Наставен План За 5 Одд.-Деветгодишно

Наставен план: Наставен план за 5 одделение - деветгодишно - македонски 1. Англиски јазик Ред. бр. Прашање 1. Кој од следниве зборови e математички знак? 2. Кој од следниве зборови означува сообраќаен поим? 3. Кој од следниве зборови е обележје на град? 4. Кој од следниве зборови означува единица за време? 5. Кој од следниве зборови означува здравствена тегоба? 6. Кој од следниве зборови означува празнична декорација? 7. Кога ме боли стомак велам: 8. Кога е осум часот и петнаесет минути, велиме: 9. Кој од наведените математички знаци е знак за множење? 10. Кој од наведените зборови е дел од денот? 11. Обележје на градот е: 12. Кој од наведените зборови е обележје на селото? 13. Кој од наведените зборови е обележје на празник? 1. Англиски јазик Ред. бр. Прашање 14. Кој од наведените зборови е сообраќаен поим? 15. Кој од наведените зборови е обележје на градот? 16. Одговори што би следело во следниов исказ: For Christmas we usually buy _______.” 17. Кога сакаме да пратиме писмо одиме во: ________. 18. Дополни ја реченицата: _________ stops those cars that drive

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Page 1: Наставен План За 5 Одд.-Деветгодишно

Наставен план: Наставен план за 5 одделение - деветгодишно- македонски1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање1. Кој од следниве зборови e математички знак?2. Кој од следниве зборови означува сообраќаен поим?3. Кој од следниве зборови е обележје на град?4. Кој од следниве зборови означува единица за време?5. Кој од следниве зборови означува здравствена тегоба?6. Кој од следниве зборови означува празнична декорација?7. Кога ме боли стомак велам:8. Кога е осум часот и петнаесет минути, велиме:9. Кој од наведените математички знаци е знак за множење?10. Кој од наведените зборови е дел од денот?11. Обележје на градот е:12. Кој од наведените зборови е обележје на селото?13. Кој од наведените зборови е обележје на празник?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање14. Кој од наведените зборови е сообраќаен поим?15. Кој од наведените зборови е обележје на градот?16. Одговори што би следело во следниов исказ: For Christmas weusually buy _______.”17. Кога сакаме да пратиме писмо одиме во: ________.18. Дополни ја реченицата: _________ stops those cars that drivefast.19. Кога сакаме да видиме уметнички слики одиме во _______.20. Доврши ја следната реченица: I can`t walk. I have _______.21. Изразот девет и триесет минути одговара на:22. Доврши ја следната реченица: There are many animals______.23. Дополни ја реченицата: For Easter we make ______.24. Доврши ја следната реченица: Ben is winning the race, he is_______ place.25. Доврши ја следната реченица: The big cities usually haveproblem with _______.

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1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање26. Доврши ја реченицата: I am sending her a ____________ onFebruary 14<sup>th</sup> .27. Доврши ја реченицата: I love sunbathing in _______.28. Доврши ја реченицата: I can’t hear you, I have ______.29. Кога сакаме да гледаме филм на големо платно, одиме во:30. Изразот десет часоти четириесет и пет минути одговара на:31. Кој од следниве зборови e нeбројна именка?32. Кој од следниве зборови e прилог за место?33. Кој од следниве зборови e прилог за време?34. Кој од следниве зборови е описна придавка?35. Кој од следниве зборови е бројна именка?36. Кој од следниве зборови е главен број?37. Пронајди го зборот што означува прилог за време.38. Која реченица ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш дека сакаш дачиташ книги?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање39. Со кој израз би го започнал прашањето: Колку брашно даставам во тортата?40. Која реченица ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш дека ќепишуваш домашна задача оваа вечер?41. Која од следниве именки е небројна?42. Одговори на прашањето: Каде се наоѓа поштата?43. Пронајди го зборот што означува реден број.44. Која реченица ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш дека ќе бидешадвокат?45. Со кој израз би го започнал прашањто: Колку книги има намасата?46. На прашањето: Кога ќе одиш на одмор? Следи одговорот:47. Како ќе прашаш: Што ќе правиш овој викенд?48. Како ќе дадеш наредба:49. Како ќе кажеш дека утре ќе одиш на кино?50. Како ќе кажеш дека учењето е забавно?1. Англиски јазик

