. E Stes ap a ...... a . s. mGrenen at w ..M.U t at a. 0stneGr.. .. . stm ... I 4 ap1 R.E WIO..M bM.a 9^oa REXT-HOS. 141410 a. hi Wr-i4Ms f T 3 S 5W mI ad lawn. 1. s. cmpq "b " .1S ! at. a. w.: f W t 5a.t.6 e hc42. i~ aam 'arm ,ats ..eet ,? th.'*. Ikl -" . 1 Ci.w.! V btas; is'. .tac. opairs I. 0RN .ET-T~l ).NN 4m01'U~eA bW £J. ~c_ . t 55 a,.l [_ ,m. IL sal.. r hi7:F\ 1=7 ams.ari. I. ZI .6.t 6w m" 4asl1......... 16~-.. . t~i Y K .6 r ea WM Pla !ws alt 1St: M A e4.1 tr o. _- 40 os om all* toa s l. *.1 n-." I 1712Iemat.?g set 1fl 16 !th .~ tl ! U Cse vs . to6.s JWhS sIh A.. F1'KI~tu ! A t co t rtsmw 4 mbil . a. w. tMa~ SEAL IATiAr t.1" t'4t3A1.L 411 l tal s..a a. l01ISSaw.ist31g..P4'1 a V.4y~aw ... 1'441 LENt-W .t Cw l 40 orame g. L11, 4r .. ...........ti.......... 4 is..d.t a. l b1ss I s. ..L1*w W4 in 1 1:Palba as Mr..... 33 IOEWA tw IiiT-1 . SC 4A . salsas.t'LN3 S ,w-; n-k 'liar. utey.d. ."1rfre Iheb'fmo ..lot; oa~ .q 'sr. ..t r-sr. a a4i h.rdFi.s. .- 4 -1: W'KtUflT&-IO %l)lI:11q113. E.. Pa~~u7 U r Hak11 1T T r.u 44. re u b.tb arw~f phenhe sal psapa", mb14 _____itt JH P. a. j l . ilZNT- E AND isM~. % . f.. YEtS s'wrtart "he .Or-.; T term nd bt t-. twqu~ostb. 5.19?. 1L. RItALL. MI. 'l. InkliLt.. is. A. .. Sr.. til ..oNt. gIe. eauis.. M[ONEYWANTED k TO LTA 1NTTO WOA?. 1u It'. O4.5k3. -ajdA AN l . PS l 4 :1..1' trood'lar c. 1)n~ . atar 4l.,a. ap343t _____ _. A. U TIK!.it .' Cat. m. 3(iNEi* 1TO L4bt1 XNAIAU1.11NT.N U4.fiYt mas rfor w as oatt.e aEIJthe a- fOcre. a1 aafe. sad whet. .0mm . lean dtet alas gimAsal pMr 4t rash vae d ptarP NO sea.... Adlaa Lat3l1i X L"~~it21. tY 3.0. hiP: "SN.: 'alumsTO, tIII. AT S AW3tVS can 4. P.f .am mwta kv. VU..UKT.~thto W.d V.04 Ps A. the~ Arlft.m l Yim a.ramw.1 ' MuYFT LOAN ('M rp rFirriY'r.. auOs. 1I'Ora" ertrw, pen a~. ..ww'.. hetevesumin 1t.1.6...r otw.q eritue. witist vumapal : sllt a- macnom evti-tu .'khaZb ~l:... hem wt64. lAdmy.._Aedd-ms &.s 140 . uSao... b I"RCENT AND II PF3 CiiS 405(5.5TO Ms o s;pqowsl Mast ..664rnmoamtti. m k 2. Yw A. it. LSE t S0il. I P lONET TO OAN -LOAP KON LEPUOVS "e. wTtoz P crnn'iyois." oft shr~t a it. Ien.. .s nt tai to jr.t 'trrsesl MM swe ahe Wet tbakeo ...*o tahet borawq muswm It vow ha,.. 055a .rt o".thr eaN.. or - fewrmaft.z'nd is L.. otgr.d.. slap. lat.. . A thn uo fal t uit t- )m~t tlwwU'i el.r.. It osadmv-the~ anss may Sa 4.. bss la awl~s pap 700se to i.ot. pi If To la . a ia~ w. ehe ~s a hos M__ w.1ela. bu ye at Om ._ mals___ you ask~ ~ for ~it It.I~ _lrr ~s0~s 554S Ti~a~e IUmb0 flh Ote IV .:CR.aies 1Oa, otu. te toe wm adt 1rokwm. 1: til lliarg Ohl"V 11 s. a s ealate. sos basil. S. cud rwtasss rbms 11e dulsy. berN~ S in.. iiOFa f0 LO1AN. 1$ ANYIES E1333. .Ya .i sd 6aea apro ved red mo""as eb WALT3I KA(E )ONVTO usa. AT N Ail PF.L 471N. l; M rt1-fr_____ Magio e MOEYT LOAN OX E: !. hI I F. biwiD !t taeksoerdspdotWs nts. AS t"i k. eher~ir bmgbt for cos t. A. PILLI* PS S OnN 141.45Yor at.. _ ___________ MONEY TO) LAN V AN&T £Ptsi DESIRES AT teemau~ of Intwam es sopr.9m4 real s .1tust-l w~h ittb.M fIHStt lo'umissa a. 4ier ba- Food 5i~ 1mmmoemmyr for .useslastes aftl. 111e sp. arom ofNWAW p *as ATO Auglu77M 41-K J.NON (R3.i et._____ MOE T4 n. A At cAm asAWI)eRa. E3?O

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Page 1: · TMS CKNWU3 WOM. E. +_en*nt uste's 3tasiment a toh Peseant Cendteten ofthe Publteattum. 1aviewof theleghiatio ofthelast Congress whichprovidesthat the

TMS CKNWU3 WOM.E. +_en *nt uste's 3tasiment a tohPeseant Cendteten of the Publteattum.

1a viewof the leghiatio of the last Congresswhich provides that the oeoe of the superia-tenient of the census shall be abolished sn the31st of next December and that the unpub-lished work shay be anished in a division at-tached to the Secretary of the Interior thereas a good deal of interest in the ecndition of thecemsu eece. On this subject Superine=ndentPorter said today to a Mran reporter:"I am glad to say that the work of the

eleventh census is rapidly drawing toe class.There." said he. pointing to a volume freshtresm the government printing oee., "is part Iof the compendium which practically containsthe essential facts relating to the population ofthe United States. Five hundred and twenty-oft M of part 3 of the cosmpendiam arealso yp. Within a few days the machineswill have completed what is known as the see-end run and the final or third run is now fairlyunder way. There are now printed as final re-parts the volumae en the mineral in-dustries. part 1 of the report on wealth,debt and ta=ation. the report on transportationbn ess of the great lakes, on the rivers of theississippi valley and on street rail ways, alsoraperts on the Hix Nations of New York and theeastern band of Cherokees. In addition so thiswe have now published ten volumes of bulb-tins. including one showing the population byminor civil divisions and one in relation tosdeie of manufactures in cities. The totalnmber of pages of the eleventh cnses nowpubMshed and in type is over 11.660.

avaas, NEWwTrarans."While these volumes are out, and while it is

a bet that we have given data in the shape ofbulletine to the public much more rapidly thanever before. there are many new features noticimled in the previous censuss. All thework relating to mortgage indebtedness ispractically finabed work. The additional workrequired on these reports will be simply re-

binding. This work is In no sense prelimi-nary.

"As to the volumes. which will average about1.060 pages each, now in the hands of the pui-lbe printer I would say that over 400 pages ofthe report on population, over 300 pages of there ort on mortality and vital statistices. practi-eafy the whole of the work on social statisticsof cities, nearly 400 pages of the work onstatistics of special classes, portions of thework on pauperism and crime, education,churches. agricaultuare. manufactures and insur-ance are printed. The report on Alaska ispractically completed. as is also that on thecondition of the Indians. The next volumes tobe out, which I hope will be in three ortourmonths, will be the volumes on church statis-tics, some -onograph on manufactures. thevolume on social statistics of citiesand the finalreport on railroads.

wars Tam orrcu IS AnoLWEED."Tu will see that the ensus Is substantially

m head. It is hoped by the 31st of Decemberto have all volumes completed, except possiblythe second part of population volume, part 2of the volume on manufactures and the volumeen agriculture. The statistical atlas is also an-der way.

"It will be readily seen that the work at thisjuncture must be watched very carefully inorder that the final results should be in har-mnony with the general scheme of the census.It is gratifying to be able to my that the schemefor the elerenth censu., as you will se fromthe introduction to the compendium. was madeup by me in the early .print of 1999. That Ithen arranged each volume. that no numbershave ever been changed and that not one of theinvestigations has failed. and that everythingis aeeordance with the original plans will becarried through to completion. As far as I ampersonally concerned I am anxious to have thiswork completed."There are now about 1.200 persons employed

in the office. On the 31st of Decemberthe terms of all ofies expire. The Secretaryof the Interior is. however, authorized toerganize a census division, with a chief andabout twenty-three employes. to complete theunfinished work. The farms, homes and mort-division is to be continued until Septem-

'9L This division now employs aboutfir persona


Csanersemaanceof The Evening Star.Tazona Paax. D. C.. April 5. 189x.

