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EditorialRasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa sallam said:

“Anyone who wants to have their rizqi extended and lengthen its life, then let him connect the ties” [Muttafaqun ‘alaihi].

It is truly wonderful the meaning behind silaturahim as narrated in the hadith above. It inspired us, all Board of Directors of the International Islamic Schools Alliance (ITTISHAL), to launch this e-newsletter.

We hope this media become a bridge to connect the Board of ITTISHAL with the stakeholders who have contributed to the development of ITTISHAL as on the Board of Trustees, the honorable members, the members, and the other

parties. Through this media, we want to share the latest information on the steps undertaken by ITTISHAL since it was first established on October 1, 2015 and officially launched on October 10, 2016.

Pedagogy. The name we chose as the name of this media to describe the movement of ITTISHAL which focuses on education. In accordance with the message of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees ITTISHAL, Prof. Dr. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, ittishal must uphold the movement path in the world of education to contribute to creating the next generation of Muslims who excel through education.

So, here is the inaugural edition of the e-magazine Pedagogy, launched in March 2017. This edition will explore ITTISHAL’s journey as an educational organization in the world by gathering network of Islamic schools from different parts of the world.

We will start this first edition with a quote from BJ Habibie about the importance of synergy between the Islamic schools around the world to create the next generation of Muslim to become a leader in the world.

We will raise some interesting topics that are born from the inaugural conference of ITTISHAL, the 1st International Conference on Islamic Education which was held on 10th to 12th October 2016 in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

May this media be useful for Islamic education throughout the world. Aamiin Yaa Rabbal’alaamin.

President Director of International Islamic Schools Alliance (ITTISHAL)

Hj. Eny Rahma Zaenah, SE, MM.

President Director : Eny Rahma ZaenahSteering Editorial : Khalil KhalidiEditor in Chief : Syamsu HidayatEditor : Ema Utami, Pertapa SariReporter & Photographer : Ema Utami, Umi RohmahwatiGraphic Designer & Layouter : Nasa Uli FaqihuddinIT Officer : M. Chowwy


Address : International Islamic Schools Alliance Head Office

Dr. Soepomo 6A Surakarta 57131 Central Java, Indonesia

Email : [email protected]

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BJ Habibie: Positive Synergy of Culture, Religion and Technology Becomes the Key to Face the Globalization Challenges

The development of the digital world to be one of the consequences of rapid globalization. It is also an impact on all aspects of life, one of them is on education, as the basic for the life of the young generation. The rapid development of this globalized world also hits Indonesia.

“The people of Indonesia should make a positive synergy on three things: the resilience of culture, religion, and technology to defend digital development very rapidly,” As stated by the President of the 3rd Republic of Indonesia who also being the Board of Trustees of the International Islamic Schools Alliance (ITTISHAL), Prof. Dr. Ing. H. BJ Habibie, as a keynote speaker on Islamic Education International Conference 2016 organized by ITTISHAL on October 10, 2016.

At the current time, Habibie said, the whole world has been fused with this digital world we are entering at present. “No more

borders for information because it has penetrated into all aspects of life which we can’t deny or fight,” he explained.

He explains the positive synergy between the resilience of culture, religion, and technology is the key because it can improve the competitiveness of human resources of each country. Human resources development is an impact force of a nation because a country cannot always rely on its natural resources.

The key to human resource development is to develop humans to an independent, free, cultured, superior, and productive nation to have superior quality and become leaders in the future.

“However, do not stop at creating a superior generation only. To be productive should be pursued with courage to create chances and do planned real work, “said BJ Habibie.

BJ Habibie who was also officially launched ITTISHAL in the conference, appreciated ITTISHAL as one of the alliance to gather Islamic schools around the world. “We hope that Islamic schools from all over the world to share and learn to others in this alliance for the ummah, especially for the Islamic generation,” Habibie said.

He hopes the alliance is able to provide information which is not patronizing, but to bear the positive synergies to advance the next generation. Habibie when giving his speech in front of participants of the conference also hopes the alliance ICIE international schools can learn from their own mistakes for the better future.

