historia e historisë natyrore

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  • 8/9/2019 Historia e Historis Natyrore


    Historia e historis natyrore (shkurt)

    Nga: Mehmet Metaj (25 Janar, 2015)

    Historia dhe Kultura Greko-Romake - In memoriam

    Ndonse arritjet e sotme jan trashgimi e historis dhe prvojs njerzore mijravjeare dhemerit e disa popujve dhe rracave si t: asirianeve, persve, selxhukve, grekve dhe romakve,ende meret si referenc edhe sot kultura greko-romake e lashtsis. Ndonse n kohn ton sot,ku jetojm nj kohe post-historike dhe post-idealiste dhe aspak pacifiste, dhe kur e keqja e kagjunjzuar t mirn ku nderi dhe dinjiteti kan shum m pak vler...............Megjithat mbeten

    prjetsisht ndriuese plejada e titanikve t mendjes njerzore t lashtsise greko-romake, q siemblema t fuqise njerzore lan gjurm t paprsritshme n historin dhe veprat e tyre jan sotinstrumenta t zhvillimit t shoqris njerzore, poet, filozof, gojtar, dijetar, shpiks, ciceron,astrolog, shkenctar, prijs, mite, mesi, tiran, mbretr etj. T gjith ne na kan mbetur nkujtes emrat dhe bmat e skolarve dhe filozofve t lashtsis greko-romake e pasuar mvon nga taborri i armats evropiane dhe botrore.

    Gaius ose Caius Plinius Sekundi, (AD 23 - 24 gusht AD 79), i njohur m mir si Pliny Plaku,ishte nj autor i lasht, natyralist ose filozof natyral dhe komandant i marins dhe ushtarak e disarndsi q shkroi Historia Naturalis. Ai sht i njohur pr e tij duke thn se "lavdia e vrtetkonsiston n duke br at q meriton t jet e shkruar, me shkrim at q meriton t lexohet".

    Autor i famshm. Ai prfundoi nj Historia e Times Tij n tridhjet e nj libra, ndoshta shtrirnga mbretrimit t Neronit me at t Vespasian, dhe qllimisht i rezervuar at pr botim pasvdekjes s tij. Ai sht cituar nga Taciti, dhe sht nj nga autoritetet e ndjekur nga Sutonit dhePlutarku.

    Ai gjithashtu prfundoi praktikisht punn e tij t madhe, t Naturalis Historia, nj enciklopedi nt ciln Plini grumbulluara shum me njohurin e kohs s tij.Puna ishte planifikuar nnsundimin e Neronit. Materialet e mbledhura pr kt qllim t mbushur dhe jo m pak se 160vllime, q Larcius Licinus, legatar pretoriane e Hispania Tarraconensis, e ofruar m kot pr t

    bler ata pr nj ekuivalent shumn n m shum se 3200 (1911 vlera e parashikuar) ose 200.000 (2002 vlera e parashikuar ). Prve prek vogla prfunduar, puna n 37 libra u prfunduan vitin 77. Plini i prkushtuar t punoj pr t perandorit Titus Flavius Vespasianus n 77.

    Historia Natyrore.Vetm puna sht ruajtur i Plini-s sht i Historis Natyrore; mbijetesa e sajsht pr shkak t natyrs s puns, duke mbuluar si ajo e bn pothuajse t gjith fushn e dijess lasht, t bazuar n autoritetet m t mir. Si rezultat ajo sht prdorur pr referenc gjatshekujve n vijim nga ana e dijetarve t panumrta, sidomos n mjeksi, bimve dhe

    produkteve bimore (p.sh., ver), bujqsis, arkitekturs, skulptur, gjeologjis dhe mineralogji.

    - "Animal..is njerzor gjithashtu edhe veprat e Pliny the Elder .............

    Historia e historis natyrore

  • 8/9/2019 Historia e Historis Natyrore


    Pr rrnjt e historis natyrore duhet t kthehemi tek Aristotelit dhe filozof t tjer t lasht qt analizuara diversitetin e bots natyrore. Nga grekt e lasht deri punn e Carolus Lineus dhenatyralistve t tjera t shekullit t 18, koncepti qendror i lidhur s bashku sferat e ndryshme thistoris natyrore ishte Scala naturae ose Zinxhiri i Madh i Qenies, i cili organizohet minerale,

    perime, forma m primitive apo "m t ulta" e kafshve, dhe m e avancuar ose forma "m tlarta" t jets n nj shkall lineare t rritjes "prsosmri", duke kulminuar n species son.