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Ред.бр.Прашање51. На прашањето: "Kаде е книгата?" Ке одговориш со:52. На прашањето: What are you going to be?ќе одговориш со:53. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: What are youdoing this weekend?54. На прашањето: What are you doing tomorrow?ќе одговоришсо:55. Кој помошен глагол ќе го употребиш за да кажеш декаулицата смее да се премине само кога е зелено светло?56. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: Would you like togo to the cinema?57. Која глаголска именка ќе ја употребиш за да искажеш декасакаш да читаш книги?58. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: What are theydoing this evening?59. Како ќе прашаш некого дали сака шолја чај?60. Кога сакаме да дадеме наредба нешто да се стори веднаш,велиме:61. На прашањето Where is his house? ќе одговориш со:1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање62. Што велиме кога сакаме да изразиме незадоволство?63. Која глаголска именка ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш декачитањето ти е омилено хоби.64. Доврши ја реченицата: She keeps the apples ___________.65. Како ќе ја опишеш собата на своето другарче?66. Kога сакаме да побараме информација за правец велиме:67. Kога сакаме да се извиниме велиме:68. Кое прашање ќе го поставиме ако сакаме да побараме нечијтелефонски број?69. Kога сакаме да се заблагодариме велиме:70. Кое прашање искажува нудење?71. Кога учтиво позајмуваме нешто велиме:72. Како ќе прашаме некого колку е часот?73. Кога сакаме да го опишеме градот во кој живееме велиме:74. Како ќе прашаш дали твоето другарче се чувствува добро?

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1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање75. Кога сакаме да поканиме некого на роденден, велиме:76. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Каде е твојатакнига?77. Како би го понудил твоето другарче со сендвич?78. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Кој етвојoт омилен пејач?79. Како би прашал каде е музејот?80. Како ќе посакаме некому пријатен одмор?81. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Зошто ситолку тажен?82. Како ќе посакаме некому пријатен викенд?83. Како учтиво би замолил да позајмиш палто?84. Како ќе кажеш дека твоето омилено место е Маврово?85. Како ќе го прашаш другарчето како доаѓа на училиште?86. Како ќе дадеш информација за местоположбата нахотелот?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање87. Со кој израз можеш да прашаш како се прави торта?88. Со кој изсказ можеш да прашаш каде ќе одиш викендов?89. Како учтиво би им понудил кафе и колачи на гостите?90. Со кој од дадените искази ќе кажеш дека не се чувствувашдобро?91. Кој од исказите означува домашна навика?92. Како ќе одговориш на прашањето How about going to thecinema tonight?93. Како ќе одговориш на прашањето: How many hours a day doyou watch TV?94. Како ќe одговориш на прашањето: What would you like todrink?95. Како ќе одговориш на прашањето: Where do you do yourhomework?96. Како ќе одговориш на прашањето: What is your favoritesport?

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97. Како ќе одговориш на прашањето: When is your birthday?98. Како ќе одговориш на прашањето: How do you go to school?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање99. Доврши ја реченицата: Lucciano Pavaroti is a great singer,______?100. Како би кажал дека одиш кај баба ти секој викенд?101. Како би кажал дека е 7 часот и 30 минути?102. Kaкo ќе одговориш на прашањето: Who are you waiting for?103. Како би искажал болка?104. Дополни го прашањето: What _____________ do thisweekend?105. Како би одговорил на прашањето: What are you going to doon your summer holiday?106. Како би искажал секојдневна обврска?107. Која од поговорките се однесува на консумирањето здравахрана?108. Kaкo би искажал иден план?109. Како би одговорил на прашањето колку години имаш?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање110. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun onChristmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear costumes during Halloween. This year I am going towear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. Mygrandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school. Shemakes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I don’tget any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it wouldbe my favorite holiday too. За кој празник бабата правиcupcakes?111. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on

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Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun onChristmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear costumes during Halloween. This year I am going towear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. Mygrandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school. Shemakes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I don’tget any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it wouldbe my favorite holiday too. Кој празник му е омилен наавторот на текстот?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање112. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun onChristmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear costumes during Halloween. This year I am going towear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. Mygrandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school. Shemakes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I don’tget any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it wouldbe my favorite holiday too. Каков костим ќе носи авторотоваа година за Ден на вештерките?113. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each dayof the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that cometo visit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Колку жители има Охрид?

