人文學資源報告 組員: 495100281 林宏諺 496100070 許哲維 496100214 王辰安...

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Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: 人文學資源報告 組員: 495100281 林宏諺 496100070 許哲維 496100214 王辰安 496100331 陳柏廷 496100446 郭 靜 496100604 林祺堂

人文學資源報告人文學資源報告組員: 495100281 林宏諺 496100070 許哲維 496100214 王辰安 496100331 陳柏廷 496100446 郭 靜 496100604 林祺堂

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The Library Yet to Come

Louis Charles Willard

(路易斯查爾斯威拉德 )

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SUMMARY Literature and history provide abundant

examples of visioning and prediction, a model that this essay follows. Financially pressed, research libraries will reduce acquisitions, more or less independently, uncoordinatedly, and in isolation.


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Second, older material will Second, older material will become less and less visible become less and less visible and more often absent from and more often absent from the scholarly apparatus.the scholarly apparatus.


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Third, the nature of access will increasingly influence the direction of scholarly inquiry.


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Finally, the nascent scholars our graduate programs and professional schools nurture will become more sophisticated acquirers of the trappings of scholarship and less thoughtful, less reflective practitioners.


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Alongside these pessimistic interpretations of the shadows of libraries-yet-to-come, there are some attractive possibilities for capitalizing upon and exploiting the capabilities of the virtual library, but librarians must shed their introspective, passive character.

除了對於 libraries-yet-to-come 陰影這些悲觀的解釋,充分利用虛擬圖書館開發的可能性也是有吸引力的,但圖書館員必須去除他們內省的、被動的性格。

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Then, they must exploit and Then, they must exploit and harness the resources of the harness the resources of the electronic world rather than electronic world rather than

simply learning about and playing simply learning about and playing with them.with them.


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Second, they must persistently ask how their learned routine ways of doing things might be done differently, given the new context in which their work occurs.


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It is not so much that their clients are It is not so much that their clients are twentieth century Luddites. It is more twentieth century Luddites. It is more like they have to operate a camcorder like they have to operate a camcorder using skills developed for a Kodak using skills developed for a Kodak Brownie.Brownie.

他們的客戶並不是二十世紀的盧德分子他們的客戶並不是二十世紀的盧德分子 (19(19 世世紀初英國手工業工人中參加搗毀機器的人紀初英國手工業工人中參加搗毀機器的人 )) 。。更該像是他們經營的攝錄像機操作技能開發的更該像是他們經營的攝錄像機操作技能開發的柯達布朗尼。柯達布朗尼。

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人 文 學 科 的 參 考 服 務人 文 學 科 的 參 考 服 務

predictions and visions


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Literature and history provide abundant examples of visioning and prediction.As this reflection began , in early December 1992 , two were appropriate to the season.

人類的文學和歷史提供了豐富的例子在預言和遠見的領域上。當這想法一開始,早在西元1992 年 12 月,有兩個例子在適當的時機出現。

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One was the Third Spirit of Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol , the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The other was a party platform in a Presidential campaign.

其一是 Charles Dickens 的『耶誕頌歌』中的第三個精靈,牠預言了鬼將會在耶誕節來到。另一個例子則是在總統競選上。

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The two provide an interesting contrast. One is grim and pessimistic; the order upbeat and confident. It is the denouement in Dickens’ tale that is happier.

一個例子是冷酷而悲觀的,另一個則是歡樂的。Dickens 的故事擁有歡樂的結局。

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These reflections, though, start out These reflections, though, start out more on the order of Dickens than more on the order of Dickens than the Democrats. Where they will end the Democrats. Where they will end remains an open question, but a remains an open question, but a serious one.serious one.

這些例子反映,雖然這些例子反映,雖然 DickensDickens 著手進行的著手進行的比民主黨更多,但他們即將結束一個未解比民主黨更多,但他們即將結束一個未解決的嚴肅問題。決的嚴肅問題。

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Better Access to Less


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First, there will be more and better access to collections, collections that are less and less diverse, as large research libraries become less distinctive and more like each other.


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Don Simpson of the Center for Research Libraries describes this effect as an implosion of the core.

研究圖書館中心的 Don Simpson描述此現象為核心的內破裂。

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Searching in the stacks and online catalogs of these research collections will become more like visiting enclosed malls throughout the United States. Whether South or Northwest, they exhibit a numbing sameness.


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One way to account for this behavior is to notice that research libraries are responding to the information surge by acting as though it does not exist.


