bridgebythebeach contents - ·...

MASTERPOINTS! LEADERS THRU WEDNESDAY (COMPLETED EVENTS ONLY) 1 Piotr Wiankowski, Gdansk Poland ................ 48.48 1 Piotr Nawrocki, Warsaw Poland ................... 48.48 1 Bartosz Chmurski, Lomianky Poland ........... 48.48 1 Josef Blass, Chapel Hill NC................................. 48.48 1 Piotr Tuczynski, Poznan Poland .....................48.48 1 Jacek Pszczola, Chapel Hill NC.......................... 48.48 7 Yan Wang, Scarborough ON................................ 46.81 7 Shan Huang, Toronto ON..................................... 46.81 7 Edward Xu, North York ON.................................. 46.81 7 Richard Chan, Markham ON............................... 46.81 11 Kathy Adachi, Surrey BC.......................................42.79 12 Lea Rogers, Spokane WA..................................... 38.67 12 G Gard Hays, Veradale WA...................................38.67 14 Bryan Gerard, Bellevue WA................................. 38.57 14 Mark Zellmer, Creve Coeur MO.......................... 38.57 16 June Keith, New Westminster BC...................... 38.40 ( top 158 thru Wednesday starts on page 6 ) NON-LIFE MASTER LEADERS 1 Dixie Duncan, Kamloops BC................................ 19.32 2 Richard Bickley, Calgary AB................................ 14.89 2 Blake Fleming, Calgary AB...................................14.89 4 Constance Leichner, Hayden Lake ID...............14.67 4 Martha Schwake, Coeur D Alene ID.................. 14.67 6 Shameine Ali, Vancouver BC............................... 14.59 6 Murray Cutten, Goodyear AZ.............................. 14.59 (top 39 non-Life Masters thru Wednesday: page 22) Contents THURSDAY , June 16 2, 23 Brain Warmups 3 Okanagan Notes 4-5 Wednesday Open Pairs 6-7 Wednesday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs 8-9 Tuesday-Wednesday Knockout Teams 9 Wednesday Evening Swiss Teams 10 Tuesday Gold Rush Pairs (corrected) 10-13 Wednesday-Thursday KO Brackets 14-15 Morning KO Brackets 16-18 Tuesday Side Games and Leaders 20-21 Wednesday 199er & 49er Games 24 Tomorrow’s Schedule ATTENDANCE 1366½ TABLES THRU WEDNESDAY B B r r i i d d g g e e B B y y T T h h e e B B e e a a c c h h ][ Daily Bulletin of the }{ }{ 2016 Penticton Regional ][ ][}{ Editor: Bruce McIntyre ][}{ Today's Schedule THURSDAY , June 16, 2016 MORNING EVENTS................................................... 8:45AM Cabernet Morning Compact KnockoutTeams..... ( bracketed ) ( 4-person teams only ) .......... ( concludes Friday morning ) Pinot Morning Knockout Teams....................... ( bracketed ) ( semifinals ) ........................... ( concludes Friday morning ) EARLY BIRD Side Game Series ( #3 of 5 )..................................... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ) Morning 199er Pairs..................... ( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 ) AFTERNOON &EVENING EVENTS........... 1:00PM & 7:15PM Shiraz Knockout Teams..................................... ( bracketed ) (opening round and quarterfinals ) ....... (continues Friday ) Gewurtztraminer Knockout Teams................... ( bracketed ) (semifinals and finals) Open Pairs .................................................. ( 2000+ / 0-2000 ) Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs............. ( 500-750 / 300-500 / 0-300 ) AFTERNOON SINGLE-SESSION EVENTS..................... 1:00PM WEEKDAY Side Game Series ( #5 of 6 )..................................... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ) Afternoon 199er Pairs................... ( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 ) Daily 49er Pairs ...................................... ( 20-50 / 5-20 / 0-5 ) EVENING SINGLE-SESSION EVENTS.......................... 7:15PM Evening Swiss Teams................. ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ) WEEKDAY Side Game Series ( #6 of 6 )..................................... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ) Evening 199er Pairs...................... ( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 ) LATE NIGHT SINGLE-SESSION EVENT................... 10:45PM Zip Knockout Teams.................. ( handicaps if one bracket ) The first session of a multi-session event is in boldface. Side Games may be entered at any time. All events are stratified or bracketed by the average masterpoint holding of a pair or team. However, if the event is not an open event, all members of a pair or team must be below the event limit (even if the pair or team average “fits”). Entry selling locations: inside at the directors desk for all events except for pairs games beginning at 1:00 pm. Please: no scents.

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Page 1: BridgeByTheBeach Contents - · 2016-09-16 · June16,2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page3 OkanaganNotes


(COMPLETED EVENTS ONLY)1 Piotr Wiankowski, Gdansk Poland ................48.481 Piotr Nawrocki, Warsaw Poland ................... 48.481 Bartosz Chmurski, Lomianky Poland ........... 48.481 Josef Blass, Chapel Hill NC................................. 48.481 Piotr Tuczynski, Poznan Poland .....................48.481 Jacek Pszczola, Chapel Hill NC.......................... 48.487 Yan Wang, Scarborough ON................................46.817 Shan Huang, Toronto ON.....................................46.817 Edward Xu, North York ON.................................. 46.817 Richard Chan, Markham ON............................... 46.8111 Kathy Adachi, Surrey BC.......................................42.7912 Lea Rogers, Spokane WA..................................... 38.6712 G Gard Hays, Veradale WA...................................38.6714 Bryan Gerard, Bellevue WA................................. 38.5714 Mark Zellmer, Creve Coeur MO.......................... 38.5716 June Keith, New Westminster BC...................... 38.40

( top 158 thru Wednesday starts on page 6 )

NON-LIFE MASTER LEADERS1 Dixie Duncan, Kamloops BC................................19.322 Richard Bickley, Calgary AB................................ 14.892 Blake Fleming, Calgary AB...................................14.894 Constance Leichner, Hayden Lake ID...............14.674 Martha Schwake, Coeur D Alene ID.................. 14.676 Shameine Ali, Vancouver BC...............................14.596 Murray Cutten, Goodyear AZ.............................. 14.59

(top 39 non-Life Masters thru Wednesday: page 22)

ContentsTHURSDAY, June 162, 23 Brain Warmups3 Okanagan Notes4-5 Wednesday Open Pairs6-7 Wednesday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs8-9 Tuesday-Wednesday Knockout Teams9 Wednesday Evening Swiss Teams10 Tuesday Gold Rush Pairs (corrected)10-13 Wednesday-Thursday KO Brackets14-15 Morning KO Brackets16-18 Tuesday Side Games and Leaders20-21 Wednesday 199er & 49er Games24 Tomorrow’s Schedule


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TTooddaayy''ss SScchheedduulleeTTHHUURRSSDDAAYY,, JJuunnee 1166,, 22001166

MORNING EVENTS................................................... 8:45AM

CabernetMorningCompactKnockoutTeams..... ( bracketed )( 4-person teams only ) .......... ( concludes Friday morning )Pinot Morning Knockout Teams....................... ( bracketed )( semifinals ) ........................... ( concludes Friday morning )EARLY BIRD Side Game Series( #3 of 5 )..................................... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 )Morning 199er Pairs..................... ( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 )

AFTERNOON & EVENING EVENTS........... 1:00PM & 7:15PM

Shiraz Knockout Teams.....................................( bracketed )(opening round and quarterfinals ) ....... (continues Friday )Gewurtztraminer Knockout Teams...................( bracketed )(semifinals and finals)Open Pairs ..................................................( 2000+ / 0-2000 )Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs............. ( 500-750 / 300-500 / 0-300 )


WEEKDAY Side Game Series( #5 of 6 )..................................... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 )Afternoon 199er Pairs...................( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 )Daily 49er Pairs ...................................... ( 20-50 / 5-20 / 0-5 )

EVENING SINGLE-SESSION EVENTS..........................7:15PM

Evening Swiss Teams.................( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 )WEEKDAY Side Game Series( #6 of 6 )..................................... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 )Evening 199er Pairs...................... ( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 )

LATE NIGHT SINGLE-SESSION EVENT................... 10:45PM

Zip Knockout Teams..................( handicaps if one bracket )

The first session of a multi-session event is in boldface.

Side Games may be entered at any time.

All events are stratified or bracketed by the averagemasterpoint holding of a pair or team. However, if the eventis not an open event, all members of a pair or team must bebelow the event limit (even if the pair or team average “fits”).

Entry selling locations: inside at the directors desk for allevents except for pairs games beginning at 1:00 pm.

Please: no scents.

Page 2: BridgeByTheBeach Contents - · 2016-09-16 · June16,2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page3 OkanaganNotes

Numbers, Symbols &WordsYour DailyWarmup PuzzlesIn bridge we manipulate puzzles involving numbers, symbols andwords and strive for logical solutions (or at least inspiredguesses). In each issue this week we will feature a pair ofnumber/symbol puzzles, an easy one here on page two, and aharder one on the inside back cover; and, a word puzzle at thebottom of this page. In all of these puzzles, you will be able tosolve them without guesswork, by logical deductions alone, whichis what we're all trying to do at the table.

Today's puzzle is called Bridges. We start with islands that havenumbers in them. Your objective is to connect these islands withbridges, such that:

-all bridges are straight lines that go left-right or up-down. Nodiagonals, turns, or slants.

-the number of bridges terminating at any island is equal to thenumber written in that island

-islands can be connnected with one bridge or with two parallelbridges, but no more than two

-it must be possible to get from any island to any other via the network of bridges-no bridges may cross one another or go over an island

The easy version is above right. Hints, and a more difficult puzzle will appear on page 23. Answerswill appear in tomorrow's Daily Bulletin. For more warmups, check out the word puzzle below.

Word puzzles this week are from an app called Unolingo. It is a crossword without clues! There areexactly 26 blanks to fill in: each letter of the alphabet fills one of the blanks. The puzzles are designed

so that only common Englishwords are used; there are nounfamiliar, arcane, centuries-old words found only incrossword puzzles. Look firstfor the locations of the hardletters: QU, X, J, Z. Be sure tomark off the letters used inthe checking area beside thegrid to keep track of yourprogress. It's not as difficultas it seems! I did most ofthese in 3-6 minutes.

A list of words in the puzzle(in alphabetical order) is onpage ??. If you need a morelimited hint, ask someone toexamine the word list and tellyou if a word you suspect ison the list.

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June 16, 2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page 3

Okanagan NotesAttendance on the rise!Over a hundred tables better than this point lastyear! Getting all the stuff into 24 pages is turninginto a bit of a squeeze, but we should eventuallyhave room for longermasterpoint lists and largerphotos.

Another new Life Master!Wenda Hopp, of Madeira ParkBC. Congratulations!

I don't want to give anythingaway, but you'd have to be asmall flashlight-compass not togo and register at the HospitalityDesk and receive your free bag of assortedgoodies, doodads and information packets. TheHospitality Desk is also where to go to get a ticketfor the daily door prize draws. Prizes of all sortsare available from many local supporters of thetournament. Unclaimed ticket numbers at11:30pm last night were: 96391, 96390, 96066,96137, 9974282, 96402, 96749, 96740, 96738, 96688,96715, 96581, 96628, 96079, 96259, 9974290. Thislist is by the Hospitality Desk and updateswhenever new tickets are drawn for prizes.

Event WInNEr prizes are available near theHospitality Desk from 4:30-5:00 today, and afterthe evening session. Overall winners of OpenPairs, Side Game Series (the individual serieswinner, not the individual games), and bracketwinners (limited to four prizes per team) areeligible. If you have won an event listed above, goget your prize as soon as you can, for they arelimited and will run out at some point.

Everyone (not just winners) in the 49er, 199er,and Gold Rush games is welcome to attend theAppreciation Reception at the Sandman todaybetween 4:50 and 6:30PM, which will be awonderful prize in itself: food and beveragesupplied.

The Concession Stand is open from 8:00 until3:00, and then moves over to the bar setup for theevening, 6-9pm (later on Friday so you can toastElvis). Beverages, sandwiches, cookies, and othersnacks. There is a fine deal on the Sunday lunch

but they want you to sign up in advance and makeyour order, to minimize the break time and get usall on the road a bit quicker at the end. You don'thave to order a lunch but it is recommended,since there will not be time to go out for food onSunday. Order sheets are at the Hospitality Deskor at the Concession Stand.

