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  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Ghana Oil AlmanacAn OpenOil Reference Guide

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF




  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Table of Contents

    Energy Industry Background...........................................................................7The 'Energy Mix'..........................................................................................7

    The 'Energy Mix' in Ghana........................................................................10

    Definii!n !f Re"er#e"................................................................................10

    Ghanaian $ydr!car%!n Re"er#e"...............................................................12

    Dependency !n Exraci#e" Re#enue".......................................................1&

    Energy G!#ernance ea( )!in"...............................................................1*

    +rude Oil ,ualiie"....................................................................................17

    Oil -ield Deplei!n.....................................................................................1

    Off"h!re Drilling........................................................................................1

    Oilfield "er#ice" indu"ry...........................................................................22

    /iuefied aural Ga" /G3....................................................................2&

    aural Ga".................................................................................................2*

    aural Ga" -laring....................................................................................27

    Ghanaian Mineral Re"er#e".......................................................................24

    Definii!n !f Mineral Re"er#e"..................................................................2

    Historical Overview.........................................................................................52

    $i"!ry !f Oil and Ga" 6ndu"ry in Ghana.................................................52

    $i"!ry !f Mineral" 6ndu"ry in Ghana......................................................55

    !ci!8En#ir!nmenal 6mpac" !f Exraci#e" 6ndu"ry in Ghana...............5*

    Regulatory Framework...................................................................................5

    /!cal +!nen and Empl!ymen 6""ue" in Ghana......................................5

    O#er#ie9 !f Mineral ec!r Regulai!n in Ghana.....................................&0

    Mineral" /icen"ing in Ghana.....................................................................&5

    $ealh: afey and En#ir!nmenal Regulai!n in Ghana'" Mining ec!r.&&

    Ari"anal and mall8cale Mining AM3 in Ghana.................................&;

    O#er#ie9 !f $ydr!car%!n Regulai!n in Ghana.......................................&4

    )er!leum Re#enue Managemen Ac !f 2011...........................................&

    Ghana )er!leum Regula!ry Auh!riy

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Regional Dynamics..........................................................................................*7

    Ghana8+!e d'6#!ire...................................................................................*7

    +hine"e 6n#e"men in Africa.....................................................................*4

    State-owned Entities........................................................................................;1

    Ghanaian Mini"ry !f Mine" and Energy...................................................;1

    Ghana Ge!l!gical ur#ey" Deparmen.....................................................;1

    Ghana ai!nal )er!leum +!rp!rai!n G)+3......................................;1

    Ghana'" Mineral" +!mmi""i!n...................................................................;&

    Ghana'" )reci!u" Mineral" Mar(eing +!rp!rai!n...................................;&

    Private Entities................................................................................................;*

    O#er#ie9 !f 6O+" in Ghana.......................................................................;*


    Anadar(! )er!leum...................................................................................;*



    =!"m!" Energy..........................................................................................75


    a%re Oil and Ga".......................................................................................7Tull!9 Oil..................................................................................................7

    eaherf!rd 6nernai!nal..........................................................................45

    International Mining om!anies "IMs#.....................................................4*

    O#er#ie9 !f 6M+" in Ghana......................................................................4*

    Angl!G!ld A"hani.....................................................................................4*


  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    aural Ga" Tran"p!rai!n and )r!ce""ing )r!>ec...................................;

    Terminal" in Ghana....................................................................................7

    Oil and &as Fields and Mines........................................................................

    Oil and Ga" -ield" in Ghana......................................................................

    ?u%ilee -ield.............................................................................................101

    )rincipal Mine" in Ghana.........................................................................105

    Resource 'rans!arency O!!ortunities........................................................10;

    Re"!urce +ur"e.........................................................................................10;

    aural Re"!urce +harer.........................................................................10

    Re"!urce Tran"parency M!#emen..........................................................111


    E6T6 in he Mining 6ndu"ry.....................................................................11;

    E6T6 in Ghana...........................................................................................117

    6nernai!nal +!uncil !n Mining and Meal" 6+MM3.............................11

    Gl!%al ine"".........................................................................................121

    Re#enue ach 6n"iue...........................................................................122

    Tran"parency 6nernai!nal.......................................................................125

    )u%li"h ha @!u )ay..............................................................................12&=im%erley )r!ce""...................................................................................12;

    Tran"parency !f +!nrac"........................................................................124



    Ghana Direc!ry !f +!nac"....................................................................152

    i(i/ea(" +a%le" !n Ghana....................................................................15*

    G$E6T6 Aggregaed Rep!r ?anuary8?une 200& Execui#e ummary...17*G$E6T6 200; Aggregaed Rep!r Execui#e ummary.........................17

    G$E6T6 2007 Aggregaed Rep!r Execui#e ummary.........................141

    G$E6T6 2004 Aggregaed Rep!r Execui#e ummary.........................14&

    G$E6T6 200 Aggregaed Rep!r Execui#e ummary.........................14;

    Balidai!n !f he Exraci#e 6ndu"rie" Tran"parency 6niiai#e in Ghana C-inal Rep!r...............................................................................10

    Ghana E6T6 G$E6T63 C -rame9!r( f!r he Oil Ga" ec!r...............2;*

    G)+ M!del )er!leum +!nrac...........................................................24*


  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF



  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Energy Industry

    Background'*e +Energy Mi)+


    The 'energy mix' refer" ! he di"ri%ui!n !f c!n"umpi!n per energy "!urce

    fr!m !ne regi!n ! an!her. Each c!unry u"e" energy differenly: defining i"!9n energy mix.1

    Acc!rding ! he

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    came 9ih elecriciy and he inernal c!m%u"i!n engine: 9hich all!9ed di#er8"ificai!n a9ay fr!m c!al. +!al gradually came ! %e replaced a" he principalfuel in p!9er generai!n %y naural ga" and rene9a%le energy "!urce".

    $!9e#er %e9een 200082011 c!al'" "hare !f he energy mix ha" increa"ed %y& !n he %ac( !f "r!ng gr!9h in +hina: m!" !f 9h!m'" gr!9h in he 21"cenury ha" c!me fr!m %urning c!al. +!al c!n"umpi!n in 2011 9a" up %y7.; and 9a" gr!9ing fa"er han a any ime "ince 2005.

    ,nconventional Energy Sources

    Acc!rding ! !ilfield "er#ice" pr!#ider Schlumberger: unc!n#eni!nal re8"!urce" i" an um%rella erm referring ! !il and naural ga" pr!duced %y mean"ha d! n! mee he crieria f!r c!n#eni!nal pr!duci!n. The ualificai!n cri8

    eria f!r unc!n#eni!nal re"!urce" ine#ia%ly "hif" !#er ime depending !n hea#aila%iliy !f expl!rai!n and pr!duci!n echn!l!gie": he ec!n!mic en#ir!n8men and !her fac!r". A" !f 2011 re"!urce" "uch a" c!al %ed mehane +

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    c!n"idera%le repuai!nal and regula!ry !%"acle".4

    oal Bed Met*ane


  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Acc!rding !

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Acc!rding ! he Bice )re"iden !f per!leum c!n"ulancy &y'er Scott: hereha" %een a rend !9ard" c!mmi""i!ning exernal audi" !f e"imaed re"er#e".ih increa"ed aeni!n gi#en ! c!rp!rae re"p!n"i%iliy in financial rep!r8ing: he a""er" ha !il and ga" c!mpanie" are n!9 engaging hird8pary engin8

    eer" ! e#aluae !r audi per!leum re"er#e".1*


    Acc!rding ! he )E Guideline": 're"er#e"' are a "u%"e !f 're"!urce"': repre"8ening he par !f re"!urce" 9hich are c!mmercially rec!#era%le and ha#e %een>u"ified f!r de#el!pmen. Re"er#e" can can "u%"euenly di#ided in! he f!l8l!9ing hree caeg!rie" depending !n cerainy !f rec!#ery.

    Proven ReservesThe highe" #alued caeg!ry !f re"er#e" i" Hpr!#edI re"er#e". )r!#ed re"er#e"ha#e a Hrea"!na%le cerainyI !f %eing rec!#ered: 9hich mean" a high degree !fc!nfidence ha he #!lume" 9ill %e rec!#ered. T! %e clear: re"er#e" mu" ha#eall c!mmercial a"pec" addre""ed. 6 i" echnical i""ue" 9hich "eparae pr!#edfr!m unpr!#ed caeg!rie".

    The erm 1) i" freuenly u"ed ! den!e pr!#ed re"er#e".

    ec" i" generally c!n"idered ! %e he 2) "um !fpr!#ed and pr!%a%le re"er#e".

    1* JThe Re"er#e" AudiJ&y'er Scott: rerie#ed 14 ?anuary 2012.1; J

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF



    'Re"!urce"' den!e" le"" cerainy han 're"er#e"' %ecau"e "!me "ignifican c!m8mercial !r echnical hurdle mu" %e !#erc!me pri!r ! here %eing c!nfidence

    in he e#enual pr!duci!n !f he #!lume".

    ontingent Resources

    The"e are re"!urce" ha are p!enially rec!#era%le %u n! ye c!n"idered ma8ure en!ugh f!r c!mmercial de#el!pmen due ! echn!l!gical !r %u"ine""hurdle". -!r c!ningen re"!urce" ! m!#e in! he re"er#e" caeg!ry: he (eyc!ndii!n": !r c!ningencie": ha pre#ened c!mmercial de#el!pmen mu" %eclarified and rem!#ed. A" an example: all reuired inernal and exernal ap8

    pr!#al" "h!uld %e in place !r deermined ! %e f!rhc!ming: including en#ir!n8

    menal and g!#ernmenal appr!#al". There al"! mu" %e e#idence !f firm inen8i!n %y a c!mpany" managemen ! pr!ceed 9ih de#el!pmen 9ihin a rea"!n8a%le ime frame ypically * year": h!ugh i c!uld %e l!nger3.

    Pros!ective Resources

    )r!"peci#e re"!urce" are e"imaed #!lume" a""!ciaed 9ih undi"c!#ered ac8cumulai!n". The"e repre"en uaniie" !f per!leum 9hich are e"imaed: a" !fa gi#en dae: ! %e p!enially rec!#era%le fr!m !il and ga" dep!"i" idenified!n he %a"i" !f indirec e#idence %u 9hich ha#e n! ye %een drilled. Thi" cla""

    repre"en" a higher ri"( han c!ningen re"!urce" "ince he ri"( !f di"c!#ery i"al"! added. -!r pr!"peci#e re"!urce" ! %ec!me cla""ified a" c!ningen re8"!urce": hydr!car%!n" mu" %e di"c!#ered: he accumulai!n" mu" %e furhere#aluaed and an e"imae !f uaniie" ha 9!uld %e rec!#era%le under appr!8

    priae de#el!pmen pr!>ec" prepared.

