founder and president culturepolis...• romania: hurezi, cultural site sustcult general objective...

ƩLjαχİǁǏLjıdž ƴοNJLjIJLjıIJLjljǀǐ ΚNJdžǏοnjοNjLjƾǐ: İφαǏNjǗDžǎnjIJαǐ IJdž NjİLJǎįǎNJǎDŽǁα SUSTCULT DŽLjα NjLjα ǃLjǙıLjNjdž πǏǎǎπIJLjljǀ Cultural Heritage Management: applying SUSTCULT methodology for a sustainable perspective Dr. Vasileios Laopodis Founder and President YPERIA 2013 Amorgos, 9-11 May 2013

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Page 1: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

αχ ο Κ ο ο : φα α α SUSTCULT α α π π

Cultural Heritage Management: applying SUSTCULT

methodology for a sustainable perspective Dr. Vasileios Laopodis

Founder and President

YPERIA 2013 Amorgos, 9-11 May 2013

Page 2: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Contents About culture Reflections on – culture / cultural heritage / sustainable development

About CulturePolis The SUSTCULT project – Who / what / how / where – First results Transferring Know How to Amorgos: is it possible?

Yperia 2013 Seminar

Page 3: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Starting with culture … UNESCO definition

"Culture is the set of distinctive spiritual, emotional and material traits that characterize a society or a community. Culture encompasses, in addition to art and literature, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs. Respect the culture means respect for human rights. Cultural diversity also requires respect for basic freedoms, such as freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and expression, freedom to participate in cultural life. "

Page 4: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

On culture

Latin languages: “civilisation” = π π.χ ancient civilisations «culture-cultura-Kultur» >> effort to transform and dominate

nature >>> emphasis on cultivating man as land Greek: Πκζδ δ ησμ >> from Adamantios Korais, 18th century

«polis» >> politis – the inhabitant of polis - emphasis on anthropocentric factor ….but also

Κκυζ κτλα = «culture-cultura-Kultur» CulturePolis- effort of compensating the two trends

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πο ο …α ο

Πκζδ δ δεσμ Πκζδ δ ηδεσμ ; πκζδ δ δεσμ >>> βηα έα θ λΰβ δεά, υθαηδεά, Ϊ εβ β πέ λα βμ

π.χ. π , αυ α, υ α α, αχ , π α α, ω α α

πκζδ δ ηδεσμ >>> εα α Ϊ δμ, Ϋθθκδ μ α δεΫμ εαδ π λδΰλαφδεΫμ αφ , πα , , π π , πα , υ ….

--------------------------------------------------- Πκζδ δ δεΫμ αυ σ β μ

--------------------------------------------------- Πκζδ δ δεά ΚζβλκθκηδΪ:

Μθβη έα παΰεσ ηδαμ πκζδ δ δεάμ εζβλκθκηδΪμ (UNESCO)

Μ α α χ /Μ α φ >> ηέα δαελδ ά γΫ β ά σπκμ (σπωμ ο , ο , η, η ο , η ο, ο, π γ α π η) - π υ

απ α ω ω π υ αχ α Π α α Πα α Π Κ Επ π Πα α Κ


Page 6: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,


Achieving SUSTainability through an integrated approach to management of CULTural heritage

πδ υΰχΪθκθ αμ ίδω δησ β α ηΫ ω ηδαμ κζκεζβλωηΫθβμ πλκ Ϋΰΰδ βμ β δαχ έλδ β βμ

πκζδ δ δεάμ εζβλκθκηδΪμ Two keywords Βδω δησ β α - Πκζδ δ δεά ΚζβλκθκηδΪ Sustainability – Cultural Heritage

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The concept of Sustainable Development «SD is the development that corresponds to the current

needs without compromising the possibilities of coming generations to satisfy theirs»

Two basic ideas: The idea of “needs” In particular the vital needs of the poor of the planet,

whose fulfillment should be the basic priority The idea of “limits” which are imposed by the current technological

knowledge and form of social organisation to the possibilities provided by the natural environment in order to satisfy our current and future needs.