Parking details: no parking passes this year asthe downtown area has some construction goingon, but it is known that parking restrictions after4:30 are not at all a priority of Penticton's finest...During the day most city lot or Main Street spotsare OK for two hours.

Also, if you have won an event, come to theBulletin office outside the far end of the pairsarea, near Section S. Bring your teammates orpartner, and we'll get your photo for the DailyBulletin. New Life Masters or other LM Ranks aregood for a photo as well.

You can pay for entries with your credit card,and purchase vouchers that can be used all weekwhen buying entries! David Schmidt has a smalltable set up beside the entry sellers before eachafternoon and evening session. There is no extracharge for this service, the vouchers cost $14Canadian at whatever the current exchange rate is.Remember though that you still need to line upand pay for an actual entry with the purchasedvoucher, plus the $4 surcharge for non-members.

Also today: each evening at about 6:30 pm, aquick bridge talk, from the corner of the roomclosest to section Q. Last night's speaker wasRhonda Foster of Victoria BC. The identitiy oftonight's speaker is in the Bulletin office, which isa shame since it is 5:40am and I am in the hotelroom... Whoever it is, it will be good, entertainingand instructive, so go listen!

We are happy to announce that is upand running again with a new talented person atthe helm, JP Weber. Links to the Daily Bulletins(posted each morning by 7am), the photos page(which we will update when there is time andprobably will not be complete until Sunday night),and a Penticton-specific ACBL Live link (resultsposted shortly after all play finishes each session),are on the Penticton page, which you willfind here:

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Page 4 2016 Penticton Regional Daily Bulletin THURSDAY Edition

Wednesday Open PairsHays and Rogers win despite breaking the McBruce RuleThe McBruce Rule guarantees that you will win a Flight A open pairs if you put together two 60%sessions (unless someone else does). Winners Lea Rogers and Gard Hays broke the rule by limitingthemselves to 59.98% in the second session, but won the event anyhow, by more than half a board, soit's back to the drawing board... In the under-2000 strat Mark Zellmer and Bryan Gerard finishedstrong to win by almost a full board.

Top on a board: 38. Average for the event was 988. Winning scores were 1226.14 (A), 1200.54 (B). Tomake the overalls you needed a total of 1066.20 (A), 1015.06 (B).Score MPts A B Wednesday Open Pairs (45, 43 tables)62.05% 34.57 1 Lea Rogers, SpokaneWA;G Gard Hays,VeradaleWA60.96% 25.93 2 Gerald Fox, Napa CA; Tom Jacobson, Fairfield CA60.76% 19.45 3 1 Mark Zellmer, Creve CoeurMO; Bryan Gerard, BellevueWA59.95% 14.58 4 Karen Turner - Duncan Smith, Victoria BC59.07% 11.52 5 2 Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA; Nancy Sjoblom, Tumwater WA58.79% 9.88 6 3 Monica Woods, Richmond BC; Michael Roberts, Hilliard OH58.36% 8.64 7 Frank Shedden, 108 Mile Ranch BC; Chris Penner, Nanaimo BC58.12% 7.68 8 Michael Moffatt - Kathy Adachi, Surrey BC57.46% 6.91 9 4 Bud Craig - Kelly Meenagh, Kelowna BC56.15% 6.29 10 James Sache, Rosedale BC; Garry Skoropada, Maple Ridge BC55.93% 5.76 11 Robert Walters, New Westminster BC; Angela Fenton, Vancouver BC55.91% 7.86 12 5 Catherine Williams, Quesnel BC; Ellen Meyer, Austin TX55.79% 5.73 13 Jim Berglund - Gretta Hinton, Calgary AB55.49% 4.61 14 Kevin Young - Peter Worby, Regina SK55.30% 5.73 15 6 Gary Gilraine - Faye Gilraine, Vancouver BC55.21% 4.07 16 Doug Fraser - Sandra Fraser, Victoria BC55.05% 3.93 17 David Binney - Dave Walker, Seattle WA55.04% 5.26 18 7 Marylynn Ghitter - Al Stacey, Qualicum Beach BC54.87% 3.46 19 Dennis Goldston, Colorado Spgs CO; Donald Vancil, Aurora CO54.78% 3.29 20 Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB; June Keith, New Westminster BC53.98% 3.14 21 Lynn Blumenthal - Kate Hill, Santa Rosa CA53.96% 3.01 22 Vince Nowlan, Edmonton AB; Karen Kilworth, Strathmore AB53.08% 2.94 8 Doug Boothe, Summerland BC; Eileen Currier, Oliver BC53.07% 2.61 9 Michael Stickland - Angela Stickland, North Vancouver BC52.38% 2.37 10 Peggy Winter - Fred Baldwin, Ladner BC51.95% 2.18 11 Susan Ninyo - Avram Ninyo, Rancho Santa Fe CA51.66% 2.01 12 Ella Haylock, Nanaimo BC; Slava Simice, Comox BC51.37% 1.87 13 Bruce Sherman, La Mesa CA; David Vier, Escondido CA

UnolingoWord List (puzzle on page 2)Word List for today's Unolingo puzzle (in alphabetical order): armpit, bother, chef, daring,data, dives, edge, fixture, force, gala, grasp, hyena, jabs, lot, often, opaque, owe, ritzy, sky,

stay, to, to, vet, wood, zits. (Up to you to work out where they go.)

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June 16, 2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page 5

Wednesday EveningScore A B North-South Leaders (Sections N O P)64.78% 1 1 Mark Zellmer, Creve Coeur MO; Bryan Gerard, Bellevue

WA60.92% 2 Michael Moffatt - Kathy Adachi, Surrey BC60.10% 3 David Binney - Dave Walker, Seattle WA59.12% 4 2 Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA; Nancy Sjoblom,

Tumwater WA58.50% 5 3 Bud Craig - Kelly Meenagh, Kelowna BC56.07% 6 4 Kevin Fleming, Osoyoos BC; Kathy Zinger, Oliver BC55.77% 7 Ian Gibson, Naramata BC; Grant Wharry, Calgary AB55.37% 8 5 Brian Koblenz, Leavenworth WA; D Glassford, Chilliwack

BC54.39% 9 Paul Fournier - Bryan Maksymetz, Vancouver BC54.20% 10 Doug Fraser - Sandra Fraser, Victoria BC53.73% 11 Ray Grace - Helene Grace, Sherwood Park AB53.05% 12 6 Susan Ninyo - Avram Ninyo, Rancho Santa Fe CA52.81% 13 7 Dave Adelman - Marlene Lenstra, Calgary AB52.76% 14 8 Tony Thickett - Kari Kuntsi, Powell River BC52.65% 15 Robert Walters, New Westminster BC; Angela Fenton,

Vancouver BC52.33% 16 John Keech, Victoria BC; Kathy Bye, Burnaby BC52.32% 17 Kevin Young - Peter Worby, Regina SK51.91% 9 Ella Haylock, Nanaimo BC; Slava Simice, Comox BC51.53% 10 Michael Stickland - Angela Stickland, North Vancouver


Wednesday EveningScore A B East-West Leaders (Sections N O P)66.33% 1 1 Catherine Williams, Quesnel BC; Ellen Meyer, Austin TX62.72% 2 Karen Turner - Duncan Smith, Victoria BC61.55% 3 Gerald Fox, Napa CA; Tom Jacobson, Fairfield CA61.46% 4 2 Monica Woods, Richmond BC; Michael Roberts, Hilliard

OH59.98% 5 Lea Rogers, Spokane WA; G Gard Hays, Veradale WA57.26% 6 Elaine Sorensen, Winfield BC; Judy Clerke, Vernon BC56.63% 7 James Sache, Rosedale BC; Garry Skoropada, Maple

Ridge BC56.35% 8 Vince Nowlan, Edmonton AB; Karen Kilworth,

Strathmore AB54.64% 9 Nicholas France, Spring Valley NY; Judy Hess, Kirkland

WA54.11% 10 3 Marylynn Ghitter - Al Stacey, Qualicum Beach BC54.06% 11 4 Gharib Mohamed - Wendy Mohamed, West Kelowna BC53.80% 12 Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB; June Keith, New

Westminster BC53.29% 13 David Todd, Victoria BC; Pete Marinus, Courtenay BC53.02% 14 Dennis Goldston, Colorado Spgs CO; Donald Vancil,

Aurora CO52.76% 15 Elsie Ball - Glen Fidler, Winnipeg MB52.64% 16 5 Bruce Sherman, La Mesa CA; David Vier, Escondido CA51.61% 17 6 Peggy Winter - Fred Baldwin, Ladner BC51.35% 7 Caroline Solonenko, Brackendale BC; Brian Busby,

Garibldi-Hgld BC51.00% 8 Doug Boothe, Summerland BC; Eileen Currier, Oliver BC50.45% 9 Mary Greeniaus - Ted Greeniaus, Redmond WA49.30% 10 L Ralph Buckley - David Gabel, Vancouver BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore A B North-South Leaders (Sections N O P)64.12% 1 Lea Rogers, Spokane WA; G Gard Hays, Veradale WA62.45% 2 Jim Berglund - Gretta Hinton, Calgary AB60.37% 3 Gerald Fox, Napa CA; Tom Jacobson, Fairfield CA57.64% 4 Peter Morse, North Vancouver BC; Ryley Breiddal,

Vancouver BC57.24% 5 Lynn Blumenthal - Kate Hill, Santa Rosa CA57.19% 6 Karen Turner - Duncan Smith, Victoria BC56.73% 7 Dennis Goldston, Colorado Spgs CO; Donald Vancil,

Aurora CO56.07% 8 Judy Harris, Salmon Arm BC; Brian Dixon, Glendale CA55.97% 9 1 Marylynn Ghitter - Al Stacey, Qualicum Beach BC55.77% 10 Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB; June Keith, New

Westminster BC55.67% 11 James Sache, Rosedale BC; Garry Skoropada, Maple

Ridge BC55.16% 12 2 Doug Boothe, Summerland BC; Eileen Currier, Oliver BC54.66% 13 3 Suzanne McCarthy - Leigh Anne Shafer, Winnipeg MB54.61% 14/15 4/5 Michael Stickland - Angela Stickland, North Vancouver

BC54.61% 14/15 4/5 Gail Shotton - Doug Shotton, Lac Du Bonnet MB54.40% 16 6 Ted Moffatt - Louis Beduz, Creston BC53.80% 17 Rhoda Tafler, Richmond BC; Insa Fricker, White Rock BC53.69% 18 7 David Schmidt, Chilliwack BC; Diane Bishoff, Reno NV53.14% 8 Peggy Winter - Fred Baldwin, Ladner BC52.02% 9 Isabel Chernoff - Jane Youngberg, Surrey BC51.87% 10 Henry Lust - Joyce Lust, Nanaimo BC51.42% 11 Ella Haylock, Nanaimo BC; Slava Simice, Comox BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore A B East-West Leaders (Sections N O P)64.52% 1 Frank Shedden, 108 Mile Ranch BC; Chris Penner,

Nanaimo BC59.51% 2 1 Gary Gilraine - Faye Gilraine, Vancouver BC59.21% 3 Robert Walters, New Westminster BC; Angela Fenton,

Vancouver BC59.01% 4 2 Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA; Nancy Sjoblom,

Tumwater WA58.65% 5 Kevin Young - Peter Worby, Regina SK56.73% 6 3 Mark Zellmer, Creve Coeur MO; Bryan Gerard, Bellevue WA56.68% 7 Katie Christie - Elaine Ware, Vernon BC56.43% 8 4 Bud Craig - Kelly Meenagh, Kelowna BC56.22% 9 Doug Fraser - Sandra Fraser, Victoria BC56.12% 10/11 5 Monica Woods, Richmond BC; Michael Roberts, Hilliard OH56.12% 10/11 Jean Groome, Delta BC; Suzanne St Thomas, Boise ID55.31% 12 Michael Moffatt - Kathy Adachi, Surrey BC53.09% 13 6 Caroline Colliver, Calgary AB; Alison Campbell, Victoria

BC53.04% 14 Frank Ayer - Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB52.68% 15 Joerg Schneider, Vancouver BC; Stephen Beaton, North

Vancouver BC51.82% 16 7 Dennis O Donnell, Penticton BC; Lotte Elias, Fort Langley

BC51.57% 17 Vince Nowlan, Edmonton AB; Karen Kilworth,

Strathmore AB50.96% 18 Paul Fournier - Bryan Maksymetz, Vancouver BC50.86% 8 Susan Ninyo - Avram Ninyo, Rancho Santa Fe CA50.71% 9 Deborah Cool, Blaine WA; Stephanie Williams, Delta BC50.10% 10 Bruce Sherman, La Mesa CA; David Vier, Escondido CA

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Page 6 2016 Penticton Regional Daily Bulletin THURSDAY Edition

Wednesday Gold Rush PairsWeckworth and Migliorini hold on for event win!Leaders at halftime, Tom Weckworth and Lorenzo Migliorini held off challengers in the eveningsession, cruising to a win by twelve matchpoints on an 11 top. Ties were common in this game,Constance Leichner - Martha Schwake and Shameine Ali - Murray Cutten were tied for second and wonthe under-500 and under-300 strats, with lots more ties further down the list!

