英文解釈と語句 <level 8 #021>  · 2020. 7. 1. · 英文解釈と語句<level 8...

英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #021> トーランス学習研究会 www.study-group.net <adj> secret、秘密の 1. <adj> sociable、社交的な 2. <v> set against, disaffect, divert, turn away、~を遠ざける 3. <n> respect、敬意 4. <v> become or to make smaller in size, number, or degree、減ら す、少なくする 5. <v> lower someone's spirits; make downhearted、士気をくじく 6. <v> obtain、獲得する 7. <v> pay、(倒産などで会社などの負債・資産を)整理する 8. <adj> beautiful、非常に美しい 9. <v> move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern、変 動する 10. "Divorce involves a lot of traumatic changes for children, so it's extremely important not to ( ) them from either parent," the counselor advised the couple. (1) alienate Rumors that the royal marriage was in trouble were supported by a woman who claimed to have had ( ) meetings with the prince. She revealed that they had been seeing each other for months. (2) clandestine Despite having had great hopes at the start of the rugby season, the team's players now feel totally ( ) after losing their sixth game in a row. (3) (demoralized) demoralize "The recent budget cuts to the emergency services have severely ( ) our ability to respond quickly to call," a spokesperson claimed yesterday. (4) (diminished) diminish Although the nature documentary's theme was not especially original, the cinematography was so ( ) that the film won acclaim from critics worldwide. (5) exquisite The carmaker's fortunes have ( ) greatly in recent years. It went from industry leader to near bankruptcy and is now profitable again. (6) (fluctuated) fluctuate Although Asako's husband preferred to spend his weekends quietly at home, she was a very ( ) person who liked to organize parties and meet new people. (7) gregarious The gold medalist paid ( ) to her coach at the news conference, saying that she would never have won the 10,000-meter race without his support. (8) homage Facing bankruptcy, the furniture company was forced to ( ) its remaining assets to pay off its debts. (9) liquidate As part of the nation's arms buildup, the navy has announced that it will ( ) two new nuclear-powered aircraft carriers from the nation's biggest defense contractor. (10) procure

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Page 1: 英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #021>  · 2020. 7. 1. · 英文解釈と語句<Level 8 #022> トーランス学習研究会 1.  unintelligible, inconsistent、支離滅裂の

英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #021> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> secret、秘密の1.

<adj> sociable、社交的な2.

<v> set against, disaffect, divert, turn away、~を遠ざける3.

<n> respect、敬意4.

<v> become or to make smaller in size, number, or degree、減らす、少なくする


<v> lower someone's spirits; make downhearted、士気をくじく6.

<v> obtain、獲得する7.

<v> pay、(倒産などで会社などの負債・資産を)整理する8.

<adj> beautiful、非常に美しい9.

<v> move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern、変動する


"Divorce involves a lot of traumatic changes for children, so it's extremely important

not to ( ) them from either parent," the counselor advised the couple.

(1) alienate

Rumors that the royal marriage was in trouble were supported by a woman who

claimed to have had ( ) meetings with the prince. She revealed that they had been

seeing each other for months.

(2) clandestine

Despite having had great hopes at the start of the rugby season, the team's players now

feel totally ( ) after losing their sixth game in a row.

(3) (demoralized)


"The recent budget cuts to the emergency services have severely ( ) our ability to

respond quickly to call," a spokesperson claimed yesterday.

(4) (diminished)


Although the nature documentary's theme was not especially original, the

cinematography was so ( ) that the film won acclaim from critics worldwide.

(5) exquisite

The carmaker's fortunes have ( ) greatly in recent years. It went from industry

leader to near bankruptcy and is now profitable again.

(6) (fluctuated)


Although Asako's husband preferred to spend his weekends quietly at home, she was a

very ( ) person who liked to organize parties and meet new people.

(7) gregarious

The gold medalist paid ( ) to her coach at the news conference, saying that she

would never have won the 10,000-meter race without his support.

(8) homage

Facing bankruptcy, the furniture company was forced to ( ) its remaining assets to

pay off its debts.

(9) liquidate

As part of the nation's arms buildup, the navy has announced that it will ( ) two

new nuclear-powered aircraft carriers from the nation's biggest defense contractor.

(10) procure

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #022> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> unintelligible, inconsistent、支離滅裂の1.

<n> fix, dilemma, hot water, plight、苦境、窮地2.

<n> forecast, diagnosis、予後(病気の経過に関する見通し)3.

<n> a low stating that people must stay inside their houses after a particular time at night、夜間外出禁止


<n> limitation、抑制5.