Page 8: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

SUSTCULT Project The 4 components

Economic Sustainable development means : all development and environmental policies should be based on a cost-benefit analysis and a careful economic analysis that will enforce the environmental protection and lead to increasing and sustainable levels of prosperity (World Bank, 1992). Environmental

Sustainable development is the improvement of life quality within the framework of baring capacity of the supportive ecosystems (IUCN, UNEP α WWF, 1991). Social

Sustainable is a society that can exist for generations and generations, ω α π υ π α υπ χ α α , can see far enough,

can be flexible and wise in order not to jeopardize the natural and social supportive systems (Meadows et al., 1995). Cultural (the newest dimension) Protection of the cultural diversity

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About CulturePolis A civil society organisation - CSO

Non profit non governmental - NGO Founded in 2006 in Corfu as EUROPE OF CULTURES

FORUM: ADRIATIC-IONIAN CHAPTER >> Active in Corfu, Greece, South East Europe and the

Mediterranean Basin - Promotes activities focusing on : • culture in the broadest sense • intercultural dialogue and the emergence of different

cultural identities in any place • sustainability in all its manifestations • innovative approaches and new technologies and

cultural entrepreneurship >>Reinforces links with people who express “cultures” and

“societies” >> Promotes a Network of Cultural Antennas for

collaboration at local / regional level

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SUSTCULT: Achieving SUSTainability through an integrated approach to the management of CULTural heritage Aim To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management

through the development, testing and dissemination of a common methodology capable of valorising the complexity of SEE cultural heritage –in particular UNESCO monuments.

How Development, test and dissemination of a holistic approach

capable of valorising the complexity of the cultural heritage of the region


Budget : 1.707.000 UR

85% .U - (South East Europe – SEE) 15% Greek state

Duration: 36 months (1/1/2011-31/12/2013+4 )

Budget CulturePolis : 210.000 υ


Page 15: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Partnership Objective Main activities and outputs: • Methodology • Web GIS Platform • Capacity Building • Management Plans • Market Analyses & Business Plans • Future plans

The SUSTCULT project data

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Lead Partner: City of Venice (IT) Partners: Cà Foscari University - CIRDFA (IT) University of Nova Gorica (SLO) Regional Development Agency of Northern Primorska ltd.

Nova Gorica (SLO) Europe of Cultures Fprum: Adriatic-Ionian chapter (GR) National Instutute for Heritage (RO) Local Development Agency of Bacau (RO) Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Veszprem (HU) Municipality of Ohrid (FYROM) Municipality of Berat (AL) Regional Directorate of National Culture (AL) UNESCO Venice Office (IT) – Associated Strategic Partner

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Page 18: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

SUSTCULT Heritage Sites

• Italy: “Venice and its Lagoon”, Cultural site, in the WHL since 1987

• Slovenia: Vipava Valley, Cultural landscape • Greece: Corfù, Cultural site, in the WHL since

2007 • Albania: Berat, Cultural site, in the WHL since

2008 • FYROM: Ohrid, Mixed site (cultural and

natural), in the WHL since 1980 • Romania: Bacau, Cultural site • Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site

Page 19: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

SUSTCULT General Objective

To improve the effectiveness of heritage

sites management through the development, testing and dissemination of a common methodology capable of valorising the complexity of SEE cultural heritage.

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SUSTCULT Stakeholders

Main stakeholders:

–decision makers, civil servants, non-profit organisations, tourist operators, financial actors, institutional subjects, heritage managers.

–They are involved in

•the development of the Web-GIS platform

•the elaboration of the management plans and business plans for specific resources,

• in capacity building activities.

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Networking Objectives : - to build solid and synergic local networks and establish a long term Transnational SEE network of organisations, public bodies, businesses and local stakeholders in the field of cultural heritage promotion; - to develop a Web-GIS platform for publishing and sharing geospatial data in order to facilitate the exchange and promotion of cultural heritage based knowledge and to support decision making.

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The SUSCTULT network foresees to: • enhance local, regional and transnational cooperation between relevant institutions and professionals; • stimulate stakeholders participation and experience sharing; • foster a better understanding on the significance of cultural heritage potential; • facilitate consultation processes and coordination efforts through regular contacts and exchange; • transfer project results beyond the partnership - to other contexts/sites.

Page 23: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Objective • Become a supporting tool for managing

authorities • to develop and draft management plans that

balance the protection and sustainable use of cultural heritage sites

• A step-by-step approach to end up with a comprehensive and effective plan.

• Designed to be an operative tool • a working document which will be adjusted and

modified • once the SUSTCULT heritage sites have tested its

usefulness and applicability.

