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Grammar Tree 2 - 3

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  • GrammarTree2-3

  • 1. 비인칭주어 it : 시각, 날짜, 날씨, 거리, 명암등을나타내는문장에서는주어로 it을쓴다. 이때의 it은특별한의미없이주어역할만하기때문에이를가주어 it이라고한다.따라서‘그것’이나‘이것’으로해석하지않는다.

    (1) 시각, 요일, 날짜 : Q: What time is it? A: It’s teno’clock. / Q:What day is it today? A: It’s Friday. /Q: What is today’s date? (=What date is it today?)A: It’s June 3rd.

    (2) 날씨, 명암 : Q:How is the weather today? A: It’scold. / It’s dark in his room.

    (3) 거리:Q:How far is it from Seoul to Busan? A: It is428 kilometers from Seoul to Busan.

    (4)계절: It is spring.

    A. 의견묻기: How was the book?

    B. 전화대화(1) :Q: May I speak to...? A: Speaking.

    C. 전화대화(2): I’m sorry. You have the wrong number.

    1. 날씨표현 : rainy, windy, cloudy, foggy, sunny

    2. 계절 : spring, summer, fall(autumn), winter

    3. 날짜읽는법 : It’s May (the) 15th. (달을먼저말하고날짜는서수로읽는다.)

    4. 전화통화시자주쓰이는표현- May I speak to...? = Is... there? - Hold on, please. - She(he) is not here. - May I take a message? - May I leave a message? - I’ll call you back later.

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. What day is it today? - It’s Monday.

    2.What date is it today? - It’s April (the) 11th.

    3.What’s the weather today? - It’s sunny.

    4.전화해서‘민수있어요?’라고어떻게말하지? - May I speak to Minsu? / Is Minsu there?



  • 1. 관사: (1) 부정관사 a, an은뒤에있는명사가특별하게정해지지않은것, 많은것중하나임을나타낸다. (Q: Doyou have a dog? A: Yes, I have one.) (2) 정관사 the는뒤에있는명사가특별히정해진것임을나타낸다. (Q: Ibought a dog yesterday. A: The dog is handsome.)

    2. 부정관사 a(an)의의미 :‘많은것중정해지지않은하나’라는뜻외에도‘하나의’,‘어떤’,‘~마다’등의뜻도있다. (I saw a cat in my garden. / Agirl asked me the way. /I study two hours a day.)

    3. 정관사 the : (1) 앞에말한것을다시언급할때(Tom hasa cat. The cat is black.) (2) 상황으로보아무엇을가리키는지분명할때(Open the door.) (3) 수식어로한정되어특정한것을가리킬때 (Look at the book on the desk.) (4) 최상급이나서수앞에 (Mt. Halla is the highestmountain the South Korea. / I like the first one.) (5) 습관적으로 the를붙이는경우 (The sky is blue andthe sun is shining.)

    4. the + 고유명사 : (1) 강, 바다이름(the Pacific) (2) 복수고유명사 (the United States of American, the Kims) (3) 신문, 잡지이름 (the Times) (4) 공공건물이름 (theWhite House)

    1. 부정관사뒤의명사의‘발음’이모음으로시작하면an을쓴다.(I met an old man. / He is an honest boy.)

    2. 명사앞에수식어가있을때는관사가맨앞에온다. (a cat ⇒a black cat)

    3. 명사앞에소유격이있을때는관사를쓰지않는다. [a dog(O)/ my dog(O) / a my dog(X)]

    4. 그외에 the가쓰이는경우: (1) 악기이름앞에 (I play thepiano.) (2) the + 보통명사가추상명사나대표단수의의미를지닐때[the mother (모정), the rich (부자)] (3) 신체의일부를나타낼때(He took me by the hand.)

    Grammar Points Tips

    1.‘어떤소녀가나에게길을물었다.’를영어로말해볼까? - Agirl asked me the way.

    2. 부정관사 an은어떨때쓰지? - 뒤에오는명사의발음이모음일때.

    3. ‘창문좀열어.’를말해볼까? - Open the window.

    4. 그때는왜정관사 the를썼지? - 서로어떤창문인지알고있으므로.



  • 5454

    It’s clear and warm.

    It’s a ten-minute bus ride.

    It’s nine thirty.

    What day it


    How far is it



    an an


    an a








  • 55

    [1~3]주어진단어로대답을완성하세요.각각날씨, 거리, 시각을나타내는문장이므로가주어 it을쓴다.