Top on a board: 11. Average for the event was 264. Winning scores were 322½ (7), 310½ (5, 3). Tomake the overalls you needed a total of 284 (7), 284½ (5), 279½ (3).Score MPts 7 5 3 Wednesday Gold Rush Pairs (42, 43 tables)61.08% 12.17 1 TomWeckworth,Quesnel BC; LorenzoMigliorini, SeattleWA58.81% 9.19 2/3 1/2 1/2 Constance Leichner,Hayden Lake ID;Martha Schwake, Coeur

D'Alene ID58.81% 9.19 2/3 1/2 1/2 ShameineAli,Vancouver BC;Murray Cutten,GoodyearAZ58.05% 5.91 4 3 Joy Wilson, Sechelt BC; Vinette Howell, Kelowna BC57.77% 4.43 5 4 Lee Parkinson - Fred Parkinson, Tacoma WA57.67% 3.26 6/7 5/6 Patricia Baughan, Penticton BC; James Hennessy, Calgary AB57.67% 3.26 6/7 5/6 Lois Mazuren, Sardis BC; Sharon Horvath, Agassiz BC57.58% 2.76 8 7 Don Copeland, Victoria BC; Delbert Haylock, Nanaimo BC57.48% 2.50 9 8 Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB; Lawrence Owens, Carstairs AB56.44% 2.12 10/119/10 Anne Jackson, Creston BC; Mark Beduz, Calgary AB56.44% 3.99 10/119/10 3 Adelina Wong-Chor, Vancouver BC; Janis Eaglesham, Maple Ridge BC54.92% 2.99 12 11 4 Rob Fought, West Vancouver BC; Howard Haugom, RW-Vancouver BC54.83% 2.36 13 12 5 Gale Muller - Madeleine Bourgouin, Vancouver BC54.26% 2.03 14 13 6 Patricia Martin - Nadine Bouckhout, Calgary AB54.17% 1.48 15/1614/15 Brian Willett, Calgary AB; Murielle Pritchard, Qualicum Beach BC54.17% 1.77 15/1614/15 7 Mel Zimmerman, Victoria BC; Brenda Wilson, North Saanich BC54.07% 1.50 17/1916/18 8/9 Carol Jensen, White Rock BC; Susan McEvoy, Langley BC54.07% 1.33 17/1916/18 Don McKay - Denise McKay, Vernon BC54.07% 1.61 17/1916/18 8/9 Gregory Clemmons - Janet Clemmons, Hillsboro OR53.88% 1.16 20 19 C Ann Brydon, Victoria BC; Steve Madarash, Kelowna BC53.79% 1.29 21 10 Richard Kennedy - Tony Alberts, Seattle WA53.69% 1.29 11 Sharon Gecse, Osoyoos BC; Betty Hunt, Summerland BC53.03% 1.45 12 Barbara Lacey, West Vancouver BC; Janet Argent, North Vancouver BC52.94% 1.60 13 Patricia Desbrisay - Janet Mori, Penticton BC

Masterpoint Leaders2016 Penticton Regional through Wednesday

Completed events only(ACBLScore breaks ties randomly)

1 Piotr Wiankowski, Gdansk Poland .....................48.481 Piotr Nawrocki, Warsaw Poland ........................ 48.481 Bartosz Chmurski, Lomianky Poland ................48.481 Josef Blass, Chapel Hill NC......................................48.481 Piotr Tuczynski, Poznan Poland ......................... 48.481 Jacek Pszczola, Chapel Hill NC............................... 48.48

7 Yan Wang, Scarborough ON.................................... 46.817 Shan Huang, Toronto ON......................................... 46.817 Edward Xu, North York ON...................................... 46.817 Richard Chan, Markham ON....................................46.8111 Kathy Adachi, Surrey BC...........................................42.7912 Lea Rogers, Spokane WA..........................................38.6712 G Gard Hays, Veradale WA.......................................38.6714 Bryan Gerard, Bellevue WA..................................... 38.5714 Mark Zellmer, Creve Coeur MO.............................. 38.5716 June Keith, New Westminster BC...........................38.4017 David Corn, Spokane WA..........................................35.69

(continued on page 17)

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June 16, 2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page 7

Wednesday AfternoonScore 7 5 3 North-South Leaders (Section L)64.39% 1 1 Lee Parkinson - Fred Parkinson, Tacoma WA58.52% 2 2 Joy Wilson, Sechelt BC; Vinette Howell, Kelowna BC56.06% 3 3 1 Richard Kennedy - Tony Alberts, Seattle WA55.49% 4 4 2 Gregory Clemmons - Janet Clemmons, Hillsboro OR53.98% 5 5 Lois Mazuren, Sardis BC; Sharon Horvath, Agassiz BC53.22% 6 3 Aileen Specht - Brenda Barden, Kamloops BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore 7 5 3 North-South Leaders (Section M)61.74% 1 1 1 Constance Leichner, Hayden Lake ID; Martha Schwake,

Coeur D Alene ID56.63% 2 2 BrianWillett, CalgaryAB;MuriellePritchard,QualicumBeachBC56.06% 3 3 2 Patricia Martin - Nadine Bouckhout, Calgary AB55.11% 4 Isebelle McLean - Allan Barclay, Edmonton AB53.60% 5 4 3 Adelina Wong-Chor, Vancouver BC; Janis Eaglesham,

Maple Ridge BC50.95% 6 5 C Ann Brydon, Victoria BC; Steve Madarash, Kelowna BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore 7 5 3 North-South Leaders (Section S)60.04% 1 1 Patricia Baughan, Penticton BC; James Hennessy,

Calgary AB56.82% 2 2 1 Marguerite Paulsen, Calgary AB; GeorgeWood,MapleRidgeBC54.92% 3 3 2 Pamela Moore - Margaret Duncan, Vancouver BC54.36% 4 Donald Cottam - Cecie Vatne, Rochester WA53.79% 5 4 Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB; Lawrence Owens,

Carstairs AB50.76% 6 5 3 Barbara Lacey, West Vancouver BC; Janet Argent, North

Vancouver BC49.05% 4 Roger Lucas - Rose Lucas, Campbell River BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore 7 5 3 East-West Leaders (Section L)63.64% 1 1 1 Shameine Ali, Vancouver BC; Murray Cutten, Goodyear AZ61.55% 2 2 2 Rob Fought, West Vancouver BC; Howard Haugom, RW-

Vancouver BC56.44% 3 Heather Erskine, London ON; Neville Hircock, Victoria BC53.98% 4 3 Don McKay - Denise McKay, Vernon BC52.65% 5 4 3 Yen Karro, Surrey BC; Vilas Namjoshi, Burnaby BC50.76% 6 4 Thomas Porter, Cranbrook BC; John Newell, Penticton BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore 7 5 3 East-West Leaders (Section M)57.77% 1 1 Don Copeland, Victoria BC; Delbert Haylock, Nanaimo BC56.82% 2 Ken Beck, Chilliwack BC; John Koster, Maple Ridge BC56.63% 3 2 Allister Gavel, Comox BC; William Taylor, Westbank BC55.87% 4 3 1 Janet Banning, West Vancouver BC; Wendy McCrea,

North Vancouver BC55.11% 5 4 2 Carol Jensen, White Rock BC; Susan McEvoy, Langley BC53.60% 6 5 3 Mel Zimmerman, Victoria BC; Brenda Wilson, North

Saanich BC50.76% 4 Gale Muller - Madeleine Bourgouin, Vancouver BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore 7 5 3 East-West Leaders (Section S)64.77% 1 Tom Weckworth, Quesnel BC; Lorenzo Migliorini, Seattle WA58.33% 2 1 1 Patricia Desbrisay - Janet Mori, Penticton BC54.17% 3 2 2 Josie Hennessy, Calgary AB; Stuart Baughan, Penticton BC52.84% 4 3 Florence Schramm, Westbank BC; Reatha Thiessen,

Kelowna BC50.76% 5 4 3 Doris Frost - Jan Mason, Surrey BC50.00% 6 5 Richard Sentner, Bow WA; William Rusby, Camano Island


Wednesday EveningScore 7 5 3 North-South Leaders (Section K)63.64% 1 1 Anne Jackson, Creston BC; Mark Beduz, Calgary AB59.85% 2 2 Sam Aucoin, Honolulu HI; Mike Landry, Prince George BC57.39% 3 Tom Weckworth, Quesnel BC; Lorenzo Migliorini, Seattle WA54.55% 4 3 1 Dan Branscum, Oak Harbor WA; William Maxson,

Stanwood WA51.70% 5 4 Barbara Hillman, Richmond BC; Gloria Woloshyn,

Winnipeg MB49.62% 6 5 Peter Gannon, Crofton BC; Norma Brodrick, Victoria BC49.05% 2/3 Grace Kennedy - Bill Kennedy, Campbell River BC49.05% 2/3 Doris Frost - Jan Mason, Surrey BC

Wednesday EveningScore 7 5 3 North-South Leaders (Section L)60.80% 1 1 1 Susan M Breiddal - Gina Curran, Victoria BC57.58% 2 2 Joy Wilson, Sechelt BC; Vinette Howell, Kelowna BC55.30% 3 Bernie Simkin - Carey Simkin, Rancho Santa Fe CA54.73% 4 3 2 Joan Hornal - Robert Hornal, Vancouver BC54.17% 5 4 Don McKay - Denise McKay, Vernon BC53.98% 6 5 3 Shameine Ali, Vancouver BC; Murray Cutten, Goodyear AZ50.76% 4 Gail Nixon, Naramata BC; Virginia Forrester, Vancouver BC

Wednesday EveningScore 7 5 3 North-South Leaders (Section M)58.90% 1/2 1/2 1/2 Gale Muller - Madeleine Bourgouin, Vancouver BC58.90% 1/2 1/2 1/2 Robert O'Brien - Joe Bryan Jackson, Penticton BC57.39% 3 3 Don Copeland, Victoria BC; Delbert Haylock, Nanaimo BC56.82% 4 4 C Ann Brydon, Victoria BC; Steve Madarash, Kelowna BC54.73% 5 5 3 Mel Zimmerman, Victoria BC; Brenda Wilson, North

Saanich BC53.22% 6 Shirley Laidlaw, SurreyBC; AdrianneDamgaard,Whistler BC

Wednesday EveningScore 7 5 3 East-West Leaders (Section K)59.28% 1 1 1 Adelina Wong-Chor, Vancouver BC; Janis Eaglesham,

Maple Ridge BC57.77% 2 2 2 Sharon Gecse, Osoyoos BC; Betty Hunt, Summerland BC55.87% 3 3 3 Constance Leichner, Hayden Lake ID; Martha Schwake,

Coeur D Alene ID55.11% 4 4 Joan Peterson - Mary Jane Brunt, Bellingham WA53.03% 5 5 4 Carol Jensen, White Rock BC; Susan McEvoy, Langley BC52.84% 6 Robert Bonkowski, Coquitlam BC; Ronald Edgar,

Vancouver BCWednesday Evening

Score 7 5 3 East-West Leaders (Section L)61.17% 1 1 Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB; Lawrence Owens,

