unit6 natural disasters main task unit 6 vocabulary weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Unit6 Natural disasters Main task

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Page 1: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Unit6 Natural disasters

Main task

Page 2: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Unit 6 Vocabulary



cause typhoonrainstorm


Page 3: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Unit 6 Vocabulary



• 在写作中陈述事实性信息。• 通过要点和画流程图来构思文章• 写一篇有关自然灾害的文章

Believe in yourself!

You can do it better!

Page 4: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Page 4

Read the notes in PartA on Page105

Work in pairs ---Ask and answer the following questions each other

A: When and where did the snowstorm happened?

B: _____________________.

A:Where was Sandy when it happened?

B: _______________________.

A: What happened to Sandy when she was in the wind?

B: ___________________________________.

A:What did Sandy hear and see when she was in the snow?

B: She only heard ___________ and she saw ____________________.

A:What did Sandy hear and see the next morning?

B: Sandy heard ________________ and saw that_________________.

In Beijing on Friday, 28th Jan.

At school

She lost her unbrella and could only walk slowly in the snow

the wind many people at the bus stop

the noise of traffic people were removing the snow

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Page 5

Check the homework

1. 一场暴风雪袭击了北京。 A ______________________ Beijing.

2. 我正在教室做作业,这时,吴老师进来告诉我们早点回家

I ____________________ in the classroom when Mr

Wu came in and _________________________.

3. 我和 Millie 共撑一把伞。 I ____________________________________ Millie.

4. 天气很恶劣。我们只听到风声。 The weather ____________________. We could only ___


snowstorm hit

was doing my homework

told us to go home early

shared an umbrella with

was really terrible

hear the wind

Page 6: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Page 6

.5. 突然,一阵大风从后面刮来。 ___________,a strong wind _____________________. 6. 我们只得在暴风雪只慢慢地走。 We _____________________________ in the storm.

7. 第二天早晨,我听到了车辆的声音。 I _____________________________ the next morning.8. 人们正在路上铲雪。 People were __________________________ on the road.9. 雪继续飘着。 Snow ______________________________ .

Suddenly came from behind

had to walk slowly

heard the noise of traffic

removing the snow

continued to fall

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Page 7

Read the notes on Page105,then complet

e the article on Page106

Don't be afraid. Try your best.

Page 8: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, It got worse in the afternoon. I was at and Mr. Wu told us ________ early. Millie asked me to go to her house because I forgot to bring my keys. I an umbrella with her while we were walking to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. We could only hear the ______. _______ continued to fall around us.

28th January, shared, snow, school,wind, to go home

28th January

school to go home


wind Snow

Page 9: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind .We lost our_____________in the wind and I nearly fell over. We had to _______ slowly in the storm. When we arrived at the bus stop, we could see many_______.At last, we got on a bus and went to Millie’s house.

I stayed at Millie’s home that night. I heard the noise of __________the next morning. I looked out of the and saw that people were ___________ the snow.

umbrella, people, traffic, window, remove, walk




trafficwindow removing

Page 10: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

IntroductionWhere did it happen?

When did it happen?

During the


Where was she?

What did she do?

What did she hear?

What did she see?

What happened?

After the snowstorm

Where was she?

What did she hear?

What did she see?


Friday ,28thJan

at school

shared, walked to bus stop


snow, people at ---

lost ---, walked slowly

at Millie’s homenoise of traffic

people removed the snow




Make a list (列提纲 )

Page 11: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

choose the topic定题

choose materials选材

start to write着手写作

make the list列提纲

do the work before writing

Page 12: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood


If you are a survivor in Wenchuan earthquake, write your story of the earthquake. I will show your pictures to help.

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Page 13

in the tents

social workers


build a new town

run out to the playground

lost their lives and homes

some useful information

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introduction (facts)


lost their lives and homes

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during the earthquake

I feltI heardclassmates feltrun to the playground

houses came downwhat people did

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after the earthquakewhat did the soldiers do ?

they helped people get out form under the bricks and the stones.

→sociale workers came to look after people in need and give out food and clean drinking water to people

→ stayed in tents

Page 17: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Try your best to finish the article Wenchuan Earthquake

Wenchuan Earthquake The earthquake hit Wenchuan __________________. It was really terrible.

Many thousands of people _________________________________________. When it started, I was ___________.I felt _____________________ my bod

y, then heard __________________thunder. All of my classmates ___________. We looked at each other________. Teachers told us to_____________________________________.

On the playground, I saw _______________________ along the streets. Many people______________________ .They were crying and screaming. The whole world was terrible.

After the earthquake , lots of soldiers came to _________________________. from under the stones and bricks. People who survived all lived ____________ Many social workers _____________________________and _____________ ________________________________. The whole world was full of love. One year later, people built a new town. Now we are studying in a new schoo


on May 12thlost their lives and homes.

at school a slight shaking througha loud noise like

were frightened in fear

run out to the playgroundhouses come down

ran in all directions

help people get out in tents

looked after people in need gave out food

and clean drinking water to people

Page 18: Unit6 Natural disasters Main task Unit 6 Vocabulary Weather bring cause typhoon rainstorm flood

Homework 一 . Recite some new words. 二 . Finish some exercises. 1 忘了带钥匙 _________________ 2 向车站走去 _________________

___ 3 一阵大风 __________________ 4 跌倒 __________________ 5 听到车辆的声音 ______________ 6 第二天早晨 ____________________ 7 朝窗外看 __________________ 8 铲雪 扫雪 ______________________

9 天气预报 ____________________ 10 暴风雪警报 _________________ 11 卷起裤腿 ___________________