The chapel was literally packed last night byas audience. which included many from Wash-ingtem,towitness the performance of the closingday of a "Deustrick Sknle." The platform was

arranged to represent an old-fashioned districtschool room, with wooden pegs for hats, dunceblock, a. Mr. D.G. schoolmaster,promptly at 8 o'clock rapped on the windowfor the school to come to order. when a crowdof boys and girls came rushing and tumblingon the stage. When hats were hung up, in re-

opete rol call, the following answered toheirtmes:Martha Jane Honeysuckle and Hannah Maria

Boneysuckle. twins, Mrs. C. M. Heaton andMiss Etta Hamlin: Samantha Honeysuckle.Lavina Honeysuckle. also twins. Mrs. LouisDadley and Mrs. Henry Garrett: EzekielJedediah Honeysckiei toosmall to go toschool ,

a visitor with his big sister. Mr. (seo. L. Fa-vrite: Make-hilt Humphrey. Mies Longfellow:The Giggling (,irl. Mirs Bitzer: Polly Simi-kins., Mrs. J. It. Finch: Temperance Hart-herne. Mrs. Amanda Thomas: John Wana-maker. Mr. S. S. Shedd: Jonathan Pettibone.Mr. Blodgett; Grover Cleveland. Mr. Sleeper;John Bul. Mr. (). D. Summy; Win. Steele Hol-man. Mr. Bailey: lIaac Jones. Mr. Chris.Brase-hears: Tardy scholar. Mr. Damude; JayHawker, Mr. Petty; Mike O'Frlyn. Mr. FredDudley. The nrogram that was carried out wasfull of fun arnd many requests have alradybeen made for a repetition of the performance.

Mrs. W. T. Clark. who has leased Mrs.Williams' cottage on Chestnut avenue, has vis-iting her T. S. Clark of Cornell. with his friend.W. P.z Walker of Lebagh University.

CeL. Prentiss Ingraham is in Chicago in theinterests of Col. Cody r"Buffalo Bill"). Iang-lay Ingraham returned to the M. A. C. fromhis Ester vacation.

Mr.. tart lleekes is visiting her parents, Dr.nd Mrs. Blennett.Mr. and Mrs. French S. Evans have returned

to Washington from a visat to friends in Ta-hem

Lbs services in the chanel Sunday began witha communionsaerviceat o'clock. Sunday schoolat 9:30. ani Easter service and preaching at 11by l-ev. lar. Little of Assembly PresbyterianChurch of Washin~gtoni unio-a Sunvday school at4o'elock art Ep..ieo'al service at 7:0 p.m.Many W ahangtonmans S ere presens.O4ingu to the serious rlnress~of bea father. Mr.Siortaman of lliimrv'. Mtr. Win. Alver did

not receiveeas usual .ou Friday last, but will beat homse mest Friday as u'.uai. Mr. arid Mlrs.Alesy, with their children, spent the Eastetsemin with Judge Alvey in Hiagerssown.Mr. John Hamlin is visiting him nieces, the

Maasse Hamlan of Maple annue.

The Census and the Cettegee.Ths interest taken in the work of the eenaus

uese by the institutions of learning through.ei the country is shown by the demand fosthe bulletins which are issued from time tctima Ia somne of the colleges the bulletina naused as text books. especily those giving thestaties as to the foreign born popuation and~othe topics bearing on econiomic subject.The superintendent ot the censia has dehiveredilsmrea on the work of the census before thaInstitute of Tfechnoloy in Boston and also befoge the Ann Irbor UnDiversity. On the 21ainstant M1r. Porter will deliver a hecture at thaU.JPersity of Chiagno on the methods emplaped in taking the late census and hew th.seete have been tabulated.

-..a.i- a--.-.-- I

astgention.~kdIs interested in the subject of liedm

guSmen and how our laws pertaining theret.enenforced. To this end she has seat D. F*@essetoLondon. who represents her majesty'gsnment. and Jokn Burnett of the Ladsband of trade to this country to inveetigatiteabject. They are now traveling thraugite ss. rianting various ports at whish bea nte enter She United Stes.

Mevenne Martue V--...e..he there will he a surplus et varsass ai

to avy for the class that will graduate thapam there wall be no cadets available fer agpdahmet to the revenue marnes servas

Th mee now ien va---=a-- in the list of timtanmate in that aervie. Capt. Shepard ha

hpdto get esme msembere ot this yeaohei~t as there will he enough eem.s-issSee andsthe v-aane in the sevens

am w prebably ne held over for anothnM. There are nwa sueent number aea in the servie to perform all duties iiquid, and as toe haw deeseaimake is ma

Sto fill vacaneise the baren E prebabiihthe pe that eame af te nestge

aUmg el.. wiul net be e welu psevisied l

The Psoper Thaamsomkers is a ...e= efat(d DambimassagamnaSan pam


1jTANTED A FIRST.CLAS WAITER ANDhogm servant; m s ha Dent alt seerenes.

Addrems F. S. M.. ear e._ _ _ _&ANTED-FOUR RSTLING AGETS Rthe best selhar book ever sold for o .

Call tomorrow on A. A. DOLE. 301 Fat. . w.ap6.9taWANTED-SALESMEN--ONE ACTIVE MAN.

competent to take chare of growint ee de-rartmwnt ia etty store; als one for /satw farawade. Addres. with reference. 5 EUSThERS[

1ANTED-1 EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTERby M. L. EADER. 5338th s.e. ; must bria ref-

erence. ap-9a'WANTED-A I.ARGE TRONG BOT. ABOUT 18 e

years old:;wilg ad gpick. Apply at passe tC r s.w. a0. CNW ANTED--S FIRST-CLANS PLUMBERS FOE

aksh twork. GEO. kHUTCHINS. l20 E 1

AN A WHITE HOY WHO WANTS ."lessrna : also a colored hoe. Call at at14th at. a.w. 3s*

VAad osecostmakerto werk instaeJNO.p.BERENS. 1125 7th s. a.w. I"ANTID-A SEAT YOUNG COLORED MAN.VI esapeisnt weils aad driver. for prvataeNill ;

eity reerence reeared513 ist w._ass- J

WANTED-A WEITE MON. UNMARRIED. ASceaebma and ter general wark ow the oly

must thwoowi/Yuudetutad lborses. and be aw_ 100~ref.snces A m Bus 106. staroe. au5"

ANTRD-A BUY TO WORK IN STORE; MUSbe industriens, bring good refereece. or need not.

app ly. (M F ast. asw. 1-ANTED-A YOUNG MAN FOR TEE GijjTfuratshinag and hat bmsimess; only those well ex-

perienced need apply. Add.fess e158. Star o~re 1a* p

WTANTED-TWOGOOD FARM HANDS TOWOREbDc the day or aonth; momse know.-lgeof gardia-

lee and good references required. A ly between 10o'eloch and S. oou 1. Fendell hldr..344 D at. api-3s* h

'ANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH SOME E1-pernence in br tending to make bMmself gsea-

orally etfuc" one who speake German prefer Ap.

SNTE0-;J COAT ANDS. b BUSHELMEN.___ lk'9l4 kM.anw. ap4-3*

ANTED--A BOY FRO 15 TO 1 YEAMb OLD1for carriage clerk at a hotel; one who has had b

Sa~m raerf ered. Inquire at BUIRODORFSrTABF.4atEet. ew. p4-b

NATED-IMMYEDIATELY-ONE PIRST-CLASS Swhite barber of sober habits and nbs mans; will

pay gper week ad halfeer 511. At '.'(t!{ C st.a.e.

WANTED-A FIRST-C.ASS BABE.L APPLYto H. R AB. 1411 Now York ave. apd-a*SANTED-10 COAT HANDS AT KEEN'S, 18g kFL. epANTETD-AN ACTIVE YOUTH TO ATTENDstr ; one that has had some experienc in book-

keeping and a gowd pemiain. Address C. E.. Star

WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS PLUMBER ANDsattter; must be temperate; ecastant y-m-met to a readable man. JOHN MORAN. -

. PAawa acd-d -

WANTED-AT CITY INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 1cooks. waiters. chamnermades. drivers, clerks.

portes. mos., women. baj for an wok~t se far-Nis tIl suited.SHACKLkORD'S. that.W. a!

0ANTED-A BOY O115 OR16 YEARS OF AGEto atbet In a furnishang store. Addrmes T. J..