Carstairs AB55.49% 2 2 1 John Cryer - Freda Cryer, Kelowna BC55.30% 3/5 3/5 Patricia Baughan, Penticton BC; James Hennessy, Calgary AB55.30% 3/5 3/5 2/3 Frances Monro - Ian Monro, Penticton BC55.30% 3/5 3/5 2/3 Barbara Lacey, West Vancouver BC; Janet Argent, North

Vancouver BC53.98% 6 4 Steve Kasner - Anne Bruskland, Bellevue WA

Wednesday EveningScore 7 5 3 East-West Leaders (Section M)61.36% 1 1 Lois Mazuren, Sardis BC; Sharon Horvath, Agassiz BC56.82% 2 David Murison, Vernon BC; Robert Murray, Armstrong BC56.06% 3 2 1 Darrel Jones - Roy Haugen, Kamloops BC53.60% 4 Linda Henry - Robert Henry, Kelowna BC52.65% 5 3 2 Gregory Clemmons - Janet Clemmons, Hillsboro OR52.08% 6 4 3 Aileen Specht - Brenda Barden, Kamloops BC51.70% 5 Thomas Porter, Cranbrook BC; John Newell, Penticton BC

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Tuesday-Wednesday Knockout TeamsWinners: HUANG,HORNBY, SILLS,HAMILTON, CREECH, BOYD, JONES, ANDERSONMPts Brkt Rank Tuesday-Wednesday Knockout Teams (116 teams, 8 brackets)44.56 I 1 ShanHuang,Toronto ON;YanWang, Scarborough ON; Edward Xu,NorthYork ON;

Richard Chan,MarkhamON31.19 2 DavidCorn,SpokaneWA;LeoGlaser,WinfieldBC;PollyDunn-PatrickDunn,BellevueWA17.82 3/4 JimLeuker - Vicki Lerner - Steve Smolen, SanFranciscoCA; LaurenFriedman,DalyCityCA17.82 3/4 Sun-O Ho, Redmond WA; Stanley Roberts, Kirkland WA; Jim Aitken, Bellevue WA;

Ronald Tracy, Edmonds WA27.15 II 1 RaymondHornby - Marielle Brentnall - Ken Sired - Leonard Doerksen,WinnipegMB19.01 2 Maureen Murphy - Tim Edwards-Davies, Ottawa ON; Ranald Davidson, North York

ON; Rona Cappell, Toronto ON10.86 3/4 Linda Connell - Ken Connell, Saskatoon SK; Linda Thierman, Calgary AB; Debbie

Hargreaves, Victoria BC10.86 3/4 Andrew Loh - Patricia Loh - Harriet Smith, Solana Beach CA; Paul Darin, San Diego CA23.09 III 1 Ben Sills, Powell River BC; Pat Larin, RanchoMirage CA; Suzanne Kemp -Angela

Taylor, Nanaimo BC16.16 2 JohnPerry - Julie Perry, PrinceGeorgeBC; AldenEdwards -DianaKnowles, KelownaBC9.24 3/4 KayAdams -WendieBerge -MargaretMoen, SeattleWA;VivianCamandona,Mill CreekWA9.24 3/4 Susan Wigmore - Avril Karr - Rod Hilderman - Walter Brock, Calgary AB19.32 IV 1 CraigHamilton -DixieDuncan - Jennifer Parkyn -DianeThompson,KamloopsBC13.52 2 Brenda Mathews - Lorna Fuoco - Brenda Klassen - Wendy Munden, Kamloops BC7.73 3/4 ClarendeDuby-BevMason-LamyaAbougoush,CalgaryAB;RitaDodge,VancouverBC7.73 3/4 Chuck Irwin, SurreyBC; RaymondClemmons -DianeGriffiths - EdeeRumley, LangleyBC13.81 V 1 BettyWilliams, Bainbridge IsleWA; Leeanne Creech,

SnoqualmieWA;Dana Lawrence, KirklandWA;Marilyn Helbig, BellevueWA

9.67 2 Edgar L'Heureux, White Rock BC; Wenda Hopp,Madeira Park BC; Bill Matheson, Richmond BC; BrockShort, Abbotsford BC

5.52 3/4 James Crone - Myra Crone, Sylvan Lake AB; Nancy Carritt - Doug Carritt, Red Deer AB5.52 3/4 Don Robinson - Pete Grice - Robert Dutton - Diane Dutton, Boise ID13.15 VI 1 Richard Bickley - Blake Fleming - Pauline Boyd -

Rick Boyd , CalgaryAB9.21 2 Trevor Haight, West Kelowna BC; Bill Miller - Don

Greenwood - Charles Hitschfeld, Edmonton AB5.26 3/4 Jim Munns - Maryellen Gallo, Surrey BC; Win

Bromley, Langley BC; Alan Borden, Vancouver BC5.26 3/4 Russell Page - Bree Watts - Ann Mazuruk - Esther Wiebe, Victoria BC12.11 VII 1 James Jones -Paula Jones,NewfaneNY;GiffKassebaum- JamesKassebaum,SonoitaAZ8.48 2 BruceBoan -PeggyBoan,Mill BayBC;Daryl ElaineKrepps -Gloria Shabbits,NanaimoBC4.84 3/4 Keith Wallace - Pam Wallace - Alan White - Bruce Petrie, Calgary AB4.84 3/4 Wilma Peltier - Jean Masini Pieralli - Barb Hargreaves, Kamloops BC; Colin

Fredrickson, Penticton BC

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MPts Brkt Rank Tuesday-Wednesday Knockout Teams (continued)8.84 VIII 1 KenAnderson -PatAnderson -MaryAnneCrookes,

CalgaryAB;GrantBell,ParksvilleBC6.19 2 Nick Arden, Penticton BC; James Ryan,

Shoreline WA; Charlene Fraser, West KelownaBC; Faye Pollhammer, Kelowna BC

3.54 3/4 Mark Hatten - Marlene Manion, Bonners FerryID; Anna Keith Carter, Sandpoint ID; Patsy Neveau, Coeur D Alene ID

3.54 3/4 Michael Anthony - Denise Anthony, Terrace BC; Dennis Lee - Susan Lee, Smithers BC

Wednesday Evening Swiss TeamsWinners:WARD (A), RICH (B),HORAN (C)Again it was "three blitzes and a meh" by team WARD ahead of "four wins but not by much", as one VPseparated the top three teams, none having met during the quick Swiss, and the second, third and fifthplace teams were undefeated. In the B strat, the RICH team won three and got just enough in the lastround to fend off challengers. HORAN took the Flight C win with 47VP out of 60 in the last three rounds.MPts VPs A B C Wednesday Evening Swiss Teams (48 teams)11.20 62.00 1 DerekWard,Hornby Island BC; Patti Hartley, KenmoreWA; Barbara

Nist, SeatacWA;Don Sache,Delta BC; Cameron Doner, Surrey BC8.40 61.00 2 Stanley Roberts, Kirkland WA; Sun-O Ho, Redmond WA; Jim Aitken,

Bellevue WA; Ronald Tracy, Edmonds WA6.30 60.00 3 Ken Scholes - Sandra Scholes, Bellevue WA; Doug Hansford, Surrey

BC; Susan Peters, Vancouver BC6.22 55.00 4 1 Ted Rich - David De Kezel, Penticton BC; Gordon Hepperle - Carol

Gutsell, Summerland BC3.54 53.00 5 Kevin Bathurst, Palm Bch Gdns FL; Jay Whipple III, Boca Grande FL;

Michael Yuen - Joel Martineau, Vancouver BC4.67 51.00 6 2 1 Tracy Horan - Debbie Hunt - PatrickMurphy, CalgaryAB; Barry

Robey, Peachland BC3.06 50.00 7/9 3/4 2/3 JenniferEdwards -ValEmbury -Andrea Johnson-AudreyPekrul,KelownaBC1.58 50.00 7/9 Kimberly Whipple, Boca Grande FL; Cookie Potter, Sunset Beach CA;

Kevin Dwyer, Melbourne FL; Justin Lall, Plano TX; Vincent Demuy,Palm Bch Gdns FL

3.06 50.00 7/9 3/4 2/3 Freda Nychkalo - Lena Desjardins, Calgary AB; Al Romanchuk -Marian Kosior, Penticton BC

1.97 49.00 10/11 5 Keith Lee - James Harris - Andrew Nalos, Vancouver BC; KennethRamsay, West Vancouver BC

1.07 49.00 10/11 Rita Beny - Delma Murray - Ron Smith - J Brodrick, Victoria BC1.48 48.00 6 4 William Wilson - Nancy Wilson, Qualicum Beach BC; Berry Gubbins,

Parksville BC; Naida Gubbins, Partsville BC1.11 45.00 7 Dianne Cox - Christine Myers, Redmond WA; Dennis Duryea,

Bellevue WA; Marci Knipschield, Stanwood WA0.93 44.00 5 Michael Anthony - Denise Anthony, Terrace BC; Dennis Lee - Susan

Lee, Smithers BC

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Tuesday Gold Rush Pairs (Corrected)Same winners, a few changes in the overallsCheck ACBL Live ( for the revised section results.Score MPts 7 5 3 Tuesday Gold Rush Pairs (Corrected) (28, 28 tables)64.30% 8.73 1 1 Colin Hemsley -Anne Dudman, San Jose CA63.64% 6.55 2 Philip Blackburn, Rocky-Mtn-Hse AB; Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB62.97% 5.58 3 2 Don Copeland, Victoria BC; Delbert Haylock, Nanaimo BC60.42% 3.68 4 Tom Jen Kwan, Vancouver BC; Debbie Martignago, Pitt Meadows BC57.86% 2.91 5 Heather Erskine, London ON; Neville Hircock, Victoria BC57.01% 5.12 6 3 1 James Harris - Keith Lee,Vancouver BC56.44% 3.36 7/8 4/5 2/3 Chris Robbins, Surrey BC; Mark Robbins, Abbotsford BC56.44% 3.36 7/8 4/5 2/3 Tom Goodchild - Dallas Goodchild, Victoria BC56.16% 1.84 9 Shirley Charters, Duncan BC; William Bentley, Cobble Hill BC55.87% 2.40 10/116/7 Lee Parkinson - Fred Parkinson, Tacoma WA55.87% 2.16 10/116/7 4 Susan McEvoy, Langley BC; Carol Jensen, White Rock BC55.40% 1.65 12 8 David Peeples, Moses Lake WA; Terry Foster, Victoria BC55.21% 1.49 13 9 Murielle Pritchard, Qualicum Beach BC; Brian Willett, Calgary AB55.11% 2.30 14 10 5 Darrel Jones - Roy Haugen, Kamloops BC53.79% 1.46 11 6 James Hennessy - Josie Hennessy, Calgary AB53.41% 1.29 12/137/8 Catherine Mills, Sidney BC; Deborah Carnes, Victoria BC53.41% 1.84 12/137/8 Anna Crouch - Valerie Breen, Whistler BC

Scholes vs HudsonPotter vs WestfallMcVay vs KovachevSimpson vs SmithWhipple vs Angus

McCully vs McDonaldCarle vs SprungPszczola vs Nist

Hudson vs Kovachev

Westfall vs Carle

Simpson vs Angus

McCully vs Pszczola

Hudson vs Westfall

Simpson vs Pszczola??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Simpson over Hudson in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.


Dave Westfall - Charlie Bennett, Spokane WA; MichaelLevy, Keizer OR; Peter Herold - Namaimo BC; JeffreyTaylor, Eugene OR; Ken Christiansen, Bothell WA

vsAlexHudson,RaleighNC; JonathanSteinberg,TorontoON;


Jacek Pszczola - Josef Blass, Chapel Hill NC; BartoszChmurski - Lomianky PL; Piotr Tuczynski, PoznanPoland; Piotr Wiankowski, Gdansk Poland; Piotr

Nawrocki, Warsaw Polandvs

Gene Simpson - Carole Liss, San Rafael CA;Bruce Ferguson, Palm Springs CA;

Ron La Cour - Freeland WA

Wed.-Thu.Gewurztraminer Knockout Teams, Bracket OneBracket One has sixteen teams and teams have up to 8478 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Afternoon

4.50 red

QUARTERFINALSWednesday Evening

21.96 gold

SEMIFINALSThursday Afternoon

38.44 gold

FINALThursday Evening

54.91 gold

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Ding vsWatson vs FlettCox vs AgrawalBeny vs Ostroff

Anderson vs EpleySmoot vs RomineBarthels vs LienWastle vs Thiel

Ding vs Agrawal

Flett vs Lien

Ostroff vs Thiel

Epley vs Romine

Ding vs Thiel

Flett vs Epley??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Flett over Ding in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.


