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英語閱讀 (三 )-第五小組報告組員:王前恩 4000Z047

黃立翰 4000Z046

莊雅涵 4000M083

陳靜宜 4990D013

蘇大森 4000??????

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In 1954, Ronald Cotton was convicted of rape and sentenced to prison. The victim identified Cotton as her attacker and went on to testify twice against him even after seeing Bobby Pool, the man who boasted of committing the crime. Ten and a half years after the conviction, DNA testing proved that Pool was the rapist and that Cotton was innocent. Cotton was one of an estimated 4,250 Americans who are wrongfully convicted of crimes based on inaccurate eyewitness identifications each year.

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MAIN IDEA This paragraph talks about one of many examples in

which men were wrongfully convicted of crimes because of inaccurate eyewitness identification.

There are about 4250 Americans being wrongfully convicted of crimes each year in the USA.


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KEY WORDS CONSTRUE Reliability(n.) the ability to be relied

  on or depended on, as for accuracy, honesty, or achievement. 可信度 Witnesses(n.)an individual who, being present, personallysees or perceives a thing; a beholder, spectator, or eyewitness目擊者 Convict (v.) to prove or declare guilty of an offense,

especially after a legal trial 判 ... 有罪 Con 一起 ; 完全 Sentence (v.) to pronounce sentence upon; condemn to

punishment 宣判 Victim (n.) a person who suffers from a destructive or

injurious action or agency 受害者 Indentify (v.)

to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of 識別 In 在 , 內 , 進 , 入 , 向 , 朝

Testify (v.) to bear witness; give or afford evidence 作證

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to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself. 誇耀

Commit (v.) do or make(crime, blunder,etc.) 犯 ( 罪 , 錯等 )Com 一起 ;共同 ; 完全

Conviction (n.) the state of being convinced 定罪 Con 一起 ; 完全 Rapist (n.) a person who commits rape 強姦犯 Innocent (a.) free from moral wrong; without sin 無辜的 Estimate

(v.)to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding theworth, amount, size, weight, etc., of; calculate 估計

Inaccurate (a.) not accurate;  incorrect or untrue 不確定的 In 在 , 內 ,進 , 入 , 向 , 朝 Accurate(a) free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact. 精確的

Identification (n.)an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified確認

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1How reliable are eyewitnesses?2How much importance should juries place on eyewitness testimony?3Over the past fifty years, scientific research has reveals that eyewitness testimony is often an incorrect account of what actually took place.4Scientists now know that the human mind does not act like a video camera recording and replaying everything within its viewfinder.5Rather,human memory is a complex process, vulnerable to distortion at every stage.6The gathering of information into memory involves a three-step process, and errors are possible at each step.

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The human mind is different from video camera.

Human’s memory is easy to be distorted.

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How reliable are eyewitnesses?這些目擊者的可靠程度有多少 ?

Reliable = 可信賴的 ; 可靠的 ; 確實的Re = 再 , 又 , 復 , 重新 ; 後退 ; 回應Liable = 易患 ... 的 ; 易 ... 的Lie = 躺 , 臥 ; ( 東西 ) 被平放Able = 有能力;易作;適合

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How much importance should juries place on eyewitness testimony.陪審團要如何決定目擊者的證詞有多少的重要性。

Importance = 重要性Important = 重要的

Im = 表示 " 不 ", " 無 ", " 非 " 有否定意思 ( 這邊並無此意 )-ce 原本形容詞的 important 變成”抽象”名詞的importance

Juries = 陪審團 jury 複數Place = 此作…的定位Testimony =a declaration made under oath 宣誓後的證詞

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KEY WORDS CONSTRUE Over the past fifty years, scientific research has

revealed that eyewitness testimony is often an incorrect account of what actually took place.在過去五十年中,科學研究顯示目擊者證詞往往跟實際發生的不一樣

Scientific = 科學上的,開創新知識的Scient = 有知識的 ( 演變成 science)+ 字尾 -ific= 表示具有某種性質的

Revealed = 展現 ; 顯露出-ed 1. 加在名詞之後表示有…特性的、如…的 2. 加在動詞之後表示已…的、

被…的Incorrect = 不正確的 ; 錯誤的 ; 不真實的

Correct = 正確的 ; 對的-Rect= right;straight 正 ; 直-In 變否定

Acocount= 帳戶Actually= 實際上 ; 真的

Actual= 實際的 ; 事實上的-ly= 由 -al+-ly 而成,表示方法、程度、狀態、…地

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Scientists now know that the human mind does not act like a video camera, recording and replaying everything within its viewfinder.科學家現在瞭解人類的頭腦不像攝影機一樣可以儲存和重播它鏡頭所看到的一切。

Recording= 記錄 ; 錄音 ; 錄影Record= 記錄 , 記載 ; 唱片 , 錄音帶 ; 最高紀錄 , 最佳成績Re- = 在一次 ; 重來Cord= 細繩 , 粗線 , 索

Replaying= 重演 ; 重播Viewfinder= 取景器

View= 視力 ; 視野Finder=find( 找到 , 尋得 ; 發現 ; 碰上 )+-er 表示人、物

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Rather, human memory is a complex process, vulnerable to distortion at every stage.反而,人類的記憶是一個複雜的過程,在每個階段都會容易受損導致失真。

Complex = 複雜的 , 錯綜複雜的 ; 難懂的Process = 過程 , 進程 , 程序

Pro- = 向前 , 在前-cess = go;move 行走

Vulnerable = 易受傷的Vulnerate = 使受傷害Able = 有能力;易作;適合

Distortion = 扭曲 ; 變形 ; 失真Dis- = 產生負面的意思Tortile = 扭轉的Ion = action of;process of 行動 ; 過程

