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October 26~27, 2018


2 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

대한소아치과학회 2018 추계학술대회 제52회 전공의 학술대회

추계학술대회 진행 일정 ························································ 03

연제, 연자 및 발표시간 ························································ 04

인사말 ····················································································· 06


구연발표Ⅰ[OA] ··························································································· 09

구연발표Ⅱ[OB] ··························································································· 31

특 강 ··························································································· 51

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 3

2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

[제52회 전공의 학술대회]

일 시 2018년 10월 26일(금) ~ 10월 27일(토)

장 소 김대중컨벤션센터

❚추계학술대회 일정

10월 26일(금)

시간 308호 312호

12:00~12:30 등록

12:30~15:40 구연발표Ⅰ 구연발표Ⅱ

15:40~16:00 Coffee Break


특강1 (308호)

소아청소년기 턱관절 질환의 치료

유지원 교수 (조선대학교 치과대학 구강내과학교실)


특강2 (308호)

Treatment protocol of infection: from children to adults

유재식 교수 (조선대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실)

18:00 만 찬

10월 27일(토)

시간 312호

09:00~09:50 소아청소년 교정을 위한 악골의 성장발육이론 (김현정 교수)

09:50~10:40 치아우식학(Cariology)의 최신 개념 (김재곤 교수)

10:50~11:40 미성숙 영구치 치수치료의 최근 개념 (송제선 교수)

11:40~12:30 장애인치과학 (이효설 교수)

4 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회


OA 10.26(금) ┃ 김대중컨벤션센터 ┃ 좌장 현홍근 교수, 김지연 교수


신비솔_단국대Correlation between fluoride release, microhardness and solubility of high viscosity glass ionomers


고한호_강릉원주대Effect of Saliva Contamination at Different Steps and Using Different Decontamination Procedures on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement


강성균_원광대Color stability of bulk-fill resin composites after immersion in different media


이준희_부산대Effects of saliva decontamination procedures on microtensile bond strength of one-step

self-etching adhesives on primary dentin


공정은_강릉원주대Susceptibility of Streptococcus mutans to erythrosine


김미리_조선대Comparison of remineralization effect of fluorides according to the depth of carious lesion


이유경_단국대Remineralization Effects of Anticariogenic Products on Demineralized Enamel: An in vitro study


서미경_서울대A study of effect of silver diamine fluoride on salivary biofilm and physical properties of tooth


유원정_강릉원주대Effect of Equia Coat on the mechanical properties of glass ionomer


정윤영_경희대Comparison of 2- and 3–Dimensional Cultured Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells Derived from Supernumerary and Permanent Teeth

14:10~14:20 휴식 (10분)


배철현_전북대Pedodontic Referral Patterns in Chonbuk National University Dental Hospital – 3-year study


오예랑_경희대The Reasons for Infant’s Dental Visits: A Retrospective Study for 10 Years


이형직_부산대Dental treatment under general anesthesia in department of pediatric dentistry at pusan national university dental hosipital


김혜원_단국대A Retrospective Statistical Study Practice Pattern in Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Dankook University Dental Hospital for 10 years


유지연_서울대Characteristics and etiologic factors of mesiodens in the department of pediatric dentistry, SNUDH


채용권_경희대Factors Influencing Elapsed Time to Dental Care in Children and Adolescents with Traumatic Dental Injuries


이미소_전북대Association between Parenting Styles and Childhood Dental Caries in Children aged 3-6 years


이정상_부산대Effectiveness of oral health education program using quantitative light fluorescence for children


김병기_전남대Pediatric caries diagnosis and verbal interaction by virtual reality simulation

15:50~16:00 휴식 및 메인 강연장으로 이동 (10분)

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 5


OB 10.26(금) ┃ 김대중컨벤션센터 ┃ 좌장 송제선 교수, 최성철 교수


이소피아_서울대A study on orthodontic patients in department of pediatric dentistry, Seoul National University Dental Hospital


심도희_이대목동A study of root canals in primary molars using computerized tomography


유현경_원광대Skeletal maturation evaluation using maxillary canine development in growing children


장지혜_전북대Cephalometric Analysis for Analyzing Craniofacial Morphologic Characteristics in Short-statured Children


임소영_연세대Occlusion relationship in the primary dentition : a retrospective study in Korea


최유민_전남대Assessment of root canal morphology of human primary molars by using CBCT


윤태완_단국대Blood gas analysis of respiratory depression during sevoflurane inhalation induction in the disabled


성영제_서울대Analysis of brain network changes during Dexmedetomidine Sedation


이창근_전북대A study on predictors of sleep-related breathing disorder in children

14:00~14:10 휴식 (10분)


김별이라_연세대Comparative Study of Histologic Responses to Pulpectomy with Vitapex, Metapex, and Metapaste in Dog’s teeth


이지미_조선대Success rates of vital pulp therapy using RetroMTAⓇ and BiodentineTM in primary and permanent teeth


이지원_서울대Dental implications in Hajdu-Cheney syndrome: A case report


배상용_원광대Fusion of Odontoma and Mandibular permanent Anterior Teeth : a Case Report


장은영_경북대Dilaceration in Permanent Mandibular Central Incisor after Intrusion of Primary Tooth: A Case Report


배지수_연세대Clinical feature and treatment of Patient with Incontinentia pigmenti


박해민_서울대Dentinogenesis imperfecta : two case reports


심호진_부산대Effects of Myofunctional Appliance in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing: Case Reports


김치훈_연세대Treatment of Molar Incisor Malformation using Extraction and Spontaneous Mesial movement

15:40~16:00 휴식 및 메인 강연장으로 이동 (20분)


PLENARY LECTURE 10.26(금) ┃ 김대중컨벤션센터 ┃ 좌장 이상호 교수

16:00~17:00 소아청소년기 턱관절 질환의 치료유지원 교수 (조선대학교 치과대학 구강내과학교실)

17:00~18:00Treatment protocol of infection : from children to adults유재식 교수 (조선대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실)

6 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

회원여러분 안녕하십니까?

좋은 계절 10월, 가을의 중심에서 2018년 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회 및

제52회 전공의 학술대회를 빛고을 광주에서 개최하게 되었습니다.

1988년 5월, 제1회 전공의학술대회를 기억하고 있는 저로서는 지난 반세기 동안 많은

발전을 거듭해 국제적으로 손색이 없는 소아치과 전공의들의 수준 높은 학술활동을 지켜

보면서 감회가 새롭기만 합니다.

이러한 발전은 전공의로서 바쁜 수련과정 중 임에도 소아치과학 분야의 연구에 대한

열정과 노력으로 좋은 발표를 준비 해주신 전공의 선생님들과 헌신적으로 지도해 주신

교수님들의 노고 때문임을 우리는 잘 알고 있습니다.

이번 추계학술대회에서는 전공의 선생님들의 다양한 주제의 구연발표와 함께 학계에

명망이 있는 조선대학교 구강내과학교실 유지원교수님의 [소아청소년기 턱관절 질환의 치

료]와 구강악안면외과학교실 유재식교수님의 [Treatment protocol of infection: from

children to adults] 특별강연이 진행됨으로서 예비 소아치과학 전문의로서의 지식과 임

상역량이 한층 고취되는 소중한 시간이 될 것입니다.

그동안 이번 추계학술대회를 주관하여 정성을 다해 준비해 주신 조선대학교 이난영 학

술대회장님을 비롯한 조선대학교 소아치과학교실원 여러분께 깊은 감사의 말씀을 드립니

다. 또한 구연 발표를 준비하신 전공의선생님, 발표를 지도해 주신 각 대학 교수님들, 학

술이사를 비롯한 학회 임원 여러분의 노고에도 다시금 감사드립니다.

회원 여러분들의 건승을 기원합니다.

Welcome Address

2018년 추계학술대회(제52회 전공의 학술대회)를


2018년 10월 26일

대한소아치과회장 김 재 곤

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 7

대한소아치과학회 회원여러분 안녕하십니까

영원할 것만 같던 그 뜨거운 여름의 기세도 계절의 흐름 앞에 속절없이 꺽이고

태풍의 뒤를 이은 청명한 하늘과 함께 어김없이 가을이 돌아왔습니다.

이 아름다운 계절에 좋은 고장 광주에서 추계학술대회를 개최하게 됨을 기쁘게 생각하

며 붉은 단풍과 은빛억새, 한들거리는 코스모스에 맛있는 광주음식을 더해서 여러분께 최

고의 가을을 선물하고자 합니다.

전공의들이 진료와 공부를 병행하느라 주경야독하며 열심히 준비한 구연발표와 조선대

학교 치과대학에서 모신 두 분 교수님의 특강이 마련되어 있습니다.

많은 분들이 함께하시어 즐겁고 보람된 시간이 되시기 바랍니다.