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1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање114. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each dayof the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that cometo visit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Колку цркви има во Охрид?115. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Што купуваат децата кога сакаат ужина додека се научилиште?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање116. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or

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even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Каква е храната што ја купуваат децата додека се научилиште?117. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Што му се допаѓа на авторот на текстот?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање118. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She got up this morning and she startscoughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup ,hoping she feels better . Sarah still isn’t feeling well. Then shestarts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her bodytemperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature.Sarah’s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it wouldbe nice if she is able to go to school because it is SaintValentine’s. Sarah’s friends from school are bringing her manyValentine’s Cards after school. Кој не се чувствува добро?119. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She got up this morning and she startscoughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup ,hoping she feels better . Sarah still isn’t feeling well. Then shestarts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her bodytemperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature.Sarah’s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would

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be nice if she is able to go to school because it is SaintValentine’s. Sarah’s friends from school are bringing her manyValentine’s Cards after school. Што и дала мајката на Сара зада се чувствува Сара подобро?120. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have funon Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I amgoing to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too.My grandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school.She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But Idon’t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, itwould be my favorite holiday too. Што прави бабата за Божиќ?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање121. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have funon Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I amgoing to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too.My grandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school.She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But Idon’t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, itwould be my favorite holiday too. Што добил авторот заБожиќ минатата година?122. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have funon Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am

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going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too.My grandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school.She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But Idon’t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, itwould be my favorite holiday too. Што носат луѓето за Денотна вештерките?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање123. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have funon Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I amgoing to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too.My grandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school.She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But Idon’t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, itwould be my favorite holiday too. Што се надева авторот декаќе добие за овој Божиќ?124. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have funon Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I amgoing to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too.My grandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school.She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But Idon’t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, itwould be my favorite holiday too. Што прави бабата заВелигден?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање

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125. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham,salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents onChristmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year Ihope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have funon Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. Mygrandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween.People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I amgoing to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too.My grandmother colors eggs, and I don’t have to go to school.She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But Idon’t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, itwould be my favorite holiday too. За кој празник авторот неоди на училиште?126. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Kаде се наоѓа градот Охрид?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање127. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There

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aren’t any tourists. Каде живее мал број на луѓе?128. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Кој доаѓа да го посетува градот секоелето?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање129. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Кој културен споменик најчесто гопосетуваат туристите во Охрид?130. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.

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I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Каде се наоѓа Самоиловата тврдина воОхрид?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање131. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Каков е Охрид во зима?132. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Што им прави нездравата храна на децата?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање133. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That

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kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Што би било подобро да јадат децата наместо нездраватахрана?134. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Што е подобро да се пие наместо кока- кола?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање135. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!

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За што не се подготвени децата ако јадат нездрава храна?136. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Каков сендвич повеќе сака да јаде авторот на текстот?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање137. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She got up this morning and she startscoughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup ,hoping she feels better . Sarah still isn’t feeling well. Then shestarts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her bodytemperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature.Sarah’s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it wouldbe nice if she is able to go to school because it is SaintValentine’s. Sarah’s friends from school are bringing her manyValentine’s Cards after school. Што почнало да и се случувана Сара кога се разбудила?138. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She got up this morning and she startscoughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup ,hoping she feels better . Sarah still isn’t feeling well. Then shestarts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her bodytemperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature.Sarah’s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it wouldbe nice if she is able to go to school because it is SaintValentine’s. Sarah’s friends from school are bringing her manyValentine’s Cards after school. Што открила мајката на Сараоткако и ја измерила температурата?139. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She got up this morning and she startscoughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup ,