<n> reason, grounds、理論的解釈、理論的根拠6.

<v> baffle, bewilder, confuse、(質問などが)~を悩ます、困らせる


<n> full force、(攻撃などの)矛先8.

<n> beginner、初心者、未熟者9.

<n> refuge、非難、亡命10.

With the collapse of his government, the disgraced president sought political ( )

in a neighboring country.

(1) asylum

Labor leaders argued that the President's fiscal policies only benefited the wealthy and

that working families would bear the ( ) of his budget cuts.

(2) brunt

In response to ongoing communal violence, the city's police chief has stated that a strict

( ) will be introduced as of today. Nobody will be allowed out on the streets from

11 p.m. to 6 a.m.

(3) curfew

A: How was the wine-tasting party last night?

B: It was awful. My husband got so drunk that when he made a speech at the end, he

was totally ( ). Even I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

(4) incoherent

A: Hi, Gabriel, I heard that you started taking judo classes.

B: Yeah, that's right. Of course, I'm still a ( ), but my instructor says I have the

potential to be pretty good.

(5) novice

A: Jim, I've got great tickets for the basketball final, but the company president has

invited me to dinner that night. What should I do?

B: I sympathize with your ( ), but I don't think you should miss the dinner.

(6) predicament

A: What did they say about your knee at the clinic, Liz?

B: The ( ) is better than I expected. The doctor said that I can make a full

recovery in a couple of months.

(7) prognosis

FundSmart Inc.'s CEO Roberta Gonzales outlined the ( ) for the company's

merger with rival Investerm. "Together, we can increase efficiency and compete more

successfully," she said.

(8) rationale

After another exchange of gunfire at the disputed border, peace envoy James Nkomo

has called for both sides to show ( ). "The solution must come through dialogue,

not violence," he said.

(9) restraint

Jill was happy when she solved a crossword puzzle that had ( ) everyone else in

her family.

(10) (stumped)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #023> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> depressing in character or appearance、おもしろみのない1.

<adj> acceptable to the taste or mind、味のよい2.

<v> provide physical relief, as from pain、やわらぐ3.

<adj> done courageously、やりがいのある4.

<v> clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof、正当性を立証する


<n> the ability to understand and realize something about an event after it has happened, although you did not understand or realize it at the time、あと知恵


<n> the occurrence of two or more things coming together、収束


<adv> beyond repair、修繕[回復]できなく8.

<v> torture、苦しめる9.

<adj> thorough, detailed, punctilious, scrupulous、細かいことによく気を配る


A new drug has been released that promises to ( ) the pain of migraine headaches.(1) alleviate

Some theorists believe that globalization will lead to a ( ) of values and beliefs as

countries come together to form one mass society.

(2) convergence

Despite the restaurant's average service and ( ) decor, the food itself was famous

throughout the region.

(3) drab

In ( ), Miho realized that she had been foolish to leave university before

completing her degree. At the time, however, she felt that work experience would be

more useful to her.

(4) hindsight

Last night, a strong storm hit the tiny port of Wellesley and ( ) damaged at least

seven fishing boats. "My boat was all I had. I have no idea what I'm going to do now,"

said one owner.

(5) irreparably

The Randolph Inn is known for its ( ) attention to detail. Each of the 152 rooms is

decorated individually with beautiful antique furnishings and artwork.

(6) meticulous

The pharmacist recommended the cherry-flavored medicine, assuring the mother that

since it was much more ( ) than other brands, children actually enjoyed taking it.

(7) palatable

After returning from the war, the soldier was ( ) by nightmares, so he sought help

from a counselor.

(8) (tormented)


Mr. Andrew didn't quite finish the marathon, but he sure made a ( ) effort.

Imagine running more than 35 kilometers at the age of 75!

(9) valiant

The professor had a strong motive for praising his colleague's findings: the new

discoveries ( ) his own long-held beliefs.

(10) (vindicated)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #024> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period、古い


<adj> constituting a copy or imitation of something、まねごとの2.

<adj> withdrawn from society; seeking solitude、隠遁した3.

<adj> lacking refinement or cultivation or taste、無骨な4.

<n> the leaves of a plant or tree、葉(全部)5.

<v> play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly、(許可なく、勝手に)変更する


<v> search thoroughly、くまなく探す7.

<n> a departure or going out or away from a place that involves large numbers of people、(移民などの)出国


<n> a person who dissents from some established policy、反体制者


<adv> after the fact、さかのぼって10.

When millionaire Rob Roberts heard about the ( ) computers being used in local

schools, he donated $150,000 to help them upgrade their equipment.