    E)ternal /inks

    )E !n8Technical Guide


    &*anaian Hydrocaron Reserves



    E"imae" f!r Ghana'" !il re"er#e" #ary 9idely. Ghana ai!nal )er!leum+!rp!rai!n G)+ 3 chief execui#e ana

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    rel".17 E"imae" f!r he re"er#e" !f he ?u%ilee field: Ghana'" large": rangefr!m 400 milli!n ! 1.4 milli!n %arrel" !f !il.14

    The c!unry'" !il re"er#e" c!uld reach fi#e %illi!n %arrel" %y 201* a" !n"h!re

    !il expl!rai!n increa"e" and m!re field" "ar pr!duci!n: he chairman !f heGhanaian parliamen" energy c!mmiee "aid a he end !f 2010.1


    Afer pr!ducing an a#erage !f !nly 4:440 %arrel" per day %pd3 in 2010: 20Ghana'" !il pr!duci!n increa"ed ! 4&:757 %pd %y lae 2011:219ih nearly all!f ha pr!duci!n c!ming fr!m he ?u%ilee field.22

    Ghana expeced ! rai"e !al !upu ! 120:000 %pd "!meime in 2012:&euters

    rep!red in -e%ruary !f ha year.


    Depuy Mini"er !f -inance and Ec!n!mic)lanning -ifi =9eey "aid al"! in -e%ruary 2012 ha Ghana planned ! %!!"crude !il !upu m!re han fi#ef!ld in he nex fi#e year": ! a%!u *00:000%pd.


    Ghana %ecame Africa'" ne9e" !il exp!rer in Decem%er 2010: 9hen he ?u8%ilee field %egan "hipping !il. Acc!rding ! in#e"men %an(&enaissance #a(ital: crude !il in 2011 "urpa""ed c!c!a a" Ghana'" "ec!nd8%igge" merchandi"e

    exp!r: afer g!ld: generaing 1.7 %illi!n in exp!r earning" in he fir" ninem!nh" !f 2011.2&

    17 JGhana Oil Targe /i(ely Delayed Again G)+J Ghana Oil In%o: Rerie#ed 1&-e%ruary 2012.

    14 JGhana S Tran"parency nap"h!J&e)enue $atch Institute: Rerie#ed 1& -e%ruary2012.

    1 JGhana Oil Re"er#e" !

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    O#erall: Ghana ha" an e"imaed &.4* rilli!n cu%ic fee cf3 in naural ga" re8"er#e":2*9ih 1.2 cf held in he ?u%ilee field.2;aural ga" 9a" fir" di"c!#eredin he +ape Three )!in"

    De!endency on E)tractives Revenues

    There are 9! differen mea"ure" !f !il re#enue dependence: a" can %e "een inhe figure %el!9. The fir" i" he rai! !f !il re#enue" ! fi"cal re#enue":!r he!al inc!me !f he g!#ernmen. The "ec!nd i" he rai! !f !il re#enue" ! !alexp!r". The 6M- e"imaed ha !f he Gulf pr!ducer" he Knied Ara% Emir8ae" "h!9" he lea" !il dependence: 9ih !il acc!uning f!r >u" !#er half !f

    g!#ernmen inc!me: and >u" under half !f exp!r".2

    ,aar: %y c!nra": "h!9ed a rai! !f 70 !f g!#ernmen re#enue": and 40 !f!al exp!r". The 6nernai!nal M!neary -und idenified a lea" 50 c!unrie"

    2* Jaemen On 6""ue" ih Ga" 6nfra"rucure De#el!pmenJMo'ernGhana,com:22 Decem%er 2011.

    2; JGhana" ?u%ilee field ha" 1.2 rilli!n cu%e fee !f ga"J -ibeGhana,com: 21 Augu"2010.

    27 JExraci!n !f +rude )er!leum in GhanaJM*en'i: Rerie#ed 1& -e%ruary 2012.

    24 JGhana ! %!rr!9 400 mln fr!m +hina ! de#el!p ga"J&euters: 12 Augu" 2011.2 HG++ +!unrie" -r!m Oil Dependence ! Di#er"ificai!nI.International

    Monetary +un': 2005.

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    9here re#enue" fr!m !il and ga" acc!uned f!r a lea" 2* !f g!#ernmen in8c!me during he peri!d 200*84 and 9here "ufficien inf!rmai!n 9a" a#aila%lef!r meaningful analy"i"

    Algeria: Ang!la: Aer%ai>an:

    Energy &overnance 0eak Points

    Pre-Production Stage

    E)!loration /icenses

    Oil and ga" pr!duci!n !fen 9!r(" in 9! "age": 9ih licen"e" a9arded ! ex8pl!re gi#en regi!n" a he iniial "age: and hen "eparae arrangemen" %eingmade !nce !il !r ga" i" di"c!#ered. Gi#en ha predici!n i" "! difficul: and hep!enial re9ard" are "! grea: e#en he licen"e ! expl!re cerain area" canpre"en an !pp!runiy f!r c!rrupi!n. -!r example: in 1 igeria graned a"erie" !f expl!rai!n licen"e" f!r !ff"h!re expl!rai!n ! c!mpanie" 9hich didn! ha#e any experience in !il pr!duci!n.526n /i%ya mean9hile: i 9a" lucra8i#e expl!rai!n c!nrac" 9hich 9ere a "a(e 9hen

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Production (wards

    Once di"c!#erie" ha#e %een made: he righ ! pr!duce pre"en" a furher !p8p!runiy f!r c!rrupi!n. 6n "!me ca"e": he c!mpany 9hich made he di"c!#8

    ery ha" already agreed erm" ! g! ahead and pr!duce he !il.

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    Su!!ort Service ontracts

    The !il indu"ry: in line 9ih rend" in he re" !f he gl!%al ec!n!my !#er re8cen decade": ha" a(en ! !u"!urcing aggre""i#ely. Thi" mean" ha e#en

    9hen a !p le#el !peraing licen"e ha" %een graned under pu%lic "cruinyhr!ugh an auci!n pr!ce"": he primary !pera!r hen i""ue" c!nrac": 9hichc!uld %e 9!rh hundred" !f milli!n" !f d!llar": ! !her c!mpanie" 9h! in urnimplemen #ari!u" aci#iie" ! fulfil he c!nrac 9ih he h!" g!#ernmen.ince he"e c!nrac" are %e9een 9! pri#ae "ec!r c!mpanie": hey u"uallyfall !u"ide he "c!pe !f any g!#ernmenal audi !r inegriy agency.&1

    ost Recovery (ccounting

    Many !il c!nrac" ma(e pr!#i"i!n" f!r an !il c!mpany ! rec!#ery he hea#yin#e"men i ha" made ! di"c!#er and hen pr!duce !il and ga". Thi" i" ypic8ally !n a "liding "cale !#er ime: 9here%y a large p!ri!n !f !il re#enue" area9arded ! he c!mpany ! c!#er heir c!"" a he !u"e: %u he pr!p!ri!ngradually dimini"he" !#er ime.&2

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    iy.&*The "pecific gra#iy !f !il i" i" relai#e den"iy ! 9aer a ;0V -aren8hei.&;

    /ig*t Oil

    Oher9i"e (n!9n a" Jc!n#eni!nal !ilJ: ligh !il ha" an A)6 gra#iy !f 22V !r!#er.&7

    -!r example: audi Ara%ia'" ne9 %lend !f "uper ligh crude ha" an A)6 gra#iy!f &&V.&4The !il pr!duced fr!m /i%yan field" i" al"! ypically #ery JlighJ andhe c!unry'" nine exp!r grade" ha#e A)6 gra#iie" ha range fr!m 2;8&5.5V.&

    Heavy Oil

    $ea#y !il i" a den"e: #i"c!u" !il 9ih l!9 A)6 gra#iy. Definii!n" #ary: %u ii" generally acceped ha he upper limi f!r hea#y !il" i" 22VA)6.

    $ea#y !il" are u"ually n! rec!#era%le in heir naural "ae hr!ugh a 9ell !ru"ing !rdinary pr!duci!n meh!d". M!" need ! %e heaed !r dilued "! hahey can fl!9 in! a 9ell !r hr!ugh a pipeline.

    6n Beneuela f!r example: he

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    0.*: 9hile J"!urJ crude ha" a "ulphur c!nen !f 0.* !r !#er.*1

    Im!act on Re%ining

    The den"iy and J"!urne""J !f crude !il feed"!c(" affec" he am!un !f pr!8ce""ing and c!n#er"i!n nece""ary ! achie#e 9ha i" (n!9n a" an !pimal mix!f pr!duc".

    /igh: "9ee crude demand" a higher price han hea#ier: "!urer crude a" i re8uire" le"" pr!ce""ing and pr!duce" a greaer percenage !f #alue8addedpr!duc": "uch a" ga"!line: die"el and a#iai!n fuel. $ea#ier grade" !f fuel gen8erally reuire addii!nal pr!ce""ing ! pr!ducer ligher pr!duc".

    Oil Field De!letionOil field deplei!n refer" ! he decline in an !il field'" pr!duci!n !#er ime:*29hen a field'" rec!#era%le re"!urce" %ec!me exhau"ed and pr!duci!n i" re8duced due ! he phy"ical limiai!n" !f he re"er#!ir. *5Deplei!n i" a nauralpr!ce"" %y 9hich an !il field pr!duce" an increa"ing #!lume !f !il: ha #!lume"!p" increa"ing and pr!duci!n hi" a pea(: afer 9hich he #!lume ha can %epumped !u !f ha field gradually decline".*&

    The analy"i" !f deplei!n rae" i" a (ey elemen in f!reca"ing he fuure pr!8duci!n !f !il re"er#!ir".

    O%%s*ore Drilling


    Off"h!re 9ell" are drilled in much he "ame 9ay a" heir !n"h!re c!unerpar"

    X9ih "e#eral all!9ance" f!r he !ff"h!re en#ir!nmen: "uch a" a "u%"eadrilling emplae 9hich all!9" f!r accurae drilling 9hile all!9ing f!r m!#e8men !f he drilling plaf!rm.**

    *1 HType" !f +rude OilI.este Oil: rerie#ed 25 ?anuary 2012.*2 JThe life !f an !il re"er#!irJ /he Oil rum: 1& Augu" 200;.*5 JDeplei!n and Decline +ur#e Analy"i" in +rude Oil )r!duci!nJ Global Energy

    System: May 200.

    *& JOil -ield" and 9ha hey d! !r migh3 pr!duce: and 9henJ.atural Hub:Rerie#ed 1 -e%ruary 2012.