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hoping she feels better . Sarah still isn’t feeling well. Then shestarts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her bodytemperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature.Sarah’s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it wouldbe nice if she is able to go to school because it is SaintValentine’s. Sarah’s friends from school are bringing her manyValentine’s Cards after school. На што инсистирала мајкатана Сара откако и ја измерила температурата?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање140. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She got up this morning and she startscoughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup ,hoping she feels better . Sarah still isn’t feeling well. Then shestarts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her bodytemperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature.Sarah’s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it wouldbe nice if she is able to go to school because it is SaintValentine’s. Sarah’s friends from school are bringing her manyValentine’s Cards after school. Зошто Сара сакала да оди научилиште тој ден?141. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She got up this morning and she startscoughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup ,hoping she feels better . Sarah still isn’t feeling well. Then shestarts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her bodytemperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature.Sarah’s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it wouldbe nice if she is able to go to school because it is SaintValentine’s. Sarah’s friends from school are bringing her manyValentine’s Cards after school. Што одлучиле да направатдецата од училиштето за Сара?142. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of

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walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Што треба да направат туристите за дастигнат до Самоиловата тврдина?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање143. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each dayof the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that cometo visit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Што прави семејството на авторотсекоја зима?144. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand peopleliving there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in thecity, but there is small number of people who live in the villagesnear the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city itsown beauty. There a 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day ofthe year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come tovisit. They usually go to the Samoil’s fortress, one of Ohrid’scultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot ofwalking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents.I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so weare visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. Therearen’t any tourists. Зашто авторот на текстот оди воОхрид во зима?__

1. Англиски јазик


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Прашање145. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Што можеш да заклучиш од текстот?146. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they areat school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, orchips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. Thatkind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gainweight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It wouldbe nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, oreven food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for mybody and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with saladand cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would bebetter to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like beingfit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and youknow what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!Што им порачува на крај авторот на текстот на децата?147. John is 18. His parents celebrate his birthday with buying himpresents. This year, because he is 18, he got a new car from hisparents. But John is not a good driver. He is not careful and doesnot respect the traffic signs. He needs to drive with his father inthe car. His father always tells him to be more careful whendriving the car. По кој повод родителите на Џон му купилеавтомобил?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање148. John is 18. His parents celebrate his birthday with buying himpresents. This year, because he is 18, he got a new car from his

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parents. But John is not a good driver. He is not careful and doesnot respect the traffic signs. He needs to drive with his father inthe car. His father always tells him to be more careful whendriving the car. Каков возач е Џон?149. John is 18. His parents celebrate his birthday with buying himpresents. This year, because he is 18, he got a new car from hisparents. But John is not a good driver. He is not careful and doesnot respect the traffic signs. He needs to drive with his father inthe car. His father always tells him to be more careful whendriving the car. Што му порачал таткото на Џон во врска совозењето?150. На прашањето: What are you doing at the moment?ќеодговориш со:151. Кој од следниве зборови означува математички знак?152. Кој од наведените зборови означува загадување?153. Кој од наведените зборови означува единица за време?154. Кој од наведените искази се поврзува со празничнорасположение?155. Доврши ја реченицата: I can’t speak, I have a _______.156. Дополни ја реченицата: My dad keeps his ______ in thebank.1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање157. Доврши ја реченицата: I love skiing in the ______.158. Дополни ја реченицата: My friends and I are going to the_______ to see the movie.159. Кој од следниве зборови е небројна именка?160. Кој од следниве зборови означува прилог за место?161. Со кој израз би го поставил прашањето: Колку сендвичида земам за пикникот?162. Која реченица од наведените ќе ја употребиш за дакажеш дека имаш планови вечер?163. На прашањето: Каде е супермаркетот? следи одговорот:164. На прашањето: What are you doing the next weekend? ќеодговориш со:165. Која глаголска именка ќе ја употребиш за да кажешдека сакаш цртање?166. Како ќе гласи општата наредба кон сите за да прекине

