elina's tea book

By Elina Lee Y5C

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Elina Lee's Tea Book


Page 1: Elina's Tea Book

By Elina Lee Y5C

Page 2: Elina's Tea Book

What is Tea?.........................................p.3 Types of tea ………………………………..p.4 Tea information…………………………….p.5 How to make 4 different types of Tea…p.6 General steps of making tea……………..p.7 Quiz……………………………………………p.8 References……………………………………p.9 Glossary………………………………………p.10


Page 3: Elina's Tea Book

Tea is basically made out of dried leaves. Tea was first drunk in the time 2737 B.C, under the Chinese

emperor, Shen-Nung. There are lots of types of tea and most of them are healthy. Many Chinese drink Chinese green tea. Tea is famous all around the world. Tea was first introduced in England in the 17th century.


Page 4: Elina's Tea Book

There are four main methods of processing and each produces different type of tea. These four main types are:◦ White Tea◦ Green Tea◦ Black Tea◦ Oolong Tea

But there are still many more types of Tea.◦ Iced Tea◦ Herbal Tea◦ Olive Leaf Tea◦ And more…


Page 5: Elina's Tea Book

Tea is very popular these days. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English, all drink tea! Tea is grown in several countries of the world.

The major tea producing countries are China, India, Japan, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. India is the largest producer of tea in the world.

How the first cup of tea was brewed? The story goes that Shen-Nung(Chinese Emperor) was sitting under a tree drinking hot water. As his servant poured more water into the cup, a leaf from the tree dropped into the water accidently. The Emperor was impressed with the flavour, and that was how the world’s first cup of tea was brewed.

DID YOU KNOW?Over 68615414 people drink Tea!More and more people are drinking tea by every second.


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Cameillia Sinensis is a plant. These are the steps of processing White Tea, Green Tea, Oolong Tea, and Black Tea.


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These are the general eight steps of making tea.

If you follow these steps, you can make delicious tea!


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Now let’s test your knowledge!1) What is Cameillia Sinensis?1. A girl 2. A plant 3. An animal 4. A contest

2) Who is Chen-Nung?1. a Chinese King 2. a Chinese Queen 3. a Japanese King

4. a Korean President

3) After rolling tea leaves, what is the next step?1. Harvesting 2. Drying 3. Fermenting 4. Roll breaking

4) Only the Koreans have been drinking tea. True of False.

5) Four main types of tea all have a process of withering. True or False.


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http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinventions/ss/tea.htm http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic-art/585115/112


http://www.teapalace.co.uk/different-types-of-tea-adifferent/ http://www.stashtea.com/history+of+tea.aspx http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/food/tea.htm http://www.google.co.uk/search?




Page 10: Elina's Tea Book

Basically- mostly Withering- to lose the freshness Produces-generate, create Cameillia Sinensis- plant whose leaves and

leaf buds are used to produce tea Harvesting- gathering of a crop B.C- Before Christ, this is used in dating

years prior to the estimated birth of Jesus