Star .Eee. apd& a

WANTED-AN E1PERIENCED YOUNG MANficuna. bakesy. Apply T14 7th sh a.w.; reer-emees required. apd.m*

WANT D-OUNG MAN TOLEARN TAILOR.eing; most bef good habitsand come well raese-

merded. Add e mows handwriting AMITI)USStar oflce.

ANT:FD-B A LARGE RETAIL HOUSE.yotmnwho have leisure em Saturdaya to 1

asaist as saesmen n hat and shoe dp s. An..e pe-Iaun.ty for kusines= trauung. 97. aSaror. ap31.a m

WANTED-OPTICaL SALESMAN FOR RETAILSstore ; must be b' e to St a eares of refraetioa as

well as a fre utter:; must be of Mood elfaMead addre. Address A. 8. ALOn l 1eLIcate. Me. mh31. -

'ANTED- ACTIVE MEN AND WOMEN TOsell the Pert-t Pecl tat and ether uick- C

mllnc labor-savng articles, Pleaat. psCablework. Laberal ferma Eaclusive territory. For par-Iticular, sadrsm the mamufacturars. GOOD LLCOMPANY. Antrim. N. B. ah23-ekw&

'ANTED SA.ARY OR Q0M3MISM'Ok TOagents to handle tae Patent mcal Ink Eaa-

'n Psocui. The most usefui ad newel anvetiea ofthe ire. Erases ank thoro whly in two "ooed". 1Works like nagic. 2Ot 300 per cent proft. Awetmtnaking S.O per week. We ales want a gesnera agentto take cha'ge of territory and eppint sub agents. Arare chance to mey. Write for terms and epen of eraing. WON E RASER 'F'G.00.. g190. La Croee. Wi,d-.ya -

ANTED-'TENOdRAPHERB AND REMING-e tywrites eat directed to psitionis-"

FMPLOYEN provi dd competeat tenorrape andRemington oaeratnes: no chearg for Teraices. WTC-OFF. SEAMANS A BENEDICT. Remintoa Type-write- ,ece. Nth and F st,. a. w. se;"Itf

FEIMALE."ANTED-COOKS. 812 TO 875; cHAMBER- Amatas. waitresess. nrses. imemstrea. bouse

and kitchen women. waiters. tot sadh oe. DICK'S AGENCY. 6137th at. new. ap-db*ANTED-FIRS l-l A'S WHITE LAUNDRESS CI to go away with family. pay 118; also dret-class

whilte wactre s. py 016:rood whitwo-0k pay 618.Apply to Mrr. EM. DI0N'No. at. nw. ,

employment bureau for white servan .a apR3h*'ANTED--A WHITE GIRL TO NU-tSE TWO II children and wait an tabe and make hereslf ue-;

fal; reteremnoe required. Apply at 131314th at. .w.

WAN rED AN EEPERIEN\CED NUReE FOR tChi dren; mast have aood references and be will- A

trg to so away for the summer. Address N. 8. P.. -

Star onre. apl.3*'A NTED-A FIRST-CI.A'S COOK MUST FUR-nis.gwed references. Apply at 161x 3 it. ap5-2b*


ANTD-LADY OF REFINEMENT (NOT UN-der 3) with some business e periece for rhticiti. Call 10 to i2. 6.7 12t Lw. B. L.EVEKITT. 1l*WANTLD-A GOOD COO. AT 1213 C ST. N. A.WANTED-TWO FIRuST-CLASS W IST TRIM-r" mer. one sleevemnaker;also apprentices; steady aand god pay. Apply for three days. Take elevator. C142 New a rk awe. 1b

WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED NURSE FORW baby. amend address, with name of last emploer.toY1.trvnpfto E. Z. Star o~ce-*

- ANTED-4WOMtN (#HITE OR COLORED)as chambernaaad and waitree and to sist to

care of child ;o r yeas old : must have reference and istay at miwht. App.y at 1543 Ra 1b*

ANTED- INMkDIiTELY-A YOUNG GIRLthat can sew to lern t., meake vests. Apply toMiseRObE BEN'INi. 7f8sltat. sw. 1 *

*ANTED-A WHItE GIRL IN A FAMIIJ OFfour grown people. Apply at eoes 1118 5th at.

n.w. 1' "

ANTED - A YOUNG WRITE GIRL TO CAREte two furnighed ofter s.120 Fat.L -

n.w.. Upstacra. 1b*


1jANTEI)-A GOOD DhES8INNR; NONEiwth -r need apply. 14iS New cark awe. 16*a.U.sTED- A CLEAN. BONEST GIRL ORiwe ran to coot and "clean hoise for famnly of-

fon-. Appay, with referencese iEN. 5. ave amw.1b*0'ANEIALAD FO APOSITIiN REqUIR-hai ours' cork daily: only theme willutg to

'earna need sopsy: malar OS. 0wemk~y. A-'vly from'30to 12. o3'ee -tih27. 5 Fast. n.W. Toaele'rator.bV

ANTED-GINL.S BITE OR BIGHITCOL- IV ored:; atejirent. etay n.,kts;lit1 hmeoe;

'ANT'D- A RESPECTABLE COLORED-iwoman as cham-bermaad and tide plata seewlt-

must stay nighs; Weing referee. - Apply 1SIS05y, ANTED-TWO Y -UNG SALESLADIE's WHO

nave a me experie:;ce in a Iadiee' feormtshin=.yor ted ad sancy atoe. Apply at tICS 9th st. m.w."!ANTED - A FIRST-CLASS SLEEVE BAND;alcoeox ertenced skari and wait honda; to suchpneellent wages. Apply at 1 4 Pa. awe. after 5o'ec'c apb-S*

EDAWOMAN AS NURSE AND CRAM-bcmidity re~ereces requaued. Apply at

WANTED--A GIERMAN GIRL FOR GE, EALhan.uework; so wa==Mngor Ironing; good home.

Apply 406 B st. a. w. ap_____"__

WVANTED-OLO)RE WbMEN TO DO WASK.-ViIns. Iroc-ing and reneral housework; referemoisr-quired. App.y at once 615 De an. w..- bit. 6th and7tlastan.w. 1b*

' ANTED)-A YOUNG COLORED WOMAN TOcoo,,. arash and tron ad hel p with housework ;

bring references. 610 lias,. awe, a. w. 1b''1ANTED-4 WOMAN TO COOE, WASH. IRON.

dgt~eaeneral work of amall famIty; atag ab; -

30 di reference ; vases 610. 1312 9th it. m. lb

'17ANTED-A4 FRST-CLASS TAILtORESS; ALSOVpsiets maker. Apply 16G 14th stoaw. apt& WI'ANTKI-A WOMAN COMPETENT Tothe general haassworg of a mal family. N t

U. a e.

ANTD--FRSTCLSUWRITE COOK. TWOVi fa,.ly. ayS3n; goodF5Uh acres. peg W|);white atrI ltr alenera housework two In famy.aOl61; white chambermaid and to lo uamtn. pay 61.AppljsoM'.E... D)UNNING.

plymetBrean fe. White Serwva._ap4-2b* 4207th at. s.w.*ANTED-A WEITE GIRL FOR CUaMBER.

wokandaimne eemfor a anall family; Gee-naam referrd ; referencs required. Call at 390 Hat. mw. ;swene cabte eare pea the dear. atad4lb

ANE-A GIR.. FOR GENERAL. BOU.EWrkED0 17th at ,mear Newasd awe..

17ANIRII-T less STE ST. N.W., WOMAN FORii geaeral homsswork ; mus eeod caok. assstwith washangmeade asener sta at sluMt: reiwp-amsreuird. ap-


-bomEII.bbUIa, mrIIS N es. nw._____


mwse.:ateas. a.

U WA.yeTL.tes U 3r. W.w.. A a



wf~a * .- Sin


r- sar haMuiR. sl

ANT-! AMARIED AI PSIIOuse 5 nai Be16 WmttAf. . I&. I w

a gl oy mo eri who Lel fldne...sAdTD-B Ae WHIwT= AX. mPBINB.