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загадувањето?167. Како би одговорил на прашањето: What is your sisterstudying for?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање168. Кога сакаме да искажеме задоволство затоа што смевиделе некого, велиме:169. Kога сакаме да побараме информација за време,прашуваме:170. Кога сакаме да прашаме некого како се чувствува, велиме:171. Со кој од наведените прашања ќе прашаш кој е твојотомилен предмет на училиште?172. Со кој од наведените прашања ќе го прашаш своето другарчекој го натажил?173. Како ќе прашаш за местоположбата на плажата?174. Како ќе кажеш дека во твојот град најчесто многу врнево есен?175. Дополни ја реченицата со соодветниот израз: Sarah doesn’tknow________.176. Кој од дадените изрази означува секојдневна навика?177. Доврши ја реченицата: The Lakers are a great basketballteam, _____?178. Како би одговорил на прашањето:What are you?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање179. Како би кажал дека не можеш убаво да гледаш затоашто те болат очите?180. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area.He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always havinga cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city ispolluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village everyweekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves runningand playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, andwe both love basketball and at the same time we both dislikemath at school. Petar loves when it’s time for breakfast. He lovesthe scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very

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happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. Thisweekend is special. Petar’s parents are taking me to the city tosee the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Каде живееПетар?181. Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock to exercise. My sister thinks I amcrazy because she wakes up at 10 o’clock. I don’t understandher. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time infront of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. Ilike playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong,and I have energy to study more. My sister is alwayscomplaining how she doesn’t have time to exercise. That is nottrue. She doesn’t have time to exercise because she speaks onthe phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take herphone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer formore than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then shejoined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy,athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looksbetter and more fit now than before. За што се буди авторотво 6 часот наутро?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање182. Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock to exercise. My sister thinks I amcrazy because she wakes up at 10 o’clock. I don’t understandher. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time infront of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. Ilike playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong,and I have energy to study more. My sister is alwayscomplaining how she doesn’t have time to exercise. That is nottrue. She doesn’t have time to exercise because she speaks onthe phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take herphone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer formore than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then shejoined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy,athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looksbetter and more fit now than before. Што мисли неговатасестра за тоа што братот се буди во 6 наутро?183. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area.He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having

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a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city ispolluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village everyweekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves runningand playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, andwe both love basketball and at the same time we both dislikemath at school. Petar loves when it’s time for breakfast. He lovesthe scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is veryhappy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. Thisweekend is special. Petar’s parents are taking me to the city tosee the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Какоизгледа Петар?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање184. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area.He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always havinga cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city ispolluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village everyweekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves runningand playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, andwe both love basketball and at the same time we both dislikemath at school. Petar loves when it’s time for breakfast. He lovesthe scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is veryhappy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. Thisweekend is special. Petar’s parents are taking me to the city tosee the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Што велимајката на авторот за причината поради која Петар епостојано настинат?185. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area.He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always havinga cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city ispolluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village everyweekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves runningand playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, andwe both love basketball and at the same time we both dislikemath at school. Petar loves when it’s time for breakfast. He lovesthe scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is veryhappy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. Thisweekend is special. Petar’s parents are taking me to the city to

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see the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Кое еомиленото јадење на Петар кога ќе дојде во селото?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање186. Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock to exercise. My sister thinks I amcrazy because she wakes up at 10 o’clock. I don’t understandher. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time infront of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. Ilike playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong,and I have energy to study more. My sister is alwayscomplaining how she doesn’t have time to exercise. That is nottrue. She doesn’t have time to exercise because she speaks onthe phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take herphone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer formore than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then shejoined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy,athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looksbetter and more fit now than before. Како го поминувавремето сестрата на авторот?187. Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock to exercise. My sister thinks I amcrazy because she wakes up at 10 o’clock. I don’t understandher. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time infront of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. Ilike playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong,and I have energy to study more. My sister is alwayscomplaining how she doesn’t have time to exercise. That is nottrue. She doesn’t have time to exercise because she speaks onthe phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take herphone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer formore than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then shejoined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy,athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looksbetter and more fit now than before. Што решиле данаправат родителите?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање

