unit three text i salvation. key words: sin sin : 1>n. [u] deliberate disobedience to the will...

Unit Three Text I Salvation

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Unit Three

Text ISalvation

Key Words: sin sin : 1>n. [U] deliberate disobedience to the will of G

od 宗教上的罪孽 (against the moral law)cf: crime: an act in violation of and punishable by law 2> n. [C]: immoral act such as stealing or telling lies 罪

行 confess one’s sins to a priest It's a sin to tell lies. cf: It’s a sin to stay indoors on such a fine day. <colloq>

(sth. considered contrary to common sense) 3> vi (+ against) = commit sin/ do wrongIs it sinning against society to have a large family?

Sinful adj. Distinguish: sin, crime, offence, vice The Catholics confess their sins to the priest. It is a sin to waste so money on merry-making. It is the job of the police to prevent crime. He was charged with raping offence. (crime) The dirty old house is an offence to the eye. It is not practical to expect the police to get rid

of all vices in the society.

Key Words: sin live in sin (living together without a marriage) Original sin the Garden of Eden the Fall of Man Adam and Eve's disobedience was the first sin man

ever committed, and their original sin (or the effects of the sin) is passed on to their descendants.

the seven deadly sinspride , envy , wrath , sloth, greed , gluttony , lust deadly mortal sin---one that is fatal to salvation of the soul 灵魂不得超度的罪

Key Words: save 1. save sb. from drowning 2. I will save part of my salary each month for a rainy day. 3. Your taking the trunk to the attic has saved me an extra trip. 4. We know nothing about him save that he was in the army duri

ng the war. 5. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners from their sin

s. 1. (keep safe from loss or injury) 2. (keep for future use) 3. (make unnecessary; relieve sb. from the need of doing sth.) 4. (save or saving: prep.=except; e.g. all save him 除他以外全体 ) 5. (Christian religion) (set free from the eternal punishment for si


Key Words: salvation Salvation [u] : the act of saving from sin and its conseq

uences 超度 拯救 e.g. Christians hope and pray for salvation. Salvation Army: (SA) a religious and missionary Christi

an organization on a semi-military model 救世军 find salvation 信教 , 皈依 ; work out one's own salvation 自寻出路

Key Words: revivalrevive—revival 1>the revival of a drowned man (bring back to life or consciousness) 2> business revival (restore to use, currency, activity) 3>the Revival of Learning [Letters, Literature] (=the Ren

aissance)【史】文艺复兴 (a new presentation of an old play, movi

e, opera, ballet, or similar vehicle)4> a religious revival meeting 宗教的奋兴大会 (tended to produce an increase of interest in religion)

Key Words: lamb, sheep, fold

lamb:---young members of church flock or Christian congregation

sheep: ---believers in Christianity under the protection of God

Lamb of God (=the Lamb) (Jesus Christ) 【宗】耶稣基督

“Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us...." ( from a song)

fold: n. a fenced enclosure for domestic animals, especially sheep 羊栏:尤指羊圈等为家畜圈起的一块地

return to the fold 浪子回头 Here it refers to the body of believers in Christianity

About the author: Langston Hughes

20050411151052281.mp3 Listen to the mp3 to know who Langston

Hughes is.

Langston Hughes 藍斯頓休斯 (Langston Hughes) 是 1920年代的非裔美人藝術運動:哈林文藝復興運動(Harlem Renaissance)中,最重要的作家及思想家之一。哈林文藝復興運動是一項用來頌揚黑人的生活及文化的活動。休斯的創作深受他在紐約市哈林區的生活影響,哈林區是最主要的非裔美人居住地區。他的文學作品有助塑造美國文學及政治。就像其他活躍於哈林文藝復興運動中的藝術家,休斯也擁有強烈的種族自尊;藉由他所創作的詩詞、小說、劇本、散文及童書,他提倡平等、詛咒種族歧視及不公,並讚美非裔美人的文化、幽默感及靈性。

Activity1. read the text quickly and

tell the main idea of the text2. act it out

Language Points I was saved from sin when I was g

oing on thirteen. -----I was set free from the eternal

punishment for my wrong doing and disobedience to God when I was approaching thirteen.

“I’m seventeen, going on eighteen”. (“Sound of Music”)

Language Points preach: 1> preached the gospel 传福音to deliver (a sermon) 讲(道)布道 2> preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence宣扬容忍及和平共处 (to advocate) Practice what you preach. to preach at (to) sb. 对某人谆谆告诫 , 唠叨,教训 He does nothing but preaching at his children. preach up 赞扬 ; 吹捧,推崇 He is always preaching (up)the value of cold bath. preach against 极力反对 Do all the churchmen preach against drug taking?