Adam Thiel - Charlie Lamb, Red Deer AB; Tom McNie -Salmon Arm BC; Anita Lambert, Edmonton AB

vsPing Ding - Jane Fyfe, Kamloops BC; Larry Pocock -

New Westminster BC; Yue Su, Vancouver BC

Howard Epley - Karen Epley, Kent WA; KarenHudesman - Donald Stark - Seattle WA

vsEd Flett - Mike Christensen, Red Deer AB; Glenn

Cossey, Innisfail AB; Don McCarthy - West Kelowna BC


Joel Fuhrman, Kirkland WA; Galen Hesson,Shoreline WA; Renae Gunstone-White -

Tim White, Mercer Island WAvs

Diane Campbell - Caenie Pyrcz -Doug Mann - Tom Nault, Calgary AB

Bert Adams - Carolyn Adams, Steilacoom WA;Steven Pessin - Ginny Stark - Eugene OR

vsMurray Haggins - Marilyn Haggins - Chris Murphy -

Jim Murphy, Calgary AB

Wed.-Thu.Gewurztraminer Knockout Teams, Bracket TwoBracket Two has fifteen teams and teams have up to 3010 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Afternoon

2.92 red

QUARTERFINALSWednesday Evening

11.69 gold

SEMIFINALSThursday Afternoon

20.46 gold

FINALThursday Evening

29.23 gold

Sadd vsMoffatt vs BarnesSmith vs HansenRich vs CampbellCooke vs Haggins

Nelson vs FuhrmanAdams vs GibsonTinney vs Carson

Moffatt vs Adams

Barnes vs Campbell

Hansen vs Haggins

Fuhrman vs Tinney

Campbell vs Fuhrman

Haggins vs Adams??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Haggins over Fuhrman in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wed.-Thu.Gewurztraminer Knockout Teams, Bracket ThreeBracket Three has fifteen teams and teams have up to 1743 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Afternoon

2.28 red

QUARTERFINALSWednesday Evening

9.12 gold

SEMIFINALSThursday Afternoon

15.97 gold

FINALThursday Evening

22.81 gold

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Peter Crawley, Penticton BC; Marv Norden,Peachland BC; Larry Verrall - Mount Vernon WA;

William Pontius, Burlington WAvs

Guy Audett, Port Orchard WA; Linda Shallit, BurienWA; Carolyn McClurkan - Bremerton WA;

Marguerite Chiarenza, Vancouver BC

Robert Coole - Anne Kendall - Michael Petrescu -Allan Becker, Prince George BC

vsBill Gibson, Sherwood Park AB; Lloyd Sullivan -

Ross Armour - Paul Erikson, Edmonton AB


Deirdre Cole, Coldstream BC; Don Bell - DannyZaitsoff, Vernon BC; Conrad Larkin - Santa Rosa CA

vsLou Arevalo - William McVaugh, Spokane WA;

Edward Carlson - David Lyons, Coeur D Alene ID

Carson Ohm - Patti Monkhouse - BryanMonkhouse, Kelowna BC;

Peggy Lou Faylor, Nampa IDvs

Marjorie Mandery - Roger Mandery, Mount VernonWA; David Fallen - Marla Patterson - Arlington WA

Thomas vsDunham vs Barber

Trouth vsAudett vs Gibson

Coole vsTeschke vs BarrMortin vs Harris

Morris vs Crawley

Thomas vs Coole

Dunham vs Audett

Gibson vs Barr

Mortin vs Crawley

Audett vs Crawley

Gibson vs Coole??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Audett over Gibson in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wed.-Thu.Gewurztraminer Knockout Teams, Bracket FourBracket Four has thirteen teams and teams have up to 1089 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Afternoon

1.71 red

QUARTERFINALSWednesday Evening

6.82 gold

SEMIFINALSThursday Afternoon

11.94 gold

FINALThursday Evening

17.06 gold

Arevalo vsMandery vs Johnson

Frank vsReitsma vs Wilson

Ohm vsCole vs Hiebert

McGuire vsGibson vs Albrecht

Arevalo vs Frank

Mandery vs Gibson

Reitsma vs Cole

Ohm vs Albrecht

Arevalo vs Cole

Mandery vs Ohm??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Arevalo over Ohm in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wed.-Thu.Gewurztraminer Knockout Teams, Bracket FiveBracket Five has twelve teams and teams have up to 680 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Afternoon

1.29 red

QUARTERFINALSWednesday Evening

5.14 gold

SEMIFINALSThursday Afternoon

9.00 gold

FINALThursday Evening

12.85 gold

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Katie Honish - Chris Ridge - Michele Bonneau -Nancy Loewen - Ann Vermette, Prince Albert

vsMary Wondra, Lopez WA; Marilyn Knipp, Delta BC;

Gale Gropp - Marjorie Sinel - Bellingham WA

Nancy Engbloom - Frances McDonald - SandyRobinson - Paula Hopwood, Calgary AB

vsCarole Kirk - Michael Shuster - Shelley Mardiros,

Banff AB; Joan Dupuis, Canmore AB


Homa Boustani - Barry Promislow, West Vancouve;Bertram Schoner - Susan Jonvik - Eric Promislow,

Vancouver BCvs

Al Sheasby - Maureen Sheasby - Linda Ball, VernonBC; Dana Sammartino, Coldstream BC

Jane Wagner - Roy Wagner - Lori Daniels, NanaimoBC; Karen McFarlane - Edmonton AB

vsBarb McCrindle, Merville BC; Denise Holst, Courtenay

BC; Keith Ware - Evelyn Ware - Comox BC

Mersereau vs FosterMoore vs WallaceBlatt vs Wondra

Desjardins vs HonishHanset vs Staneslow

Kirk vs StarkVenneau vs DelparteEngbloom vs Robey

Mersereau vs Wondra

Wallace vs Kirk

Honish vs Hanset

Venneau vs Engbloom

Wondra vs Honish

Kirk vs Engbloom??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Honish over Engbloom in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wednesday-Thursday Gewurztraminer Knockout Teams, Bracket SixBracket Six has sixteen teams and teams have up to 459 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Afternoon

1.22 red

QUARTERFINALSWednesday Evening3.27 gold, 1.63 red

SEMIFINALSThursday Afternoon5.71 gold, 2.86 red

FINALThursday Evening8.16 gold, 4.08 red

Sheasby vsFallen vs McCrindle

McKinnon vsRenner vs Boshell

Anderson vsKurzrock vs ElkinKidd vs BoustaniWagner vs Scholtz

Sheasby vs Elkin

McCrindle vs McKinnon

Renner vs Wagner

Kurzrock vs Boustani

Sheasby vs Boustani

McCrindle vs Wagner??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Wagner over Sheasby in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wed.-Thu.Gewurztraminer Knockout Teams, Bracket SevenBracket Seven has thirteen teams and teams have up to 210 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Afternoon

1.00 red

QUARTERFINALSWednesday Evening1.66 gold, 1.65 red

SEMIFINALSThursday Afternoon2.90 gold, 2.89 red

FINALThursday Evening4.14 gold, 4.13 red

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Shan Huang, Toronto ON; Patrick Dunn - PollyDunn, Bellevue WA; Richard Chan, Markham ON

vsJonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Alex Hudson,

Raleigh NC; Carole Liss - Gene Simpson, San RafaelCA; Bruce Ferguson, Palm Springs CA

Dave Westfall - Charlie Bennett, Spokane WA; MichaelLevy, Keizer OR; Peter Herold, Namaimo BC; Ken

Christiansen, Bothell WA; Jeffrey Taylor, Eugene ORvs

Warren Watson, Trail BC; Bryant Town, Edmonton AB; LeoGlaser, Winfield BC; Koba Ter Neuzen, Victoria BC


Laurie Bell - Don Bell - Jennifer McDonell -Pat Couch, Vernon BC

vsMarke Antonsen, Vancouver BC; Vernon Forster,

Tsawwassen BC; Dianne Cox, Redmond WA; DennisDuryea, Bellevue WA

Clarende Duby - Bev Mason - Lamya Abougoush,Calgary AB; Rita Dodge, Vancouver BC

vsDon Robinson - Pete Grice - Robert Dutton -

Diane Dutton, Boise ID

Huang vsMcCarthy vs Westfall

Kovachev vsWatson vs Steinberg

Huang vs Steinberg

Westfall vs Watson

No third-place match

(requires seven teams)??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Steinberg over Westfall in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wednesday-Friday Morning Pinot Knockout Teams, Bracket OneBracket One has six teams and teams have up to 9628 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Morning

2.68 red

SEMIFINALSThursday Morning

18.75 gold

THIRD PLACEFriday Morning

FINALFriday Morning

26.78 gold

Bell vs Kwan

McGuire vs Duby

Antonsen vs Boruta

Robinson vs Arevalo

Bell vs Antonsen

Duby vs Robinson

??? vs ??? ??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Duby over Bell in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wednesday-Friday Morning Pinot Knockout Teams, Bracket TwoBracket Two has eight teams and teams have up to 959 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Morning

1.09 red

SEMIFINALSThursday Morning

7.60 gold

THIRD PLACEFriday Morning

3.85 gold

FINALFriday Morning

10.85 gold

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Don Hanset, Sandpoint ID; Bill Drayton, Naples ID;Billie Ranard - Bill Ranard, Bozeman MT

vsMarlene Chatterson - Lynn Stark - Isabelle Jones -

Sheila MacDonald, Saskatoon SK

Michael Shuster - Shelley Mardiros, Banff AB;Adam Thiel - Gerene Albrecht, Red Deer AB

vsKeith Wallace - Pam Wallace, Calgary AB; Ellen

Vandoesburg, Red Deer AB; Annabelle Wiseman,Jarvis Bay AB


Michele Bonneau - Katie Honish - Ann Vermette -Nancy Loewen, Prince Albert SK

vsBarb McCrindle, Merville BC; Keith Ware - Evelyn

Ware, Comox BC; Denise Holst, Courtenay BC

Tom Weckworth, Quesnel BC; Lorenzo Migliorini,Seattle WA; Patti Wheeldon, Courtenay BC; Darlene

Allen, Squamish BCvs

Don Wallace - Freda Cryer - John Cryer, KelownaBC; Sharon Gecse, Osoyoos BC

Hanset vsShuster vs Page

Chatterson vsWallace vs Voth

Hanset vs Chatterson

Shuster vs Wallace

No third-place match

(requires seven teams)??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Chatterson over Wallace in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wednesday-Friday Morning Pinot Knockout Teams, Bracket ThreeBracket Three has six teams and teams have up to 486 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Morning

1.00 red

SEMIFINALSThursday Morning2.81 gold, 1.40 red

THIRD PLACEFriday Morning

FINALFriday Morning

4.01 gold, 2.00 red

Bonneau vsWeckworth vsRomanchuk

McCrindle vs Somerville

Wallace vs Fought

Bonneau vs McCrindle

Weckworth vs Wallace

??? vs ??? ??? vs ???

The Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Picks:

Weckworth over Bonneau in the final

Rosters for surviving teams are below.