The SUSTCULT Common Methodology

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Working Package 4 (WP)– Methodology

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Online the new video for the project SUSTCULT! . The video focuses on the main underlying project ideas and concepts and illustrates the project commitment for a new...

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Activities: Web-GIS Platform

Web GIS Platform is aimed at sharing data and know-how among stakeholders and supporting management planning by providing geo-referenced information and additional descriptions of heritage features

Page 27: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Activities: Capacity Building

Capacity Building activities are aimed at reinforcing real capacity in partner sites in order to define strategies and draft integrated management plans for a sustainable conservation and management of cultural heritage sites.

2 main training packages are envisaged:

1 on-line multidisciplinary course: innovative training has been learning-based, demand-oriented, quality assured, participatory and hands-on, and has made use of the information and communication technology through the distance learning. The course was made up of 4 Units and a Project work activity.

6 on-site intensive courses: held in partners’ sites and aimed at providing support in loco for further elaboration and implementation of partner sites management plans by applying the “Methodology for the Integrated Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage Sites”

Page 28: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

SUSTCULT Project «Consultative Committee SUSTCULT Corfu/Old Town»

How the local community participates Corfu Stakeholders

• Awareness raising about the project and its contribution to local community

• Sign declaration of participation in CC • Nomination of official representative - link with CulturePolis • Attendance of work meetings (1 per semester) • Reading of Newsletter, sites, material sent • Participation in open dialogue – input • Participation in surveys and telephone interviews • Constructive criticism on proposals • Proposal of new ideas/approaches

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SUSTCULT Project Πκδκδ υηη Ϋχκυθ

– ο Φο 1. υ α 2. . . υ υ α ( . . . Η. .) 3. α , α

υ υ α ( ) 4. φ α 5. φ α υ - α α & - α

πα υ 6. α 7. α π 8. ( α υ α ) 9. π π υ α

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α : ο - ο - ΜΚ 10. Eco Corfu α α α 11. υ υ α (*) 12. α α α 13. π α α υ υ α 14. Έ Χ υ α 15. α 16. υ α υ α - υ α 17. α α Ό υ α 18. α α α 19. Φ α Ά α α " π α α " (*) Σ ο ε ο ό υο Κ υ α υ ε χου ε α 23 ε ε ο ο φο ε Κ υ α

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πα α ο – π ο ο Φο 20. π υ α 21. Έ α α α α α 22. υ υ – Ω π

υ α 23. υ α 24. υ . & α Γ αφ 25. α π α α υ α 26. α πα α - π – υ Φ α υ α 27. α α α υ αφ πα

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International Sustainable Cultural Management Week

Corfu, 1-5 October 2012

Public events

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SUSTCULT Project Training seminar (Mon –Wed 1-3/10/2013)

For officials working in the field of cultural heritage / specialising on cultural heritage management

Open dissemination event for authorities, stakeholders and citizens Wed 4/10/ 17.00 - 21.00 Municipal Conference Centre

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Round Table discussion (Wed 3/10) Representatives from Municipality – Shopkeepers-Citizens with the public

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Maps & WebGIS

Planning and programming Tool

But also

Possibilities for business / tourism exploitation

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Page 38: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Public consultation «Consultative Committee SUSTCULT City/Monument»

ου α οπ ω υ α α α α ο υ α π α α α υο ο α α φ ,

π α π φ α π α π .

α χο ) α α α α αφ υ π υ πα υ α υ , π α α π π α υ υ, υ

) α αφ π , υ , α α α α α α π

π . α α α οπ ο ω

α α υ α υ α α υ π α α υ υ α π

α α φ / π

Page 39: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Working Package 4 (WP)– Μ γκ κζκΰέα

• Σ σχκμ o Η α π υ α α α

ω αχ ω ω π → Η π α α υπ α α ω αχ

φ ω ( πω α ω αφ ω φ ω α ω π ) π α α α χ ω ω

• Άικθ μ βμ Μ γκ κζκΰέαμ

o Ευ α o Συ χ o Π υ α o Β ω α o Υ χ ω ω αχ

Page 40: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

Βα ά μ ία Μ ο ο ο ία SUSTCULT


Η μ μ Φ Δ

Μ μ ω , π / / π π

, μ π π μ μ μ μ

π μ .

