
1 e-NONGQAI Vol 2 No 8E Special Edition Un-official Police Gazette for VETERANS of the former South African Police Force and for those interested in the history of our Police and South Africa’s National Security Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en vir diegene wat belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie en nasionale veiligheid Augustus 2011: Vol 2 no 8E JG le Roux Stemmet Beskermheer: genl JV van der Merwe : Patron Redateur: Hennie Heymans: Editior

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Special Edition - Nelson Mandela's speech to the General Staff of the SA Police before he became president of South Africa




Vol 2 No 8E Special Edition

Un-official Police Gazette for

VETERANS of the former

South African Police Force


for those interested in the

history of our Police and South

Africa’s National Security

Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse

Polisiemag en vir diegene wat belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie en

nasionale veiligheid

Augustus 2011: Vol 2 no 8E

JG le Roux Stemmet

Beskermheer: genl JV van der Merwe : Patron

Redateur: Hennie Heymans: Editior



Photocopy of Mr Mandela’s notes when he delivered a speech to Generals of the South African

Police Force at “Weesgerus” on 16 January 1993 .................................................................................. 2

Address to Police Officers at Nylstroom on 16 January 1993 ............................................................. 2

Transcription of Notes ............................................................................................................................ 5

Thanks & Copyright ................................................................................................................................. 7

Indemity / Vrywaring .............................................................................................................................. 8

Next EditioN ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Conclusion / Slot ..................................................................................................................................... 8

Photocopy of Mr Mandela’s notes when he delivered a speech to

Generals of the South African Police Force at “Weesgerus” on 16

January 1993

Address to Police Officers at Nylstroom on 16 January 1993




Transcription of Notes


In the period we are all going into we have to consider moving away from our past. We

must change our approach.


In such a situation all people become concerned about their future – each person asks: what

is going to happen to me, to my wife and children and the national group to which I belong?


Every country needs a police force which protects it, its values, its institutions.



In this situation both the government of the country and the political parties representing

the democratic movement must change their approach.


The men and women who lead the country’s government have been produced by apartheid,

one of the most cruel forms of racial oppression this country has seen. The South African

Police in particular is controlled by one national group – the white minority who regard the

liberation movement as an enemy, and whose members must be persecuted.


The liberation movement, on the other hand, is influenced by the tradition of resistance to

oppression, to domination by a white minority; a tradition which at times leads us to regard

all whites, and all white policemen as brutal human beings without sympathy and without

feelings when it comes to dealings with blacks.


We come from an environment which sees the police force as hostile. You come from an

environment where government uses you to defend the interests of the ruling party. No

doubt many of you joined the force to serve the State and the people. But the ruling party

made itself synonymous with the State.


Now we are moving to an era where all of us want to be part of the State, where the police

force can now protect the people. The best way of achieving this is that those who are in the

police force and those who are outside that force should work harmoniously together to

bring about democratic changes.


There is no doubt that the ANC is going to be the major party in Government. We want to

avoid the mistakes of the past. We do not want the police to be the defenders of the ANC,

NP or CP. That does not mean that you should be neutral to party politics. The police force

should be neutral to party politic but they should be defenders of democracy.


Obviously there are going to be changes not only in Government, but in the police force as

well. Whatever changes are made, the police themselves will be involved.



We take exactly the same approach in regard to the Interim Government of National Unity.



I appeal to you to become part of that process of change – in particular change of the police

force. In that way you will make sure that the ANC will address your concerns.


There will be no wild retrenchment in which police will be thrown into the streets.


General Bantu Holomisa works closely with the democratic movement and what he has

done, since coming to power is revealing of the policy of the country’s democratic


[expand] Role of ANC in sport

Loss of life of policemen trying to do their work, can’t say to ordinary people it is wrong.

Must change that approach.


Compliment Minister Kriel for giving me the opportunity to speak to you and, even more

important, to listen to and answer your questions.

Thanks & Copyright

• Lt-Gen (Ret) JG le Roux Stemmet

The original of this document was given to the SAPS Museum by Lt-Gen JG le Roux

Stemmet; a copy of the document was given to Brig HB Heymans by Lt-Gen JG le Roux

Stemmet. I thank him for his foresight in saving these historic notes in Mr Mandela’s own


• Ms Razia Saleh and Ms Lucia Raadschelders

The Nelson Mandela Trust was furnished with the scanned copies of the notes that Mr

Mandela delivered to the General Staff of the SA Police. They kindly typed the notes for

both the Foundation and for the eNONGQAI. They as copyright holders of all aspects

concerning Mr Mandela gave permission for the publication and the furnished a photograph

of Mr Mandela.


Persons involved were Ms Razia Saleh, Senior Archivist,Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory

at the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Ms Lucia Raadschelders from the same address

The image is not to be archived nor shared with others and can only be used to illustrate the

story. Credits to be used: Nelson Mandela Foundation/Matthew Willman.

Indemity / Vrywaring

Die e-Nongqai bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende

korrespondente en die opsteller van e-Nongqai kan nie vir enige deel van die inhoud

daarvan in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid verantwoordelik gehou word nie.

The e-Nongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents

and the compiler of e-Nongqai cannot be held responsible for any of their comments.

Next EditioN / Volgende uitgawe Vol 2 No 9 on or about 2 September 2011.

Conclusion / Slot

This is an historic document; it is the first time that the Generals of the SA Police had been

addressed by a member of the ANC, then Mr Nelson R Mandela. Next year the ANC

celebrates a century.

In the same vein we are waiting for Mr FW de Klerk to give us permission to publish his

speech he made to Senior Officers of the South African Police during 1989 in the SAP


Greetings, take care and Walk Tall!


No 43630 Hennie Heymans. © 2011