    Ndrsa historia e natyrshme ishte n thelb statik n Evrop mesjetare, ajo vazhdoi t lulzoj n botn mesjetare arabe gjat Revolucionit Bujqsor Arabe. N zoologji, Xhahizit prshkruar idete hershme evolucionare t tilla si luftn pr ekzistenc. Ai gjithashtu paraqiti iden e nj zinxhirit ushqimit, dhe ishte nj prkrahs i hershm i determinizmit mjedisit. Al-Dinawarikonsiderohet themeluesi i arabe botanik pr librin e tij e bimve, n t ciln ai e prshkroi t

    paktn 637 bim dhe diskutuan evolucionin e bimve nga lindja e saj deri n vdekje t tij, duke e prshkruar fazat e rritjes s bimve dhe prodhimin e luleve dhe frutave. Abu al-Abbas al-Nabatizhvilluar nj metod e hershme shkencore pr botanik, duke futur teknika empirike dheeksperimentale n testim, prshkrimin dhe identifikimin e shumta Medica materia, dhe dukendar raporte t paverifikuar nga ata mbshteten nga testet aktuale dhe vzhgimet. Studenti i tijIbn al-Baitar shkroi nj enciklopedi farmaceutike q prshkruan 1.400 bim, ushqime, dhe drog,300 prej t cilave ishin zbulimet e veta e tij origjinale. Nj prkthim latinisht e puns s tij ishte idobishm pr biologt evropiane dhe farmacistt n shkencat 18 dhe 19 shekuj Toks tilla sigjeologji gjithashtu jan studiuar gjersisht nga gjeolog arabe.


    Gaius or Caius Plinius Secundus , (AD 23 August 24 , AD 79), better known as Pliny the

    Elder , was an ancient author , naturalist or natural philosopher and naval and militarycommander of some importance who wrote Naturalis Historia . He is known for his saying"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be

    read" .

    Famous author. He completed a History of His Times in thirty-one books, possibly extendingfrom the reign of Nero to that of Vespasian, and deliberately reserved it for publication after hisdeath. It is quoted by Tacitus, and is one of the authorities followed by Suetonius and Plutarch .

    He also virtually completed his great work, the Naturalis Historia , an encyclopedia into which

    Pliny collected much of the knowledge of his time. The work had been planned under the rule of Nero . The materials collected for this purpose filled rather less than 160 volumes, whichLarcius Licinus , the praetorian legate of Hispania Tarraconensis, vainly offered to purchase themfor a sum equivalent to more than 3,200 ( 1911 estimated value ) or 200,000 ( 2002 estimatedvalue ). Aside from minor finishing touches, the work in 37 books was completed in AD 77.Pliny dedicated the work to the emperor Titus Flavius Vespasianus in 77.

  • 8/9/2019 Historia e Historis Natyrore


    The Natural History. The only extant work of Pliny's is the Natural History ; its survival is dueto the very nature of the work, covering as it does almost the entire field of ancient knowledge,

    based on the best authorities. As a result it was used for reference over the following centuries bycountless scholars, especially in medicine, plants and plant products ( e.g. , wine ), agriculture,architecture, sculpture, geology and mineralogy.

    - The human Anima l..is also another works of Pliny the Elder.

    History of natural history

    The roots of natural history go back to Aristotle and other ancient philosophers who analyzedthe diversity of the natural world. From the ancient Greeks until the work of Carolus Linnaeus and other 18th century naturalists, the central concept tying together the various domains ofnatural history was the scala naturae or Great Chain of Being , which arranged minerals,vegetables, more primitive or "lower" forms of animals, and more advanced or "higher" life

    forms on a linear scale of increasing "perfection", culminating in our species.While natural history was basically static in medieval Europe , it continued to flourish in themedieval Arabic world during the Arab Agricultural Revolution . In zoology , Al-Jahiz describedearly evolutionary ideas such as the struggle for existence . He also introduced the idea of a foodchain , and was an early adherent of environmental determinism . Al-Dinawari is considered thefounder of Arabic botany for his Book of Plants , in which he described at least 637 plants anddiscussed plant evolution from its birth to its death, describing the phases of plant growth and the

    production of flowers and fruit. Abu al-Abbas al-Nabati developed an early scientific method for botany, introducing empirical and experimental techniques in the testing, description and

    identification of numerous materia medica , and separating unverified reports from thosesupported by actual tests and observations. His student Ibn al-Baitar wrote a pharmaceutical encyclopedia describing 1,400 plants , foods , and drugs , 300 of which were his own originaldiscoveries. A Latin translation of his work was useful to European biologists and pharmacists inthe 18th and 19th centuries Earth sciences such as geology were also studied extensively byArabic geologists .
