hermanus times 28 08 2014

THURSDAY, 28 AUGUST 2014 | Tel 028 - 312 3717 | Fax 028 - 312 4316 Hermanustimes.mobi/www.hermanustimes.co.za R5.20 Raad vir oorlaai- stasie 2 Pick n Pay gets new owner 5 Hermies pak Caledon 36 En die Oscar gaan aan… JAN-HENDRIK COETZER Die jaarlikse Burgemeesterstoe- kennings het net soos die Oscars vir deftige modes, musiek, toe- kennings en toesprake gesorg toe erkenning gegee is aan uitne- mendheid, die wisseltrofee vir omgewingsbewaring oorhandig is en die vrou van die jaar aange- kondig is. Dié glansgeleentheid is Dinsdag- aand by die Burgersentrum aange- bied waar rolspelers in die Over- strand vereer is vir die positiewe verskil wat hulle in die lewe van an- der asook die omgewing maak. Jack Bold van Fernkloof Kwekery is as algehele wenner van die wissel- trofee vir omgewingsake aangewys. Bold, wat reeds vir die afgelope 14 jaar by Fernkloof betrokke is, het dié kwekery se inheemse plante uit- gebrei tot waar dit vandag sowat 250 verskillende spesies huisves. “Ek leer mense elke dag en moe- dig hulle aan om Fynbos te waar- deer en om inheemse plante kom- mersieel beskikbaar te stel teen be- kostigbare pryse.” Die toekenning vir Vrou van die Jaar het gegaan aan Ena Gelden- huys, ’n vrywillige verpleegster van Gansbaai, vir die tyd wat sy afstaan om na pasiënte om te sien. Gelden- huys vervoer siek pasiënte op eie koste na klinieke en hospitale, sorg dat hulle eet voor hulle medikasie neem en besoek ook kankerpasiënte oor naweke en na ure om hulle te monitor en aarvoeding te vervang. Sy reël ook funksies om geld in te samel vir minderbevoorregte kin- ders en bejaardes en maak so ’n ge- weldige verskil in die area waar sy werk. In die tweede plek vir Vrou van die Jaar was Stefné van Dyk en in die derde plek Dinah Johnson. Sertifikate vir uitnemendheid is ook toegeken aan Chris Adams, An- chelle Damon, Clayton Francis, Theo en Angie Krynauw, Lesley Ri- chardson, Jason Stonehewer, Tom- my Volkwyn en Frikkie Zeelie. Tydens burgemeester Nicolette Botha-Guthrie se toespraak het sy gesê dis wonderlik om te luister na al die positiewe stories van die ver- skille wat mense in die lewens van ander kan maak. “Elkeen doen daai ietsie ekstra wat hulle as alledaags beskou, maar wat wel ’n groot im- pak maak op die natuur of in die ge- meenskap.” Volgens Botha-Guthrie besef sy weereens dat die bewaring van die omgewing by almal berus. “Jy het nie noodwendig ’n graad in omge- wingstudies nodig om ’n verskil te maak nie, jy hoef bloot net vir jou omgewing om te gee. So leer mense van ’n jong ouderdom af om na hul omgewing om te sien.” Botha-Guthrie het voorts gesê daar is talle mense in die Over- strand wat werklik vir hul mede- mens omgee. “Ons hoor van sop- kombuise, versorging van siekes en voorsiening van klere. Opvoeding van kinders is ook ’n gebied waar wonderlike werk gedoen word. Ek- stra klasse word aan leerders gegee, vroeë kinderonderrig word met ywer bevorder, en kerspartytjies word vir minderbevoorregte kin- ders gereël.” Botha-Guthrie het ook die belang- rikheid van musiekonderrig be- klemtoon. “Ek glo dat u my sal ver- skoon as ek die optredes deur die kinders hier vanaand as ’n spreken- de voorbeeld van ure se harde werk en groot uitgawes gebruik. Dit wil gedoen wees,” voeg sy by. Botha-Guthrie het afgesluit deur almal wat toekennings ontvang het, geluk te wens. “Aan almal wat va- naand ’n sertifikaat ontvang het, baie dankie vir die voorbeeld wat julle aan ons almal stel. Kom ons raak almal op een of ander manier betrokke. Dit kan ’n verskil maak.” Lees meer op bl 9 Ena Geldenhuys (middel) is aangewys as die Vrou van die Jaar by die jaarlikse Burgemeesterstoekennings. By haar is raadslid Elzette Nell en Burgemeester Nicolette Botha-Guthrie. Jack Bold (regs) is aangewys as die wenner van die wisseltrofee vir omgewingsbewaring. Hier is hy saam met raadslid Pieter Scholtz. FOTO’S: JAN-HENDRIK COETZER

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Page 1: Hermanus times 28 08 2014

THURSDAY, 28 AUGUST 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316 Hermanustimes.mobi/www.hermanustimes.co.za


Raad viroorlaai­stasie 2

Pick n Paygets newowner 5

HermiespakCaledon 36


Die jaarlikse Burgemeesterstoe-kennings het net soos die Oscarsvir deftige modes, musiek, toe-kenningsentoesprakegesorgtoeerkenning gegee is aan uitne-mendheid, die wisseltrofee viromgewingsbewaring oorhandigis en die vrou van die jaar aange-kondig is.

Dié glansgeleentheid is Dinsdag-aand by die Burgersentrum aange-bied waar rolspelers in die Over-strand vereer is vir die positieweverskil wat hulle in die lewe van an-der asook die omgewing maak.

JackBoldvanFernkloofKwekeryisasalgehelewennervandiewissel-trofeevir omgewingsakeaangewys.

Bold, wat reeds vir die afgelope 14jaar by Fernkloof betrokke is, hetdié kwekery se inheemse plante uit-gebrei totwaardit vandag sowat 250verskillende spesies huisves.

“Ek leer mense elke dag en moe-dig hulle aan om Fynbos te waar-deer en om inheemse plante kom-mersieel beskikbaar te stel teen be-kostigbare pryse.”

Die toekenning vir Vrou van dieJaar het gegaan aan Ena Gelden-huys, ’nvrywilligeverpleegstervanGansbaai, vir die tyd wat sy afstaanom na pasiënte om te sien. Gelden-huys vervoer siek pasiënte op eiekoste na klinieke en hospitale, sorgdat hulle eet voor hulle medikasieneemenbesoekookkankerpasiënteoor naweke en na ure om hulle temonitor en aarvoeding te vervang.

Sy reël ook funksies om geld in tesamel vir minderbevoorregte kin-ders en bejaardes en maak so ’n ge-weldige verskil in die area waar sywerk.

In die tweede plek vir Vrou vandie Jaar was Stefné van Dyk en indie derde plek Dinah Johnson.

Sertifikate vir uitnemendheid isook toegeken aan Chris Adams, An-chelle Damon, Clayton Francis,Theo en Angie Krynauw, Lesley Ri-chardson, Jason Stonehewer, Tom-my Volkwyn en Frikkie Zeelie.

Tydens burgemeester NicoletteBotha-Guthrie se toespraak het sygesê dis wonderlik om te luister naal die positiewe stories van die ver-skille wat mense in die lewens vanander kan maak. “Elkeen doen daaiietsie ekstra wat hulle as alledaags

beskou, maar wat wel ’n groot im-pak maak op die natuur of in die ge-meenskap.”

Volgens Botha-Guthrie besef syweereens dat die bewaring van dieomgewing by almal berus. “Jy hetnie noodwendig ’n graad in omge-wingstudies nodig om ’n verskil temaak nie, jy hoef bloot net vir jouomgewing om te gee. So leer mensevan ’n jong ouderdom af om na hulomgewing om te sien.”

Botha-Guthrie het voorts gesêdaar is talle mense in die Over-strand wat werklik vir hul mede-mens omgee. “Ons hoor van sop-kombuise, versorging van siekes envoorsiening van klere. Opvoedingvan kinders is ook ’n gebied waarwonderlike werk gedoen word. Ek-stra klasse word aan leerders gegee,

vroeë kinderonderrig word metywer bevorder, en kerspartytjiesword vir minderbevoorregte kin-ders gereël.”

Botha-Guthrie het ook die belang-rikheid van musiekonderrig be-klemtoon. “Ek glo dat u my sal ver-skoon as ek die optredes deur diekinders hier vanaand as ’n spreken-de voorbeeld van ure se harde werken groot uitgawes gebruik. Dit wilgedoen wees,” voeg sy by.

Botha-Guthrie het afgesluit deuralmal wat toekennings ontvang het,geluk te wens. “Aan almal wat va-naand ’n sertifikaat ontvang het,baie dankie vir die voorbeeld watjulle aan ons almal stel. Kom onsraak almal op een of ander manierbetrokke. Dit kan ’n verskil maak.”

Lees meer op bl 9

Ena Geldenhuys (middel) is aangewys as die Vrou van die Jaar bydie jaarlikse Burgemeesterstoekennings. By haar is raadslid ElzetteNell en Burgemeester Nicolette Botha­Guthrie.

Jack Bold (regs) is aangewys as die wenner van die wisseltrofee viromgewingsbewaring. Hier is hy saam met raadslid Pieter Scholtz.


Page 2: Hermanus times 28 08 2014

2 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


Raadvan inwonersgevraoorproblemerondomOnrus/Vermont seoorlaaistasieDie mini-oorlaaistasie by die On-rus Handelspos-winkelkom-pleks loop onder kritiek deurwant inwoners van Vermont enOnrus, wat hul vullissakke daarafgooi, sê dit is ’n bymekaarkom-plek vir vullis-krappers, en hullehet die Times laat weet hulle voelbedreig en onveilig en dat dierondhangers meestal besope is.

Herhaaldelike klagtes oor die af-gelope paar jaar oor ongure prakty-ke rondom die stasie is ook ontvangdeur die Wykskomitee.

Wyk 13 se raadslid, Elzette Nell,voer aan die stasie voldoen aan ’nbaie besliste behoefte vir die inwo-ners. “Maar ons is erg bekommerdoor die toekoms van die stasie. Dieitem het al telkemale op die agendavan die vergaderings van die Wyks-komitee gedien en etlike pogings isalaangewendomdiestasie teveran-der en te bestuur.”

Nellhoopdatdiewykskomiteeop-lossingsenhelderheid salkryasookom die proses van publieke deelna-me te bevorder.

“ ’nGedagte is geopperdatdieSta-sie tydelik gesluit word en dat alleopsies oorweeg word voordat voort-gegaan word met die bestuur vandie fasiliteit. Die implikasie is datsakke van besoekers op straat gaanlê en deur honde en menslike sak-krappers verskeur kan word.”

“Dit is ’n gedeelde gemeenskaps-probleem en almal moet deel weesvan moontlike oplossings.”

Volgens Nell is die stasie opgerigin 2006 sodat naweekbesoekers watop ’n Sondag vertrek, ’n stortingsfa-siliteit vir huisafval het. Dit wasvoordat die munisipale verwyde-ring van huisafval van ’n Donder-dag verskuif is na Maandag (Ver-mont) en Dinsdag (Onrusrivier).

“Die primêre doel was dus om tevoorkomdat swartsakkerondlêwatonnet lyk en deur rondloperhondeverskeur kan word.

“Nooit was die bedoeling dat per-manente inwonersdie stasiekonge-bruik vir tuinafval, stukkende plas-tiekstoele, bourommel, ens nie.”

Oor tyd het dit bykans ’n verlen-ging geword van die stortingster-rein langs Swartdamweg in die in-dustriële gebied. “Maar nou dra diehawelose gemeenskap by tot diechaotiese situasie.”

Etlike pogings is oor die afgelopetyd aangewend ten einde die pro-bleem te hanteer, sê Nell.

) Kennisgewings is aan die voor-kant en baie sigbaar aangebring omklem te lê op dit wat gestort magword.

) Die gangetjie agter die struk-tuur is toegemaak en opgevul.

) Doringagtige plante is aange-plant.

) Wetstoepassing is opgeskerp.) ’nAmptenaarwatbefondsword

deur die “EPWP” (Expanded PublicWorksProgramme)isaangestel (on-gelukkig net van Maandag tot Vry-dag)omtoesigtehouenordeteskep.Ongelukkig moes die praktyk ge-

staakwordasgevolgvangebrekaangeld deur die Nasionale Regering.

) Pogings is aangewend om diebestuur van die huurders van dieHandelspos meer betrokke te kry,met min resultate, omdat die fasili-teit op munisipale eiendom is en niehulle verantwoordelikheid is nie.

“Die onnetheid en die gepaard-gaande higiëniese risiko is onaan-vaarbaar.Wyk13 is trots daaropdatdienetheidvandieomgewing ’nhoëprofiel geniet.

“Gedurende die tyd wat die amp-tenaar daar was (van Maandag totVrydag) het daar ’n noemenswaar-dige positiewe verbetering plaasge-vind.

“Die aflaai van allerlei rommel

word nou deur die haweloses be-heer. Voertuie wat stilhou word ge-teiken onder die voorwendsel vanhulp terwyl die werklike motive-ring die van fooitjies is. Veral be-jaarde persone word geteiken enmoontlik geïntimideer.”

“Die voorkoms van haweloses is’n werklikheid wat almal se aandagverg.

“Die haweloses slaap (onwettig)in die bosse bokant die R43 en maakvuur en die risiko van ’n bergbrandis ’n realiteit. Die Wetstoepassershelp om hulle daar weg te kry maarbinne dae is hulle weer terug.

Moontlike opsies om die situa-sie te verlig

) Onder leiding van die NG Ge-

meente, Onrusrivier, word daartans ’n “Overstrand-Armoede-dink-skrum”-projek van stapel gestuurteneindeonderanderediehawelosepersone in ons gemeenskappe teversorg.

) Daar is etlike instansies watsaamwerk om ’n oplossing te vindvir hierdie sosio-ekonomiese pro-bleem. Die idee is om ’n sentralepunt in die middedorp te skep waarmense kan aansoek doen vir werk,waar beskikbare werk geadverteerkan word (of waar mense ’n tuin-werk of huiswerker vir die dag kankry). Kos sal ook aan die mense byhierdie sentrale punt verskaf word.

) Ten einde die benutting van diestasieweernasyoorspronklikedoelte stuur, word dit oorweeg om nuwekennisgewings met meer detail opal drie die mure aan te bring.

Verskuiwing van fasiliteitWaarheen?Isdievraag.Diehuidi-

ge posisionering is ideaal.Herontwerp van die stasieEtlike gesprekke is hieroor ge-

voer en moontlikhede van struktu-rele veranderinge word ingewag.

GemeenskapsdeelnameDie Raadslid en die Wykskomitee

versoekbelastingbetalers, enbesoe-kers, van Wyk 13 om met praktiesevoorstelle te kom vir oorweging teneinde die probleem effektief te han-teer.

KommentaarkanaanraadslidEl-zetteNell gestuurwordof skakel diemunisipale areabestuurder, DonKearney by 028 313 8000.

Die oorlaaistasie in Onrus by die Handelspos­winkelkompleks.

Stingrays spottedA massive stingray wasspotted at the new har-bour the past weekend.

According to BoetScheun from BS Divers,based in the new har-bour, they are quitecommon to the area.“Weare abit likeStruis-baai where they areseen a lot more, but ourwater ismurkyandthey

tend to stay at the bot-tom of the harbour,which is quite deep. Wehave spotted a few butthey are not particular-ly dangerous.” Accord-ingtoDeonGeldenhuys,deputy station com-mander of the NSRI Sta-tion 17, they have neverinjured anyone in thearea as far as he knows.

A stingray was spotted at thenew harbour where kids wereswimming.


Why are we now paying for fire services?Many questions were raised after the article“Property owners now charged for using firebrigade’s services” was published in the Her-manus Times on 21 August.

Council had made the decision that, as of1 July, property owners will be charged forfire brigade call-outs on structural, veld andother fires.

In addition, a fee will be charged for theissuing of certificates for flammable sub-stancesaswellasinspections(thirdandthere-after) conducted in terms of fire safety. Theincome will be used for fire services renderedto the community.

Coenie Groenewald, municipal manager ofthe Overstrand Municipality, answered a fewquestions.

Why the decision to charge for a servicewhich used to be free?

Due to constant development, new technol-ogy and legal responsibility the OverstrandMunicipality had to implement tariffs for theprovision of fire services.

Breakdown of the various fees:) Extinguishing of firesExtinguishing of structural (all buildings)

fires per hour per incident: R1 500.Extinguishing of structural (all buildings)

fires perhourper incident for indigenthouse-holds: Free.

Extinguishing of veld and other fires perhour: R500.

Assistance at motor vehicle accidents andrescues: Free.

) Standby at fire scenePer hour for vehicle and firefighters: R500.) Fire prevention inspectionsTank installation – per tank: R300.LP Gas – per installation 48 kg and more in-

cluding bulk tanks: R300.) Fire safety1st and 2nd compliance inspection: Free.3rd and continuing compliance inspection:

R300.) EventsInspectionof locationandissuingofpopula-

tion certificate: R200.Standby at event per event for vehicle and

firefighters: R1 000.) Burn permitsBurn permit inspection: R250.Who will be held accountable if a fire

starts in an open field?Each fire will be investigated to determine

who is liable.If arson is suspected, a criminal case will

beopened.An investigationwill beconductedto determine who is responsible.

If such an open field fire spreads toneighbouringhomes,will eachhomeown-

Good news for Hermanus food lovers is that The Barefoot Cook in Aberdeen Street is re opening.

Owner and chef, Mariclaire took a well earned sabbatical from the rigours of running a busy restaurant. After a safari in Botswana and a hiking holiday in the Fish River Canyon, Namibia, Mariclaire is now raring to go for the busy season ahead. Mariclaire opened the restaurant in 2006 after extensive experience working in restaurants as far afield as The Netherlands and the Caribbean. The Barefoot Cook quickly became a favourite with the local residents and visitors alike. The delightful courtyard setting and eclectic furnishings offers a haven of tranquility, whilst the food has garnered consistent praise from the loyal clientele. Such is the positive feedback, the restaurant has been placed in the top 10% of restaurants worldwide by Trip Advisor. The Bistro style menu is designed to provide delicious, freshly prepared and seasonally inspired food, with Mariclaires' passion for sauces being a highlight. Evening dining offers equally sumptuous dishes in a relaxed and inviting environment. Mariclaire will gladly organise private functions at the restaurant and design

The Barefoot Cookmenus in conjunction with the guest. Mariclaire and her dedicated team look forward to

ndseeing customers old and new from the 2 of September. A very warm welcome is assured.

Open: Tuesday to Saturday for lunchThursday and Friday for lunch and dinner

Telephone: 028 312 4681 bookings recommended


The owner onwhose property thefire started will beheld responsible.Other owners ofproperties affectedby the fire will not beheld liable.

Page 3: Hermanus times 28 08 2014

3HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


TOP WINE: WildekransWine Estate in Bot River wasselected as one of the topten contenders for theirWildekrans Pinotage BarrelSelect Reserve 2012 at the2014 Absa Top 10 Competi­tion that was hosted atLandtscap in Stellenbosch re­cently. From left are: WilliamWilkinson (winemaker),Amanda Harlow (owner) andBraam Gericke (viticulturist).Wilkinson said this winewas hand harvested,destalked and cold soakedovernight. It was then agedin new French oak for 24months. It is a rich, complex though fresh, cool climate Pinotage with great structureand depth. Gericke said all the hard work is now paying dividends and it’s great to re­ceive such rewards after five years of continuous hard work.

RickandBraamtakeonAfricaon their bikesELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Rick Oosthuyzen from Tapas and Braamvan der Walt from Hermanus Backpack-ersundertooktheiradventure,withhard-ly any planning, except that they wantedto bike all the way to Lake Malawi andback.

The two mounted their motorcycles, aBMW 1200 GS and Yamaha 1200 Tenere re-spectively and hit the road in July.

Their tripstartedinHermanus, fromwherethey made their way through Kimberley tothe Botswana border, travelling throughZambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimba-bwe, before returning home.

“We had three weeks in which to completethe trip,” says Rick.

“We met so many interesting people alongthe way. There was this one South African,a guy Braam had met 20 years ago, who hademigrated to Malawi where he runs a lodge.He used to be a heroin addict and was takenin by a black couple. There he went cold tur-key while they nursed him back to health.”

According to Rick it was wonderful to expe-rience the differences between the countries.

“Botswana was incredibly efficient, friend-ly and the backpackers were clean and organ-ised. Zambia was much poorer and not aswesternised as the other countries we saw.”

Travelling with food as part of a motorbikejourney is rather difficult, so the duo tooktheir chances along the way.

“There are no Wimpys to be found, so wewould buy boiled eggs for breakfast fromstreet vendors. Another favourite was pota-toes or sweet potatoes fried in goat’s fat.”

The weather played along beautifully and

they managed to cover around 500 km per dayin temperatures which reached 26°C at times.In total they covered 8 300 km, and spent aweek on the shores of Lake Malawi.

“Coming back into South Africa, we hit ahuge cold front and stayed over in Burgers-dorpwhere itwassocold thewaterpipes frozesolid overnight. The cold weather was quitea shock to the system after the tropical weath-er we had experienced.”

Rick says the whole trip was very differentcompared to a similar trip he undertookthrough the United States last year. “Therewere motels and diners all along the way. Onthis trip it was much more difficult to finda place to stop, eat and stay.

“It was especially difficult to get petrol. Wewould stop in a village with half a tank andask whether we could get petrol in the nexttown,” says Braam.

“But then we’d arrive there, with hardlyany petrol left and realise that they are soldout.

Braam undertook a biking trip through Af-rica with some friends 20 years ago, and saysthis time round the trip was much easier“with more money in your pocket and ridinga more reliable motorcycle.”

Althoughitwaswonderful toretakethetripofhisyouth,Braam saysyoudon’treallyneedto cross the border to have an adventure.

“We travelled back through all the smallertowns, off the beaten track, around Lesothoto get back home.

“All in all, the adventure was amazing, butit is great tobeback inSouthAfrica.Thescen-ery is amazing, the roads are paved and thearea clean.

“And petrol is much cheaper. We had to payup to R24/l in Malawi,” Braam adds.

Braam van der Walt barters for breakfast, inthis case already boiled eggs, along theirtrip through Africa.

Rick and Braam enjoyed some interesting Af­rican cuisine on their tour. The delicacies fea­tured here are the innards of a goat.

