term-1(2021-22) model test paper mathematics ਜਮਾਤ ਦਸਵ

Post on 09-Apr-2022






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(Model Test Paper) (Mathematics)- -(Class 10th)
(Max. Marks) -40
1. All questions are compulsory. 2. 04 - 1-1
There are 40 multiple choice questions of 1-1 mark each. 1. id`qy gey guxnKMf ru`K ivc AigAwq sMiKAw pqw kro?
Find the missing number in the given factor tree. (a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 12 2. jykr do sMiKAwvW dw m.s.v. 2 Aqy l.s.v. 60 hovy Aqy ie`k sMiKAw 20 hovy qW dUsrI sMiKAw kI hovygI ?
If LCM and HCF of two numbers is 2 and 60 respectively and one number is 20, Find other number ? (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 10
3. ibnW lMbI vMf pRikirAw kridAW d`so ik pirmyX sMiKAw
dw dSmlv pRswr iks qrHW dw hY?
Without actually performing the long division, state which type of decimal expansion does
(a) ASWq AwvrqI(non terminating – repeating) (b) SWq(terminating)
(c) ASWq Ax-AwvrqI(non terminating – non reapeating) (d) ieMnHw iv`co koeI nhI(none of these)
4. π ie`k ______ sMiKAw hY : π is a ________number. (a) pirmyX (rational) (b) ApirmyX(irrational) (c) pUrn(whole) (d) sMpUrn(integer)
5. ie`k gYr isPr pirmyX sMiKAw Aqy ApirmyX sMiKAw dw joVPl huMdw hY: The sum of a non-zero rational number and irrational number is :
(a) pirmyX (rational) (b) ApirmyX(irrational) (c) dovyN(Both of above) (d) koeI nhIN(None of these)
6. iksy bhupd p(x) dy id`qy AwlyK qo is&rW dI igxqI pqw kro[ Find the number of zeros of the polynomial p(x) in the given graph.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
7. jykr iek do GwqI bhupd dy is&rW dw joVPl -7 hY Aqy is&rW dw guxnPl 12 hovy, qW bhupd hY: If sum of zeros of a quadratic polynomial is -7 and product of zeros is 12 then the polynomial is? (a) 12x2 + 7x + 1 (b) x2 + 7x +12 ( c) x2 + 7x-12 (d) x2 - 7x +12
8. ax3 + bx + c ? What is the degree of a polynomial ax3 + bx + c?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
9. jykr bhupd x2 - (5+a)x + 10 is&r 2 5 , a dw mu`l :
If the zeros of a quadratic polynomial x2 - (5+a)x + 10 are 2 and 5 then the value of a is:
(a) -2 (b) 2 (c) 7 (d) -7
10. fdZs/ rJ/ pj[gd f(x)=(x-2)3 - x3 is&rW dh frDsh j't/rh :
70 ?
Find the number of zeros of the polynomial f(x)=(x-2)3 - x3? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 3
11. smIkrnW 3x – y = 12 Aqy 5x – 7y = 3 dw/dy………. h`l hovygw/hoxgy [ The equations 3x – y = 12 and 5x – 7y = 3 have ………solution/solutions.