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188. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area.He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always havinga cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city ispolluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village everyweekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves runningand playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, andwe both love basketball and at the same time we both dislikemath at school. Petar loves when it’s time for breakfast. He lovesthe scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is veryhappy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. Thisweekend is special. Petar’s parents are taking me to the city tosee the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Што можешда заклучите од текстот?189. Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock to exercise. My sister thinks I amcrazy because she wakes up at 10 o’clock. I don’t understandher. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time infront of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. Ilike playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong,and I have energy to study more. My sister is alwayscomplaining how she doesn’t have time to exercise. That is nottrue. She doesn’t have time to exercise because she speaks onthe phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take herphone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer formore than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then shejoined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy,athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looksbetter and more fit now than before. Како се чувствуваласестрата на авторот кога нејзините родители и го земалетелефонот и и забраниле да седи пред компјутер?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање190. Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock to exercise. My sister thinks I amcrazy because she wakes up at 10 o’clock. I don’t understandher. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time infront of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. Ilike playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong,and I have energy to study more. My sister is alwayscomplaining how she doesn’t have time to exercise. That is not

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true. She doesn’t have time to exercise because she speaks onthe phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take herphone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer formore than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then shejoined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy,athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looksbetter and more fit now than before. Што се случило сосестрата на авторот кога почнала да вежба?191. Што би следело во следниов исказ: For Christmas we usuallybuy ………..192. Дополни ја реченицата: We usually stop if the traffic light is………..193. Кога сакаме да видиме слики одиме во:.......194. Кога е шест и триесет минути, велиме:195. Кога ме боли глава велам:196. Кој од следниве зборови e обележје на село?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање197. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Какви велигденски јајцасака мајката на Елизабет?198. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Која река тече низ Скопје?199. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Што е блиску до реката Вардар?200. Sara is going to visit her doctor this afternoon. She has aheadache and high temperature. She is not going to schooltomorrow. Зошто Сара нема да оди на училиште утре?201. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite

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holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Во која боја се јајцата вокошничката?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање202. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Кој сака зеленивелигденски јајца?203. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Што има во кошничката ?204. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors.Кoј е многу зафатен заВелигден ?205. На прашањето: What are you doing now? ќе одговориш со:206. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: What are youdoing this Friday?207. Пронајди го зборот што означува прилог за место.208. Кој од следниве зборови e бројна именка?209. На прашањето: What are you going to do tonight? ќеодговориш со:1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање210. Со кој израз би го започнал прашањето: Колку моливи имашво твојата училишна торба?211. Која реченица ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш дека сакаш да

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играш кошарка?212. Kaкo ќе го прашаш твоето другарче зошто е тажно?213. Kога посакуваме пријатен викенд велиме:214. Kога сакаме да прашаме колку е часот велиме:215. Како би кажале дека е 9 часот ?216. Како би ja понудил твоjата другарка со сендвич?217. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Кои се неговифармерки ?218. Како би го прашале другарчето кој е неговиот телефонскиброј?219. Како би кажал дека имаш час по клавир секој петок?220. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Која е твојатаомилена песна?221. Кој од наведените зборови е дел од денот?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање222. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: Would you like togo to the zoo??223. На прашањето: What are you going to be?ќе одговориш со:224. Која реченица ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш дека ќе бидешнаставник?225. Кое прашање искажува нудење?226. Kога сакаме да се заблагодариме кажуваме:227. Кое прашање е распрашување за телефонски број?228. Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy foodevery day. His favorite food is vegetables. He likes carrots verymuch. Колку често таткотo на Дарко јаде здрава храна?229. Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy foodevery day. His favorite food is vegetables. He likes carrots verymuch. Кој јаде здрава храна?230. Sara is going to visit her doctor this afternoon. She has aheadache and high temperature. She is not going to schooltomorrow. Зошто Сара не оди на училиште утре?231. Sara is going to visit her doctor this afternoon. She has aheadache and high temperature. She is not going to schooltomorrow. Што ќе прави Сара ова попладне?1. Англиски јазикРед.