Petrol was one of the major issues Rick Oost­huyzen and Braam van der Walt faced ontheir trip. Either very expensive, or not avail­able at all. Braam took this photo of Rick ata petrol station in a small town near Lusaka,Zambia.

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Page 4: Hermanus times 28 08 2014

4 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


Report highlightsburglariesanddrugabuseJANINE VAN DER RIET

According to the 2013/14 PNP (PolicingNeedsandPrioritiesprogramme)report re-leased, house burglaries top the list of re-ported crimes in six of the seven police sta-tions in the Hermanus Cluster (stretchingfrom Kleinmond to Gansbaai). And 80% ofcriminals convicted in the Overstrand areself proclaimed drug users.

This report was discussed at a meeting at-tended by all the chairpersons of Kleinmond,Hermanus, Stanford, Gansbaai, Napier,Bredasdorp and Struisbaai community policeforums, as well as police officials, OverstrandMunicipality ward councillors, ratepayers as-sociations and members of the public. It wasofficiated byDanPlato,minister of communitysafety in the Western Cape, at the Moffat Hallon Friday.According to Plato, what the department

hopes to achievewith the annualEPP (Expand-

ed Partnership Programme), isto determine safety needs andpriorities through broad consul-tation with affected communi-ties, establish systems and/orstrengthening existing struc-tures and partnerships such asCPFs andneighbourhoodwatch-es.Col Francois De Wet, Her-

manus acting station command-erandactingclustercommandervoicedhis concernsaboutwho isprotecting the protectors. He re-ferred to incidents that occurredin the Overstrand where policeofficials lives were endangeredand police vehicles and equip-ment damaged.He added that the Hermanus

cluster has an estimated 113 300residents, with only 338 opera-tional police members and 96support members.“The challenges we face are

firstly insufficient man power and the dis-tance between the police stations. Also per-petrators useminors/children or women tostand in the line of firewhen there are riots,which means that our police members can-not protect ourselves.We cannot fight back,and risk hurting innocent children.”Other problems contributing to crime in

the Overstrand area include poaching andgang activities, misuse of drugs, suspendedsentences forcriminals,nostreet lights, fyn-bos areas and overgrown cliff paths. DeWetsaid 80%of criminals convicted in theOver-strand are self proclaimed drug users.The top three crimes at the seven police

stations in the Hermanus cluster are:) Bredasdorp: Assault, substance abuse

and house burglary.) Gansbaai: House burglary, theft and do-

mestic violence.)Hermanus:Theft, house robberyandrob-

bery.) Kleinmond: House burglary, theft out of

motor vehicles, domestic violence.)Napier:Houseburglary, substanceabuse

and robbery.) Stanford: Theft of copper, common theft

and substance abuse.) Struisbaai: Assault, theft and house bur-


To assist with further identifying policingneeds and priorities, participants were askedfor input by way of answering a question-naire.Questions included service levels at po-lice stations, response time after a crime isreported,victimesupport, councellingservic-es, police resources in terms of vehicles andmanpower. Plato will use this information tohelp the formulation of policing priorities atprovincial and national level.

Hennie Westraat, Hermanus CPF chairpersonsaid residents must have more respect for thepolice that put their own safety at risk whiledoing their jobs. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

Hekke by Stanford­rivier opgerig om4 x 4’s uit te hou,water is nie besoedelJANINE VAN DER RIET

Menige inwoner van Stanfordwasbekommerdtoedaarnie-per-manente hekke by die sleephel-ling inKingstraat in Stanford op-gerig is.Langs die hek is ’n bord reeds

jare gelede opgerig wat waarsku

dat swemmers op eie risiko swemen dat die water dalk besoedelmag wees.Dadelik het van die inwoners

aangeneem die hekke is opgerigas gevolg van besoedeldewater indie rivier, maar by navraag aandie Overstrand-munisipaliteit, isdie verwarring opgeklaar.

FrancoisMyburgh, se-nior bestuurder: Gans-baai/Stanford Admini-strasie van die Over-strand-munisipaliteit,sê die hekke is reeds op16 Junie opgerig nadatdie riviermond oopge-breek het.“Die gedeelte was baie

nat na die water gesakhet. Die hekke is opgerigom te verhoed dat die ge-deelte as ’n 4x4 roete ge-bruik word. Die bordjieis al jare gelede daar opgesit om swemmers tewaarskudathulopeieri-siko swem en dat die wa-ter besoedel mag wees.”Die bordjies is net as

voorsorgmaatreël deurdie OM opgerig. KoekieSwart van die boot Afri-can Queen het by na-vraag bevestig dat diewater “swembaar” is.“Gewoonlik na die

mond oopbreek is daar ’nbietjiemodderigheidwatronddryf en met tyd, af-sak. Ons het laas Sondagop die boot gaan braai,swem en ski, en niemandhet siek geword nie.”

Dié bordjie is reeds jare te sien by diesleephelling in Kingstraat. Verskeie in­woners het egter gedink die water indie rivier is besoedel ná daar hekke (fo­to onder) opgerig is. Dit is egter opgerigom 4x4­entoesiaste van die modderpadweg te hou. FOTO’S: OLIVIA DICKSON

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5HermanusTimes28 August, 2014



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PicknPaynowfalls undercorporatemanagementJAN­HENDRIK COETZER

Pick n Pay Hermanus has beentakenoverbyPicknPayHeadOf-ficeafter thepreviousowner,Ro-hann Maree, decided to sell thefranchise after managing thestore for the past year.

Maree took over from Noël Bas-son,whohadsoldthefranchiseafterdeciding to retire from retail.The official take over by Pick n

Payheadofficemanagementkickedin on 18August, and they appointedWayne Castle as the new manager.Castle has been working for Pick

n Pay for the past 17 years and hasbeen involved with various fran-chises during this time.Castle is still settling in but says

“Hermanus is a lovely town, filledwithwarm and friendly people. It isvibrantanddiversewithmanytour-

ists passing through over week-ends.”

Although early days he says theyhave already introduced new prod-uct lines and some exciting innova-tions when it comes to displays.

Some refurbishments are alsoplannedtomakethestoreevenmoreattractive to customers, confirmedAbdurahman Hamdulay, Pick nPay’s general manager.

Castle says he is looking forwardto getting to know the Hermanuscommunity and is excited to experi-ence the upcoming Whale Festivaland summer holidays.

“I really hope that this move is amore permanent one for me. Storemanagementdoeschange fromtimeto time, however I look forward toserving the community now and inthe future.” Castle will be joined byhis wife and kids, who are still inCape Town, at the end of the year.

Wayne Castle, newly appointedmanager at Pick n Pay Hermanus.


BIRKENHEAD HOUSE SUPPORTS NSRI:Birkenhead House in Voëlklip made a donationof R22 610 to the local NSRI Station 17. Ac­cording to general manager Shane Brummer,they have been supporting the local NSRI sta­tion since the beginning of the year, but decidedto give them another boost through this dona­tion. They challenge other local businesses tojoin them by helping to make a difference. Atthe handing over of the cheque were membersfrom the NSRI fundraising committee MarionSpencer, Deon Langenhoven (the deputy stationcommander), Helen Fritz, Henk Henn (the stationcommander), Jane Langenhoven, Corinne Con­radie (deputy GM at Birkenhead House), ShaneBrummer (GM), Alwyn Geldenhuys (a crewmember and tour guide at Birkenhead House)and Leoni McFarlane (Birkenhead House HR ma­nager). PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

HT Paste andwinwinners announcedJANINE VAN DER RIET

Two luckyHermanusTimes readerseachwona meat hamper worth R500 (from Van Blom-mestein Butchery) in the newspaper’s pasteand win competition, which ran for the pastsix weeks.Both winners have never won a prize be-

fore, so they were extremely excited whenthey were contacted.The first lucky winner, Charmaine Lom-

bard from Sandbaai, says they moved fromFourways in Johannesburg to Sandbaai fouryears ago to retire and they love the area. Sheis especially excited about her grand prize asshe loves the smoked gammon and also thewide selection of sausages from Van Blom-mestein Butchery.Vernon Butler from Fisherhaven, the sec-

ond winner in the competition, was also veryhappy when lady luck smiled on him. He jok-ingly told Lombard that they must have beenthe only two entrants in the competition, be-cause they have won.Thanks toVanBlommesteinButcheryonce

again for their meat hamper prizes.

At the Van Blommestein Butchery in Swartdam Road are the Her­manus Times paste and win winners, Vernon Butler (left) and Char­maine Lombard (right) with Marius Pienaar from Van BlommesteinButchery. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

KOERANT STEUN CAMP­HILL: Cilene Bekker, redakteurvan die Hermanus Times (regs),oorhandig van die gedrukte ek­semplare van Camphill Skool sejaarverslag aan Elaine Davie,Camphill se geldinsamelingsko­ördineerder. Camphill vier sy61ste bestaansjaar. Die drukvan die boekies is deur die Her­manus Times geborg en dit kanby die skool verkry word.


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6 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


R85 Saturday Chinese Spring Buffet,

6th SeptemberEat as much as you can,

children under 10 upon ID half price.

Limited seats, reservation recommended.Book line- 028 315 1025

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10 High Street, Hermanus.

Introducing medium size pizzaand pasta dishes to our

lunchtime menu.

Perfect for the "not-so-hungry"and at a great price too!

Page 7: Hermanus times 28 08 2014

7HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


Alle fynbos­ enblompaaie leidié naweek nadieOverbergVandeesweek leiallepaaievirblomky-kersen -liefhebbersnadiegrootste fyn-bosekspo op die planeet, wanneer dietweede Cape Floral Kingdom ExpoDonderdag28AugustusindieBKB-uit-stalsentrum by Mega Park, Bredas-dorp open.Die uitstalling vanmeer as 1 000 spe-

sies fynbos duur tot Sondag 31 Augus-tus. Die ekspo, wat verlede jaar reedsbykans 6 000 besoekers van regoor dieland en vanuit die buiteland gelok het,bied ’nasemrowendekykienadieveld-blomprag van die Kaapse Blommeryk.Die gebied, wat oor 553 000 ha strek, isin 2004deurUnesco tot ’nWêreldbewa-ringsgebied verklaar.Volgens RudyVisser, voorsitter van

die reëlingskomitee, gaan vanjaar seekspo nie net die aandag van natuur-liefhebbers trek nie, maar ook dié vantuiniers en passievolle blommekykersvan regoor Suid-Afrika en die res vandie kontinent en die wêreld.

Navrae kan gerigword aan [email protected] of aan TrushkaBadenhorst by 021 863 0397.Wat om te weet oor die Ekspo:Cape Floral Kingdom Expo 2014Datum:Donderdag, 28 – Saterdag, 31

Augustus. Tyd: 09:00 – 17:00 (Don –Sat)08:00 – 16:00 (Son)Plek: Mega Park, Bredasdorp GPS:

34°31’24.61”S 20°03’02.33”E.Toegang: R100 (volwassenes); R70

(pensioenarisse); R30 (skoliere) en R10(kinders)Aktiwiteite teen koste: “Mad Hat-

ter’sHighTea”metAntoinettePienaar@ R250 pp (toegang, hoede vir foto’s,disse en tee ingesluit).

Aktiwiteite ingesluit by toegang:) 6 000 m² binnenshuise blomme enuitstallings) Veldapteek met Antoinette enoom Johannes) 1000 m² blomrangskikkings) Botaniese identifisering) Veldblomgeregte) Daaglikse Fynbos-staptogte) Binnenshuise versiering) Veldbioskoop met springmieliesen spookasem.

Besoek die blomskou en staan ’nkans om ’n 2-nag wegbreek by DeHoop reservaat te wen ter waardevan R19 000.

Die nuwe Fabaceae Psoralea vanber­kelae­spesie is te sien by die skou..

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8 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


Hermies senoodhulpspanpresteerookbysportJAN­HENDRIK COETZER

Een van die minder bekende‘sportaktiwiteite’ wat baie keermisgekyk word, is die spannetjievan sowat 25 seuns en dogterswat deel uitmaak van HoërskoolHermanus se noodhulpspan.Hulle het onlangs baie goed pres-teer tydens ’n SARU-inspeksiewat by skole gedoen word om huldoeltreffendheid met die hante-ring van sportbeserings vas testel.

BokSmart, ’n afdeling van SARU(Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby-Unie), wasbaiebeïndrukmetdieskoolsenood-hulpspan en het Hoërskool Herma-nus ingelig dat hulle tot dusver diehoogste punte in die Boland vir ’nBokSmart-inspeksie gekry het.Maritza du Plooy, ’n onderwyser,

bestuur die noodhulpspan al die af-gelope vier jaar.“Ons is regtig baie bevoorreg om

leerders in die skool te hêwie se ou-ers dokters of mediese beamptes is

en ’n passie vir die skool het. Ledevan die span kry opleiding. Daar isdrievlakkewaarinjy jouselfkanop-werk en die koste daarvan beloopongeveer R450 vir vlak een en tus-sen R900 en R1200 vir vlak twee endrie.”DrNicoAbel,GarryWhitson(me-

diese dienste) en EMR staan dienoodhulpspan by en help by elkesportbyeenkoms.“Om iemand soos Dr Abel aan

diens te hê,maak dit vir onsmoont-lik dat selfs iets soos steke op dieveld gedoenkanword endat onsnienodig het om die persoon hospitaaltoe te neem nie,” sê du Plooy.VolgensduPlooy isdiemeestebe-

serings waarmee hulle te doen krynekbeserings, spierbeserings enharsingskudding. “Die ergste bese-ringwatekalmeetedoengehadhet,was ’n rugbyspeler wat ‘n oop frak-

tuur gehad het op sy been. Hy wasvandiekant af geduiken ’ngedeeltevan die been het deur die vel uitge-steek.”“Vier jaar gelede het ek bloot oor-

geneembydie vorige onderwysereswat die noodhulpspan bestuur het.Ek het geen opleiding gehad nie,maar vandag het ek al Vlak Drie.Noodhulp is ’n passie vir hierdie

kinders en van hulle wil na skoolin ’nmediese rigting gaan studeer.”Die noodhulpspan van sowat 25

leerders bestaan hoofsaaklik uitmeisies ennet sowat vyf seuns. “Ditis seker maar omdat vrouens meerbesorg is,” voeg du Plooy by.EMR bied ook ’n gratis kursus

aan vir leerders wat by die nood-hulpspan wil betrokke raak.Vir enige verdere navrae, kontak

Maritza duPlooybydie skool op 028312 3760.

Garry Whitson (mediese dienste) saam met van die noodhulpwerkers be­sig om na ’n rugbybesering om te sien.

Agter van links isZani Smuts, GracePage, Garry Whit­son (mediese dien­ste), RaineazeMckenzie, AllazaanHull (EMR), AnnaBrand (EMR) enRodney Veldsman.Voor is Janke Joos­te, Roxanne Maraisen Gitte Schulen­burg.FOTO’S: JAN­HENDRIKCOETZER

Dr. Nico Abel staan gereed met dieys.

Froma needle to an anchorELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

As part of a series on local chari-ty shops,HermanusTimes spoketoSylvanaDoran,thecommitteemember in charge of the Her-manus Animal Welfare Society(HAWS) shop.Theshopissituatednext tothe

Rotary Anns in Mitchell Street.How long have you been in

operation?The shop was first opened in

the 1970s in Long Street in oneof thesmall cottagesbehindPicknPay.Thecottagewasdampanddark and the ladies referred toit as “The Black Hole of Calcut-ta”.When Cyril Schaeffer was at

the helm of our society, he ap-proached the municipality formoresuitablepremises.Theyof-fered us the piece of land inMitchell Street where we builtour present shop.

What does the course ofyour day look like?SandraCorbett, the shopman-

ager, starts her day at 08:00 andcleans and sorts before the shopopens to the public at 09:00.There are about 20 volunteerswho all offer their services freeof charge.Sandra receives all the goods

that are donated to us and sortsand prices all the items whichare then displayed in the shop.We also have a former librarianvolunteerwho is in chargeof thebooks. Hettie Roux ensures thatthe books are categorised andcorrectly priced.During theholidaysourbooks

sell very well when the touristscome to buy something to readwhile on vacation.

What is the strangest itemyou have received?Some years agowewere given

asetof falseteethtosell.Wewerenot at all sure how to price thisitem, so when we got a prospec-tive buyer, we asked for a dona-tion and lo and behold we re-ceived a very generous dona-tion!

Who is your clientele?Most of our clients are local

peoplewho love coming in to seewhat bargains they can find.Holidaymakersand“theswal-

lows” are frequent shopperswhen they’re in Hermanus.

Whatareyourmostpopularitems?Clothing sells exceptionally

well. We can always do withmore nick knacks and cookingutensils.

Where does the money goto?All monies raised go to our

kennels in Steenbras Streetwhere we have up to 60 dogs andanother 40 or so cats, all lookingfor homes.We also treat sick and abused

animals who are brought to ourclinic.Wesubsidise the fees of our in-

digent residents whose animalsare brought to us.

Do you collect?If anyone has goods to donate

tous,wewill gladlycollect them.You can telephone us at the

shop on 028 312 1800 or at thekennels on 028 312 1281.

Marie Lucas recently turned 82 and is one of the oldest volunteersat the HAWS shop. She is always keeping busy arranging andsorting through stock. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

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9HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


Vrouvandie JaarToekenningDie finaliste virVrouvandieJaarvir dieBurge-meesterstoekennings was:

Zaan Cilliers: Sy is die steunpilaar van Pikke-wyntjie Pre-Primêre skool en die gemeenskap inMooi Uitsig. Sy doen fondsinsameling vir die skoolen rykindersmet die skoolbusvan sover asPringle-baai aan. Sy bestuur die skool volgens Christelikebeginsels.Sy ’nstreng maarbemindeonderwyseres.Corrie Gerber: Sy nader namens Siyabulela Pre-

PrimêreSkool familie envriendevirborgskappevirdie skoolfonds. Danksy haar is daar tans 20 kinderswat gratis onderrig ontvang. Sy is ook behulpsaammet fondsinsameling, maak konsertklere en doennaaldwerk. Sy het ook kospakkies aan werklosesvoorsien.Annelie Jonker: Sy bestuur ’n winkel waar goe-

dere verkoop word ten bate van BARC. Die winkelbestaan steeds en onder haar leiding is meer as 200hondeinMaskhaneenBlomparkgesteriliseerenhetsy ook ’n webtuiste vir BARC geskep.Hannie Morgan: Sy werf donasies en reël Kers-

partytjies vir minderbevoorregtes. Sy hou ook toe-sig oor die skool se sokkerspan tydens toernooie.AsversorgerbyOnrusManorissybaiegewildonderdie inwoners.Vuyiswa Pike: Sy is die bestuurder by die RDP

Onderrigsentrumensien toedat sowat 480 skoolkin-ders in Zwelihle en Hawston daagliks kos kry. Syoorsien ook ’n sopkombuis waar tussen 60 en 100kinders en werkloses sop en brood kry.Ilze Smith: Sy werk as vrywillige onderwyser by

’n kleuterskool in Mount Pleasant. Sy het ook virelke leerder ’n serp,mussie enhandskoene geskenk.

Sy het as voorsitter van die Hermanus Dierebesker-mingsvereniginggeslaagomnouesamewerkingtus-sen verskeie organisasies te bewerkstellig, is be-hulpsaam by die K9-honde-eenheid, besoek pro-bleemareas en hanteer klagtes vandieremishandeling. Sy voorsien ook haweloses vanvoedsel, klere en komberse.LeanTerblanche: Sy is ’n direkteur van die Sok-

kerfederasie van Suid-Afrika en die Grootbos-Fede-rasie. Sy bestuur ook ander gemeenskapsprojekte.Sy het ook die “KLM South Africa Woman Who In-spires Change” toekenning gewen. Haar droom isommense tebemagtigomwegtebreekvanarmoede.3de Plek - Dinah Johnson:Sy is ’n afgetrede leerkrag van Hawston Primêr

wie se passie vir kinders haar nie toelaat om stilte sit nie.Op 70-jarige ouderdomgee sy steeds ekstraklasse aan kinders en bied ook hulp aan omhul vor-dering te verbeter. Dié dame besoek ook siekes indie gemeenskap en bied haar hulp en bystand aan.2de Plek - Stefné van Dyk:Sy is ’n bekwamemusiek-deskundige wat sonder

vergoeding opheffingswerk doen deur middel vanmusiek. Sy en haar gade spandeer groot bedrae geldop ’n verskeidenheid musiekinstrumente soos kita-re, blokfluite, en marimba’s. Haar musiekstudentehet al by verskeie feeste en ander geleenthede opge-tree. Haar marimba-orkes het byvoorbeeld deelge-neem aan die Internasionale Marimba-fees in Jo-hannesburg.Wenner - Ena Geldenhuys:Sy is ’n vrywillige verpleegster van Gansbaai wat

haar tyd afstaan om na pasiënte om te sien.Ena vervoer siek pasiënte op haar eie onkoste na

klinieke en hospitale, sorg dat hulle die nodige kosinkry voor hullemedikasie neem en besoek kanker-pasiënte oor naweke en na ure om hulle te monitoren te helpmet aarvoeding. Sy reël ook fondsinsame-lings vir minderbevoorregte kinders en bejaardes.

Certificates for excellenceThe following candidates receivedcertificates for excellence at theMayoral Awards ceremony onTuesday evening at the Civic Cen-tre.

)Chris Adams – As a volunteerhe works at Siyabulela as a handy-man. He is responsible for main-taining the new play area which hecreated.Healsodevelopedavegeta-ble garden at the school. Adams al-soworks amongst the youth to pre-vent them from using drugs.

) Anchelle Damon –- She wasaccepted in Growing the Futureprogramme at Grootbos. As one ofthe top three students, shewas cho-sen to visit the Eden Project inCornwall, England. She is a knowl-edgeable field guide and excellentambassador for Gansbaai. As headcoach of netball for FFSA, she is anexample to youngnetball players ofwhatawomancando if sheputshermind to it.

) Clayton Francis – He notedthat therewasno adequate fire pro-tection services. He equipped hisown vehicleanddevelopedatrailerwith a pump hand hose. With agroupof locals he formed thePring-le Bay Volunteer Fire Fighters.With private funds raised they de-veloped a better equipped fire serv-ice and lend valuable support dur-ing devastating fires. He is also ac-tively involved in anti-poaching.