Language Points ….and some very hardened sinners had been brou

ght to Christ. ------ and some sinners who had never showed sign

s of shame or repentance were saved from sin. harden: to make hard or harder The earth hardens under the hot sun. (figuratively) to become unfeeling, unsympathetic I hardened my heart against him. 我硬下心肠对待他。be hardened to (be used to) 对…变得不在乎He is becoming hardened to failure.be quite hardened to the cold weather here

Language Points ….the membership of the church had grown by lea

ps and bounds --------the number of the members of the church inc

reased rapidly. membership: 1> My membership has just been renewed. (the state of being a member 成员资格 ) 2> The trade union has a large membership. (The total number of members in a group 全体成员 ) by leaps and bounds adv.= Very quickly 飞跃地 growing by leaps and bounds 长得飞快

Language Points to bring the young lambs to th

e fold ---lamb: 迷途的羔羊 ---- to bring those young innoc

ent children to Jesus Christ. (to save their soul and free them from sin)

Language Points escort: v. to accompany as an escort a group of soldiers escorted the President 一队

士兵护卫着总统。 n. a person who goes with someone as a gu

ard or as an honor a escort of soldiers 一队卫兵 n. a person who accompanies some for cou

rtesy’s sake Kate's escort arrived to take her out for the eve


Language Points accompany , conduct , escort 这些动词指伴随或陪同他人或其他人时对他们加以比较。 Accompany suggests going with another on an equal

basis: She went to Europe accompanied by her colleague. Conduct implies guidance of others: The usher conducted us to our seats. Escort stresses protective guidance: A group of soldiers escorted the President.

Language Points dire pictures dire: direr , direst 1> Warning of or having dreadful

or terrible consequences a dire economic forecast 2> Urgent; desperate in dire need dire poverty

Language Pointsbraided 辫成辫子形的 , 辫成麻花

状的 wear one's hair in braidsbraid fact with fiction 把事实与虚构混淆起来

Language Points work-gnarled gnarled: Having gnarls; knotty or miss

hapen: 多节的:有多节的;多节的或扭曲的: gnarled branches 多节瘤的枝干 (figuratively) Rugged and roughened,

as from old age or work: 饱经风霜的 the gnarled hands of a carpenter.

rock vb. Waves rocked the boat. Stormy applause rocked the hall. (the hall was rocked with stormy applau

se.) rock with laughter 笑得浑身抖动

Language Points altar: 祭坛 , ( 基督教教堂内的 ) 圣坛 , 祈祷祭拜的地

方 altar boy 祭坛侍者 lead (a woman) to the altar 娶 ( 某女 ), 与 ( 某女 )结

deacon a cleric ranking just below a priest in the Anglican,

Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches 执事:英国圣公会、东正教和罗马天主教的教堂中仅次于

牧师级别的神职人员 Deacon Brown 布朗执事 (女性为: deaconess )

Language Points ….in a mighty wail of moans and voices -------mighty: powerful; having or showin

g great power, skill, strength, or force: He gave it a mighty push and it opened. mighty force强大的力量 a mighty wind强风 mighty rulers 有势力的统治者 a mighty big mistake 一个极大的错误

Language Points wail: to grieve or protest loudly and bitterly 痛哭:哀号,嚎啕: cry , weep , wail , sob这些动词的意思都指发出表示悲伤、不高兴或痛苦的口齿不清的声音。 Cry and weep both involve the shedding of tears; cry more stro

ngly implies accompanying sound: When he heard his mother’s death, he cried in the streets. weep bitter tears of remorse. (To express emotion, such as grief o

r sadness, by shedding tears) Wail refers primarily to sustained, inarticulate mournful sound: The child is wailing for the toy.小孩哭着要玩具。 sob describes weeping or a mixture of broken speech and weepi

ng marked by convulsive breathing or gasping: 呜咽 , 哭泣 sob oneself to sleep 直哭得睡去

hold sth. Up---cause delay The building of the new road had been h

eld up by bad weather. The strike has held up production. on one’s knees ---kneel down I went down on my knees and he pro

nounced his blessing for me.

take one’s name in vain 在背后议论某人 Did I hear someone taking my name in vain? break into----burst into The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bo

wed. The car window broke into pieces after the col

lision. He broke rudely into our talk. break into a house

Language Points . rejoicing rejoice at the news rejoice in your happiness rejoice over a victory rejoiced to hear of your success

Language Points in the air adv. abroad; prevalent 广泛的;流行的: Excitement was in the air. up in the air= leave in the air 使悬而未决

=Not yet decided; uncertain 未决定;未确定

on the air= on broadcasting 正在广播 ; live on air [口 ]喝西北风过日子 , 饿肚子过活

punctuate vb.---interrupted from time to time The steady click of her needles punctuated the silence. He delivered a speech punctuated with cheers. deceive---deliberately cause sb. to accept wha

t is false The deceived her into signing the papers. You are deceiving yourself by doing so.