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Financially pressed, they are Financially pressed, they are reducing acquisitions, more or less reducing acquisitions, more or less independently, uncoordinatedly, and independently, uncoordinatedly, and in isolation. The same libraries are in isolation. The same libraries are also centralizing their collection also centralizing their collection development programs through development programs through reliance upon vendor-based approval reliance upon vendor-based approval plans. plans.

財政報導指出,他們在減少獲取物,財政報導指出,他們在減少獲取物,或多或少獨立地、不同等地、孤立地。或多或少獨立地、不同等地、孤立地。 相同的圖書館也集中他們的彙集發展方 相同的圖書館也集中他們的彙集發展方案以得到供應商的認同與信賴。案以得到供應商的認同與信賴。

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One inevitable result-perhaps unintended and certainly unwanted-is the failure of non-trade publications, which are outside the main stream, to make it into these collections.


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Such publications include, for example, conference and society proceedings, privately published pamphlets, organizational reports, and documentation.


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It has to be this way. Even vendors with unblemished reputations, such as Harrassowitz, Casalini, Blackwell, and Touzot, are businesses whose bottom line cannot, indeed should not, support the cost of identifying and offering marginal and ephemeral literature, these bibliographic Tiny Tims.

它必須是這樣。 擁有清白名譽的供營商,例如Harrassowitz , Casalini 、 Blackwell 和 Touzot ,對於不能做好有一把尺度的企業,這的確是不應該的,支持辨認和提供少量和短暫文學的費用,這些書目微小的 Tims 。

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The Scandal of Age


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Second, old material will become Second, old material will become less and less visible and more less and less visible and more often absent from the scholarly often absent from the scholarly apparatus.apparatus.


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Some of this is physical, as forces really beyond our control dictate the removal of portions of our collections off-site and the conversion of other materials to microfilm.

在這些資料裡有一些是實質的 ,就像一股約束力 ,超越了我們的控制 ,要求我們去除一部分的場外蒐集和轉換其他的資料變成微縮膠片

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Some of this is electronic. One academic administrator observed in response to the introduction of an online catalog prior to retrospective conversion that the birth of this catalog effectively reduces the size of my library’s collection by 70%.

有一些資料則為電子的 . 有一個學者觀察 , 觀察回應引進在線上目錄之前 ,就像之前有提到的訴求 , 此目錄誕生是希望能有效的減少圖書館 70% 的館藏量

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The same literature we will fail to acquire prospectively is the more likely, in its retrospective cousins, to be under-reflected in the online catalog.

我們不會預期獲取相同的文學 , 是更有可能去反映在線上目錄上 ( 這大概是在說線上目錄比較不會有重複的問題 )

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It will be under-reflected even if present because disproportionately its records will be descriptively abbreviated and short on subject and keyword access.

由於線上目錄目前因為不成比例的反映 , 所以紀錄將會以縮寫分類和簡短的主題或關鍵字來進入

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Technology Calls the Tune


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Third, and another aspect of the electronic revolution of course, is that the nature of access will increasingly influence the direction of scholarly inquiry.

第三 , 對電子革命的另一個觀念 , 當然是通入的本質將會越來越影響博學詢問的方向

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Research will gravitate to texts Research will gravitate to texts that exist in an electronic that exist in an electronic format, which can be more format, which can be more easily captured and easily captured and manipulated.manipulated.

研究將會趨向對於以電子格式存在的研究將會趨向對於以電子格式存在的文本文本 ,, 因為以電子型式存在的文本可因為以電子型式存在的文本可以更加容易被奪取和操作以更加容易被奪取和操作

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The strategy of inquiry will increasingly be subordinate and limited to the electronic version of the bibliographic and textual apparatus.

詢問這個的機制將會越來越成為次要的 ,還有對電子版本的書目和電子版本的原文用具的限制

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librarians, archivists and research scholars must have a strong commitment to respecting the rights of privacy for all


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This apparatus is, for obvious reason, more related to the here and now than the then and there.

有明顯的原因顯示 , 這個用具比當場更與此刻有關係

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One consequence is that older serial literature will simply cease to make it to the ken of scholarly inquiry because there is really no entrepreneurial advantage to indexing older literature.

其中一個結論是 ,讓老舊的連續出版品成為博學詢問的範疇將會完全中止 , 因為對索引老舊的文學來說 ,真的沒有什麼企業的好處

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Whether Chadwyck-Healy or the retrospective indexing proposal of the American Theological Library Association will succeed in reversing this direction at least in this discipline is not yet clear.