2018년 추계학술대회 및 전공의 학술대회를


2018년 10월 26일

추계학술대회장 이 난 영

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 9


OA 10.26(금) ┃ 김대중컨벤션센터 ┃ 좌장 현홍근 교수, 김지연 교수


신비솔_단국대Correlation between fluoride release, microhardness and solubility of high viscosity glass ionomers


고한호_강릉원주대Effect of Saliva Contamination at Different Steps and Using Different Decontamination Procedures on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement


강성균_원광대Color stability of bulk-fill resin composites after immersion in different media


이준희_부산대Effects of saliva decontamination procedures on microtensile bond strength of one-step

self-etching adhesives on primary dentin


공정은_강릉원주대Susceptibility of Streptococcus mutans to erythrosine


김미리_조선대Comparison of remineralization effect of fluorides according to the depth of carious lesion


이유경_단국대Remineralization Effects of Anticariogenic Products on Demineralized Enamel: An in vitro study


서미경_서울대A study of effect of silver diamine fluoride on salivary biofilm and physical properties of tooth


유원정_강릉원주대Effect of Equia Coat on the mechanical properties of glass ionomer


정윤영_경희대Comparison of 2- and 3–Dimensional Cultured Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells Derived from Supernumerary and Permanent Teeth

14:10~14:20 휴식 (10분)OA-11

14:20~14:30배철현_전북대Pedodontic Referral Patterns in Chonbuk National University Dental Hospital – 3-year study


오예랑_경희대The Reasons for Infant’s Dental Visits: A Retrospective Study for 10 Years


이형직_부산대Dental treatment under general anesthesia in department of pediatric dentistry at pusan national university dental hosipital


김혜원_단국대A Retrospective Statistical Study Practice Pattern in Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Dankook University Dental Hospital for 10 years


유지연_서울대Characteristics and etiologic factors of mesiodens in the department of pediatric dentistry, SNUDH


채용권_경희대Factors Influencing Elapsed Time to Dental Care in Children and Adolescents with Traumatic Dental Injuries


이미소_전북대Association between Parenting Styles and Childhood Dental Caries in Children aged 3-6 years


이정상_부산대Effectiveness of oral health education program using quantitative light fluorescence for children


김병기_전남대Pediatric caries diagnosis and verbal interaction by virtual reality simulation

15:50~16:00 휴식 및 메인 강연장으로 이동 (10분)

10 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Shin, bi sol* / Kim, Jong soo /

Yoo, Seung hoon / Kim, Jong Bin / Shin, Ji Sun

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Dankook University


This study was to measure and compare the amount of fluoride, microhardness and

solubility of high viscosity glass ionomer and resin-reinforced glass ionomer during 84


Materials and Methods

Fuji IX GP EXTRA, Fuji IX GP, Fuji II LC and Filtek™ Z350XT stored in deionized water

for 84 days to measure fluoride release, microhardness and solubility.


As a result of measurement of fluoride release, all the glass ionomers showed the

highest amount of fluoride release on day 1 and gradually decreased. Fuji IX GP EXTRA

showed the highest amount of fluoride release and cumulative release. And Fuji IX GP

and Fuji II LC showed no significant difference. Microhardness measurements showed that

all experimental groups decreased 1 day after exposure to water.

After 84 days, microhardness showed no significant difference between Fuji IX GP

EXTRA and Fuji IX GP, and Fuji II LC was the lowest. In the solubility measurement,

Fuji IX GP EXTRA, Fuji IX GP, and Fuji II LC increased rapidly to 21 days. After 21

days, there was no significant difference in the three groups. As a result, short term

fluoride release affects solubility and microhardness, but long term fluoride release has

no correlation.


Through this study, the amount of fluoride, microhardness, and solubility of various

glass ionomers were evaluated, and these properties could be applied clinically.

Key words : Glass ionomer, Solubility, Microhardness, Fluoride


Correlation between fluoride release, microhardness

and solubility of high viscosity glass ionomers

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 11

Go, Hanho* / Park, Howon / Lee, Juhyun / Seo, Hyunwoo

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Gangneung-Wonju University

Effect of Saliva Contamination at Different Steps and Using Different Decontamination

Procedures on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement


The purpose of this study was to compare the bond strength of resin modified glass

ionomer cements (RMGIC) to tooth surface with saliva contamination, at different steps

and using different decontamination methods.

Material and Method

Extracted non-carious human teeth were embedded onto self-cure acrylic resin and the

dentin surface was made even using silicon carbide paper. Group I was a control group

that was conditioned with polyacrylic acid (PAA). Group II and III were contaminated with

saliva before PAA conditioning. Group II was dried after saliva contamination and Group

III was rinsed and dried after saliva contamination. Group IV, V and VI were

contaminated with saliva after PAA conditioning. After saliva contamination, group IV

was dried, group V was rinsed and dried, and group VI was additionally conditioned with

PAA. After surface treatment, the RMGIC was filled onto the dentin specimens. Shear

bond strength was measured using the universal testing machine and the failure mode

was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy.


Control group showed significantly higher bond strength than the other groups. Among

the saliva contaminated groups, group VI, which underwent additional PAA conditioning,

showed a significantly higher bond strength than the other groups. However, there was

no statistically significant difference in the failure mode between the groups.


Saliva contamination adversely affected the shear bond strength of RMGIC to dentin,

regardless of when the saliva contamination occurred. Decontamination with washing and

drying could not improve the shear bond strength of RMGIC. When saliva contamination

occurred after PAA conditioning, additional PAA conditioning improved the shear bond

strength, but it was still lower than that without saliva contamination.

Key words : Saliva contamination, Resin modified glass ionomer cement, Bond strength


Effect of Saliva Contamination at Different Steps and

Using Different Decontamination Procedures on Bond

Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement

12 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Kang, SungKyoon* / An, SoYoun / Ra, JiYoung /

Lee, JeWoo / Song, JiHyun

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Wonkwang University


The color stability of dental restorations is one of the most important characteristics of

resin composites in terms of longevity. This study aimed to evaluate the color stability

of bulk-fill and conventional resin composites with respect to different thicknesses and

storage media.

Materials and methods

Two conventional resin composites(Filtek Z250, Filtek Z350XT) and two bulk-fill resin

composites(Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative and Tetric N-Ceram Bulk FIll) were

evaluated. Thirty disc-shaped specimens of conventional resin composite of 8mm in

diameter and 2mm thick were prepared(n=15 each) and sixty disc-shaped specimens of

bulk-fill resin composite at two different thicknesses(8mm in diameter and 2mm thick or

4mm thick, n=15 each) were prepared.

Color measurements were performed using a colorimeter after 24hours of storage in

distilled water(baseline), and again after 1,7,14 and 21 days of storage in three different

media of red wine, black coffee, or distilled water(n=5). Color changes(ΔE*) were

calculated using the CIE L*a*b* color space.


Distilled water consistently showed the lowest color change(ΔE*) values for all resin

composites and the mean ΔE* values were ranked in this increasing order: distilled water <

black coffee < red wine. For all composites, all the thicknesses showed clinically recognized

values (ΔE*>3.3) in red wine and black coffee after 1day and 7days of immersion each.

Among all the resin composites, Z350XT showed the highest mean ΔE* value and Z250

showed the lowest, ranked in this increasing order : Z250 < Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill <

Filtek Bulk Fill < Z350XT. There were no specific thickness-related color changes on

bulk-fill resin composites.


Storage media can affect the surface color changes of resin composites. Color changes of

bulk-fill resin composites were greater than Z250, but less than Z350XT. Within the

limitation of this study, the bulk-fill resin composites can be cautiously used to direct

restoration in terms of color stability.

Key words : Color stability, Bulk-fill resin composites, Restorative materials


Color stability of bulk-fill resin composites after

immersion in different media.

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 13

Lee, JunHee* / Kim, Jiyeon

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University Dental Hospital


To evaluate the effects of decontamination procedures on microtensile bond strength of

three types of one-step self-etching adhesives on the dentin of primary teeth.

Materials and Methods

Sixty three sound primary posterior teeth were randomly divided into three groups

according to each one-step self-etching adhesive: Scotch Bond Universal (SBU, 3M

Deutschland, Neuss, Germany), All-Bond Universal (ABU, Bisco Inc., Schaumberg, IL,

USA), and Tetric N Bond Universal (TBU, Ivoclar Vivadent, FL, Liechtenstein, Germany).

Each group was randomly categorized into seven subgroups. For the subgroup 1(control

group), the adhesive was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations

without saliva contamination.For all the other subgroups, the adhesive was applied

according to the manufacturer's recommendations and contaminated with saliva for 20 s

before(subgroup 2, 3 and 4) or after(subgroup 5, 6 and 7) photopolymerization. After

that, for subgroup 2 and 5, the teeth were dried for 5 s. For subgroup 3 and 6, the

teeth were washed for 15 s and dried for 5 s. For subgroup 4 and 7, the teeth were

washed for 15 s and dried for 5 s followed by re-applying the adhesive.

All seven subgroups were restored with composite resin. Each specimen was fabricated

asa 1 × 1 × 10 mm³ block, and the microtensile bond strength was measured. The

properties of the decoupled interface were observed using scanning electron microscopy.


The microtensile bond strength is significantly higher for subgroups 1, 4 and 7 than that

of subgroups 2, 3, 5 and 6 in SBU and ABU subgroup. On the other hand, for TBU

subgroup, the microtensile bond strength is higher for subgroups 1 and 4 than that for

subgroups 2, 3, 5 and 6; higher for subgroup 7 than that for subgroups 2, 3 and 5; and

higher for subgroup 6 than that for subgroup 2.


Drying alone, or washing and drying of saliva contamination before and after

photopolymerization were insufficient for recovering the microtensile bond strength.

Re-application of the adhesive after washing and drying could recover microtensile bond

strength sufficiently. Even though manufacturers claim that one-step self-etching

adhesives are less sensitive to moisture contamination, it is recommended to re-apply the

adhesive after washing and drying if saliva contamination occurs.

Key words : One-step self-etching adhesive, Saliva decontamination, Microtensile bond strength


Effects of saliva decontamination procedures on

microtensile bond strength of one-step self-etching

adhesives on primary dentin

14 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Gong, Jungeun* / Park, Howon / Lee, Juhyun /

Seo, Hyunwoo / Lee, Siyoung

Gangneung-wonju national university


The aim of this study is to investigate the susceptibillity of Streptococcus mutans in both

planktonic and biofilm states to erythrosine.

Material and Method

S. mutans were cultured in BHI broth. Erythrosine was diluted in BHI broth and prepared

at concentration range of 0.00002 - 10%. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)

and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the planktonic S. mutans were measured

using the microdilution method. After forming S. mutans biofilms on 96-well plates,

minimum biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC) and minimum biofilm eradication

concentration (MBEC) were measured using the same method.