) Theo and Angie Krynauw –Theystrive touplift youths trappedin poverty and confined existenceand decided that involvementshould result in more than cosmet-ic interest and superficial support.They established the trust and sup-port of the principal and staff ofQhayiya. They generated financialsupport for tertiary education, as-sisted two pupils at South Africanuniversities and are hoping to sup-port another 25. They also attend to

medical and emotional needs,physical depravation and spiritualhunger.

) Lesley Richardson – As exec-utive director of the Flower ValleyConservation Trust, she promotesthe need for early childhood learn-ing (EDC) as foundation for conser-vationandcommunityworkandse-cured a contract with Departmentof Social Development for centre-based ECD facilities.

) Jason Stonehewer – He is anactiveparticipant innatureconser-vation and conservation of marineecology. At own cost he bought andset up a small building in PearlyBeach as a marine information ki-osk, where a large variety of shellsfound our coastline can be viewed.He gives environmental educationtalks and conducts informativeguided hikes, free of charge, alongthe coast from Die Dam to Her-manus.

) Tommy Volkwyn – Since hisappointment as principle atGansbaai Primary there were lotsof positive changes at the school.An administrative unit and schoolhall were built and classroomswere also upgraded. He is also veryclosely involved with and supportsthe development of sport and cul-ture, a marimba band, choir andEcho Club. He is also makingprogressinworking withWoodlearPrimary School of Durham in Eng-land.

) Frikkie Zeelie – He was in-strumental in the opening of a soupkitchen and ensures that all kitch-en equipment and ingredients bedelivered to the centre. He ensuresthat local dogs of Beverly Hills re-ceive a meal five days a week. Hewas responsible for opening thecrèche in Beverly Hills. He also ar-ranges Christmas parties for chil-dren from Gansbaai.

All the winners and final­ists: Front row: Sherainevan Wyk, Annelie Jonker,Dinah Johnson, EnaGeldenhuys, Corrie Gerber,Mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie, Zaan Cilliers, Han­nie Morgan and Ilze Smith.Back row: Stefné van Dyk,Duncan Heard, FrikkieZeelie, Clayton Francis,Theo Kreynauw, Jack Bold,Chris Adams, Lesley Rich­ardson, Tommy Volkwyn,Anchelle Damon andJoseph Strider, who re­ceived the certificate onbehalf of Lean Terblanche.Absent were Vuyiswa Pikeand Jason Stonehewer.FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

EnvironmentalawardsThe environmental awards wentto the following three people:

) Sheraine vanWyk – She es-tablished the Eco-Learning func-tion atWhale Coast Conservationand introduced WESSA Eco-Schoolsprogramme.Sheinitiatedschools’ participation in eventsand provided the environmentaleducation component of the BlueFlag Beach programme.

)DuncanHeard – He is chair-man of the Fernkloof AdvisoryBoard and did exceptional workwith regard to the Integrated En-vironmental Management Plan,working with municipal staff,membersof theFernkloofAdviso-ry Board and consultants.

)Winner - JackBold –Hehasworked at the Fernkloof nurseryfor 14 years and built it into an in-

digenous nursery, stocking 250different species.Heupgraded theabandoned Fernkloof Gardens,built a fragrance garden and cre-ated a memorial drinking foun-tain.He was the initiator of the idea

of an arboretum, created a fynbosgarden to act as screen and de-signedamountainwater reticula-tion project.

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10 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


Kom maak ’n verskilOm meer te doen as wat van jou verwagword – dit is waaraan uitnemendheid ge­meet word. Dit gaan oor elkeen wat daar­die ietsie ekstra doen, wat dalk as alle­daags beskou word, wat wel ’n groot im­pak op die gemeenskap of omgewing kanhê.By die Burgemeesterstoekennings Dins­

dagaand is juis sulke mense vereer vir diepositiewe verskil wat hulle maak.Soos dr. Piet Croucamp tydens ’n toe­

spraak in Hermanus ook tereg gesê het:“Hou op kla en probeer eerder self ietsdoen. Mens kan nie verwag dat die rege­ring of plaaslike owerhede soos die muni­sipaliteit vir alles moet pa staan nie.”In plaas daarvan om te sit en wag dat

dinge verbeter, raak eerder betrokke enprobeer om self ’n verskil te maak – hoeklein ookal. Passie, liefde enomgee is eint­lik al wat dit kos. Of jy nou help by ’n sop­kombuis, help met onderrig, na pasiënteof oumense omsien of help om die omge­wing te bewaar, daar is orals altyd hulpnodig.Dus, kom skep saam ’n kultuur van pas­

sie, liefde en omgee en raak op een of an­der wyse betrokke om dieOverstrand (ónsgemeenskap en óns omgewing) ’n beterplek te maak. Ons kan!

Aan al my pasiënteHiermeewil eknetgraagvireenenalmalbaiedankie sê vir al die oproepe, e-posse, brieweens. gedurendemy siekbed en amputasie vanmy been. Dit is vir my ’n riem onder die hartom te weet dat daar nog soveel belangstellingen meegevoel is. Ek is weer op die been (indie rolstoel). Daaromwil ekgraagaanualmallaat weet dat ek weer voltyds praktiseer toteen-uur smiddae. Nogmaalsmy opregte danken waardering.


Youths throwrocksoncoastal pathI am a permanent resident of Vermont.Last Saturday (23 August) at about 15:00, I

was taking a walk from Vermont to Onrusalong the coastal pathwhich runs outside theedge of the camping fence.I decided to sit for a while on the second

last bench and enjoy the view, when all of asuddenIheardaloudbang. ItwasalargepieceofrockthrownatthefencerightbehindwhereI was sitting.I stood up, startled, turned round and could

only see dense bush to the one side behindthe fence. Suddenly I heard loud laughter andthree young (about thirteen years old) boysran out, shrieking, and throwing pieces ofrock at the fence andmyself. Some even cameover the fence.With much laughter they then took off on

their bicycles into the camping terrain.I find it bad enough to be pelted and bom-

barded with rock pieces. As a senior (I am 81years old) I have to walk with a stick. I findthis kind of behaviour by young boys a signof contempt for an elderly person. (Theseyoungsters are known by the lady gate war-den and should be reprimanded.)


‘Nederig dankbaar’ oor reaksie oor BasjanVan my kant af wil ek ook net graag baie,baie, baie dankie sê vir die HermanusTimes en almal se hulp, omgee en diemee-leef toe ons hond Basjan wegraak.(Vermis Hermanus Times 21/08/2014).Basjan het Saterdag 16 Augustus onge-

veer 11:00 weggeraak. Ons het van dieStrand na Caledon gery. Basjan was saammet ons ander groot honde agterin en onsvermoed die groot honde moes die ruitoopgestoot het en hom so laat uitkom het.Ons vermoeddithet tussenHouwhoekpasen Caledon gebeur.NáBasjansestorieindiekoerantenoral

oor sosialemediaversprei is, is hyVrydagná ses dae in gure weer, gevind.’n Mens voel nederig dankbaar oor al-

mal wat gehelp het en wat werklik besorgwas.Datmensewatonsniekennieengeenpersoonlike gewin daaruit kan put nie, so-veel gedoen het, was vir my ’n riem onderdie hart. Ek het ook uit hierdie ervaringgeleer dat ons nie moet vaskyk teen dieoorweldigende negatiewe nuus waarmeeons elke dag gebombardeer word nie. Dit

veroorsaak dat mens jou geloof in die sa-melewing verloor.Basjansegebeurehetmygeleerdatdaar

nog soveelmooi en omgee tussen diemen-se in ons gemeenskap is. Ek is werkliktrots om deel te wees daarvan!Anna du Toit en haar man van High Ri-

singhetvirBasjangevind.Hullehet gevradat ons die R1 000 beloning aan die Diere-beskermingsvereniging skenk, wat onsbeslis gaan doen.


Marchan en Cheyennesê dankieNamens die familie in Frankryk en al syvriende in Hermanus wil ons ons opregtedank uitspreek aan Wendy van HermanusGrooming&Kennels enalhaarpersoneelwatsaamgewerk het om ’n huis en nuwe familiete kry in Brackenfell.Ons kry weekliks fotos van Marchan en

Cheyenne en met 1 000 m² speelplek en tweeseuntjies wat met nat soentjies wakker ge-maak word vir skool, is ons dankbaar.Marchan en Cheyenne was Jifa se “pride

en joy” – sy enigste familiehier inHermanus.“Jifa is smiling down on you”.Onswil virWendyenpersoneel baiedankie

sê vir al die liefde en sorg en al die stappies.Vir hierdie mense is dit nie net ’n werk nie,dis hul passie.Baie dankieTOM, GUIDITTA, PIERRE DU PLESSIS,JOHAN EN SUSAN, NOEL EN BETH.


DAAR IS ’N WIND WAT WAAI... “Ek weet wanneer die noordewind waai, dangaan lê my skape.” FOTO: IZAK KENNY, HERMANUS HEIGHTS

Who watches over the whale watchers?I followed the recent debate in the HermanusTimes regarding boat-based whale-watchingwith interest and in broad terms agree withthe opinion that, provided the proper regula-tions are observed, the whale-watching boatsshould not have any negative impact on thewhales, their behaviour or their numbers vis-iting Walker Bay each year.I have spent many years watching and ap-

proaching wild animals by vehicle – both asa safari guide and a frequent visitor to wildplaces – and my experience is that animalsvery quickly become habituated to the pres-ence of vehicles, provided the approach isdone slowly, the animals are always allowedto move away if they want to and are neverharassed or chased.Iamsure that thewhalewatchingoperators

inHermanus follow these logical,well-knownprocedures.My concern is that twice in the last few

weeks I have spoken to touristswho have hadbad experiences on a whale-watching boat.The first instance involved a family from

the Middle East. They were with two veryyoung children – perhaps four and six yearsold. (I wonder, is it appropriate for childrenof this age to be allowed on a whale-watchingboat under any circumstances?).The weather on the day in question was

poor; it was raining and it was windy.During the trip the sea became so rough the

passengers were all instructed to go into thecabin for their own safety. By now the chil-dren were feeling sick and terrified and theboat was rocking wildly.

Descending to the cabin down a slipperystaircase, the father very nearly lost his gripon his son. There were not enough seats inthe cabin for all the passengers, many ofwhom were sea-sick.To make matters worse there were no sea-

sick bags and the two children both endingup vomiting on themselves, their parents andthe floor of the cabin.At no stage did any member of the crew

come into the cabin to make sure the passen-gers were comfortable.Last week I spoke to a group of twelve Ital-

ians who had been out that morning on awhale-watching trip.Their English was not good so I did not get

all the details but they made it clear they hadalso had a bad experience. Again the weatherhad been wild, wet and windy.On the outward journey the waves were

huge and most of the passengers were fright-ened and sick. They were shown two whalesbut by that time they were all beyond caring.Moby Dick could have been doing cartwheelsacross the ocean, no-one would have been inthe least interested.OnThursday lastweek one of the operators

cancelled their nine o’clock departure be-cause they felt sea conditions were not good.At precisely the same time, another operatorwent out with a fully-laden boat.I understand completely the financial pres-

sure on the boat operators; they need to max-imise their revenues during the relativelyshortwhaleseasonbut this financialpressureshould never override the safety and well-be-

ing of their passengers.Surely there needs to be an independent au-

thority (perhaps the Harbour Master?) whomakes the decision each day about whetherseaconditionsareappropriateandsafe for theboats togoout.Andbeyond the issueof safety,the boat operators have a responsibility totheir passengers.I also hope that someone in authority is

checking that the boats are not going outwithmore than the stipulated number of passen-gers. I hasten to add that the vast majorityof tourists I speak towho have been onwhale-watchingtripshavehadwonderfulexperienc-es – even with the operator in question. (Infactmost tourists can’t really recallwhich op-erator theyhavebeenwith, unless, as in thesetwo cases, it has been memorable for all thewrong reasons.)Given that Hermanus relies so heavily on

its good reputationas awhale-watchingdesti-nation, it is vitally important that the highestpossible standards are maintained.When the whale-watching boat operators

accept payment from their passengers, thisshouldbeaguarantee of safety andwell-beingaswellasanacknowledgement that theopera-tor intends meeting the passenger’s expecta-tions for an enjoyable experience.I recognise that any genuine wildlife en-

counter is, by its very nature, unpredictableand that taking people out to sea in a boat al-ways carries some risk and that sea condi-tions are notoriously changeable, but thesefactors cannot be used to disguise or excusedoubtful practices.Iwouldurgeall thewhale-watchingboatop-

erators to act in a responsible manner at alltimes, irrespective of any financial consider-ations.At the same time, I would ask those with

the necessary authority to make sure thatsafety regulations are always observed andthat passengers’ well-being is paramount. Idread the day when the news hits town that,awhale-watchingboathas,asaresultofa fool-hardy decision, met with misfortune.


ZolileNqayi,director:communicationsof theDepartment of Environmental Affairs an-swers:This department is responsible for the per-

mittingofboat-basedwhalewatching(BBWW)inSouthAfricaandhasstringentpermit condi-tions, to not only ensure the safety of passen-gers, but also for the protection of the environ-ment and species, which is our primary man-date.All operatorsareboundbyaCodeofConduct

obliging the operator to brief clients onall safe-ty procedures before going out to sea.This includes weather conditions on the day,

and weather conditions likely to be expectedduring the period for which the booking willbe made.The permit holder must operate in weather

conditions suitable forBBWWwithdue regardto the relevant laws in respect of sea conditionsand safety.The permit holder is also requested to inform

the land-based safety officer before going to seaand on return and to remain in continuous ra-dio contact while at sea.

Jaco en Miemsie Davel se seun Christiaan(7) en Basjan.

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) The pedestrian robot outside Pick anPay out for more than a week. Whatis the traffic dept’s problem, can’t theyfix it?Neville Michaels (Director of ProtectionServices) answers: This robot was fixedon Monday morning and is now fullyoperational again.)As a first time visitor to the HermanusStationCentrea fewmonthsago, I couldnot help to notice the professionalismof the security staff on duty. First I waspolitely informed of the special parkingarrangement. On moving through thecentre, I was approached by anotherto inquire if they can be of any assist­ance. This was very comforting as theyseemed to be everywhere. I can nowsay that the Hermanus Station Centreis my first choice when it comes to shop­pingdue to this veryprofessional securi­ty staff. I would like to congratulatePegasus Risk and Security on makingthis a delightful experience visiting theHermanus Station Centre.)Baie gelukmet die uitstekende artikeloor Piet Croucamp se praatjie tydensdie Kalfiefees. Elke leser wat nie diepraatjie kon bywoon nie kan deur dieartikel ’n perfekte opsomming kry vandie oggend se praatjie. – CHRISTINE)A big thank you to the very kind ladyandgentlemanwhoassistedmeonSun­

day 24 August after I tripped and fellover the carpet at the entrance to stationshoppingmall.Yourcaring isverymuchappreciated and hopefully manage­ment will see this and realise that theyneed to do something to ensure the car­pet lies completely flat at all times. –WENDY)Recentlywe lostamemberofour fam­ily during the night. The exceptionalgentleness, patience and caring shownto us byNatascha and the staff of “Nas­cha” funeral services was incredible.Thank you so very much Natascha, wedo appreciate it.– MOIRA H) Barefoot Cook’s Mari­Clare will bekept on the hop (and busy at the hob)when her popular restaurant reopens.The clientele when encountering eachother, on the cliff path, at the supermar­ket, wherever, agrees it has been a verylongwinter.Wehavemissed the conviv­ial atmosphere and the great fare. Rollon September. – DORIS PIENAAR,VOËLKLIP)Ekwas Vrydagoggend byHermanusLaerskool se big brag. Wat ’n puik by­eenkoms, dankiemeneer Cilliers en on­derwysers. Dis wonderlik om deel tewees van so ’n fantastiese skool!–TROTSE OUER)Many thanks to the chap at GatewayCentre who noticed I had left my keys

in the boot ofmy car and kindly handedthem in to the chemist. My car contentscould be gone if it was not for you. ABig thank you. – VICKI)Thank you to Jacques of XpandaHer­manus for excellent and friendly serv­ice. Meeting your installation date twodays early Jacques was a lovely sur­prise.– KATHY, ONRUS)Het vandagbydie riooltrok verbyge­ry.Wat ’nonaangenamereuk.Noukanek verstaan hoekom die trok altyd sojaag in Fisherhaven se strate. Hy pro­beer vir die reuk wegjaag. (lol))Due toa sudden,bad,medical shock,I was admitted into Hermanus provin­cial hospital last Friday! I was extremelyimpressedwith the very helpful, friendlystaff who went out of their way to helpevery patient! Also, the extreme cleanli­ness is fantastic! Keep it up guys!–GARY LANCELLAS) Hoe lekker as jou landlord sê jy kanvolgende maand net die helfte van jouhuurbetaal omdat jy so ’ngetrouebeta­ler is. Mens kry nog bitter goeie land­lords!) Who were the winners of the meatcompetition?– VALERIE) I am 73, woke up this morning sodizzy I could not stand up, could noteven keep water down and tummy up­set. I can’t afford R385 for a doctor. Justtook my blood pressure pills and laydown. My daughter tried to phone adoctor, but was told to go to hospital.I don’t knowwhat itwas, but I am feelingbetter. Just rested and drank fluids.)Where are all the dresses gone? Sat­urday inSomersetMall andeverywom­an had pants on, young or old. Therewas one ladywith a skirt. Dress so femi­nine.– GRAN) Mooi man! Nou slaan OM se warekleure deur. Glo my dit is net die begin.– JP

) Pathetic, really, Council cannot keepmaking excuses for huge potholes andsand roads in Sandbaai. – JILL ROS­SOUW)Die Raadslid se antwoord ivm Sand­baai se probleme met paaie, is onbe­vredigend en negatief. Moenie altydkiesers se kwellinge probeer wegpraatnie, doen iets daaraan! Sandbaai ver­dien beter. – JULIAN AGENBACH) Aan die brandweerman: Wat dinkjy van jouself en die staat se voertuieom so te jaag in die strate van Hawstonen sirenes aan te sit? Jy doen dit nieeers met jou eie voertuig nie. Volgendekeer kom kla ek jou by jou werk aan!Watas jy ’n kindomrydeur jougejaag?Dis nie jou voertuie nie. Behandel ditmet respek. Dit is noodvoertuie, niespeelgoed nie. – ONTSTOKEHAWSTONER)Beinga residentofMacMillanHouse,it was an appalling site to see how dirtyour pavement is and the grass not beingcut. Also rubbish not being removed.What a lovely site for visitors and alsothose from the outside, must they think?Hoping something will be done in thenear future.) Can the municipality please explainwhy theymowed theopen field inOnruswhile it was blooming with daisies andthegrasswasn’t even long?–UNHAP­PY LOCAL) In the article Speeding offences inHermanuson thedecline refers:Offenc­esonadecline,becausenobody is trap­ping in Westcliff Road, which is still arace track. – LZ) Speeding offences on decline or justlot less policing – hardly ever see speedtraps on Main Road any longer?) ’n Week gelede was daar ’n skryweoor die gate in die paaie in Onrus endie Rabie swembad se ingang en uit­gang wat ’n testament is van die onver­moë van die raad.

Ekwil ’n hoopuitspreekdat die raadsle­de hulle pligtemoet nakomennie truuksuithaalomdieprobleem te ignoreermetdie hoopdat daarvan vergeet salword,net soos die vullis­depot ’n seer­oog virons buurt is.– ANDRÉ, VERMONT) The Kleinmond police needs to getupdated on the street value of highgrade indoor marijuana. It sells at any­thing from R60 to R200 a gram witha conservative yield of 100 grams perbush, putting the value of themarijuanaat a conservative street value ofR940 000, not a paltry R40 000.–NICK SWAZI) Ek was verlede week by ’n bank inHermanus. Ek moes lank in die tou bydie kassiere staan om gehelp te word.Teleurgestelddatdaarniebankies isomop te wag nie.Geen rolstoelvriendelike kassier nie.Swanger vroue en gestremdes moetmaar staan en wag... Swak!)Sommige hardewarewinkels en kwe­kerye verkoop kompos wat uit onkruidbestaan. Die inwoners van Hermanus,moenie die kompos in hul tuin inwerknie. Dit is gemors. – TUINLIEFHEB­BER, VOËLKLIP) I am a state pensioner and neededa ‘repeat’ script.Myotherchronicmedi­cation I get at clinic, I was told by tworeceptionists, it costs R385 to see thedoctor. Phoned another doctor R360.) Sukkel net ek om op naweke deurte komna ’nbekendeseekosrestaurant?Tweedenaweekwatonsbestellingswoudeurbel. Kom sit en wag jy, neem dit40 minute. Hierdie Vrydag weereensgesukkel van 18:00 tot 19:00.Moed opgegee en toe ’n ander restau­rant gebel. Hulle verskoning elke keer“die foon was nie reg op die mikkienie”.– SONJA) Lift needed to Cape Town on 28 Au­gust please. Happy to share cost. Tel:028 312 1663.– ANGELA

It is a disgrace that the Munici-pality is extorting exorbitantfees from ratepayers for septictank removal facilities whenthese residents already pay thesame rates and taxes and sewer-age flat rate fees as main-linesewerage users.

Now we have to pay extra foremptying these tanks and thendo not even have the optionwhether they want to make useof this facility.

It is futher the resident’s re-sponsibility to maintain thetank at their own cost to ensureno underwater ciphering orleakage takes place.

But the reason septic tankscollect more water than the con-sumption, and need to be emp-tied and pumped more often isthat Westcliff (for one), all alongChurch Street, is prone to flashfloods.

The residents have sufferedenormous damage and lossesover the past months due to baddrainageandincorrect floodwa-ter channelling.

Residents across the roadfrom the Mediclinic, PathologyCentre behind the ProvincialHospital and across from Fyn-bosPark specifically are knee-deep in water in their gardens

and in their homes with everyheavy downpour.

Septic drains fill through thetop lid as there is nowhere elsefor the water to go but in theempty tanks.

After each flood the Munici-pality’s corrective action is topile soil in heaps on either sideof driveways to absorb the wa-ter and create a muddy disasteralong the sidewalks of ChurchStreet until the next flash floodand residents must pay to havethe water drained.