無論是 Chadwyck-Healy或美國神學圖書館協會的回顧展索引提案 , 在背後是否將會成功 ,這個方向至少在這個學科還未清楚表明的

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Even if they succeed in unlocking the Even if they succeed in unlocking the door to some of this literature, the door to some of this literature, the consequence is to lock even more consequence is to lock even more firmly the door to the remainder.firmly the door to the remainder.

即使他們成功的繼承這些老舊的文學即使他們成功的繼承這些老舊的文學 ,,最後還最後還是會淪落到以庫存書來處理是會淪落到以庫存書來處理

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pretenders not true heirs


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I first noticed this with the appearance of good, inexpensive photocopy machines. Before such machines became a pervasive fixture in our libraries, students and professors actually had to read and think about the content of books and articles.

首先有了方便、便宜的影印機,影印機普遍出現在圖書館裡,學生們容易的取得文章、書籍,完整的抄錄其內容 。

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Today, these same restrictions have been reduced to thirty or fewer years.

今天 , 這些制約已經縮短至三十年或者更少   Of particular significance for research in the

humanities , the Vatican Archives currently holds the international record for the longest closed period,80 years.

在人文學科方面研究的特殊意涵 ,梵蒂岡檔案保管處是目前在國際紀錄上保持最久的封閉時期 ,80年 .

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They had to read them because They had to read them because they had to take notes that could they had to take notes that could not simply be complete not simply be complete transcriptions, notes that transcriptions, notes that required some thoughtful required some thoughtful interaction with the text.interaction with the text.


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Suddenly, as if by magic, it seemed that the intellectual task was complete, the scholarly obligation discharged, with the process of capturing the text.


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We acquire and catalog behind closed doors. The reference staff is referred to rather than taking the initiative. We leaders all sit and wait. Our foot-soldiers, armies of monographs and battalions of periodicals, sit and wait. Silently. Passively.


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There are some practicable, effective steps that we can take. The idea here is not to write an exhaustive, complete answer but to demonstrate that common sense and deliberate reflection can move us forward.


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First Steps

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First, we can seek to exploit and harness the resources of the electronic world rather than simply learning about and playing with them.


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If our patrons are already prepared to work with microcomputers and online resources, let us create expert systems that will become increasingly wise over time, systems that will begin by handling the less complex questions that ordinarily come across the reference and circulation desks, systems that will come to resolve more difficult problems.


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Winning by Joining

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Second, we can persistently ask how our learned routine ways of doing things might be done differently, given the new context in which our work occurs.


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I am indebted for this example, which is a paradigm applicable to library practices generally, to Al Janik, a cataloger at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library of the Harvard Divinity School.

我受惠於這個例子,這個範例適用於一般圖書館去實行,對於 Al Janik ,是一位在哈佛神學院的 Andover-Harvard神學圖書館編製目錄的人。

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Institutional name


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We do not invest the intellectual energy in seeking to determine the narrowest possible Library of Congress classification.


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Instead, we use a small number of broad class marks to enable us to maintain a limited array of subject divisions.


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We review titles for which full cataloging is not readily or predictably available to determine that the assumptions outlined above are applicable.


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We provide contents notes where appropriate, probably more generously than most.


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We then place these titles in an off-site storage facility, the Depository.


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The Depository offers other significant cost-savings, specifically in what Andover-Harvard calls end processing.


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Most of the books under discussion here require binding in order to sustain the rigors of circulation.


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All of them would be security stripped.

所有這些將是安全的剝奪。 More lockstep routines.

更多同步例程 Many will not circulate in the lifetime of

anyone reading this article.


They are hardly attractive targets for thieves.


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Since we are sending these titles off-site, we have determined that neither binding nor security stripping is required.


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To return to where this begin: These creative, innovative responses really do require an increasingly sophisticated clientele.


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They require a clientele aware that browsing in the stacks may produce interesting, serendipitous results but that these results are increasingly circumscribed by the realities of any given physical collection.


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The local bibliographic pool is increasingly shallow. It is not so much that our clients are twentieth century Luddites. It is more like they have to operate a camcorder using skills developed for a Kodak Brownie.

地方文獻匯集越來越淺。這不是我們的客戶是二十世紀 Luddites 。它更像是他們經營的攝像機使用技能開發的柯達布朗尼。

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