S. mutans was susceptible to erythrosine in both planktonic and biofilm states. MIC and

MBC value were both 0.0195% for planktonic state. For biofilm state, MBIC and MBEC

value were 0.3125% and 2.5% each.


Erythrosine showed bactericidal effect of killing 99.9% of S. mutans in planktonic and

biofilm state at concentrations of 0.0195% and 2.5%, respectively.

Key words : Streptococcus mutans, erythrosine, biofilms


Susceptibility of Streptococcus mutans to erythrosine

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 15

Kim, Mi-ri* / Lee, Sang-ho / Lee, Nan-young / Jih, Myeong-Kwan

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chosun University


The purpose of this study was to compare the remineralization effect of fluoride agents

(fluoride varnish, fluoride tape, and silver diamine fluoride(SDF)) according to the depth

of carious lesion.

Materials and Methods

The specimens were prepared for the extracted bovine teeth with sound enamel surface.

Various depths of artificial enamel carious were formed using demineralization solution

and divided into 2 groups according to depth of carious lesion. Group Ⅰ: ΔF value 0 to –25, GroupⅡ: ΔF value -25 to –50. Each group was randomly divided into 4 groups. Group

1(control), Group 2: MI Varnish ™ (5% NaF), Group 3: Fluoride tape (5% NaF), Group 4:

Advantage Arrest ™ (SDF). They were stored in artificial saliva for a week. Then,

remineralization effect was compared using Micro CT and SEM.


Among the fluoride agents, the amount of density increasement was the least in the

control groups and the highest in SDF groups, regardless of depth of carious lesion. In

Groups treated with artificial saliva, fluoride varnish, and fluoride tape, the density

increasement were similar regardless of the depth of carious lesion. In Groups treated

with SDF, the density increasement was greater in GroupⅡ-4 than GroupⅠ-4.The volume

and density increase of remineralization sites were the lowest in GroupⅠ-1, and the

highestin GroupⅡ-4.According to scanning electron microscope, the surface roughness

significantly decreased in GroupⅠ. In GroupⅡ, the surface roughness decreased the most

in GroupⅡ-4(SDF) and the least in GroupⅡ-1(Control).


Fluoride varnish and fluoride tape showed similar amount of remineralization in various

depth of enamel carious lesions. SDF showed greater remineralization effect than the

other fluoride agents, in all ranges of carious depth. Moreover, SDF showed greater

remineralization in deep enamel carious group. Therefore, the use of SDF can be

suggested in order to recover and arrest enamel carious lesions with various depth


Key words : Fluoride Agents / Depth of Carious Lesion / Remeneralization / Micro CT / SEM


Comparison of remineralization effect of fluorides

according to the depth of carious lesion

16 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Lee, Yookyung* / Kim, Jongsoo / Yoo, Seunghoon /

Kim, Jongbin / Shin, Jisun / Shin, Seungwoo

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Dankook University


The aim of this study was to compare the remineralization effects of two types of

anticariogenic products on artificially demineralized enamel.

Methods and materials

Extracted 60 premolars were decalcificatied in artificial acidic solution at 37℃ for 7 days. Two anticariogenic products, Clinpro™ Tooth Cream (CTC) and Tooth Mousse-Plus® (TMP), were applied on demineralized surface for 3weeks. The changes of surface

microhardness values of each group were measured with Vickers surface hardness tester.


Microhardness values of CTC and TMP were increased during 3weeks. Mean values of

microhardness values of CTC was higher than TMP. Mean values of microhardness values

was increased in 1st week < 2nd week < 3rd week (p < 0.05). There was a difference of

significance between each week groups. Microhardness values of CTC was increased

rapidly in 1st week. Then slower than 1st week during 2nd and 3rd weeks. TMP was

increased slowly in 1st week then, faster in 2nd week. CTC was most effective during the

initial week, and it was noted that a TMP could be expected to work if it was applied for

at least two weeks.


The results of this study show that TMP and CTC are effective in remineralization of the

artificially decalcified enamel. CTC, which showed a significant increase in surface

microhardness values from the first week of application, will have a good remineralization

effect in clinical practice. TMP was thought to be helpful if used continuously for more

than two weeks

Key words : Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous phosphate, Functionalized tricalcium phosphate,

Fluoride, Remineralization, Demineralization, Anticariogenic products.


Remineralization Effects of Anticariogenic Products on

Demineralized Enamel: An in vitro study

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 17

Seo, Mee kyung* / Song, Ji-soo / Shin, Teo Jeon / Hyun, Hong Keun /

Kim, Jung-wook / Jang, Ki-taeg / Lee, Sang Hoon / Kim, Young Jae

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University

A study of effect of silver diamine fluoride on salivary biofilm and physical properties of



Silver diamine fluoride(SDF) is effective topical medicament for arresting dental caries.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the antimicrobial and physical effects of SDF

on salivary biofilm and tooth.

Material and Method

Salivary biofilm was formed with the presence of S.mutans (ATCC25175). After biofilm

formation, SDF was applied to salivary biofilm. Antimicrobial effect of SDF on salivary

biofilm was evaluated by compairing colony forming unit with control group. Biofilm

characteristics was assessed by confocal laser scanning microscope(CLSM).

For investigating effects on physical properties, artifical caries lesion was developed on

extracted teeth. The teeth were sectioned vertically. On one half surface of the specimen,

SDF was applied and the other half was control. Microhardness and surface roughness

was evaluated.


SDF significantly reduced CFU counts of total bacteria and S.mutans. According to result

from CLSM, proportion of live bacteria was decreased. Comparing with the control group,

microhardness was increased in the group treated with SDF. There was no significant

difference in surface roughness.


SDF have antimicrobialm activity against cariogenic biofilm. Microhardness was increased

after application of SDF. There was no significant difference in surface roughness.

Key words : Silver diamine fluoride, saliva biofilm, physical properties


A study of effect of silver diamine fluoride on

salivary biofilm and physical properties of tooth

18 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Ryu, Won-jeong* / Park, Ho-won / Lee, Ju-hyun / Seo, Hyun-woo

Department of pediatric dentistry, Gangneung-Wonju National University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of type of protective coating on

the microhardness and wear of glass ionomer cements Equia Fil.

Material and Method

Specimens were prepared from Equia Fil(GIC) and Fuji IX(RMGI). And divided into three

groups of Equia coat, no coating, adhesive coating. All specimens were then placed in

distilled water in 24h. Vickers microhardness(n=10) was evaluated on a universal testing

machine. Wear(n=10) was evaluated after 10,000 cycle using chewing simulator. Data was

analyzes using ANOVA.


Data analysis showed that Equia coat had higher microhardness and wear resistance than

other groups. Both Equia coat and adhesive increased the surface microhardness and wear

resistance of GI and RMGI.


The mechanical properties of restorative materials were affected by applying protective

coating. The increases in microhardness and wear resistance were greater in the Equia

coat compared to the adhesive coating.

Key words : Coating, glass ionomer, RMGI, microhardness, wear


Effect of Equia Coat on the mechanical properties

of glass ionomer

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 19

Jeong, Yunyeong* / Nam, Okhyung / Kim, Misun /

Choi, Sungchul / Kim, Kwangchul / Lee, Hyoseol

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University


Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture methods create a stereoscopic environment similar to

the tissue as compared to the Two-dimensional (2D) cell culture methods. The purpose of

the study was to compare the characteristics of periodontal ligament stem cells derived

from supernumerary teeth (sPDLSC) and permanent teeth (pPDLSC) on 2D and 3D culture


Material and Method

sPDLSCs and pPDLSCs were cultured by 2D and 3D method (Prosys® Stemfit 3D; Prodizen

Inc., Seoul, Korea). First, the morphology of each PDLSCs were observed daily through

an optical microscope. Second, CCK-8 assay was performed to analyze the proliferation

ability. Third, viability was analyzed by live and dead assay. Data were analyzed

statistically by independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA (p <0.05).


In morphology, 2D cultured PDLSC increased in number, and the diameter of spheroid

decreased in 3D culture. And the morphology of spheroid was maintained during the

experiment. In the CCK-8 assay, sPDLSCs showed lower absorbance than pPDLSCs in all

groups (p < 0.05). 2D cultured sPDLSCs and pPDLSCs showed a significantly increase in

absorbance over time from 1.25 to 1.71 and from 2.12 to 3.03 (p < 0.05), but 3D cultured

sPDLSCs and pPDLSCs showed a decrease in absorbance from 0.31 to 0.22 and from 0.52

to 0.33. In the live and dead assay, the 2D cultured sPDLSCs and pPDLSCs did not show

a significant increase in dead cells over time, but in the case of 3D cultured sPDLSCs

and pPDLSCs, the dead cells increase in the center of the spheroid.


Even though quantitative comparison of 2D and 3D was difficult, but it was found that

2D and 3D cultured cells showed different characteristics. And the supernumerary tooth,

which can be obtained easily in the pediatric dentistry, can be an accessible source of

stem cells. Therefore, further study is needed about 3D cultured stem cells from

supernumerary teeth and its clinical application in regenerative medicine.

Key words : Periodontal ligament stem cell, Three-dimensional cell culture, Supernumerary tooth


Comparison of 2- and 3–Dimensional Cultured

Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells Derived from

Supernumerary and Permanent Teeth

20 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Bae, Cheol-Hyeon* / Kim, Jae-Gon / Lee, Dae-Woo / Yang, Yeon-Mi

Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Institute of Oral Bioscience, School of

Dentistry, Chonbuk National University


The purpose of this study was to analyze outpatient referral patterns of pedodontic dental

patients in Chonbuk National University Dental Hospital.

Materials and Methods

The patient samples were selected in the electronic medical record of Chonbuk National

University Hospital from the past three years (March 2015 – February 2018) with some

keywords including local dental clinic, local clinic, referral and consultation. All the

patient who were consulted from the external facilities were under 16-year-old age and

frequent analysis was done. Outpatient consultations were classified into 7 clinical

categories according to chief complaints and these were subdivided for more details.