    [4~6] 4. 요일을물을때: What day is it today?5. 눈이오다: It snows.6. 거리를물을때: How far is it from ~ to...?

    7. ①, ②, ④는각각요일, 날씨, 때를나타내는문장으로 it은가주어이고, ③의 it은동사 like의목적어이다.

    [8~10]8. big, pretty는첫소리가모두자음으로발음되므로 a를쓴다. 9.hour, English는첫소리가모두모음으로발음되므로 an을쓴다.10. young, window는첫소리가모두반자음(차례로[ j ], [w])으

    로발음되므로 a를쓴다.

    [11~13] a나 an으로빈칸을채우세요.자음발음앞에는 a, 모음발음앞에는 an을쓴다.

    [14~16]14. juice는물질명사이므로관사를쓰지않는다.

    15. hour은모음발음으로시작하므로 an을쓴다. 16. three times a day : 하루에세번

    [17~19]17. What으로시작하는감탄문의명사가단수이면부정관사a(n)를

    쓴다.18. 서수앞에는정관사 the를쓴다. 19. 최상급앞에는정관사 the를쓴다.

    [20~23]20~21. 정해진것앞에는정관사 the를쓴다.22. 최상급표현앞에정관사 the를쓴다. 23. 운동경기이름앞에는관사를쓰지않는다.

    in the morning, in the afternoon 등하루중의한때를나타내는표현에는관용적으로 the를쓴다.

    [28~30] 빈칸에알맞은단어를고르세요.28. 의견을묻는의문사: How29. (전화통화시) ~ 있어요? : May I speak to...?30. 전화를잘못걸다: have the wrong number



    What a pretty flower that is!

    January is the first month of the year.

    Tom is the tallest boy in his class.

    This is the picture of David’s family.

    A girl asked me the way to the station.

    This is the longest river in the world.

    They play tennis in the afternoon.

    Tom has a dog. The dog is lazy.

    Sam comes from the United States of America.

    It’s dark in the kitchen.

    It’s far from here to the White House.



  • 56

    1. 관사의생략 : (1) 장소나건물이본래의복적을나타낼때(go to school, go to church, go to bed) (2) by+교통수단(by bus, by car, by train) (3) 가족의일원을가리킬때(Father is at home.) (4) 학과목, 운동, 식사이름앞에(I like math. / We play baseball on Saturdays. / I havebreakfast at 7:00.) (5) 기타관용적표현 (at noon, athome, at night, at school, from morning till night)

    2. 형용사의역할 :형용사는명사를수식하거나보어로서주어를의미상으로수식해준다. (Tom is a tall boy. Tom is tall.)

    3. many / much : many는‘수가많은’의뜻으로뒤에셀수있는명사의복수형이온다. (He has many friends.)much는‘양이많은’의뜻으로뒤에셀수없는명사가온다. (We have much snow last winter.)

    4. few / little : (1) a few / few + 셀수있는명사의복수형(There are a few students in the classroom. - 약간있다. / There are few students in the classroom. - 거의없다.) (2) a little / little + 셀수없는명사 (There is alittle coffee in the pot. - 약간있다. / There are littlecoffee in the pot. - 거의없다.)

    1. 그외에관사를생략하는경우 : (1) 계절이름앞(Spring comeafter winter.) (2) 병이름(She died of cancer.) (3) 관용적표현(hand in hand, side by side, from beginning to end)

    2.장소나건물이본래의목적을나타내지않을때는 the를붙일수있다. (The engineer went to the school to repair thecomputer system.)

    3. few와 little은각각 not many, not much 또는 not enough의뜻으로약간격식을갖춘표현이다.

    Grammar Points Tips

    1.‘나는버스를타고학교에간다.’를관사에주의하면서말해볼까? - I go to school by bus.

    2.‘나는점심식사후에수학을공부한다.’는? - I study math after lunch.

    3.‘그녀는친구가거의없다.’는? - She has few friends.

    4.‘컵에우유가거의없다.’는? - There is little milk in the glass.


  • 57

    1. a lot of (= lost of ) :‘많은’이란뜻으로셀수있는명사,셀수없는명사모두에쓸수있다. (There are a lot oftress in the park. / We have a lot of rain in summer.)