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бр.Прашање232. Како би прашал каде е поштата?233. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Кој е твојотомилен предмет?234. Како би го понудил твоето другарче со кока- кола?235. Kога сакаме да се извиниме кажуваме:236. На прашањето: What are you doing tomorrow?ќе одговоришсо:237. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: What are youdoing this weekend?238. Кој од следниве зборови означува сообраќаен знак?239. Kога сакаме да побараме информација за правец велиме:240. Кој помошен глагол ќе го употребиш за да кажеш дека несмееш да ја поминеш улицата на црвено светло?241. Кој од следниве зборови e обележје на град?242. Кој од наведените математички знаци е знак за одземање?243. Кога ме боли грло велам:1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање244. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: What are youdoing this evening?245. Кој од следниве зборови e прилог за време?246. Кој од следниве зборови e прилог за место?247. Дополни ја реченицата: We usually cross the street at ………..248. Кога сакаме да пратиме писмо, одиме во.......249. Како би го прашал твоето другарче како оди на училиште?250. Како би кажал дека имаш часови по англиски јазик секојпеток?251. Како би одговорил на прашањето од каде си?252. Како би искажал секојдневна обврска?253. Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets.She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on herway to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a trafficpoliceman on the crossroad. Каде живее Елизабет?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.

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Прашање254. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Со што е полнакошничката?255. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Кој е омилениот празникна Елизабет?256. Кој од следниве зборови e нeбројна именка?257. Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets.She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on herway to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a trafficpoliceman on the crossroad. Колку семафори има на патот доучилиштето?258. Кога сакаме да видиме животни одиме во:.......259. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Кој сака црвенивелигденски јајца?260. Kaкo ќе го прашаш твоето другарче зошто е тажно?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање261. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Која река тече во средината на Скопје?262. Што би следело на следниов исказ: . For Christmas we usuallybuy …..263. Доврши ја следната реченица: Има многу животни во.......264. Изразот шест и триесет минути, одговара на:

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265. Kaкo би искажал иден план?266. Како би го опишал твојот град?267. Како би искажале болка?268. Kaкo ќе го прашаш твоето другарче зошто е среќно?269. Како би кажале дека е 7 часот и 30 минути?270. Кога е шест и петнаесет минути, велиме:271. Што би следело во следниов исказ: For Easter we usually buy………..272. Доврши ја следната реченица: I can`t eat. I have…..1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање273. Пронајди го зборот што означува реден број.274. На прашањето: Каде седи твојата другарка Снежана?, следиодговорот:275. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Каде живее Јанко?276. Која од следниве именки е небројна?277. Која реченица ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш дека ќе гледаштелевизија оваа вечер?278. Со кој израз би го започнал прашањето: Колку шеќер даставам во чајот?279. Која реченица ќе ја употребиш за да кажеш дека сакаш даиграш футбал?280. Пронајди го зборот што означува прилог за време.281. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Кoј многу го сакаВелигден ?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање282. Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy food

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every day. His favorite food are vegetables. He likes carrotsvery much. Што значи: healthy man?283. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Која етвојаата книга?284. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Што е: noisy city?285. Како би одговорил на прашањето: When is your birthday?286. Како учтиво би замолил да позајмиш молив?287. Обележје на градот е:288. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favoriteholiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Eastereggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the greenones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunnybasket full of eggs in different colors. Кој е многу зафатенсекој Велигден?289. Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy foodevery day. His favorite food are vegetables. He likes carrotsvery much. Таткото на Дарко сака:1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање290. Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets.She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on herway to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a trafficpoliceman on the crossroad. Кога има сообраќаен полицаец нараскрсницата?291. Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets.She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on herway to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a trafficpoliceman on the crossroa Како оди Елизабет на училиште?292. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Каде е зоолошката градина?293. Кој од следниве зборови e математички знак?

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294. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Колку видови животни има во зоолошката градина?295. Која глаголска именка ќе ја употребиш за да искажеш декасакаш да играш тенис?296. На прашањето: What are you doing at the moment ?ќеодговориш со:297. Како ќе посакаме некому пријатен викенд?1. Англиски јазикРед.бр.Прашање298. Со кој израз од наведените можеш да прашаш: Зошто ситолку среќен?299. Како ќе посакаме некому пријатен одмор?300. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy.The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of bigbuildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is onezoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Колку зоолошки градини има во Скопје?__