(a) koeI h`l nhI no solution (b) ie`k iv`lKx h`l(a unique) (c) AnMq h`l infinitely many solutions (d) pqw nhIN kr skdy(can’t determine)
12. iksy do AMkW vwlI sMiKAw dy AMkW dw joV 9 hY[ jykr ies sMiKAw iv`c 27 joiVAw jwvy qW ies dy AMk Awps iv`c bdl jWdy hn[ ies pirsiQqI qoN bxI ie`k smIkrx hY: Sum of digits of a two digit number is 9. If 27 is added to it, the digits of number get reversed. One of
the equation for this situation will be? (a) x + y = 27 (b) x + y = 9 (c) 10x + y = 9 (d) 10x + y = 27
13. jdoN do ryKI smIkrnW dy joVy dw AwlyK Awps ivc k`tx qW smIkrnW hoxgIAW- If graph of a pair of linear equations intersect then these system of eqautions will be:
(a) sMpwqI(co-incident) (b) sMgq(consistent) (c) AsMgq(inconsistent) (d) smWqr(parallel)
14. smIkrnW x=6 Aqy y=5 dy h`l hoxgy: (The pair of equations x = 6 and y = 5 has): (a) koeI h`l nhI no solution (b) ie`k iv`lKx h`l(a unique) (c) AnMq h`l infinitely many solutions (d) do h`l two solutions 15. smIkrnW 3x-5y =5 Aqy 2x +3y=4 dw/dy h`l hovygw/hoxgy:
Equations 3x-5y =8 and 2x +3y=4 will have: (a) koeI h`l nhI hovygw(No solution) (b)AMnq h`l hoxgy(infinitely many solutions)
(c) ivl`Kx h``l hovygw(unique solution) (d) do h`l hoxgy(two solutions) 16. c`kr dI sprS ryKw ie`s nUM ……. ibMdUAW qy k`tdI hY[ Tangent line of a circle intersect it at _____ point/points. a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
17. ic`qr iv`c jykr R Aqy Q sprS ibMdU hn qW ikhVw shI hY? If in given figure R and Q are tangent points then which of following is false?
(a) PQ=PR (b) PQO = 900 (c) PQO PRO (d) PQ>PO
18. c`kr dI sprS ryKw sprS ibMdU ‘qy c`kr dy ArD ivAws nwl ikMny ifgrI dw kox bxwaNdI hY:- What is the measure of angle made by a tangent with the radius at the tangent point?
(a) 300 (b) 450 (c) 600 (d) 900 19. ie`k ibMdU P qoN ie`k c`kr ‘qy sprS ryKw dI lMbweI 12 sm Aqy P dI kyNdr qoN dUrI 13 sm hY[
c`kr dw ArD ivAws hY: From a point P the length of the tangent to a circle is 12 cm and distance of P from the centre of the circle is 13 cm. The radius of the circle is:
(a) 7 sm(cm) (b) 12 sm(cm) (c) 5 sm(cm) (d) 24.5 sm(cm)
20. y-X[o/ s/ ;fEs fe;/ fpzd{ dk fezBk j't/rk< Abscissa of any point on y-axis will be:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) iehnW iv`coN koeI nhIN(none of these)
21. fBod/P nze A (4,6) ns/ B(6,0) dw wZX fpzd{ pqw kro[
Find the mid point of A(4,6) and B(6,0) .
(a) (5,3) (b) (10,2) (c) (10,6) (d) (5,^1)
bhinder singh
22. fBod/P nze (a,b) ns/ (0,1) ftuekobh d{oh gsk eo' . Find the distance between the points (a,b) and (0,1)
(a) (a2+(b-1)2) fJekJhnK(units) (b) (b2+(a-1)2) fJekJhnK(units) (c) (a2+(b+1)2) fJekJhnK(units) (d) (a2-(b+1)2) fJekJhnK(units)
23. ibMdU P(0,1), Q(1,0) Aqy R(1,1) duAwrw bxI iqRBuj dw KyqrPl kI hovygw? What will be the area of the triangle made by the points P(0,1), Q(1,0) and R(1,1) ?
(a) 0.5 vrg iekweIAW ( 0.5 square units) (b)2 vrg iekweIAW ( 2 square units)
(c) 1 vrg iekweIAW ( 1 square units) (d) 11 vrg iekweIAW ( 11 square units)
24. ibMdUAw (1,1), (3,2), (2,-7) vwlI iqRBuj dy kyNdrk dw Buj hY:
The abscissa of centroid of a triangle whose vertices are (1,1), (3,2), (2,-7) is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
then the value of will be: )
(a) (b)
? )
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2
28. (1+tanA+secA)(1+cotA-cosecA) brwbr hY: (1+tanA+secA)(1+cotA-cosecA)is equal to:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) -1
29. 900-A)= …………
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2
31. jykr ArD-ivAws R vwly iksy c`kr dw Gyrw do Aijhy c`krW dy GyirAW dy joV dy brwbr hY ijnHW dy ArD-ivAws kRmvwr R1 Aqy R2 hn, qW:
If the sum of circumference of two circle with redii R1 and R2 is equal to circumference of a circle of radius R, Then :
(a) R1 + R2 = R (b) R1 + R2 R (c) R1 + R2 R (d) iehnW iv`coN koeI nhI (None of these) 32. ie`k c`kr dy ie`k ArD ivAwsI KMf dw KyqrPl pqw kro,ijsdw kyNdrI kox 300 hY Aqy ies c`kr dw KyqrPl 288 cm2 hY[
Find the area of the sector of a circle with central angle 300 if area of this circle is 288 cm2.