    2. some / any : some은‘몇몇의’,‘얼마의’라는뜻으로긍정문에쓴다. (I brought some eggs. / I need some water.)any는‘몇몇의’, ‘얼마의’라는뜻으로부정문, 의문문에쓴다. (I don’t have any friends here. / Is there anywater in the glass?)

    3. every / all : 둘다‘모두’라는뜻. (1) every + 단수명사(Every boy was present.) (2) all + 셀수있는명사의복수형(All the boys have cameras.) 또는 all + 셀수없는명사의단수형(All the salt was used.)

    4. 부사의역할 :부사는동사나형용사, 또는다른부사를수식해준다. (He ran fast. / He is very busy. / He ran very fast.)

    5. 부사의위치 : (1) 부사가동사를수식할때는동사의뒤에온다. (He ran fast.) (2) 부사가형용사나다른부사를수식할때는형용사나부사의앞에온다. (He is very busy. /He ran very fast.) (3) 빈도부사는일반동사의앞, 조동사나 be동사의뒤에온다. (My father sometimes comeshome late. / I will never do it again. / Our teacher isalways busy.)

    1. 구어에서는many, much보다 a lot of를더많이쓴다. (lotsof보다 a lot of의사용빈도가더높다.) 단, a lot of는의문문이나부정문에서는거의쓰지않는다.

    2. 상대방에게정중하게권유할때는의문문에도 some을써서말한다. (Would you like to have some water?)

    3. 의문문이라해도긍정의대답을원하거나예상할때도 some을쓴다. (Do you some money?)

    4. 빈도부사란어떤동작의횟수를나타내는부사로 always(100%), usually(90%), often(75%), sometimes(50%),rarely(= seldom)(20%), never(0%) 등이있다.

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. I need some water.을부정문으로말해볼까? - I don’t want any water.

    2.Every boy was present.를 all을써서말해볼까? - All the boys were present.

    3. 부사가동사를수식하는문장을말해볼까? ‘그녀는천천히먹는다.’- She eats slowly.

    4.‘그녀는매우예쁘다.’는? - She is very pretty.


  • 58






    soccer the

    bus school

    go to



    much milk

    few students



  • 59

    [1~3]1. 식사이름앞에는관사를쓰지않는다. 2.악기이름앞에는정관사 the를쓴다. 3.복수고유명사앞에는정관사 the를쓴다.

    [4~7] 문장을완성하세요.4, 7. 장소나건물이본래의목적으로쓰일때는명사앞에관사를

    쓰지않는다. 5~6.식사이름과운동이름앞에는관사를쓰지않는다. 하루중


    [8~12]알맞은단어를고르세요. 8~9, 11. 물질명사의양을말할때는much를쓴다. 10. 보통명사의수를말할때는many를쓴다.12. 셀수없는명사앞에는 little이나 a little이온다.

    [13~16]문장을완성하세요. 13. friends는셀수있는명사이므로many를쓴다. 14~15. rain과milk는셀수없는명사이므로much를쓴다. 16. students는셀수있는명사이므로 few나 a few가온다.

    [17~19]알맞은단어를고르세요. 17. a lot of는셀수있는명사와셀수없는명사에모두쓰일수있다. 18. books는셀수있는명사이므로 few나 a few를써야한다. 19. 부정문에는 any를쓴다.

    [20~22] 빈칸을채워문장을완성하세요.20. don’t have any = have no21. many = a lot of22. all the boys - 복수/ every boy - 단수

    [23~25]23. 부사는형용사앞에서형용사를꾸며준다. 24. 부사는다른부사앞에서그부사를꾸며준다. 25. 빈도부사는일반동사앞에온다.

    [26~27]26. 부사는형용사앞에서형용사를꾸며준다. 27. 부사는문장의끝에올수있다. 28. 빈도부사는be동사뒤에온다.

    [29~30]단어의배열을바르게하여문장을만드세요.빈도부사는일반동사앞, be동사뒤에온다.


    My father caught a very big fish yesterday.

    The train began to move very slowly.

    She often goes to school by bus.

    This water is very hot.

    no money

    a of

    boy was

    Study English hard.

    Cats are usually quiet.

    My brother often comes home late.

    She is always kind to others.

  • 60

    1. too / either : (1) too는‘~도역시’, ‘~도또한’이라는뜻으로긍정문에쓰인다(A: I like apples. B: I like them,too.) (2) either는‘~도역시(아니다)’라는뜻으로부정문에쓰인다. (A: She doesn’t like apples. B: I don’t, either.)

