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    The basic knowledge for begins a business in oil & Gas, as a Mandate seller.


    CraydonGroup 12/1/2014

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    CraydonGroup | Internal Training courses

    Rappel Les Procedure Dites de vente de produits Raffins :


    Cest un march o le plus important est davoir le vendeur. Les acheteurs sont nombreux et les vendeurs ont tous des procdures diffrentes et qui peuvent varier en fonction de leurs tailles, de lacheteur, de linterlocuteur, et de leur bon vouloir, ou de leurs prfrences. Il est possible de rencontrer des diffrents types de procdure aisni que les suivantes :

    Major Procedure

    Pour les Majors (Shell, Gazprom, Lukoil, Total, Petrobrass) , il ny a pas de LOI. Cest direct DRAFT, following shipment Procedure ou CI Dip & Pay ( commercial Invoice Dip &PAy )

    Reseller1 procedure

    Les compagnies ariennes et autres clients (Americain Airlines, Emirates Airlines, Lufthansa), quand elles achtent avec un Reseller la procdure prfre :

    C.I.2 => following dip test / DIP & PAY. (Quand on dit Commercial Invoice Dip Test, cest une procedure dite : DIP & PAY. )

    Dip & Pay : Est une procdure dachat des produits raffines rapide 24 H a 72h max). - Dip reprsente le fait que lon Dip Test le produit /cest un agent du S.G.S (Organisme de

    scurit du contrle de la qualit du produit) qui va se dplacer pour tester la qualit du produit spcifi.

    - Pay : Ce qui veut dire que le client paie son produit directement aprs le Test du S.G.S.. Ce sont des procdure finaliser le plus souvent par des contrats dit : SPOT CONTRACT.

    Refinery procedure

    Achat envers une raffinerie (depend toujours de la procdure de la raffinerie) Les Compagnies gouvernementales qui deal avec les majors (march habituel) ont

    lhabitude dacheter avec leurs procdures. Lors dun achat de produit cest le vendeur qui impose sa procdure et non lacheteur, cependant lorsquon est face une Major, elle impose souvent sa procdure quelle soit acheteur ou vendeur. Passant par un march parallel comme le notre i lest souvent le cas qu elle essaye dmposer leur procedure coute que coute . Remarque comportementale:

    Remarque sur la rception des e-mails : 1) Lire tout document prsent 2) Vrifier tout document avant de les envoyer 3) Parler trs peu en e-mail

    => 3 choses qui permettent de savoir si vous tes quelquun de srieux ou un broker. => Respecter Votre professionnalisme et garder la tte froide.

    1 Reseller : Revendeur en FR 2 C.I. : Commercial Invoices

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    Procdure du produit LNG

    Spcificit pour LNG il faut un spcial terminal, et bateau spcial. Gnralement cest un contrat long terme minimum de 20 ans.

    Procdure possible pour le LNG : SPOT => achat direct Produit raffin : DIP Test => achat direct T.O.P. => Take Or Pay (Il paie, quil prenne ou pas le produit)

    Procdure protocolaire de vente

    Introduction Notre prsentation cest notre image, la limite de notre langage, limites des mes

    mots correspond a la limite notre monde, On se doit dimposer un discours en bton. Le pragmatisme et la froideur comme habitude, la Russie comme origine rsultante de lquation, un discours froid, sec, mais professionnel accs sur la performance et le rsultat. .

    Etape Post- Protocole procdure interne de vente:

    Acquisition dinformations sur linterlocuteur : Il est ncessaire pour nous en tant que mandate seller dacqurir des informations sur la personne avec laquelle vous tes en contact afin dtablir son profil et de mieux comprendre comment grer le deal.

    Linterlocuteur peut seulement avoir ces diffrents statuts :

    v Intermediary3 (Officiel ou non officiel, Broker, Trader, Joker Broker) v Facilitator4 (Officiel ou non officiel, proche ou moins proche de lacheteur ou du

    mandate, VIP, Joker Broker) v Mandate buyer side 5(Officiel ou pas mandate v Buyer (Gestionnaire de portefeuille, propritaire de compagnie, dentreprise, agent

    gouvernementale, VIP, etc)

    v Lapporteur daffaire se doit au premier contact avec linterlocuteur dtablir la hirarchie de lintermediary:

    Hirarchie possible: Intermdiaire facilitator-mandate buyer End Buyer.