Westcliff residents should de-mand to know what the WardCouncillor, Town Planner and

Infrastructure Committee planto do about this archaic and ri-diculously costly municipalservice called the Septic Tank.


In the mayoral committeemeetingheldon21August, itwasrecommended to council that tar-iff SE7A1 and tariff SE7A5 beamended with effect from 1 July2014 by revoking the restrictivecondition of a maximum of twovacuum tanker services duringoffice hours per month.By the time of going to print,

the decision takenby councilwasnot yet made public.

Septic tank feesareunacceptable

Hou die geute skoonOmstreeks November verlede jaar het ons gewaar-sku die Kaap sal vanjaar “wegspoel” en dadelik beloom Langfaan om te sê ja, maar die Kaap is nie dieOverstrand nie. “En vat nou maar die jaarliksebrandgevaar-toestande in die Oos-Kaap. Alles is al-tyd erger weerskante van die Overberg.”

Verlede week het Weerhaan ook met ’n halwehart voorspel ons kry die komende naweek mooi-weer. Met die een oog op die donker massa wat inAntarktika kort-kort op reënstorms uitloop en dieander op die Atlantiese hoogdruk wat soos ’n aas-voël wag om oorblyfsels van vogtige lug te versa-mel, was daar ook die angs dat die vog wat so diepsuid gehaal word, dieper noord gevoer kan worden die hele weskus onder stormreëns kan deurloop.

Ons besonderse ligging “tussen oos- en weskli-maat” haal weer ’n hasie uit die hoed. Benewensdie sowat 28 mm wat vanoggend tot elfuur val (enmôre Vrydag nog so 2,5 mm se emmertjie “badwa-ter”virdievoëls),komdiesonnetnádiemiddaguuruitenbly totMaandagbyonswanneerdie leëAtlan-tiese hoogdruk ’n bietjie vog by Gough gaan skep.

Dieekstravogis teminomhardeneerslaeteworden die noordwes nie sterk genoeg om dit heelpadvia Worcester in die rigting van die Overstrand tehou nie. Dan volg nie heeltemal ’n ongewone reak-

sie nie. Baie lug word ingesuig en windrigtings ver-ander gedurig. Die see bly omgekrap met geweldighoë deinings en dreigende wolke word opgebreek.

Die noordwes gooi aanstaande Woensdag finaaldie handdoek in teen die westewind wat later selfssuidwes draai. Die vallende water hou die tempera-ture uiteraard weg van vriespunt af, maar hoog boons koppe kan die vog nie hoër nie en val terug aar-de toe in die vorm van sneeu. Oor die Overstrandsmelt dit voor dit grasperke haal.

In die sonskyndae, môre en Sondag, bly dit rond-om 10 °C, maar in die sonskyndae aanstaande weekkan ons tot 22 °C verwag. Ons koue ure is vandag(Donderdag) rondom 11 vm. en Saterdag ná sonsak,sowat 10 °C.

Weerhaan glo klimaatsverandering skep weers-toestande wat vreemd lyk omdat dit lanklaas gesienis. By baie is daar selfs kommer dat die SuidelikeHalfrond dieselfde paadjie gaan loop as die Noorde-like Halfrond die afgelope somerseisoen. Hou maardie geute en afleivore skoon.

Sunny, but cold weather is expected over the next few days,with temperatures as low as 10°C on Saturday, rising againon Sunday. Monday will be clear and warm with a maximumof 25°C expected.

Droom jy daarvan om ’n joernalis tewees? Besoek ons webblad bywww.hermanustimes.co.zaen laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op.Ons wil jou storie hoor!

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12 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014









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Toast toanddon’t roast TimNoakes

Why the current heat and conflictaround what Prof Tim Noakes is sayingabout some modern diets and moderndiseases?

Here’s my idea on this pressure-cook-er subject: “It could only happen in mod-ern times”. It couldn’t have happenedbefore about 1880, and quite probablynot before 1977.

Simply put, we had not yet inventedor developed the industrial refiningequipment for mass production of stor-age-stable refined grain and sugars.

The relatively modern epidemic ofmetabolic diseases, including Type 2 di-abetes and associated cardiac diseaseshad not yet made an impact on our socie-ties.

Essentially, since the AgriculturalRevolution about 12 000 years ago, weate a modified ancestral diet, self modi-fied forms of hunter-gatherer, coastalforager diets going back further byabout 200 000 years to the days of the An-atomically Modern Man here at the bot-tom of Southern Africa.

Major modern social change, includ-ing mass urbanisation, people abandon-ing farm life, migration from Europe toUS cities still had to happen.

Increasing production and consump-tion of refined carbohydrate, thesmokes-and-drinks aftermath of the’14-’18 war, still had to occur, before thediabetes and heart attack epidemiccould provoke worldwide concern.

In this data, you can see what still hadto happen: By 1929 “heart attack” deathswould rise to 25,7 per 100 000 population,52,2 deaths by 1938, 95,8 by 1945 and 307by 1963. (International List of Causes ofDeaths. prof. Louis S. de Villiers).

By the end of WW2, medical sciencecould cure the old infectious diseasesthat had plagued Man for hundreds ofyears.

Life expectancy was rising, but newkillers, cardiac deaths and diabetes,were making people very nervous. Thedesperate seeking of answers, throughthe 1950s and ’60s, by Ancel Keys andothers, had still to happen.

The really big 1977 switch away fromanimal protein and fats, away from eggsand butter, towards a “macaroni-and-margarine” high carbohydrate diet stillhad to occur.

Ancel Keys’ findings, including theideathatanimal fatscausedhighcholes-terol and heart attacks, were followedand promoted by the McGovern com-mittee on health and nutrition, resultedin the 1977 nutritional guidelines.

This official governmental interven-

tion, not quite forty years ago, sanc-tionedthechangestoourwesterneatinghabits, so radically, so completely anddangerously.

From those conditions arise the mod-ern epidemic of diseases that botherTim. This was the real official abandon-ment of a real original healthy balanceddiet for humans. The use of the word“balanced” to describe diets that flowfrom the “guidelines” is quite wrong.

The number of people diagnosed withdiabetes in the US rose from about 1,2million in 1950, through 5,8 million in1980 to 6,8 million by 1987.

From1994therateincreasesevenfast-er. Curiously, 1994-5 marks the begin-ning of what I call the “Statin era”, thebeginning of giving statin drugs to stopthe body producing its own cholesterol.

The value of cholesterol to our cellstructures, to our hormones, to our ba-sic well-being is seriously distorted ineveryday medicine.

The drive by the pharmaceutical in-dustry, promoting statins to block ourbody’s cholesterol production, suppos-edly to prevent heart attack deaths, hasfurther complicated the modern devel-opment of diabetes.

The message Tim Noakes offers aboutcholesterol management and diets chal-lenges the pharmaceutical industriesinvestment in the marketing of statins.Is this another reason to roast Tim?

The US government’s 1977 nutritionalguidelines jammed open the door fornon-animal fats, in favour of chemicallymodified seed oils, for cereal-and-sugarloaded industrial foods and drinks, likenever before.

The money involved in this businessis almost beyond comprehension.

A walk through a modern supermar-ket reveals that maybe 20% of the spaceis devoted to natural food (fresh pro-duce, meat, eggs and dairy).

Most of the space is devoted to man-made food substitutes, full of chemicalsto preserve, to thicken, to enhance fla-vour or colour.

Thesearenot foods,butverylucrativecommodities.

Marketers and manufacturers go toendless lengths to maintain sales, andthey don’t appreciate the questions thatTim Noakes invites us to ask.

Let us thank Tim, not roast him. Heasks us to think.


(Prof Tim Noakes will be here in Her-manus on 11 September. See the diary onpage 21 for details.)

Illegal loose­runningdogsareamenace toall

I have been a law abiding res-ident of Hermanus for the past24 years and our home has al-ways had several dogs that welove as our pets.

My wife closely followsHAWS on Facebook and active-ly helps to re-home strays.

We also regularly make do-nations to HAWS. But the timeis fast approaching where I willbe forced to defend myself, mywife and our dogs against unru-ly dogs on the loose, whoseowners refuse to comply withthe Overstrand leash-laws.

Any transgression can costthem a fine of R500 for a firstoffence. I daily take my twosmaller dogs for a short walkaround the block.

My wife also takes our biggerdog for a long walk of up to fourkilometres daily, weather per-

mitting.All three our dogs are elder-

ly, over twelve years old.We are both fit and active but

over sixty and still working,which is why our walks withthe dogs are so important to us.

Unfortunately those walksare no longer a pleasure, be-cause we are forced to arm our-selves with whips, tazers andpepper spray to protect our-selves and our dogs against oth-er dogs.

I cannot blame the loose-run-ning dogs, with or withoutowners present, but I do put thefull blame on the owners.

I also want to request the ma-jority of decent, law-abidingcitizens who obey the leashlaws to make their voicesheard.

That is the only way to take

back our streets so that we canall enjoy our walks with ourbest friends again.

My wife has already comeback from a walk covered inblood from dog bites, after dogson the loose attacked myleashed dog while their ownersdid nothing.

Remember lady your poodle/small friendly doggie maycome to harm if it attacks mydog and the blame will be yoursnot mine.

With reference to the SMSs(HT 31/07/2014) and (HT07/08/2014):

Jean, I totally agree, taze theowner, not the dog.

I will say to Angels P and M:Please do not hide behind reli-gion and get the proper storybefore you criticise others.


You’re probably thinking: “Ar-ghh!Notanotherdogpoohletter!”and I don’t blame you.

I believe, however, that this in-cident was quite serious and thatit’s in the public interest to be in-formed of it. To the rude womanImetontheVOScoastalpathnearJan Rabie’s pool at about 17:30 onFriday 15 August:

I am a 65-year-old, semi-retiredprofessional man living in Ver-mont. I walk along the coastalpath at least three or four timesa week. Like many other people,I carry a walking stick.

I have come across you, in thesame area, twice over the past sixweeks or so. On both occasions Ihave been subjected to unpro-voked aggression from your verylarge, black and white, unleashedGreat Dane. He growled, baredhis teeth and on one occasioncame up behind me and bit thefabricofmyjacketabovemyrightelbow, his teeth just grazing myskin. Your response on both occa-sions was: “Sorry, it’s your stick.He doesn’t like sticks.” Althoughthese incidents irked me a little,I avoided confrontation and didnot take the matter further. Verypoor judgement, as it turned out.

I love dogs. I have a liberal ap-proach to dogs on paths and on

beaches; I believe they should beallowedtorunfree,providedtheyare well-socialised and properlytrained. Your dog is neither. Howmany other stick-carrying walk-ers has he threatened, upset andpossibly frightened? Clearly,madam, your dog should havebeen on a leash.

Now, on to Friday afternoon.Once again your unleashed dogcame at me aggressively. I turnedon him with uplifted finger andsaid, “Don’t you dare!” He backedoff. Once again, your responsewas: “Sorry, he doesn’t likesticks.” I turned and walked on.

Thedogcameatmeagain,moreaggressively, twice, from behind.I was obliged to turn and raise mystick defensively. The third timeI walked away he came at meagain, even more aggressively. Ihave no doubt that he would haveattempted to bite me. That iswhen I turned and whacked him:once, fairly hard, with my light-weight, rubber-tipped, cane hik-ing stick.

Of course people get highlyemotional when their pets are in-volved, but the torrent of vile in-vective that spewed from yourmouth was uncalled for and trulydisgusting. I foundyour languageextremely offensive and insult-

ing. What a pity that your youngdaughter had to witness your ap-palling behaviour.

The incident was very distaste-ful indeed. I walk for exercise andthe peace it brings me. No-oneshould ever be subjected to anysort of aggression from a poorlysocialised, uncontrolled dog, cer-tainly not on a public walkway.Your dog should be on a leash, atalltimes.Iregrethavingtowhackyour dog. More than that, I resentit – it should not have been neces-sary.Youhaveshownatrulystag-geringlackofconsideration,com-mon sense and decency.

Iwillcontinuetowalkalongthepath, with my walking stick. Ifthis sort of thing happens again– and I certainly hope it will not– I will have no alternative but tolodge a formal complaint. And ifyou ever subject me to any moreof your filthy verbal abuse I willmost certainly lay a charge of cri-men injuria against you.

I urge walkers not to make thesamemistakeIdid.Unpleasantasit might be… immediately con-front – and if necessary report –inconsiderate, irresponsible peo-ple who violate your rights inpublic places.


Keepyouruntraineddogsona leash

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13HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


BDC WIRELESS: This licensed Internet ServiceProvider (ISP) offers wireless and fixed lineInternet connectivity as well as a number ofwireless and data­related services throughoutthe Overberg region. Ryno van den Berg,Jubert Vos and Mornè Oosthuizen gives sup­port to their various customers.

VAN VUUREN PHYSIOTHERAPISTS: VanVuuren Physiotherapists in Onrus will bemoving offices on 1 September. They willnow be situated next door to 18 Main Road,Onrusrivi­er. Callthem tobook yourappoint­ment at0 028 316 1577.

Onrus Handelspos Sentrum, ONRUSRIVIERKONTAK NR. 0283161515 / 0283161717

EPOS: [email protected]

SPESIALEaanbiedinge by Onrus

Apteek noubeskikbaar!!!!

Nuwe en huidige lede stuur asseblief vir ons 'n bewys van lidmaatskap deur ditte epos. Die 1ste 100 eposse wat ons ontvang sal 'n Geskenkbewys vir 'n Naweek Wegbreek vir 2 ontvang.

Don't miss out on the SALE of the Year!!!!New and Existing members send us a proof of membership by emailing us.

The first 100 emails we receive will get a Complimentary Voucher for a weekend for 2 adults.LET WEL: Stuur na epos adres, soos aangedui om te kwalifiseer!!!TAKE NOTE: Send to email address as shown above, to qualify.

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16 Main Road, Onrus

028 316 1391









Rheezicht Centre

Main Road

Onrus River

Tel : 028 316 4454

Email: [email protected]



Tel: 028-3163711

1 September we will be

switching to summer

times 7am - 9pm

OK MINIMARK: The OK MiniMark in Onruswill be switching to summer trading hours asof 1 September. The friendly staff will be onduty to assist your every need from 07:00 to21:00. From left are Sophia Plaatjies, ShereePlaatjies, Sharolene Love, Francois Harmsen,Amy Harmsen, Myra Booysen, and managerSteven Murray.

COETSEE VAN ZYL ATTORNEYS: The firmwas established in 2004 and has been oper­ating from Rheezicht Centre since 2012.Coetsee Van Zyl offers expertise on all as­pects of legal matters, deceased’s estates anddebt collection. Sectional title management isanother service provided by this firm. AntonCoetsee oversees litigation and specialises inmunicipal law. Conveyancing and notary arehandled by Hein Fick, Wynand Nortje over­sees debt collections and Loretta Hoffmanhandles administration.

TOTAL GARAGESHOP: Theshop recentlyhad a com­plete makeoverand is now ful­ly stocked witheverydayneeds for alltheir loyal cus­tomers in thearea.

THE HIRE CENTRE: Visit the Hire Centre inOnrus for all your plant and tool hire needs.The staff are Melanie Wessels, Tobie Wessels,Innocent Siyeka, owner Hennie de Wet, An­dré de Jager, Jim Nqashai, Nelson Xhinti,Morris Taji, Jackson Mncekeleli, FransWessels and Leonard Fatjela.

TIPPLES BAR & GRILL: This branch boastspanoramic views of the flamingo­filled lakeand sparkling ocean that will take yourbreath away. The pub is child­friendly andoffer a playground with a custom­made jun­gle­gym. Come enjoy some of their specials,on every day of the week.

Vir enige navrae, inligting en versoekerakende promosies, bel vir Olivia by028 312 3717 of stuur ’n epos [email protected].

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14 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


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) NOTICE OF HAWS AGMThe annual AGM of the Hermanus Ani-

mal Welfare Society will be held at the NGChurch Herman Swart Hall in Hermanus,on 15 September at 18:00. A slide show willbe presented. For more information phone082 856 8391.

) HEALTH & WELFARE AGMThe AGM of Mount Pleasant Health and

Welfare will be held on 10 September at theMount Pleasant Business Centre at 18:00.All welcome.

) LOST LEATHER BAGThis Jekyll & Hide leather bag was found

outside the Midas Earthcote Hermanusshopabout threeweeks ago. Thebag is emp-ty. To ensure the rightful owner claims itback he or she must specify whether therewasakeyringon it ornotandwhat it lookedlike. Phone Natassha on 028 312 3034.

Stripes theeco­cat findsavoiceELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

There are many cats in the Over-strand and there are many catson the internet, but there is onlyone Overstrand cat makingwaves on the internet and that isStripes.

Stripes is an eco-cat and has hisown blog and Facebook page withthe purpose of helping Whale CoastConservation tomake everyone, es-pecially children,moreeco-friendlyby teaching them about conserva-tion and going green.Stripes moved into the Green

House, Whale Coast Conservation'shead office, about a month ago.

At first the team had no ideawherehecamefrom,butsoonlearntthat he belongs to the caretakerswho live on the property.“The first thing he learnt about

the Green House, was where thekitchen was,” says Anina Lee,Whale Coast Conservation’s com-munications manager, who givesStripes his human voice. “Soon hewas just as at home as the rest of thegang.”Dante Campbell, the IT techni-

cian helped to set up a Facebookpage for Stripes and he is quicklymaking a name for himself online.

Healsohasablogwherehesharesstoriesabout theeco-friendly thingshe is learning. (It is dictated byAni-na as he still struggles to type withhis paws!)"Our biggest struggle at the mo-

ment is to reach those childrenwhodo not have access to the internet.His stories are for anyone who en-joys conservation,” said Anina.Stripes is quite content with his

life at the Green House, spending

time in the bee garden, lounging inthe sun, disrupting meetings andlearning more about the environ-ment and then teaching others.

To followStripes’ eco adventures,follow him on Facebook, where hisblogs are also posted.

You can also send Stripes an e-mail at [email protected], especial-ly ifhecanhelpyourschoolorgroupwith conservation.

) Stripes shared some of his fa-vourites with the Hermanus Times.

Favourite place to sleep: Any softplace in the sun.

Food: I will eat pretty much any-thing.

Colour: Green, all the way!Activity: I am quite dedicated to

conservation, but I amstill learningabout all the things that happenshere at the Green House. Like, I re-cently learnt that catching birds isnot a good idea, because taking ani-malsoutofnaturethrowsoff thenat-ural balance of things.Plant: I amnotvery fondof catnip,

but I really like the blushing bridesin my bee garden. I sit there oftento watch the busy bees buzzing. Ihave also learnt that you can't playwith bees. They don't play nice!Animal: Definitely my humans! I

don’t like dogs very much...Your biggest dream in life: I am

hoping to one day be internet fa-mous, like that grumpy one and thesilly one that climbs into boxes.

Stripes the eco­cat teaches humansabout conservation as he learns togo green.

Stripes with his humans, Anina Leeand Dante Campbell from WhaleCoast Conservation, outside theGreen House. (He wasn't feelingvery photogenic that morning.)PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Last weekend dur-ing a training campin Worcester the fi-nal Boland Wheel-chair Basketballteam was selected.Overberg Wheel-

chair Association isvery proud of one oftheir members,Franco (Fix) Smith,captain of the localGreater WhalesWheelchair Basket-ball team, for beingselected for theBoland Team.This is the first

time for an Over-strand player to beselected.The Boland team

departs on 22 September forPotchefstroom to compete in thenational championships. Eachteam member is requested to

raise R500 as theirparticipation fee.

To assist Francofinancially to makethisdreamareality,please contact theOverberg Wheel-chair Association’sproject manager on073 231 7445 or Fran-co on 079 328 4907.

You can deposit acontribution direct-ly into OverbergWheelchair Associ-ation’s bank ac-count: OverbergWheelchair Associ-ation, FNB Her-manus, accountNumber 621 52895789, branch code

200 412.Use as reference the word

Franco and send proof of pay-ment to [email protected].

Off towheelchair basketball nationals!

Franco (Fix) Smith,captain of the localGreater WhalesWheelchair Basket­ball team has beenselected for theBoland Team.

NATURE MATTERS: TheArum Lily Frog (Hyperoliushorstockii) is largely restrictedto wetlands along the West­ern Cape coast. They are of­ten found in Arum Lily flow­ers but are not dependent onthem. They are cream to palebrown on top with a darkerband down the side. Theirfeet and toes are bright or­ange – which they often hideunder their bodies during theday for better camouflage.Arum Lily Frogs are not clas­sified as threatened, but theyare under pressure.


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028 312 2717


31 August 2014

Morning Services:8.30 & 10am led by

Lt. Col. Malcolm Forster

Children's & Youth Ministry9.45am in the hall

Sunday Evening: 6.30pm

'Surprised by Hope' Series'The Hope of Salvation'

Part 5of 6

VERSEKERINGSGENOOTSKAPte behoort, is soos om aan ‘n

In ‘n familie deelmensemetmekaar. Dis ietswatAVBOB goed verstaan. Oor die afgelope ses jaar hetAVBOBmeer as R2.5 miljard in die vorm van spesiale bonusse en verbeterde GRATIS begrafnisvoordele aan sypolishouers toegeken. Die verbeterdeGRATIS begrafnisvoordele* sluit in:

• ‘n GRATIS basiese begrafnis• GRATIS vervoer van die oorledene binnedie landsgrense van Suid-Afrika


FAMILIEte behoort.


enFAMILIE komeerste.Bepalings en voorwaardes geld. AVBOB is ‘n gemagtigde verskaffer van finansiële dienste. VFD 20656.

*Begrafnisvoordele is slegs van toepassing indien AVBOB Begrafnisdiens die begrafnis onderneem.



Free range chicken farmer receives topawardWhat started with a few freeranging chickens runningaround in Jeanne Groenewald’sbackyard, rapidly grew over theyearsandculminated in thebusi-ness Elgin Free Range Chickens(EFRC).