Reason for referral, types of external facilities, first-visit department and following

internal consultation were also analyzed.


Total 1180 patients (720 males and 460 females) with an average age of 7.4 were referred

for surgical (44.3%), restorative/endodontic (34.2%), orthodontic (16.0%), TMD (1.7%),

prosthodontic (0.6%), periodontal (0.3%) problems. Those patients had behavior and

systematic problems (23.9%, 3.0%) and most patients (90.2%) were consulted for

comprehensive treatment. Types of external facilities were ranked from local dental clinic

(85.2%), local pediatric dental clinic (8.2%), medical clinic (5.8%) and dental hospital.

First-visit department was pediatric dentistry (83.9%), oral-maxillofacial surgery (10.1%),

conservative dentistry (4.1%) and oral medicine department (1.4%). The patients who had

visited pediatric dentistry department were referred to another department (6.0%) for

comprehensive surgical procedures (54.2%), endodontic treatment (22.0%), orthodontic

treatment (28.7%) and hospital admission (1.7%).


Many patients firstly referred to pediatric department, however, some patients referred

again for comprehensive and compromised treatment. The analysis of referred patient in

dental hospital suggests requirement of guideline of pedodontic referrals related with

surgical treatment, endodontic treatment and comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

Key words : Pedodontic referral patterns, Consultation, Pediatric dentistry, Referral guideline


Pedodontic Referral Patterns in Chonbuk National

University Dental Hospital – 3-year study

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 21

Oh, Yearang* / Nam, Okhyung / Kim, Misun /

Choi, Sungchul / Kim, Kwangchul / Lee, Hyoseol

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University


The first dental visit for children is recommended about 12 months. However, infants are

visiting dental clinic for various reasons. The purpose of this study was to analyze the

reasons for the dental visit of infant under the age of 1 year and to figure out rare

disease that pediatric dentist should know.

Materials and Methods

From January 2006 to December 2015, we reviewed the charts of patients who visited the

Pediatric Dentistry of Kyung Hee University for the first time under the age of 1 year.


The total number of patients was 184 for 10 years. The patient’s gender ratio was almost

the same as 90 males and 94 females. The largest proportion of their first dental visit

was 0-1 month (85 patients), and the average was 3.7 months. Average 18 patients were

visited each year and 1.5 patients per a month. The most common reason for making this

visit was neonatal tooth (74 patients). The second most common reason was trauma (38

patients). Nine patients visited for the reason of bone’s nodule and cleft lip and palate

each. Rare causes of the visit were cystic disease in 8 patients and temporomandibular

joint disorder (TMJ) sound in 3 patients.


According to this study, we found that about 1.5 children had been visited a university

dental hospital every month for 10 years and some children showed rare symptoms, such

as TMJ sound. Therefore, more education for pediatric dentists, pediatricians, nurses, and

caregivers is needed for rare oral diseases that might occur in infants.

Key words : First dental visit, Infant, Retrospective study, Oral disease, Temporomandibular joint disorder


The Reasons for Infant’s Dental Visits: A Retrospective

Study for 10 Years

22 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Lee, Hyeongjik* / Jo, Anna / Kim, Eunjung /

Kim, Jiyeon / Jeong, Taesung

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University

General anesthesia is an effective behavior management method for disabled patients or

uncooperative children who have difficulty in cooperation. The objective of this study was

to assess and analyze dental treatment under general anesthesia in department of

pediatric dentistry at Pusan National University Dental Hospital for 5 years.

One hundred and nine cases of general anesthesia from June 2013 to May 2018 were

surveyed for this study. Patients’ distribution, reasons for general anesthesia, treatment

pattern, agents for general anesthesia, duration of treatment, and visiting route were


The proportion of male was higher than female and age group of 5 to 9 was highest.

Reasons for general anesthesia were handicapped situations with or without systemic

disease(52%), operative treatment needs(13.2%), uncooperative(15%) and others(29.8%).

Most used agents for general anesthesia were thiopental sodium and sevoflurane.

Dental treatment under general anesthesia for handicapped and uncooperative children

has been increasing. Therefore, it is important to improve the system and efficiency of

general anesthesia to provide satisfactory treatment.

Key words : General anesthesia, Handicapped children, Behavior management


Dental treatment under general anesthesia in

department of pediatric dentistry at pusan national

university dental hosipital

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 23

Kim, Hyewon* / Kim, Jongsoo / Yoo, Seunghoon /

Kim, Jongbin / Shin, Jisun

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Dankook University


The purpose of this study is to analyze practice pattern in pediatric dentistry of Dankook

University Dental Hospital for the recent 10 years.

Material and Method

We gathered data about dental treatment in the pediatric dentistry of Dankook Hospital

from January 2008 to December 2017 using the Order Communication System (OCS). The

information obtained was age, gender, restoration type, sedative agents, date of operation

of patients.


The number of new patients has increased and the average age of new patients has

decreased. Of the restorative treatment, amalgam, composite resin have decreased.

However, self-curing glass ionomer, light-curing glass ionomer and stainless steel crown

have increased. The rate of conservative pulp treatment, pulpectomy has increased,

whereas pulpotomy has decreased. The type of sedative agents used was considerably

changed. Especially the use of nitric oxide inhalation sedation and midazolam

administration have increased in the past 4 years, while pocral administration has

declined constantly. Frequency of general anesthesia has increased gradually.


This study is looking forward to knowing the latest treatment trends.

Key words : Pediatric dentistry, Patient distribution, Practice patterns


A Retrospective Statistical Study Practice Pattern in

Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Dankook University

Dental Hospital for 10 years

24 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Ryu, GiYoun* / Song, Ji Soo / Shin, Teo Jeon / Hyun, Hong-Keun /

Kim, Young-Jae / Lee, Sang-Hoon / Kim, Jung-Wook

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea


Mesiodens is the most common supernumerary tooth present in the midline between the

two central incisors. It is important for the pediatric dentist to diagnose a mesiodens

early to determine optimal time of surgery and operation method. The purpose of this

study was to analyze etiologic factors of mesiodens and to present guidelines for


Material and Method

Patients with mesiodens who first visited the department of Pediatric dentistry of Seoul

National University Dental Hospital from January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2017 were

reviewed based on patient chart and radiographics. Of those, 487 mesiodens in 375

patients were extracted and analyzed.


1. Sex ratio was 2.53:1, higher in boys(71.7%). 70.9% of patient had 1 mesiodens. The

majority of mesiodens (67.9%) were conical in shape. 61.3% were inverted orientation

and 81.9% were impacted and 99.1% were located in palatal side.

2. The mean age of extraction was 6.84 years old. Most of mesiodens were extracted

under general anesthesia in 70.2%. There was no significant difference of the patient's

mean age depending on the method of surgery(P<0.05). Time Interval between the first

visit and extraction was seen significantly longer in extraction under general

anesthesia than local anesthesia(p<0.05).

3. Mesiodens located in upper part above the adjacent permanent tooth showed in 15%.

The mean of distance between midpoint of mesiodens and apical apex of the adjacent

incisor was 2.99mm in upper part and 12.42mm in lower part. The depth of impaction

significantly associated with selection of extraction method(p<0.05).

4. Mesiodens associated with complications were 46.8%. Of those, 26.9% were malposition

of permanent tooth, followed by delayed eruption and cyst formation.


A number of factors including eruption status, depth of impaction and orientation of

mesiodens should be considered to achieve optimal treatment approach before

determination of surgical approaches.

Key words : Mesiodens, surgical extraction, optimal treatment


Characteristics and etiologic factors of mesiodens in

the department of pediatric dentistry, SNUDH

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 25

Chae, Yongkwon* / Nam, Okhyung / Kim, Misun /

Lee, Hyoseol / Kim, Kwangchul / Choi, Sungchul

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University


When traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) occur, prompt emergency care is a critical factor

for better prognosis. There have been a lot of retrospective studies of TDIs. However,

they focused on various factors such as the prevalence, cause, types, location of TDIs. In

spite of importance of time factors, there are not many studies on them. The aim of this

study was to retrospectively investigate the environmental factors influencing time factors

and to enhance the importance of early visit in TDI cases.

Materials and Methods

This study investigated 1272 patients who visited the department of pediatric dentistry

and emergency room of Kyung Hee university dental hospital (KHDH) with a chief

complaint of TDIs. Of the 1272 patients, 949 patients who met the inclusion criteria were

selected. Medical records and radiographs of 949 were reviewed and age, gender,

occurrence time of TDIs, type of TDIs and the elapsed time to dental care were collected.

And the data was statistically analyzed.


The mean age of all the patients was 4.4 years (52 months) and boys were 2.08 times

more likely to experience TDIs than girls. TDIs occur later in the summer (Sig.=0.034) or

holiday (p=0.000). There was no difference in the elapsed time according to the

occurrence time, month and season, but the elapsed time was shorter when soft tissue

injuries were involved (p=0.000), or when TDIs occurred in the educational institutions



Based on the finding of present study, the educational or training program regarding

emergency dental management should be provided for child and adolescent parents.

Furthermore, these finding can also be used as a fundamental data for statistical surveys

of dental emergency treatment.

Key words : Tooth Injuries, Time Factors, Emergency Treatment, Dental Health Education, Health Literacy


Factors Influencing Elapsed Time to Dental Care in

Children and Adolescents with Traumatic Dental


26 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Lee, Mi So* / Kim, Jae-gon / Yang, Yeon-mi / Lee, Dae-woo

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University


The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between parenting styles and

childhood dental caries, using a sample of 3-6 year old children in Korea.