    2. too / enough : (1) too는‘너무~한’이라는뜻으로형용사나부사의앞에온다. (This room is too big.) (2) enough는‘충분히’라는뜻으로형용사나부사의뒤에온다. (Thisroom is big enough.) *too는부정적인의미로, enough는긍정적인의미로쓰인다.

    3. already / yet : (1) already는‘벌써’라는뜻으로긍정문에쓰인다. (Our guest is already at the door.) (2) yet은‘아직’이라는뜻으로부정문, 의문문에쓰인다. (I’m notready yet. / Are you ready yet?)

    A. 몸상태말하기:Q:How are you feeling? A: I’m feelingfine.

    B. 정중하게거절하기: Q:How about going to a baseballgame? A: I’m sorry, but I have to take care of mylittle sister.

    C. 칭찬하기: You did a good job (on your history exam).

    1.부사의형태(1) 형용사+ -ly (quick-quickly, easy-easily) (2) 형용사와동형(He is fast. -형용사 / He runs fast. -부사)(3) 명사와동형(my home -명사) / Come home early. -부사)(4) 전치사와동형(in the room -전치사) /Come in -부사)

    2.칭찬하는말들 : Excellent! / Super! / Great job! / I’m veryproud of you. / I knew you could do it. / Good gril(boy)!

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. 다음말에동의해봐. I went to the concert. - I did, too.

    2.한번더. I didn’t go to the concert. - I didn’t, either.

    3.‘이공은너무작다.’를말해볼까?- This ball is too small.

    4.몸상태를말해봐.How are you feeling? - I’m feeling fine.


  • 61

    1. as ~ as : 형식은「as+형용사(부사)+as+명사」이고, 의미는‘…만큼~하다’로둘사이를비교해서정도가같음을나타낼때쓴다. (She is as tall as Su-mi.)

    2. not as ~as... : 형식은「not as+형용사(부사)+as+명사」이고, 의미는‘…만큼~하지못하다’이다. (He is not astall as Su-mi.)

    3. twice as ~ as... : 형식은「twice as+형용사(부사)+as+명사」이고, 의미는‘…보다두배~하다’이다. (The trainis twice as fast as the bus.) 세 배이상부터는 threetimes, four times...를사용한다. (Seoul is three timesas big as Busan.)

    4. 비교급과최상급의의미 : (1) 비교급은형용사에 -er을붙인형태로, 의미는‘(…보다) 더~한’이다. 비교급뒤에는‘…보다’의뜻인 than을붙인다. (I’m older than Han-su.) (2) 최상급은형용사에 -est를붙인형태로, 의미는‘(…중에서) 가장~한’이다. 최상급형용사앞에는 the를붙인다. (I’m the oldest student in the class.)

    5. 비교급 : 형식은「형용사의비교급+than...」이고, 의미는‘…보다더~한’이다. (He is taller than I.)

    1. He is taller than I.에서 I 다음에는 am tall이생략된것이다.구어에서는 He is taller than me.라고말하기도한다. 또한tall만생략해서He is taller than I am.이라고말하기도한다.

    2.형용사에 -er, -est 붙이는방법 : (1) 대부분의단어에는 -er, -est를붙인다. (tall-taller-tallest) (2) e로끝나는단어에는 -t, -st만붙인다. (large-larger-larest) (3) 어미가「단모음+단자음」인단어에는자음을하나더붙이고 -er, -est를붙인다.(big-bigger-biggest) (4) 어미가「자음+y」인단어에는 y를i로바꾸고 -er, -est를붙인다. (easy-easier-easiest)

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. ‘나는키가Tom만하다.’를영어로해볼까? - I’m as tall as Tom.

    2. ‘그는나만큼빨리뛰지못한다.’는? - He can’t run as fast as I (can).

    3. ‘기차는버스보다두배빠르다.’는? - Atrain is twice as fast as a bus.

    4. ‘그녀는나보다나이가많다.’는? - She is older than me.


  • 62

    1. 최상급 :형태는「the+최상급+(명사)+in(of)...」이고, 의미는‘(…중에서) 가장~한’이다. (He is the tallest boy inhis class.)

    2. 최상급+in / 최상급+of : 최상급문장에서‘…중에서’에해당하는말에는 in이나 of를쓰는데, 장소나범위를나타내는말앞에는 in을, 집단이나무리를나타내는말앞에는of를쓴다. (He is the tallest man in Korea. / He is thetallest of all.)