DOsisa to d faewsNet. ief AIddia Bo: v bta rr "ANTED-BYOSATIOS YA AR GOODS AES

C. L, bar @5cc. w-




ndoyamal lft- ras Q anI' IF -S. ctrt o ok44,TANTED--Y AWHIT WOMAN AY %DPACE

soAdrg alary.I Adrs


lade[am; wil kske tim

Va:ga ar wincesu arod str ,o e at mig t tiet

feraeaya.AddIt ermont eA.J. P. Strecs


rladse chosehragms vowr te ma as

TAiTLY TWOCOZOENDTWOMEN.COLOREDCV wilt i. ta ulay eino.or do cabewor

Iva 14.Stro~e.PTT AELS.c.1

IANTZ D-RI aA RESECALE COLREDRdl or *uatonl tato anrmius w S InS

rAXt-camsta O BY TW twtMBA

d~Sc..oealtirSds ssst b


plceasehh dieh or take ecamof rowna03 avd lSWa 01a. . -10,uWmeANoE- w2hnCOORDWOMEN.gAPLyA E

asr cook a. priescar. fams ; d eere n e.

al radyIrtM 1WABN. JEJEIU.14tb"w

JANTED-BY A OUTN' WHT AND EIAL*Y place to do gp eerea oo-ak or d eriate gaaS

a alsrmMJ MU. Y IIGSl i gaw sedsfrs-Addre.AX ANTD-BY MALESPCAEta RT

lak. pcan t.. a AC 1.


pubtia. ech. . No cards aswere,lam


541ronei l o elA~i careRS IO3ta oe hole.outalg no ).e sahm. 10oos, weit ouane or two



Il to ~e of durIns t uinpmusi ro lpoEave eh°fFa p otoareatoJ. cae

yANTED-RDERS FOR EMAN TOOANbcammL Adimgl oak ;0 Sals bar-



tacit'- r room sad t _" sr t he _810,010.o-t JOH B. WIGT.eee. ae

ort orhe o bb. Armid du

.iiJSME tar omeoea ret t.eon



WoosnI eft oew roomsae wit per ony came

w- - - -v aa' r. -


essaante erts sii aiIA a. above. ap3bun1 a

eme i 1 A/ a n Z .pap*a


ANTED-TENT' SPRING SUITS TO CLEANat a suit " coat. 60s. ; pat. 6. - vests. 25.-oM

Ris.- I s . 111th a. .w.rtun

W trim roes m S nder e do I for eM Lb Ad e rcRIA SECOND-HAND PHAETON OR 1

AssaLN" b;_ReoC « cha


DAMON,61718th t..a.w..ap

AbE--TR NOTICE tlswUpprt-JUSTRCIEsprigsl sprIN SrO L

a taaw set he. :t. ..LTE.Wd 11th geb.

toe. Dm Sm onit ion d calp; t

ho. rat-da macplae- osnly; lowest irateinrnU14 T VE W iE NGE, e1i9 t.a...WASKR d P3AID FOR OLD A-

aeaat . LOmK NSEI~. Ya t Jeweler eadJPar of Old Bol and Silver.91s291 et. n. w. ImhIO-im I0WANTED-ORSES TO PASTURE; REPING

a sallawm)r graiba .

rom, aLax. o. It.. 3,[goid mhl-m*"WANTED-ALL WATNSRTGAH

n cabineta, at reduSeed rats; sueces it $ -E

NER119.s (ove ape '> erja11-SmWANITED-GOODBO01 ALL KINDS, SUCH An

T~aatr.sat va st fthe bed. ao. he..-* ,rim.9tme. hIin'EiIa LARGE a S. whtio~pse cst ae.. Callo adreis R XINlsTKW J


Wtunerms.t1t 6ti tsw. Orden. from Mid. Ys.-[nal perieif th by mail will receive promptJattntui. lmclain tuning at lowest ra~tes. feb-ti t>


WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WITH EIGHT 1a~w~7~ina tt-cm pn~uines

ati s b iliniif6It p0 a~e.FreulaeiimmmssD W.~ V. Staro~ce. tfi50 WILL BUY STOCK AND FIXTURESOF i

corer grocery In northeast; fne location,VPrent; owner going to leave tieJsty. Address. L. .tmtoffie, ap.2t 1(

R SALE-PUBLISHING BUSINESS; LEAD- JAmrIdn month ;pa or whole interest in-

e -re mut furni rrencs-, THE 'a Wi. atcor mesmm. 131 Conrer. ER. Boston. Marn.

X10 000 WE HAVE FOR SALE 510.00 teS1OOO Oworth of trfterred stock with an S

pejwr tet g~uarauteed dividend; shares. $100) each.b y lbe Waigton reasae We wiltk

sseeipiosfo for the nxt3 dar atto par value. Thil is a Rood and mate inveatnuent[Paiuar. can be obtained at our offc. 1 n- ta ~vait. ave. aw. Wei-E SCc WARiE. It

FOB SALE-STOCK AND FTURES ndlanch roodPnnr aygdni bI-.

nes. Cl EA 7t Zt n." a.te-t

t RSALE-HEAP CGAR STORE~~ AND NEWr sal; ~w AdrssA.B.T.,* Star NfieWSpb3t



_' tosa exellen goatodon aehoo busiesse no

opttlo Apy at 918 E.rae tO . ap otf.LOR SALE--AVING DECIDED TO GIVE LLA7of my attention to my coal yards. I will sell my

g laageas and lro oms tosi; ten yearsapeeC 10th and D Tibsst. s. t b

F EALE-STCL. FITURE. Ac.. OF GRO.eery and provision store; one of the oldest and best h

stands in the southwest ; reason for selling. owner an-busin Apy to d. FITZGEe no -

oois Aroplr at015i. Ctapio w. and-3t"

160R SALE-THE BEST LOCATED PRETTIESTnd a dining room t clt; proits

VR 8ALE-$1,MD0-FIRST-CLAS8 GROCERYand mentmarket; ... w. location: rood stock; tne

fiEdtures'ENY~w clarri goere 522"5 perp *oth

A,464 lapan4g.. -

PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR ANY STORErstock n heohans. I ou thin. ow selline

gmdinoe rbusinesmr. Aonipetply to . ITZGE.45LD b

N. Y. rvr, ap4-JtATRAOATS

4 Yedo watch leaned for o1; watch mainspring, aour work

CAFA.t office. a. .

B ALE-BUSINES IROPERT ON PA. AVE... rumning through wide at ; now rented to

iziree ow tnr q clar? or tea peoeral mont-

AdsemeW. T. DE E. 121 t. n ovt-


c15 i og mthe. Is. If Ao tant ityadr pafro rltose commutatioa to t PBE.4-

liig a bashing, sailing: city and country.y sa and aure invea. ;5nvsed will

lot are 140 fet ao ocean ; per cent ma for

210. Alor work wil ipared on yeiuar.

NAY> IA~f IPROVEMEN CO.ap3-2w Franklin st.. Philadelphia.

fq)R BALE-FINE PAYING CIGAR STORE.P.. F.. Star coci. mh1-14t*a

FR SALE-RAR CHANCE-AN ESTAIBLISHEDmllianerandnslae' 7 er hce bsie oe atl old

Attorneyat-Law. 91621 t. n. w. ap3-St a

Wig A- S0 ECHANGE PROPERTY INjunation lf the railrobds co Atln t of prinpa;soead stoek ofte erandise rundenc villg a

D. C. propit.IE. mn ty. a 3try

WANIED-TO EXCHNGE ONE HUNDREDtares of . land. mies from Washineto wn 1

,and O. son monnectior Caifornta prop- pert: "epr peerre. Abre JNO. W. U-A

lo.i are etaoe can;r0er ent befo ash2Aoi for par'tite amre. Sen fo cicu.1Ws g

ton.A LAND.NG C.. rr.-1w*aORSALE-TOE. PAYIIG C e.,AR -eV

rom:inr mod lationm;n trule buseinglicenuo;

AttorE ratL 91 6 t. n.e w.o 7 ato 0m00 IL NET 5 WEEELYRORTY INW falleinbNe R Yopprki asyte, locatern at

en am rBend vueduu ar; 1OorenceOU.fombD.C. ppe . mhEt.2e-ap.WR AE-TOTES.OTTGE. BTE UNDREDthU. lansoter Cot.Nne.tion for aifrnal prof.

f13-ro2dmreere.At ean JNc Ci . MU.

A FORIE MALEW--PAENOATIELOnli e rience anw charc5 e woul be2 ppr.

tOn U ihotne 30 C.w 18.h0w


m17tho eatie. emam

wEneatwneS breakuw frolt 0a.. and3t

OOhf LL NABE UPRGH PIANY-O;~ N1ir. aSo and cmfuyar;efe ne tmb

mt.Arigs ec s pive cscJ.portm

the city * ma DAM Arv CO. $Reek as nowfor ony La buldbial.

f -oel algingawy.Aplat Ce, N.