(1) archaic

During the dictator's rule, those who criticized his leadership were arrested and thrown

into prison with other political ( ).

(2) (dissidents)


Fearing an ( ) of wealthy citizens to foreign countries, the government decided to

delay its plans for a large increase in income taxes.

(3) exodus

The forested hillside, ablaze in autumn ( ), provided a dramatic backdrop for the

wedding ceremony.

(4) foliage

Liz's political science class held a ( ) presidential debate yesterday so that

students could experience some of the problems that candidates face in real debates.

(5) mock

The thieves ( ) the apartment, searching for any valuables. They did not find

many, but the mess they left behind took days to clean up.

(6) (ransacked)


The author had become increasingly ( ) with age, refusing to grant interviews or

make public appearances.

(7) reclusive

The union requested that the new policy on overtime pay be applied ( ) from the

beginning of the previous year.

(8) retroactively

A: Who's been ( ) with my computer? All the settings have been changed.

B: I think I saw one of the systems people looking at it this morning.

(9) (tampering)


The woman was shocked by her date's ( ) behavior at the restaurant, especially

when he whistled to get the waiter's attention.

(10) uncouth

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #025> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<n> an insufficient quantity or number、欠乏1.

<v> set off, activate, bring about, cause, give rise to、引き起こす


<n> end、消滅、活動停止3.

<adj> involving or likely to cause controversy、係争の4.

<v> relish, crow, exult, triumph, vaunt、(人の不幸などを)小気味よさそうに眺める


<v> prompt、刺激して~させる6.

<v> forecast, calculate、算出する、はじき出す7.

<n> benefit、恩恵8.

<n> a stipulated condition、条項9.

<adj> approaching; oncoming、差し迫った10.

The large reduction in interest rates has been a ( ) to people who want to

refinance their home mortgages.

(1) boon

In his speech, the president carefully avoided commenting on any of the ( ) issues

currently dividing the public.

(2) contentious

The recent ( ) of applicants for engineering programs at British universities has

forced the government to take special measures to attract more students.

(3) dearth

Mr. Brown's arrest for fraud led to his sudden ( ) in the business world.(4) demise

Sally is really a bad sport! You should have seen how she ( ) over Helen's defeat

in the tennis tournament.

(5) (gloated) gloat

Rumors of an ( ) merger with a major rival, together with news of a sharp rise in

profits, sent the company's shares soaring on the stock market.

(6) impending

A university education should awaken our intellect and ( ) us to ask who we are

and where we are going.

(7) prod

Computers are able to ( ) the winners of elections within hours after voting starts.(8) project

When our firm's lawyers read the client contract carefully, they found that a number of

( ) had been added, so they advised us not to sign it.

(9) (provisions)


Twenty houses were destroyed in a landslide ( ) by the torrential rains.(10) (triggered)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #026> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<n> progress、前進1.

<v> increase、増大させる2.

<n> difficulty、苦境3.

<n> attractiveness、魅力4.

<adj> widespread、激しい、流行する5.

<v> expel, send out of the country by legal deportation、(国外に)追放する


<v> squeal、(自動車・ブレーキなどが)キーと音を立てる7.

<adj> insignificant、(問題など)周辺的な; あまり重要でない8.

<n> pause、(仕事・苦痛などの)一時的休止9.

<v> bring together、(勇気などを)奮い起こす10.

The colonial district retains its distinct character, which contributes greatly to the city's

( ).

(1) allure

The United Nations said it would ( ) its forces from 20,000 to 25,000 to deal with

the spreading unrest.

(2) augment

Government authorities have ( ) five radical activists from the country and jailed

100 others.

(3) (deported)


The government has made no ( ) in the fight against inflation; indeed, the

situation has worsened recently.

(4) headway

Every year manufacturers come out with new models, but often the advantages to the

consumer are only ( ).

(5) marginal

The young man ( ) up all his courage and entered the deep, dark cave.(6) (mustered)


When people see pictures of starving children, they are often moved to tears by the

( ) of these innocent victims.

(7) plight

In many countries not only is unemployment high, but inflation is ( ). This

combination makes life unbearable.

(8) rampant

South Africans enjoyed a temporary ( ) from violence on National Peace Day.(9) respite

The car ( ) to a stop to avoid hitting a dog crossing the street.(10) (screeched)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #027> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> capable of existence and development as an independent unit、存立できる


<v> recognize (as a disease) by signs and symptoms、~と診断する


<adj> abrupt、急な3.