    ** JOff"h!re Drilling

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    There are 9! %a"ic ype" !f !ff"h!re drilling rig" h!"e ha can %e m!#edfr!m place ! place: all!9ing f!r drilling in muliple l!cai!n": and h!"e rig"ha are permanenly placed. M!#ea%le rig" are !fen u"ed f!r expl!ra!ry pur8p!"e" %ecau"e hey are much cheaper ! u"e han permanen plaf!rm". Once

    large dep!"i" !f hydr!car%!n" ha#e %een f!und: a permanen plaf!rm i" %uil! all!9 heir exraci!n.*; 6n addii!n ! he drilling emplae: a %l!9!u pre8#ener i" in"alled !n he "ea fl!!r. Thi" "y"em: much he "ame a" ha u"ed in!n"h!re drilling: pre#en" any !il !r ga" fr!m "eeping !u in! he 9aer.

    e9 deph rec!rd" f!r drilling reached 7:;2* fee in he Gulf !f Mexic!: andhellOil'" plaf!rm JTr!ll:J 9hich "and" in he !rh ea in 1:000 fee !f 9a8er: 1:*00 fee high: %ecame !ne !f 9! man8made !%>ec" #i"i%le 9ih he na8(ed eye fr!m he "urface !f he m!!n.*7

    A rep!r %y he ai!nal Re"earch +!uncil f!und ha !ff"h!re !il and ga"drilling 9a" re"p!n"i%le f!r >u" 2 !f he per!leum "pilled in !rh America'"!cean": c!mpared 9ih ;5 fr!m naural "eepage and 22 fr!m municipal andindu"rial 9a"e. +!a" Guard rep!r" "h!9 ha he am!un !f !il "pilled inK.. 9aer" dr!pped fr!m 5.; milli!n %arrel" in he 170" ! le"" han *00:000in he 10".*4

    The !ff"h!re !il indu"ry 9a" he f!cu" !f much aeni!n f!ll!9ing he Deep89aer $!ri!n rig expl!"i!n in April 2010 9hich (illed 11 pe!ple and un8lea"hed he large" !ff"h!re !il "pill in K.. hi"!ry. 6n i" 9a(e: he K federal

    auh!riie" clamped d!9n !n !ff"h!re !il aci#iy: in"iuing a "ix8m!nhm!ra!rium !n deep89aer drilling.*


    6n he lae 1h cenury: afer drilling a large num%er !f 9ell": early !ilmen n!8iced ha h!"e neare" he !cean 9ere he %e" pr!ducer". $!9e#er: he ex8ecu!r and he dae !f he fir" !ff"h!re rig i" c!ne"ed: 9ih "!me "!urce"naming T.-. R!9land a" he in#en!r !f !ff"h!re drilling a" he 9a" he !9ner

    !f a paen f!r hi" !ff"h!re drilling rig de"ign in 14; and !her" ciing $./.illiam" a" he execu!r !f he fir" !ff"h!re drilling 9ell in 1447: in ummer8land: +alif!rnia. illiam"' fir" 9ell exended a%!u 500 fee in! he )acific!cean. KA T!day pu" he dae !f he fir" K.. !ff"h!re !il pr!duci!n a"14;: al"! in +alif!rnia.

    *; JOff"h!re DrillingJ.aturalGas,org: rerie#ed 10 -e%ruary 2012.*7 JA%!u O6A8 $i"!ry !f Off"h!reJ.ational Ocean In'ustries Association:

    rerie#ed 10 -e%ruary 2012.

    *4 J!rh he ri"(L De%ae !n !ff"h!re drilling hea" upJ SA /o'ay: 1& ?uly 2004.* JGulf +!a" %u"ine"" "ill "uffering fr!m !ff"h!re drilling "l!9d!9nJ+uel +i5: ;

    -e%ruary 2012.

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    The fir" !ff"h!re 9ell !u !f "igh !f land 9a" c!mpleed in 1&7 !ff he c!a"!f he Gulf !f Mexic! %y he =err8McGee +!rp!rai!n ;0: and mar(ed he %e8ginning !f he m!dern !ff"h!re indu"ry a" i i" (n!9n !day.

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    The pr!"pec !f !ff"h!re drilling in he Arcic ha" %een a "!urce !f c!nr!#er"yde"pie he fac ha he !il i" %elie#ed ! lie le"" han *00 mere" %el!9 he "ur8face !f he !cean. $!9e#er: en#ir!nmenali"" "ay 9eaher c!ndii!n" 9!uldma(e i difficul ! re"p!nd in he e#en !f an !il "pill: and "ay he p!enial re"8

    ul" !f an !il "pill ma(e he ri"(" !f drilling f!r !ff"h!re !il unfea"i%le. De"piehi": !r9ay ha" %een carrying !u Arcic expl!rai!n.


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    Ma.or 'rends

    ,nconventionals and O%%s*ore Drilling

    6ndu"ry !%"er#er" predic ha he %urge!ning Knc!n#eni!nal Re"!urce"Sunc!n#eni!nal energyindu"ry 9ill creae a %!!" in demand f!r he "er#ice"indu"ry. )r!duci!n !f "hale !il and !her unc!n#eni!nal" %ring" l!gi"icaland echn!l!gical challenge" and demand" a huge increa"e in he num%er !frig" "upplied. A "urge in !ff"h!re drilling aci#iy i" al"! prediced ! %!!" de8mand. The Economistrep!red: f!r example: ha America'" $alli%ur!n 9a"planning ! %!!" i" 9!r(f!rce !f ;0:000 %y 2* !#er 2011. Dahlman R!"e: a

    %an(: e"imaed ha gl!%al expl!rai!n %udge" 9!uld ri"e %y ar!und 1& in2011 ! *55 %illi!n.

    Acc!rding ! rep!r" in heEconomistAmerica i" he cenre !f he !ilfield "er8#ice %!!m: 9here firm" pi!neered he echniue !f h!ri!nal drilling in !rder! acce"" "hale !il and "hale ga".

    Demand %or /ocal ontent

    Acc!rding ! Ayman A"fari: +EO !f K=8%a"ed )er!fac: O+" are increa"8

    ingly demanding ! "ee Jl!cal c!nenJ ie. l!cal !pera!r"3 playing a par inne9 c!nrac" f!r expl!rai!n: pr!duci!n and plan c!n"ruci!n. Thi" pu" in8ernai!nal !il c!mpanie" a a di"ad#anage and creae" an !pp!runiy f!r !il"er#ice" c!mpanie" ! %uild a""e" 9ih l!cal parner": mainain ha a""e f!r aperi!d !f ime and hen Jhand i %ac(J ! he O+ ! run in he l!ng erm.;4

    $ey Industry Players

    Acc!rding !Arabian Oil an' Gas: a" !f 2004 he en large" !ilfield "er#icec!mpanie" gl!%ally 9ere

    1. chlum%erger /imied

    2. $alli%ur!n

    5. aipem

    &. Tran"!cean /d.


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    ;. -lu!r

    7. eaherf!rd 6nernai!nal


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    unil i i" 9armed %ac( ! naural ga" #ia he pr!ce"" !f rega"ificai!n.


    A" !f early 2012: here 9ere 20 /G pr!duci!n and exp!r erminal" 9!rld89ide: ;5 imp!r erminal" and nearly 500 /G "hip" al!geher handling ap8pr!ximaely 170 milli!n meric !n" !f /G e#ery year. The"e num%er" areprediced ! increa"e dramaically !#er he nex decade due ! he gr!9ingp!pulariy !f hi" clean fuel "!urce.75

    hile /G i" rea"!na%ly c!"ly ! pr!duce: ad#ance" in echn!l!gy are redu8cing he c!"" a""!ciaed 9ih he liueficai!n and rega"ificai!n !f /G. The*P $orl' Energy Outlookpredic" ha /G rade 9ill gr!9 9ice a" fa" a"gl!%al ga" pr!duci!n: ha i": a a rae !f &.& per annum.7&

    3atural &as


    A%!u 4* !f naural ga" pr!duced fr!m c!n#eni!nal 9ell" i" mehane: ahighly flamma%le c!mp!und made up !f !ne car%!n a!m and f!ur hydr!gena!m".7*6 i" c!l!urle"" and: in i" pure f!rm: !d!urle"". A" he ga" ha" n!!d!ur: ga" c!mpanie" !fen add a chemical ! he ga" ! gi#e i a di"inci#e"mell "! ha ga" lea(" may %e deeced %y "mell.7;

    aural ga" can %e f!und a" eiher a""!ciaed ga": n!n8a""!ciaed ga": 9e ga"a ype !f n!n8a""!ciaed ga"3 !r c!al %ed mehane.

    The uni" !f mea"uremen u"ed f!r naural ga" are generally %a"ed !n #!lumeand mea"ured in cu%ic fee a cu%ic f!! %eing !ne f!! l!ng: %y !ne f!! 9ide:%y !ne f!! deep3. Thi" #!lume i" u"ually expre""ed in

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    3on-associated gas

    !n8a""!ciaed ga" i" ga" 9hich i" f!und in re"er#!ir" 9hich d! n! c!nain"ignifican uaniie" !f crude !il.746 !fen !ccur" a greaer deph" 9here hea

    ha" "pli all !f he hydr!car%!n" in! "maller: ligher ga" m!lecule". hale ga"i" !ne ype !f unc!n#eni!nal n!n8a""!ciaed ga".