One U~ih, 417 e 67. o 611t3.nw

tie esigni ancoarvewese0d. fnow one1 ice.Alisumnt guneed an moed asde insl


weekown~~ beekig u 81one.a . p~3



"- ters.u' a y A a/s


Ves.B T-32 H . LE ANDbl

ORre w.. e

re. am.F w.poieot.)gons " i

jOR RENT-BACK PARLOR ON FIRSTLOfemi ed for bad room; Airst-ass adldren. Call at 3316Nms. n.w. *

OR RENT - ROOMS. g4 AND S7; BOARD. 1!desired; terms very ..aerate; barderS dsimmate (qust gentlemen); near pension, peeiid printing' olffces. 618 :14l at. . w. POR RENT-110K NEW HAMPSNIR AVF"-bright. newly furnished room on 2d Boor; sait.ile for ma: red couple or two gentlemen; woodard at a reasonable rate ; near two car lines. apt-3wjOR RENT-l1~U K ST. N W.. LARGE ROOMS.facing sauth, with board. ap-6m*jOR RENT-FURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR-nished communicating rooms. 21 Boor. suitabler three or tour gentlemen or ladies; terms reasons-

e; beet board near by ; F at. cars. 254 Delawarere. n.e. ap-Sa'MOR DENT-ROOMS IN TEE E.NDON. 125New York ave. n. w.; nicely furnihed with newraiture; bours in thorough repair. ap3-3a'OR RENT-ONF. OR TWO FURNISHED CON.mun eatnwlted rooms on second foor; gentlemenetwrrediu1'.Marssehumatte aye. a..sOR 1tENT-A BIAUTiFUL SECND-STORifront room; newly pered and furnished; eseel.tlocation: near herdic; private family: tern.w. l&26 0 at. n. w. ap3.asOR RENT-FRONT RbOON.~FURNIUHED ANDunfurnished. At 522 2d at. n. w. ap.3s*'OR RENT-A NEW ENGLAID FAMILY HAVEroons, single or en suite, at reasonable price.!1 _13th aL _n. w. sJ3

'OR RENT-P!furniabed rooms;Opposite park. 1003 Lot.

'OR RENT-1335 N ST.. CORNER 14TH. NEARThomas cirela. -d.atory south-tront rem; alsoeat exposure; furnace heat; table board; beet edferenese. apl-0s*FOR RENT-DELIGHTIL ROOMS. WITH Owithout board: transient or permanent; best lnca-an in the city. 1017 14th at. n. w. apl-0a*'OR RENT-NICEIY FURNISHEDROOMS WITHboard ; for two in room, heat sadgas, 35; smalleroma for one. $16; near cars and departments. 908that. n.w. mb31.lwa*'OR RENT-LARGE FINELY FURNISHEDrooms; delirhtful for summer - bay windows sanIlcony; private family; ressohab rates: Issences.22 9th at. n.w. mh25-12a*

OR RENT - TO GENTLEMEN. FURNISHEDin private family, with gas and At18 t. at. a.'..mS~

OR RENT-1211 K ST. N.W., PARLOR SUITEand other desirable rooms; handsomely furnished;mier rates. mh20-6m*14)R RENT-AT THE WOODMONT. 18TH ANDIowa circle, rooms en suite with private bath andbleO5t ;termsareaaousb~e.

." . F.OBINSON. Proprietor.

UNFURNIMHED.jOR RENT-TWO LARGE SUNNY. AIRY ROOMSwith private family ; nice high block: oanvenienithree lines cars; excellent neighborhood. 1416dast. 1b"OR RENT-2 NICE UNFUR. ROOMS ON 2D ANone on :t Soor with water. gse and beth. for aOple without children, near pension office. 729 5thn. w. Ib*OR RFNT-1107 F ST. N.W.-PARLOR FLOODover Palmer's milinery; 2 large rooms; 3 win-IV,on Fa.; best bustnem location in city. Inquiresicre. apSeyb'OR RENT-UNFURNISHED-SUITEOF ROOMI111dren. Bl14th t. n.e. gs&.lmbjOR RENT-TWO ROOMS ON SECOND FLOORnice.y papered; heat and light; 610; no children.7 F at. n.e. ap4,m*OR RENT-IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. Ibasement of 4 rooms, suitable for caterer. CAY'OOD A GARRETT. 13th ad N. Y. ave. n.w.a4-itOR 5NT-3 DESIRBLE COMMUNICATINGrooms; 2d Sat with bath heat and gas if desired

ro squares from 7th at. cable in near;y new brie),use anI good location. 409 *rlorida ave.ap-eo3b'RRENT-TWO ['NFURNISHEI, .OOMB ANI. bath on second Boor of 1303 Hat. n.w. for lightmuekeeping. CAYTV.OD A GARRETT.ap3-:;b" 13th at. and New lork ave. n.w.


La:ayette square. B. H. ROBERTSOsp 1

OR RENT-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED,two second-story, south-front. comnunicatinaoms: rererences exchanged. 1009 H St. n.w. ap-8e'OR RENT-127 CARROLL ST. S E. NEAT FURnished , r unfurnished rooms for light houseceplun:convenient to two lines of cars;sm..

acrd if desneired:ono children in fcarep3-3c i

FOR RENT-128 11TH ST. N.W. TWO UNFURnisber front rooms: newly painted and papered

fro furnished room on first Soor t.r gentleman atodern conveniences ; private family. mh.3me


m11lLarge unfurnished apartment.


buiteof elegant office room.,618 Fas. n. w.

ap5-3m Apply on premises.ORt RENT-HALF OF HANDSOME OFFICor desk room, at 605 7th at. n.w. ; rent reasontie to goed party. ap4-3t*

-"OlRRENT-OFFICE ROOMS-SINGLE AND Elsuite; all mod. con ; electric lBrbt, steam *eat

ater in every room. peaking tubes, electric bellsieof omas, *10. B.u or "'0. Stewart bl'd'g. t

md D n.w.___ mWbl.w'4 OR RENT-TWO FINE OFFICE ROOMS. 51

10th at. n. w. ; mod. imp. ; in bus'ness center, welllapte': for claim or sa u; attorney rent low.mh0-61 R. 0.CAMPBELL. 517 10: at.. Room S.OR RET-OFFICES IN THE McGILL BUILDing. 908 to 914 Get., just west of the patent officehis building contains every modern device and im

rovementknown fore mfor.eafety andconvenienceIl offices have direct light and ventilation. mh1-tny OSENT -OFFICE ROMB IN COLUMBUlBUILDING. 6117 F : steam beet ; front rooma.larglnd cheerful. Only 610 and 615.

ja21-tr JIOHN 0. JOHNSON. 617 F.

FOR RENT-STORES.'OR BENT- SUITABLE FOR A CONFECtiooser-store roomn,cellar and eight-room dwelling

st. Ac..* cor. 10th and N st. n.w. ; newly papesod nted.Rentol3F FO.00a. w

R' RENT-P'ART OF FINE STORE WITIplate rasa show window. and urn of bassmen1

nd work-shop, in good businese location.znh27-19t* Aply to A.F. FO1.060 F at. anw.'OR RENT-A LABRE STORE, 106B 7TH STnw: two show widows; nie concrete cells

aj1-0 LOUISP. HOEMAKERR-0 et.n.w.~'OR DENT-FINE STORE IN MANTROSIiat:-26S8 heated by steam, will retoheep aermanent tenant. L. 8.ISTOE,ja19-14w* 133S F at. amw.

R 1SENT-ONE-HALF OF NEW STORE ON (sterPalis Royal; bmet location intown;excel


FOR RENT-SHOPS.'RRF.T-SECOND AND THIRD FLORS Ol[215 12th at. n.w. ; ads ted for1lht man aturmPurpoee; 615 and r R.. G.CAMPRELL1

FOR RENT-STABLEA[OR DENT-.NEW TWO-STORY BRICK UTABLEsita le, water was and concrsta *oore: rear o

Jeeyave. sa ims w. eOBC'XRENT-A L.ARGE NICE STABLE AND CA!Lriage house. 12331 Ma=achusetts ave. a. wap3-3t* t

IRRN -TWO-STORY BRICK STABLE ad Daits. n.w. *with water :2stll

ad hroot.; 69. B. G.'5 0t st. nw.

FOR BENT-CHICAGO.F0204 ra~~eave.. Chicago, choas accommoda


:taoate;injrla' un Sie neiwhbahaneed :correspondence solicited. ap-7t*


-new. j lo Ch' ..oi. W.Va.e~tawaestis be slbn


rfed $6 a usa .i.y te wso

1,iWams. apiseel*~

enOR3*.-N FT EOmIS1R3I

LYan. ost2sas~3~


We MW -.Ai - £.43LLo


-bot.F 0." BENT- Eho ~ UO ~aur,. 1ess es t in enssummer monte: W. ifiearme

J. L ANTFiiE 0bseqUNi-0UL-T 1?P n-w7.J a eom il.tuely naw bW k ie. 1J'SSSN. bath,sailer. furnas: all md -r lmprovema: cem

seratory; aids esamaao. A cost fornpriveat amily. .. . WARL. s u i0,

R RENT-1' MASS. AVE. N.E.; 8 ROAMS.all m. 1. ; newly papered: rent 63.O is advance.

Apply at stee. nt door, or 3:0 24. sa". a6.31*1 ROM T- CREilCMlT .T.. MER!D1A.