<n> any of a group occupying a single place of residence; especially : a person confined (as in a prison or hospital)、収容者


<v> discharge, emit, release、発散する5.

<n> the process or condition of wearing away、侵食6.

<n> fake, counterfeit, imitation、偽造物7.

<v> annul、無効にする8.

<v> frighten、怖がらせる9.

<v> announce、(評決を)下す10.

Seconds lost in ( ) a heart attack can mean the difference between life and death.(1) (diagnosing)


Repeated ( ) by the waves over the years has formed many strangely shaped rocks.(2) erosion

Museum officials were embarrassed to learn that the painting they had bought was a

( ).

(3) forgery

The ( ) of the prison went on strike to demand more time for family visits.(4) (inmates)


Residents of the mountain village were initially ( ) by the high-pressure tactics of

the land developers.

(5) (intimidated)


Because of the yen's ( ) rise against other currencies, overseas production of

many Japanese electronics products has grown rapidly.

(6) precipitous

The labor union demanded that the company ( ) its decision to dismiss several


(7) rescind

The jury ( ) guilty verdicts for all of the defendants in the case.(8) (returned)


The nationalistic crowd ( ) its anger on anyone who looked like an outsider.(9) (vented) vent

The common problem facing people today is how to keep the earth ecologically (


(10) viable

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #028> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> wipe out、根絶する1.

<n> bang、バリバリ(破裂・雷鳴などの音)2.

<v> bring about, cause、与える3.

<n> the official record of the proceedings of a meeting、議事録4.

<n> influence、(特に、政治的な)権力、影響力5.

<v> entangle、泥の中にはまらせる、(苦境に)陥らせる6.

<adj> unquenchable、飽くことを知らない7.

<v> choose、選ぶ8.

<v> step in、介入する9.

<n> caution、用心深さ10.

A flash of lightning is quickly followed by a loud ( ) of thunder.(1) clap

Mr. Wilson has a lot of ( ) at the firm because he's on the board of directors.(2) clout

The police pledged to ( ) crime in the city in the wake of the violence.(3) eradicate

The writer describes the lifestyles of the rich and greedy and their ( ) desire for

more money and power.

(4) insatiable

The government must ( ) soon if this crisis is to be solved.(5) intervene

When the committee meets, it is customary for the ( ) of the previous meeting to

be read out.

(6) (minutes)


The country is ( ) in its worst recession since the end of World War II.(7) (mired) mire

If I were offered the choice of a plane ticket or cash, I would ( ) for the latter.(8) opt

Simple ( ) suggests that taking preventive action against illness now will save a

lot of trouble later.

(9) prudence

The recent decline in profit margins has ( ) havoc on the computer industry.(10) (wreaked)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #029> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<n> compensation、補償1.

<v> change direction、(急に)曲がって進む2.

<adj> arrogant、ずうずうしい3.

<v> set aside, abandon, give up、(権利・要求などを)放棄する、撤回する


<n> the sense of taste、味覚(力)5.

<adj> adequate、~にふさわしくて6.

<v> abolish by authoritative action、廃棄する7.

<adj> impalpable、つかみどころがない、不可解な8.

<n> a region or area bounded peripherally by a divide and draining ultimately to a particular watercourse or body of water; a crucial dividing point, line, or factor : turning point、分水嶺、分岐点


<adj> ragged、ぼろぼろの10.

The captain of a ship has the power to ( ) certain laws in case of an emergency at


(1) abrogate

The politician was given a post ( ) with his knowledge and experience.(2) commensurate

I can't describe it, but there was a certain ( ) feeling in the room that made us all


(3) intangible

The cuisine at the new French restaurant will suit even the most discriminating ( ).(4) palate

It was ( ) of management to assume that workers would be willing to accept a

temporary pay cut.

(5) presumptuous

Ms. Jones told her supervisor that his conduct was improper and that she would seek

( ) in court for sexual harassment.

(6) redress

The old man had a proud bearing, and though he wore ( ) clothes, you could not

help but respect him anyway.

(7) tattered

The economy is growing so fast that it is in danger of ( ) out of control.(8) (veering) veer

If you apply now for our new credit card, the monthly service charge will be ( )

for the first six months.

(9) (waived) waive

The invention of the transistor in 1948 was ( ) in the history of the development

of the modern computer.

(10) watershed

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #030> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> newly formed or prominent、新興の1.

<v> wrangle、押し問答する2.

<adj> everywhere, all-over, pervasive, universal、至る所にある、遍在する


<adj> complete, skilled、完全な、申し分のない4.

<v> spread、普及させる5.