All Jeanne wanted to do original-ly was to provide her family withchicken devoid of chemical en-hancement.Butarmedwithastrongentrepre-neurial spirit andaBScAgriculturein animal physiology and genetics,Jeanne was able to grow her smallendeavourintooneofSouthAfricanpoultry industry’s greatest successstories, whilst making a powerfulcontribution in the drive towardsbeing truly free range.Shewas recentlynamed theWest-ern Capes’ Top Commercial FemaleEntrepreneuratthe2014FemaleEn-trepreneurAwards held atNelson’sCreek by the Western Cape Depart-ment of Agriculture on Friday, 15August.Groenewald was awarded for theall round excellence in which sheruns her business.“I’mhonouredtobereceivingthisaward, although it definitely isn’tan individual accolade. The entireElgin Free Range Chickens’ teamhave played an integral role in the

success of the company,” saysJeanne.In 2000 she established the stateof the art Elgin poultry abattoir inGrabouw, and today she supplies al-most 80 000 free range chickens perweek to leading South African re-tailers, select deli’s and some of theCape’s top restaurants.The company currently providesjobs to290people,manyofwhomare

employed at the abattoir inGrabouw.“It’s important to us to be activein our community and participatein making a better future for every-one, and not just through the excel-lence of our product,” says Jeanne.“We are very much part of a biggerfamily, being the Elgin farmingcommunityandactivelyinvolvedinoutreach and development

projects.”The chickens from Elgin FreeRange Chickens are drug-free,stress-free, routine antibiotic-free,and animal by-product-free.“I would like to thank the DAFFfor recognizing women in agricul-

ture as well as for offering assist-ance to female farmers, by support-ing growth and expansion,” saysJeanne.For more information on ElginFree Range Chickens, visitwww.freerangechickens.co.za.

Jeanne Groenewald from Elgin Free Range Chickens was recently namedthe Western Cape’s Top Commercial Female Entrepreneur. Here she is withher award (middle) together with Alan Winde, Western Cape’s Minister ofEconomic Opportunities and Joyene Isaacs, Head of Department, WesternCape Department of Agriculture.

Jeanne Goossen on the farm with her free range chickens.

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Marimba­groepasbesteaangewysDie Handevat Marimba Groepvan Kleinmond is weer as die al-gehele wenners van die nie-sim-foniese orkes- (band) afdeling bydie Overbergse Eisteddfod inStanford aangewys.

Kleinmond Primêr se Marimbagroep het dieselfde eer te beurt ge-val. Hulle het ’n cum laude-toeken-ning van 92% in die hoërskoolafde-

ling (die spelers is gr. 6-9 leerders)gekry. Kleinmond het verder pres-teer deurdat Laerskool KleinmondseGraad7A-groepook ’ncumlaude-toekenning ontvang het.Die Handevat Juniors (Graad 1-3)

hetnasowatsesmaandeseonderrigmet hul blokfluit- enOrff-instumen-tespel ’n silwer plus toekenning indie junior-afdeling ontvang.

– Stefné van Dyk

Die orkeslede is agter, van links: Sayola Zungula, Nina Visser, SikhokheleMdladlamba, Noni Afrika, Monelisi Lutshwati, Siya Saul en Lize Visser.Voor is Shaun Bailey en Gilderoy Swartz.

SAFE GIVES BACK: The women at Safe Security gave some of their time as part of their Women’sMonth celebrations to residents of Zwelihle. The employees sponsored the ingredients and in the end theyhad ten big pots of soup as well as bread to share. They are hoping to continue doing something similareach month. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

CAMPUS OPEN DAY: Bo­land College’s satellitecampus in Hermanus heldan Open Day and invitedHigh School pupils to in­vestigate further educati­on and training possibli­ties for 2015. The lectu­rers in attendance wereEwoudt Botes, FriedaLloyd, Audrine Hess, Che­rize de Jager, Le RouxLiebenberg and MarilynErasmus. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Students from Qhayiya HighSchool at the open day.

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HHEERRMMAANNUUSS AANNIIMMAALL WWEELLFFAARREE(fee charged)www.hermanusanimalwelfare.co.za To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092

TINKER -small/med sizeX breed approx8 mth old activefemale, needslots exercise &TLC to settle.

No smallchildren as stilljumps! LAST


Pretty RUBY,a husky Xgiven in

unwanted.She is true toher breed &active, lovingher walks &

exercise.Mixes wellwith other

dogs. 2-3 yrs.

SNAP - he is a real mix,but oh so gorgeous - lookat that alert face! Now 6mths old, came in as a

small pup. Will be quite tall!

JAZZ withhis bright

eyes,abandonedin the yard

with hismate whenowners left!

Socialaffectionatemed size X


PEGGY-SUE stray 4-5 mth old from

Vermont, cute B.Collie/terrier X, looksfor new home. She isso friendly & social.

4yr old PIPPA, a tortoiseshellwith her lovely marking has

been with HAWS for almost ayear. Very chatty & extremely

affectionate. Loves laps!THIS AD IS SPONSORED BY



14 Dirkie Uys Street, Hermanus 7200

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KLEINMOND ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIE­TY: The beautiful Honey B is still waiting forsomeone to take him under his or her wing.He is a most lovable boy. He gets on wellwith his camp mates with a very high levelof tolerance for their shenanigans, but doesnot do so well with meeting new dogs. Oncehe knows them, he really could not be both­ered with them further. Honey B will needsome management, and will thrive in ahome where someone will be willing to workwith him and provides training and lots ofwalks, and perhaps a canine companion ifhe is going to be home alone. Phone Heleneon 073 354 4915 or send an e­mail to lo­[email protected].

IS THERE HOPE FOR NELL?: This is thedoggie that Joyce Rawstorne brought intothe Hermanus Animal Welfare Society fromthe township, after the owners had abando­ned her. HAWS named the dog Nell and sheis really a very sweet and loving girl. She isa typical small/medium­sized cross­breedand about three years old. If anyone is inte­rested, please phone HAWS on028 312 1281.

WANTING A HOME: China is a gorgeousand happy boy, but it’s time for him to findhis own home and loving family. He is cur­rently at Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society(KAWS). This friendly medium­sized dog en­joys his playtime and will love to run aroundin a garden that he knows belongs to him aswell. China is good on a lead and enjoys hiswalks. He is not a jumper, and prefers awarm bed to relax in. He is about threeyears old. Adoption fee and home checkswill apply. Phone Helene on 073 354 4915or e­mail [email protected].

TOP LEFT: WANTS A GOOD HOME: Bil­ly is a six­year­old boy and has been a resi­dent of Kleinmond Animal Welfare Socie­ty (KAWS) for five years. He is an active boywho can jump a standard concrete wall,therefore he will need a home that has ahigh and secure fence. Billy is dynamite in asmall package and will fit well with a familywho is active and can provide him with theexercise he needs. Contact Helene Strydomon 073 354 4915 or [email protected] more info or to adopt him.

Before you adoptWhile owning a pet can be extremely re-

warding, it is important to remember thatpet ownership is also a huge responsibili-ty. As a pet owner you will be committedto providing for all the requirements ofyour pet: food, exercise, housing, groom-ing and veterinary care.

We recommend that you take the time toresearchthespeciesorbreed/crossbreedyouare adopting well before bringing it home, sothat you are positive your choice of pet willbe appropriate for your lifestyle and you arewell prepared for its arrival.

Adopting a pet should never be an impul-sive decision. Animal shelters receive thou-sands of unwanted and abandoned animalseach year, often the result of an ill-considereddecision.

Before you make the decision to become apet owner ask yourself the following ques-tions:Am I prepared to care for a pet for its

whole life?The average lifespan of a dog or cat is about

12 years, with some dogs and cats living until15 or even 20 years of age.

While puppies and kittens are irresistiblyadorable, you will need to be prepared to pro-vide for an adult animal too and, in the caseof some dogs, a much larger animal with con-siderable exercise requirements and a sizea-ble appetite.Can I afford a pet?There are many costs involved with pet

ownership. Upfront costs can include vacci-nation, micro-chipping and sterilisation.However, you will need to be prepared to payfor food, deworming, annual health checks,vet bills, training, boarding, toys and beddingfor the animal.

If an emergency or accident occurs, you willalso need to ensure you will be able to payfor any veterinary treatment required.

Thecostsofpetownershipwillvarydepend-ing on the type of animal you choose. Remem-ber that pets are an expensive addition to thefamily.

Do I have time to care for a pet?Exercise, socialisation, grooming, training

and play are important aspects of pet owner-ship. Some pets will require more of your timethan others. Puppies and kittens require alarge time investment.

You will need to ensure that they settle intoyourhousecomfortably,are toilet-trained, so-cialised and that they are fed, exercised andtaken to the vet when necessary. Adult ani-mals also require a lot of time and care.

Do I live in suitable accommodationwith adequate space for a pet?

Carefully consider the kind of accommoda-tion you will be able to provide to your petnow and into the future before choosing one.Your home size and/or garden size are factorsin determining your suitability as a pet ownerfor certain types of animals.

If you live in a rented property think care-fully before committing yourself to a pet.While some landlords allow pets, many do notand pet ownership may cause difficultiesshould you need to change accommodation.Checkifanimalsarepermittedatyouraccom-modation.

Will apet fit intomy lifestyle andpriori-ties?

Working hours, a busy social life and takingregular trips away are all factors that needto be considered before adopting a pet.

Companion animals thrive on human com-panyandwillalwaysdependonyou.Youmustbe sure that your lifestyle will accommodatethem.

Beforeyouadopt, consider theirspecificrequirement:

Are you prepared to walk your dog every

day? Are you home often enough to keep yourcat or dog company?

Do you have time to give your puppy or kit-ten the basic reward-based training it needs?

Who will care for your pet when you areaway from home?

– Source: www.kaws.co.za

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19HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


You are hereby cordially invited toadvertise in our next edition of FAB!

RSVP: Before 18 September- Stefan Kolver 021 841-4284

Dietary requirements:Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Eateries, Entertainment & Wineshops

RSVP: Before 18 September- Stefan Kolver 021 841-4284


Noodhulp­skenkingaansportorganisasiesSkenkings van sportveiligheidstoerus-ting is Woensdag 13 Augustus deur dieHangklip-Kleinmond Sport- en Kultuur-organisasie (HKSKO) aan verskeie klubsen skole oorhandig. Dié toerusting hetnoodhulpkissies, traumaborde, nekstut-te en skermkussings vir rugbypale inge-sluit.

Kleinmond Primêre Skool, LaerskoolKleinmond, Kleinmond-krieketklub, Klein-mond Sokker, Kleinmond Rugby en Klein-mond senetbalklubwas onder die begunstig-des wat voordeel getrek het uit die geld wat

deur die internasionale kerk-jeugkonferen-sie, Moving Mountains Festival 2014, vir ge-meenskapsprojekte aan HKSKO beskikbaargestel is.Willie August, voorsitter van die HKSKO,

het ook bekend gemaak dat ’n sportdag teenmisdaad op nasionale Erfenisdag (Woens-dag, 24 September) op Kleinmond aangebiedgaan word. Kinders sal kan deelneem aantag-rugby” en sokker. Afrigtingsklinieke salook deur bekende sportpersoonlikhede aan-gebiedword.August doen ’n beroep op plaas-like besighede om die dag te ondersteun.

– SSMA / Fanie Krige

By die oorhandiging was Thulani Ndzishe (Kleinmond Primêre Skool), Vuyisele Spayide (Klein­mond­sokker), Jennifer November (Kleinmond­netbalklub), Franz Mzayiya (ondervoorsitter, SA­FA Overberg), Ayanda Tyala (Kleinmond­sokker), Raymond van Wyk (Laerskool Kleinmond),Stuurman Abrahams (Kleinmond­rugbyklub), Garth Fredericks (Arabella Gemeenskapstrust),Willie August (HKSKO­voorsitter), Solly van Wyk (HKSKO­lid en seremoniemeester) en VirgilAppel (Kleinmond­rugbyklub). FOTO: SSMA / FANIE KRIGE

Plaaslike Sea Scouts dingmee in kompetisieDie Gordon Shield-kompetisie vir Scouts isdie afgelope naweek in Wellington gehou.Dit is die grootste kamp van sy aard en 35

spanne van regoor Suid-Afrika het deelge-neem.Diekompetisie behels verskeie aktiwiteite

en spanne verdien punte deur aktiwiteite tevoltooi.Die Hermanus Scouts het twee spanne ge-

had wat deelgeneem het aan die kompetisie,’n eerste vir die plaaslike Scouts.Die spanne het bestaan uit 16 kinders van

Hermanus, waarvan 15 by Curro Hermanus

skoolgaan en een tuisonderrig ontvang.Vorster & Steyn Prokureurs is die spanne

sehoofborgvir dié geleentheid enCurroHer-manushethulskoolbusbeskikbaargestelomdie deelnemers te vervoer.Die spanne het onderskeidelik 19de en

21ste geëindig.

Twee spanne van Hermanus Sea Scouts hetdie afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan dieGordon Shield­kompetisie in Wellington.Hier is die spanne voor hul vertrek.


Dig in and plant a tree in EastcliffTo keep our open spaces green, resi-

dents of Hermanus and especially East-cliff, are invited to participate in a treeplanting celebration at 10:00 on Thursday4 September in honour of Arbour Day.This year the play park opposite Her-

manusHighSchool inMoffatRd,hasbeenidentified as an area in need of beautifica-tion.All residents are urged to wear casual

clothes and garden gloves, bring along abig bottle of water and “dig in”.Residents in the area are also urged to

adopt one or more trees and ensure that

they are well watered and nurturedthroughout the summermonths. Perhapspeople with boreholes on their propertieswill share the precious commodity.“It is really up to all of us to make sure

that our neighbourhoods and open greenspaces are kept in tiptop condition,” KariBrice, councillor of Ward 3 and organiserof the tree planting day, said.“Remember: The best time to plant a

tree was 20 years ago. The next best timeis now!”For more information contact Brice on

083 650 4206.

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20 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014


Boskloof­boerwoekermetbye, veldblommeenwoordeThys de Villiers is die derde DeVilliers-geslag wat op Boskloofboer – een van die oudste plase indie Overberg tussen Stanford enNapier.

Met sy kamtig-amptelike aftredein 2002 het hy sy saai- en skaapboer-dery en melkery laat vaar en homtoegespits op veldblomme en bye-boerdery. En ook tyd gemaak vir ’nander lewenstaak - om Boskloof sefamiliegeskiedenis deur al die moe-derlyne tot byvolksplanting/binne-koms in Afrika neer te pen.Die verskyning van sy boek Bos-

kloof - ’n Overbergplaas, is Saterdagsaammetalwat ’nboer is indiekon-trei en familiegevierbydiebekendeplaaswinkel, Van Brakelstoor.Die navorsing en skryf (tik-tik

met twee vingers) was ’n taak vanvasbyt. “Boskloof is nou nie in ge-meenskapsbesitofbesonderbekendsoos ’nGrootConstantiaof ’nVerge-legen nie. Gevolglik moet die manwatonderneemomdieherkomsvan’n enkele plaas (en nie eens onderdie vernaamste in die streek nie) opte teken, seker sy kop laat lees? Ofhoe?” sê Thys in die inleiding.Thys se navorsing is mindbog-

gling en ’n bewys van deursettings-vermoë soos dié van die voorgeslag-te wat in die kontrei komvestig het.Veertig tot 60 besoeke aan die Ar-gief. Tien besoeke aan Akteskan-toor, S.A. Bib en Kartografie. TienbesoekeaanCaledon-museum.Tien

besoeke aan verskillende bibliote-ke. 100de ure se opleeswerk.“Maar daar is soveel mooi stories

in ons buurt. Meeste is nie opge-skryf nie, dit is oorvertellinge watbehouemoet bly,” verduidelikThyssy volgehoue passie.Die boek handel oor die vroeë fa-

milies van die area, oorKarnmelks-rivier, Boschvallei, Berggrond, dieversnippering (Overbergse lenings-plase wat onderverdeel is) en na-tuurlik Boskloof en sy mense.Wat dié boek so lekker leesbaar

maak,al ismensonvertroudmetdie

area, is hoe dit geskryf is. Thys ver-tel ’n storie op ’n manier wat sy fynhumorsin uitlig en hy kan ’n dingmooi raaksien en raaksê.Die boek is vol weggesteekte von-

kel-vertellings. Een so ’n vertelling(opbl79) isoorhoehysyvrou,Chris-ta Müller, ontmoet het toe hy des-tydsbydieKWVindiePaarlgewerkhet engehoorhetHoërskoolGimna-sium se Xhosa-juffrou bied aand-klasse aan.Thys se kennis oor die kontrei se

geskiedenis is bo alle twyfel. Sy lief-de vir die streek, en vir Boskloof, isduidelik.Die feit dat omtrent die hele kon-

trei se boere opgedaag het, en sybuurman van Appelsdrift spesiaalsykuierinNewYorkkortgekniphetom die geleentheid by te woon,spreek boekdele.Met die boek sê Thys is sy storie

nou voltooi. “Selfs al was Boskloofnie die oudste plaas nie, selfs al konhy nie op die eerste binnenshuiseswembad aan die Kaap of die besteboer in Suid-Afrika aanspraakmaak nie; en selfs al het hy nie dieoudste meulrat of die hoogste kon-sentrasie Ericas nie, sou ek steedsnie hierdie stukkie aarde vir enigeander wou verruil nie.”Die boek gee mens opnuut waar-

dering vir die geslagte van familieswat die kontrei bewaar, en onthoumens weer die ruêns vol lusern engeelCanolas gebeurnienet sommerso nie.

Christa en Thys de Villiers. Thys se vertelling indie boek oor sy eerste ontmoeting met Christaspreek boekdele oor Thys se vermoë om ietsraak te sien en goed op te som. Hulle is in 1976getroud.

Bedankings is volopin die Dankwoord,veral ook vir dieStanford­seun FransFourie (links), vir sypostitiewe aanmoedi­ging in onseker dae,en Maré Mouton(ook van Stanford)vir die eindredige­ring, indeksering enontwerp van dieboek.

Thys en Christa se kinders en van die kleinkinders: LouisaKruger met klein Sophia, Japie de Villiers, Christine Curtismet ses­maande­oue Victor, Belle en Van Zyl Naudé metklein Ari’el. FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER

Amother dealingwith the ultimate loss of a childCILENE BEKKER

Although it is by nature a very sadstory, the book is not a depressingread.PeterandJamiYeast-Kastner lost

their youngest son, 18-month-oldSam, in a tragic drowning accidentat theirStanfordHills farmon8Feb-ruary 2013.ThebookSamandMe&TheHard

Pear Tree, written in diary format,covers the first year sinceThe.Day.It.Happened (as Jami re-fers to it).In total soul-bearing honesty and

a wry sense of humour Jami writesabout coping with her loss whiledealing with her everyday life aswife, co-runner of the estate andmom of Sam’s two brothers - Alex(now 5) and special-needs brother

Jack (now 7).Sheshares this journeyinsuchan

openmanner, that it makes for cap-tivating reading, and yes, at times,heart-wrenching. Ultimately thebook becomes less about grief andmore about finding a sense of self-fulfilment and drawing on inspira-tional insights to continue dealingwith the cards life dealt her.“What happenedmademe realise

howprecious life is. How importantit is to live in the now!,” says Jami.“The book contains a lot of sharing,and quite a bit of swearing, but I’velearnt to stop trying to please every-one.Now it’s all about family time.”As Jami notes in her foreword: In

this last year I have found faith:faith that Sam is still with us; faithin the kindness of strangers; andfaith in myself and the strength of

our family. I havelearnt that love tru-ly can survive theseparation betweenthis world and thenext.”

) Jami was thespecial guest at theBhuki Café at theHermanus Libraryon Friday morning.Reading her bookyou will find out allabout the signifi-cance of butterfliesin her life. Arrivingat the Bhuki Café,the first thing Jami noticed was thespine of a bookPennington’s Butter-flies, in the shelf right across fromwhere she was sitting.

)Jamiwould like toconnectwith

parents of special needs children inthe area in order to create supportfor parents and fun interactive ac-tivities for the kids. Email her on [email protected].

The book dedication reads “To mylong­suffering husband and ourbeautiful boys. All three of them.”

Jami, little Sam, Jack, Alex and Peter.

Elmara shares herwalk in‘the field of stars’CILENE BEKKER

“Buy shoes two sizes bigger. Buyearbuds to block out all the snor-ing.Usewalkingsticksasit takes34% stress off your knees.”These are some of the tips that

ElmaraWillis shared during hertalk at a U3A meeting at the mu-nicipal auditorium on 14 Augustabout tackling the Camino deSantiagoCompostelapilgrimagewalk.Literally translated this

means Path to (Camino de) StJames (Santiago) in the field ofstars (Compostela).Should you decide to walk the

walk you will be among 280 000others who do it every year.According to the caminoad-

ventures.com website there arefive main Camino de Santiagopilgrimage routes in Spain: theCamino Frances, the Via de laPlata, the Northern Routes, theEnglish Road, and the Portu-guese Road (starts in Portugal).Elmara has walked the long

road, theCaminoFrances,whichstarts in St Jean Pied de Port,France and finishes 780 km laterin Santiago. It took her 34 daysto complete.Now, in October, she is em-

barking on her fourth Camino,this time taking the Portuguese

Road (230 km).Elmara refers to the walk as a

journey of self discovery. “Thecorrect way of doing the Caminois to walk it alone. The first fewdays your head is full of conver-sations and your mind starts go-ing into past worries and sins. Ittakes about 7 days for your headto clear. Then comes the pointwhere you realise you aren’tthinkingaboutanythingandyoustart noticing nature, enjoyingevery moment of where you are.The chattering in your headstops. That’s the magic of theCamino!”“That’s why people keep going

back. It’s verydifficult to explainbut it canbe a life changing expe-rience.”Getting back to basics, Elmara

explained that to walk it, yourbody must be used to regularwalking, at leastanhourperday.During the route you coveraround 25 km per day.She recommends reading eve-

rything you can on the internetabout the various routes, but ifyou want to hearmore hints andtips from Elmara, and how topack a backpack weighing only7 kg, she is hosting a workshopon the first Saturday in March2015. For more informationemail [email protected].

The Camino Frances isregarded as the mostpopular of all the Caminoroutes. It starts in St JeanPied de Port on theFrench side of the Pyr­enees and finishes790 km later in Santiago.

Elmara Willis in front ofthe St James cathedral inSantiago. She is embark­ing on her fourth Caminoin October. If you want toshare in Elmara’s knowl­edge, she will be holdinga workshop on the firstSaturday in March 2015.