Material and method

The subjects were 170 children aged 3 to 6-year old and their parents in Jeonju and

Kimje city. Parenting styles were divided into 3 groups (authoritative, authoritarian, and

permissive), using by a translated version of Parenting Styles and Dimensions

Questionnaire (PSDQ). Children underwent a clinical examination for dental caries in the

kindergarden and parents completed a questionnaire at home. Data were analyzed using

Kruskal-Wallis test and Chi-square test.


Among the 353 parent/child dyads, 170 questionnaires were returned (response rate of

48.2%). Authoritative parenting style was the majority (95%), followed by authoritarian

(3.5%), permissive (0.05%). Authoritative group showed the lowest dft index, whereas

permissive group’s dft index was the highest. However, there were no statistically

significant differences between children’s dental caries and parenting styles. According to

the each index, the higher authoritative index, the lower the dmf index (p=0.07). In case

of authoritarian and permissive index, the tendency became stronger as the dft rate



Overall, the stronger the authoritative tendency of parents, the lower the experience of

dental caries in children. Therefore, Parenting styles are likely to affect the oral health

of a child, but it seems necessary to supplement the evaluation tool to evaluate the

parenting styles.

Key words : Dental caries, ECC, Parental Style, PSDQ


Association between Parenting Styles and Childhood

Dental Caries in Children aged 3-6 years

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 27

Lee, JeongSang* / Kim, Jiyeon

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University Dental Hospital


This study was performed to determine how effective oral hygiene education program with

home-using portable device(Q-scan) is on oral hygiene status of children.

Materials and Methods

Sixty children over 6 years old with high caries risk according to the CAMBRA(Caries

Management by Risk Assessment) who visited Pusan National University Department of

Pediatric Dentistry were included in this study. Among them, the children with moderate

to high acidogenic bacterial level according to a caries risk test(Cariview) were selected.

Cariview is the caries activity test which can reflect the acidogenic potential of plaque

bacteria. Children were divided into two groups: (i) oral health education with Q-scan

device group(experimental group) (ii) traditional oral health education group(control

group). Both group were evaluated on simple plaque score(SPS) using Qray-cam and

received traditional oral health education. Additionally experimental group use the Q-scan

device everyday. After one month, both group were evaluated on SPS and cariview


Acidogenic bacterial level was statistically reduced in both experimental group and control

group. But There were statistically significant decrease in the experimental group

compared to the control group in Cariview score and SPS.


Oral hygiene education program with home-using portable device(Q-scan) was thought to

be effective to improve oral hygiene status of children.

Key words : Quantitative light fluorescence, Q-scan, Cariview


Effectiveness of oral health education program

using quantitative light fluorescence for children

28 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Kim, Byung-Gee* / Kim, Seon-Mi / Choi, Nam-Ki / Kim, Jae-Hwan

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Korea


In recent years, the maturity of virtualization technology is accelerating dentistry

education using virtual reality(VR) in many ways. The aim of this study is to apply VR

on pediatric caries diagnosis and verbal interaction to provide practical education for

students before actual clinical experiences.

Materials and methods

A-5-year-old pediatric patients model with dental caries and virtual unit chair system

was developed. After development of prototype, the dental student’s experiences and the

effectiveness were evaluated using questionnaire.


After the VR simulation, the virtual presence and virtual patient assessment was

evaluated by the dental students. The results indicates that using VR simulation on

pediatric caries diagnosis and verbal interaction possessessufficient virtual presence for

students to use in their learning.


Experiences acquired with VR on pediatric dental caries diagnosis and verbal interaction

can be beneficial in dental education to promote pediatric understanding.

Key words : Virtual reality, Verbal interactionPediatric caries diagnosis, Dental education


Pediatric caries diagnosis and verbal interaction by

virtual reality simulation

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 31


OB 10.26(금) ┃ 김대중컨벤션센터 ┃ 좌장 송제선 교수, 최성철 교수


이소피아_서울대A study on orthodontic patients in department of pediatric dentistry, Seoul National University Dental Hospital


심도희_이대목동A study of root canals in primary molars using computerized tomography


유현경_원광대Skeletal maturation evaluation using maxillary canine development in growing children


장지혜_전북대Cephalometric Analysis for Analyzing Craniofacial Morphologic Characteristics in Short-statured Children


임소영_연세대Occlusion relationship in the primary dentition : a retrospective study in Korea


최유민_전남대Assessment of root canal morphology of human primary molars by using CBCT


윤태완_단국대Blood gas analysis of respiratory depression during sevoflurane inhalation induction in the disabled


성영제_서울대Analysis of brain network changes during Dexmedetomidine Sedation


이창근_전북대A study on predictors of sleep-related breathing disorder in children

14:00~14:10 휴식 (10분)


김별이라_연세대Comparative Study of Histologic Responses to Pulpectomy with Vitapex, Metapex, and Metapaste

in Dog’s teeth


이지미_조선대Success rates of vital pulp therapy using RetroMTAⓇ and BiodentineTM in primary and permanent teeth


이지원_서울대Dental implications in Hajdu-Cheney syndrome: A case report


배상용_원광대Fusion of Odontoma and Mandibular permanent Anterior Teeth : a Case Report


장은영_경북대Dilaceration in Permanent Mandibular Central Incisor after Intrusion of Primary Tooth: A Case Report


배지수_연세대Clinical feature and treatment of Patient with Incontinentia pigmenti


박해민_서울대Dentinogenesis imperfecta : two case reports


심호진_부산대Effects of Myofunctional Appliance in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing: Case Reports


김치훈_연세대Treatment of Molar Incisor Malformation using Extraction and Spontaneous Mesial movement

15:40~16:00 휴식 및 메인 강연장으로 이동 (20분)

32 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Rhee, Sophia* / Song, JiSoo / Shin, Teo Jeon / Kim, Young-Jae /

Kim, Jung-Wook / Jang, Ki-Taeg / Lee, Sang-Hoon / Hyun, Hong-Keun

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea


As demands of esthetic dental appearance grow, the proportion of patients seeking for

orthodontic treatment in pediatric dental clinics increased over the decades. The purpose

of this study was to examine the characteristics and change of patterns of orthodontic

patients in pediatric dental clinic of Seoul National University Dental Hospital.

Material and Method

Subjects of this study were a total of 708 patients (371 males and 337 females) who

visited and conducted the orthodontic diagnosis in department of pediatric dentistry,

Seoul National University Dental Hospital from 2015 to 2017.


1. Two age groups, 7-year-old and 8-year-old, were accounted for the largest proportion

of age distribution in this study followed by 9, 10, 11-year-old, and other age groups.

2. 54% of patients showed skeletal class I patterns, 23.2% for skeletal class II and 22.7%

for skeletal class III. Among diagnosed patients, younger patients tend to have more

skeletal class III patterns while more skeletal class II patterns were shown in older

age groups.

3. Distribution in the types of malocclusion according to Angle's classification had shown:

30.4% for class I, 23% for class II division 1, 4.9% for class II division 2 and 41.1% for

class III.

4. Prevalence of anterior crossbite in this study was high.


The result of this study is to provide basic information on distributions and features of

the pediatric orthodontic patients.

Key words : pediatric dentistry, orthodontic patients, distribution, skeletal pattern, anterior crossbite


A study on orthodontic patients in department of

pediatric dentistry, Seoul National University Dental


2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 33

Sim, Dohee* / Lee, Yeonju / Yu, Dayeol / Mah, Yon-Joo

Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Dentistry, Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the number and location of root canals of

primary molars in Korean pediatric population using computed tomography.

Material and Method

Tomographic images from 209 children (age 3 – 7 years) were evaluated.


In primary molars, the number of roots and root canals varies. Three roots (MB, DB, P)

and three canals (MB, DB, P) are most commonly observed in the maxillary primary

molars (first maxilla primary molar : 69.8%, second maxilla primary molar : 77.9%).

Although each root tends to have one canal, some of mesiobuccal roots retain two canals.

In mandible primary molars, two roots(M,D) and four canals(MB,ML,DB,DL) are most

prevalent (first mandible primary molar : 60.5%, second mandible primary molar :63.4%).

Compared to distal roots, mesial roots exhibited a tendency to have two canals. In terms

of the number and configuration of root canals, opposite teeth in the same arch tend to

show significant corelation.

(Maxilla second primary molar : κ=0.58, mandible first primary molar : κ= 0.75, mandible

second primary molar : κ= 0.78). Fusion between the distobuccal and palatal roots in

maxilla primary molar was common with a greater prevalence in maxillary first molars.


The result of this study shows the most common type of root canals in primary molars.

We have found a great correlation between opposite teeth in the same arch as to the

number and configuration of root canals. Understanding root canal system will help to

improve the result of root canal treatment.

Key words : root canals, primary molars, CT


A study of root canals in primary molars using

computerized tomography

34 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Yoo, HyunKyoung* / Lee, JeWoo / An, SoYoun /

Song, JiHyun / Ra, JiYoung

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Wonkwang university


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between maxillary canine’s dental maturity and skeletal maturity among growing children.

Material and Method

The study subjects consisted 143 male subjects and 156 female subjects ranging in age

from 6 years to 17 years who visited the dental clinic of Wonkwang University between

February 1, 2013 and February 28, 2018. A total 299 lateral cephalometric, hand-wrist

and panoramic radiographs were obtained and analyzed. Dental maturity was assessed

according to the Demirjian Index(DI). Skeletal maturity was assessed according to the

Cervical Vertebral Maturation Stages(CVMS) and Skeletal Maturity Indicators(SMI).

Spearman rank order correlation coefficient test was used to analyze the correlation

between dental maturity and skeletal maturity.


A significant correlation was found between the DI and CVMS in both male and female

subjects(r=0.833 in male subjects, r=0.743 in female subjects). Similarly, a significant

correlation was found between the DI and SMI(r=0.817 in male subjects, r=0.719 in female



From the above results, dental maturity evaluation using the maxillary canine might be

clinically useful as indicator of skeletal maturation in growing children.