<n> a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt、停止、(一時的)禁止(令)


<n> a standard for making a critical judgment : criterion、(評価・判断・比較などの)基準、尺度


<adj> of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful、美の


<v> waste、浪費する9.

<v> pronounce, articulate, sound、(はっきり)発音する10.

The art critic's keen ( ) sense makes his columns very enlightening.(1) aesthetic

We have always been impressed by your ( ) skill as a speaker, so we are all

looking forward to your speech.

(2) consummate

The economic needs of the ( ) democracies were to be the first priority of the new

international organization.

(3) emergent

Don't mumble. Please ( ) your words more clearly.(4) enunciate

The leaders ( ) over the disputed boundary without reaching any concrete


(5) (haggled)


The government suddenly announced a ( ) on the country's nuclear-testing


(6) moratorium

As they were a new and unfamiliar political party, it was essential for them to produce

some kind of publication to ( ) their ideas.

(7) propagate

If we continue to ( ) the earth's precious finite resources at present rates of

consumption, the coming generations will never forgive us.

(8) squander

Mini-skirts were ( ) on city streets in the late 1960s.(9) ubiquitous

One of the ( ) used to measure the maturity of the mass media is their ability to be


(10) (yardsticks)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #031> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<n> aid、助成金1.

<v> gather、集まって協議[相談]する2.

<v> any of an order of mammals including human beings, apes, monkeys, and related forms (as lemurs and tarsiers)、霊長類の動物


<n> condition of being nameless or unknown、匿名4.

<n> one who owns a shop 、(旅館・店・土地などの)持ち主5.

<v> authorize, bestow, confer, empower, endow, entrust、(権利・財産などを人に)与える


<adv> apparently, on the face of it, seemingly、表面上(は)7.

<n> imprisonment, confinement, custody, restraint、拘留8.

<n> independence, self-support, self-help、自治9.

<v> conquer, defeat, and chase off、敗走させる10.

The government official, on condition of ( ), leaked details of the economic

reform package to reporters.

(1) anonymity

The government in that country is very centralized and has never permitted any

significant degree of regional ( ).

(2) autonomy

Authorities sent 350 newly-arrived refugees to an immigration ( ) center in the

southeast part of the country.

(3) detention

In the days before Senate hearings began in Washington, D.C., the president's aides

( ) with lawyers to prepare their testimony.

(4) (huddled)


Mr. Williams was ( ) visiting the country on holiday; no one was aware of his

espionage activities there.

(5) ostensibly

In proportion to their weight, human beings have the biggest brain of all the ( ).(6) (primates)


The ( ) of the local stores were angry at the new sales tax.(7) (proprietors)


The University of California football team ( ) the team from Oregon by a score of


(8) (routed) rout

The Ministry of Education is planning to reduce ( ) to private schools due to a

decrease in tax revenues.

(9) (subsidies)


Because they are held accountable by the public, politicians have a ( ) interest in

insulating themselves against scandal.

(10) (vested) vest

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<n> bit, fragment, morsel, piece, speck, trace、ほんの少し、(極)微量


<n> misgiving, anxiety, apprehension, uneasiness、(ある事をする前に襲われる突然の)不安


<v> cruise, freewheel, get by、何の努力[苦労]もせずにやっていく


<adj> dull, enervated, feeble, frail、元気のない4.

<n> anxiety, cold feet, dismay, uneasiness, worry、狼狽5.

<v> provide physical relief、やわらぐ6.

<v> plunder, loot, raid, ransack, ravage、略奪する7.

<adj> small、小さい8.

<v> revive, bring round, bring to life、(死ぬ寸前の人を人工呼吸などで)生き返らせる、蘇生させる


<v> fidget, flounder, writhe、(人が苦痛・不快・いらだちなどで)身もだえする


Many people find that exercise helps them improve concentration and ( )


(1) alleviate

The ( ) rate of economic growth disappointed everyone in the business


(2) anemic

There's no reason to be overly concerned about passing the course, but there's no

reason to sit back and ( ) along either.

(3) coast

Standing less than five feet tall, Linda was a ( ) figure, though this was

compensated for by her forceful personality.

(4) diminutive

There is not a ( ) of truth in the report. I categorically deny it.(5) grain

Thousands of soldiers from the defeated army were ( ) food supplies intended for


(6) (pillaging)


The experienced guide had no ( ) about venturing into the jungle alone.(7) (qualms) qualm

The plan to build a tunnel from England to France had been in limbo for a century until

it was ( ) after the Second World War.

(8) (resuscitated)


The lawyer made the witness ( ) by repeatedly questioning him about the details

of his shady deals.