    *비교의3단계(1) 동등비교: My dog is as big as yours.(2) 비교급: My dog is bigger than yours.(3) 최상급: My dog is the biggest in our town.

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. ‘그는우리마을에서가장키가큰남자이다.’를말해봐. - He is the tallest man in our town.

    2.‘그녀는다섯소녀중가장예쁘다.’는? - She is the prettiest of the five girls.


  • 63












    as tall as


    twice as

    as old

    as long

    twice tall

    fast as

    long as

    fast as

  • 64

    [1~4]상자의단어중올바른것을골라대답을완성하세요.1~2. too는긍정문, either는부정문에쓰인다. 3~4. yet은부정문, already는긍정문에쓰인다.

    [5~9] 빈칸을채워문장을완성하세요.5. 너무~해서…할수없다: too ~ to...6. 긍정문에쓰이는‘~도’는 too이다. 7. 열심히: hard8. 충분히: enough (형용사뒤에서수식) 9. 부정문에쓰이는‘~도’는 either이다.

    [10~12]A+동사+as+형용사(또는부사)+as B: A는B만큼~하다

    [13~14]문장을완성하세요. 13. A만큼~한: as... as A14. A보다두배~한: twice as... as A

    [15~17]15~16. A만큼~한: as... as A17. A보다두배~한: twice as... as A


    ‘단모음+단자음’으로끝나는단어는자음을한번더쓰고 -er을붙여비교급을만든다.


    A보다더~한: 형용사의비교급+than A

    [24~25]문장을완성하세요.24. A보다나이가더많은: older than A25. A보다더큰: bigger than A

    [26~28]*A보다더~한 :형용사의비교급+than A (비교급을만들때, ‘단모음+단자음’으로끝나는단어는자음을한번더쓰고 -er을붙이고, y로끝나는단어는y를 i로고치고 -er을붙인다.)*가장~한 : the+형용사의최상급(최상급을만들때, ‘단모음+단자음’으로끝나는단어는자음을한번더쓰고 -est를붙이고,y로끝나는단어는y를 i로고치고 -est를붙인다.)

    [29~30]문장을완성하세요. 29. 가장오래된: the oldest30. 그들중가장힘센소년: the strongest boy of them all


    higher than

    hotter than

    bigger than



    smaller than

    older than



    bigger than





    strongest of

    the easiest

    the oldest

    the biggest

  • 65

    1. more / most : -ful, -ous, -less, -ing, -ly 등으로끝나는단어나, 3음절이상의긴단어는뒤에 -er이나 -est를붙이지않고단어앞에more, most를붙여비교급과최상급을만든다. (famous-more famous-most famous)

    2. 불규칙변화 : 비교급과최상급이불규칙하게변하는단어들도있다. (good-better-best / many(much) -more-most / bad-worse-worst)

    음절이란한묶음으로발음되는최소단위를말한다. 보통발음기호로나타냈을때하나의음절엔하나이상의모음이있다.(2음절 : fa-mous, use-ful / 3음절 : de-li-cious, beau-ti-ful)

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. beautiful의비교급과최상급을말해볼래? - more beautiful, most beautiful.

    2.good과 bad의비교급과최상급은? - better, best / worse, worst.


  • 66

    1. 부사의비교급, 최상급:부사도 -er, -est을단어끝에또는more, most를단어앞에붙여비교급, 최상급을만들수있다.(1) 규칙변화: fast-faster-fastest(2) 불규칙변화:well-better-best

    2. 부사의비교급, 최상급문장 : 일반적으로부사의최상급앞에는 the를붙이지않는다.(Tom swims fastest of all. /Bill can skate best in my class.)

    3. Which...,Aor B? : 형식은「Which+비교급,A or B?」이고, 의미는‘A와B중어느것이더~합니까?’이다.(Whichis bigger, New York or London? / Which do you likebetter, coffee or tea?)

    4. Who...,A or B? : 형식은「Who+비교급, Aor B?」이고,의미는‘A와B중누가더~합니까?’이다. (Who is taller,Min-ho or Yun-ho? / Who studies harder, In-ho orNam-su?)

    1. 부사도비교급과최상급을만드는방법은형용사와같다. (-ful,-ous, -less, -ing, -ly 등으로끝나는단어나, 3음절이상의긴단어뒤에는 -er이나 -est를붙이지않고more, most를단어앞에붙여비교급과최상급을만든다.)

