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Mediators of Inflammation Vol 6 1997 289 © 1997 Rapid Science Publishers Conclusion Mediators of Inflammation, 6, 289 (1997) Concluding remarks Ragnar Rylander Department of Environmental Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Medicinaregatan 16, S-413 90 Gothenburg, Sweden leukocytes, were presented at the Workshop. These data had been obtained from animal models using in vivo and in vitro techniques. Other data from inhala- tion studies failed to demonstrate an inflammagenic activity of the different forms of (1® 3)- b - D -glucan when assayed in their natural form. However, both models indicated that (1 ® 3)- b - D -glucans act in an additive or even synergistic fashion with bacterial en- dotoxin. Further work is needed on a larger range of (1 ® 3)- b -D -glucans to exclude or confirm the pres- ence of an inflammation-inducing property after in- halation. This is particularly important to an under- standing of acute and chronic effects after environ- mental exposure. A collaborative project using grifo- lan was established. The question of how (1 ® 3)- b - D -glucan disappears from the environment was raised. Glucanases are pro- duced by both bacteria and fungi and are thought to be important in an ecosystem. There is only limited knowledge about the effects on (1 ® 3)- b - D -glucan of ultraviolet radiation, sunlight or chemical substanc- es normally present in the air such as ozone. Better knowledge of this area could be useful in treating buildings contaminated with molds. Data demonstrated during the workshop suggest that (1 ® 3)-b - D -glucan could be an important envi- ronmental agent related to human disease. In partic- ular, further work is needed on airborne (1 ® 3)- b - D - glucan originating from mold growth indoors; both experimental and epidemiological studies are need- ed before a basis for control purposes can be estab- lished. The workshop provided an excellent basis for this work. References 1. Tamura H, Arimoto Y, Tanaka S, Yoshida S, Obayashi T, Kawai T: Auto- mated kinetic assay for endotoxin and (1 ® 3)- b - D-glucan in human blood. Clin Chim Acta 1994, 226 :109±112. 2. Douwes J, Doekes G, Montijn R, Heederik D, Brunekreef B: Measurement of (1® 3)- b - D -glucans in occupational and home environments with an inhi- bition enzyme immunoassay. Appl Environ Microbiol 1996, 62 :3176±3182. 3. Ohno N, Miura NN, Chiba N, Adachi Y, Yadomae T: Comparison of the immunopharmacological activities of triple and single-helical schizophyllan in mice. Biol Pharm Bull 1995, 18 :1242±1247. The success of any scientific meeting is closely re- lated to the number of new ideas or collaborative projects that are generated. In the workshop on As- pects of glucan toxicity, a number of important areas emerged in which there was agreement on further re- search and in which participants at the workshop will collaborate. These are outlined below. It was accepted that there is a need to compare the two analytical methods now available: the Limulus lysate-related Fungitec G test [1] and a new immu- nological technique using antibodies [2]. From a theo- retical point of view, there could be discrepancies between these techniques and knowledge of any pos- sible discrepancies is essential for the definition of methodological requirements. It was agreed that several different forms of (1 ® 3)- b - D -glucan will be assayed in the first phase of a com- parative study. These are schizophyllan, zymosan, gri- folan, barley glucan and curdlan. The different prep- arations will be aerosolized and duplicate filter sam- ples will be taken of the aerosol. Analyses will be made using the two methods. In the second phase of this study, various environ- mental dust samples (cotton, swine confinement, waste handling) will be analyzed using the two meth- ods, including the inhibition of (1 ® 3)-b - D -glucan us- ing glucanase. In relation to different forms of (1® 3)- b - D -glucan and environmental sampling, it was clear that water extracts from a number of different fungal microbes show essentially the same reactivity with the Fun- gitec G test. This might facilitate the analysis of en- vironmental samples, where some basic form could be the most common form of (1 ® 3)- b - D -glucan, as well as the clinical diagnosis of fungal infection. Knowledge about environmental (1 ® 3)- b - D -glucan would also make it possible to use an optimal refer- ence for the Fungitec G test. Differences in the basic structures and water solubility are already known to relate to differences in effect activity [3]. Data on important cellular activation processes, particularly regarding macrophages and neutrophil