(9) squirm

Mr. Scott had never addressed such a large audience and therefore stood before them in

a state of considerable ( ).

(10) trepidation

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #033> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> able to be understood in more than one way; of unclear meaning、あいまいな


<adj> open, accessible, open-minded, welcoming、よく受け入れて


<v> long, crave, hunger, lust, pine, yearn、むずむず[うずうず]する


<adj> opposed, hostile, loath、~を嫌って4.

<v> to change (as a business or industry) from public to private control or ownership、(企業などを)非国有化する、民営化する


<v> lose strength、不活発になる6.

<n> position, stationing、(部隊・兵力などの)展開、配置7.

<v> take away the right of mortgagors to redeem their mortgage、〔抵当物を〕抵当流れ処分にする


<n> innumerable、多数の9.

<v> to lure or attract by feeding desires、誘惑する10.

John said that before signing the document he would require clarification, as some of

the provisions were rather ( ).

(1) ambiguous

If you are not ( ) to the idea, I plan to appoint my son-in-law to the board of


(2) averse

Police began massive ( ) of units this morning to counter radical groups planning

to hold rallies banned by the government.

(3) deployment

The company combined attractive packaging with a low pricing policy in an attempt to

( ) potential customers into buying their products.

(4) entice

If you don't keep up the loan payments on your house, the lending institution may

( ) on the mortgage.

(5) foreclose

Never having missed a day's work in his life before, Bill is ( ) to get back to the


(6) (itching) itch

Wine sales ( ) when consumer preferences shifted to beer.(7) (languished)


It was a mistake to camp next to the lake because during the night they were attacked

by ( ) of mosquitoes.

(8) (myriads)


The former Japanese National Railways were ( ) in 1987, and are now no longer

in government ownership.

(9) (privatized)


At live comedy show, the audience is more ( ) to humorous material and actively

on the lookout for jokes.

(10) receptive

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #034> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> take care of、(問題などを)扱う、処理する1.

<n> the act of removing or getting rid of something、予選2.

<v> ponder, consider, contemplate, meditate, think、思い巡らす3.

<n> total, capacity, quota、(完全[いっぱい]にするのに必要な)全数[量]


<v> to convey or draw money or resources from something, especially illegally、(収入・利益などを)吸い上げる


<n> exemption, freedom, nonliability、刑罰[害、損失]を受けない[免れる]こと


<n> revival, reemergence, return、(信仰・思想などの)再起、復活


<n> lower value; depreciation 、低下8.

<n> peanuts, allowance, chicken feed, trifle、わずかな手当[収入]


<v> flood, deluge, overflow、殺到する10.

Supporting the crime bill allowed the president to appear tough and to ( ) what

voters see as one of the country's biggest problems.

(1) address

The company's recruitment campaign was dispensed with as soon as a full ( ) of

new trainees had been hired.

(2) complement

"Sexual harassment in the office" can be defined as speech or conduct that leads to a

( ) of the working conditions between women and men.

(3) deterioration

In the swimming championships, the Japanese swimmer barely survived second-round

( ) in the 200-meter breaststroke.

(4) elimination

Governments should be made aware that they will not be allowed to violate

international law with ( ).

(5) impunity

When the factory announced that it would be expanding its workforce by five percent,

it was ( ) with job applications.

(6) (inundated)


Mike has always been very poorly paid, receiving a mere ( ) in salary at the end

of every month.

(7) pittance

A ( ) of popularity in miniskirts is not predicted for next summer, but fashion

experts have been wrong before.

(8) resurgence

Philip is still ( ) over the possibility of returning to college to attend graduate


(9) (ruminating)


Unfortunately, many of the nation's top officials are only interested in ( ) off trade

profits into their own pockets.

(10) (siphoning)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #035> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> workable, feasible, practicable、実行可能な1.

<n> speed、敏速2.

<n> center, core, heart、中心地3.

<adj> obedient、従順な4.

<n> a speaker of many languages、数か国語に通じている人5.

<n> subjection of an individual to a period of testing and trial to ascertain fitness (as for a job or school)、仮採用(期間)


<n> the number (as a majority) of officers or members of a body that when duly assembled is legally competent to transact business、(議決に要する)定足数


<adj> ravenous; greedy; gluttonous、むさぼり食う、貪欲な、飽くことを知らない


<adj> secret、秘密の9.

<v> attract strongly、魅惑する10.

Realizing the importance of quick action, all the rescue workers obeyed their

instructions with ( ).