Main Topic

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(Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (Board of Trustees of ITTISHAL) on ICIE 2016)

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Prof. Dr. Badlihisham Mohd NasirFakulti Tamadun Islam

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Around the World

Many seem to forget the role & contribution of Islamic movements in improving Islamic education. Nevertheless, educational institution of Islamic movements keep growing all over the world. In Malaysia, Islamic education is indebted to the role of Islamic movements particularly in 1970s. Here, we will discuss about “ The history of Islamic education and the response of Islamic movements » and also abou « The experience of Islamic movements in improving Islamic education in the country »

Education and the Islamic Movements.. Education and Islamic movements in Malaysia started from Sufi and traditional based education such as masjid and pondok. Especially in East coast and northern part of Malaysia. Islamism and the emergence of reformation in Islamic education; 1920s Syed Sheikh al-Hadi & Sheikh Tahir Jalaluddin – Madrasah: new system & curriculum about Islah movement by the New Faction (Kaum Muda) Conflicting Old Faction (Kaum Tua); defending the old school of thought & institution. Promoting new idea in searching for independence; Maahad Ihya As-Sharif Gunung Semanggol Perak.

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The decline of Muslims is not because of Islam but as a result of errors in understanding Quran & Sunnah. What we can do by developing critical thinking through ijtihad and eradicating taqlid, refreshing cultural knowledge through Islamic education reforms – combine Islam & modern subjects, lifting the status and function of women in Islam. Thus, improving Islamic education to become the main agenda for the Islamic movements.

Experience in Improving Islamic Education Malaysian are improving Islamic Education in many fields such as: Political reform; Malaysian Islamic party (PAS 1951), Sufi movements; Tariqah, Tabligh & Arqam, Islamic resurgence 1970s; Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM 1974) – Islamization of knowledge, dakwah movement; Islam is the way of life, Rejuvenation of PAS as dakwah movement 1981; dakwah & tarbiah – Islamic kindergarten, schools & university, Islamization within the system; the role of Anwar & ABIM in the government- national policy of education & International Islamic University (IIU 1983). Also the emergence of Non-government Islamic Organisation (NGOs 2000 onwards); new elite & focus Islamic educational system.Besides, many Lessons & Challenges faced by Malaysia: pioneering Islamic educational reform; modern system - diversion within muslim community (Innovo phobia), promoting Islamisation of knowledge: Islam as system not lesson – Islamic model, curriculum etc, gradual development in education; National policy of education - political challenge to Islamic education (Islamic education between extremism & liberalism)

From those discussions, we can conclude that: Islamic movements have played significant role in improving & reforming education, some alternatives in the form system and institution have been developing Islamic education in the country, neverheless, Islamic movements have to improve the quality of their educational system in order to face current challenges and obstacles. Hence, Muslim ummah should learn more from their experience as well the Muslim rulers should give them more rooms to play in improving Islamic education all over the world.

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FosteringIslam throughEducation

Edu Speak

The writer is student of Sebelas Maret University Post Graduate Program, Majoring in Education

Technology Study Program. He is also the Found-er of Parenting Academy Indonesia,

By: Imam Subkhan

It should be recognized that the most effective model of propaganda is through education. And this is only one aspect of propaganda of the most developed in Indonesia, namely in the field of education. Many who did not think, in the last 25 years -since the early 90s until today-Islamic education is growing rapidly. Like mushrooms in the rainy season, an Islamic school from early childhood through high school levels grow and spread to the outposts of the country. In fact, these schools believed many people, so many were willing to pay dearly for the sake of sending their children there.

If education is dealt with seriously by the concept of true Islam, then the next 25 years, will be born a new generation in Indonesia. As happened at the beginning of the Crusades when the birth of Salahuddin Al-Ayubi generation; generation designed by the ulama (the scholars).

By comparison, the condition of Indonesia is now similar to the days of the Khalifah (year 1045) in advance. Many appear misguided ideologies, philosophy, secularism, spiritualism extreme, extreme Sufis, to conflicts between sects. Similarly popping groups think of themselves without thinking of the people. Coupled with the “hubbud” disease (too much love to the world) by most people. This is similar to the existing problems in Indonesia now.

Dr. Majid ‘Irsan Al-Kilani in his book Mystery of the Dark Period Islam and the Crusades depicts Victory detail the conditions of society at that time.

At that time, Khalifah Abbasyah was not able to overcome the existing problems in the community. Then came the Crusaders attacked Jerusalem and northern Syria. Near the center of the caliphate in Baghdad was unable to strike back until there fell some regions of Islam. In fact, when the Islamic civilization is the highest civilization, even 500 years more advanced in science and technology than European nations.

This defeat occurs because when the Muslims hubbud world, split, embraced fanaticism, and likes to berate. As a result, any weakest enemy, still Muslims wiped out. Only after that time, emerging generation of Salahuddin Al-Ayubi who learn from past mistakes and managed to restore Jerusalem into the hands of Islam. Awakening Islamic generation like this is expected to emerge from Indonesia in the future, generation after experiencing a period of decline and educated society with true Islam.