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DONDERDAG 28 AUGUSTUS) Borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wetsaalvan 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux:0 028 316 1612.) Probus Club meets every second Thursday atHermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle:0 028 314 1390/073 778 2777.) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday from17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter:0 082 738 7809.) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 atMollergrenRetirementVillage.Allwelcome. FrankMatthee: 0 082 870 1187.) Dienssentrum Onrus­kerk om 10:00. Almal iswelkom om saam te kom fliek: Shall we Dance.Skenkings sal welkom wees.

FRIDAY 29 AUGUST) Tea, coffee and crafts at the Bhuki Café withFriends of the Library. 09:00 X 11:30.) Kolwyntjie­teetuin by die NG kerk Onrusrivier.09:30 X 11:30 vir net R20 (koffie/tee ingesluit).) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 –09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys’ Club.Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731.) Kunsklasse by DeWetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00.Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522.) Brug byDeWetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anne­ke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799.) TheU3Apresents a talk, “UnderstandingGreatMusic”, with the Lutheran Church Cantata in theCatholic Church Hall at 10:00. Barbara Pretorius:0 028 312 1438.) OAK Concert: Piano recital by Pieter Grobler,head of Practical Music Studies at StellenboschUniversity. Civic Auditorium. 15:30. Tickets R100(R50 for scholars) at Bellini Gallery:0 028 312 4988. René du Plooy:0 082 940 4238 have more information.) Laerskool Hermanus bied aan: Songs of NeilDiamond, gesing deur Marius de Bruyn. 19:00.R120 p.p. of R960 per tafel (van 8). Bespreek by:0 028 312 3670 of Leatitia van Niekerk:0 082 294 0408.

SATURDAY 30 AUGUST) Single people, Afrikaans and English: Are yourecently divorced, a widow or widower? Is jy on­langs geskei of het dalk ’n eggenoot of eggenoteverloor? Come and meet people who are in thesamesituationand receiveemotional support, andmaybe even meet a special friend. More informa­tion: 0 076 115 7382.) Light 2014 event for ladies. Sandbaai Hall.08:30 – 12:00. Theme: Ordinary women lovedby an extraordinary God. Tickets R50 (includingcoffee/tea and snacks. More information:

0 028 312 4283 or [email protected].) Solid Gold Swing, a night of swing music byKevin Abbott and Nick Snow. 19:30. HermanusHigh School Hall. Tickets R120. Heté Fourie:0 082 081 9050 or Badisa: 0 028 312 3909.Fundraising in aid of the night shelter.) Sprokkelster­teater: Francois le Roux, dieHA!Man. 19:00. Kaartjies R80. Besprekings:0 082 896 5106/028 316 4567 of 2 [email protected].

SONDAG 31 AUGUSTUS) Sprokkelster­teater: Manuel Escorcio tree op.18:00. Kaartjies R150. Besprekings:0 082 896 5106/028 316 4567 of 2 [email protected].

MAANDAG 1 SEPTEMBER) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal: Maandae08:00 – 09:30; Woensdae 15:00 – 17:00 enDonderdae 08:00 – 09:30. Alida Liebenberg:0 028 316 3994/082 783 5160.) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Infor­mation: 0 028 314 0662/072 230 9179.) Line­dancing,DeWetHall from17:30 –18:30.Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132/028 316 2625.) U3Abied ’n letterkundepraatjie aanmetMadriVictor, “Waarom dit belangrik is dat Adam Smalldie Hertzogprysmoes kry”, om10:00 in die Kato­lieke kerksaal. Barbara Pretorius:0 028 312 1438.) Hermanus Astronomy Centre (HAC) presents atalk on Cosmology on prof Benjamin Schumach­er’s Understanding Gravity series: “Spacetime inZero Gravity” and “Spacetime Tells Matter Howto Move”. 19:00 at Sansa. Pierre Hugo:2 [email protected].) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practisingin the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00.) TouchingHeartsmeets at 18:45 inOnrus.Mar­tin:0 082 438 6008.) The Walker Bay Stamp Club meets at the Her­manus Bowling Club at 17:30. Chrissie vanWyk:

0 028 312 4425.) Launch of Run/Walk for Life. 17:30 at the OldBoys’ Club across from Hermanus High School.Join them every Monday,Wednesday and Fridayafter the launch. Elna Botha:0 072 640 6822 or2 [email protected].

DINSDAG 2 SEPTEMBER) Leeskringbyeenkomsom14:30byFynbospark.Elna Uys bespreek The Garden of Evening Mistdeur Tan Twan Eng. Almal welkom. Maryna:0 028 316 4283.) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 –10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive,Northcliff. André van den Berg:0 072 191 3516.) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae enWoensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight:0 028 316 1491.) Antenatal classes/Voorgeboorteklasse everyTuesday at 19:00 in Onrus. Debby:0 028 316 4880/082 500 2218.) The U3A presents a talk on “Marine pollutionand the effect on sea life” by John Kieser, fromSA Plastics. 10:00. Catholic Church. Gert Claas­sen: 0 083 602 5254.

WOENSDAG 3 SEPTEMBER) Trimgim­klasse by Onrusrivier­dienssentrumvan 10:00 – 11:00. R30 (lede), R45 (nielede).) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kombyeen van18:00 – 19:00bydieGrobbelaarsaal.Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250.) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom by­een om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier.Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998.

THURSDAY 4 SEPTEMBER) Hermanus Astronomy Centre (HAC), monthlymeeting. Deon Krige will present a talk on Astro­photography with a DSLR camera. Venue: Sansa.19:00. Information: 2 [email protected].

) Hermanus Bird Club, monthly morning outingto BeaumontWinery in Bot River. Depart fromOn­rust Trading Post at 08:00. Bring mid­morning re­freshments.

FRIDAY 5 SEPTEMBER) The U3A talk on “Understanding Great Mu­sic” – Passacaglia. 10:00 at the Catholic Church.De Powell: 0 028 316 1251.

SATURDAY 6 SEPTEMBER) Potjiekos competition in the garden of St Peter’sAnglican Church. Fires will be lit from 09:00.Michelle Brink: 0 076 780 4490.) Benguela Manor to host High Tea for a dayof decadence. 14:00. Benguela Cove ManorHouse. R165. Reservations:0 021 944 1041 or2 [email protected].

SUNDAY 7 SEPTEMBER) Jazz on the Lagoon at Benguela Cove and Sun­day brunch. R270. 11:30. Benguela Cove ManorHouse. Reservations:0 021 944 1041 or2 in­[email protected].

THURSDAY 11 SEPTEMBER)Whale Coast 96FM welcomes Tim Noakes tothe Overstrand at 12:30 at Inn AfriKa Events Ven­ue in Sandbaai. He will speak about the bantingdiet followedbyaQ&Asession. Tickets at R75 ppfrom The Book Cottage or theWhale Coast 96FMoffices. Reservations: 0 028 312 2314 or visitthe Whale Coast FM Facebook page.

FRIDAY – SUNDAY, 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER) Funky Fynbos Festival, Gansbaai. Family­friendly festival with outdoor events. Mountainbike races, trail runs, 4X4, fishing, talks andwalks.For more information: visit www.funkyfyn­bos.co.za.

) AGM of the SA Red Cross Society­Hermanus will beheld on 2 September at 15:00 in the United Church Hall,Hermanus. Everyone welcome. Tea will be served after­wards.) Die Bestuur van die Sandbaai­belastingbetalers­vereniging nooi inwoners van Sandbaai uit om hulle teontmoet om 18:00 op Woensdag 3 September by dieSandbaai­saal. Daar is so 30 minute beskikbaar voor diebestuursvergadering om sake te bespreek. Kontak die voor­sitter Deon Beukes: 082 554 8781 of die sekretariaat DavidBotha: 079 4916218.) Notice is hereby given of the AGM of the HermanusAnimalWelfareSociety, to be heldat theNGKHermanSwart Hall, on 15 September, at 18:00. Slide show. Forinfo call 082 856 8391.

STANFORD CLASSICS: Lovers of classicalmusic are in for a treat when musicians fromthe Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestraperform an evening of music for strings andflute at the Dutch Reformed Church, ChurchStreet, Stanford on Friday 5 September at19:00. Tickets R120 per person. Availablefrom Stanford Tourism Office or atwebtickets.co.za.

Palissander, the internationally recognised chamber choir from Pretoria, will be visiting theOverstrand on 1 September and performing a programme called Die Liefde lê at the UnitedChurch, at 18:30. Entry is free, and donations will be accepted at the door.Contact Phil Pienaar: [email protected] or 028 314 1884 / 083 290 6910.

) Saturday markets: The Her­manus Country Market, takes from09:00 – 13:00at the cricket grounds.Die Hermanuspietersfontein kos­en­wynmark viund plaas van 09:00 –13:00. The Market in the Garden atHemel­en­Aarde Village from09:00 – 14:00.) Sundaymarket: The SalandraCountry Market from 09:00 – 16:00on the R43 at the Shell Service Stationbetween Hermanus and Bot River.



JUSTICE DENIED by Dr David Klatzow. If you areaccused of a crime you did not commit, do you be­lieve that justice will prevail in a court of law? Per­haps you should think again. Contrary to what tele­vision series like CSI and NCIS would have one be­lieve, forensic science does not provide instantanswers to impenetrable crimes; in reality, forensicscience is neither clear­cut nor easy to interpret, andpractitioners are not all competent – as renownedforensic scientist Dr David Klatzow proves in thisbook. In Justice Denied, he exposes the miscarriagesof justice resulting from the faulty courtroom testimo­ny of corrupt or incompetent forensic pathologistsand unscrupulous public prosecutors who seek con­victions at all costs. ) Join Dr Klatzow for the booklaunch on Sunday 31 August at the Stanford Hotelat 10:00. Email reservations to reservations@stan­fordvillage.co.za or phone Penny on 082 781 1704.

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LegendaryNissanNP300HardbodyTheNissanNP300Hardbody is anunmistaka-ble legend of the SouthAfrican light commer-cial vehiclemarket. As a thoroughbredwork-

horse or as a style icon, the Nissan NP300Hardbody continues to offer exceptional re-turn on investment.Ford’s range of diesel engines are cleaner

firing for smoother acceleration anddrivabil-ity, resulting in improvedall-round performance andfuelefficiencywithreducedemissions.It alsomeansamore com-

fortable ride with lessnoise, reduced wear andtear, and a decrease inmaintenance costs. TheNissan NP300 Hardbody isconfident on virtually anysurface.The quality finish of the

bodyworkistestedbyfiringdiamond chips at the paint-work, which ensures maxi-mum protection from fly-ing gravel or stones.And an all round E-coat

anti-rust treatment meansthis workhorse can easilycope with extreme humidi-

ty and wet conditions. No matter how toughthe task, the Nissan NP300 Hardbody gets thejob done.

– www.ford.co.za

FordRangerderivative tougher thaneverFord Motor Company of Southern Africa(FMCSA) recently introduced a mine-hard-ened version of its popularRanger to the localmarket.Thenewvariant– theRangerXL-Plus– isanewentry-levelproposition into the line-up while offering a new dimension of tough-ness to the range.It is of particular interest to mining compa-nies, farmers and other business ownerswithvery specific requirements.“TheRangerXL-Pluswasbornoutofparticu-

lar requirements from the mining industry,as well as other business owners whosemainconcerns were rugged capability and impec-cable safety standards,” saysMarkKaufman,vice president ofmarketing, sales and serviceat FMCSA.“The vehicle is already extremely capable,

and bigmining companies have committed tousing only vehicles that have five-star EN-CAP and ANCAP ratings, which Ranger XLTand Wildtrak derivatives boast.”Built at the SilvertonAssemblyPlant in Pre-toria, following a $1,8 million investment,Ranger XL-Plus is now also exported to othermarketswithminingoperations, suchasAus-tralia and New Zealand .With airbags for both the driver and passen-ger, aswell as side impact, curtain, andadriv-er-side knee airbag, Ranger XL-Plus complieswith the safety requirements determined byinternational mine operators.In addition, it has an optional bullbar de-

signed to work in conjunction with the car’sexisting safety systems, thus not compromis-ing airbag deployment.

An extensive list of modifications has alsobeen tested to ensure the Ranger XL-Plus willstand up to the harsh environments seen inmining operations and various other heavyduty applications.External modifications and enhancements

includea frametested foran increased towingload of 3 500 kg, an optional heavy duty frontbumper, extruded aluminium side steps,front mud flaps, and a lockable fuel filler cap.Insideandunder theskin, theRangerXL-Plusgains a Crew Chief mounting bracket pairedto an expanded wiring harness for accommo-datingmoreswitchesandcircuits,aheavydu-ty second battery, vinyl floor covering, andheavy duty seat covers.“Modificationsdeveloped for theRangerXL-Plus came from extensive testing in real-world scenarios,” says Kaufman.“We took feedback from our clients on whatmore they need from the Ranger in applica-tions such as mining, and built a version ofRanger that will take a lot more punishment,as well as offer integration with technicalequipment used on sites.”

Ranger XL-Plus is available in three bodystyles with two chassis cab models in singleand double cab variations, and a double cabmodel with a load box.Drive comes from the Duratorq 2,2 F TDCi

engine mated to a six-speed manual gearbox.All models have four-wheel drive and are fit-tedwith anElectronic LockingRearDifferen-tial.“We’re building the Ranger XL-Plus locally,meaningwe cangive our customers a factory-ready version of a vehicle thatmeets their de-mands.Modifications for this version of the Rangercan be rolled out during production, so cus-tomers don’t have towait for aftermarket cus-tomisations,” ends Kaufman.All Ranger derivatives comewith a compre-hensive 4-year / 120 000 km warranty and a5-year / 90 000 km service plan with serviceintervals of 15 000 km. Customers will alsobenefit from 3 years of roadside assistanceand a 5-year corrosionwarranty as part of theFord Ranger package.


The Nissan ALMERA is available with a 1.5 F petrol engine. The 1 498 cc unit produc­es a healthy 73 kW of power at 6 000 rpm and 134 Nm of torque at 4 000 rpm. Thelow­emission and efficient engine allows the five­speed manual version of the newNissan ALMERA to achieve average combined cycle fuel economy of 6,3 F per100 km, the four­speed automatic variant achieving 7,2. Carbon emissions for bothmodels are 149 g/km and 171 g/km respectively. SOURCE/PHOTO: WWW.NISSAN.CO.ZA

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Twelve cylinders, twin-turbo-charging, 463kW of output and1 000Nm of torque – the new S 65AMG sets the standard as themostpowerful vehicle in its segment ofthe market. Exceptional perform-ance and outstanding dynamism –thesearethehallmarksoftheAMG6,0-litre V12 biturbo engine.

With its reduced fuel consumption,the new V12 sedan is fit for the futureas well. The AMG sports suspensionbased on Magic Body Control comesas standard with Road Surface Scan,theworld’s first suspensionwith eyes.It goes without saying that the S 65AMGofferssupremeexclusivity inde-sign and equipment specification.Two innovations, the head-up dis-

play and the touchpad, represent fur-ther enhancements in terms of com-fort and safety.The S 65 AMG is the only high-per-

formance12-cylinderautomobilefroma German premium manufacturer –and it is a carwith a pedigree: the firstgeneration of the S 65 AMG waslaunched in 2003, with the second gen-erationbeingproducedfrom2006until2013.“Following the successful introduc-

tion of the S 63 AMG in late 2013, weare now proud to bring the new S 65AMGL.Supremeluxuryandincompa-rable dynamism provide the guaran-teeofatrulyincredibledrivingexperi-ence. With the third generation of theS 65AMG,we offer ourV12 customers

a unique and exclusive high-perform-ance automobile,” says Selvin Goven-der, Divisional Manager, Product &Marketing, Mercedes-Benz Cars.The AMG 6,0-litre V12 biturbo en-

gine delivers 463 kWwith amaximumtorqueof1 000Nm–figuresthatenablethe S 65 AMG to outperform all othervehiclesinitssegment.Thissuperiori-ty is highlighted by the car’s perform-ance: the S 65 AMG accelerates from0 to 100 km/h in 4,3 seconds,with a topspeedof250km/h(electronicallylimit-ed). The strengths of the 12-cylinderbiturbo engine from Mercedes-AMGincludeitseffortlessaccelerationinallspeedrangesaswellasitsrefinedoper-ation, with the distinctive V12 soundtypicalofAMG.Inshort: theS 65AMGimpresseswithitssuperiorandstylishperformance.Comparedwith the previousmodel,

fuel consumptionhasbeenreducedby2,4 litres per 100 kilometres (NEDC,combined).Withafuelconsumptionof11,9 litres per 100 km (NEDC, com-bined),thenewS65AMGistheworld’smost fuel-efficient V12 high-perform-ance sedan in terms of power andtorque. The S 65 AMG features asstandard the AMG sports suspensionbasedonMagic body control. ThenewS-Class is the firstcar intheworldableto recognise road surface undulationsin advance. If Road Surface Scan de-tects such undulations with the helpof the stereo camera,MagicBodyCon-trol adjusts the suspension inadvanceto suit the situation. The “Comfort”and “Sport” modes are available for adriver-defined suspension setup.

While AMG-specific elastokinematicson the four-link front axle and multi-link independent rear suspensionmakeforgreaterdirectnesswhenady-namic driving style is adopted, theAMG sports suspension, based onMagic Body Control ensures the pro-verbial Mercedes long-distance com-fort.The S 65 AMG is equipped as stand-

ard with ESP® Dynamic CorneringAssist. Targeted braking interventionat the inside rear wheel results in de-fined cornering of the vehicle and en-sures greater agility when taking cor-ners at high speed. There is no irritat-ing understeer when turning intocorners.Intelligent Drive: new standards in

safetyThe S 65 AMG also sets new stand-

ards in terms of active and passivesafety: what began with PRE-SAFE®ten years ago and continued with Dis-tronic plus is now leading to a new di-mension in driving. Comfort and safe-ty have merged into one. Mercedes-Benz calls this “Intelligent Drive”

New systemsmake the newS-Classeven more comfortable and safer:• RearPRE-SAFE®package (option-

al)• Night View Assist Plus (standard)Aswiththepreviousmodel, thenew

S65AMGisavailableexclusivelywitha longwheelbase.TheAMGV12sedanis introduced with the class-leadingsix-year/100 000 km PremiumDrivemaintenance:S 65 AMG: R2 842 700 (inclusive of


.The AMG 6,0­litre V12 Biturbo engine delivers 463 kW with maximum torque of 1000 Nm – figures that en­able the S 65 AMG to outperform all other vehicles in its segment PHOTO: QUICKPIC

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082 788 3633Lesley

078 365 9506Thaheer

083 381 2571Stefan

079 849 5291Yusuf

071 055 6231Zaahir

078 667 2228

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Urtel Crescent, Somerset Mall, 021 851 5070


R189 9





R184 9


R245 9



R255 9


2014 VW JETTA 1.4 TSI



2013 VW POLO 1.6





1.6 GT


2014 VW POLO 1.4



2013 VW GOLF 1.4 TSI




2012 VW






R389 9


R255 9


2014 VW CC FL 2.0 TDI



2014 VW TOURAN 1.2 TSI









R29 9


2014 VW GOLF 7 1.4








R195 9


2014 VW POLO 1,2





R5 9


2014 VW TIQUAN 2.0





R39 9


2013 VW TIQUAN 1.4 TSI










2014 VW GOLF 7 1.4 TSI







SUPER TOURER:For the 2015 modelyear KTM will add toits Adventure rangeand take it even fur­ther with the newKTM 1290 Super Ad­venture. As its namesuggests, the 1290builds on the current1190 Adventure. TheSuper Adventure fea­tures a bigger engineto increase powerand torque. An unu­sually large fuel tankwill mean longer in­tervals before theneed to stop; perfectfor when the journey is long or so addictive that the rider just doesn’t need or wantto get off the saddle. As with the 1190, the Super Adventure will feature the pio­neering Motorcycle Stability Control (MSC) system. More details will be announcedwhen the 1290 Super Adventure is officially launched at Intermot show in Cologne,Germany, on 30 September. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

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IsuzuKBMidnite Editionavailable soonQUICKPIC

More than 20 224 examples of the 6th gen-eration Isuzu KB have been sold sincelaunch in March 2013. Following on thesuccess of the newmodel, Isuzu is now of-fering somethingmore exclusive – the spe-cial new ‘Midnite Edition’ KB 300 doublecab with a limited production run of 500units.

“ThenewMidniteEditioncontinues Isuzu’sheritage of special models in South Africa.Limited edition vehicles are part of Isuzu’sDNAinour country, and thenewMidniteEdi-tion has the looks and appeal to attract atten-tion on the road and set its owners apart fromthe rest,” says General Motors South AfricaIsuzuBrandManager,MlungisiNonkonyana.“Special design and engineering develop-

ment by our local team has resulted in a trulydesirablebakkie,built just forSouthAfricans,and, with limited production of 500 units, weexpect our passionate followers to receive itenthusiastically.”Midnite themePaintedexclusively inred,whiteormetallic

silver, the exterior of the Midnite Edition isenhancedbyaclassicblack theme frombump-

er to bumper. At the front, a specialised blackbumper guard adds larger-than-life attitudeand is complemented by a black radiatorgrille. The classic black treatment continuesontheflankswithblackmirrorcaps,roofrails,side steps, window surrounds and black 17-inch alloy wheels, and at the rear a standardtow bar sits beneath a black rear bumper. Thespecial design changes are finished off by ablack sportsbar behind the cab complete withMidnite Edition decals, and branded door sillplates.The exclusivity of the Midnite Edition is

sure toenhance theownershipexperienceandset drivers apart on crowded city streets andhighways.Each vehicle receives a special plaque with

theunit’s uniquenumber engravedon it, indi-cating which of the 500 special edition unitsit is. The interior is further distinguished byspecial Midnite Edition carpets.ThreeMidniteEditionmodelsareavailable,

each of which is powered by Isuzu’s proven3.0 F D-TEQ diesel engine with 130 kW and380 Nmon tap and the choice of a 5-speedman-ual or 5-speed automatic transmission with a4x2 drivetrain, or 4x4 with a manual gearboxonly.As with the rest of the Isuzu KB range, Mid-

niteEditionvehicles carrya5-year/ 120 00 kmwarrantyanda5-year/ 90 000 kmserviceplan,with service intervals scheduled every

15 000 km.TheIsuzuKBMidniteEditionwillbeonsale

late in September 2014.