Key words : Maxillary canine development, Skeletal maturation, Growth prediction


Skeletal maturation evaluation using maxillary

canine development in growing children

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 35

Jang, Jihye* / Yang, Yeonmi / Kim, Jaegon / Lee, Daewoo

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University


The aim of this study was to analyze craniofacial morphologic characteristics with

short-statured children compared to Korean population reference group.

Material and Method

Retrospective study was performed on short-statured children with lateral cephalograms

taken at Chonbuk National University Dental Hospital between January 2013 and July

2018. Age-gender specific criteria KCDC (2017) was used to define short-statured

children. Children with major congenital or chromosomal anomalies, and children treated

with orthodontic functional appliances or hormone therapy were excluded. 28

short-statured children with an average age of 10.9 ± 2.9 years were selected. To

analyze lateral cephalograms, 16 linear and 11 angular measurements were chosen.

Cephalic growth values were computed by V-ceph software and age-gender matched SDS

(standard deviation score) were calculated.


All most all linear measurements of the facial structures were smaller than reference

group except anterior facial height and antero-posterior facial height ratio. Especially,

Pog-N perpend, ANS-Me, ANS-Me/Nasion-Me, mandibular length, midfacial length

showed values of SDS below 2. In addition, anterior facial height showed values of SDS

above 2. In angular measurements, FMA showed values of SDS above 2 indicating vertical

clockwise growth direction.


Short-statured children showed smaller linear dimensions in both mandible and maxilla

and an increased vertical dimensions compared to age-gender specific reference value. It

can be concluded that short-statured children showed facial retroganthia with vertical

growth pattern.

Key words : Short-statured children, Craniofacial growth, Lateral cephalogram.


Cephalometric Analysis for Analyzing Craniofacial

Morphologic Characteristics in Short-statured Children

36 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Lim, soyoung* / Choi, Byungjai / Lee, Jaeho / Song, Jeson /

Hwang, Donghwan / Kim, Seong-Oh

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University


The occlusal relationships of primary dentition play an important role in the formation of

first permanent molar relationships. There are very few studies assessing the occlusal

relationships of primary dentition in Korea. The objective of this study is to assess the

occlusal relationships of primary dentition of preschool children in Korea.

Materials and methods

In Hwaseong city of Korea, intraoral photos which was taken by one pediatric dentist was

collected. Total 445 children, of age group between 2 and 5 years, and having intraoral

photo of lateral view which can identify molar relationships and frontal view, were

selected by random sampling. Examination and categorization of the occlusal relationships

were done by single examiner.


Total 445 samples were collected and 392 samples were satisfied with inclusion criteria.

The study sample consisted of 186 boys and 206 girls, with 2-year-old 23, 3-year-old

128, 4-year-old 203, 5-year-old 38 samples. Mesial step molar relationship was seen in

29.4% on both side. Flush terminal molar relationship was seen in 23.7% on right side,

24.2% on left side. Distal step molar relationship was seen in 6.6% on right side, 6.1%

on left side. The 12.1% of mesial steps had anterior crossbite at the same time.


The present study provide insight into occlusal relationships in the primary dentition of

2-5 years old of Korean children. Further longitudinal studies with a larger sample are

needed. Dentists should consider these concepts of occlusal relationship when performing

occlusal guidance strategy.

Key words : Primary dentition, Occlusion, Molar relationship


Occlusion relationship in the primary dentition :

a retrospective study in Korea

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 37

Choi, Yoo-Min* / Kim, Jae-Hwan / Kim, Seon-Mi / Choi, Nam-Ki

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University


The aim of the present study was to assess the variations in the number and morphology

of the root of the primary molar teeth using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).

Materials and methods

A total of 160 primary molars without any root resorption, were divided into four main

groups including the maxillary primary first molars, maxillary primary second molars,

mandibular primary first molars and mandibular primary second molars. All of them were

studied in CBCT images in the axial, sagittal and coronal planes. Various parameters

such as the number of roots, number of canals and the length of the roots were

determined by using CBCT.


Primary molars in all four groups showed variability in the number of roots and root

canals. Concerning the length of the roots, the palatal root of the maxillary primary

molar was found to be longest, while the disto-buccal root was shortest. In mandibular

primary molars, the mesial root was longer than the distal root.


CBCT was found to be an effective and accurate diagnostic tool which provides an

auxiliary imaging technology to assess the root canal morphology of primary molars.

These data may help pediatric dentists do endodontic treatment of primary molars.

Key words : Primary molars, Cone beam computerized tomography, Root canal morphology


Assessment of root canal morphology of human

primary molars by using CBCT.

38 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Yoon, Taewan* / Kim, Seungoh

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Dankook University


Tidal volume affected by sevoflurane is stable with low respiratory rate. As sedation

depth increases, alveolar ventilation is reduced by sevoflurane, resulting in an increase of

PaCO2. The occurrence of respiratory depression increases the risk of severe hypoxia and

hypercapnia in deeply sedated patients. This study was conducted to find out the

conditions of acid-base in body due to respiratory inhibition caused by sevoflurane

inducing anesthetics of disabled people.

Material and Method

The anesthesia induction furnace was induced by masking the face of the patient under

voluntary breathing of 4% sevoflurane, 4 L/min N2O and 4 L/min O2. Afterwards, the IV

line was immediately passed through by an expert after the patient's unconsciousness and

muscle tension was eased, and then blood venous was collected. The PvCO2, pH, HCO3-

were measured using the epoc® bleed analysis system (Epocal Inc., Ottawa, Ontario,



The mean pH of all patients was 7.36 ± 0.06. (Maximum 7.52, minimum 7.18) PvCO2 is

measured as an average of 48.8 ± 8.78 mmHg in all patients. (Maximum 91.4 mmHg,

minimum 28.5 mmHg) HCO3- is measured as an average of 27.2 ± 3.0 mmol / L in all

patients. (Maximum 45.2 mmol / L, minimum 18.8 mmol / L)


The acid base reaction to inhalation sedation using sevoflurane during dental treatment

for the disabled is relatively stable.

Key words : Disabled people, Sevoflurane induction, General anesthesia, Respiratory depression


Blood gas analysis of respiratory depression during

sevoflurane inhalation induction in the disabled

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 39

Sung, YoungJae* / Song, JiSoo / Hyun, Hong-Keun / Kim, Young-Jae /

Kim, Jung-Wook / Jang, Ki-Taeg / Lee, Sang-Hoon / Shin, Teo Jeon

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea


Sedation is commonly used in pediatric dentistry for children with fear and anxiety.

Dexmedetomidine (DEX), approved by the US food and Drug Administration in 1999 for

short term sedation, is selective a2-adrenoreceptor agonist. The use of DEX is increasing

in the area of pediatric dentistry due to minimal respiratory depression and easy and

quick awakening from sedation. Recent studies suggest that changes in the interaction

between brain regions are related to sedative mechanisms. In this study, we investigate

whether the altered network connection is associated with the sedation using graph


Material and Method

We acquired electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings of 32 channels during baseline, DEX

induced sedation for 20 participants. We extracted EEG epochs from the awake and the

DEX sedation state. Using graph theory, the changes in the network connection

parameters were investigated compared to the awake state.


Compared to baseline state, significant changes in 1/f dynamics which indicate overall

brain network characteristics were observed during DEX-induced sedation. Network

connections from the perspective of information processing were significantly disturbed in

alpha frequency band unlike other frequency bands.


The alpha frequency band is related to a prominent role in the function and interaction

in cognitive activities. In addition, changes in alpha oscillation band have been observed

in various anesthetic agents. Taken together, changes in the brain network critical in

cognition during DEX administration may also be related to the mechanism of sedation

Key words : Dexmedetomidine, graph theory, sedation


Analysis of brain network changes during Dexmedetomidine


40 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Lee, Chang-keun* / Lee, Dae-woo / Kim, Jae-gon / Yang, Yeon-mi

Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Institute of Oral Bioscience, School of

Dentistry, Chonbuk National University


The aim of this study was to investigate the potential risk factors of sleep-related

breathing disorders (SRBD) by comparing the intra-oral factors, body mass index, and

medical history to pediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ).

Materials and Methods

The number of subjects was 787, and they were aged between 7- and 11-year-old

elementary school students in Jeonju city. Their caregivers were asked to complete the

questionnaires including information of birth and feeding, medical history, and the PSQ.

The oral manifestation including angle’s classification, overjet, Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

(MIH), and brodsky tonsil grade were examined at the classroom. Children whose PSQ

scale is over 0.33 were classified as a SRBD high-risk group.


Among 787 subjects, 34 children (4.3%) were classified as SRBD high-risk group. Children

with allergic rhinitis, atopy, excessive overjet, or large tonsil size had a significantly

higher risk for SRBD compared to those who did not. Also, there was a significant

difference in SRBD risk according to the BMI status. Gender, gestational age,

breastfeeding, angle’s classification and MIH were not associated with SRBD.


In this study, SRBD in children is associated with obesity, tonsilar hypertrophy, excessive

overjet, and medical history such as allergic rhinitis and atopy. To identify potential and

untreated SRBD, the screening test such as PSQ should be performed to children who are

suspected at high risk for SRBD through medical history or oral examination. Children

who have been screened for SRBD should be referred to the appropriate medical providers

such as otolaryngologist, sleep medicine physician, or pediatrician for diagnosis and


Key words : Sleep related breathing disorder, Pediatric sleep questionnaire, Risk factor


A study on predictors of sleep-related breathing

disorder in children.