Η π μ μ π ω π π ω

π (bottom-up) μ μμ ω μ ω ω

π μ μ ω π (learning – by - doing).


Μ μ Π Κ μ ω ω ω "π μ ", π μ μ π π π π .

Page 41: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

WP5 – Ε πα υ α α π υ α ω

: πα υ πα υ π α α α π υ π υ π α , α α α α α α α

α α α π .

υ : n-line α α α α ( α υ) & Έ α α

υ α π π α α ω

αχ α ω οπ πα α α α ‘π π α ’, υ π π υ α

φ υ , α α α α π υ α υ α

απα .

Page 42: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

WP6 – πδεαδλκπκέβ β Σχ έκυ Ιαχ έλδ βμ ΠαζδΪμ Πσζβμ

Η α υ α : 1. α π υ α αφυ υ α α α α υ

υ α α α α π α υ π υ α α .

2. α α α π υ α α α υ υ α α α απ υ φ α

απ υ α υ. Μ α Κ υ α

Κ υ α - Έ π υ

“«Μ α π π α α ου α ο ου π π ο ου ο ο ου, π φ α υ α

α α α αφο . Χω α χ π α ο , α α α ω π α ω α πο ω ου ου . Μ ο φα

πα α χ ω α ου ο α π πο α π α. Χω α α α α α. Μ ου ο

πο α ο ου α α α οπ π α πο α υπο ο α α ο α α. Χω ουπ α»

Page 43: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

WP6 – πδεαδλκπκέβ β Σχ έκυ Ιαχ έλδ βμ ΠαζδΪμ Πσζβμ

χο ου χ ου αχ α α π φ υ α , α

α α υ α α π π υ υπ υ α υ α . Η

υ α αυ απ υ π α : • π α α α υ υπ α π υ,

υ , π α υ φυ π ,

• υ α υ α α α α υ α α α α α α π πα υ ,

• α π α π , α π π .

α π α α α α α π α α , α α π π π υ α α υ υ UNESCO.

Η α υ α π α α αυ α π α α π α α

α π υ υ υ π υ υ.

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WP6 – πδεαδλκπκέβ β Σχ έκυ Ιαχ έλδ βμ ΠαζδΪμ Πσζβμ

οπο ου χ ου αχ υ α:

α. πα υ α π α α π υ υ α . . α φ π α α απ υ α υ , υ φ α υ

π π υ α α α α α υ υ, π α α , α πα α α α .

. π α α α α α υ α , α α π , α α π υ φ υ α α α

α π π π φ απ αυ .

. υ α υ α υ α π φυ π α α , α υ απ αυ α α α υ

υ απ υ α υ , α απ υ π π . . π πα υ π α α υ π α

α υ υ α π α α απ α α υ α α α α α υπ , α α α

απ φ . . υ α α υ φα υ υ

α α α υ α . π υ υ φ α υ

υ α . α υ α α α α α υ υ π , α π π .

Page 45: Founder and President CulturePolis...• Romania: Hurezi, Cultural site SUSTCULT General Objective To improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development,

WP6 – Update of Old Town of Corfu Management Plan

Review 2013-2018

– The revision of the old plan 2006-2012 was done by the Working Group of CulturePolis in the framework of the project SUSTCULT.

– Posted on 1 May 2013 as part of the proposed methodology of the project public consultation between all parties involved in the management of the World Heritage Sites of UNESCO .

– The text is presented by chapter as follows: Chapter 1: The World Heritage Chapter 2: Description and significance Chapter 3: Management Issues and Goals Chapter 4: Action Plan

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From Corfu to Amorgos

• Make a research and consult with experts to understand UNESCO’s criteria/ mechanism/priorities AND

• Greek Ministry’s of Culture ones (they make the proposal for inscription in the list not you!)

• Identify your monument’s Outstanding Value and document it properly (not emotional but bureaucratic)

• Describe from the beginning why you want your monument in the list ! How you are going to support it, exploit it, promote it etc.

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From Corfu to Amorgos • Nomimate an adequate Project Manager / Team

– He/she will be the key person for the adventure

• Establish a permanent local Support Committee with ALL stakeholders

• Prepare yourselves for long processes (many years…)


Very Good Luck!

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Indicative intiatives of CulturePolis

Adopt iT!