Awakening Islamic education that was discussed is an example of an opportunity to fostering Islam in Indonesia. On the other hand, we also have to be careful because a lot of misconceptions in defining the meaning of education. Now, most parents are busy thinking about the school and campus, instead of finding science as the orientation of their children’s education. Disease “school-ism” was unavoidable.

School compulsory program of government for example. Supposedly, shall seek ilmulah the emphasis, not mandatory their schooling. Hence,

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no wonder if the school year is over, many people no longer feel obliged to seek knowledge. They continued the tendency of life in search of work, find a mate, and so forth.

To interpret the essence of education, we must learn from the Prophet Rasulullah SAW. There are two things that the strength of his generation in the future, namely bashthatan fii ilmu wa bashtotan fil jasmi or “physical strength and power of science”. The two powers are a cohesion that must be educated to be obtained by the present generation of Muslims.

Related to physical education, it is described in the word of God in Surah Al Anfal verse 65, which reads, “Prepare the mukmin/believers to fight”. This is done by the Prophet and his generation so often win the war with the opposing forces more people.

About the science education, we can see from the jargon that is introduced by the Prophet, namely thalabul ilmu faridatun ‘ala kulli muslimin or “seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.” At the time of the Prophet and his companions, there was no school. Similarly, in the time of Imam Shafi’i and Ibn Sina, who do not have college campuses. Then why are they smart? That’s because they make the whole activity of life as an activity to seek knowledge. In fact, Umar bin Khattab after becoming head of state continues to seek knowledge.

The integration of education that produce physical strength and strength of science is an

amplifier for Muslims. Especially when we talk about Muslims in Indonesia’s education. The synergy will create a generation that is able to revive Islam in this country.

Restore the meaning of education to the native meaning is one way to fostering Islam in Indonesia since education was the principle of the resurrection of the people. In fact, once education is not separated from dakwah. Now, a variety of things become the result of education. For example Islamization in the campus, the hijab in the national police, the development of Islamic banks, the movement of reading and memorizing the Qur’an, and much more. Culturally, Islam is again growing in Indonesia. All of these things must be taken very optimistically.(This article is excerpted from a speech inspired by Ustadz Adian Husaini, at the Bandung Institute of Technology campus in 2016)

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Fighting for Islamic Education of Children with Disabilities

One of the challenges of being Muslim population in many countries of Muslim minorities is to provide Islamic education for their children. This challenge became one of the challenges faced by Muslims in South Africa which is minority in the country. However, one of the Islamic school in the Cedera city, South Africa, it also seeks to provide a proper religious education to blind students.

The school is the Madrassa Noor for the Blind. Established in 1986, this school provides specialized public education on the basic of Islamic religion on students with braille lettered media learning. The founders of the school learned about the Al Qur’an Braille from the Blind Muallima and set up Madrassa Noor in Pietermaritzburg city.

The Founder and Chairman of Madrassa Noor, Sheikh Hassan A. K. Murchie, said Madrassa Noor started with only one student to learn “qaaida” or primer, some other students began to join. Madrassa was once only a garage with carpet floored and a couple of tables to put the Qur’an. The first pride of the founders and educators at the school are in the first year, three students graduated and completed their Qur’an.

Sheikh also used a typewriter to produce religious books with Braille for children’s learning. Developments also continue to be pursued. Now, the school has a tool for recording audio and computer to produce more learning tools for students, such as the production of “talking books” which are produced in the recording studio belonging to Madrassa Noor. The school also became the member of International Braille Qur’an Forum for developing its school and other similar institutions.

Not only in the African regions Madrassa Noor also educate children with special needs. It was appreciated by educators in various parts of the world. Those who want to establish similar institutions with Madrassa Noor also asked to be trained in establishing the school is nearly equal to the challenge faced by Madrassa Noor.

Difficulties faced by institutions in other countries are the lack of educators trained to teach

Member Profile

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the Qur’an braille. Madrassa Noor also develops training and workshops for the Qur’an in Braille in other countries such as India, Mauritius, England, Scotland, Bangladesh, Mozambique, and around South Africa. Not only provide religious education as a base education of children in the future, Madrassa Noor also now realize the importance of providing life skills to children with special needs in their schools. “We request you to make-Duaa for our success and that Allah Ta’ala accepts our Efforts and forgives us our shortcomings. Aamiin .. “

Moulana Hassan Murchie’s Visit To The Quraa’nic Braille Press In Jordan

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Groundbreaking Ceremony the Head Office of ITTISHAL

“ITTISHAL become the First International Educational Institution in Solo”

Groundbreaking CeremonyBy Vice Mayor of Surakarta

The board trustees of International Islamic Schools Alliance (ITTISHAL) Hj. Siti Aminah Abdullah accompanied with the Vice Mayor of Surakarta, Achmad Purnomo, inaugurated the groundbreaking ceremony the head office of ITTISHAL, on Friday (13/1), for starting the construction head office of international Islamic school alliance in Jl. Dr Soepomo Sriwedari, Surakarta. The ceremony also had attended by Executive Director of AlRisalah Scandinavian Foundation Sweden, Hussein Aldoude, which being the honorable guest of ITTISHAL.