    (ssociated gas

    A""!ciaed ga" i" f!und in a""!ciai!n 9ih crude !il: eiher di""!l#ed in he !il!r a" a JcapJ !f free ga" a%!#e he !il.

    here i cann! %e u"ed: a""!ciaed ga" i" eiher rein>eced in! he 9ell: flared!r #ened.

    oal Bed Met*ane

    +!al %ed mehane +

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    he l!9e" car%!n f!!prin !f all f!""il fuel".

    a "h!rer lead ime ! %uild ga"8fired p!9er plan" and greaer !perai!nalflexi%iliy.

    a%iliy ! reduce greenh!u"e ga" emi""i!n" %y 2* in he ran"p!r "ec!rc!mpared ! radii!nal m!!r fuel".41

    TheInternational Energy Agency6EA3 al"! p!in" !u ha ga" can help ! di8#er"ify energy "upply and "! impr!#e energy "ecuriy.42

    3atural &as Flaring

    Ga" flaring i" he di"p!"al %y %urning !f un9aned a""!ciae naural ga" re8lea"ed fr!m an !il field %y %urning i. 6 i" 9idely u"ed 9here here i" n! infra8"rucure ! ma(e u"e !f he ga". $!9e#er i i" 9idely rec!gnied a" a 9a"e !fenergy and a" en#ir!nmenally danger!u" in c!nri%uing car%!n emi""i!n" !he am!"phere.45

    3atural &as Flaring in &*ana

    Ghana ha" a 'Ner! Ga" -laring )!licy' a i" pr!ducing field".4&$!9e#er ac8c!rding !AllA%rica,comGhana c!ninued ! flare a""!ciaed ga"f!ur m!nh"

    afer he "ar !f c!mmercial !il pr!duci!n a he?u%ilee -ield. The G)+'"Direc!r !f Expl!rai!n and )r!duci!n >u"ified hi" %y "aying in April 2011ha ga" flaring Jhappen" in any ne9 field de#el!pmen %ecau"e y!u need !ha#e a cerain minimum le#el !f ga" %ef!re y!u can "ar he rein>eci!n. 6n he"pecific ca"e !f ?u%ilee: 9e ha#e g!en ! ha p!in "! 9e are n!9 c!mmi"8"i!ning he #ari!u" c!mpre""!r" ! pump he ga" %ac( in! he re"er#!ir "! ha9e d! n! c!ninue ! flare.J A repre"enai#e !fTull!9 Ghana c!mmened haJy!u can ne#er ha#e a er! flaring p!licy in any !il pr!ducing field.J4*

    41 JKnc!n#eni!nal Ga"'" Gl!%al )!enialJPetroleum Economist: 14 ?uly 2011.42 JAre e Enering a G!lden Age !f Ga"LJIEA: 2011.45 HGl!%al Ga" -laring E"imae"I.OAA: rerie#ed 1* -e%ruary 2012.

    4& H

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    &*anaian Mineral Reserves

    -!rmerly (n!9n a" he G!ld +!a": Ghana i" rich in mineral"F he ma>!r !ne"

    currenly %eing mined are g!ld: mangane"e: %auxie and diam!nd".4; The(n!9ledge !f mineral re"er#e" i" c!n"anly increa"ing 8 under he Mining ec8!r upp!r )r!gramme M)3 %eing implemened 9ih Eur!pean Kni!n fin8ancial and echnical a""i"ance: ar!und !ne8hird !f he "urface area !f Ghana i"%eing c!#ered 9ih air%!rne ge!phy"ical "ur#ey": 9hil" deailed ge!l!gicalfield8mapping c!ninue" a he nai!n" ma>!r mining area". 47The h!pe i" haa m!re c!mprehen"i#e daa8%a"e !f inf!rmai!n 9ill arac in#e"!r".


    The main f!cu" !f he Ghanaian mining "ec!r i" he expl!rai!n and exraci!n!f g!ld re"er#e": "ince g!ld c!nri%ue" ! !#er 0 percen !f all mineral ex8p!r".44There i" an e"imaed 2 %illi!n !unce" !f unmined g!ld 9ihin Ghana. 4Mining i" c!ncenraed 9ihin 9! principal area" !f g!ld re"!urce"F heA"hani G!ld ec" in e" AfricaJEl Maniel International: rerie#ed 1& -e%ruary 2012.5 J

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    Ot*er Mineral Reserves

    Mangane"e 8 e"imaed & milli!n !n" unpr!#en re"er#e": &. milli!n !n"pr!#en re"er#e".&2010 pr!duci!n 9a" 1.2 milli!n !n".

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    and financial in#e"men.;


    Acc!rding ! he +R6R+O cla""ificai!n "y"em: 'Expl!rai!n Re"ul"' are apre8cur"!r ! 'Mineral Re"!urce"' %u are in"ufficien ! e"imae a #!lume: !n8nage !r grade !f minerali"ai!n.

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    6n 200; a he reue" !f he 6nernai!nal Acc!uning andard"

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    Historical Overview

    History o% Oil and &as Industry in


    Initial E)!loration

    $ydr!car%!n expl!rai!n in Ghana %egan in 14; %y he e" Africa Oil and-uel +!mpany AO-+O3 9h! drilled in he area !f $alf8A"ini. They 9ere

    f!ll!9ed %y he !ciZZ -ran[ai"e de )er!le: 9h! %egan drilling in 10:4

    al8h!ugh expl!rai!n in he c!unry %e9een 14; ! 1;7 9a" inermien.


    The fir" ma>!r field: he alp!nd field: 9a" di"c!#ered in 170 %y a ignalAm!c! 9ell: l!caed appr!ximaely 100 (il!mere" 9e" !f Accra: and %eganpr!ducing in 17*. !r reha%iliai!n.

    9887 Onwards

    6n ?une 2007: he G)+ ann!unced a "ignifican di"c!#ery !f ligh !il!ff"h!rea he ?u%ilee -ield !geher 9ih parner"Tull!9 Oil and =!"m!" Energy.Ac8

    4 HA c!nci"e hi"!ry !f !il and ga" in GhanaI Ghana Oil $atch: 20 ?une 2011. H$i"!ry !f Oil Di"c!#ery 6n GhanaI Ghana $eb: 1 !#em%er 200.100H

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    c!rding ! Tull!9 Oil: i 9a" !ne !f he %igge" !il find" in Africa in recenime".101

    The ?u%ilee field %egan pr!ducing in Decem%er 2010: and i" e"imaed ! h!ld

    1.* %illi!n %arrel" !f !il. 6n ?anuary 2012 Tull!9 Oil )lc: he lead c!mpany inGhana" !il pr!duci!n: ha i expeced pr!duci!n a he ?u%ilee !il field f!r2012 ! a#erage %e9een 70:000 and 0:000 %arrel" per day %pd3.102

    6n ?uly 2011 i 9a" ann!unced ha 6alian firm Eni had di"c!#ered ga" andc!nden"ae9ih i" Gye yame 1 expl!rai!n 9ell !ff"h!re Ghana.105-!ll!98ing hi": in Augu" 2011 he head !f he Ghana ai!nal Ga" +!mpany an8n!unced ha ha Ghana 9ill%!rr!9 400 milli!n fr!m he "ae8!9ned +hinaDe#el!pmen

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    cluding g!ld: (!la nu": and "la#e".107


    6n he 1*h cenury he )!rugue"e arri#ed in he regi!n: naming i he G!ld+!a" due ! i" a%undance !f he mineral:104a name 9hich 9a" laer ad!ped%y !her Eur!pean c!l!ni"er" in he area.: They al"! named heir fir" p!in !farri#al: 10(m 9e" !f +ape +!a": JElminaJ and %uil a ca"le here. Elmina+a"le i" he earlie" (n!9n Eur!pean "rucure in he r!pic".10

    G!ld fr!m e" Africa: Ghana in paricular: repre"ened !ne enh !f he9!rld'" g!ld re"er#e" in he early par !f he "ixeenh cenury. 110 -!ll!9inghi": m!" g!ld mining up ! he mid8nineeenh cenury 9a" allu#ial: 9here%yminer" rec!#er he g!ld fr!m "ream".111

    The a%!lii!n !f he "la#e rade in 1455 %y he

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    -!ll!9ing independence: f!reign c!nr!l !f he "ec!r 9a" empered %y in8crea"ing g!#ernmen in#!l#emen under he (rumah regimeF h!9e#er: pr!8

    duci!n %egan ! decline in he lae 1;0" and did n! rec!#er f!r alm!"9eny year". 6n he mid81;0": many mine" %egan ! hi p!!rer g!ld reef".De"pie he fl!aing !f he inernai!nal g!ld price in he lae 1;0": fe9 in8#e"!r" 9ere 9illing ! in#e": and he g!#ernmen failed ! pr!#ide he capialnece""ary ! expand pr!duci!n in! ne9 reef". Of he 9! ma>!r g!ld miningenerpri"e": neiher he ae G!ld Mining +!rp!rai!n n!r AG+ &0 percenc!nr!lled %y he g!#ernmen3 expanded !r e#en mainained pr!duci!n.

    Ghana'" mineral "ec!r experienced a "e#ere decline hr!ugh!u he 170" due! #ari!u" pr!%lem": including "piraling inflai!n 9hich exacer%aed miningc!mpanie"' pr!%lem": "muggling and he deeri!raing infra"rucure. Afer145: he g!#ernmen implemened a "erie" !f mea"ure" ! enhance he "ec!r'"appeal: "uch a" ma(ing "mall claim8h!lding fea"i%le 9hich mean ha indi8#idual miner" c!uld "ell g!ld and diam!nd" ! he "ae8!peraed )reci!u"Mineral" Mar(eing +!rp!rai!n. Thi" led ! a rec!#ery !f he "ec!r: and c!n8"euenly %y he early 10" mining 9a" he c!unry'" "ec!nd highe" f!reignexchange earner.11&

    M!re han 0 percen !f g!ld pr!duci!n in he early 10" came fr!m under8

    gr!und mine" in 9e"ern A"hani Regi!n: 9ih he remainder c!ming fr!mri#er %ed" in A"hani Regi!n and +enral Regi!n.

    An e"imaed ;.7 %illi!n 9a" in#e"ed in Ghana'" mining and mineral" "ec!r%e9een 1& and 2004. Thi" large influx !f capial %!!"ed he pr!duci#iy !fhe indu"ry: and led ! 2.2 %illi!n in g!ld exp!r" in 2004.11*

    Socio-Environmental Im!acts o%

    E)tractives Industry in &*ana

    Oil and &as

    A ma>!r impac !f hydr!car%!n exraci!n i" !n he marine en#ir!nmen C !ff8"h!re expl!rai!n and pr!duci!n can generae large am!un" !f haard!u"9a"e maerial "uch a" drilling mud and cuing": drilling fluid": dec( drainage:9ell reamen fluid" and !il "pill".11;Am!"pheric and n!i"e p!llui!n al"!

    11&JM66G AD O6/J S !ibrary o% #ongress: Rerie#ed 1* -e%ruary 2012.11*J6n#e"men Opp!runiie"J #ommerce Ghana: Rerie#ed 1* -e%ruary 2012.11;JOil Relaed En#ir!nmenal and $uman Righ" +!ncern" in GhanaJ Ghana Oil

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    ari"e fr!m rig !perai!n": he c!n"ruci!n !f an( farm" and #ehicular emi"8"i!n" C impacing negai#ely !n en#ir!nmenal ualiy.

    The )ulier +ener !n +ri"i" Rep!ring rai"ed c!ncern" !#er an !il "pill fr!m

    he ?u%ilee -ield in !#em%er 2011.