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 41

Kim, Byurira* / Kim, Ik-Hwan / Shin, Yoo-Seok / Choi, Byung Jai /

Choi, Hyung Jun / Kim, Seong Oh / Lee, Koeun / Song, Je Seon

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare in vivo response of apical

tissues to Metapex (Meta Biomed Co., Ltd., South Korea), Metapaste (Meta Biomed Co.),

and Vitapex (Neo Dental Chemical Products Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) in dog pulpectomy


Material and Method

Twelve beagle dogs aged 6 months were selected for the experiment. Pulpectomy was

performed in 132 teeth (incisors and premolars) and periapical radiographies were carried

out before and after experiment. The root canals were randomly filled with either

Metapex (n=44), Metapaste (n=44), or Vitapex (n=44). All teeth were sealed with a layer

of glass ionomer cement (KetacMolar, EPSE, Seefeld, Germany). After 4 or 13 weeks,

respectively after operation, the dogs were sacrificed, and then longitudinal paraffin

sections were made for histologic investigation. The following qualitative observations

were recorded: the presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma

cells, macrophages and/or giant cells, necrosis, neovascularization, fibrous condensation,

fatty infiltrate and abscesses. Inflammatory reaction was evaluated and scored in a blind

manner. The Fisher’s exact test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to compare three test

groups (the significance level, < 0.05).


In 4-week-group, all inflammatory responses were in normal range except for fibrosis.

Analyzing the mean scores for fibrosis, there was no statistically significant difference

among three materials. In 13-week-group, increased response to various inflammation

reaction was shown compared to the 4-week-group. The presence of polymorphonuclear

neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, neovascularization, fibrosis, and abscesses were

found. However, there were no statically significant differences between the tested

substances in all inflammatory reaction. (Kruskal-Wallis test, p>0.05)


There were no significant differences among three materials in responses of apical


Key words : Vitapex, Metapex, Metapaste, pulpectomy, canal filling material, apical tissue resonse


Comparative Study of Histologic Responses to

Pulpectomy with Vitapex, Metapex, and Metapaste

in Dog’s teeth

42 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Lee, Ji-mi* / Lee, Nan-young / Lee, Sang-ho / Jih, Myeong kwan

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chosun University


This study was performed to retrospectively evaluate the success rate of vital pulp

therapy in primary and permanent teeth using RetroMTAⓇ and BiodentineTM.

Materials and Methods

The patients who had vital pulp therapy in primary or permanent teeth at the Chosun

University Dental Hospital between 2015 and 2017, with over 1 year follow up period,

were selected for this study. 74 primary and permanent teeth with deep caries

approaching the pulp treated with vital pulp therapy using RetroMTAⓇ(N=44) or

BiodentineTM.(N=30). The vital pulp therapy consist of direct pulp capping(DPC, N=11),

indirect pulp therapy(IPT, N=18), partial pulpotomy(PP, N=30) and pulpotomy(N=15).

After the pulp treatment, the teeth restored with composite resin(N=36) or stainless steel

crown(N=38). Clinical and radiographic outcomes related to success rates were assessed

independently. And then, the results were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test.Results

Overall vital pulp therapy success rate was 93%, and there was no significant diffrences

in the outcomes on the type of vital pulp therapy; DPC(91%), IPT (94%), PP(90%) and

pulpotomy(100%). In pulp therapy materials, the success rate of RetroMTAⓇ was 89% and

BiodentineTM was 100%. The primary teeth showed 95% success rate and permanent teeth

showed 93% success rate and there was no statistical significant diffrence. On the

restoration materials, the success rate of composite resin was 86% and SS Cr. was 100%,

and there was statistical significant difference.


Vital pulp therapy with RetroMTAⓇ and BiodentineTM had favorable results and clinical

and radiographic results was not significant difference in the type of therapy, pulp

therapy material and depending on whether they are primary or permanent teeth. The

important factor for success in the vital pulp therapy using RetroMTAⓇ and BiodentineTM

was the sealing material covering the capping material.

Key words : RetroMTAⓇ / BiodentineTM. / vital pulp therapy


Success rates of vital pulp therapy using RetroMTAⓇ

and BiodentineTM in primary and permanent teeth

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 43

Lee, Ji Won* / Song, Jisoo / Shin, Teo Jeon / Hyun, Hong-Keun /

Kim, Young-Jae / Lee, Sang-Hoon / Kim, Jung-Wook

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea


Hajdu-Cheney syndrome (HCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by some skeletal

problems, dysmorphic facial features and dental abnormalities. Mutations in the NOTCH2

gene have been found in HCS patients. The aim of this study was to identify the

causative genetic mutation of the NOTCH2 gene in a patient and the progression of

dental problems during adolescence.

Material and Method

The female proband underwent oral examination and panoramic radiographs were

obtained. Blood samples of the family trio were collected for genetic analysis and whole

exome sequencing was performed. The identified de novo variation in the NOTCH2 gene

was confirmed by Sanger sequencing. The study protocol was approved by the Institution

Review Board at the Seoul National University Dental Hospital.


The proband had no severe clinical dental problem when she was 5 years old. Routine

hematological analysis including alkaline phosphatase showed no alteration beyond the

normal limits. Sudden increase in the generalized teeth mobility occurred after receiving

growth hormone injection when she was 9 years old. After the hormone treatment, teeth

mobility began to get worse, and root resorption of first molars began.

Mutational analysis revealed a single nucleotide transition mutation (NM_024408.3:

c.6787C>T) in exon 34 in the proband. This mutation resulted in a premature stop codon.

Sanger sequencing of the family trio revealed that the mutation had occurred



A novel de novo nonsense mutation was identified in the NOTCH2 gene in the proband,

as in many cases of HCS. Even though the clinical symptoms were mild before the growth

spurt, a proper diagnosis by molecular genetics would help clinicians improve treatment

planning and patient care.

Key words : NOTCH2, Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, mutation


Dental implications in Hajdu-Cheney syndrome:

A case report

44 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Bae, Sang yong* / Lee, JeWoo / An, SoYoun /

Song, JiHyun / Ra, JiYoung

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Wonkwang university


The odontoma is a hamartomatous lesion consisting of enamel, dentin, pulp and

cementum. The fused tooth was the developmental abnormality of the teeth and the hard

tissues of the adjacent teeth were combined. In general, these two lesions are not

related. We report a case of a 6 – year – old boy diagnosed by the fusion of compound

odontoma and mandibular permanent teeth.

Case Reports

A 6-year-old boy was reffered to Wonkwang University dental hospital for evaluation of

an odontoma on the patient’s mandibular area. On periapical radiographs, calcified

material was fused above the left and right mandibular central incisors and cone beam

computed tomography (CBCT) was taken to confirm the exact size and location of the

lesion. Through the CBCT images, it was confirmed that the calcification materials above

#31 and #41 were fused. Calcified material was diagnosed as odontoma and it was decided

to remove by surgical method.

Under local anesthesia, the flap were designed between #73 and #83. A small tooth-like

substance separated from the teeth was removed. Next, the calcified material fused with

the mandibular permanent incisor was removed using a high-speed diamond bur. After

removing the calcified material, the crown was reshaped using a composite resin.

After 6 months, the permanent teeth was satisfactory eruption and did not show any

pathological problems in periapical radiography.


This is a rare case of compound odontoma fused with a mandibular central incisor. In

these cases, a multidisciplinary approach combining the management of odontoma and

fused teeth is needed.

Key words : Odontoma, fusion, compound odontoma


Fusion of Odontoma and Mandibular permanent

Anterior Teeth : a Case Report

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 45

Jang, Eun-yeong* / Nam, Soon Hyeun / Kim, Hyun Jung / Lee, Jae Sik

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University


Dilaceration is the abrupt deviation of the long axis of the crown or root portion of the

tooth. It is mainly a result of mechanical trauma to a primary tooth. According to

previous studies, dilaceration occurs more frequently in the maxilla than in the mandible.

In the present study, we report three cases of dilaceration of mandibular permanent

incisors after the traumatic intrusion of deciduous teeth.

Case operation procedure

The first case is about a 3-year-old girl whose mandibular primary central incisor was

intruded due to trauma. After approximately three years from the trauma, root

dilaceration of the succedaneous permanent tooth was observed on radiograph. The

dilacerated tooth was later spontaneously erupted, and regular observation was followed.

The second case was an 18-month-old girl with an intruded mandibular primary central

incisor by trauma. After about five years from the trauma, its succedaneous permanent

tooth was diagnosed with a crown dilaceration. Afterward, a periapical lesion had

developed, and thus the endodontic and prosthodontic treatment were followed.

The third case was a 2-year-old girl who also had an intrusion in mandibular primary

central incisor due to trauma. Thereafter, the morphological abnormality in the tooth

germ of the succedaneous permanent tooth was found on radiograph. The tooth was

diagnosed with a crown dilaceration, and it was spontaneously erupted. A regular

observation is still ongoing.


These three cases are about dilaceration in permanent mandibular central incisor after

intrusion of primary tooth. All cases exhibit spontaneous eruptions of the dilacerated

teeth. The first case is about a root dilaceration and the other two cases are about a

crown dilaceration. The malformed portion of tooth germ is related to the developmental

stage at the trauma. Since the bent portion of dilacerated tooth is formed with defective

enamel, the tooth becomes vulnerable. Thus a periodic observation is essential.

Key words : dilaceration, dental trauma, intrusion, sequelae, primary tooth, mandibular incisor


Dilaceration in Permanent Mandibular Central Incisor

after Intrusion of Primary Tooth: A Case Report

46 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Bae, Jee Soo* / Choi, Byung-Jai / Lee, Jae-Ho /

Kim, Seong-Oh / Lee, Ko-eun / Choi, Hyung-Jun

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is a genodermatosis with an X-linked dominant mode of

inheritance. It is characterized by ectodermal, mesodermal, neurological, ocular, and

dental manifestations. Clinical feature of IP comes out on skin, as well as dental, eye,

and central nervous system. We have investigated 2 female patients with clinical

characteristics of IP. In these cased we have found out the following abnormalities:

teeth-shape anomalies (conical - or peg-like teeth), early dental loss, delayed eruption,

and oligodontia.