Three Midnite Editionmodels are availa­ble, each of which ispowered by Isuzu’sproven 3.0­litre D­TEQ diesel enginewith 130 kW and380 Nm on tap andthe choice of a 5­speed manual or 5­speed automatictransmission with a4x2 drivetrain, or4x4 with a manualgearbox only.


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Promotion calculated on 2WD 2.0 Manual Ignite - R 321 995Payment Plan includes: Metallic Paint * Renew Tech * 5 year / 150 000 km Service Plan * 5 year / unlimited KM Warranty * Nano Tracker * Delivery Costs * 72 MONTHS * 30 % Residual * No Deposit *

12.25% Fixed Interest * Promotion available on all Sportage Models, payment will vary. T&C's Apply E&OE. Exclusive to Kia Somerset West

Somerset West, cnr R44 & Paardevlei Road, Somerset West

Tel 021 841 4500

NEW SPORTAGE R5 800 p.m.from

1st INSTALMENT in Jan 2015.

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31HermanusTimes28 August, 2014








STEVEN-21/8/2014We would have celebratedyour 21st Crown Birthdaybut you celebrate it withthe angels in heaven. Stillmiss you alot from Figaji &Stevens family



EUSTACE SHAWThe Shaw family wouldlike to extend their heartfelt gratitude to all theirfriends and the Doctor andstaff of Hermanus Medi-Clinic during the passing ofa dear husband, father andfriend.






ALCOHOLICS ANONY-MOUS/ Al Anon. Herma-nus group meetings. Tues-day 19:30 United ChurchHall. Phone 028-3132789/083 412 6856/ 082757 0291 or e-mail:[email protected]

CHRISTELIKE AFHANK-LIKHEIDSBEWEGINGAnoniem. Woensdae 18:00- 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal.Ondersteuningsgroep. Ska-kel Nick 074 890 2250/084548 5871

HERMANUS DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP. Mee-tings on first Tuesday ofthe month. Contact LiezlJordaan at 028 313 0643.

NARCOTICS ANONY-MOUS. Hermanus groupmeetings. Are drugs a pro-blem? Mondays 19:30 Uni-ted Church Hall. Phone 076114 3218.

ONDERSTEUNINGS-GROEP vir Geestesge-sondheid(depressie, skiso-frenie, angs, bipolêre ver-steuring ens). Bloukamerby Fynbospark, Kerkstraat.Elke eerste Maandag vandie maand, 3:30nm. Almal-welkom - ook familie-lede.Navrae Nonnie 028-316 2461, Phil 083 4565017, Elsje 028-3132031/071 853 2106. [email protected].




1st FOR FUNCTIONS.Tables, Chairs, Cutlery,Linen, Co-ordinating of anyevent. Birthdays, Wed-dings, or any celebration.Call 028-313 2792 or 083236 3608.

LA DANéDanielle 072 253 3960

[email protected] FOR ALLOCCASIONS

MY CAKE ANGEL.Cakes/cupcakes for all oc-casions. E-mail:[email protected] Tarryn Geyer:076 154 9612. View:www.mycakeangel.co.za.

SUGAR PLUM Partyshop. Themed cakes, kid-dies, tables & chairs,helium balloons, jumpingcastles etc. Purple shop,across Waltons. CallEstelle 072 401 5913.







VAL'S SALON. Gel nails,acrylic, acrylic dip, silk &fibre, manicure, pedicure,eyelash extensions, faci-als, shellac, Lycon waxing.Call 083 496 2281.

HERBALIFE. Use winterto get ready for summer!Summer is almost here.Lose weight and keep itoff! Professional followup. Free delivery. Call 076155 9648.



CONSOLIDATION LOANONLINE. Up to R230 000.Bad credit welcome.E-mail: [email protected]



DIE LAASTE & GROOT-STE MISLEIDING - Lukas21:8, Danie Pienaar. Virgratis leesstof en CD SMSjou naam en adres na 082734 4168.

OVERSTAND HOSPICE-Care for the terminally illand their families. PhoneMon to Fri 028-312 4679

THE HOSPICE SHOPwould be very grateful forany unwanted clothing,linen, bric-a-brac, furni-ture, sporting goods orbooks. We can collectgoods every Tues & Thu.Call 028-313 1884.



BAND required 3/5 Piecewith singer to play for allages at new year. Pls Ph083 797 0810 for moreinfo.



ENGELS EN WIS-KUNDE ONDERRIG.Maths and English tuition.Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a freeassessment.

MATHS TUITION. Wis-kunde onderrig. Skakel 071818 3311.


London trained artistoffering classes for adultsin fully equipped studio.Flexible days and timesALEX 079 697 6555






NOSTALTIQUES.Wanted: Antiques, Art,secondhand householdgoods. Steenbras Street15, Hermanus Industria.082 833 2567.

Due to the Public holiday

on 24 September

the deadline

for Hermanus Times of

25 September


Monday 22 September

@ 14:00


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32 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014




APPLE AND COMPU-TER SUPPORT. Your fri-endly neighbourhood geekwould like to help you sortout your PC and mobiledevice problems! I provideon-site support, tutoringand expert advice all atthe best price in town. Tryme! Call Chris on 082 8565384.

COMPUTER SUPPORT,mobile devices. Onsitesupport and tutoring.Sales, repairs and mainte-nance. Call Andrea 079 7072997.



FURNITURE WANTED.We offer best prices for allyour unwanted furnitureand appliances.Call Joe 072 345 8442 or028-312 3508.



BEDS household goods,curtains, garden pots, fur-niture in excellent condi-tion! Please phone Edith028 316 3931, cell 076 7051353

BICYCLESMountain 26'' R300 Needtube. Ladies 24'' OK R250.Ladies 24'' Need 2 tubesR150. Eddie 082 531 2346

BRAAI & FIRE WOOD.Call Danie 082 958 5749.

DOLF WOOD KIAAT.Verskillende lengtes van1.8m tot 2.8m. KontakAldert 083 739 9865

BRAAI AND FIRE-WOOD for sale. Rooi-krans, Bluegum, Myrtle.Contact Wayne Haman 079484 0364 or [email protected].

BUY & SELL. We haveexcellent quality used fur-niture and appliances.Super Seconds 2 ArumStreet, Industrial area,Hermanus. Opposite Coca-Cola. Between AdventureCentre and Port Scaffol-ding.079 746 0830


Vir al u E-Sigarette, E-Liquid's, onderdele enbenodighede. Kontak BenRossouw Sel: 082 7268771. Tel: 028 316 4217.Branderdraai Str 11,Sandbaai, Hermanus ofMartie Sel 072 644 2942Gansbaai

KAROO DORING HOUTte koop vir braai @ R20 persak. Cell no 072 193 4437.

SINGER Sewing machine,hand operated- R800 ornearest offer. Queen Anne1 Plate stove- Excellentcondition R2500. 084 7285901

SLEEPWA (VENTER) tekoop, Sel 082 628 2389-R3000.00

WROUGHT IRON diningsuite, black glass topR9750. Royal Navy wallPlaques Pre 1980. 071 4029033



I BUY ALL MODERNchildren & adult clothing,linen, shoes, kitchenware,curtains & fancy dress forparties. Call Carol 082 8905749.




A1 BUILDERS. ProjectManagement HolidayHouse.- Alterations,extensions, new garages,painting (in and outside),paving, decking. Roofs.Waterproofing. Call 072306 1798.

ALL BUILDING WORK.Alterations, renovations,extensions, boundry walls,paving, tiling & painting.Call 082 255 0939.

C.A.L CONSTRUCTION.Overstand / Overberg.Maintenance.Cell: 074 567 6799

DRAUGHTING of buil-ding documentation for alltypes of building work:New buildings and additi-ons to Existing and thecompiling of "As-Built"drawings of existing worksfor legalising of unappro-ved structures for Munici-pal approval. Do you havea set of approved buildingplans of your property asrequired by law? ContactJohann at: 083 4521422



EXCLUSIVE HOUSECLEANING SERVICE/SKOONMAAKDIENS.Personal full time supervi-sion. Maintaining holidayhomes. Are you moving inor out, we can help. Mon-Sat Call 076 115 7382

SOLOMON'S WINDOWCLEANING Services fordomestic, commercial,industrial & constructionsites. For free quotationphone Solomon 082 7473640. Serving Hermanussince 1996.



24 HOUR EMERGENCYcall out Electrician. Nopower, no hot water?Installation maintenance &repairs: industrial, com-mercial & domestic.Graeme Lahoud 082 7852017.

ELECTRICAL: Break-downs, emergencies,maintenance, installati-ons, geysers, stoves,garage/gate automation,instant hot water sys-tems, controlled geysers.No call out fee. Call 079706 1056.

ELECTRICAL and house-hold appliance repairs.Mech-Elect. Call 082 8857480.



1ST PLANT, TOILET,HUT, TRAILER HIRE.Contact: CCS Plant Tool &Trailer hire 028 312 [email protected].

BUILDERS/EVENTSTOILETS, crane truck,container & offices to rent.Call 086 100 2271 or 028-312 2367.



A & A BOME. Afsaag vanbome en takke, asookwegry. Vanaf Stanford totby Rooi-Els. Aldert en Ani-ta skakel 083 739 9865.

ASEMROWENDE Tuin-dienste. Snoei & afkap vanbome. Sny van gras,skoonmaak van erwe, rom-melverwydering & meubel-vervoer. Geute skoonmaak.Morné 083 225 3712.

BASIL HAMAN, 30 Yearsexperience in tree fellingand trimming, plot clearing, hedge trimming, gardenservices. Contact me on082 898 9694

BUFFALO GRASS. Savewater, plant indigenousgrass. For the best prices,call Chris 082 568 2592.

FLO-RITE IRRIGATION:for professional irrigationand automatic boreholeinterfacing systems. For afree consultation phone028-313 0295.

FYNBOS GARDENS.Landscaping, irrigation andgarden maintenance. 15Mimosa Street, IndustrialArea. Tel. 028-313 1763.www.fynbosgardens.com

GARDEN AFFAIR.Offering full gardenmaintenance. Gardendesign & landscaping. Irri-gation repairs. Plot clea-ring. Juliet Leppan 072 9421260.

HERMANUS LANDSCA-PING. Garden design,maintenance & irrigation.22 Years experience. CallPaul Marx 082 32 777 04.

REMOVAL OF dangeroustrees, tree trimming, plotclearance, garden mainte-nance, garden refuseremoval, firewood. CallWilson 074 824 2195.

ZUKI'S GARDEN & Fore-stery Service. Alien plantclearing. Plot clearing. Gar-den refuse removal. Treepruning. Hedge trimming.Weed extermination, etc.Call Zukisani 082 7116102.



101 SERVICES. Handy-man general. No job toosmall. Best rates. Pensio-ners discount. 15 Years ex-perience. Call Peter 073157 2415.

BLANKET washing. R50.Collections CBD, WCliff,NCliff, ECliff. Marna 072906 0084

AAA MAINTENANCE.Painting, paving, tiling,damp proofing, waterproofing, building & reno-vations, general mainte-nance. Free quotes. CallIan 082 535 5591.

ALUMINIUM ANGLOWINDOWS/DOORS.Manufacture, supply,install direct. Replace woo-den/steel frames. Averagehouse completed in 1 day.It pays to get our quote.Michael Haman 072 2884761/084 558 1902.

CARPET AND UPHOL-STERY cleaning. Curtains& blinds. Call Allison orJohn 072 572 0215.

CARPET and upholsterycleaning. Personal supervi-sion. Best prices. Free quo-tations. Phone Top Carpets028-313 0721.

DRESSMAKING ALTE-RATIONS to ladies andmens clothing. Erna Vroom072 380 0440/028 3162376. Hemel-en-AardeEstate.

FLOOR SANDING & spe-cialized installation ofwood floors & timberdecks. The HuttonBrothers 082 828 5627or 028-341 0543.

FOR GENERAL PLUM-BING, MAINTENANCE,Roof cleaning & painting,exterior & interior or wallpainting. Paving, water-proofing & tiling. CallJohan 082 216 7009.

FRANCOIS DU TOITCONSTRUCTION &PLUMBING. Painting,paving, tiling, bathroommakeovers, home mainte-nance, building require-ments call 083 308 0534

HOME IMPROVE-MENTS for all your: Buil-ding Alterations, Paintwork, Paving, Tiling, Gene-ral Maintenance. Morne072 207 9900

REFRIGERATION &SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call082 885 7480.

WATER PUMPS. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

TRANSFERS/ AIRPORTAirport transfers fromR750. Drop or fetch. Safeand reliable. Proffesionaldriver permit.Megan 083 702 3273

SOLARMAX. SABSapproved solar hot watersystems. Free site inspec-tions & quotation. 17 LongStreet, Hermanus. Tel.028-312 1667.www.solarmax.co.za.



PAINTING, ROOF CLEA-NING COATING. Freequotes. Michael Haman028 316 1881 / 072 2884761.



OVERBERG PEST CON-TROL: Domestic and com-mercial treatments. Pro-fessional solutions to yourpest problems. Beetleinspections and timbertreatments. Registeredwith Dept. of Agriculture.Phone Frank 028-312 2225or 082 563 9514.


19 Years experience inresidential, industrial andcommercial pest control.Specializing in beetleinspections and timbertreatments. Registeredwith Dept. of Agricultureand SAPCA. Call our fri-endly staff on 028-316




LOCAL PLUMBING.Maintenance, geysers, re-novation, blockages, waterproofing, emergency. PIRBRegistered. Discount forpensioners. Call 072 7569614/028 312 3874.

24 HOUR PLUMBINGSERVICES. Qualified &PIRB registered. Gen main-tenance, new installations,emergency services &bathroom make overs.Francois du Toit 083 3080534

BLOCKED DRAINS. Highpressure pipe & drain clea-ning services. Industrial,marine, commercial, dome-stic. Dyna Rod 082 5691769. Tel/fax 028-3124323.

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect.Call 082 885 7480.

WE COLLECT gardenrefuse and Rubble andanything that you want tobe moved within Herma-nus. Call Michael 073 0161686





A STORAGE. Secure anddry units from R299 pm.Best prices. Transportavailable. Call De Wet 082439 9704.

HERMANUS TRANS-PORT.1.2 Tons @ R6/km-4.5 Tons @ R12/km-7.5Tons @R17/km-13 Tons @R20/km. Prices negotiable.T&C's apply. Call 082 9777062. Telefax 028 313 1332

• PersonalSupervision

• Closed trucks• Packing & Storage• Local & Long

distance• Packing material






Tel:028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451

Fax: 086 517 [email protected]

Tel:028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451

Fax: 086 517 [email protected]

TRANSPORT OF FUR-NITURE & goods. Herma-nus, Cape Peninsula,Western Cape. Longdistance available. PDPdriver. Call Johan 076 2533745




BUSINESS ADVICEBROKERS. Various busi-nesses for sale. Pleasecontact Evan Rautenbachat 082 974 6995or email us at:[email protected]: 181 Main Road,Hermanus. Website:www.bbrokers.co.za.

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33HermanusTimes28 August, 2014






CASH 4 GOLD : Gold andSilver memorabilia - Bringyour items and get ahonest evaluation. Contact028 312 3154.




TE KOOP: MercedesBenz.Model: 1992 Wit 200EHandratPrys: R22 000Kontak nommer: 082 4465766





GOLF CHICO 1.3 96MODEL. 2nd Owner.Excellent Condition. R35000 NEG. Contact 073 4045925

NISSAN 1400 Bakkie2005 model. In goeie kon-disi en word daagliksgebruik. R40 000,00 BTWingesluit. Nie onderhandel-baar. Skakel Gert 082 5760646



HELDERBERG TRAILERSALES. New & used Ven-ter or Karet trailers. Spa-res & repair service. Webuy trailers for cash. Call021-853 5009. www.helderbergtrailer.co.za.



AANBOD: Ons betaal diebeste kontantpryse virmotors/bakkies. Cash foryour cars/bakkies. CallRoss Motors NJ 082 9354828.

TREU MOTORS. Treu-straat 4 Swellendam. CliveTreu 082 345 0297. Soek2de handse voertuie om tekoop. Onmiddellike eie-naars verandering.




88Sq/m RetailPremises To Let in MainRoad, Hermanus. ContactXpertprop @ 082 870 5704

SHOP TO LET in HarbourRoad. Ideal for coffeeshop/ florist/ den-tist/beautician, etc. Con-tact 082 870 5704



1 BEDROOM flat forsale, Silver Oaks. Privatesale. R430 000. Paul 084570 8351

BACHELOR- Flat for sale.Silver Oaks. Private sale.R350 000. Paul 084 5708351



SANDBAAI: 1 Bedroomflat with shower and toi-let, open plan kitchen/small living room area -R2500.00 per month, lightsand water incl.- Tel 028313 2639

VERMONT/ ONRUS-Large sunny 2 bedroomgarden flat to rent from 1October. R3800.00 incl.electricity, water & gardenservice. No smokers andno pets. Tel: Erlo 083 2552690



4 BEDROOM HOUSE- 2Full bathrooms. Open plankitchen, Dining-Livingroom+ lounge. 4 Garages, +seperate 1 bedroom flatletR10 000pm. Contact028 316 3928. [email protected]

ONRUST- Gemeubileerdeeen slaapkamer woonstelmet privaat ingang en par-kering. Onmiddelik beskik-baar R2500.00 per maand.Bel 082 829 8239

ONRUS CBD- Securedand enclosed 3 Bedroomhouse with seperate enter-taining area/ flatlet.R8500pm. Cell: 082 5969990

RUIM 3-4 Slp. kamerwoning, Ongemeubileerd,koopkrag. Te huur R6000pm Plus Deposit. 082 6060586



ATKV Ne9ester Aftreelandgoed. Basiese- Hulp-,en Verswaktesorg woone-enhede beskikbaar vanaf 1Desember 2014.ELMAR 081 534 5604

MARINER'S VILLAGEPlot & Plan from R975 000

DENI 084 436 2526



KWAAIWATER MAIN-ROAD: 2 bedrooms, 2bathrooms, Lounge, Stoep,Kitchen, PLUS flat/ office,Garage. Ideal home busi-ness, R1.2m Bond. 083 6545661, [email protected]

NAPIER VILLAGE- Shop& house on Main RoadR1,295. Houses/ shops forsale/ rent/ storage fromR2000 p/m. Viewsite plotR190 000 or Plot and planto suit- self catering cot-tage from R350 p/day(pics available)[email protected]: 083 444 1313

STANFORD- 2 Bed houseR399 000 ( AffordableHousing Area ). 2x PlotsR99 000 each (pics availa-ble- Deposit + monthlypayments or plot and planan option). Hawston- 2 bigadjoining seaview plots892 sq.m. R399 000 eachor Plot & Plan- [email protected]. Tel: 083444 1313



FISHERHAVEN: Largeneat house, walled andsecure, 3 b/r en-suite, dou-ble garage, pool. R6500 permonth. Fisherhaven Pro-perties 028 315 1990 or082 559 4290

MEERENSEE: 3 Furnis-hed b/r house near lagoonand sea. R5750 per month.Fisherhaven Properties028 315 1990 or 082 5594290



ONE FEMALE needsaccommodation for themonths of October andNovember only. R1000-R2000 pm. 082 566 7049 or072 373 0155. Thanks.





HAWSTON: Plot withgood views of sea andmountains, near beach.R175 000. Deposit R35000, R1774 per month.Fisherhaven Properties028 315 1990 or 082 5594290



LOOKING FOR AHOUSE, 3 or 4 bedrooms.Hemel en Aarde Estate-26December 2014 to 4 Janu-ary 2015. Phone 028 3164839






25 YEAR old Malawianlady looking for domestic /babysitter work for 3 days.Contact Lucy @ 078 9058589/ 084 733 9453

28 YEARS ZIMBAB-WEAN girl looking for afull time job as a babysit-ter or housekeeper. Con-tact Maria 078 990 6861

31 YRS ZIMBABWEANlady looking for work as adomestic worker. I'mhonest & hardworking.Work permit also availa-ble. Call Pamela 073 2853189. For reference youcan call Mrs. Thompson072 736 1602

A MALAWIAN LADY.I'm looking for job asdomestic worker as wellas babysitter. Phone num-ber 062 026 6759. Refe-rence 082 324 5836.

A MALAWIAN lady islooking for a job as adomestic worker or baby-sitter. One year experi-ence. Call on 074 258 9970.Ref available.

A Malawian lady is lookingfor a job as housekeeper orbabysitter. Please call Flo-rence on 074 750 8738

A MALAWIAN lady loo-king for a job as a dome-stic. Ref available for moredetails please contact on078 666 2209 or 074 8626301 fours experience.

A MALAWIAN MAN islooking for a job as a gar-dener, salesman or painter.Contact Rodgers on 084843 0920/ 083 246 6161

A MALAWIAN MANlooking for a full-time jobas a housekeeper or anyother job. Call Bonnie on060 423 4854

A MALAWIAN man loo-king for a job as a gardenboy/ housekeeper andcleaner. Contact 061 1035160

A ZIMBABWEAN guyaged 39 yrs is looking fora job as domestic worker,gardener or guest atten-dance for 5 days a week.Reference is available.Please call Vincent on 060497 7251

A ZIMBABWEAN lady islooking for job as a dome-stic worker. Experience inguest house. Looking foreveryday. Call Mercy 084646 4533

DRIVER available withcode 10 and PDP. Reliablehardworking. Call Maritaat 083 656 2235 Steuart074 028 2985. Johane 083559 6000

EXPERIENCED S.A man(32) looking for driver job.Has code 14 (horse & trai-ler) with PDP, Mobilecrane & bell dumper Certi-ficates. References availa-ble- Please call Michael073 738 4719/ 071 147 662

EXPERIENCED Zimbab-wean man looking for a jobas a caregiver, housekee-ping, painting, salesper-son, gardening. Contact:Patrick 061 198 6756Ref: Stemmet 084 6136026

HARDWORKING Zim-babwean aged 29 lookingfor domestic work for 5days a week, more than 6yrs experience. ContactEster Cell 078 399 7395/081 063 2161

HARDWORKING, relia-ble and trusted lady loo-king for a job as housekee-per. Experience 10 yrs and4 yr Restaurants. My refe-rences is 083 267 3762 /072 143 85468. Call 078446 4654

HONEST and reliableZimbabwean lady lookingfor 3 working days asdomestic worker. Ref Ozzy082 772 7657, Marita 083656 2255, Emma 084 5324260

I AM a hardworking andhonest lady looking for ajob as a domestic worker. Iam a twenty fout year oldZimbabwean lady. I havefour years of experience.References available 073642 0378

I AM a Zimbabwean lady(aged 31 yrs) looking fordomestic work. I amhonest, hard working. 3Yrsexperience. I have refe-rence. Call me on 071 9309332.