    3 Intermediary : Intermdiaire en FR 4 Facilitator : Facilitateur en FR 5 Buyer side : Ct acheteur

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    P.S. : Pour ce faire lapporteur daffaire, se doit dtablir un Rsum Client de la situation qui transfrera par e-mail au CEO de Craydon Group Dubai Oil& Gas Consultancy Department Amara Drame pour linformer du deal en cours.

    Aucune conversation nest ncessaire cette tape, un simple e-mail suffit avec toutes les informations du nouveau client. tout apporteur d affaire se doit de suivre imperativement ce process sous peine de rejet du dossier de la direction de la Par du CEO Craydon Group Oil & Gas.

    v Lapporteur daffaire se doit au premier contact avec linterlocuteur de scurise toute les parties :

    1) Demander linterlocuteur de remplir son CIS + Fournir passeport Copy 2) Puis lui envoyer le contrat Intermdiaire - pr-remplis 3) Puis envoyer notre procdure (1 EIP et 3 CP)

    1) BUSINESS CARD INFORMATION. 2) BUYER = Company profile,

    3) Mandat = Official Mandat Letter or Official Representative Letter From The Buyer . 4) Official letter = As an enquiry letter to explaining their needs (Or LOI, Or Enquiry Letter.

    Prsentation et envois de la procdure

    Il est possible quaprs avoir envoy et prsent la procdure, linterlocuteur qui est cens avoir lu la procdure demande des informations supplmentaires, il peut aussi bien par malice ou intelligence, demander inconsciemment une autre procdure .

    Donc il y a un problme : Soit il na pas lu la procdure, Soit la procdure ne lui convient pas, soit il a sa propre procdure. Car de par la prsentation de notre process, lacheteur qui : soit mandate ou mandate Buyer, doit revenir avec les documents demands pour pouvoir prtendre une Confrence Call ou TTM de manire recevoir de plus ample informations. Seulement a la suite de cette Etape crucial, et avec reception de tous les informations Pre Requis Il pourra recevra une invitations pour TTM Face to face: - A Dubai avec Le Directeur, ou a Paris avec le CEO Pour presenter Physiquement les documents confidential qui l aura refuser d envoyer par email ou DHL. - en Allemagne ,( Germany Head Office) si il reunit par professionalisme et bienveillance tous les document Requis .

    Rappelez Vous Cette procdure est Non Negotiable, aussi pour vous

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    Solutions from problems Problem 1: It is possible that, in giving the required documents, the caller mandate or buyer or buyer mandate, requires that it does not send e-mail her letter from the bank. Which considers confidential. Solution 1: Which is totally true, the letter from the bank is a confidential document, only the account owner can ask. So we can offer him an exceptional TTM in Dubai or Paris to physically submit the required documents, LAW + Letter from the bank. (We are obliged to check that the letter is consistent with our seller) Problem 2: If we impose interlocutor that his letter be sent only banking entity banking entity?

    Solution 2: He made clear that the simple letter of the requested bank or "bank reference letter," are not bank instruments and therefore are not presented bank banking entity to entity. Problem 3: If the buyer is a major, and she wants to buy with CI Dip Test procedure

    Solution 3: Our procedure is non-negotiable even if Total (response of the Vice President of refineries) PS 1: Stay Strong in the head, even if you are sure that your contact is potential (he has the money to buy the products) will not yield.

    In the field of Oil and Gas, the procedure does not change. If he wants he buys and if he does not want it do not buy; he goes look elsewhere. We can offer what we have. P.S. 2: What are we allowed to do? : We are Consultancy & trading Company Mandate from the Seller Side in power autority To :

    Little Council: This is not because we do not do the procedure of the interlocutor that we are mythos! Or that we do not have the product. Be Careful to some blows of bluffs, Scammers, wanted to intimidated you and manipulat you .

