z oma project

Dear contributor, From PSii Association, we want to support “Z_Oma Project”, which started at “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” Primary School (Madrid) last academic year and it continues in the current one. Accordingly, we have given a modest donation, according to our economic possibilities, to the project. However, considering that our association cannot afford the entire budget needed to develop the project, as a president of the association and coordinator, I would like to ask for your support. As you can see in the summary, the Z_Oma Project deserves to support itself. Its objectives and values, mixing social integration, art and education, are essential in a more advanced and integrated society. Nevertheless, we would like to remind you that your grant is tax deductible in Spain. In addition, you will receive special treatment as a supporter on our website and in every activity related to the “Z_Oma Project”. Please, do not forget to review the Project’s report in order to evaluate the great work planned by the educational community of “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” primary school. The Z_Oma Project is only possible with all of our cooperation. Finally, on behalf of Psii Association, the educational community of “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” and my own, I would like to thank you in advance for your support.

Upload: isabel-vizcaino

Post on 26-May-2017




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Page 1: Z Oma Project

Dear contributor,

From PSii Association, we want to support “Z_Oma Project”, which started at “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” Primary School (Madrid) last academic year and it continues in the current one. Accordingly, we have given a modest donation, according to our economic possibilities, to the project.

However, considering that our association cannot afford the entire budget needed to develop the project, as a president of the association and coordinator, I would like to ask for your support.

As you can see in the summary, the Z_Oma Project deserves to support itself. Its objectives and values, mixing social integration, art and education, are essential in a more advanced and integrated society. Nevertheless, we would like to remind you that your grant is tax deductible in Spain. In addition, you will receive special treatment as a supporter on our website and in every activity related to the “Z_Oma Project”.

Please, do not forget to review the Project’s report in order to evaluate the great work planned by the educational community of “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” primary school. The Z_Oma Project is only possible with all of our cooperation.

Finally, on behalf of Psii Association, the educational community of “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” and my own, I would like to thank you in advance for your support.

Best Wishes, Isabel Vizcaino

President of Psii Association

Page 2: Z Oma Project


“Z_Oma project” is an environmental restoration action based on the Basque artist Agustin Ibarrola’s work called “Forest of Oma”. The forest of Oma, one of Agustín Ibarrola’s best known works, is an example of “land art”, a creative trend that first appeared in the 1960s and which seeks to take art to nature and use the countryside as the artist’s frame, support and medium. The objective is, with the participation of all the students, to transform the school’s garden (which is currently semi-abandoned) into a renewed place in where it shall be possible to play and enjoy learning to love the environment.

a) Framework. The “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” primary school is located in Entrevías neighbourhood, in the district of Puente de Vallecas, in the South West of Madrid. Our school seeks to educate and teach in a cultural context conditioned by the values of social permissiveness, participation, tolerance, equality, individual rights and personal diversity.

b) Analysis of the context: the school and the target group. Our school offers nursery and primary education. Next year, the school population will be 78% of Roma students, so it has been classified as difficult performance centre. However, our students are sharp, funny, capable, smart, skilled, affectionate and very sincere (in all senses). In this context, the teachers of “Manuel Nuñez de Arenas” school started the “Z_Oma Project”, a new project which uses a new methodology and new tools to strengthen our students’ motivation. The last objective is to create a high quality teaching system based on students’ interest.

c) Basis: the school, which has quite a big garden, is located in “El Pozo” (this name reminds us of the “El Pozo del Tio Raimundo” school, which was situated in the shantytown with the same name, famous because it was the neighbourhood where the father Llanos developed his huge solidarity project in the sixties). This garden is an ideal place to do multitude of outdoor activities. There are some large pines, almond trees and other a wide variety of different species of trees that provide fruit despite receiving little care. In autumn, our little students pick almonds and pine nuts which are sowed each season. The problem is that these activities are hampered by the extreme deterioration in the garden.

Given the lack of resources from the Administration and the teachers’ worries about the danger that our students run during our activities, last year, we decided that we should take action to make our neighbours understand that our garden belongs not only to the school, but to the whole neighbourhood.

GENERAL OBJETIVE: renovate the garden as a place for activities. SPECIFIC OBJETIVE: carry out a joint project to plan classroom activities focused on developing different kinds of human dimensions: instinctive, emotional, cognitive and spiritual.

Page 3: Z Oma Project

d) Methodology: we will use didactic units developed by teachers; work projects for every group of students based on their own process of learning; and Service Learning and Collaborative Working; as effective resources to achieve our goal.

e) Process steps. Actions, activities and tasks: we will take actions to educate neighbours and students to take care of this place. These will be based on both new activities and other activities already planned in previous years which could not be performed due to lack of financial resources (fix the cottage, games area, etc.)

f) Human and Material Resources. Human Resources: All students, teachers, volunteers from PSII association PSII and non-teaching staff. Material Resources: Material required to perform both research activities and their realisation. We sill send our project to all associations and organizations that can help us with finances.

g) Evaluation of the teaching–learning procedure: we will evaluate the program related to the teaching process and the teacher’s intervention as facilitator of this process, the resources used, the spaces, the expected time, the group of students , the coordination and the criteria of evaluation themselves in order to improve our work during the development of the project.

h) Budget


Paint for the trees in Oma’s style €500.00

Repair of garden shed €1,100.00

Areas for outdoor games €1,500.00

Garden, recycling bins, etc. €600.00

TOTAL €3,700.00

i) Conclusions: Z_Oma is an ambitious project created by the whole school community but it cannot be performed without financial support. Spain’s economic situation and budget cuts are producing a significant impact in our school and our families, which are suffering a very difficult economic situation. This project tries to avoid this context by working together, students, teachers, parents and neighbours, towards a common objective directly linked with quality public education.