    They claimed n! !fficial clean8up !per8ai!n had %een undera(en: and ha fi"hing c!mmuniie" and c!a"al !uri"mhad %een ad#er"ely affeced. They cie Ghana" exraci#e indu"rie" a" ha#inga Yregula!ry #acuum: indeed a" !f he "ar !f 2012: he g!#ernmen ac(n!98ledge" ha i ha" n! c!mpen"ai!n fund ! "upp!r fi"hing c!mmuniie" in hee#en !f a ma>!r !il "pill !r di"a"er. 6n re"p!n"e ! he"e accu"ai!n": Tull!9Oilargue ha hey (eep clean8up euipmen !n8"ie and ha hey are a mem%er!f he indu"ry8funded Oil pill Re"p!n"e /d.: an !rgani"ai!n ha can airlifeuipmen fr!m he K.=. 9ihin 2& h!ur" !f a ma>!r "pill.

    Mary8?ean M!y! !f he 6nernai!nal -inance +!rp!rai!n 6-+3 C he pri#ae"ec!r in#e"men arm !f he !rld

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    pre"ence !f !ff"h!re !il and ga"in he "!uh: c!m%ined 9ih g!ld re"er#e"andc!c!a planai!n" ha#e re"uled in ec!n!mic de#el!pmen acceleraing in"!uhern regi!n": 9hil" he n!rh lag" %ehind. 6nernal migrai!n i" c!ninuing! dri#e hi" ec!n!mic im%alance: and i" creaing p!liical en"i!n.

    The?u%ilee -ield" ha" an e"imaed ;00 milli!n 8 1.4 %illi!n %arrel" !f !il 120u"men )aricipa!ry Re#ie9 6ni8ai#e A)R6 8 a gl!%al pr!>ec de"igned ! c!n"ul ci#il "!ciey !n ec!n!micp!licy3 argued ha de"pie he re"urgence !f he Ghanaian mining "ec!r "ince14: here i" gr!9ing c!ncern 9ihin mining c!mmuniie" ha hey are n!"eeing a ne %enefi.122The !ng!ing en"i!n" %e9een mining c!mmuniie" andmining c!mpanie" reflec" he di"uie a%!u he negai#e impac" !f mining !n"!ciey. A clear ca"e in p!in i" Angl!G!ld A"hani:a muli8nai!nal mining

    c!mpany !peraing in Ghana !n g!ld re"er#e" in O%ua"i and 6duapriem. 6 9a"named %y Greenpeace in 2011 a" he Y9!rld" m!" irre"p!n"i%le c!mpany:ciing muliple ca"e" !f "eri!u" "!cial and en#ir!nmenal damage.125The c!m8pany 9a" accu"ed !f c!naminaing drin(ing 9aer "!urce" 9ih mining 9a"e:a" 9ell a" !ruring and (illing l!cal miner" 9h! re"pa""ed !n he c!mpany"c!nce""i!n.

    Ari"anal and "mall8"cale mining AM3 in Ghanaal"! %ring" un9aned en#ir8!nmenal c!n"euence" C namely mercury c!naminai!n and land degrada8i!n.12&A lac( !f regulai!n ar!und 7* percen !f he AM "ec!r !perae" il8

    legally3 ma(e" he"e pr!%lem" difficul f!r he En#ir!nmen )r!eci!n Agency

    *usiness $eek: 7 -e%ruary 2012.

    120JGhana" %ig e" Oil" challenge ! dem!craic de#el!pmenJ O5%am America:200.

    121JThe +hallenge" and Opp!runiie" !f Ghana" Off"h!re Oil Di"c!#eryJ $orl'*ank 8 A%rica /ra'e Policy .otes: March 2011.

    122J6mpac !f Mining ec!r 6n#e"men in GhanaJ: SAP&I Structural A'9ustmentParticiatory &e)ie" Initiati)e: 20 ?anuary 2001.

    125JAngl!G!ld i" !rld" M!" E#il +!mpanyJ Ghana $eb: 50 ?anuary 2011.

    12&$il"!n: G 2001 JThe En#ir!nmenal 6mpac !f mall8cale G!ld Mining in Ghana6denifying )r!%lem" and )!""i%le !lui!n"J /he Geograhic 4ournalB!l. 1;4 13

    pp *7872.

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    E)A3 ! addre"".12*

    The African Trade )!licy +enre AT)+3 argue ha a" a re"ul !f gener!u" fi"c8al inceni#e": he mining "ec!r d!e" n! maximi"e he le#el !f g!#ernmen re#8

    enue i migh rai"e.


    .They rep!r ha: !n a#erage he mining "ec!r c!nri%8ued a%!u 12.1 percen !f g!#ernmen re#enue fr!m 10 ! 200& in Ghana.Guaranee" placed !n mineral licence"f!r ax inceni#e": l!9 r!yaly rae" andl!9 mineral duie" 9ere inended ! creae a fa#!ura%le in#e"men en#ir!n8men: ye he AT)+ argue" ha he"e ha#e %een pr!#ided a he expen"e !fGhanaian g!#ernmen" capaciy ! rai"e re#enue and ha#e heref!re hamperedde#el!pmen.

    Environmental and Protection (gency "EP(#

    The primary in"iui!n in Ghana re"p!n"i%le f!r regulaing he en#ir!nmenand implemening he G!#ernmen" en#ir!nmenal p!licie" i" he E)A. 1276 i"guided %y he legal and regula!ry mechani"m" !f he En#ir!nmenal )r!ec8i!n Agency Ac 1& and he En#ir!nmenal A""e""men Regulai!n" 1.124The 1& Ac reuire" he E)A ! i""ue en#ir!nmenal permi" and p!llui!na%aemen n!ice": pre"cri%e en#ir!nmen "andard": de#el!p a c!mprehen"i#edaa%a"e !n he en#ir!nmen: c!8!rdinae 9ih rele#an in"iui!n" and m!ni!rc!mpliance.12Knder he En#ir!nmenal A""e""men Regulai!n": 1: an en8#ir!nmenal impac a""e""men E6A3 i" reuired f!r all ne9 undera(ing"F f!r

    example 9ih !il: ga" and mining expl!rai!n: a permi mu" %e i""ued pri!r !c!mmencemen.150

    12*J6+MM 9!r("h!p !n Ari"anal and mall8cale Mining AM3 and Mining

    +!mpanie": 1281& May 200International #ouncil on Mining an' Metals: rerie#ed10 -e%ruary 2012.

    12;JMineral Expl!iai!n: En#ir!nmenal u"aina%iliy and u"aina%le De#el!pmenin EA+: AD+ and E+OA Regi!n"JA%rican /ra'e Policy #entre: rerie#ed 10-e%ruary 2012.

    127JEn#ir!nmenal )r!eci!n Agency A%!u K"JEn)ironmental Protection Agency:rerie#ed 12 -e%ruary 2012.

    124JEn#ir!nmenal /a9"JEn)ironmental Protection Agency: rerie#ed 12 -e%ruary2012.

    12JEn#ir!nmenal Managemen +hallenge" !f Oil De#el!pmen in GhanaJ

    En)ironmental Protection Agency Presentation: rerie#ed 11 -e%ruary 2012.150JGhana'" En#ir!nmenal )r!ei!n Ac !f 1& Ac &03 and he Off"h!re

    )er!leum 6ndu"ryJ Ghana Oil $atch; ?uly 2011.

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    Regulatory Framework

    /ocal ontent and Em!loyment Issues in


    ince he di"c!#ery !f ma>!r !il re"er#e" a he ?u%ilee !il field in 2007: heaci#e in#!l#emen and paricipai!n !f l!cal" in he !il and ga" indu"ry ha"%ec!me a ma>!r p!licy i""ue in Ghana.151/!cal c!nen: a erm referring ! hepercenage !f l!cally pr!duced maerial": per"!nnel: financing: g!!d" and "er8

    #ice" rendered ! he !il indu"ry:


    ha" grea p!enial ! impr!#e Ghana'" "!8ci!8ec!n!mic de#el!pmen: %u ha" %een c!n"rained %y capaciy limiai!n" in"e#eral area": including financing: human re"!urce": and echn!l!gy.

    The Ghana ai!nal )er!leum +!rp!rai!n G)+ 3 "aid in ?anuary 2012 ha:!f he ; %illi!n pumped in! !il aci#iie" in Ghana !#er he pa" "e#eral year":le"" han 10 ha" c!me fr!m l!cal "upplier" !f g!!d" and "er#ice".155

    Policy %ramework

    Afer a nai!n89ide c!n"ulai!n pr!ce"": Ghana'" Mini"ry !f Energy f!rmu8laed a p!licy frame9!r( dealing 9ih l!cal c!nen i""ue" in -e%ruary 2010:9hich "e a num%er !f (ey p!licy !%>eci#e"

    Maximi"e he u"e !f l!cal experi"e: g!!d" and "er#ice": and financing in alla"pec" !f he !il and ga" indu"ry #alue chain

    De#el!p l!cal capa%iliy hr!ugh educai!n: "(ill" and experi"e de#el!pmen:ran"fer !f echn!l!gy: and aci#e re"earch and de#el!pmen

    Achie#e a degree !f influence !r c!nr!l !#er de#el!pmen iniiai#e" f!r d!8

    me"ic "a(eh!lder"

    Achie#e a lea" 0 percen l!cal c!nen and l!cal paricipai!n in all per!8leum aci#iie" %y 2020

    151J/!cal +!nen and /!cal )aricipai!n in )er!leum Aci#iie"JMinistry o%Energy: 2; -e%ruary 2010.

    152JT!9ard" Greaer /!cal +!nen Energy Mini"er umm!n" Oil +!y"JMo'ern

    Ghana: 1& Decem%er 2011.155J/!cal "upplier" c!nri%ue le"" han 10 !f ;% "pen !n Ghana !il field" G)+J

    Ghana *usiness .e"s: 20 ?anuary 2012.