19th and 17th *as.. ne

ca ., rM mik laur V F. UGL

R RENT-5KB KST. N.W.; 1 ROOK P. BRICKoue, all moden improv mets;no objec ton tA9~e~ssd party. Inquire 4 25A st a.w or lA&t. a. w. =5.::14*L O EBNT-P ST. NEAR DUIONT CICLErselat new hose; reduced rent for saurm

mouth ad will give NA for ad 10 room.VTOU. A. MARkltllmbt 12th ad 0. 3aaoBik big

.E RENT-46 FLA. AVE. N.W.; 10REOMSb ath ; steely pa-pered.......................... g4":.:

41114. n.w. 10 ; Kim Sr.;: rooms; at .... .................t30(

:34i- 2811th.trcoms; tath...... .............590.31107 aat : 7 ruoos.........................820

10094thst. i.e. ;6 soms;bath................... ".6(305 P st. n.w.; 10 room.: DAVID D. STONE. N0M F et. aw.

O ItENT CHEAP-FURNISHED 305U385E,Frenchst. n orthwest _ *n-.SRENT-FURNISHED BOUSE; 15 ROOMSl econveniences; detlghtful location; ren.. 01(R

per month. Apply SB at. n.w. ap1.5At'O RENT-A 6-ROOM HOI'qE ON R.R. AVE.Hyattaville: latrobe; good water in kitchen: larmr

front yard; rued shade: large gardcu; star. antchicken bons; in thorourh repr. 16 er month.

DUCKE '. FORD t CO.,ap-3 617 fst. a.w.

L RENT-THE BALANCE OF LEASE 01army eer; a chas . i rsidennc. in eaeelled

location 10 rooms. J. & 0..ap.Et 1:'24 F at. a.w.

LO RENT-X'. R 1905 7TH IT. N.W..Desirable store and dwelling contaiaing b toot andbath; - fine saeuens stand; occupidfor the last 4 years as alher ehl.

THOMAS J. FrHER t Cu..ap-St 1:14 F at. . W.LO RENT-ON Q ST. S.W. BET. 2:D AND 23D STE..

Two asw and very desirable 3.story and basemenibrick dwelling, containing 12 roomssd bath esanall conveniences will be pered to sit tat. (5tensant; terms rtaabLt.C

ap5-64 8 1?4 F st. a.w.LoR RENT-LAROE THREE-STOREYB ILDINtK on D st. ar vdtner of 7th at. n. w. : 20 y 16

teet tuJ dost aller ; d120 ,er month.s-2w T. B. BROOKS. 616 12th at. n. w.R RENT-ELEGAN T DOUBLE FRONT BRICK

K438 Y t. L w.; 19 roomas; newls paeW andLpainted throughot ALBETF. a.ape-3t MO F st.n.w.

RRENT- r 2'JOOlive. Or. mL. -.(304 P. lr. mL603.332'G. r, .w. -.....4

244 Del ave se. *I. 04tp4 N. Or.w.g......20mt............. ..Ya505177:h mae, O. w....

1 19th st. 1lk. In 1..Z;712 Ps ave west, half1.4617th, l0r. m 1.65..6' of stor. w & g.........2

. B nw 14r.m l......1:3086 17th. carpsmeer125. 12r. miL......0 sihop. .........0

1 Pa av. 10r m..0.6'220 .r. w........ 5(114.321st, 10x.m ..0.131;im..w.... t618 Tr. m 5.......35.50V'124 2+th.&.w..........1

M 5t, 7r. m ..:i.044r.1-1! 1. tr. w.M72217th. roomts O.'-21st. Or.w...15

l80L0arch. 8r. m i..35. l 9th ne. 8r. mt......351'6 Pa av.3d r..15 31903 Ps av, store........352613K 7r w..........11210-14 25rh.7r.mL .3.50 1:4- 2:5th. Or.........1.11749 Pa sve.stre...35.501;S 11th. 4r. w.........112213 . 1. w........30.70 . 0. r.w.........14.5(

1313 ±. O. mi .' 501 23528t1.r. w......14.31333 th.&.m I..... 50'2313.17 0. Sr.w......14.32129 Pave.7r.mL.523 itsr.w..........14.3818 S w,8. in ........30*8%8d: Or.o ........13

71721.r.mi......30.002416N.Qr..............1L52121, r m1....2.50313 Va sv.4r.o.....12.5t1414:1t.r .mt.... 2&.12414 N or~w.. ......12.515.'° B ne, ...25.50 '310-1 Q.4r w. r....12.3(420 1th. 7r. t.... 50 sabrear L.d L ......1706 Pa av. . 50 420 ta. r..............1ND 9th se. r. m... 050,.31 2bth. Or..............1*13 H. 6r. mL.... 3u *ib0th Elm 16th. ,r..........11.&at. L Droit Parkdr. 11 22 N Y av.4r.w 113i .new....... 5~1 V i........ 3811L1c.111021 V. store. w. g..205 21(3 N L[..4219th ow. 9r. w. or.22.503 Fowler fil.4r.........111928 N H av. 'jr.m I..20..O.01, rear P. Or.........1(For fall list apply to WESCOTT & WILCOX.apt 1907 lFanwlvaalaave. sw.

O RENT-121 6TH ST.N. W.; 811-003'frame: all i. . rent reasonable to good temaal

Apply to OWNF R. 15019th at. a. w. ap3O*Rt RENT-UFURNIBHFb.pHotel centrally l0- O ,3 Q t nw. 1$.....cated, Mr.. ........ 025rj1 7 awe ow. 1....

510 11th at nw. 1Or 14021st nw.lir........and 2large halls and 2. R st nw.9r..........6str.............. ....20lIaurel ave. Mt. Pleas-

1723 B ave ow. 17r.:_i ant. 109...... ........ 5

1 34Fatw (std).233.332306th aase. r........31 K at nw, 15r..20.:14 20th at no.11r....51

1022 Vt ave ow. 15i...200309 Maple av. Le Drott141d 30th at. 2$r......201) Park. 19...............411304 0 st nw. stere and 241614th at rw. 9r....4

Sats............. ....200 1416 14th statw r.....4205NF Javeav.11r....1.-5 N Yavnw. 1r.........4MM0 14th st ow. 14r....150,1114 14"h "'nw. 3rfat..412:8 Mat nw. 15r.....10 1~30 n.. wr......41726 Masavaw.14r133.333030 P st ow. 10r.......41Ridee at. Georgetown. j'.i2 I at w. tir........4

1.r ....................1212!30 12th at nw.Sr....4211N Capat. 20r......125i19057:h at ow. store1311 Cona av ow. 14r.1201 and dwellInr...........31 K st uw. 12r......110'29O Q st nw -r....:3.314 N wt nw. 1r......100'.hOt and M. $ & Q. Or..2

1323th it ow 12r.. io0 1316 N s aw. 1st floor17-6 Q as ow. 1- ......10 and cellar..............2:1518 Cona ave. 13r.. 87.50 413 Elm at ow. or.......211225 Conn av nw.8r.87.50 1106 14th at aw. Sr......2*16 N TYave aw. 12-..5 19219Mt aw Qr.... 2l3

N40 Y ave aw. 14r...6lj4 st nw. h--....2720 10th at aw. 19....7:11721 Tst aw. Or.... ....1.50P . St ow. 11r.......75 2 Freman's alley. 4.10.31601 23 et ow. i1r.....7011 Gould's alley aw. 3r..12034 Hillyerave.Or. L71225Connectlcutavow1294 9th st nw. 11r..6S..0 rear). sat.........6.240511that ow.2r .......0

FURNISHED.In aw. 2rS.. .3500'R I ave s'r 13th aw.R I ave near 18th 1'r .............gOow, 17r...............375 19th o'r Q t nw. 10r..15

1028 Vtav. l8r.......:.3 11311 conn avow. 14r..17,K at nr18th nw.16r.3'3.:3, N Jew nr Baw. lr.157.420th at near at ow. 21945 Capitol at. 9r....15:

Lr ..............300 P at near 1lth at rw.K at nearlath irnw. 1 ............ 1.18r ................300N J av n'r Capitol. 1r.

Mas ave near Dupont 21st and O ats aw. lO. LiCircle, 1r............300 Conn ava sear K t aw.

R I aye near 13th at 10r..............10ow. 16r................30 1d aro ne. 12r.........11t

B I ave nr 17th st nw. NJ ave n'r Bat aw..10112r....................250 216 N J ave aw. 9r....10ith at a'r P st rw.1 .250.1:4h near la w. 10r.83.3

N tn'rl4thaw.13. 0.33 120 C e its. 1tr..........6Ne cur 'oth A F. 14r..."00 30th and Masts. andE Can at a'r 6th. 11r..1'O: 1 flats. 7r.............

211 S Cap it. 0r......150'3015 Q st aw. 131.......31OFFICES.

Ba eor 12th and latan 13's E at uw, entreow. Ir, entire third 2d floor............39floor............68;L33I3".MF st w.*2.3dflr..2Pasav& 11th at ow.2r...666O-7 7th st.averal ru. -Se cor 12th ande F ate 1 1213?Fstuw.eeveralre. -nw. tr. *4 floor...50 e earqthsad Fu....-.

