女士健康檢查 - 主頁...腎功能 liver function test 腎、輸尿管及膀胱x光檢查...

女士健康檢查 Female Health Care Plan (CARITAS) 嘉諾撒醫院 珍珠特選計劃 Pearl Package 全身體格檢查,體重指標,量度血壓、體重及身高 General Physical Examination, Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, Body Weight & Height 全血計數 – 白血球,白血球分類,紅血球,血紅素,血小板 血沉降率 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 鐵質 Iron Level 空腹血糖量 Fasting Blood Glucose 糖化血紅素 HbA1c 尿液常規化驗 Routine Urine Examination 腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光 Kidney, Ureter & Bladder X-Ray 肌酸酐,尿素,鈉,鉀,氯,碳酸氫根 Creatinine, Urea, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate 肝酵素 谷丙轉氨酶,谷草轉氨酶,鹼性磷酸酶,丙種谷氨酶轉肽酶 Liver Enzymes – ALT, AST, ALP, GGT 總蛋白 白蛋白及球蛋白 Total Protein – Albumin & Globulin 促甲狀腺激素 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 鈣質及無機磷質 Calcium Level and Inorganic Phosphate Level 心臟病風險篩檢 Cardiovascular Risk Screening 全血脂肪組合 -- 總膽固醇,高密度膽固醇,低密度膽固醇,三酸甘油脂 Lipid Profile -- Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride 心電圖 Electrocardiogram (ECG) 痛風篩檢 Gout Screening 尿酸 Uric Acid

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Post on 03-Oct-2020




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Page 1: 女士健康檢查 - 主頁...腎功能 Liver Function Test 腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光檢查 Kidney, Ureter & Bladder X-ray 肝炎篩檢Hepatitis Screening 預約 肝功能Booking

女士健康檢查Female Health Care Plan



珍珠特選計劃Pearl Package

Life Style Evaluation健康生活評估

全身體格檢查,體重指標,量度血壓、體重及身高 General Physical Examination, Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, Body Weight & Height

Blood Analysis血液分析

全血計數 – 白血球,白血球分類,紅血球,血紅素,血小板Complete Blood Count – WBC, Differential Count, RBC, Hemoglobin, Platelet Count

血沉降率 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

鐵質 Iron Level

空腹血糖量 Fasting Blood Glucose

糖化血紅素 HbA1c

腎功能篩檢 Renal Function Screening

肝功能篩檢 Liver Function Screening

尿液常規化驗 Routine Urine Examination

腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光 Kidney, Ureter & Bladder X-Ray

肌酸酐,尿素,鈉,鉀,氯,碳酸氫根 Creatinine, Urea, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate

肝酵素 – 谷丙轉氨酶,谷草轉氨酶,鹼性磷酸酶,丙種谷氨酶轉肽酶 Liver Enzymes – ALT, AST, ALP, GGT

膽紅素 – 總、直接及間接 Bilirubin – Total, Direct & Indirect

總蛋白 – 白蛋白及球蛋白 Total Protein – Albumin & Globulin

促甲狀腺激素 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

甲狀腺功能評估 Thyroid Function

Bone Metabolism骨骼代謝

鈣質及無機磷質 Calcium Level and Inorganic Phosphate Level

糖尿篩檢 Diabetes Screening

心臟病風險篩檢 Cardiovascular Risk Screening

全血脂肪組合 -- 總膽固醇,高密度膽固醇,低密度膽固醇,三酸甘油脂Lipid Profile -- Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride

心電圖 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

痛風篩檢 Gout Screening

尿酸 Uric Acid

幽門螺旋菌呼氣測試 Urea Breath Test

子宮頸檢查 Cervix Disease Examination

腸道評估 Gastrointestinal Screening

乳房造影 Breast Imaging

超聲波掃描 Ultrasound

腸癌指標 - 癌胚抗原 CEA鼻咽癌指標 - EB病毒抗體 EBV Antibody肝癌指標 - 甲種胎兒蛋白 AFP卵巢癌指標 - 癌抗原125 CA125

子宮頸塗片檢查 Pap Test with ThinPrep

糞便常規化驗 Routine Stool Examination糞便隱血化驗 Stool Occult Blood

促甲狀腺激素 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

全腹部電腦超聲波檢查 Whole Abdomen Ultrasound

醫生跟進及報告分析 Medical Consultation & Report Analysis

價錢 Price $ 9,800** 價格如有更改,恕不另行通知

No prior notice will be given on price adjustment

預約 Booking Tel: (852)2825 5395 [email protected]