Text II

The Rumor

Rumor Is A Fearful Thing Share with your partner an example

of a rumor you once experienced or heard or read in a book. (time, place, people involved, the rumor, the outcome of rumor)

Cf: rumor and gossip gossip: idle, often ill-natured talk about the aff

airs of others She is too fond of gossip. =She is an old gossip. gossip writer/ column 随笔作家 /专栏 rumor: V. to spread or tell by rumor 谣传,传说

(usually passive) He’s rumored to have escaped to Dublin. It’s rumored that…据说

Main Idea Just as its title indicates, the text is

a satirical depiction of how rumor was created and spread in a small northeastern town in USA. The story shows how easily people are influenced by others in their judgment.

Language Points To George Williams went the distinction of ----

the new town-treasurer. (inverted sentence) The distinction of ---- went to George Williams. a writer of real distinction 一位才智超群的作家 He gained distinction in the exam. serve with distinction 服务优良

The moment----- as soon as The moment she reached the hotel, she

wired her father. Make the nomination 提名 Who will get the republican nomination f

or president? She was made the nominee for the best


Nomination-----nominate : to propose by name as a candidate, especially for election.

He was nominated (as) Minister of Finance. nominate sb. as...任命某人为 ... nominate sb. for ...提名某人为 ... 的候选人 nominate sb. to (后接机构 )任命某人为 ... 的成

dark horse: ---people who have talents although not much is known about them

黑马 ( 出人意外得胜之马 ) dark horse candidate: “黑马”候选人:作为政治候选人获得意外的支持和成功的人,尤其是在一政党的会议期间

eat like a horse 吃得多 eat like a bird 吃得少 eat like a wolf 贪婪地吃 , 狼吞虎咽 Hold your horses! 不要冲动。 put the cart before the horse本末倒置

动物在西方的象征 : ass ( foolish ) snake (阴险的人) fox (狡猾的人) dove ( peace-lover ) wolf (凶狠的人) white elephant (大而无用之人)

A wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is as sly as a fox . You’ve got to watch him. talk horse 吹牛 Ass in a lion’s skin. 狐假虎威 black sheep Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen. Don’t listen to her gossip; she is a cat. In the city I was nothing, but there in the count

ryside I was considered a big fish.

in general circulation--- everybody is raving about the news

the circulation of air in the room the circulation desk in the library the circulation of the rumor Put the new coin into circulation The book enjoyed a circulation of


backer: supporter---- one that backs a person, a group, or an enterprise:

financial backers of a ballet company

back: back sb. against sb. back sb. up Don't worry. I will back you up. get sb.'s back up 令人不快 Tom got his back up when I said he was wrong. have one's back to the wall 情况不妙,难以摆脱 He certainly has his back to the wall for he has lost his job. turn one's back on 避开,不理睬 I can't turn my back on him when he needs help.

turn around---转变、转向 I thought I heard a voice I knew; turning

around,I saw my long-lost brother. The chairman seemed to have turned ar

ound. 改变主意 The fuel shortage has turned the autom

obile industry around. 使汽车工业改弦易辄

Get their hands on---obtain Lay one’s hands on They tried to collect all the pictures they

could lay their hands on. He’ll be a slick eel to catch as slippery as an eel (非常狡猾)

He wouldn’t stop at anything now. -----He would do anything now (He would do al

l kinds of things now—stealing, robbing, murdering etc.)

stop at: 住宿 (旅店 ); “Are you stopping at this hotel?” stop at sth.= stop short at sth. (limit one’s action) Will our neighbor countries stop at war? stop at nothing 不择手段 ; 肆无忌惮 ;

In one’s behalf (Amr.)---on one’s behalf He worked hard all his life in behalf of the

poor. I’m writing in behalf of my mother, to ex

press her thanks for your gift. get sth. Into shape (get sth. ready for) Let me get my ideas into shape. I must get the team into shape.

practically--- 几乎,讲究实际 When we were again free, the summer s

eason was practically over. The British are not famed for their philos

ophy and tend to be more practically minded.

There’s no/little sense in doing sth. There’s no sense in worrying. What’s the sense of protesting if nothin

g ever comes of it? What’s the sense (point) of going abroa

d to meet English people?

The End

Thank you !