53211835 จันทร์จิรา นาคเอี่ยม

[INC 281 MULTIDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOP WEEKLY REPORT] January 28, 2012 Department of Control System and Instrumentation Engineering KING MONGKUT’s UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI Name-Surname Junjira Nakiam Student ID. 53211835 Group Name id (instinct design) Engineering Team Members Top 53211816 Bos 53211810 M 53211801 Product Design Team Members P’Ploy P’Jub Weekly Progress Today the architectures are presentation with executive of Picotee. My company have a scenario about skill of instinct in daily life. So, architectures are design the chair for old people. The chair is dependent in move , can circulate and have a forward force for balancing act. My company use process of engineer about forward force by strain gage. So, my company is select type is a bonded strain gage it assist cling Figure 1 to the chair. The scenario of Toshiba is about signal that can tell expire of food. So, It’s apply to work in produce electric appliances . My company are design electric appliance of check about expire food by sensor. We choose type of sensor about pH sensor and gas sensor. pH sensor is measure the pH of the food. That increases reference rage for compare pH value. And gas sensor it use measure waste gas. So, two sensor can tell to eat or not eat of the food . Figure 2 Engineering Analysis Strong Point - I know to choose about type of sensor and working process of sensor. - The sensor can measure pH and gas that can tell be rotten of the food. Week Point - pH sensor and gas sensor maybe an error to measure in begin rotten of the food Next Week Job - Architecture and some Engineer in my group are go to Toshiba for presentation the product and discussion working process.

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Department of Control System and Instrumentation Engineering KING MONGKUT’s UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI

Name-Surname Junjira Nakiam

Student ID. 53211835

Group Name id (instinct design)

Engineering Team Members

Top 53211816 Bos 53211810 M 53211801

Product Design Team Members

P’Ploy P’Jub

Weekly Progress

Today the architectures are presentation with executive of Picotee. My company have a scenario about skill of instinct in daily life. So, architectures are design the chair for old people. The chair is dependent in move , can circulate and have a forward force for balancing act. My company use process of engineer about forward force by strain gage. So, my company is select type is a bonded strain gage it assist cling

Figure 1 to the chair. The scenario of Toshiba is about signal that can tell expire of food. So, It’s apply to work in produce electric appliances . My company are design electric appliance of check about expire food by sensor. We choose type of sensor about pH sensor and gas sensor. pH sensor is measure the pH of the food. That increases reference rage for compare pH value. And gas sensor it use measure waste gas. So, two sensor can tell to eat or not eat of the food .

Figure 2

Engineering Analysis

Strong Point

- I know to choose about type of sensor and working process of sensor. - The sensor can measure pH and gas that can tell be rotten of the food.

Week Point

- pH sensor and gas sensor maybe an error to measure in begin rotten of the food

Next Week Job

- Architecture and some Engineer in my group are go to Toshiba for presentation the

product and discussion working process.