LADY looking for chars,good with kids, can do alldomestic work. Have alsodone waitressing, and kit-chen assistant. Veryhonest and reliable. I amalso a fast learner. CallChristine 084 860 8777

MALAWIAN lady honest,hard working is looking fora job as domestic worker,babysitter for 3 days. Call083 686 5917/ 073 0228377

MALAWIAN lady lookingfor a job as a housekeeper,domestic, guest houseattendant and baby sitter.Contact 061 257 0462

MALAWIAN young ladylooking for a job as a hou-sekeeper or babysitterwith three years experi-ence. Please call Brenda074 295 3623. Ref number084 873 2445

MAN WITH Certificate ingeneral housekeeping, loo-king for a job. ContactPatrick 082 851 7600 / 061955 7334

RELIABLE, honest Mala-wian lady. Available 5 daysper week. Tel 061 3840113. Reference available028 316 1527

SOUTH AFRICAN gent-leman, fluent in Engish,seeks full-time employ-ment. Has code 10 licenseand Grade 12. Interested ina position requiringsomeone to supervise astoreroom, construction orgardening site. Please con-tact Vincent @ 072 6535312

SOUTH AFRICAN lady,fluent in English withGrade 12 Certification,seeks five day employ-ment as a housekeeper inthe Hermanus area. Pleasecontact Landelwe @ 073638 3946 soonest.

WE'LL SPOKEN lady loo-king for HBC housekeepingor Nanny job. Ref. Availa-ble Pls call 073 144 3164

ZIMBABWEAN LADYlooking for a job. Mondayto Friday or any days. FourYears experience. Pleasecall Eustina 071 798 0629.Good reference available.

ZIMBABWEAN ladyneeds a job as domesticworker, days or full time.Very reliable and I haveseveral Refernces. Contact061 379 8809



BETROUBARE KAS-SIER met rekenaar erva-ring word benodig deur 'nGevestigde Onderneming.Goeie voordele. Stuur faksna 086 631 6153

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34 HermanusTimes28 August, 2014



Requirements- Experi-enced Practitioner to teachchild from age 2-3yearswith level 4 or 5 qualifica-tions. Send CV to PO Box466, Hermanus 7200. Clo-sing date 5 September2014

VAKANTE POS:Verkoops-/ Administra-tiewe dame. Epos CV's [email protected]

EISTEDDFOD: These learners from Hermanus Primary received cum laude at theannual Overberg Speech and Drama Eisteddfod. Back (from left) are: Mihle Son­qayi, Caryss Trevorrow, Kirsten Sutherland and Damian Haun; (fourth row) Chi­ara Lanuti, Margarita Charitou, Shannon Moody, Rachel du Plessis and DesmaéIzatt; (third row) Kayleigh Neethling; (second row) Shaylee Bouwer, Msa Pam­baniso, Lloyd Abraham, Eli Daniels and Kayleigh Thedvall; (front row) Aimee deVynck and Yiasoumi Charitou.

Gold winners in English Eisteddfod.Back row: Joaline Delport, GeorgiaMaroudas, Thuso Koloko, BenjaminHeunis and Phillip Viljoen. Third row:Marie Viljoen, Angelique Kruger, CadyEngelbrecht, Jessica Langenhoven andMorgan Maroudas. Second row: An­gelina Beineke, Cyan Richards, LelamSonquai and Mia Slabbert. Front row:Trevor Titus, Jordan Metcalf, TheresaGroenewald and Chloe Neale. Absen­tees: Anelisiwe Sapepa and LeighTaylor.

Cum Laude winners: Shawn Collinsand Richard Foye. Absent: Tamia Bou­wer.

Marie Viljoen, Angelique Kruger, Cady

Atlantic staansterk teenBotrivierAtlantic se drie spanne het verledeweek die bordjies teen Botrivier ver-hang, met die A- en B-spanne wat hulvoorsprong op die punteleer vergroothet, terwyl die C-span ook gewen het.

Atlantic A wen Botrivier A 10-6DieA-spanhetnaelskraap,maartogdie

baie belangrike wedstryd gewen om huleerste plek op die punteleer te verstewig.Die puntemakers was EvanVissermet ’nstrafdoel en ’n doelskop.Heinrich Peters druk hul enigste drie

wat die telling tot 10-6 in Atlantic se gunslaat tel.Atlantic B wen Botrivier B 15-13DieB-spanhetooknet-nethulwedstryd

gewen,met ’n telling van 15-13 en sodoen-de ook hulle voorsprong op die punteleervergroot.Die puntemakers was Herschel Ver-

maak met ’n doelskop en ’n strafskop, endrieë is gedruk deur Heatley Plaatjies enMondi Mbani. Die span is in die eersteplek op die punteleer.Atlantic C wen Botrivier C met 19-5

Die C-span het maklik met Botrivier19-5 afgereken en verstewig ook so hulplek op die punteleer.Die puntemakers was Lewellen Lukas

met ’n drie, Junaid Molfet met ’n straf-skop, en Gurshen Elliot met ’n doelskopen drie strafskoppe.Atlantic sal eers weer op 6 September

teen Riviersonderend speel.Dit sal ’n weg-wedstryd wees.Op 30 Augustus en 13 September geniet

Atlantic loslootjies.- W.C.M. GIBSON

This week was one of so near and yetso far. Our brave soldiers of the Brodieteam, in a bid to get to the finals of theBoland league, just lost out this Satur-day to an in form Stellenbosch team.Theguyscan feel veryproudof them-

selves as they tied in third place out of32 league teams. This is the best theteam has done for over a decade.Well done to team captain Stephen

van der Merwe for guiding his men sowell, and well done to the team for agallant and valiant effort.Thisweekwas a bit of awashout, the

ladies were blown away on Tuesdayand the men were washed away onWednesday, luckily though the weath-er turned andwehad a lovely Saturdaywith 116 players and a nice bogey plusalliance format.Coming out on top this week was Si-

mon Upton, Brian Barker, Ray CalitzandcurrentpresidentWendellMeiringwith+23, justonepointbehindwinningacountoutwasNeilMalan,PierreHus-selman, Jan Kuhn and Andre Nel.There were only 5 two clubs and the

ball pool paid to +16. The large jackpotis still in tact and rising, it now standsat R1 485.Two exceptional scores this week

wereAlanToombsandHennieTheron,both recording a superb nett 65.Special mention for the play of the

day must go to our friendly marshalRod Taylor, who managed an eagle onthe sixth hole, driver, 3 wood, 5 iron in-to the hole! Well done.Until next week, keep calm and go


Golf roundup

with Julian Shaw

PROUDLY CURRO:Shawn Castle, a learnerat Curro Hermanus, wasselected to represent theu.13 Southern Bolandrugby team.

Sport on TVRugby: This weekend, at 19:00 on Fri-

day, the Pumas play the Sharks at Wit-bank,whichcouldbeanupset.OnSatur-day at 15:00 Griquas take on the Chee-tahs, at 17:00 the unbeaten WesternProvince play the rather stereotypedBlueBulls at Loftus and then at 19:00 it’sthe E.P. Kings against the Lions.Schools rugby: At about 12 noon

Bishops play arch-rivals Rondebosch,with a keen rivalry going back to 1911.Cricket: The Tri-angular Series con-

tinueswithZimbabweplayingSouthAf-ricaonFriday.OnSundayZimplayAus-tralia and on Tuesday, 2 September,South Africa will be playing Australia.Dale Steyn and Morne Morkel versusMitchell Johnson!Tennis:TheU.S.Opencanbewatched

on Supersport 2, every day from 01:00 toabout 07:00 and from 17:00 to late, fromNew York.Golf:FromEurope it’s theOpenD’Ita-

lia Lindt, fromTorino. HennieOttowonin 2008 and Dale Hayes in 1978.Ernie Els finished third at last week’s

Barclays with a final round 66. Thisweekendit’s theDeutscheBankChampsfromBoston,partof theFedExCupplay-offs, with the final day on Monday.Soccer: On Saturday from 13:00 we

have Burnley vs. Man. U. With Unitedtrying to buy Angel di Maria from RealMadrid for in excess of £60million, thenMan. City against Stoke, followed byEverton vs. Chelsea. Sunday, the BIGgame, Spurs against Liverpool, thenLeicester against Arsenal.Swimming:TheFinaWorldCupfrom

Doha on Wednesday and Thursday andon Sunday and Monday from Dubai.Cycling:Watch the Vuelta a Espana,

mostafternoons, it’s “go”ChrisFroome.

Lukhanyo Primary gets computerlab fromVodacomMillionairesJAN­HENDRIK COETZER

Lukhanyo Primary School in Zwel-ihle became the 322nd school thatreceived laptops and related equip-ment from Vodacom Millionaires,a popular TV game show broadcaston e-TV.On Thursday 22 August, the

school received 20 learner laptops,one educator laptop, an interactivewhite board, projector, a server,printer, cartridges and data. Allthis equipment will be maintainedfor two years, and all the teacherswill receive training and continuedsupport via a dedicated call centre.According to Lukhanyo Primary

School principal, Morris Tshabala-la, this computer centre will havea positive impact on both the learn-ers and teachers.“Teacherswill nowbeable to pre-

pare themselves better for their les-sons, whereby the quality of educa-

tion will improve as a result. Voda-com really came to our rescue,because we had a computer lab be-fore, but it hasn’t been working forthe past four years,” saysTshabala-la.Lukhanyo Primary School head

girl, VuyolwethuGawnlekapa, alsothanked Vodacom for their dona-tion. “With this computer lab weare now able to learn all these newskills and together make the worlda better place,” says Gawnlekapa.Vodacom Millionaires manager,

PaulaCarvalho,saidthatbyprovid-ing technology, “it will definitelyimprovethequalityofeducationforthese learners.”

) VodacomMillionaires encour-ages all public schools that are inneed of computer centres to apply.Application forms can be obtainedfrom the Vodacom website or bycalling their call centre on 082 2432082 free from a Vodacom phone.

Excited LukhanyoPrimary Schoollearners usingtheir new laptopsdonated by Voda­com Millionaires,with deputy prin­cipal, MjadaMsingati (left),and Paula Carval­ho, Vodacom Mil­lionaires manag­er. PHOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

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35HermanusTimes28 August, 2014



In the Estate of the Late FRANCES LYDIA BECKINGHAM, Identity Number 300326 0041 08 3,unmarried of 25KidbrookePlacewhodied on 30 June 2014EstateNumber: 25374/2014

The Debtors and Creditors in the above Estate are requested to pay their debts to and lodge their claimswith the undersignedwithin a period of thirty (30) days as and fromFRIDAY21st AUGUST2014.Dated atHERMANUSon this 15th day ofAUGUST2014.JOOSTE & SEMER ATTORNEYS, EXECUTORS, 9 ON COLLEGE, COLLEGE ROAD,HERMANUS, 7200. POBOX1491,HERMANUS. (T) 028 312 4995.

NOTICE TO CREDITORSIn the Estate of the late DANIEL STEPHANUS LIEBENBERG (ID No 410526 5001 084) who wasordinarily a resident of 20 Jan van Riebeeck Crescent, Sandbaai, Western Cape and who died atHermanus on the 14th ofMay2014.Master’sReference: 22614/2014All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with theundersignedwithin 30 days from the date of publication hereof.Mrs IMaree, 10DirkieUysStreet, SandbaaiHermanus 7200

REINSTATEMENTPlease take note that Deon Robbetze andPetronella Johanna Robbetze intends makingapplication to the Commissioner of CIPC for thereinstatement of Zelpy 1454 ( 2002/014214/07).Please take note notice that any objection to theapplication must be logged with theCommissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21)days of the date of the publication hereof.

Bridge results:Wednesday 20 August1. Julie Cotton / Carin Verburg 60,42%2. Jackie Ascham / Claudine Beylsma 59,17%3. Andre Wagenaar / Toni Maythem 55,83%Friday 22 August1. Patsy Kann / June Opperman 61,86%2. Lynn Beukman / Carol van Dyk 58,65%3. Jackie Ascham / Hein Pierneef 54,81%3. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 54,81%Saturday 23 August1. Jackie Ascham / Betty Nel 63,02%2. Wina Loubser / Pippa Meyer 61,46%3. Anneke van der Vlugt / Chris Raven 60,94%.Whalers Athletics Club Time trials:21 August) 3 kmRunners: 1 DanielMaree 12.31; 2 Zidane Langston16.12; 3 Retha Viljoen 17.51; 4 Diane Hunter 23.00) 3 kmWalkers: 1 Abel Erasmus 25.05; 2 Willie Loedolff25.05) 5 km Runners: 1 Ignatius Matema 19.06; 2 Mark Kava-nagh 19.47; 3 Louise Erasmus 23.00; 4 Mikki Milne 24.48;5Andre van derMerwe24.48; 6David Cupido 25.24; 7Roe-lofvanWeele25.24;8LisavanderMerwe25.40PB;9ShaunLuyt 26.25; 10 Les Hanna 26.52; 11 Carina van der Merwe26.52; 12 Cedric Peens 27.02 SB; 13 Christine Hibberd27.57; 14 Ronel Bootha 31.13; 15 Josef du Preez 31.13; 16Annarie Nel 31.40 SB; 17 Petré Olivier 34.54; 1 Arlene Eh-renberg 42.30; 2 Emmie Gouws 42.30; 1 Sign Mawunda29.22) 8 kmRunners:2LoudiVorster39.05;3ChristoduPlessis39.05; 4 Wilhelm Cooper 39.05; 5 Jan Gildenhuys 39.05.

James Bosch van Laerskool Hermanus se o.7B rugbyspannetjie probeer hier ’n teenstander afstamp tydensSaterdag se Interskole­kragmeting teen Laerskool Stellenbosch op Hermanus. Vir Laerskool Hermanus was ditnet nie hul dag op die sportveld nie en het hulle, benewens vir twee gelyk­op wedstryde, die res van diekragmetings verloor. FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

INTERNATIONAL KICK­BOXING: Tyren van derSpuy of Legacy Martial ArtsAcademy in Hermanus rep­resented South Africa at theworld mixed martial artschampionship in Orlando,Florida, in the USA. Alto­gether 4 000 competitorsparticipated in this event.Tyren, who has only beendoing kickboxing for threeyears, performed very wellin his first internationalevent. Competing in threedifferent fighting modes, heobtained a 2nd, 3rd and5th place. Here is Tyren vander Spuy (left) with his shi­han, Ruehan van Romburgh.

Sportagainst Crimesoccer teamchosenThe South African Police Service (SAPS)togetherwiththeOverstrandMunicipali-ty organised a Sports against CrimeStreet Soccer Tournament at Zwelihlesportsground on Saturday.

Themainpurposeof theeventwastoselectunder 14 boys who will represent the Her-manus Cluster on the Provincial Sportsagainst Crime tournament at Pinelands Po-lice sport grounds on 25 October.

There were teams from Stanford, Klein-mond,Hawston,MountPleasantandZwelih-le that participated in the tournament.

According to Constable Mbongeni Maz-uthu, themain objective of thewhole projectis to keep the youth busywith sport, “so thatthey don’t have time to do wrong things andalso to create good community relationshipbetween the police and community”, Maz-uthu explained.

The event organisers thanked the Her-manusCommunityPoliceForum(CPF),Her-manus Fruit and Veg City and HermanusFruitandVegforsponsoringfoodforthechil-drenaswellasHennieWestraat,chairpersonof the CPF and his wife who prepared sand-

wichesandsponsoredcooldrinksforthekids.The event was successful and the children

enjoyed everyminute of it.Mazuthu says the

children thatwere not selected should not bediscouraged,astheycouldonlytakeaspecificnumber of players.

Detective Constable Owen Matini (coach), sergeant Mbongeni Mazuthu (sector managersector 2) and Ayanda Stali (sports manager from Overstrand Municipality) with the 18under 14 boys selected to represent the Hermanus Cluster on Sports against Crime Tour­nament in Pinelands on 25 October. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Pieter de Villiers by LaerskoolELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Oud-Springbokafrigter, Pieter deVil-liers, wat deesdae meer bekend is asmotivering-spreker,hetverledeweekbesoek afgelê by Laerskool Herma-nus omdie leerders aan temoedig omhul beste te gee by die afgelope na-week se interskole.“Toe ek jonk was, wou ek graag ge-

hadhetmensemoetvanmyhou,”ver-tel De Villiers. “Ek het nooit geweetwie ek was nie. Ek het nie besef datdit nie ander mense se idees is watvan jou ’n suksesmaaknie,maar eer-der die besluit wat jy maak.“Die waarheid is dat jy baie dinge

in jou lewe eers gaan leer na jy besefwie jy is.“Vir julle wat vanjaar in graad se-

we is, is interskole een van die groot-stegebeurtenisseinjul lewens.Ditsaldie laaste keer wees wat jy vir jouskool in diéwedstryde kan deelneem.Ná dit kom jou laaste eksamens envan daar beweeg jy na die hoërskool

waar jy weer alles vir die eerste keersal doen.

“Vir sommige is dit groter as Kers-fees. En indien jou span nie wen nie,sal jy nog ’n jaar moet wag om dit regte stel. Maar indien jou doel is om tewen, het jy die verkeerde doelwit.

“Jy en jou spanhet geen beheer oorwie wen of verloor nie. Slegs hoe onsvoorberei is ’n bereikbare doelwit.Dít is in julle hande.”

Hy het verder uitgebrei op die sto-rie van Dawid en Goliat.

“Goliat het die groot fout gemaakomnieandermense terespekteernie.Hy het neergekyk op hulle en sodoen-de het hy iets baie belangrik misge-kyk. Hy het sy opposisie onderskat.

“Dawid was nederig en deur anderte respekteer, het hy dit reggekry omsy grootste vyand te verslaan.

“Respeksal jouhelpomaantegaan,jou konsentrasie te behou, en nié jouvyandteonderskatnie.Ditgaanaltydoor die geeswaarmee jy jouwedstrydaanpak.”

Oud­Springbokafrigter Pieter de Villiers (middel agter) was die gasspreker byLaerskool Hermanus se groot “brag”, waar hy die leerders toegespreek het.Hier is hy saam met van die o. 13A­spelers. FOTO: DAVE DE BEER

Page 35: Hermanus times 28 08 2014


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Tel: 028 313 0721





The Professionals




Hermiesvaargoed,maar1ste spanrugbyval vasJAN­HENDRIK COETZER

Alhoewel Hermanus Hoërskoolmeeste vanhul rugby-, netbal- enhokkiewedstryde tydens Sater-dag se Interskole-kragmetingteen Hoërskool Overberg gewenhet, kon die eerste rugbyspannet-net nie daarin slaag om ’nwenophul tuisveld tebehaalnie.

Meestal skoprugby was aan dieorde van die dagmetHermanuswatnet nie ’n drie kon aanteken nie.Vroeg in diewedstrydhetHerma-

nus se linkervleuel, JadeCornelius,vir groot opwinding gesorg toe hyteen die kantlyn afgehardloop hetom ’n “versekerde” drie te gaandruk.Hy was reeds oor die doellyn toe

hy onverwags van agter af geduikis en die bal verloor het.Hermanus het hul egter goed van

hul taak gekwyt met die stel- enskepskoppe, maar hulle moes dieknie buig met ’n eindtelling van 12-16.Die eerste netbal- en hokkiespan-

ne het op hulle beurt al hulwedstry-de gewen. Die grootste tellings vandie dag was die o. 18A-meisies-hok-

kiespanwatmet 3 - 0, die o. 18A-net-balspanwatmet 31 - 13 en die o. 14A-rugbyspanwatmet 64 - 8 gewen het.

Volledige uitslae:) Rugby: o. 19A verloor 12 - 16;

o. 19B wen 18 - 6; o. 19C wen 12 - 8;o. 19D wen 12 - 10; o 16A wen 17 - 15;o. 16B wen 13 - 6; o. 16C wen 10 - 5;o. 14A wen 64 - 8 en o. 14B verloor5 - 7.

)Netbal: o. 18Awen 31 - 13; o. 18Bwen21-13;o. 18Cverloor2 -46;o. 18Dverloor 6 - 30; o. 16A verloor 13 - 20;o. 16B wen 28 - 9; o. 16C wen 21 - 12;o. 16D wen 23 - 6 teen Hoërskool DeVilliersGraaff; o. 14Averloor20 - 21;o. 14B wen 24 - 2; o. 14C wen 22 - 13teenHoërskoolDeVilliersGraaff eno. 14Dverloor 10 - 15 teenCurroHer-manus.

) Hokkie (meisies): o. 18A wen 3- 0; o. 18B wen 2 - 0; o. 18C wen 2 -0 teen Hoërskool De Villiers Graaff;o. 16A speel gelykop 1 - 1; o. 16Bwen1 - 0; o. 16C wen 3 - 0 teen HoërskoolDe Villiers Graaff; o. 14A verloor 1- 3 en o. 14B speel gelykop 0 - 0.

) Hokkie (seuns): o. 18A wen 2 -1; o. 18B wen 3 - 0; o. 16A wen 2 - 1;o. 16B wen 1 - 0 en o. 16C verloor 0- 2 teen Gansbaai Academia.

Julian Minnaar, binnesentervan Hoëskool Hermanus seeerste rugbyspan, is hier inaksie met die bal terwyl hyprobeer om deur soliede ver­dediging van Hoërskool Over­berg te bars.


Nikita de Bruyn van Hoërskool Hermanus poog ombalbesit te hou. Die o. 18A­meisies­hokkiespan hetmet 3 ­ 0 geseëvier.

Carli du Toit, senter van Hoër­skool Hermanus se o. 18A­net­balspan, met die bal. Die spanhet met ’n stewige 31 ­ 13 ge­wen.