The head office of ITTISHAL targeted to finish on 2017, having function to manage all programs in the field of education, research and development, public relation and publisher, also international forums as though international conference and teacher and student exchange. The head office of ITTISHAL will build on a land area around 90 meters with four floor in the central city of Surakarta.

On her speech, Hj. Siti Aminah hope that the head office development will be continue greatly to accommodate ITTISHAL movement in the world’s core. “Developing this head office hopefully can steadfast ITTISHAL activity programs after succeed organizing International Conference on Islamic Education 2016 in Solo on October 2016,” said Siti Aminah who sat in line with the board trustees

ITTISHAL together with Prof. Dr. – Ing. H. BJ HabibieIn spite of did not show the development in

building physically, explained Siti Aminah, she be grateful with acceptance from the others in supporting programs of ITTISHAL which ongoing. She explained that several activity programs was held by ITTISHAL have priority to arise the benefit of people and the future of Islamic generation in the world

“Several important programs that I have to present is establishing university and giving scholarship to the children that become member of ITTISHAL. We give the time at least in 3 (three) years forward for doing feasibility study carefully and the best plan in creating the objective optimally” told Siti Aminah


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CEO of Alrisalah Scandinavian Foundation Visited ITTISHAL in Indonesia

Taking part in this ceremony, the Vice Mayor of Surakarta Achmad Purnomo on his speech deliver his proud as representative government of Surakarta to the base home of ITTISHAL. “We worthy proud because ITTISHAL is the first international foundation in education field establishing in Solo”, told the Vice Mayor. He hope Islamic school in Solo could have synergy as the member of ITTISHAL and co-collaborate in all programs to realize excellent Islamic generation

The vice mayor told that the synergy in Islamic education composed with religion, culture, and science and technology in order to have great faith and god-fearing for human also create excellent generation and high competitiveness. Eny Rahma Zaenah explained the development Head Office of ITTISHAL give new spirit for ITTISHAL movement on education. “This head office will command the movement of Branch Office ITTISHAL in 4 country, there are Indonesia, South Africa, Canada, and Sweden. Insya Allah, on this year have additional amount in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia,” told the President Director of ITTISHAL.

Executive Director Alrisalah Scandinavian Foundation, Aldaoudi Hussein, visited the Board of Director of ITTISHAL in Surakarta, Central Java,

Indonesia, on January 9th to 17th, 2017. During the visit, the representatives of educational institutions in Scandinavia had the opportunity to explore academic cooperation with ITTISHAL and visited two educational institutions as the founders of ITTISHAL. They are Al Firdaus Educational Foundation and Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School. Some of the cooperation established between Alrisalah with ITTISHAL include the exchange program of teachers and students as well as teacher training, and distribution of Islamic books and the

Qur’an in Scandinavia.On that occasion also, in conjunction with The Groundbreaking

Ceremony of Head Office of ITTISHAL, Hussein Aldaoudi expresses appreciation to Hj. Siti Aminah Abdullah for her dedication to the field of education

and Islamic education book publishing through PT Tiga Serangkai in Indonesia, which she founded. The award titled “The Alrisalah Scandinavia’s Emblem Foundation for Excellence” from such an education foundation that manages schools in 5 countries in Scandinavia for the figures in the international education.

“We were amazed at the devotion she mostly given to education to promote the ummat. She educates, distribute Islamic books and textbooks in Indonesia and will now go to the international world,” said Aldaoudi.

He explained Hj. Siti Aminah Abdullah became the first person from Indonesia who get the award. Two award previously given to the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia and Morocco’s ambassador to the country of Denmark is also committed to education.

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ITTISHAL Supports AMSO 2016, The Inclusive Mathematics and

Science OlympiadNot only implement programs of their own, the

International Islamic Schools Alliance (ITTISHAL) also supports the programs of the founders and members in the alliance. One of them is the activity of Al Firdaus Math and Science Olympiad (AMSO) organized by Al Firdaus Elementary School, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, on Saturday, November 5, 2016.