(1) alacrity

Although the young man had often been in trouble with the police, he proved to be

( ) to the guidance offered by the new principal.

(2) amenable

New York, Atlanta, and Chicago are three of America's most important transportation

( ).

(3) (hubs) hub

The audience in the hall was ( ) by the exquisite performance of the orchestra.(4) (mesmerized)


Since Frank lived in several different countries as he was growing up, it's no surprise

that he is something of a ( ).

(5) polyglot

If you complete your ten-month ( ) successfully, you will be offered a permanent


(6) probation

Many members of the committee haven't shown up today, so we don't have a ( )

and can't hold the meeting.

(7) quorum

As it was essential not to arouse his suspicions, the police carried out a ( ) check

on his background.

(8) surreptitious

We want our city council to continue searching for a ( ) solution to the problem

of health care.

(9) viable

The ( ) appetites of the fish in the lake made them easy to catch with the bait sold

at the lakeside store.

(10) voracious

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #036> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> seize、もぎ取る1.

<adj> hard to read、読みにくい2.

<adj> merciless、手厳しい3.

<n> disapproval, blame, censure, denouncement, denunciation, reproach、非難


<n> the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding、妨げ、障害5.

<v> explain, explicate, interpret、解釈する6.

<adj> productive 、多作な7.

<v> introduce, engender, implant, infuse, sow the seeds、植えつける


<n> bonus, extra, gain, plus, surplus、配当(金)9.

<adj> adroit; deft; skillful、器用な10.

Countries which support terrorists receive strong international ( ).(1) condemnation

The prime minister's statement at the news conference could be ( ) in so many

different ways that it didn't clarify the matter.

(2) (construed)


Even as a young child, Mozart was able to play the violin with wonderfully ( )


(3) dexterous

Tadao's total dedication to studying English paid handsome ( ) when he received

a scholarship offer to attend an American university.

(4) (dividends)


Jodie is worried that her lack of foreign language skills could be a ( ) when she

applies for a job.

(5) hindrance

Doctor, your handwriting is so ( ) that pharmacists keep dispensing the wrong

medicine! Please write more clearly.

(6) illegible

In her attempt to ( ) a love of music in all her students, the music teacher added

popular music to her curriculum to attract them.

(7) instill

As the author of more than 150 novels, Hughes was one of the most ( ) writers of

his time.

(8) prolific

In their ( ) pursuit of fame and fortune, young Hollywood hopefuls will do

anything to become a success.

(9) relentless

The young army officers tried to ( ) power from the corrupt regime.(10) wrest

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #037> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> fetter, bind, chain, hobble, tie、束縛する1.

<v> to arrange in any of various zigzags, alternations, or overlappings of position or time、(ラッシュアワーを避けたり仕事の能率向上のために休暇・混雑時間を)ずらす


<v> to decrease, to reduce、和らぐ3.

<v> carry on, conduct, practice、行なう4.

<v> end up, climax, come to a head、最高潮に達する5.

<adj> offensive and very disagreeable、とても不快な6.

<adj> abundant、多量[数]の、豊富な7.

<adj> rigidly controlled or enforced; severe; strict、厳格な8.

<n> difference; condition of inequality、相違9.

<n> spread, circulation, diffusion, distribution、普及10.

The mountain climbers waited for the snowstorm to ( ) before their descent down

the mountain.

(1) abate

The students took ( ) notes as they knew the material would be on the final test

next week.

(2) copious

The ( ) event of the week-long festival was a spectacular fire works finale.(3) (culminating)


In many countries, social discontent is attributed to the growing ( ) between the

haves and the have-nots.

(4) disparity

There is no doubt that the Internet is fast becoming one of the main channels for the

worldwide ( ) of information.

(5) dissemination

Michael's ( ) behavior at the dinner party was a great embarrassment to his wife.(6) obnoxious

The company's expansion in the Asian market was ( ) by a lack of adequate


(7) (shackled)


One good thing about my company is that the working hours are ( ), so that I can

avoid the rush hour.

(8) (staggered)


The candidates were required to pass a ( ) test before they were admitted to the


(9) stringent

The opposition party ( ) a vigorous campaign to win public support for the next


(10) (waged) wage

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #038> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> to bring to a standstill、(交通渋滞などで車を)立ち往生させる


<adj> careless, reckless, thoughtless, unmindful, unthinking、無思慮の


<v> put into charge or trust、ゆだねる3.

<adj> capable of existing together、~と両立できて4.

<v> mock, sneer, taunt, ridicule、あざ笑う5.

<adj> occurring at irregular intervals、散発的な6.