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    6ncrea"e capa%iliie" and inernai!nal c!mpeii#ene"" !f d!me"ic %u"i8ne""e" and indu"rial "ec!r"

    +reae !il and ga" and relaed "upp!ri#e indu"rie" ! "u"ain ec!n!mic de8

    #el!pmen6n addii!n ! he !%>eci#e" li"ed a%!#e: he p!licy frame9!r( mandae" haall regula!ry auh!riie": c!nrac!r": "u%8c!nrac!r" and !her eniie" in8#!l#ed in Ghana'" !il and ga" indu"ry "h!uld c!n"ider Ghanaian c!mpanie"and !pera!r" %ef!re f!reign eniie" in he a9ard !f c!nrac". 6 al"! call" f!rhe e"a%li"hmen !f an JOil and Ga"

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    pr!duced in he c!unry acc!uning f!r !#er 0 percen !f all mineral re#enue"annually !#er he pa" 9! decade".15*The mining "ec!r currenly c!nri%ue"appr!ximaely &1 percen !f !al exp!r" earning": 1& percen !f !al ax re#8enue": and *.* percen !f Ghana" gr!"" d!me"ic pr!duc GD)3. The 200;

    Mineral" and Mining Ac "ae" ha he"e mineral re"!urce" %el!ng ! heGhanaian pe!ple: and heref!re heir managemen i" enru"ed ! he )re"idenin acc!rdance 9ih he g!#erning pr!#i"i!n" !f he +!n"iui!n. Thu": he )ar8liamen !f Ghana may ma(e "pecific la9" regulaing righ" and inere"" inmineral". 6 i" he "pecific mandae !f he Mini"er !f /and" and aural Re8"!urce" ! g!#ern acce"" ! mineral": !n %ehalf !f he )re"iden.15;

    Evolution o% Mining Sector Regulation

    6n 14; he Mineral" and Mining /a9 )D+ /a9 1*53 9a" enaced ! de#el8!p he "ec!r and li%erali"e he mining "ec!r: !ffering "ignifican ne9 %enefi"! in#e"!r" in he area. The la9 e"a%li"hed he Mineral" +!mmi""i!n ! regu8lae hi" de#el!pmen. ince he pa""ing !f he 15 Mineral" +!mmi""i!n AcAc &*03 he +!mmi""i!n ha"" %een re"p!n"i%le f!r day8!8day admini"rai!n:regulai!n and managemen !f he mineral re"!urce" !f Ghana. 6 ad#i"e" heMini"er !f /and" and aural Re"!urce" !n maer" relaing ! mineral" p!licyand !n he graning !f mineral righ". The +!mmi""i!n" mandae al"! include"f!rmulai!n and m!ni!ring !f nai!nal p!licy f!r he expl!rai!n !f mineral re8"!urce".157

    The mall8cale G!ld Mining /a9 )D+ /a9 2143: he Mercury /a9)D+ /a9 2173 and he )reci!u" Mineral" Mar(eing +!rp!rai!n /a9)D+ /a9 213 9ere pa""ed in 14 ! f!rmali"e and inegrae "mall8"caleg!ld mining: c!nr!l mercury u"age %y "mall8"cale g!ld miner": and creae le8giimae mar(eing channel" f!r he mineral" pr!duced %y "mall8"cale miner".Thi" regulai!n all!9ed "ignifican infl!9" !f in#e"men: "u%"anially in8crea"ed pr!duci!n !f g!ld in he c!unry: and all!9ed f!r "!me increa"e inmangane"e and %auxie pr!duci!n.154

    15*J)!liical Ec!n!my !f he Mining ec!r in GhanaJ $orl' *ank: rerie#ed 10-e%ruary 2012.

    15;JA Rep!r !n Ghana" mining "ec!r f!r he 14h "e""i!n !f he K +!mmi""i!n !n"u"aina%le de#el!pmenJ . eartment o% Economic an' Social A%%airs: rerie#ed -e%ruary 2012.

    157JThe R!le !f he Mineral" +!mmi""i!n in he Mining 6ndu"ryJ Ghana E5tracti)e

    In'ustry /ransarency Initiati)e: rerie#ed -e%ruary 2012.154JDraf ai!nal Mining )!licyJ /he Ministry o% !an's an' .atural &esources

    :Mines Subsector;: rerie#ed 4 -e%ruary 2012.

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    Regulatory Framework

    ince he 140" he g!#ernmen ha" pri#ai"ed he mining "ec!r: lea#ing i"elfperf!rming a largely regula!ry r!le. There exi"" a c!mplex regula!ry "ruc8

    ure in relai!n ! he mining "ec!r. A a cenral le#el The Mini"ry !f /and"and aural Re"!urce" i" reuired %y he )re"iden and )arliamen3 ! regulaehe mining "ec!r. 6 c!!rdinae" hi" regulai!n hr!ugh #ari!u" '"u%"ec!r in8"iui!n"'.15The Mining +!mmi""i!n i" re"p!n"i%le f!r regulaing mineral re8"!urce" and managing mineral" p!licy. The Ge!l!gical ur#ey Deparmen i"a"(ed 9ih c!llecing ge!l!gical daa: and creaing a %an( !f ge!8"cienific in8f!rmai!n f!r u"e %y he Mini"ry ! a""i" regulai!n and p!licy8ma(ing. 6n8"pec!rae Di#i"i!n !f he Mining +!mmi""i!n a""ume" he r!le !f m!ni!ringand enf!rcing he healh: "afey and en#ir!nmen al regulai!n " ha are deailed

    9ihin mining la9. The )reci!u" Mineral" Mar(eing +!. /d c!nr!l he mar8(eing channel" f!r mineral" and >e9el" pr!duced 9ihin Ghana. A a l!calle#el: Di"ric A""em%lie" and Tradii!nal 6n"iui!n" reain "!me "ay !#er henaure !f mining "ec!r regulai!n: alh!ugh cenral !rgani"ai!n" ha#e n! dir8ec acc!una%iliy ! hem.

    urrent Mining Sector Regulation

    G!#ernmen ha" de#el!ped a ne9 mining la9: Mineral" and Mining Ac 200;Ac 7053 ! replace he Mineral" and Mining /a9: 14;. The Mini"er re8"p!n"i%le f!r mining reain" re"p!n"i%iliy f!r he !#erall managemen !fGhana" mineral re"!urce" and p!licy8ma(ing: including he gran !f mineralrigh". Acc!rding ! a 200 K rep!r: unli(e he !ld legi"lai!n: he pr!ce"" !fdrafing and pa""ing he 200; Mineral" and Mining Ac9a" mar(ed %y he in8#!l#emen !f (ey "a(eh!lder" "uch a" mining "ec!r !fficial": ci#il "!ciey !r8gani"ai!n" +O"3: n!ng!#ernmenal !rgani"ai!n" GO"3: l!cal auh!riie":la%!ur uni!n": c!mmercial in#e"!r": academia and g!#ernmen re#enue agen8cie".

    The ne9 Ac 9a" de"igned 9ih c!nemp!rary rend" in mineral" and mininglegi"lai!n in mind and aimed ! reain mining in#e"men inere"". !a%lechange" ! he !ld Ac !f 14; include a definii#e ime peri!d 9ihin 9hichhe Mini"ry !f /and" and aural Re"!urce" mu" ac in a deci"i!n !#er heall!cai!n !f mineral righ". Eually: 9rien rea"!n" mu" %e pr!#ided explain8ing all "uch deci"i!n" 8 and mechani"m f!r he c!neni!n !f deci"i!n" i" n!9in place. Regulai!n" n!9 apply eually ! all parie": f!reign !r Ghanaian. The!ne excepi!n %eing legi"lai!n "pecifically aimed a regulaing ari"anal and"mall8"cale mining.

    15JGhana Mining )!ral 6n"iui!n"J Ghana Mining Portal: rerie#ed 10 -e%ruary2012.

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    A" !f -e%ruary 2012: a draf !f a ne9 mining p!licy 9a" %eing finali"ed f!rpa""age %y )arliamen.

    Minerals /icensing in &*anaThe pr!ce"" !f mineral licen"ing "ee(" ! manage nai!nal mineral re"!urce"hr!ugh he all!cai!n !f righ" ! c!mpanie" !r per"!n" ! carry !u mining !p8erai!n". The"e !perai!n" include rec!nnai""ance: pr!"pecing: exraci!n andpr!ce""ing. Thu" licence" are a9arded ! h!"e %e" a%le ! augmen (n!98ledge !f mineral re"er#e" !r c!mmercially exrac mineral" in an efficien man8ner.1&06n reurn f!r he righ ! carry !u "uch aci#iie": mineral licen"e" "ipu8lae !%ligai!n" and re"rici!n" !f u"age. -!r example: in Ghana all licence

    h!lder" pay a r!yaly !f %e9een 5 percen and ; percen !f heir gr!"" re#en8ue".1&1

    988: Minerals and Mining (ct

    The 12 +!n"iui!n and eci!n !ne !f he 200; Mineral" and Mining Acclearly define he mineral re"!urce" !f Ghana a" he pr!pery !f he Ghanaianpe!ple.1&2The )re"iden place" he Mini"er !f /and" and aural Re"!urce" inc!nr!l !f mineral licen"ing: i i" hu" hi"Pher r!le ! gran: re#!(e: "u"pend and

    rene9 righ" ! he"e mineral": and ! d! "! in he inere" !f he pe!ple !fGhana.

    The 200; Mineral" and Mining Ac in Ghana pr!#ide" a range !f a#aila%lefixed and rene9a%le mineral righ" C "uied ! all differen pha"e" and ype !fmining aci#iy. A "pecific licence i" reuired ! %uy and "ell mineral" C hi" i"aimed ! pre#en he illici rade !f mineral". +erain ype" !f licence imp!"e amaximum "urface area limi !n mining !perai!n" C depending !n he ype !fmining aci#iy a(ing place.1&5

    /icence" are a9arded f!r differen ime peri!d": and ha#e differen rene9alclau"e". A rec!nnai""ance licence i" graned f!r 12 m!nh" and may %e re8ne9ed !nce. 6niially pr!"pecing licence" ha#e an upper limi !f hree year":%u can %e exended f!r an addii!nal hree year". A mining lea"e may %e exen8

    1&0J)!liical Ec!n!my !f he Mining ec!r in GhanaJ $orl' *ank: rerie#ed 4-e%ruary 2012.

    1&1JGhana Mineral 6ndu"ry O#er#ie9JA%ribi: ; Oc!%er 2011.1&2J+!py !f The Mineral" and Mining Ac: 200; Ac 7053J Sustainable e)eloment

    Strategies Grou: rerie#ed 1& -e%ruary 2012.1&5JDraf ai!nal Mining )!licyJ /he Ministry o% !an's an' .atural &esources

    :Mines Subsector;: rerie#ed 4 -e%ruary 2012.

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    ded !nce: pr!#ided ha he iniial erm ha" n! exceeded 50 year".1&&

    All applican": Ghanaian and f!reign ali(e: can apply f!r he righ ! mine. The!ne excepi!n ! hi" i" licen"ing f!r ari"anal and "mall8"cale mining

    !perai!n"C 9here he all!cai!n !f righ" i" limied ! Ghana nai!nal" !nly.

    *allenges Facing t*e Mineral /icensing


    The ai!nal +!alii!n !n Mining +OM3 ha" criici"ed he mineral licen"ingpr!ce"": %ecau"e c!nce""i!n" graned in he pa" cann! %e alered a a laerdae.1&*6 "ae" ha c!mpanie" are currenly en>!ying r!yalie" a" l!9 a" 5 per8cen and gener!u" ax c!nce""i!n" "ince he !riginal agreemen" "igned ha#e

    fr!en in an in#e"!r8friendly '"a%ili"ai!n clau"e' f!r a "e peri!d !f ime. Thec!alii!n called f!r he rem!#al !f hi" clau"e fr!m any fuure la9: "ugge"ingha i ha" cau"ed g!#ernmen ! l!"e !u !n re#enue and damage" i" regula8!ry c!nr!l !f he mining "ec!r.