    2. 선택의문문의Aor B 중A는올려서읽고, B는내려서읽는다.Which do you like better, coffee(↑) or tea(↓)? Who studies harder, In-ho(↑) or Nam-su(↓)?

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. ‘그는나보다빨리뛴다.’를말해보자. - He runs faster than I (do).

    2.‘그녀는우리중에서가장조심스럽게운전한다.’는? - She drives most carefully of us all.

    3.‘우유와주스중어느것이더좋니?’는? - Which do you like better, milk or juice?

    4.‘Sam과Tim 중누가더나이가많니?’는? - Who is older, Sam or Tim?


  • 67

    1. Which(What)+ the+최상급~? :‘어느것이가장~합니까?’라는뜻이다. (What’s the most difficult subject foryou? / Which is the best car in this showroom?)

    2. Who+the+최상급~? :‘누가가장~합니까?’라는뜻이다. (Who is the tallest in our family?)

    A. 비교해서묻기 : Who is taller, Aor B? (Who is taller,you or your brother?)

    B. 더좋아하는것묻기:Which do you like better, Aor B?(Which do you like better, pizzas or hamburgers?)

    C. 제안하기 : How about ~ing? (How about playingsoccer?)

    1. Which는특정한범위내에서선택할때사용하고, What은범위가주어지지않았을때사용한다. (Which is the best car inthis showroom? / What sports do you like (the) best?)

    2. How about...?과 What about...?의차이 : How about...?은어떠한행동을제안할때사용하고 (How about a beer?- 맥주한잔하러가는거어때? : 꼭맥주가아니더라도상관없음), What about...?은어떤것에대한상대방의의견을물을때사용한다. (What about a beer? - 맥주는어때?:맥주에대한상대방의의견을묻고있음)

    Grammar Points Tips

    1. ‘어떤스포츠를가장좋아하세요?’라고물어볼까? - What sports do you like (the) best?

    2.‘너희반에서누가가장작니?’는? - Who is the shortest in your class?

    3.‘장미와튤립중어느것이더좋아?’라고물어볼까? - Which do you like better, roses or tulips?

    4.‘How about...?’을써서‘나하고점심먹는거어때?’하고제안해볼까? - How about having lunch with me?


  • 68

    most important


    more famous



    more than

    better than







    more slowly

    most slowly





    Which is more popular in Korea

  • 69

    [1~2]3음절이상의긴단어는뒤에 -est를붙이지않고단어앞에most를붙여최상급을만든다.

    [3~5]3~4. -ful, -ous, -less, -ing, -ly등으로끝나는단어나, 3음절이

    상의긴단어는단어앞에most를붙여최상급을만든다.5. good - better - best

    [6~7]문장을완성하세요.6. 3음절이상의긴단어는뒤에 -er를붙이지않고단어앞에


    [8~10]8. 부사의비교급과최상급도형용사와마찬가지로보통단어끝에각각 -er과 -est를붙여만든다. (y로끝나는단어는 y를 i로고치고 -er이나 -est를붙인다.) 부사의최상급앞에는보통 the를붙이지않는다.

    10. 부사의경우에도형용사의경우와마찬가지로 -ful, -ous, -less, -ing, -ly 등으로끝나는단어나, 3음절이상의긴단어는 단어앞에more, most를붙여비교급과최상급을만든다.

    [11~14] 11. later ↔ earlier

    [15~18] 선택의문문15. 한국에서는축구와야구중어떤것이더인기가많습니까? 16. 너희아빠는커피와차중어떤것을더좋아하시니? 17. 엘리스와제인중누가노래를더잘부르니? 18. 메리와제인중누가더아름답니?

    [19~21]올바른단어를고르세요.19. 농구공과축구공중어떤것이더크니? 20. 톰과제인중누가더빨리달리니? 21. 너희가족중가장어린사람은누구니?

    [25~27] 단어의배열을바르게하여문장을만드세요.25. 가장높은산: the highest mountain27. 가장유명한가수: the most famous signer

    [28~30] 빈칸을채워질문을완성하세요.28.너와너희형중누가더크니? 29. 너는피자와햄버거중어떤게더좋으니? 30. 제안하는말: How about ...? 또는What about ...?


    Which does your father like better

    Who sings better

    Who is more beautiful

    like best




    Which is the highest mountain in Korea?

    What subject do you like best?

    Who is the most famous singer in the United States?