Stage= 舞台 ; 階段 ( 此作階段 )

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The gathering of information into memory involves a three-step process, and errors are possible at each step.匯集這些資訊變成記憶牽涉到三個步驟的程序,然後每個步驟都有可能出差錯產生錯誤。

Gathering = 集會 , 聚集Information =報告 ; 消息 ; 報導 ; 情報資料 ; 資訊

In- = 加強意義,或表示“使 ...” 、“作 ...”Formation = 形成 , 構成 , 組成

Involves = 使捲入 , 連累 ; 牽涉In- = 內、入

Errors = 錯誤 , 失誤 , 差錯Possible = 可能的

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During the first step, an event is perceived, and ”bits” of information are stored in memory. Since the human mind can’t process and retain every possible piece of information, it consciously and unconsciously determines which details are stored in the memory, according to where the viewer’s attention is focused. In the second step, the brain sorts and retains the memories for later retrieval. In the third and final step, it is possible for us to search our memory “files” and locate information.

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The gathering of information into memory involves a three-step process:

First human’s brain will keep information that he or she focused.

Then human’s brain will sort information for retrieval.

Finally we can search information in our brain.

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The type of event observed is significant in determining the accuracy of details the eyewitness is able to recall. Important event factors include the length of the observation and the complexity of the event. If an observed event is fairly simple, such as two people fighting in the street, it is relatively easy for an eyewitness to recall details accurately. However, if the event involves several people fighting, it becomes much more complex, and eyewitnesses experience much greater difficulty in correctly remembering what happened.

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The type of event determines whether the eyewitness can accurately recall what happen.

It is easy for people to recall simple event.

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KEY WORDS CONSTRUE perceive : to notice or become aware of something. 理

解,察覺Per : 經、由、靠

bit: rather, a little. 有點、一點 consciously: aware of something. 有意識地

Con: 欺詐的 ; 反面的 retrieval: the process of getting something. 恢復、取回

Re: 表”在後”Retrieve 動詞

accuracy: the state of being exact or correct; the ability to do sth skillfully without making mistakes. 準確性

complexity : complicated. 複雜性Complex

involve: if a situation, an event or an activity involved sth that thing is an important or necessary. 涉入 牽入

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Experiments have shown that fear, stress, and anxiety can disrupt the normal perception process and distort the memory. Under stress, people focus only on the details they feel are most important.”Weapon focus” is an example. If someone is faced with a gun he or she is much more likely to focus attention on the gun rather than on the person holding it. Additionally, our expectations have an effect on perception. People tend to see and hear what they expect to see and hear. In a fascinating experiment, subjects were shown a photograph of several people standing in a subway train. Among the people, a white man holding a razor was apparently arguing with a black man. When asked to describe what they had seen, subjects often inaccurately remembered that the black man had been wielding the razor. This is because most people would expect a black man to commit a crime.

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Experiments have shown that fear, stress, and anxiety can disrupt the normal perception process and distort the memory.

Under stress, people focus only on the details they feel are most important.

People tend to see and hear what they expect to see and hear.

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KEY WORDS CONSTRUE perception(n.) 感覺 wielding(v.) 揮舞;原形動詞 wield apparently(adv.) 顯然地、表面上; apparent(adj.) 表面的 additionally(adv.) 附加地、此外; additional(adj.) 附加的 inaccurately(adv.) 不精確地; inaccurate(adj.) 不精確的 shown 是 show 的過去分詞 (v.) 顯示 arguing(v.) 爭論;原形動詞 argue ; argue搭配的介系詞是

with faced with( 片語 ) 面對 


※dis- 表示相反、否定

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Memory can also become distorted while in storage. Since memories degrade over time and portions of an event can be forgotten, people creatively fill in the gaps created by long-term memory loss. This is because the human mind prefers a “complete” picture. An individual’s memory can also be altered during the storage step by intervening occurrences. For example, a witness may read or hear about a crime he or she witnessed. The mind tends to incorporate this after-the-fact information and combine it with the previously stored memory.

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A part of person’s memory will lost after long time and people will create their own memory to fill in the gaps.

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KEY WORDS CONSTRUE Memory(n): memory is the processes by which information is

encoded, stored, and retrieved   Storage(v): Storage in human memory is one of three core process

of memory, along with Recall and Encoding   Degrade(v): the process of deterioration of characteristics of an

object with time   Portion(n):a part of Gap(n):a part of space Loss(v):lost Individual(n): a person separate from other persons and possessing

his or her own needs or goals. Alter(v):to change Tend(v):to lead Incorporate(v): giving domestic legal force to a sovereign state‘s

international legal obligations

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Recently, courts have begun to acknowledge the problems with eyewitness reliability. Sometimes judges allow expert testimony to educate jurors about the United States legal system is,” Better to let ten guilty people go free than send one innocent person to jail.”

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Courts have begun to acknowledge the problems with eyewitness reliability.

Sometimes judges allow expert testimony to educate jurors about common misconceptions with eyewitnesses’ memories.

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KEY WORDS CONSTRUE Court(n): A court is a form of tribunal, often a governmental institution, with

the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law

  Acknowledge(v): an experimental method for automatically analyzing

acknowledgements in the scientific literature   Expert(adj): someone widely recognized as a reliable source of technique or

skill whose faculty for judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely is accorded authority and status by their peers or the public in a specific well-distinguished domain.

  Juror(n): A jury is a sworn body of people convened to render an impartial

verdict (a finding of fact on a question) officially submitted to them by a court, or to set a penalty or judgment.

  Guilty(adj):to become a crime.   Innocent(adj): a term used to indicate a lack of guilt, with respect to any kind

of crime, sin, or wrongdoing

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