    A rep!r pu%li"hed %y he !rld eci#e i" Y! achie#e a "!cially accepa%le %alance... %e9eenmining and he phy"ical and human en#ir!nmen and ! en"ure ha inernai!n8ally acceped "andard" !f healh: mine "afey and en#ir!nmenal pr!eci!n are!%"er#ed %y all paricipan" in he mining "ec!r.1&;

    1&&JExraci#e 6ndu"rie" !urce%!!( C Graning Mineral Righ" Appendix T9!JA$orl' *ank Pro9ect 8 E5tracti)e In'ustries Sourcebook Program: rerie#ed -e%ruary 2012.

    1&*JRem!#e a%iliy +lau"e" 8 +OMJMo'ern Ghana,com: 10 epem%er 2010.1&;JDraf ai!nal Mining )!licyJ /he Ministry o% !an's an' .atural &esources

    :Mines Subsector;: rerie#ed 12 -e%ruary 2012.

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    Healt* and Sa%ety Regulation

    There i" n! nai!nal %!dy !r p!licy f!r general !ccupai!nal "afey "andard" inGhana: h!9e#er he Mining Regulai!n" !f 170 pr!#ide a regula!ry frame8

    9!r( "pecifically f!r healh and "afey 9ihin he mining "ec!r. 1&7-!ll!9inghe pa""age !f he 200; Mineral" and Mining Ac: he 6n"pec!rae Di#i"i!n6D3 !f he Mineral" +!mmi""i!n 9a" e"a%li"hed and i" n!9 re"p!n"i%le f!renf!rcing he Mining Regulai!n": 170 and i" amendmen"3.1&4Thu" he 6Di" a"(ed 9ih en"uring healh and "afey in mining !perai!n". The 6D re#ie9"pr!p!"ed mining pr!>ec" and: if i i" "ai"fied 9ih he healh and "afey mea"8ure" in place: i""ue" an !peraing permi. ih!u "uch a permi: a mineral" li8cence h!lder cann! %egin any mining8relaed aci#iy.1&The 6D al"! m!ni!rmine" ! en"ure c!mpliance i" !ng!ing.

    The Ghana +ham%er !f Mine" c!lla%!rae" 9ih he 6D ! f!rm a Technical+!mmiee !n healh and "afey 9ihin he mining "ec!r. Repre"enai#e" fr!meach mining !pera!r 9ihin he nai!n 9!r( 9ih hi" c!mmiee ! re#ie9 andrec!mmend aci!n" a(en ! addre"" healh and "afey pr!%lem" 9ihin he in8du"ry.

    Environmental Regulation

    TheEn#ir!nmen al )r!eci!n Agency E)A3: he Mini"ry re"p!n"i%le f!r he

    en#ir!nmen: 9!r(" al!ng"ide he -!re"ry +!mmi""i!n and he aer Re8"!urce" +!mmi""i!n ! perf!rm en#ir!nmenal regulai!n !f he mining "ec!r.The E)A pr!ce""e" en#ir!nmenal permi" a" par !f he mineral" licen"ingpr!ce"".1*0Regulai!n i" laid !u %y he 200; Mineral" and Mining Acand heai!nal En#ir!nmenal )!licy !f Ghana: 9hich i" c!mplemened %y he En8#ir!nmenal )r!eci!n Agency Ac: 1& Ac &03 and #ari!u" !herguideline". Mineral licence" are n! graned ! an applican unle"" hey ha#epr!#ided Ya "ai"fac!ry pr!gramme !f en#ir!nmenal pr!eci!n mea"ure" andh!9 he"e 9!uld %e funded.

    The E)A al"! c!ninue" ! m!ni!r en#ir!nmenal a"pec" !f all mining aci#i8ie" 9ihin Ghana. One !f i" ma>!r !!l" f!r m!ni!ring mining i" referred ! a"

    1&7JOccupai!nal and 6ndu"rial afey and $ealh in GhanaJ Ghana$eb: 22!#em%er 2010.

    1&4JA Rep!r !n Ghana" mining "ec!r f!r he 14h "e""i!n !f he K +!mmi""i!n !n"u"aina%le de#el!pmenJ . eartment o% Economic an' Social A%%airs: rerie#ed12 -e%ruary 2012.

    1&J+!py !f The Mineral" and Mining Ac: 200; Ac 7053J Sustainable e)eloment

    Strategies Grou: rerie#ed 1& -e%ruary 2012.1*0JEn#ir!nmenal )r!eci!n Agency MiningJEn)ironmental Protection Agency:

    rerie#ed 10 -e%ruary 2012.

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    The AM "ec!r i" "r!ng in Ghana: and i" imp!rance i" "eadily gr!9ing. 1*76n 2000 i !nly c!nri%ued ! percen !f g!ld pr!duci!n C %y 2010 ha fig8ure had gr!9n ! 25 percen.1*46ndeed: in 2010 he AM "ec!r pr!duced 400milli!n 9!rh !f a g!ld and 11.5 milli!n 9!rh !f diam!nd". A" !f 200 !#er

    1 milli!n pe!ple 9ere direcly dependen up!n AM f!r heir li#elih!!d" inGhana.1*

    The pre"ence !f AM i" "!meime" a""!ciaed 9ih challenge" facing miningc!mmuniie": "uch a" en#ir!nmen al damage: "afey c!ncern":he "pread !fc!mmunica%le di"ea"e: "ecuriy ri"(": child and f!rced la%!ur: and illegal radein mineral".1;0.

    Regulation o% (SM

    The mining !f g!ld 9ihin he AM "ec!r in Ghana i" regulaed %y he mall8"cale G!ld Mining Ac. The ac 9a" pa""ed in 14 C pri!r ! hi" AM 9a" re8garded a" illegal and heref!re mineral" 9ere !fen "muggled !u #ia neigh8%!uring c!unrie". The Mining +!mmi""i!n e"imae" ha in 14* ar!und 1*milli!n 9!rh !f mineral" 9ere "muggled !u !f Ghana. -!ll!9ing he inr!8duci!n !f legi"lai!n in 14: furher regulai!n" 9ere laid !u %y he Mineral"and Mining Ac 200;f!r "mall8"cale mine" 9i"hing ! !%ain an !fficial li8cen"e ! mine. Regulai!n" included a minimum age !f 14 f!r miner" and amaximum mine "ie !f en hecare" ha3.

    $!9e#er: le"" han a uarer !f he AM "ec!r !perae" 9ihin he"e f!rmalregulai!n". The ma>!riy: p!pularly (n!9n a" Ygalam"ey: c!ninue ! !perae!u"ide he la9. !meime" he"e inf!rmal mine" inrude !n c!nce""i!n" !flarge8"cale f!rmal mine": gi#ing ri"e ! en"i!n %e9een he 9! parie".1;1

    1*7?!n!""!n: ?< and -!ld: 2011 JMining -r!m

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    (SM and /SM co-e)istence

    A recen 6nernai!nal +!uncil !n Mining and Meal" 6+MM3rep!r "ugge""ha he relai!n"hip %e9een AM and large "cale mining /M3 !perai!n" i"

    a ma>!r i""ue currenly facing g!#ernmen": c!mmuniie" and c!mpanie" H-!rmining ! ha#e maximum p!"ii#e impac: ! pre"er#e "!cial harm!ny and !en"ure minimiai!n !f en#ir!nmenal damage "mall "cale mining need" ! %elegal: regularied and managedI.

    Acc!rding ! he rep!r: he relai!n"hip %e9een AM and /M in Ghana ha"%ec!me increa"ingly "rained in recen year": !fen culminaing in #i!len c!n8flic. +!nfr!nai!n" !ccur %e9een !n AM miner" !n he !ne hand and /M!9ner" and "ae "ecuriy f!rce" !n he !her. Eff!r" ! acc!mm!dae AMand pr!m!e miner" li#elih!!d" %y /M c!mpanie": "uch a" G!ld -ield" /d:ha#e %een criici"ed f!r lac( !f engagemen 9ih (ey "a(eh!lder": lac( !fechnical "upp!r and lac( !f financially #ia%le alernai#e li#elih!!d".1;2

    Overview o% Hydrocaron Regulation in


    +i#il "!ciey gr!up Oxfam "aid in a 200 rep!r ha: afer he di"c!#ery !f ma8

    >!r !il and ga" re"er#e" a he ?u%ilee field in 2007: many "ignifican "ep" 9ere"ill reuired ! %uild he in"iui!nal: legal: and regula!ry "y"em ! g!#ernGhana'" !il and ga" "ec!r.1;56n 2004: Ghana pr!duced a draf %ill pr!p!"ing ane9 regula!ry %!dy ! g!#ern up"ream: mid"ream and d!9n"ream per!8leum aci#iie": and )arliamen in April 2011 pa""ed an ac regulaing Ghana'"managemen !f per!leum re#enue". Ghana al"! ha" he ai!nal )er!leumAuh!riy: 9hich a" !f -e%ruary 2011 9a" he g!#ernmen agency re"p!n"i%lef!r regulaing d!9n"ream per!leum aci#iie".

    Ghana'" )er!leum Direc!rae: he echnical arm !f he Mini"ry !f Energy: "u8per#i"e" and f!rmulae" !#erall p!licy f!r he per!leum "u%8"ec!r.1;&

    1;2Au%ynn: A 200 Ju"aina%le "!lui!n !r a marriage !f inc!n#enienceL Thec!exi"ence !f large8"cale mining and ari"anal and "mall8"cale mining !n heA%!""! G!ldfield" c!nce""i!n in e"ern GhanaJ&esource PolicyB!l. 5& 13 pp;&870.

    1;5JGhana" %ig e" Oil" challenge ! dem!craic de#el!pmenJ O5%am America:200.

    1;&J)er!leum ec!rJMinistry o% Energy: 24 ?uly 2012.