Wednesday-Friday Morning Pinot Knockout Teams, Bracket FourBracket Four has seven teams and teams have up to 266 masterpoints per player

OPENING ROUNDWednesday Morning

1.00 red

SEMIFINALSThursday Morning2.00 gold, 2.00 red

THIRD PLACEFriday Morning

1.02 gold, 1.01 red

FINALFriday Morning

2.86 gold, 2.86 red

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MORNING Side Game SeriesGame 2 of 5:Wednesday Morning Side GameSeries Leaders are below.Score MPts A B C Wednesday Morning Side Game (25½ tables)68.84% 6.83 1 1 Shelley Burns - ThomasAnderson,NorthVancouver BC67.14% 5.12 2 Dave Adelman, Calgary AB; Ian Gibson, Naramata BC57.27% 3.84 3 John Reisner - Georgia Farman, Florence OR56.62% 4.41 4 2 1 Aileen Specht - Brenda Barden, Kamloops BC56.54% 3.31 5 3 Brian Stamer, West Kelowna BC; Bob Whitehead, Kelowna BC55.97% 2.48 6 4 Gordon Delf, Kelowna BC; Joel Schwartz, Las Vegas NV55.82% 2.64 7 5 2 Gilles St Pierre - Dewis Lefebvre, Abbotsford BC55.00% 1.47 6 Leslie Mortin - Joan Quinlan, Regina SK54.99% 1.42 7 James Knight, Blaine WA; Jim Hansen, Bellingham WA54.78% 1.98 3 Bryan Monkhouse - Patti Monkhouse, Kelowna BC54.28% 1.49 4 Leona Ashcroft, Trail BC; Joseph Stewart, Kamloops BC52.62% 1.11 5 Joe Bryan Jackson - Robert O'Brien, Penticton BC52.37% 0.84 6 Chris Robbins, Surrey BC; Mark Robbins, Abbotsford BC

Wednesday MorningScore A B C North-South Leaders (Sections K R)67.14% 1 Dave Adelman, Calgary AB; Ian Gibson, Naramata BC57.27% 2 John Reisner - Georgia Farman, Florence OR56.62% 3 1 1 Aileen Specht - Brenda Barden, Kamloops BC55.97% 4 2 Gordon Delf, Kelowna BC; Joel Schwartz, Las Vegas NV54.99% 5 3 James Knight, Blaine WA; Jim Hansen, Bellingham WA54.78% 6 4 2 Bryan Monkhouse - Patti Monkhouse, Kelowna BC54.58% 7 5 Anne Jackson - Louis Beduz, Creston BC54.24% 8 John Demeulemeester - Marina Page, Burnaby BC53.78% 9 Ben Takemori - Ron Chong, Burnaby BC52.63% 10 6 3 Joe Bryan Jackson - Robert O'Brien, Penticton BC52.37% 7 4 Chris Robbins, Surrey BC; Mark Robbins, Abbotsford BC51.48% 8 Mark Beduz, Calgary AB; Ted Moffatt, Creston BC51.23% 5 Lisa McCarthy, West Kelowna BC; Steve Madarash,

Kelowna BC

Wednesday MorningScore A B C East-West Leaders (Sections K R)68.84% 1 1 Shelley Burns - Thomas Anderson, North Vancouver BC56.54% 2 2 Brian Stamer, West Kelowna BC; Bob Whitehead,

Kelowna BC55.82% 3 3 1 Gilles St Pierre - Dewis Lefebvre, Abbotsford BC55.00% 4 4 Leslie Mortin - Joan Quinlan, Regina SK54.79% 5 5 Wesley Anderson - Paulette Tipper, Kelowna BC54.28% 6 6 2 Leona Ashcroft, Trail BC; Joseph Stewart, Kamloops BC54.06% 7 7 Ruth Sidebottom - Evelyn Sisonenko, Red Deer AB53.14% 8 8 Garry Skoropada - George Bell, Maple Ridge BC52.08% 9 9 3 Lois Carry, North Vancouver BC; Elly Boshell, West

Vancouver BC51.40% 10 Richard Sentner, Bow WA; Bruce Yoder, Port Orchard WA49.61% 4 Holly Gordon, Fruitvale BC; Gloria Hopland, Rossland BC48.84% 5 Jean-Philipp Weber - Keith Hibbert, Victoria BC

MORNING Side Series LeadersThree sessions to go!Your Side Game Series score is the sum of your two best games' percentages, even if played withdifferent partners. Gold points for the series leaders!

Rank Score MORNING Side Series Leaders (142 players so far)1 121.76% Shelley Burns, North Vancouver BC

2/3 120.51% Ted Moffatt, Creston BC; Mark Beduz, Calgary AB4 111.61% Garry Skoropada, Maple Ridge BC

5/6 109.62% Evelyn Sisonenko - Ruth Sidebottom, Red Deer AB7/8 108.67% Bryan Monkhouse - Patti Monkhouse, Kelowna BC

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WEEKDAY Side Game SeriesGame 3 of 6:Wednesday Afternoon Side GameSeries Leaders are on page 18.Score MPts A B C Wednesday Afternoon Side Game (20 tables)68.85% 5.69 1 RalphWilhelmi - RonaldWoodard,OlympiaWA67.10% 4.27 2 Diane Ayukawa, Delta BC; Dee Steil, New Westminster BC61.11% 3.50 3 Gene Fomin, Glacier WA; Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC61.00% 4.93 4 1 Louise Lott - Grant Deger, BellinghamWA60.46% 1.80 5 John Coone, Vernon BC; Robert Hope, Provost AB56.75% 3.70 6 2 1 JudyArmstrong -TomWebb,Vernon BC56.54% 1.01 7 John Reisner - Georgia Farman, Florence OR55.12% 2.43 3/4 Shirley Isfeld, RW-Vancouver BC; Susan Jonvik, Vancouver BC55.12% 2.43 3/4 Tim Kennelly, Comox BC; David Mosher, Courtenay BC53.70% 1.66 5 Barb Beagle - William Basler, Calgary AB53.38% 1.17 6 Joel Schwartz, Las Vegas NV; Gordon Delf, Kelowna BC52.51% 1.95 2 Clark Glanville - Ewena Krawchuk, Kamloops BC50.44% 1.46 3 Elizabeth Huxter - Terry Huxter, Grand Forks BC49.56% 1.10 4 Ros Hartenfels - George Laing, Vernon BC49.35% 0.82 5 Leona Ashcroft, Trail BC; Joseph Stewart, Kamloops BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore A B C North-South Leaders (Sections Q R)68.85% 1 Ralph Wilhelmi - Ronald Woodard, Olympia WA67.10% 2 Diane Ayukawa, Delta BC; Dee Steil, New Westminster

BC60.46% 3 John Coone, Vernon BC; Robert Hope, Provost AB56.75% 4 1 1 Judy Armstrong - Tom Webb, Vernon BC56.54% 5 John Reisner - Georgia Farman, Florence OR56.32% 6 Martin Henneberger - Dianne Isfeld, Coquitlam BC53.70% 7 2 Barb Beagle - William Basler, Calgary AB51.96% 8 3 Roberta Cronquist - C Wilkinson, Kelowna BC50.11% 4 Thelma Munroe, Kamloops BC; Solveig Karlgren, North

Vancouver BC49.35% 5 Marci Knipschield, Stanwood WA; Christine Myers,

Redmond WA48.04% 6 2 George Bell - William Henning, Maple Ridge BC47.17% 3 Roxy Sandmaier - Louis Sandmaier, Victoria BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore A B C East-West Leaders (Sections Q R)61.11% 1 Gene Fomin, Glacier WA; Sandra Robson, New

Westminster BC61.00% 2 1 Louise Lott - Grant Deger, Bellingham WA55.12% 3/4 2/3 Shirley Isfeld, RW-Vancouver BC; Susan Jonvik,

Vancouver BC55.12% 3/4 2/3 Tim Kennelly, Comox BC; David Mosher, Courtenay BC53.38% 5 4 Joel Schwartz, Las Vegas NV; Gordon Delf, Kelowna BC52.51% 6 5 1 Clark Glanville - Ewena Krawchuk, Kamloops BC52.40% 7 Aban Gerrie - Robert Gerrie, Richmond BC51.20% 8 6 Bob Whitehead, Kelowna BC; Brian Stamer, West

Kelowna BC50.44% 2 Elizabeth Huxter - Terry Huxter, Grand Forks BC

(Masterpoint Leaders, continued from page 6)17 Leo Glaser, Winfield BC............................................ 35.6917 Polly Dunn, Bellevue WA.......................................... 35.6917 Patrick Dunn, Bellevue WA...................................... 35.6921 Ken Christiansen, Bothell WA................................. 33.9421 Charles Bennett, Spokane WA................................33.9421 Jeffrey Taylor, Eugene OR........................................ 33.9421 Michael Levy, Keizer OR........................................... 33.9421 Peter Herold, Namaimo BC..................................... 33.9421 Dave Westfall, Spokane WA.....................................33.9427 Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON............................31.3427 Alex Hudson, Raleigh NC..........................................31.3427 Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB...................................... 31.3427 Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA..................... 31.34

31 Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB................................28.9732 William McDonald, St Albert AB.............................28.3433 Ronald Tracy, Edmonds WA.....................................28.2833 Jim Aitken, Bellevue WA........................................... 28.2835 Julie Smith, Vancouver BC....................................... 28.2735 Bob Zeller, Kanata ON.............................................. 28.2737 Ken Sired, Winnipeg MB........................................... 27.1537 Leonard Doerksen, Winnipeg MB.......................... 27.1537 Raymond Hornby, Winnipeg MB............................ 27.1537 Marielle Brentnall, Winnipeg MB...........................27.1541 Sun-O Ho, Redmond WA.......................................... 26.2241 Stanley Roberts, Kirkland WA.................................26.2243 Tom Jacobson, Fairfield CA......................................25.93

(continued on page 19)

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Weekday Side Game SeriesGame 3 of 6:Wednesday Evening Side GameSeries Leaders are below.Score MPts A B C Wednesday Evening Side Game (20 tables)64.71% 5.69 1 DianeAyukawa,Delta BC;Dee Steil, NewWestminster BC63.94% 3.74 2/3 Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC; Gene Fomin, Glacier WA63.94% 3.74 2/3 Jeff Jacob, Vancouver WA; Doug Rankin, Regina SK60.57% 5.31 4 1 DavidMosher, Courtenay BC;Tim Kennelly, Comox BC59.69% 3.98 5 2 1 Suzan Blatt - KathyTurnbull, EdmontonAB59.15% 2.99 6 3 2 Bruce Petrie - Alan White, Calgary AB57.73% 1.23 7 John Coone, Vernon BC; Robert Hope, Provost AB56.32% 2.24 4 James Knight, Blaine WA; Jim Hansen, Bellingham WA54.47% 1.86 5 Rebecca Turnbull, Chehalis WA; William Julius, Olympia WA54.36% 1.81 6/7 3 Joseph Stewart, Kamloops BC; Leona Ashcroft, Trail BC54.36% 1.33 6/7 Gail Shotton - Doug Shotton, Lac Du Bonnet MB50.54% 1.36 4 Nancy Carritt - Doug Carritt, Red Deer AB49.56% 1.02 5 Geoffrey Trafford, RW-Vancouver BC; Katie Trafford, Calgary AB49.35% 0.77 6 Anne Dudman - Colin Hemsley, San Jose CA

Wednesday EveningScore A B C North-South Leaders (Sections Q R)63.94% 1 Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC; Gene Fomin,

Glacier WA60.57% 2 1 David Mosher, Courtenay BC; Tim Kennelly, Comox BC59.69% 3 2 1 Suzan Blatt - Kathy Turnbull, Edmonton AB57.73% 4 John Coone, Vernon BC; Robert Hope, Provost AB56.32% 5 3 James Knight, Blaine WA; Jim Hansen, Bellingham WA54.36% 6 4 2 Joseph Stewart, Kamloops BC; Leona Ashcroft, Trail BC52.18% 7 5 Roberta Cronquist - C Wilkinson, Kelowna BC51.42% 8 6 Gerald Paul - Elizabeth Ley, Kelowna BC49.56% 7 3 Geoffrey Trafford, RW-Vancouver BC; Katie Trafford,

Calgary AB48.69% 4 Trudy Nickerson, Sturgeon County AB; Valerie Bowlen,

Edmonton AB

Wednesday EveningScore A B C East-West Leaders (Sections Q R)64.71% 1 Diane Ayukawa, Delta BC; Dee Steil, New Westminster

BC63.94% 2 Jeff Jacob, Vancouver WA; Doug Rankin, Regina SK59.15% 3 1 1 Bruce Petrie - Alan White, Calgary AB54.47% 4 2 Rebecca Turnbull, Chehalis WA; William Julius, Olympia

WA54.36% 5 3 Gail Shotton - Doug Shotton, Lac Du Bonnet MB53.49% 6 4 Marc Furnemont - H Roy Sadd, Victoria BC52.61% 7 5 Claire Burns - Sharon Hughes, North Vancouver BC51.74% 8 6 Debra Wilhelmi - Ralph Wilhelmi, Olympia WA50.54% 7 2 Nancy Carritt - Doug Carritt, Red Deer AB49.35% 3 Anne Dudman - Colin Hemsley, San Jose CA48.80% 4 Kearcy Hahn - Michael Hahn, Bellingham WA

Weekday Side Series LeadersTwo sessions today remain in this series!Your Side Game Series score is the sum of your two best games' percentages, even if played withdifferent partners. Gold points for the series leaders!