<v> remove restrictions and regulations、(~の)規制[統制]を撤廃する、(~を)自由化する


<v> rush, rise, swell、急騰する8.

<v> substantiate, confirm、証明する9.

<adj> stealthy; sneaky、こそこそする10.

Cathy lost her parents when she was a child, and was ( ) to the custody of her

aunt by the court.

(1) (committed)


Answer this questionnaire, and our "Seed-a-Date" computer will find a ( ) partner

for you.

(2) compatible

The government intends to ( ) foreign exchange procedures, so that companies

can carry out their own transactions more easily.

(3) deregulate

The stranger's ( ) movements led us to believe that he was a burglar.(4) furtive

The big corporation pushed forward with its plans for a new industrial complex, (

) of the environmental consequences.

(5) heedless

At first, people ( ) at the idea of extracting fuel from plants, but now it is being

seriously considered.

(6) (scoffed) scoff

The fighting had almost stopped but we could still hear ( ) gunfire here and there.(7) sporadic

Our progress along the route was temporarily ( ) when one of our vehicles got

stuck in a ditch.

(8) (stalled) stall

The dollar ( ) to a five-month high against the yen yesterday.(9) (surged) surge

Unfortunately for the suspect, no witnesses could ( ) his alibi.(10) verify

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #039> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> profitable、利益が上がる1.

<adj> boring; tiring、長ったらしくて退屈な、あきあきする2.

<adj> incompetent、無能な3.

<v> to continue in use or fashion; to succeed、普及している4.

<adj> being or having a nonproprietary name、一般的な、(品物が)商標登録されていない


<v> seize by authority、没収する6.

<adj> clearly visible; remarkable、目だった7.

<v> view, observe, meditate, ponder, deliberate, intend, mean, anticipate、熟視[考]する、意図する、予期する


<v> to shorten; to suspend 、短縮する、省略する9.

<adj> stretched tightly; tense、ぴーんと張った10.

The Customs ( ) hundreds of fake watches brought into the country illegally.(1) (confiscated)


Please wear something ( ) so that I can easily pick you out in the crowd.(2) conspicuous

What might happen if all our plans went wrong is frightening to ( ).(3) contemplate

Because of the recent financial crisis, officials at all levels have been asked to ( )

their expenditure on entertainment.

(4) curtail

Knowing that they can save money, patients choose to go to doctors who prescribe

( ) drugs rather than drugs with expensive brand names.

(5) generic

The city council has wasted millions of dollars of our tax money through ( )

financial planning.

(6) inept

The new global economy presents ( ) business opportunities for those willing to

take risks.

(7) lucrative

There was considerable opposition to the committee's proposals for a new tax, but in

the end their plan ( ).

(8) (prevailed)


The directions say to pull the wire gently; if it gets too ( ) it may snap.(9) taut

Counting all these election ballots by hand is a ( ) task; I wish we had a machine

to do it.

(10) tedious

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 8 #040> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> wipe out、根絶する1.

<adj> filled, accompanied, attended, stuffed、はらんだ2.

<v> immerse, deluge, dip, drown, flood, inundate, overflow, plunge, sink、水中に入れる、水中に沈める


<n> a turning to someone or something for help or protection、依頼


<v> avoid, prevent、(打撃・危険を)避ける、防ぐ5.

<v> to confuse 、(人を)困惑させる6.

<adj> having varied uses; flexible 、万能な、多才な7.

<adj> popular, prevalent、広まって8.

<v> to escape the perception, understanding, or grasp of、(人に)理解[認知]できない


<v> cancel、取り消す10.

The United Nations conference could be the last chance to ( ) the collapse of the

world fishing industry.

(1) avert

The hospital's doctors were ( ) by the boy's disease and called in outside

specialists to help diagnose it.

(2) (baffled) baffle

For thousands of years, humanity has sought to solve the question of life after death,

but a definitive answer has always ( ) us.

(3) (eluded) elude

Smallpox was a devastating disease for generations but has now been ( ) in all

parts of the world.

(4) (eradicated)


The commencement speaker told the graduates that the road to success is ( ) with


(5) fraught

The ( ) influence of Western culture means that local traditions are under threat in

many parts of the world.

(6) pervasive

As far as possible, we should try to settle the problem between us without ( ) to


(7) recourse

If you break any of the club rules three times in one year, your membership will

automatically be ( ).

(8) (revoked)


The river, swollen by heavy rains, burst its banks and much of the village was ( ).(9) (submerged)


Used in everything from soups and salads to desserts, citrus fruits are one of the most

( ) of ingredients.

(10) versatile