痛風篩檢 Gout Screening

甲狀腺功能評估 Thyroid Function

尿酸 Uric Acid

Helicobacter Screening幽門螺旋菌測試

Cancer Marker癌症指標篩檢

Bone Metabolism骨骼代謝

鈣 Calcium磷質 Phosphate Level

乳房超聲波檢查 USG Breast / 乳腺X光 Mammogram

Page 2: 女士健康檢查 - 主頁...腎功能 Liver Function Test 腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光檢查 Kidney, Ureter & Bladder X-ray 肝炎篩檢Hepatitis Screening 預約 肝功能Booking

女士健康檢查Female Health Care Plan




Pearl PackageLife Style Evaluation健康生活評估

 全身體格檢查,體重指標,血壓量度,體重及身高 General Physical Examination, Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, Body Weight & Height

Blood Analysis血液分析

全血全數 Complete Blood Count

血型及Rh因子 Blood Group & Rh(D) Factor

血沉降率 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

血紅素分析(地中海貧血) Hb Pattern

鐵質 Iron Level

糖尿篩檢 Diabetes Screening

心臟病風險篩檢 Cardiovascular Risk Screening

肺部評估 Pulmonary Study

空腹血糖量 Fasting Blood Glucose

糖化血紅素 HbA1c

甲型肝炎抗體 Hepatitis A Virus Antibody

乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody

丙型肝炎抗體 Hepatitis C Virus Antibody

全血脂肪組合(空腹) Fasting Lipid Profile

靜態心電圖 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

肺部X光檢查 Chest X-Ray

腎功能篩檢 Renal Function Screening

肝功能篩檢 Liver Function Screening

尿液常規化驗 Routine Urine Examination

腎功能 Liver Function Test

腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光檢查 K idney, Ureter & Bladder X-ray

肝炎篩檢 Hepatitis Screening

肝功能 Liver Function Test

幽門螺旋菌呼氣測試 Helicobacter Pylori Urea Breath Test

糞便常規及隱血化驗 Routine Stool and Occult Blood Examination

乳房評估 Breast Study

子宮頸塗片檢查 Pap Test with ThinPrep

醫生跟進及報告分析 Medical Consultation & Report Analysis

預約 Booking Tel: (852)2825 5395 [email protected]

Cancer Marker癌症指標篩檢

肝炎篩檢 Hepatitis Screening

甲型肝炎病毒抗體 Hepatitis A Virus Antibody

乙型肝炎表面抗原及抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Antibody

腸癌指標 – 癌胚抗原 Colorectal Cancer Marker – CEA

鼻咽癌指標 – EB病毒抗體 Naso-pharyngeal Cancer Marker – EBV Antibody

肝癌指標 – 甲胎蛋白 Liver Cancer Marker – AFP

卵巢癌指標 – 癌抗原125 Ovarian Cancer Marker – CA125

肺部評估 Pulmonary Study

肺部X光 Chest X-Ray

腹部評估 Abdominal Study

全腹超聲波 – 肝,膽,胰,脾,腎,膀胱,盆腔

Whole Abdomen Ultrasound – Liver, Gall bladder , Pancreas, Spleen, Kidney, Urinary bladder, Pelvis


Mammogram (≥ 40 yrs old ) Or Ultrasound Breast (<40 yrs old)

子宮頸檢查 Cervix Disease Examination

本院保留更改及刪改上述資料的權利,而毋須另行通知。Canossa Hospital reserves the right to make alternations to the price without prior notice.

胃腸道評估 Gastro-intestinal Study

Page 3: 女士健康檢查 - 主頁...腎功能 Liver Function Test 腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光檢查 Kidney, Ureter & Bladder X-ray 肝炎篩檢Hepatitis Screening 預約 肝功能Booking

男士健康檢查Male Health Care Plan




Pearl Package

Life Style Evaluation健康生活評估


General Physical Examination, Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, Body Weight & Height

Blood Analysis血液分析

全血計數 – 白血球,白血球分類,紅血球,血紅素,血小板Complete Blood Count – WBC, Differential Count, RBC, Hemoglobin, Platelet Count

血沉降率 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

鐵質 Iron Level

空腹血糖量 Fasting Blood Glucose

糖化血紅素 HbA1c

腎功能篩檢 Renal Function Screening

肝功能篩檢 Liver Function Screening

尿液常規化驗 Routine Urine Examination

肌酸酐,尿素,鈉,鉀,氯,碳酸氫根 Creatinine, Urea, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate

肝酵素 – 谷丙轉氨酶,谷草轉氨酶,鹼性磷酸酶,丙種谷氨酶轉肽酶 Liver Enzymes – ALT, AST, ALP, GGT

膽紅素 – 總、直接及間接 Bilirubin – Total, Direct & Indirect

總蛋白 – 白蛋白及球蛋白 Total Protein – Albumin & Globulin

促甲狀腺激素 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

甲狀腺功能評估 Thyroid Function

Bone Metabolism骨骼代謝

鈣質及無機磷質 Calcium Level and Inorganic Phosphate Level

糖尿篩檢 Diabetes Screening

心臟病風險篩檢 Cardiovascular Risk Screening

全血脂肪組合 -- 總膽固醇,高密度膽固醇,低密度膽固醇,三酸甘油脂Lipid Profile -- Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride

心電圖 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

痛風篩檢 Gout Screening

尿酸 Uric Acid

幽門螺旋菌呼氣測試 Urea Breath Test

子宮頸檢查 Cervix Disease Examination

腸道評估 Gastrointestinal Screening

乳房造影 Breast Imaging

超聲波掃描 Ultrasound

腸癌指標 - 癌胚抗原 CEA鼻咽癌指標 - EB病毒抗體 EBV Antibody肝癌指標 - 甲種胎兒蛋白 AFP卵巢癌指標 - 癌抗原125 CA125

子宮頸塗片檢查 Pap Test with ThinPrep

糞便常規化驗 Routine Stool Examination糞便隱血化驗 Stool Occult Blood

促甲狀腺激素 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

全腹部電腦超聲波檢查 Whole Abdomen Ultrasound

醫生跟進及報告分析 Medical Consultation & Report Analysis

價錢 Price $ 9,800** 價格如有更改,恕不另行通知

No prior notice will be given on price adjustment

預約 Booking Tel: (852)2825 5395 [email protected]

痛風篩檢 Gout Screening

甲狀腺功能評估 Thyroid Function

尿酸 Uric Acid

Helicobacter Screening幽門螺旋菌測試

Cancer Marker癌症指標篩檢

Bone Metabolism骨骼代謝

鈣 Calcium磷質 Phosphate Level

乳房超聲波檢查 USG Breast / 乳腺X光 Mammogram

Page 4: 女士健康檢查 - 主頁...腎功能 Liver Function Test 腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光檢查 Kidney, Ureter & Bladder X-ray 肝炎篩檢Hepatitis Screening 預約 肝功能Booking

男士健康檢查Male Health Care Plan




Pearl PackageLife Style Evaluation健康生活評估

 全身體格檢查,體重指標,血壓量度,體重及身高 General Physical Examination, Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, Body Weight & Height

Blood Analysis血液分析

全血全數 Complete Blood Count

血型及Rh因子 Blood Group & Rh(D) Factor

血沉降率 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

血紅素分析(地中海貧血) Hb Pattern

鐵質 Iron Level

糖尿篩檢 Diabetes Screening

心臟病風險篩檢 Cardiovascular Risk Screening

肺部評估 Pulmonary Study

空腹血糖量 Fasting Blood Glucose

糖化血紅素 HbA1c

甲型肝炎抗體 Hepatitis A Virus Antibody

乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody

丙型肝炎抗體 Hepatitis C Virus Antibody

全血脂肪組合(空腹) Fasting Lipid Profile

靜態心電圖 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

肺部X光檢查 Chest X-Ray

腎功能篩檢 Renal Function Screening

肝功能篩檢 Liver Function Screening

尿液常規化驗 Routine Urine Examination

腎功能 Liver Function Test

腎、輸尿管及膀胱X光檢查 K idney, Ureter & Bladder X-ray

肝炎篩檢 Hepatitis Screening

肝功能 Liver Function Test預約 Booking Tel: (852)2825 5395 [email protected]

幽門螺旋菌呼氣測試 Helicobacter Pylori Urea Breath Test

糞便常規及隱血化驗 Routine Stool and Occult Blood Examination

醫生跟進及報告分析 Medical Consultation & Report Analysis

Cancer Marker癌症指標篩檢

肝炎篩檢 Hepatitis Screening

甲型肝炎病毒抗體 Hepatitis A Virus Antibody

乙型肝炎表面抗原及抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Antibody

腸癌指標 – 癌胚抗原 Colorectal Cancer Marker – CEA

鼻咽癌指標 – EB病毒抗體 Naso-pharyngeal Cancer Marker – EBV Antibody

肝癌指標 – 甲胎蛋白 Liver Cancer Marker – AFP

前列腺癌指標 – 總前列腺特殊性抗原 Prostate Cancer Marker – PSA Total

肺部評估 Pulmonary Study

肺部X光 Chest X-Ray

腹部評估 Abdominal Study

全腹超聲波 – 肝,膽,胰,脾,腎,膀胱,前列腺

Whole Abdomen Ultrasound – Liver, Gall bladder , Pancreas, Spleen, Kidney, Urinary bladder, Prostate

胃腸道評估 Gastro-intestinal Study

本院保留更改及刪改上述資料的權利,而毋須另行通知。Canossa Hospital reserves the right to make alternations to the price without prior notice.