aws enterprise summit - 클라우드 네이티브 신규 애플리케이션 구축하기 - 정윤진

Seoul, Korea

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Seoul, Korea

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Systems of Engagement: Cloud Native New Applications Younjin Jeong

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Ice breaking

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Early days of Aviation History

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Delivers Reliable, Stable,

Complex and compliance validated

“Business Platform”

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“The capability and maturity of the AWS brand and its proven track record really stood out for us when evaluating service providers”

“We would not have got to this stage so quickly without support from AWS,” he continues. “The reliability and redundancy of our solution on AWS has ensured almost 100 percent availability.”

Andrew Stevens, Technical Analyst, Qantas

“We have learned a lot about the cloud through this process and it has all been very positive,” says Stevens. “The more we have used AWS, the more confident we have become in it carrying production workloads, that has been the biggest result for us.”

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Enterprise Business

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New Business Opportunities

• Digital Marketing • Brand Home Page • Global Expansion

• Mobile devices support • Web based applications • Internet of things

Business demands

Platform demands

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Your Data Centers

But You Only Have…

Traditional Infrastructures

Enterprise Applications

Traditional Human Resources

Network / OS Administrators

Java / SAP Only Developers


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So Your Application May Look Like…




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USUALY, This kind of systems are known/tagged as MISSION CRITICAL Which means, CHANGES are NOT WELCOMED NO ROOM to ADD New Applications

It has problem when you want start new businesses

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If you want buy a new hardware…

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Business Patterns Today




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Business Patterns Today - agility

Your IDEA today

Your SERVICE today

User & Revenue Increase

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Means You Cannot

Buy more like this because, Extremely high Price for High Risk Expand this kind of applications because, It’s mission critical and it takes time to build and use for services

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“저희는 글로벌 웹 애플리케이션의 성능 저하를 해결할 수 있는 방안을 찾기 시작했습니다. 가장 먼저 호스팅 서비스를 고려해 보았지만, 많은 경우 문제 해결에 상당한 비용이 필요하고 TCO도 높을 것으로 예상되었습니다. 자체 인프라에서도 유닉스 대신 리눅스를 시도하는 등 다양한 비용 절감책을 찾아보았지만, 유지보수업체가 지속적으로 난색을 표해 이마저도 어렵게 되었습니다. 무엇보다도 이러한 전통적 방식이 글로벌 비즈니스에 어울리는 저비용 고효율 인프라 구축에 적합한지에 대한 의문이 가장 컸습니다."

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“글로벌 서비스를 위해 미국, 유럽, 아시아 등 전 세계에 구축된 리전의 가용성과 안전성을 고려하여 AWS 클라우드를 도입하기로 결정했습니다. 사용한 자원에 대해서만 비용을 지불하는 과금 구조가 TCO 및 운영 비용 절감이라는 아모레퍼시픽의 계획과 부합했기 때문입니다.”

“AWS 도입 당시에 기대했던 것보다 더 만족스럽습니다. 자체 데이터센터에만 의존했다면 아모레퍼시픽의 글로벌 임직원과 고객들을 만족시키기는 어려웠으리라 생각합니다. 또한 정해진 인력으로 서비스를 운영해야 하는 입장에서 인프라 관리보다 고객의 서비스 경험 개선에 주력할 수 있게 되어 더욱 기쁩니다.”

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Brand Global Site IBM Domino

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Proof of Concept

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Cloud Native Applications

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Today’s ‘cloud native’ applications

Deployed and managed, automatically Cost aware Globally distributed

Composed and orchestrated

Encrypted, end to end

Content follows you across devices

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1. Deployed and managed, automatically

Designed to respond quickly in live environments, with light operational support

Five person ops team

Increased operational efficiency for Sharepoint, BI and SQL Server

Scale automatically for entertainment platform

DevOps deployment and management

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400,000 people are hosted on any given night

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Total Number of Guests

January 2013 4 Million

Sep 20

Mar 200

Sep 201

Sep 200

Mar 201

Sep 201

Mar 201

Sep 201

Mar 201

Mar 201

Sep 201


Mar 201

Jun 2014





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Sep 20

Mar 200

Sep 201

Sep 200

Mar 201

Sep 201

Mar 201

Sep 201

Mar 201

Mar 201

Sep 201

June 2014 15 Million

Up By Over 10 Million In One Year Total Number of Guests


Mar 201

Jun 2014





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2010 2014

24 48



Total Number of EC2 instances

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We have a 5 person operations team.