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    Petroleum Revenue Management (ct o%


    The )er!leum Re#enue Managemen Ac )RMA3 9a" pa""ed %y he Ghanai8an )arliamen in April 2011 9ih he "aed g!al !f pr!#iding a frame9!r( f!rhe c!lleci!n: all!cai!n and managemen !f per!leum re#enue in a re"p!n"8i%le: ran"paren: acc!una%le and "u"aina%le manner.1;*

    The %ill recei#ed "u%"anial c!nri%ui!n" fr!m ci#il "!ciey !rgani"ai!n"+O"3 and: acc!rding ! 9e%"ie Ghana Oil Online: "e" !ne !f he highe""andard" f!r ran"parency in he managemen !f per!leum re#enue".1;;+i#il"!ciey gr!up Re#enue ach 6n"iue: c!mmening !n a draf !f he %ill

    pre"ened ! parliamen in Augu" 2010: c!mmended he %ill'" J"r!ng !#er8"igh and ran"parency pr!#i"i!n"J and n!ed ha i had %een J"ignificanly in8f!rmed and enriched %y he 9ide c!n"ulai!n pr!ce"" de#el!ped %y he G!#8ernmen !f GhanaJ.1;7

    Features o% t*e law

    The %ill !uline" clear rule" f!r per!leum re#enue infl!9" and !ufl!9": e"a%8li"hing a )er!leum $!lding -und )$-3 ! recei#e and di"%ur"e all per!leumre#enue". -r!m hi" h!lding fund: 70 percen !f !il re#enue" are ! %e di"8%ur"ed ! he g!#ernmen %udge: 9ih he remaining 50 percen dep!"ied in9! ne9ly creaed fund": he $eriage and a%ili"ai!n fund": re"peci#ely.1;4

    The !%>eci#e !f he Ghana a%iliai!n -und i" ! "u"ain pu%lic expendiurecapaciy during peri!d" !f unanicipaed re#enue "h!rfall": 9hile he Ghana$eriage -und pr!#ide" an end!9men ! "upp!r de#el!pmen f!r fuure gen8erai!n" 9hen Ghana'" per!leum re"!urce" are depleed. 6n percenage erm":he a%iliai!n and $eriage fund" are ! recei#e 21 percen and percen !f!al !il re#enue": re"peci#ely.1;

    1;*JO6/ AD GA REBEKE MAAGEMET AD +ORD6AT6OJMinistryo% +inance an' Economic Planning: Rerie#ed 15 -e%ruary 2004.

    1;;JManagemen %ill pr!mi"e" greaer ran"parency and acc!una%iliy +!mmenaryJGhana Oil Online: 4 March 2011.

    1;7J+!mmen" !n Ghana" )er!leum Re#enue Managemen

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    'rans!arency and accountaility

    The )RMA pr!#ide" f!r rep!ring !n muliple le#el": 9ih rep!ring auh!riie"including he Ghana Re#enue Auh!riy: he Mini"ry !f -inance and Ec!n!mic

    )lanning: he ec ! he appr!#al !f )arliamen.

    +lau"e *2 criminali"e" he failure %y a per"!n ! c!mply 9ih he !%ligai!n! pu%li"h inf!rmai!n under he %ill.

    +lau"e *5 pr!#ide" f!r he e"a%li"hmen !f he )u%lic 6nere" and Acc!un8a%iliy +!mmiee.

    Acc!rding ! he Mini"ry !f -inance and Ec!n!mic )lanning: he"e clau"e"c!lleci#ely pu Ghana in line 9ih he reuiremen" !f he Exraci#e6ndu"rie" Tran"parency 6niiai#e.

    riticism and deates

    Th!ugh 9idely prai"ed: 9! a"pec" !f he la9 ha#e led ! p!ined de%ae hee"a%li"hmen !f he $eriage -und and he c!llaerali"ai!n !f per!leum re#8

    enue": referring ! a pr!ce"" in 9hich he g!#ernmen u"e" i" per!leum re#en8

  • 8/12/2019 Ghaha Almanac PDF


    ue" a" c!llaeral if i defaul" !n a l!an. 170 Acc!rding ! M!hammed AminAdam !f Ghana Oil Online: "!me !%"er#er" ha#e ue"i!ned he di#er"i!n !f !f all per!leum re#enue" ! he $eriage -und: 9h!"e !%>eci#e i" !pr!#ide fund" f!r fuure generai!n": a a ime 9hen Ghana face" "eri!u" de#el8

    !pmenal challenge" in he pre"en. 6 remain" unclear 9heher he $eriage-und'" in#e"men" 9ill acually %ring "u%"anial %enefi" ! fuure genera8i!n": and 9heher hi" 9ill impac Ghana'" a%iliy ! de#el!p in he near8erm.

    +lau"e *: regarding he c!llaerali"ai!n !f per!leum re#enue": i" !ne !f hem!" de%aed and highly p!liici"ed in he la9. The !riginal pr!#i"i!n pr!hi%8ied c!llaerali"ai!n: %u a "u%"euen amendmen pr!#ided ha Ghana'" per!8leum re#enue" c!uld %e c!llaerali"ed. G!#ernmen "upp!rer" !f c!llaerali"a8i!n ha#e argued ha he "ecuriy !f de#el!pmen financing depend" !n hea%iliy ! u"e !il re#enue" a" c!llaeralF %u !pp!nen" ha#e 9arned ha hi"

    c!uld lead ! inflai!n a""!ciaed 9ih Jduch di"ea"eJand e#enually %ring !nhe effec" !f he re"!urce cur"e.

    +i#il "!ciey gr!up /he Access Initiati)eha" p!ined ! !her p!enial i""ue" !fhe la9: including he fac ha here i" n!hing in he la9 ! pre#en re#enue"fr!m %eing "pen !n paying %ac( l!an" n! affiliaed 9ih !il pr!duci!n: mean8ing ha he 70 !f !il pr!fi" earmar(ed f!r paying !ff de% c!uld acually en8c!urage un"u"aina%le %!rr!9ing.171

    &*ana Petroleum Regulatory (ut*orityBill

    The Ghana )er!leum Regula!ry Auh!riy

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    2012 )arliamen had n! appr!#ed i and he %ill had n! ye pa""ed.

    Features o% t*e dra%t law

    6n he draf %ill: he pr!p!"ed Ghana )er!leum Regula!ry Auh!riy G)RA3i" ! ena%le increa"ed pri#ae "ec!r paricipai!n and in#e"men: pr!m!e a#end!r de#el!pmen pr!gram ! enhance nai!nal paricipai!n in he "upplychain pr!ce"": and "renghen he regula!ry frame9!r( f!r healhy c!mpei8i!n in Ghana'" per!leum "ec!r. The G)RA i" al"! ! iniiae: neg!iae andadmini"er per!leum agreemen" and a""e"" apprai"al pr!gram": field de#el!p8men plan": ail end pr!duci!n and he dec!mmi""i!ning !f per!leum field"and faciliie" f!r appr!#al.

    The %ill al"! "ee(" ! dec!uple he Ghana ai!nal )er!leum +!rp!rai!n

    G)+ 3'" r!le a" %!h he per!leum indu"ry'" ma>!r player and i" regula!r:17*defining i a" a "ricly c!mmercial eniy: parially define" he per!leum in8du"ry'" fi"cal regime: and "ee(" ! e"a%li"h di"cl!"ure and c!nfidenialiyrule" f!r he "ec!r.17;

    Regulation o% u!stream1 midstream and downstream



    ihin he up"ream indu"ry: defined in he %ill ! include expl!rai!n: de#el8!pmen and pr!duci!n !f per!leum: he %ill "ee(" a frame9!r( f!r in8er8agency c!!perai!n %e9een he G)RA and rele#an agencie" "uch a" heEn#ir!nmenal )r!eci!n Agency and he Ghana Mariime Auh!riy GMA3:! "ee ha healh: "afey and en#ir!nmenal "andard" in !il and ga" !perai!n"are me. Knder he %ill: he G)RA i" mandaed ! 9!r( 9ih he GMA in ap8pr!#al f!r plan" ! %uild "u%8"ea per!leum pipeline" and he all!cai!n !f"afey !ne".

    Midstream6n he mid"ream "ec!r: defined ! include per!leum aci#iie" %e9een he9ell8head and refinery: namely per!leum ran"p!rai!n and "!rage: he %ill"ee(" ! e"a%li"h a "cheme ! g!#ern licen"ing ! in"all and !perae per!leum"!rage faciliie": graning he G)RA he auh!riy ! gran licen"e" !n "pe8cified c!ndii!n". The %ill call" f!r a ariff !n per!leum ran"p!rai!n #iapipeline: and f!r he g!#ernmen ! %e fully in#!l#ed in "eing he"e ariff

    +rediJMinistry o% +inance an' Economic Planning: Rerie#ed 1* -e%ruary 2012.

    17*JOil Ga"J #ororate A%rica: Rerie#ed 1* -e%ruary 2012.17;Je9 )r!ducer" and he +hallenge" !f Tran"parency The +a"e !f GhanaJ4ohns

    Hokins ni)ersity: April 200.

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    rae": 9hich are ! %e "e a a le#el a 9hich he pipeline c!mpany 9ill c!#erhe c!"" !f c!n"rucing: financing: !peraing and mainaining he exp!rpipeline 9hile "ill ma(ing a rea"!na%le reurn. Tran"p!rai!n !f per!leum %yany mean" !her han pipeline mu" %e d!ne 9ih he licen"e !f he G)RA.


    The %ill mandae" ha per"!n" !r eniie" mu" !%ain licen"e" %ef!re engagingin any d!9n"ream aci#iie": 9hich include imp!rai!n: exp!rai!n: re ex 8p!rai!n: "hipmen: ran"p!rai!n: pr!ce""ing: refining: "!rage: di"ri%ui!n:mar(eing and "ale !f any crude !il !r refined per!leum pr!duc". -urher: "er8#ice pr!#ider" in he d!9n"ream indu"ry mu" "u%mi a m!nhly rep!r haindicae imp!r": pr!duci!n: d!me"ic "ale and c!n"umpi!n: in#en!ry !fcrude !il and pr!duc" and exp!r". The %ill al"! pr!m!e" fair rade pracice"

    in he d!9n"ream indu"ry.

    Fiscal regime %or commercial !etroleum discoveries

    The %ill al"! e"a%li"he" he fi"cal pac(age" agreed up!n in he e#en !f a pe8r!leum di"c!#ery a" f!ll!9"

    R!yalie" in re"pec !f !il and ga" !f 12.* percen and 7.* percen: re"pec8i#ely

    Ghana ai!nal )er!leum +!rp!rai!n G)+ 3 recei#ing 10 percen carriedinere"

    G)+ recei#ing addii!nal inere" "u%>ec ! reim%ur"emen !f G)+ !c!nrac!r f!r i" "hare !n i" paricipaing inere"3 !f 10 percen

    +!rp!rae 6nc!me Tax !f 5* percen

    3ational Petroleum (ut*ority

    The ai!nal )er!leum Auh!riy )A3 i" an agency ha regulae": !#er"ee"and m!ni!r" he d!9n"ream per!leum indu"ry in Ghana. 177)receded %y heai!nal )er!leum Tender

    174J)er!leum price "u%"idy una#!ida%le %u 9h! pay" f!r iLJ4oy Online: 27 ?anuary

    2012.17J)A A+T: 200* A+T ;1J.ational Petroleum Authority "ebsite: Rerie#ed 1*