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Page 1: Concluding remarks - Hindawi Publishing · Concluding remarks Ragnar Rylander Department of Environmental Medicine, University

Mediators of Inflammation � Vol 6 � 1997 289© 1997 Rapid Science Publishers


Mediators of Inflammation, 6, 289 (1997)

Concluding remarks

Ragnar Rylander

Departm ent o f Environm ental M edicine, University ofGothenburg, M edicinaregatan 16,S-413 90 Gothenburg, Sweden

leu k o cy tes, w e re p r esen ted a t the Wo rkshop. T h ese

d ata h ad b een o bta in ed f rom an im al m o d els u sin g in

v ivo an d in v i tro tech n iq ues. O th er data f ro m in h ala -

t io n stu d ie s fa iled to dem on stra te an in flam m a gen ic

ac tiv ity o f th e d iffe ren t fo rm s o f (1 ® 3 ) - b - D -g lu can

w h en assayed in th e ir n a tu ra l fo rm . H ow ever, b o th

m o d els in d ica ted th a t (1 ® 3 ) - b - D -g lu can s ac t in an

a dditive o r ev en sy n erg ist ic fash io n w ith b ac te r ia l en -

d o tox in . F u rth er w o rk is n eed ed o n a la rge r ran ge o f

(1 ® 3 ) - b -D -g lucan s to ex c lu d e o r co n fi rm th e p re s-

en ce o f an in flam m ation - ind u cin g p ro p erty a f te r in -

h a la tion. T h is is par ticu la rl y im p o r tan t to an un d er-

stan d ing of acu te an d ch ron ic e ff ec ts a fte r env iro n -

m en ta l ex p o su r e. A co lla b o rative p ro jec t u sing g rifo -

lan w as estab lish ed .

T h e q u estion o f h ow (1 ® 3 ) - b - D -g lu can disa p p ears

fro m th e envir on m en t w as raised . G lu can ases are p ro -

d u ced by b o th b ac ter ia an d fu n g i an d are th o ug h t to

b e im p or tan t in an eco sy stem . T h ere is on ly lim ited

k now led ge a b o u t th e e ff ec ts on (1 ® 3 ) - b - D-g lu can o f

u ltrav io le t rad ia tio n , su n lig h t o r c h em ica l su b stan c-

es n o rm ally p resen t in th e a ir su ch as o zo n e . B ette r

k n ow led g e o f th is a r ea co u ld b e u sefu l in trea tin g

bu ild in gs co n tam inated w ith m o ld s.

D ata d em o n str ated d u rin g th e wo r k sh o p su gg es t

th at (1 ® 3 ) - b - D -g lu can co u ld b e an im p o r tan t env i-

ro nm enta l ag en t re lated to h u m an d isease . In p art ic -

u lar, fu rther w o rk is n eed ed o n a irb o rn e (1 ® 3 ) - b -D -

g lu can o r ig in a ting fro m m o ld g row th in d o o rs; b o th

ex per im enta l an d ep id em io lo gica l stud ies a re need -

ed b efo re a b asis fo r co ntro l p u rp o ses can b e estab -

lish ed. T h e wo r k sh o p p rov id ed an ex ce llen t b asis for

th is w o rk .

References1. Tam ur a H , A rim oto Y, Tana k a S , Yosh ida S, O b ay ashi T, K aw ai T: Au to-

m ated k in etic a ssay for end otox in and (1 ® 3)- b -D -glu can in h um an b loo d.

C lin C him A cta 1 99 4, 22 6 :10 9±11 2.

2. D ou wes J, D o ekes G , M ontij n R , H eed er ik D , B run ek reef B : M easurem en t

of (1 ® 3) - b - D -g lucans in oc cup ation al an d ho m e env iron m en ts w ith an inh i-

bitio n en zy m e im m un oa ssay. A ppl E nviron M icro bio l 1 996 , 62 :31 7 6±31 82 .