AWS allows us to devote our resources and mindshare to the core business.

“ ”

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2. Cost aware

Price model optimization

Dynamic pricing and cost optimization as architectural drivers

Machine readable adverse event reports

Getting the best use of public grant money with Spot

Automated bids & CloudFormation

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By using AWS, the FDA and AWS Partner Captricity quickly turn manual reports into machine-readable information with 99.7% accuracy, reducing costs from $29 per page to $0.25 per page.

"FC 바르셀로나와 그 고객에게는 확장성, 프로비저닝, 보안이 매우 중요한 사항입니다. AWS는 사실상 무제한의 용량을 제공하면서도 사전 투자금 없이 사용량에 따라 지불하면 되기 때문에 이러한 사항을 충족하기에 더 없이 이상적입니다. 또한 탄력적인 용량 덕분에 스포츠 분야에서 빈번히 발생하는 급증하는 트래픽을 처리하기가 간편합니다."

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3. Globally distributed

Suggestions co-ordinated across regions

Global, up to date virtual lab

Low latency delivery of in-game content

Globally distributed AdTech engine

Operating across multiple availability zones in multiple regions

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Ad Servers

Bidding Engine



20ms 20ms


100+ countries 100ms deadline

Tens of thousands of bidders 1.5PB in S3

Tens of thousands of writes per second

Hundreds of millions of records synchronized globally

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4. Composed and orchestrated

Smooth operation through orchestration of loosely coupled components

Large scale data storage and processing

Real time view on mobile game usage

Image relevancy scoring at Olympics scale

Global orchestration via ‘Polyphony’

Databases Compute


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Global orchestration via Loosely coupled architecture

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5. Encrypted, end to end

HIPAA environment for staffing and billing

Research and analytics for investors

Enterprise managed services

PCI-DSS compliant hotel management

Routine, robust and reliable end-to-end data encryption

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S3 Glacier

EC2 Redshift

Internal SFTP Feeds

On-premises databases

External feeds

BI on EC2

Microsoft Analysis Services

Campaigns on EC2

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Amazon Redshift and Encryption

Block key


Block key

Cluster key Cluster key Master key




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6. Content follows you across devices

Programming and distribution

Music recommendation service and ‘smart hub’

Instant-on, always up-to-date character builder

National Rail timetables and scheduling

Multiple windows into your content, data and apps

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AppStream could allow new users of Eve Online to start constructing their avatars while the game itself (nearly 6 GB) downloads. He believes that this immediate, frictionless experience will allow potential players to start investing in the game earlier in the download cycle, leading to better user retention and increased usage.

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Today’s ‘cloud native’ applications

Deployed and managed, automatically Cost aware Globally distributed

Composed and orchestrated

Encrypted, end to end

Content follows you across devices

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Secure Resources to Maintain Control

Secure compute Secure storage Secure network Secure key management Governance

Software-defined private network

Fine-grained access roles and groups

Encrypted Object Storage

Private encryption key management

Geographic data locality

Dedicated private network connection

Software-defined network isolation

Encrypted Block Storage

Fine-grained access control

Dedicated instances Single Tenant Block Storage

In-depth audits

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Ingestion Backup Restore

S3 DynamoDB


SQL Clients & BI Tools




Internal VPC

Customer VPC

Amazon Redshift and VPC

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Amazon WorkSpaces and VPC


WorkSpaces Subnet 1

Availability Zone A


WorkSpaces Subnet 2

Availability Zone B



Virtual Private Gateway

Customer Gateway

On-premises network

On-premises firewall


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Do not focus on IT infrastructures. Focus on your businesses.

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“By choosing AWS to support Agile principles and practices, Suncorp was able to launch a working virtual private cloud and virtual data center in under three months and plans to move 2,000 applications to AWS Cloud.”

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Exams Validate your proven

technical expertise with the AWS platform

On-Demand Resources self-paced-labs

Videos & Labs Get hands-on practice

working with AWS technologies in a live


Instructor-Led Courses

Training Classes Expand your technical

expertise to design, deploy, and operate scalable,

efficient applications on AWS

Training and Certification

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Want to increase innovation? Lower the cost of failure.

Joi Ito – Director MIT Media Lab.

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