(a) 16 cm2 (b) 24 cm2 (c) 20 cm2 (d) 28 cm2
bhinder singh
33. iksy id`qy gey kyNdrI kox leI ikhVw kQn shI hY?(For a given central angle ,which statement Is
(a) ArD ivAwsI KMf Aqy ckrI KMf brwbr huMdy hn(Area of sector is equal to area of
segment) (b) ArD ivAwsI KMf, ckrI KMf qoN ijAwdw huMdw hY[(Area of sector is greater than area of
segment) (c) ArD ivAwsI KMf, ckrI KMf qoN G`t huMdw hY[ (Area of sector is smaller than area of
segment) (d) iehnW iv`coN koeI nhI (None of these)
34. jykr id`qy ic`qr iv`c OAB ie`k smBujI iqRBuj hY Aqy O c`kr dw kyNdr hY qW hyT idiqAW iv`coN ikhVw rMgIn Bwg dy KyqrPl leI FukvW hY? In the given figure if OAB is an equilateral triangle and O is the centre of the circle then which of the following is correct for area of shaded region?
(a) π× 6×6 +
× π × 6×6 )
35. 1, 2, 3, 4, …, 15 iv`co Acwnk cuxI geI ie`k sMiKAw dyy 4 dy guxj hox dI sMBwvnw hY:
The probability that a number selected at random from the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, …, 15 is a multiple of 4 is:
( a) ( b )
( d)
36. ie`k bYg iv`c 8 lwl gyNdw ,6 hrIAw gyNdw Aqy 5 nIlIAw gyNdw hn [ ie`k gyNd bYg iv`cNo Acwnk k`FI geI hY [sPYd gyNd dI sMBwvnw kI hovygI ? A bag contains 8 red, 6 green and 5 blue balls. A ball is drawn randomly. What is the probability of getting a white ball ?
( a ) 1 ( b)
( d ) 0
37. ie`k ividAwrQI dy kol ie`k Aijhw pwsw hY ijsdy PlkW au`qy hyT ilKy A`Kr AMikq hn:
A student has a dice on which following alphabets are printed:
ies pwsy nMU iek vwr su`itAw hWdw hY iesdI kI sMBwvnw hY ik S pRwpq hovy?
Find the probability of getting ‘S’ in single throw of this dice?
(a) ( b )
( d ) 0
38. hyT idiqAw ivcoN ikhVI iksy Gtnw dI sMBwvnW nhI ho skdI?Which of following number
cannot be the probability of an event? (a)
( b) 1 (c) 0.56 ( d)
39. cMgI qrWH PYNtI hoeI 52 p`iqAw dI qwS dI gu`tI iv`coN iK`cy gey ie`k p`qy dy ‘ie`kw’ hox dI sMBwvnw kI hovygI ? A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. What is the probability of getting an ‘Ace’?
( b )
( d )
40. jykr P (A ) , sMBv Gtnw A dI sMBwvnW nUM drswauNdw hY qW id`iqAW iv`coN ikhVw kQn shI hY ?
If P(A) represent the probability of a possible event A then which of the following statement is true? ( a ) 0<P(E)≤1 ( b ) 0≤P(E)≤1 (c) 0≤P(E)<1 ( d ) 0<P(E)<1
bhinder singh

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