1225 Paav nw. 3dfler. ..30l13th at bet 3 and S73." 7th at ow. lit and (coalyard).......-

24 teors.............4 47Gas w. s'l a.--STORES.

140-R3%Gst av...01501107 14th at aw..4g7 7thetOw.....110 l1l211thasnw.....1__ tn ..... 841t at aw....1;

STABSLES.- etl17thand 18th. K I2. eO .............0and Late..........45 132M N Tevenw(reari..11,sq 6 ............... 251 112114thatsw= rearJ..14. eq 105..............251 120913thawcrears..The sbove houses cean be bl rttt ff03

oar eocN only. TROMBJ.~FI R & Co..apO 13:5MF t.m. w.OR RENT-.1207 C ST. 3. W.; NEW; 73 ANhDecatur st. u.s., bet.O. P. 1st andW. Cap. ; 10 san

apre-nL6I * O. B. STAHI. 484 Lonisama ave.

FOR RENT-FLAT OF THNR ROOMS AT 125.B~Wyle at. n.e. for 68.35 ermouth; modern innprovementa. Applyoonpro~e- . ap-3tE0 RENT-THAT COST DWELI..NG. PMm STnmw.. containing 7 bright roomns and bath; naarinrear; rent, 840.

spe34 WORXSTEDT & BRADLY.3WF0 RENT-ONLY 6 PER MONTH. 724 1.31fost. n.w.;1 rooms a..d bath; location conveni a.

SWORMTED a EADLET.ap4-Or 927F st. a.w.

R ET-WEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AT TAKOMaPark; 3 bea :a ocaion; oflyi a few mainimawalk from railroad and electree ea saions:ap4.6S SWORBSTEDW &RADE. .F0 RENT-A NICE CORNER HOUBE!,191 31

st aw . L Drit Park ; has eaven re..m ambath; cabinet mante; reobna sleypapered; le.taon very pleasat, adonly short taefrom 71I . cable cars; 630 per moath. UIg & CO..

ap44 615 F t. asw.. Roos4IR RENT-SEVER.AL MEW HOUSES 1N TRj

county onlineo efti cas. Apply 5ORWREALLr. 121F 5t- ep4-lzP)RENT-A HOUSE. ANDOML53

en Q at. bat. an sd 10th ataFr erprteieia addam s.. amo eS.FOR RENT-ROUE-NOT3WS.E1B 221.1. 11r....M6 ARB Capital at. 13t...S

213 Nv ....--.& ...2.

8 a0. .......45 .... '

- 613h6s ... at sst ...m . 43......

- 61mbsto.i am

- OmmaT


taie and Iamse r. klek,,. 1ah sa jm a. w.l'NFURIsRe-D RCOUERs.

i1 aw. r........ . t t ste at ae 7 .......V.sI ave. 11r....... .. tOt Oths as. ...........S.i

.d021e lor .. .......4a.3rtU17 ma us. 7r ....2%1017 0.10 ..............4S;I1.'1 E.piteat..... :1341 I bmwe.S ........4M l' . [l e a t..........l...14 4th or, ler ...........4 '30 t [e aa1.......... 111

15Ql4th aw. w r........ .-3 C ea. 3 .........16.2-144' W . r .............. . m e. Sr ............

41 4. 7-...............W law. ir.........12.3

112 Caoesa. .......35

FURNIaR8Eli ROUESt.{Afte Jn 1. It I ave -1@ha t.ltr.peraS 02.00nar 10th. 12re. 4 1d ae near 'J4. t-. ...L30baths sad stable. O mee0 ar H e. newat.anm ............ O bnes ad ft., 10...1 I awe fir Y.. Ohl I av s1r....... too

lin aeei a nena ave er 1 t." X.100circl...1. ............300

OF ICLe=ant -oam is * . 3r..... M..

bet14tar." tran L area Ole tto100 ea. .WF ..t ..........

10160aave........ 133'.14th a .... 010241 11s a... with aM

10 U Lon are............. m a.....y ............'RLa ave. hall ........3

t4TSRLFS.{ 100 O. star .. ........ cc 10 It Cons awe, toer....0041951 B I ave. rear. ...1*l0Oaa are. reow....11a,.i R. O t!Y.TEMAN. Uta and F se. a.w.

011 :RFNT-S -ORE t CELLAR. 510 11TH..140'9 03Vt a. rP-. -.. '131 N cap. 7r......3.40

' 807t:. 10 .4: 54 b fe. 1r ............3I1349 Wal: eeast. 71 ..333"24!24 .t, f............

Ia W" V. r ad hoath.-.. : - 1t4 13tht wt, Otr........._a! t3* R~nTkHUNGERFORD. 6&4thamt.LTR itYIT )O\LY * 0-1232MAii. AY N W..I

r a-eto-r a;d oneseat. 10 rooms; In perfert aedor.-ilAstLEh I. RINGWALT. Atlantc hier..

at 3t: 9-111 t at. n w.

LL;: REN-T'-12t ila.e 1030u-1 12t lie tir $12..nAVe v. 10. a m t..7 1214i-1° 1: L se, tr .1-.!

14:1 1' I fra n.10r. a nu.7 11%G Pil r ame' Or... "74 lith ne. 11r.. m i ... Twimtrcrtc. Sr t eli.. '

44 v aw.an0.. 20I 60 184th m. Sr.......0..a1Sac H nw. 7r. ami .... 4010 ft 1:tie. Or....... I4 D I

417 6th at uw. 1& aad 43 lentes place aw.00It ne.r... .3 6121N N.J.aseausr..10.0U6513 wa; ar n.r,. at .. i . .3s 17 don piace

1:3 Ma. ave ae. .r. it ...... ... "ia

:10lth at m.W&b ...... m i Oan's alley aw. 4r ..91t14 12th me. Or......13.:1 11 Dinana p;avm n13 Patterson m.4r.wl2.50 ir ... ..................R.,ap3 4WOR'VTEPT & READI.YF. WrT F e.sOR REIT---1 41 RT. S.W., N2ft4 ND S.

I" mm wel itti ' .1LV14 Hot. 0.s." Stere ad n-rootndwe Iinadr.'ar, 424 CATWuD t (AR'RETT. 13th .t. Sad N. Y. aw. a.V. ap3-3k

1 t3d St. n... 7 r.. Em . asItable..........6:ll O* t"M P at r.. m. I............................ .5..41 Maine ave.u .w.. 6r.......................... l .0U

C' D iOAIR E :1 .aM i: v. a.

)R RENT-THEEE NE~W RICK 'oICtEn.1206. 11"t ad I' -d t. a. w.. above New Yorkeae.:15 per monath.ap:-33 CH S. W. RANDY. 610 13th St. a. w.

OS RENT-ti-aEAbT CAPITOL NI. .S WKnos;lbath and paatry; fillmoders tImprovements: W-ynext door. 4p3.-6tFOR RENT-1816 15TH RT. X.W.; A PLEASANT

hloms n a desrable location. containtnr 12 romsand bath all in frlt.c las condltton ; ret.$30. Ownerariw ar houaekeepian. will sell femraie at a low

pr e.. p IWn uemuieS. ap3-t*-

nR LENT-10(27TR tT. N.W.; 511 dtOOMS;all moderntaproveneta;6 1apl.64 IMUIS P. EROLMAK. MG 18F at. a.w.


MAKER. 92OF t. a w. ap1-1itR RFNT-UNFURNIsWED-1447Massave..... 1UH'0 A at es...............t144 are............ 100n 7 R a...................m

1311 H at................l1O.l.ME Termest ae ...... 82017 I st................100143o6ma .................401313 t..............83.37tl3Dats......... ..

Omos 1400 0 at ......03.:0 14 7 F Rt seeoa.....7FLRNISHED.

.ytte. mate..O6. McPeum. .........S .thl. ..U t r th. ........1L10

19th and I ag......416.A17 1th and R aee.........L sad 16th Ste....41LOS9N St naar 14th .......I arrag3S aomme LTI&.0 P at boat 11k ......lfth&Corcgraa ts..30 .3 D1th we Seat . «......3Vt are near Thome 0 awe mr .

Cale...........d. htmsar 1sth. ...... 161Ma ave ear 0th m..h. at h sad I, .

RIaeasarldthS... IIWC0atmeljet ....601 Iowa circia.............2001 Unseesity Park.........0


. Onmee-romismaetalrookland.atesleada.512,60.1419 Corcoran at. V.w.. 10 rou.s. bath. cellar and

all in. . wer desrable and chwmp at 043t.'2t1-1142 De... plce ae.....e reom. bath.alli. L. 01..30.12061 a. n.e.. R euema, bath. all ea.. .new. 017.60.634 Whitney ave i. .w 6 reom. newly pa --eed.

Ras. conveniant to tarn 'i. McLAd1 EN RATCBELDER.

ap1 Car. 10th andOeta, a.w


REAL FRTATE BtRO36297s.5m.w.