Rank Score Weekday Side Series Leaders (218 players so far)1/2 131.81% Dee Steil, New Westminster BC; Diane Ayukawa, Delta BC3 130.29% Ronald Woodard, Olympia WA4 125.38% Gene Fomin, Glacier WA5 125.05% Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC

6/7 121.75% Robert Hope, Provost AB; John Coone, Vernon BC8 121.32% Ralph Wilhelmi, Olympia WA

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June 16, 2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page 19

AroundThe Clock 2American StatesHere's how it works. Pick a American State. Start in the state capital. Travel due north to the frontierwith another state and start the list with that state. Turn right and go along the frontier, listing statesyou encounter in order, until you get back to the original point north of the state capital.

If the frontier is a body of water, the route follows the farthest limit of the body of water from thecapital. An asterisk following a state indicates that a significant body of water, more than a river orsmall lake, is in between the two states at some point on the frontier.

Notice that the original state picked is not part of the list. That's your job: find the original state,without looking at a map. Good luck!6. Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana.7. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota.8. Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Mexico*, Louisiana*, Mississippi, Tennessee9. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio.10. Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri.

(answers, page 22)

(Masterpoint Leaders, continued from page 17)43 Gerald Fox, Napa CA.................................................. 25.9345 Michael Yuen, Vancouver BC...................................24.6245 Joel Martineau, Vancouver BC................................24.6247 Pat Larin, Rancho Mirage CA...................................23.0947 Suzanne Kemp, Nanaimo BC...................................23.0947 Ben Sills, Powell River BC........................................ 23.0947 Angela Taylor, Nanaimo BC..................................... 23.0951 Ben Takemori, Burnaby BC...................................... 22.5352 Edward Flett, Red Deer AB.......................................22.3752 Don McCarthy, West Kelowna BC...........................22.3752 Glenn Cossey, Innisfail AB....................................... 22.3752 Mike Christensen, Red Deer AB..............................22.3756 Howard Epley, Kent WA............................................ 22.0057 Michael Dimich, Burnaby BC................................... 21.8358 Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC......................20.9858 Carol Gutsell, Summerland BC...............................20.9860 Karen Epley, Kent WA................................................20.8861 Gene Fomin, Glacier WA........................................... 20.8462 Leigh Anne Shafer, Winnipeg MB.......................... 20.8062 Suzanne McCarthy, Winnipeg MB..........................20.8064 Chris Penner, Nanaimo BC...................................... 20.2964 Frank Shedden, 108 Mile Ranch BC...................... 20.2966 Karen Turner, Victoria BC......................................... 19.9967 Diane Thompson, Kamloops BC.............................19.9867 Jennifer Parkyn, Kamloops BC................................19.9869 Diane Ayukawa, Delta BC......................................... 19.9470 Craig Hamilton, Kamloops BC.................................19.3270 Dixie Duncan, Kamloops BC.................................... 19.3272 Rona Cappell, Toronto ON....................................... 19.0172 Ranald Davidson, North York ON...........................19.0172 Tim Edwards-Davies, Ottawa ON...........................19.0172 Maureen Murphy, Ottawa ON................................. 19.0176 Dave Adelman, Calgary AB.......................................18.3477 Danielle Goulet, Victoria BC....................................18.3277 Eleanor Gibson, Victoria BC.................................... 18.32

77 David Reid, Victoria BC............................................. 18.3277 Tony Farr, Victoria BC................................................ 18.3281 Michael Moffatt, Surrey BC......................................18.1982 Wendy Munden, Kamloops BC................................17.9983 Vicki Lerner, San Francisco CA................................17.8283 Steve Smolen, San Francisco CA............................ 17.8283 Jim Leuker, San Francisco CA.................................. 17.8283 Lauren Friedman, Daly City CA................................17.8287 Diana Knowles, Kelowna BC.................................... 17.3588 Dudley Brown, Grandview WA.................................17.0389 Dee Steil, New Westminster BC..............................16.6890 Elaine Sorensen, Winfield BC................................. 16.5690 Judy Clerke, Vernon BC............................................. 16.5692 John Keech, Victoria BC............................................ 16.4892 Kathy Bye, Burnaby BC............................................. 16.4894 Bryant Town, Edmonton AB.....................................16.4194 Warren Watson, Trail BC........................................... 16.4194 Judy Siegenthaler, Cranbrook BC.......................... 16.4194 Peter Siegenthaler, Cranbrook BC........................ 16.4198 Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA............................ 16.2798 Nancy Sjoblom, Tumwater WA................................16.27100 John Perry, Prince George BC................................. 16.16100 Alden Edwards, Kelowna BC....................................16.16100 Julie Perry, Prince George BC..................................16.16103 Doug Fraser, Victoria BC........................................... 15.61103 Sandra Fraser, Victoria BC....................................... 15.61105 Jim Berglund, Calgary AB..........................................15.43106 Jill Thompson, Toronto ON...................................... 15.34107 Blake Fleming, Calgary AB....................................... 14.89107 Richard Bickley, Calgary AB.....................................14.89109 Lorenzo Migliorini, Seattle WA............................... 14.84109 Tom Weckworth, Quesnel BC.................................. 14.84111 John Rayner, Toronto ON......................................... 14.81112 Martha Schwake, Coeur D Alene ID.......................14.67112 Constance Leichner, Hayden Lake ID...................14.67

(continued on page 22)

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Wednesday Morning 199er PairsLocal pair scores big!Score MPts A B C Wednesday Morning 199er Pairs (15 tables)61.93% 3.10 1 Marcia Schoffer - Janet Mori, Penticton BC60.42% 2.57 2 1 Brent Muir - John Feick, CalgaryAB59.85% 1.93 3 2 1 Linda Cox - MHaight,West Kelowna BC55.87% 1.27 4/5 3/4 Frances Tulk - Leslie Tulk, Penticton BC55.87% 1.27 4/5 3/4 2 Terry Huxter - Elizabeth Huxter, Grand Forks BC55.30% 0.81 6 5 Sandra Dequier - Dianne Clark, Kelowna BC54.92% 0.86 6 Sharon Rogerson - Barry Rogerson, Calgary AB53.98% 0.86 3 Frances Kammermayer - Sheila Van De Velde, Vancouver BC52.46% 0.65 4 Ted Parker - Joanne Parker, Abbotsford BC

Wednesday MorningScore A B C North-South Leaders (Section I)59.85% 1 1 1 Linda Cox - M Haight, West Kelowna BC55.87% 2/3 2/3 Frances Tulk - Leslie Tulk, Penticton BC55.87% 2/3 2/3 2 Terry Huxter - Elizabeth Huxter, Grand Forks BC55.30% 4 4 Sandra Dequier - Dianne Clark, Kelowna BC54.17% 5 5 Lorraine Almy - Donald Almy, Edmonds WA53.41% 6 Dolf Daam - Louise Smith, Victoria BC

Wednesday MorningScore A B C East-West Leaders (Section I)61.93% 1 Marcia Schoffer - Janet Mori, Penticton BC60.42% 2 1 Brent Muir - John Feick, Calgary AB54.92% 3 2 Sharon Rogerson - Barry Rogerson, Calgary AB53.98% 4 3 1 Frances Kammermayer - Sheila Van De Velde, Vancouver BC53.22% 5 4 Ellen Woolley, Salt Lake City UT; Susan Van, Kelowna BC52.46% 6 2 Ted Parker - Joanne Parker, Abbotsford BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore G H I North-South Leaders (Section K)63.33% 1 1 Linda Cox - M Haight, West Kelowna BC54.17% 2 2 1 Betty Surtees - Janice Coutu, Summerland BC52.92% 3 Norma Sloan, Chilliwack BC; Louise Busch, Maple Ridge BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore G H I East-West Leaders (Section K)57.08% 1 Frances Kammermayer - Sheila Van De Velde, Vancouver BC55.42% 2 1 Marion Schadeck, Westbank BC; Barbara Tyabji, Oliver BC52.08% 3 Peggy Petersen - Carol McGregor, Salmon Arm BC50.83% 2 Merrilee Crofton, Delta BC; Mirko Varga, Coquitlam BC

Wednesday Afternoon 49er Pairs"Two pairs get the boldface italic,McBruce?""Hey, it's the least I can do after forgetting to boldface Frances and Sheila yesterday when they won..."Score MPts G H I Wednesday Afternoon 49er Pairs (7 tables)63.33% 1.74 1 1 Linda Cox - MHaight,West Kelowna BC57.08% 1.31 2 Frances Kammermayer - SheilaVan DeVelde,Vancouver BC55.42% 1.05 3 2 Marion Schadeck, Westbank BC; Barbara Tyabji, Oliver BC54.17% 0.79 4 3 Betty Surtees - Janice Coutu, Summerland BC52.92% 0.59 5 4 Norma Sloan, Chilliwack BC; Louise Busch, Maple Ridge BC

Two more photos!Left: Monday Evening 199er winners(70.54%!) Dale and Roberta Dodge,Oliver BC. Right: Monday-TuesdayBracket Three winners: David Reid -Danielle Goulet - Tony Farr -Eleanor Gibson, Victoria BC

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Wednesday Afternoon 199er PairsAnother home win for Penticton players!Score MPts D E F Wednesday Afternoon 199er Pairs (20 tables)69.64% 3.72 1 David Johnson -Marcia Schoffer, Penticton BC62.16% 3.03 2 1 Dianne Clark - Sandra Dequier, Kelowna BC61.90% 2.09 3 Judy Bateman - Audrey Hancock, Kaleden BC61.23% 2.27 4 2 William Ophoff - Don Gurski, Surrey BC60.71% 1.70 5 3 1 Sharon Dodd -Alan Dodd,Kamloops BC60.20% 1.28 6 4 Betty McLean, Penticton BC; Lily-Anne Leechman, Summerland BC59.23% 1.22 5 2 John Feick - Barbara Feick, Calgary AB56.55% 0.72 6 Sabine Heyde - Max Heyde, Cranbrook BC55.95% 1.05 3 Ted Parker - Joanne Parker, Abbotsford BC53.95% 0.69 4 Diane Zebroff - Linda Bell, Kamloops BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore D E F North-South Leaders (Section I)69.64% 1 David Johnson - Marcia Schoffer, Penticton BC59.23% 2 1 1 John Feick - Barbara Feick, Calgary AB57.14% 3 Julie Nestibo, Brandon MB; Donna Tunnacliffe,

Invermere BC52.98% 4 2 Nancy Ruegg - Lauren Cockroft, Surrey BC51.49% 3 William Webb, Penticton BC; Barbara Coy, Nanaimo BC

Wednesday AfternoonScore D E F North-South Leaders (Section J)61.23% 1 1 William Ophoff - Don Gurski, Surrey BC60.71% 2 2 1 Sharon Dodd - Alan Dodd, Kamloops BC56.55% 3 3 Sabine Heyde - Max Heyde, Cranbrook BC55.14% 4 Joan Noble - Jack Noble, Yuma AZ

Wednesday AfternoonScore D E F East-West Leaders (Section I)61.90% 1 Judy Bateman - Audrey Hancock, Kaleden BC55.95% 2 1 1 Ted Parker - Joanne Parker, Abbotsford BC55.36% 3 2 Lillian Goodman - Margaret Churchill, Kelowna BC52.68% 4/5 3/4 Meredith Degroat - Richard Degroat, Calgary AB52.68% 4/5 3/4 Judith Muir - Brent Muir, Calgary AB

Wednesday AfternoonScore D E F East-West Leaders (Section J)62.16% 1 1 Dianne Clark - Sandra Dequier, Kelowna BC60.20% 2 2 Betty McLean, Penticton BC; Lily-Anne Leechman,