Case operation procedure

A 5-year-old girl has requested for regular dental check up. She has diagnosed with

incontinentia pigmenti on 2015. She had congenital missing teeth on #54,64,24,25, 34,35.

Most of skin pigmentation was on the left side of her body. Her left eye was almost


A 5-year-old girl has requested for regular dental check up. She has diagnosed with

incontinentia pigmenti on 2013. She had 9 missing primary teeth and 16 missing

permanent teeth. Her eyes were in normal function but she has a medical history of

seizure disorder.


Incontinentia pigmenti is a rare, complex, X-linked genodermatosis in which skin changes

are combined with anomalies of other organs. Dermatologists are ideally placed to

identify individuals with IP in early childhood because skin changes start nearly

immediately after birth. However, as dental changes are the second most frequent finding

in IP, especially in cases without skin changes, the role of dentists is very important. It

is important that children with IP gain access to specialist dental care, including

orthodontics, prosthodontics, and oral surgery.

Key words : Incontinentia pigmenti , Teeth abnormalities , Oligodontia


Clinical feature and treatment of Patient with

Incontinentia pigmenti

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 47

Park, Hae-Min* / Song, Ji Soo / Shin, Teo Jeon / Hyun, Hong-Keun /

Kim, Young-Jae / Lee, Sang-Hoon / Kim, Jung-Wook

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea


Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is an inheritable disorder of tooth development involving

the primary and permanent teeth. This condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant

pattern of transmission. DI causes the teeth to be discolored, translucent and weak. The

teeth affected by DI contain dentin with an irregular structural formation that is less

mineralized than normal. This case report is about the patients who suffer from a severe

attrition and other dental problem due to DI.

Case operation procedure

The first case was a 5-year-old girl with generalized developmental defect on primary

teeth. The second case was a 2-year-old girl with generalized severe attrition on primary

teeth and abscess on mandibular anterior teeth. The patients’ medical history was

noncontributory except for a family history of DI. They were diagnosed with DI type II by

clinical and radiographic examination.

In the first case, the upper first primary molars were extracted because of severe loss of

crown and nance holding arch was adapted to prevent space loss. Stainless steel crown

restorations were performed to protect other primary molars.

In the second case, stainless steel crown restorations were performed to protect the

primary molars from attrition. At the age of nine, temporary stainless steel crown

restorations were performed to protect the four permanent first molars. In both cases, a

photopolymerizable composite resin was added on four maxillary anterior teeth for

esthetic reason after eruption.


The aims of the treatment for DI are to remove the sources of infection or pain, to

restore aesthetics, and to protect teeth from attrition. The purpose of this case report is

to present the appropriate treatment for DI patients to preserve occlusal face height and

maintain masticatory function.

Key words : Dentinogenesis imperfecta, Attrition, Dental treatment


Dentinogenesis imperfecta : two case reports

48 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

Shim, Hojin* / Jeong, Taesung / Kim, Shin / Kim, Jiyeon

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University


Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) induces dysfunction of orofacial muscle leading to morphologic alteration of face and dental malalignment. Early diagnosis and treatment of SDB is important for normal facial growth in pediatric patients. Myofunctional therapy (MFT) is the modalities for the treatment of SDB and prefabricated appliance made for MFT could be used.

Case operation procedure

Prefabricated appliance was used for MFT. Before and after 6 months of MFT lateral cephalograph, home respiratory polygraph, and dental arch impression were taken and analyzed for comparison.


Through this method, SDB was improved. However, crowding of dentition could remain depending on the degree of crowding.

Key words : Home respiratory polygraphy, Myofunctional therapy, Orthodontic treatment, Sleep disordered



Effects of Myofunctional Appliance in Children with

Sleep Disordered Breathing: Case Reports

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 49

Kim, Chi-hoon* / Choi, Byung-Jai / Lee, Jae-Ho /

Song, Je-Seon / Lee, Ko-Eun / Kim, Seong-Oh

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


This presentation reports 2 cases of treatment by extraction and spontaneous mesial

movement on Molar incisor malformation (MIM) patient. MIM is a dental anomaly with

molar root malformation and incisor crown defect. MIM cause clinical problems, such as

spontaneous pain, periapical abscess, impaction, space loss and early exfoliation, especially

on permanent first molar.

In permanent first molar with poor prognosis, extraction may be considered to induce

spontaneous mesial movement of permanent second molars.

Case operation procedure

A 14-year-old girl attend the Department of Pediatric Dentistry with chief complaint of

pain and delayed eruption of upper right permanent molar. Her four maxillary and

mandibular first molars were diagnosed to MIM, and two maxillary first molars were

extracted because of poor prognosis. After 7 month, the permanent second molars moved

mesial spontaneously and the space was closed.

A 6-year-old girl attend the Department of Pediatric Dentistry with chief complaint of

malformation and congenital missing. Her maxillary and mandibular first permanent

molars were diagnosed to MIM. After 4 years of follow-up, four first permanent molar

were extracted because of poor prognosis. 6 months later, permanent second molars

erupted with spontaneous mesial movement and the space was closed.


Extraction of permanent first molars on MIM patients is an alterative noble treatment


Key words : Mesiodens, surgical extraction, optimal treatment


Treatment of Molar Incisor Malformation using

Extraction and Spontaneous Mesial movement

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 51


PLENARY LECTURE 01 10.26(금) ┃ 김대중컨벤션센터 ┃ 좌장 이상호 교수

16:00~17:00 소아청소년기 턱관절 질환의 치료

유지원 교수 (조선대학교 치과대학 구강내과학교실)

PLENARY LECTURE 02 10.26(금) ┃ 김대중컨벤션센터 ┃ 좌장 이상호 교수

17:00~18:00Treatment protocol of infection : from children to adults

유재식 교수 (조선대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실)

52 2018 대한소아치과학회 추계학술대회

조선대학교 치의학전문대학원(현)

구강내과학교실 유지원

연세대학교 치과대학 학사(2002)

연세대학교 치과병원 구강내과 레지던트 수료(2004)

연세대학교 치과대학 석사(2004)

연세대학교 치과대학 연구강사 (2005)

조선대학교 치과대학 박사(2014)

조선대학교 치과대학 구강내과학교실 교수(현)

대한 안면통증구강내과학회 편집위원장(현)

대한 측두하악장애 이사(현)

대한 두통학회 평의원(현)

대한 치과수면학회 이사(현)

소아청소년기 턱관절 질환의 치료

턱관절질환은 측두하악관절, 저작근 및 그와 관련된 구조물의 많은 임상 문제를 포함

하는 포괄적 용어이다. 턱관절질환은 구강안면부의 비치성 통증의 주원인으로 알려져 있

으며 근골격계질환으로 간주되고 있다. 가장 흔한 증상인 통증은 저작근, 귀 앞부위 또는

턱관절에 주로 나타나며, 저작이나 기타 악기능 운동에 의해 심해지는 특징이 있다. 일반

적으로 턱관절질환에 이환된 환자들은 턱의 통증, 귀의 통증 두통 및 안면통을 호소하며,

하악운동제한, 비대칭적인 하악운동 및 관절잡음을 호소하기도 한다.

턱관절질환은 성인에서 더 많이 보고되고 있으나 소아의 경우 존재하고 있는 증상에

대해 명확히 설명하기 어려워하기 때문에 질환의 유병율이 낮게 보고되고 있을 수 있으

며, 신체 적응력이 성인보다 높아 질환 발현이 일시적인 경우가 많다고 알려져 있다.

그러나 임상에서 환자를 대할 때 소아청소년 환자들이 점차적으로 증가하고 있다. 그

리고 유년형 관절염이 턱관절에 이환된 경우, 조절되지 않는 통증 및 개교합을 유발할 수

있어 주의를 요한다.

이에 본 강연은 소아청소년기 턱관절질환의 유병율, 원인, 진단 및 치료에 대하여 알

아보고자 한다.

2018 제52회 전공의 학술대회 53

조선대학교 치과병원

구강악안면외과 과장 유재식

Treatment protocol of infection

: from children to adults

감염이란 인간(숙주)과 그 환경간의 불균형으로 발생되는 장애를 뜻한다. 감염의 치료

란 병균(세균, 진균, 바이러스를 포함하는 미생물)들의 환경을 파괴하고 숙주의 방어기전

을 높여서 이들 사이의 균형을 회복하는 것이다.

생활에서 음식물을 섭취의 첫 번째 관문이므로 구강은 항상 많은 병균들이 존재하게

된다. 그러나 대부분의 기저질환이 없는 건강한 성인의 경우 대부분의 감염은 스스로의

면역으로 이겨낼 수 있다.

하지만 소아의 경우 대부분 면역시스템이 제대로 정립되지 않은 경우가 많고, 외부 병

원체에 감수성이 있기 때문에 감염질환이 잘 발생할 수 있으며, 상대적으로 중증질환으로

진행하게 된다면 생명을 위협하는 경우도 있다.

소아 감염의 심각한 문제는 주로 소아과에서 진료를 하게 되지만, 치성감염의 경우 소

아치과와 구강악안면외과에 의존하게 된다.

따라서 치성감염의 대한 소아치과와 구강악안면외과의 협진은 매우 중요하며, 협진에

의한 원인·치료·예방이 중요한 Key point라 할 수 있다.

이번 강의를 통해 소아부터 성인까지 치성 감염의 중요성을 이해하고 원인·치료·예방에

관한 전반적인 내용을 알아보려 한다.

조선대학교 치의학과 박사

대한구강악안면외과학회 이사

대한악안면성형재건외과학회 이사

대한악안면레이저치의학회 이사

대한구강악안면초음파연구회 이사

대한국제임플란트학회 이사

현) 조선대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 과장

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