drone- a killer & deliverable

“Drone-a killer & deliverable”

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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“Drone-a killer & deliverable”

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The word 'drone' comes from the Old English 'dran or

draen' meaning 'male honeybee’. By now, the unmanned drone is as much a part of the

military mythos as the machine gun and grenades, this marked a new era of warfare.

An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly known as drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot on board.

Its flight is controlled either autonomously by computers in the vehicle or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle

On February 4, 2002, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) first used an unmanned Predator drone in a targeted killing


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Fig: A Killer robot flight of UK’s autonomous drone

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Saves Lives: The most obvious advantage of drones is that they greatly reduce

putting military personnel in harm’s way or in combat. Low Cost: The second most obvious advantage of drones is their low cost, because

they are significantly cheaper to purchase, fuel, and maintain than regular airplanes. Low Risk: Since drones are smaller and can fly lower than traditional airplanes, there

is less risk to military hardware. Operational Hours: Without a human pilot, drones can stay in operation for

significantly longer hours of operation without fatigue. Additionally, drone pilots or operators can easily hand off controls of a drone without any operational downtime.

Accuracy: Drones can have more pinpoint accuracy from greater distances, thus reducing collateral damage to civilians and infrastructure.

Lethal: Drones are as lethal to enemy combats as regular airplanes. Spying: Years before drones were used in combat; drones have proven to increase

surveillance, reconnaissance, and general military intelligence. Deployment: Finally, drones are significantly easier and faster to deploy than most


Advantages of Drone in warfare:

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Fig: a Drone launching a missile

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Fig: controlling the drone from a remote place

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Limited Abilities: Drones have obvious limitations. For example, they cannot

communicate with civilians for more detailed intelligence. Drones cannot capture surrendering military personnel, abandoned hardware, or military bases. Drones cannot go from door to door, at least, not yet.

Civilian Losses: Drone warfare often causes collateral damages in civilian lives and property, as well as traditional warfare too.

Counterproductive and Destabilizing: Civilian opinions about drones are typically negative, since they are viewed as an invasion force. Furthermore, when drones cause collateral damage, such as killing civilians and damaging civilian property, the opinions of civilians decrease even more so.

Too Easy: By making drone warfare very similar to video games, drone warfare makes combat too easy by diminishing ethical decisions.

Work and Personal Life Balance: Some drone pilots or operators have difficulty switching between combat mode at work and civilian mode while not working. This is especially difficulty when drone pilots have minimal transition periods between work and personal, if any at all.

Take Over: Finally, the worst case scenario is when drones or a fleet of drones have been commandeered or taken control by the enemy. While security measures help make this possibility more difficult, it will never be impossible.

Disadvantages of Drone in War fare:

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A destruction caused due to Drone attack

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Mail delivery by animals has been used in many countries

throughout history. It used to be the only way to quickly transport large bundles of

letters over long distances, until motorised vehicles became more widespread.

But Now a days drones are used for delivering the products. The drone will use GPS to find your house and will almost

definitely have a camera in order to safely land and navigate its surroundings.

Drones can deliver packages up to 5 pounds to your house in less than half an hour.

Drone services are provided by companies like Amazon, Dominos and Lakemaid.

Drone as a delivery service

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Fig: Services providing by the drone.

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Amazon grabbed the country's attention last year

after announcing it was exploring ways to deliver packages with drones, and wants to deliver some packages within minutes of the orders being placed.

Inspired by Amazon, Lakemaid had been testing a drone delivery system for 12-packs of beer on ice fishing lakes in Minnesota.

Dominos in UK also uses the same drone technology for delivering up to 2 pizzas.


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Permission should be taken by FAA(Federal Aviation

Administration) for commercial drones to fly in sky. As they fly low in the sky, diving low enough to touch when they

hover to deliver packages. With any new development in technology, there are criminals and

pranksters who find ways to turn it on by means of hacking and by theft.

On the ground might take umbrage to aircraft flying over their property.

Operator of the vehicle should be needed. Environmental factors should be considered. Consider how people on the ground respond to these flying

vehicles Efforts to cut down on delivery time and expense

Challenges need to be faced

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A single, battery-powered drone traveling to bring

your order versus a large emissions-spewing delivery truck is a vast improvement when it comes to emissions and energy efficiency.

The drone also wins out when comparing it to you driving your car to the store for the same items.

Helps companies to deliver its wide variety of goods to cities around the world.


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As they use cameras for delivering the products, all

the data and video will be stored by the company and it affects the privacy of an individual.

As there is no human presence theft and other property damage could be problem.

Predatory bird like Tree Huggers will attack the small type of drones thinking them as bird.


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Drones and humanitarian law: Drones should be

used in compliance with these laws to reduce civilian casualties.

Transparency: Whatever happening through Drone should be known because there may be a chance of misuse.

Investigations: Should undergo investigations as strikes and consent going on at different parts of the world against it.