Summerland BC53.95% 3 3 1 Diane Zebroff - Linda Bell, Kamloops BC53.27% 4 4 Lorraine Almy - Donald Almy, Edmonds WA

Wednesday EveningScore D E F North-South Leaders (Section I)59.47% 1 1 1 Ron Chong - Lori Chong, Burnaby BC56.25% 2 Russel Specht - Al Barden, Kamloops BC55.11% 3 2 2 Sharon Dodd - Alan Dodd, Kamloops BC53.03% 4 3 William Ophoff - Don Gurski, Surrey BC52.46% 5 Marlene Mahoney - Liis Jeffries, Merritt BC50.57% 6 Lynda Marshall - Verne Smythe, West Kelowna BC49.43% 4 3 Patricia Hooper - Maureen Sholes, Kamloops BC

Wednesday EveningScore D E F East-West Leaders (Section I)57.77% 1 1 Dale Dodge - Roberta Dodge, Oliver BC56.82% 2 2 Diane Krancenblum - Elaine Stafford, Penticton BC56.06% 3 3 1 Shiraz Somani - Rosmin Somani,55.49% 4 4 2 Zely Jamal - Gulshan Ajania,53.03% 5 5 Barbara A Robert - Bette Kelly, Summerland BC52.08% 6 John Coates - Miranda Levert, Vancouver BC51.14% 3 Peggy Petersen - Carol McGregor, Salmon Arm BC

Wednesday Evening 199er PairsRon and Lori Chong revengeTuesday's second by 0.36 matchpoints!Score MPts D E F Wednesday Evening 199er Pairs (15 tables)59.47% 3.10 1 1 1 Ron Chong - Lori Chong, Burnaby BC57.77% 2.33 2 2 Dale Dodge - Roberta Dodge, Oliver BC56.82% 1.74 3 3 Diane Krancenblum - Elaine Stafford, Penticton BC56.25% 1.31 4 Russel Specht - Al Barden, Kamloops BC56.06% 1.38 5 4 2 Shiraz Somani - Rosmin Somani,55.49% 1.04 6 5 3 Zely Jamal - Gulshan Ajania,55.11% 0.82 6 4 Sharon Dodd - Alan Dodd, Kamloops BC51.14% 0.58 5 Peggy Petersen - Carol McGregor, Salmon Arm BC

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Page 22 2016 Penticton Regional Daily Bulletin THURSDAY Edition

Masterpoint Leaders2016 Penticton Regional through Wednesday

Completed events onlyNon-Life Masters only

(ACBLScore breaks ties randomly)

1 Dixie Duncan, Kamloops BC.................................... 19.322 Richard Bickley, Calgary AB.....................................14.892 Blake Fleming, Calgary AB....................................... 14.894 Constance Leichner, Hayden Lake ID...................14.674 Martha Schwake, Coeur D Alene ID.......................14.676 Shameine Ali, Vancouver BC................................... 14.596 Murray Cutten, Goodyear AZ...................................14.598 Naida Gubbins, Partsville BC.................................. 12.379 Nick Arden, Penticton BC......................................... 12.1610 Ian Monro, Penticton BC...........................................11.4010 Frances Monro, Penticton BC.................................. 11.4012 Susan Wigmore, Calgary AB.....................................11.2713 Rod Anderson, Qualicum Beach BC......................10.8913 K. Darlia Anderson, Qualicum Beach BC............. 10.8915 Douglas Cramen, Kelowna BC...................................9.9915 Clive Elkin, Kelowna BC.............................................. 9.9917 Wenda Hopp, Madeira Park BC................................ 9.6717 Bill Matheson, Richmond BC.................................... 9.6719 Alan Borden, Vancouver BC.......................................9.64

20 Ryley Breiddal, Vancouver BC.................................. 9.5821 Colin Hemsley, San Jose CA.......................................9.5021 Anne Dudman, San Jose CA.......................................9.5023 Cliff Bryanton, Vernon BC.......................................... 9.4623 Deirdre Cole, Coldstream BC.................................... 9.4623 Laurie Bell, Vernon BC................................................ 9.4626 Keith Lee, Vancouver BC............................................ 9.3926 James Harris, Vancouver BC......................................9.3928 Trevor Haight, West Kelowna BC..............................9.2128 William Miller, Edmonton AB....................................9.2130 Ken Anderson, Calgary AB......................................... 8.8430 Grant Bell, Parksville BC.............................................8.8430 Pat Anderson, Calgary AB.......................................... 8.8430 Mary Anne Crookes, Calgary AB...............................8.8434 Doug Carritt, Red Deer AB......................................... 8.6635 Bruce Petrie, Calgary AB............................................ 8.3735 Alan White, Calgary AB............................................... 8.3737 Don Copeland, Victoria BC........................................ 8.3438 Joseph Stewart, Kamloops BC...................................7.6338 Leona Ashcroft, Trail BC..............................................7.63

403 different non-Life Masters have won a total of 1279.47masterpoints at the 2016 Penticton Regional. For those whohave won masterpoints this is 3.17 points per player. (NOTE:

You are eligible for this list if you were a non-LM at the start ofthe tournament, according to our records.)

AroundThe Clock answersfrom page 196. Wyoming 7. Iowa 8. Alabama 9. West Virginia 10. Arkansas

(Masterpoint Leaders, continued from page 19)114 Catherine Williams, Quesnel BC............................ 14.66114 Ellen Meyer, Austin TX.............................................. 14.66116 Dana Lawrence, Kirkland WA.................................. 14.62116 Betty Williams, Bainbridge Isle WA.......................14.62118 Murray Cutten, Goodyear AZ...................................14.59118 Shameine Ali, Vancouver BC................................... 14.59120 Duncan Smith, Victoria BC.......................................14.58121 Valerie McVay, Lacey WA.......................................... 14.10122 Don Sache, Delta BC.................................................. 13.84123 Leeanne Creech, Snoqualmie WA..........................13.81123 Marilyn Helbig, Bellevue WA................................... 13.81125 Derek Ward, Hornby Island BC............................... 13.60126 Lorna Fuoco, Kamloops BC......................................13.52126 Brenda Mathews, Kamloops BC............................. 13.52126 Brenda Klassen, Kamloops BC................................13.52129 Frances McDonald, Calgary AB............................... 13.51129 Paula Hopwood, Calgary AB.................................... 13.51129 Sandy Jean Robinson, Calgary AB..........................13.51129 Nancy Engbloom, Calgary AB.................................. 13.51133 Ronald Woodard, Olympia WA................................13.50134 Pauline Boyd, Calgary AB......................................... 13.42134 Rick Boyd, Calgary AB................................................13.42136 Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC..................13.03137 Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB....................................12.99

138 Barbara Nist, Seatac WA...........................................12.48139 Edward Carlson, Coeur D Alene ID........................ 12.47139 William McVaugh, Spokane WA.............................. 12.47139 Lou Arevalo, Spokane WA........................................ 12.47139 David Lyons, Coeur D Alene ID............................... 12.47143 Berry Gubbins, Parksville BC...................................12.37143 Naida Gubbins, Partsville BC.................................. 12.37145 Nick Arden, Penticton BC......................................... 12.16145 James Ryan, Shoreline WA....................................... 12.16147 James Kassebaum, Sonoita AZ............................... 12.11147 Giff Kassebaum, Sonoita AZ.................................... 12.11147 Paula Jones, Newfane NY......................................... 12.11147 James Jones, Newfane NY........................................ 12.11151 Shelley Burns, North Vancouver BC...................... 11.94152 Patti Hartley, Kenmore WA.......................................11.92153 Ted Rich, Penticton BC.............................................. 11.65153 David De Kezel, Penticton BC.................................. 11.65155 Thomas Anderson, North Vancouver BC..............11.41156 Ian Monro, Penticton BC...........................................11.40156 Frances Monro, Penticton BC.................................. 11.40158 Cameron Doner, Surrey BC...................................... 11.35

1057 different players have won a total of 6540.20 masterpoints(162 more have played but have not won any) at the 2016

Penticton Regional. For those who have won masterpoints thisis 6.19 points per player.

Page 23: BridgeByTheBeach Contents - · 2016-09-16 · June16,2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page3 OkanaganNotes

June 16, 2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page 23

Bridges HintsIntroductory Puzzle on Page 2Bridges recap: Connect the islands (the circles) with bridgesthat run left-right or up-down and do not cross. You mustconnect all of the islands together and each island's numberindicates the total number of bridges that lead into it. Twoislands can be connected with one bridge, or two parallelbridges.Bridges hints: Quite often you can fill in most of the

bridges from an island just by reason. A '3' island in a corner(or one that can connect to two others only) must have onebridge to each (which you can fill in) and one bridge inparallel (which you'll need to figure out). Watch the '1'islands and connect them whenever there is only one islandthey can connect to. You might want to colour in the islandsthat cannot have any more bridges leading from them, butonly if you're sure.

Now can you do the easy puzzle on page 2?How about the more difficult one on this page?Also, check the word puzzle on page 2.

Answers will appear in tomorrow's issue. The number/symbol puzzles were generated by software available (for allcomputers or smartphones) at this site — — where you will find

over three dozen types of such puzzles and controls to suit any size and difficulty level.

Unruly Answersfrom yesterday's issue

Page 24: BridgeByTheBeach Contents - · 2016-09-16 · June16,2016 BridgeByTheBeach—PentictonRegionalDailyBulletin Page3 OkanaganNotes

Bridge ByThe BeachTHURSDAY Edition

Bridge By The Beach is the DailyBulletin of the 2016 PentictonRegional, at the Penticton Trade andConvention Centre, a short walkfrom the beach at Okanagan Lake.The tournament is Canada’s largestand most enjoyable Regional, withevents of all types for players of alllevels, and excellent hospitality.The word ‘Penticton’ came from alocal native language, meaning“permanent place where waterspass by.”

I welcome news, stories, photos, interestingdeals, and other material for Bridge By The Beach,and I’ll print as much as I can—from experts,

intermediates, and novices alike. I will beavailable for digital photos of overall winners inall strats following each evening session in theoffice near the north end entrance. You’ll be ableto find me preduplicating boards for pair gamesin the office during the afternoon and eveningsessions—but my time may be limited. If yousend me a photo by e-mail, be sure to tell me theevent, and left-to-right names.

Each edition of Bridge By The Beach is postedonline by breakfast time, and the online versionhas colour photos and resolution that will beclear on your iPad at any magnification. Photosthat appear in Bridge By The Beach will appearonline by the end of the week, and online resultswill be posted shortly after each session at ACBLLive. All the online content is one click away fromthis page at the rebuilt District 19 Website:

Tomorrow’s Schedule—FRIDAY, June 17Friday-Saturday Morning Swiss Teams.........( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ).........................8:45Cabernet Morning Compact Knockout Teams.. ( began Thursday Morning )....................... 8:45Pinot Morning Knockout Teams .................... ( finals; bracketed ).......................................8:45Side Game (EARLY BIRD Series, #3 of 5)............ ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ).........................8:45Morning 199er Pairs......................................... ( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 )........................... 8:45

Riesling Bracketed Knockout Teams.............( opening round; quarterfinals )...... 1:00 & 7:15ShirazBracketedKnockout Teams...................... ( semifinals and finals ).................... 1:00 & 7:15Open Pairs........................................................ ( 2000+ / 0-2000 ).............................. 1:00 & 7:15Okanagan Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs.................. ( 500-750 / 300-500 / 0-300 )............ 1:00 & 7:15

Side Game (WEEKEND Series, #1 of 4)............... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ).........................1:00Afternoon 199er Pairs.......................................( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 )........................... 1:00Daily 49er Pairs................................................. ( 20-50 / 5-20 / 0-5 )..................................... 1:00

Evening Swiss Teams....................................... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ).........................7:15Side Game (WEEKEND Series, #2 of 4)............... ( 2000+ / 750-2000 / 0-750 ).........................7:15Evening 199er Pairs.......................................... ( 100-200 / 50-100 / 0-50 )........................... 7:15

Events in boldface are the first session of a multi-session event. Side Games can be entered at anytime and carry no obligation to play in any other games in the series. All events are stratified by the

average masterpoint holding of a pair or team, but all individual members of the pair or teammust beunder the event limit (if there is one), even if the average “just fits.”

Editor:Bruce McIntyre(Coquitlam BC)

e-mail:[email protected]