51224 st. lap.. 6 roons. all t.L............3..0.. 0

602 prore .t..f rna all m l................... 39..0lt Sp~ruce at..9 rooms. all mn................... ;o.0)

10( North Carolia ave. a...7 roa. al m.i. 26.141. 43 North c apitolut . 6 rooms. all m.t ........ 26.301.3 California St. a.e . 6 reonas, all mi......... 20.30

163 11th a. w.. store....................... 15.00p ap3-5t _ _ _ _ _ _ _

OR RENT-FROM APRIL 10--THE FINE RESI-deuce 916 S St. n.3w.; 10 roeaa, beath, ellar, rear.had, &c. ; at #50 Per mouth in advance. Alpply toOWNEE.510iuet ti.wbet. Oaad 1a.m. pl-4tFOR RENT-1 19 3D ST. N.W.. 2-TORY ANDFOR llarbri water; Is. Good r..

par; 015.0 prmsh.WABS*N DAlENROWeR,

R RENT-1731 REATON ST. W.W. NEAR18th and U s.. 2-Story 6-Seam bru: all med.humes; 01&.30 par montfibh.

ap14 C 13th sadG ita.L R RENT-GOOD 2-STORY 6-ROOM RCKhouse. 918 25th St. n. w.; ia and Qatetr; test

$16.:1) per ath. WAdb DANEWEE.apt-4te 136and GSta a.w.

OR.RENT-19632ED T. W.W.. CORNER WARDplace.'2-story and cellsr briek. ;t d roams, batband

all mod imps. ;3am sroer. mth.&aWWB' DANENRaWER,Sapl-t 13th and O ate a. w.

SVlRENT-313 R ST. S. E.. BRIOK dOUE;ail'wves oma and bath: larfe lot; 025 per omth;key. at corner drg Store. A. M. IMORRION,api-f 122%Ft. a.w.

I RENT-A NICELY FURNISHED ROUBE OF7 six rooms; a. m. I. : at low rates; e eclls

I chance for pleasant bone. 608 C st. n.4. mp14*R RINT- 27deSat, stags. 9r....{12018 0 We. 12r-- 1:7SYd et" r.......1.3

f4r...b.d..........401%11 5........0.99.h~u l 1 6r..... .5t. ........

210-51 at s. .... ..0 Rise 1.* m.....

2410 Pa ave. e..3.80 ar s....121225t,.St. 60 .. 3.10eamblerear 20311 at....@mbCh-14t U. N. MARTIN. 12103Pa. ate. amw.LR RENT-AT A REDUCED RATE. SETERALKattrrav oene em K St. maa 3Mh St. ; brick and-atoae 3 itorIe. 11 rooms ad hat; all moderm ba-

preeemunsa MSt emmlutder.. E. WARMER a 00..

ank1-2dt 91 Ft. amm.

131wET.;O .LMNIE JCa.3310 Bme.Im ad 6077te MAw.h1 . T.. ...

224 ..C.p................ tUia.........s.511h1 2 Maw T.. ERPORD4 1*. ve 7 P.t.1779 l EN-12M.'I87.N. W.6.0. :PDE

r f 1e s.;1i 4*tns:15.0. w E e .w.;13.t...............JO02|3Rst lme ....... IDlK a . 11r....SL60!1 ueav.O ...1 17174 Itat. 12r.........e 3 Dte mar.....19' K a. 16r.......5. 4th st m. r....f

- 139tUh at a. 1ir....10 26 Mma an. 3w ...~ii1*t Kstav aveme.6. @1gMP a st. 10....... 7th !aveaw . 1..

11 6t at am. 11. .45.. 114101kavMm. '.tt

19tm at. l.........1135 Neta. ....

- Law.se1 ....5.45 1st m.7&....rvat t. Or....560206C me,....

Slaw e. &..50 j1410tha m..

-a WM r. ..2. E Stesap a ...... a . s. mGrenen

at w..M.U t at a.

0stneGr.... .

stm ... I 4

ap1 R.E WIO..M bM.a

9^oa REXT-HOS.141410a.

hi Wr-i4Ms f T 3 S 5WmIad lawn. 1. s. cmpq"b " .1S ! at. a. w.: f W t

5a.t.6 e hc42. i~ aam'arm,ats ..eet ,? th.'*. Ikl -" . 1

Ci.w.! V btas; is'. .tac. opairs I.

0RN .ET-T~l ).NN 4m01'U~eA bW

£J. ~c_ . t 55 a,.l [ _ ,m. IL sal..

r hi7:F\ 1=7 ams.ari.

I. ZI .6.t 6w m" 4asl1.........

16~-.. .t~i Y K .6 r ea WM Pla !ws alt

1St: M A e4.1 tr o. _- 40 os om

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F1'KI~tu ! A tco t rtsmw 4 mbil . a. w. tMa~

SEAL IATiAr t.1" t'4t3A1.L411 l tal s..a a.

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1'441 LENt-W .t Cw l 40 orame g. L11, 4 r ....1s

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1:Palba as Mr..... 33 IOEWAtw IiiT-1 . SC 4A . salsas.t'LN3 S

,w-; n-k 'liar. utey.d. ."1rfre Iheb'fmo;..lot; oa~ .q 'sr. ..t r-sr. a a4i h.rdFi.s. .-4 -1: W'KtUflT&-IO %l)lI:11q113. E..

Pa~~u7 U r Hak11 1T T

r.u 44. re u b.tb arw~f phenhe sal psapa",

mb14 _____itt J H P. a.j l . ilZNT- E AND isM~. % . f.. YEtS

s'wrtart "he .Or-.; T termnd btt-. twqu~ostb. 5.19?. 1L. RItALL. MI. 'l. InkliLt..

is. A. .. Sr.. til ..oNt. gIe. eauis..


1NTTO WOA?. 1u It'. O4.5k3. -ajdA AN

l . PS l 4 :1..1'

trood'lar c. 1)n~ . atar 4l.,a. ap343t

_____ _. A. U TIK!.it .' Cat. m.3(iNEi* 1TO L4bt1 XNAIAU1.11NT.N U4.fiYt

mas rfor w as oatt.e aEIJthea-fOcre. a1

aafe. sad whet. .0mm . lean dtet alas gimAsalpMr 4t rash vae d ptarP NOsea.... Adlaa

Lat3l1i X L"~~it21. tY 3.0.hiP: "SN.: 'alumsTO, tIII. AT S AW3tVS

can 4. P.f .am mwta kv. VU..UKT.~thto W.d a I r 1

V.04 Ps A. the~ Arlft.m l Yim a.ramw.1 'MuYFT LOAN ('M rp rFirriY'r.. auOs.1I'Ora" ertrw, pen a~. ..ww'.. hetevesumin1t.1.6...r otw.q eritue. witist vumapal : sllta-

macnom evti-tu .'khaZb~l:...hem wt64.lAdmy.._Aedd-ms &.s 140 . uSao... bI"RCENT AND II PF3 CiiS 405(5.5TOMs o s;pqowsl Mast ..664rnmoamtti.m k 2. Yw A. it. LSE t S0il. I P


"e. wTtoz P crnn'iyois." oft shr~t a it.

Ien.. .s nt tai to jr.t 'trrsesl MM swe aheWet tbakeo ...*o tahet borawq muswmIt vow ha,.. 055a .rt o".thr eaN.. or -fewrmaft.z'nd is L.. otgr.d.. slap.

lat.. . A thn uo fal t uit t-)m~t tlwwU'i el.r.. It osadmv-the~ anss maySa

4..bss laawl~s pap700se to i.ot. pi

If To la . a ia~ w. ehe ~s a hos

M__ w.1ela. bu ye at Om ._ mals___youask~ ~for~itIt.I~

_lrr ~s0~s 554STi~a~eIUmb0 flh OteIV .:CR.aies 1Oa, otu.

te toe wm adt1rokwm. 1: til lliarg Ohl"V

11 s. a s ealate. sos basil. S.cud rwtasss rbms 11e dulsy.

berN~ S in..

iiOFa f0 LO1AN. 1$ ANYIES E1333..Ya .i sd6aea apro ved red mo""as ebWALT3I KA(E

)ONVTO usa. AT N Ail PF.L 471N. l;M rt1-fr_____ Magioe

MOEYT LOAN OX E: !. hI I F. biwiD!t taeksoerdspdotWs nts. AS t"i k.eher~ir bmgbt for cos t. A. PILLI* PS S OnN141.45Yor at.. _ ___________

MONEY TO) LAN V AN&T £Ptsi DESIRES ATteemau~ of Intwam es sopr.9m4 reals.1tust-l w~h ittb.M fIHStt lo'umissa a. 4ier ba-

Food 5i~ 1mmmoemmyr for .useslastes aftl. 111esp.

arom ofNWAWp *as ATOAuglu77M41-K J.NON (R3.i et._____MOET4n. A AtcAmasAWI)eRa. E3?O