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    v The business Partner must have a protocolary behavior:

    Do not talk too much (1st meeting maximum 4 minutes) example of argumentation, sales pitches:

    The New Client: in this case, it is a common case the interlocutor starts talking to himself, like a monologue tells the story tall, or tries to intimidate you with his past experience or his Title position

    The Business Partner: break the caller entry, impose some moments of silence

    The Business Partner: Introduce yourself By a clear & cold Climat.

    Ex: I am Sofiane Bouyahia - Deputy Director Craydon Group Oil Gas Consultancy Department.

    The New Client: (I call you because one of my friend give me your number, I am intermediary, I know you are selling petroleum product, I am buyer I want to buy, tell me what can I do)

    The Business Partner: Classify the interlocutor & nominate his position


    Business Partner /(Apporteur daffaire): first off all, :

    1. I will send you the C.I.S to fulfilled, You will have to add your Passport Copy also to pretend receive your commission (SILENCE)

    2. Then, i will send you a Contract for Intermediary to signed and send Us Back (Silence) .

    3. Then, only I will send you Our procedure, this Procedure is no negotiable if you are ready to deal with us. (Silence).

    4. Then we will go to the next step InshaAllah.

    5. Thank you good-bye (Silence)

    Do not hang up. Let the interlocutor do it

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    Business Partner (Apporteur daffaire): First off all,

    1. you will have send us You Business Card Information

    2. + His Company Profile + Mandate Copy.

    3. Then if we could send us a Short Email As enquiry letter explaining your needs or

    the buyer needs (SILENCE).

    4. Then ONLY, i will send you our procedure.

    5. Then we will wait to receive from your side the required document as mention in the procedure .

    6. without this required document no More Information will be provide.

    7. Thank you good-bye (Silence)

    Do not hang up. Let the interlocutor do it

    A customer wishing to buy our product, always follow the procedure and will be ready with the required documents. This procedure is non-negotiable; talking about another thing is waste of time.

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    TP - Procedure PROTOCOLARY - Practice Oral work:

    The purpose of practical work in oral is to put everyone in the team situation and enable it to master the techniques to impose a protocolary speech, comply with field of Oil and Gas.


    Ex1: Suzanne Cherubin in Malaysia: Billionaire and manages investments. Returns procedure and make a Caff Call. => wanted directly to Signe a document (time discussion less than 5 min)

    Ex2: Government Agent / American Airlines: Ready to buy, conference call, ready for CI - Dip & Pay with Title Holder, but realize that we are refinery (Under 3 Min)

    Ex3: China CNPC => In CC Direct Buyer mandate, have their own procedure, and our procedure too much different, finally not ready through parallel Market. If your Seller Accepts ,otherwise ok.

    Ex4: Ren - Petrochemicals: present us his customers already known customers vice president .deal done and categorize.

    The purpose of this exercise is to show to the member of the partner company,that it is important to follow several rules: 1. Be pragmatic . 2. Do not talk too much in discussions between client and team staff (Contact Buyer- Side and mandated group). 3. Install a cold Climat (cold, repetitive, not willing to open any change). Requested Oral Capacity : - break the caller entry - impose some moments of silence - Introduce yourself By a clear & cold Climat. - Classify the interlocutor & nominate his position - Ask if he has knowledge of our procedure - Show that we are awaiting documents requested in the procedure,that it should read: PS: Show him that he has no choice but to return to the process and not get into any further discussion. Know repeat the same information (informative sentence) when the person speaks too much or she did not understand or that it emphasizes an indiscreet question.

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    4 objectives That you cant Forget

    1) To Performe

    2) Impose our procedure

    3) Show that we are unable to negotiate Our Procedure.

    4) show Our impatience with thoses required documents

    Mistake to avoid

    Being too personal, too familiar, discuss, too warm, try to understand his interlocutor, understanding too, too sweet, too long discussion Hold the phone, too onomatopoeia (uh ...) suggest that one can DC or a modification in the procedure

    Remember that we are in a trading facilities globally, it is a trade at the state level. You can imagine that in this area there are very few people who laugh, very few friendly people, very few people who have the time and ready to assist you. When you work in the Oil and Gas you have to be in that state of mind.


    Car in front there are many people who will not hesitate to shoot us in the back at the first opportunity.