President Director of ITTISHAL, Eny Rahma Zaenah, said that AMSO held by Al Firdaus was very interesting to get support from ITTISHAL. This is due to a special category for special needs children to take part in the math and science olympiad.

“We salute that Al Firdaus is always upholding the inclusive method in the learning program of the students. Similarly, in this olympiad. Children with disabilities has limited spaces in academic

appreciation in the olympiad,” said Eny.A total of 15 students from Surakarta became

the participants in the category for students with disabilities along with 657 other students. In the event that was held in the Al Firdaus High School, ITTISHAL gave appreciation for all participants in the category of children with disabilities to appreciate their struggle to participate in an olympiad event.

“Hopefully it will inspire other institutions to give more spaces for children with disabilities.

Because, basically, every child is unique and every child is a champion. They have the potential of each in themselves which must be developed together with the people around him, “said Eny Rahma.

The Principal of Al Firdaus Elementary School, Budianto Darmawan, said AMSO is a routine activity held by the SD Al Firdaus to accommodate the interests and talents of the students in the field of science and mathematic subjects. “Several years earlier, AMSO held regularly as an internal contest among elementary school students Al Firdaus. This year, we invite children from other schools and Alhamdulillah, the enthusiasm of external participants is extraordinary up to 657 children, “said Darmawan.

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Correlating sillaturahim with education institutions in Southern Asia, director of ITTISHAL did business visit to Islamic schools in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam on November 2016. That visitation brought positive result on affiliating education institutions to be the member of ITTISHAL in function to continue the establish cooperation. The four institutions are International Islamic School Malaysia, At Tamimi, dan Sekolah Rendah Integrasi Tahfidz Ilmuwan di Malaysia, dan Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah in Brunei Darussalaam. Represented by President Director of ITTISHAL Eny Rahma Zaenah accompanied with Head of Academic Affairs Dr. Sutanto, DEA, and Representative of Asia Regions, Pertapasari, ITTISHAL introduce working programs and potential collaboration between ITTISHAL and those education institutions such as teacher training in international scale, teacher and student exchange, also International Conference on Islamic Education.

International Islamic School Malaysia (IISM) that officially in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, appreciate on cooperation which offer by ITTISHAL disposed to establish branch office ITTISHAL in that schools as representation information center of ITTISHAL in Malaysia and Southern Asia. The Head Office IISM, Zulfan Haidar, said that his side was agree to establish Branch Office of ITTISHAL after the offer approved by General Manager IISM Head of PR and Publishing of ITTISHAL, Mr. Khalil Khalidi , said that pioneer collaboration of ITTISHAL with Islamic schools in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam hopefully could bring benefits to the schools which become member of ITTISHAL for both the nations are substantial Islamic nation and have advance Islamic education. “With IISM, we will pioneer the implementation of recognized curriculum in international world, Cambridge curriculum, collaborating with lesson basically in Islamic education to create excellent Islamic education for

future Islamic generation in the world.” Said Khalil Khalidi.

In the other hand, ITTISHAL explores collaboration in Islamic education field with Education Institution in Singapore that is Irsyad Limited Trust. Irsyad which have affiliated with Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Islamiyah collaborated with ITTISHAL in international school development and Arabic language learning through IT method. The collaboration is initiated as the Executive Director of Irsyad, Razak bin Mohd. Lazim visited ITTISHAL in Solo, on the early February 2017.

President Director of ITTISHAL, Eny Rahma Zaenah, told that this collaboration was initiated behold on its successes in developing education institution in international class that is Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Islamiyah and the others international school which affiliated with the institution in Malaysia and Indonesia.

ITTISHAL Visited Education Institution in South East Asia Regions

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Calendar Event

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Membership Information of ITTISHAL

Open Registration

ITTISHAL gathers Islamic educational institutions around the world to build network by sharing their respective strengths in order to improve the quality of educators, framed by Qur’an and Sunnah openly, online, and voluntary.

ITTISHAL membership is open to Islamic schools from five continents who have the vision and mission which is consistent with ITTISHAL in preschool to college level. Membership of ITTISHAL is divided into honorable members and regular members.

ITTISHAL Member Obligations1. ITTISHAL members must sign an integrity pact as a member of ITTISHAL2. Members must maintain the core of ITTISHAL which is the movement in education

ITTISHAL Member Rights1. A member entitled to participate in any ITTISHAL activity, with privilege2. ITTISHAL members entitled to a password to access information relating to ITTISHAL

For more information about membership, please contact:

Ema Utami (Secretary General of ITTISHAL)

Mobile: +62 856 4224 3322 | Email: [email protected]