fce gse-224 2

FUNCTIONS OF ENTREPRENEUR The following are the basic functions of an entrepreneur: Planning; Organizing; Staffing; Leading; and Controlling 1. Planning Function A business does not give birth to itself. It does not just emerge like that. A business must be started by someone and that person is the entrepreneur: any business that development must have being undergone planning, these planning entails what is to be done, how it will be done, who will do it, what resources will be used and of course the implementation and control. However the critical elements of planning are the objectives, strategies, resources and implementation.

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FUNCTIONS OF ENTREPRENEUR The following are the basic functions of an entrepreneur: Planning; Organizing; Staffing; Leading; and Controlling 1. Planning Function A business does not give birth to itself. It does not just

emerge like that. A business must be started by someone and that person is the entrepreneur: any business that development must have being undergone planning, these planning entails what is to be done, how it will be done, who will do it,

what resources will be used and of course the implementation and control.

However the critical elements of planning are the objectives, strategies, resources and implementation.

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Ideally every organization should have a purpose or mission- that is what it seeks to achieve in any given environment. But most of the time, the mission statement of an organization turns out to be intangible.

Most often they cannot be measured. We must stress that the aim of every business enterprise is to make profit. Many entrepreneurs set their objectives in relation to the profit motive forgetting that their capital and employs.

However, the business objectives should be stated in terms of return on capital and the employed.

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The following are the basis of stating business objectives/goal

In order to get the most out of your business, the goals you set must be SMART. The SMART acronym stands for

S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Attainable, R = Relevant, and T = Time-bound.

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When setting a goal, be it in your business or personal life, you need to have all the elements that make it SMART in order to succeed.

NB. when setting a goal put your customers satisfaction first before considering yourself.


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2. STRATEGIES OF THE BUSINESS ORGANIZATION A key element of planning function is the drafting

of strategy by the entrepreneur. But we must clearly understand what we mean by strategy.

Strategy is defined as a general plan of action and implied deployment of resources to achieve set business objectives. For example, the key strategy of a business can be one of low pricing strategy to enable it gain market entry.

Basically, business should have many strategies include: Production & Manufacturing Strategy; Marketing strategy; and financial strategy of a business.

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Apart from strategy, every good business should have: operating policies, policies are statements which guide thinking and action in any organization. For example an organization may have a sales policy or an employment policy. Obviously we can say that policies sharpen the meaning of strategy. On the other hand an enterprise should have operating procedures and rules. Rules are simple plans for example – Do or Do not. For example an organization may have a No-Smoking rule. Finally to that regard rules and policies all help to sharpen an organization’s operating strategies.

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RESOURCESA key aspect of planning is to budget for the resources necessary to execute a plan. The budgeting process recognizes the fact that resources are limited and therefore should be allocated optimally. When we are talking of resources, we are talking about human resources (people) and also financial resources.

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implementing plans must use subordinates who must be prepared to carry out the plans of the manager. Generally, it is believed that a team based approach to planning turns out to be more effective. It enables every member of the team to understand the plan and how it is to be executed.

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2. ORGANIZING FUNCTION We have seen that the first key

function of the entrepreneur is planning. After planning the next function of the entrepreneur is organizing. Every business enterprise should have an organizational structure. You are requested to note that department is very crucial for any organization to succeed. Organizational Structure divides an organization along functional lines. For example a marketing department will carry out marketing function.

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We have seen that one of the important functions of the entrepreneur is organizing. And we also discussed that organizing involves dividing the business along functional units. Having done that, the next important function of the entrepreneur is staffing the organization.

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The staffing function involves effective staff recruitment and selection, staff placement and selection, staff placement and later the appraisal and development of staff.

We must not at the onset that the performance of any organization depends on the quality of its staff. This is why staffing in any organization must e approached professionally and carefully too.

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In the first place, all the jobs in the organization must be first identified.

Secondly the level of skills required to perform the tasks must also be determined.

And finally people who fit properly into the jobs will be recruited. In the literature, we say that “you should get the right man for the right job”.

After deploying staff to various jobs, the entrepreneur is expected to monitor the performance of all staff through an effective appraisal system.

Besides that, development of staff should be a very important task so that the organization will be able to move along with time.

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4. LEADING FUNCTIONS OF THE ENTREPRENEUR After staffing, the next important

function of the entrepreneur is leading; leadership is the act or process of influencing or guiding people so that they will strive willingly towards the achievement of group or corporate objectives. The primary essence of leadership in entrepreneurship is followership. A good leader will guide, motivate and conduct.

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5. CONTROLLING FUNCTIONSThe control function of the entrepreneur basically involves the measurement and correction of the performance of the business activities to ensure that organizational objectives are being met. However, we must note that for control to be effective, there are two pre-requisites.

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(I) there must be laid out plans against which performance will be measured

(II) there must be a clearly defined organizational structure. This enables the entrepreneur determine where things go wrong in the organization and identify the officer responsible for every act.

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ACTIVITY II: Explain why Provision of Capital was excluded

from entrepreneur’s function: Identify a business

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TYPES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP An Opportunist Necessity A Builder A Specialist An Innovator http://www.forbes.com/sites/georgedeeb/2014/11/07/the-4-types-of-entrepreneurs-which-type-are-you/


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Increases national income Generate employment opportunity and Eradicate poverty through self-

employment Production of raw material for

manufacturing industries. Increase in GDP

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