3. O hn o N, M iura N N , C h iba N , A d ac hi Y, Y adom ae T : C om p arison of th e

im m u n op h arm aco logi cal activ itie s o f trip le an d singl e -helical sc hizo ph yllan

in m ice . B iol P h arm B ul l 19 95 , 18 :12 42 ±1 2 47 .

T h e su ccess o f any sc ientific m eetin g is c lose l y re -

l ate d to th e nu m b e r o f n ew id e as o r co lla b o ra tive

p ro jec ts th a t a re g en era ted . In th e w ork sh o p on A s-

p ec ts o f g lu can to x ic ity, a n u m b er o f im p or tan t a reas

em erg ed in w h ich th ere w as a gr eem en t o n fu r th er re -

search an d in w h ich p art ic ip an ts a t th e wo rk sh o p w ill

co llab o rate. T h ese are o u tl ined b e low.

It w as acce p ted th a t th ere is a n eed to co m p ar e th e

two an aly tica l m etho d s n o w availab le : th e L im u lus

lysa te-re lated F u n gitec G test [1 ] and a n ew im m u -

n olog ical tech niq u e u sing an tib o die s [2] . F rom a theo -

re tic a l p o in t o f v iew, th ere co u ld b e d is crep a n cies

b e tw een th ese tech niq u es an d k n o w led g e o f any p o s-

sible d iscr ep an cies is essentia l fo r th e d ef in it io n o f

m eth o do lo g ica l req u ir em en ts .

It w as agreed th a t sev era l d iffe ren t fo rm s of (1 ® 3 ) -

b - D -g lu can w ill be assayed in the f ir st p h ase of a co m -

p arative stud y. T h ese are schizop hy llan , zy m osan, gr i-

fo lan , b arl ey g lu can an d cu r d lan . T h e d if fe ren t p rep -

a ratio n s w ill b e aero so lized and du p lica te fil te r sam -

p les w ill b e take n o f th e aeroso l. A n aly ses w il l b e

m ad e u sin g th e tw o m eth o d s.

In th e seco n d p h ase o f th is stu d y, v ario u s env iro n -

m e n ta l d u s t sa m p le s (c o tto n , sw in e c o n fin em en t ,

w aste han d lin g ) w il l b e ana ly zed u sin g th e tw o m eth -

o d s, in clud ing th e in h ib it io n of (1 ® 3 ) - b -D -g lu can u s-

in g g lu can ase .

In re la tio n to d iffe re n t form s o f (1 ® 3 ) - b - D -g lu can

an d env iron m en ta l sam p ling , it w as c lear th a t w ate r

extrac ts f r o m a n u m b er o f d iff e ren t fu n gal m ic r o b es

sh ow essen tia l ly th e sam e reac tiv ity w ith th e F u n -

gitec G test . T h is m igh t fac ili ta te the an aly sis o f en -

v iro n m en ta l sam p les, w h ere so m e b asic fo rm co u ld

b e th e m o st co m m o n form o f (1 ® 3 ) - b - D -g lu can , as

w e ll a s th e c lin i ca l d ia g n o si s o f fu n ga l in f ec tio n .

K n ow led g e ab o u t envir o n m en ta l (1 ® 3 ) - b - D -g lu can

w o u ld a lso m ak e it p o ssib le to use an op tim al re fe r -

en ce fo r th e F u n g itec G te st . D ifferen ces in th e b asic

str u ctu res and w ate r so lu b il ity a re a lread y k n ow n to

re la te to d iffe ren ces in e ff ec t ac tiv ity [3 ].

D ata o n im p o r tan t c e llu lar ac tiv a tio n p ro cesses ,

p a rt icu la r ly reg ard in g m a cro p h ag es an d n eu tro p h il

Page 2: Concluding remarks - Hindawi Publishing · Concluding remarks Ragnar Rylander Department of Environmental Medicine, University

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