law translation

英英英英英英英英 A Course in Translation of Legal Documents 英英英 英英 英英英英英英英英英 2003 英 1 英 1

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a teaching book on English-Chinese law translation


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英汉法律翻译教程A Course in Translation of Legal


孙万彪 编著上海外语教育出版社

2003 年 1 月


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0 导论:法律文件的翻译

0.1 法律英语的特点 法律英语是指法律界通用的书面英语(包括法律、法规、条例、规章、协定、判决、裁定等),尤其是指律师起草法律文件(合同、章程、协议、契约等)惯常使用的语言。法律英语有其自身的特点,词语、词义、专业用语和表达方式有别于普通英语,形成了一种特殊的文体。语言学界把这种文体归为“庄重的”(solemn)、“刻板的”(rigid)文体,是因为法律英语语句正规,有一定的程式,专用于严肃客观地表述所涉事项。也有人认为这种文体是“神秘的”(mystical),甚至是“矫揉造作的”(assiduously stilted),理由是法律英语文词艰涩难懂,语句冗长复杂。但不管怎样,法律文件必须用词准确,结构严谨,并采用业内普遍接受的格式,以充分体现法律的严肃性和严密性。从事法律翻译,首先应当了解法律英语的特点。为此,有必要从词汇和句法两个方面人手,对法律英语作一些探讨。

0.2 法律文件的用语法律文件往往使用正式的(formal)词语、被赋予专门意义并已进入法律英语范畴的普


1)使用正式的词语 体现法律英语文体特点的,首先是法律文件偏爱“正式的”词语——与普通语言不一样的词语。正式词语在各类法律文件中随处可见。 例如,在合同中,不用 before 而用 prior,不用 after 而用 subsequent,不用 but 而用 provided that,在这几个例子中,常用词都被正式的词取代。其他的正式用语还有:construe,

deem, operate, same, object to, whereas, without, prejudice 等等。 宣誓书(affividat)的正式用语有 being first duly sworn, depose and says; before me, a

notary public。而判决书则用 Now therefore, It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed 做出判决。




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3)使用古英语和中古英语中常用担当代很少使用的词 古英语(Old English)是公元约 1100年以前的英语,中古英语(Middle English)则是公元约 1100年至 1500年间的英语。虽说古英语和中古英语都早已过时,但今天的法律英语中还保留着许多那个时期常用的词以及其词义,其中最主要是以 here, there 和 where 与介词合成的词:- hereafter, herein, hereof, hereto, heretofore, hereunder, herewith;- thereafter, thereat, thereby, therefore, therefrom, therein, thereof, thereon, thereto, theretofore,

thereunder, therewith;

- whereas, whereby, wherein, whereof

此外还有 aforesaid, forthwith及作形容词用的 said 和 such。

4)使用外来词语 传统上,英美两国法律专业的学生都要学习拉丁文。在现代标准法律词典里,仍然收录了直接来自拉丁文的词语。其中有些拉丁词已被吸收成为英语词,如:affidavit(宣誓书)、alias(化名;别名)、alibi(不在犯罪现场)、quorum(法定人数)等。虽然大部分拉丁词语如今不再使用,但还有不少词语常常出现在法律文件中,成为法律英语的一个印记,如:ad hoc(专门的;专门地)、bona fide(真诚的,真诚地)、de facto(事实上的)、in re(关于)、inter alia(除了别的因素以外)、mutatis mutandis(在细节上作适当修正后)、part

passu(按相同比例)、per se(自身)、pro bono(为了公益)、pro rata(按比例)等。

5)使用法律术语和行话、套话各行各业都有专门术语和行话,律师行业亦不例外。法律术 语和行话对不熟悉法律业

务的外行人来说,是难以理解的,但对于律师开展业务和起草文件却是不可或缺的。律师使用的术语和行话不胜枚举,这里仅收录最为常见的一些用语: alibi(不在犯罪现场)、appeal(上诉)、bail(保释)、burden of proof(举证责任)、cause of action(案由)、


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contributory negligence(与有过失)、damages(损失赔偿金)、defendant(被告)、due

diligence(审慎调查)、felony(重罪)、lessee(承租人)、lessor(出租人)、letters Patent

(专利证书)、 negotiable instrument(流通票据)、novation(更替)、plaintiff(原告)、prejudice(损害)、reasonable doubt(合理的怀疑)、remedy(救济)、secondment(临时调任)、tort(侵权行为)。

为了使要表达的意思更为精确,或界定适用范围,律师在起草合同文件时每每使用现成的套话,如:and for no other purposes, shall not operate as a waiver, shall not be deemed a

consent, including but not limited to, or other similar or dissimilar causes, without prejudice to,

nothing contained herein shall 等。此外,由于英语的名词和代词有单数和复数形式,又有性别之分,为了防止所涉及的

条款出现片面性解释,在合同的“定义和解释”部分,通常都有这样“以一概全”的固定句 子 : Words in the singular Include the plural and vice versa;words used in the masculine

gender include every gender.这种法律文件特有的套话在普通英语里是找不到的,因而也更能反映法律英语的文体特色。

0.3 法律文件的句子结构 尽管随着时代的变迁,法律英语也呈现了一些简化趋势,但与日常英语相比,法律文件中依然会出现不少结构复杂、文词冗长的句子,这与法律规定和合同条款的表述刻意追求精确、严密木无关系。拟定规定和条款,最主要的是确立主题事项,但有时候还必须顾及实施的依据、前提、条件、假设、例外情况等,这就要借助相应的状语修饰语(短语和从句)续密地表达规定和条款的完整意思。由此形成的英语复合句不可能不长。另外,法律文件最突出的特点是客观公正,不带主观色彩,因而句子中较少出现人称主语,更多的是被动语态和名词化结构。下面拟对法律文件的这两个句法特点作一些分析。

1)结构复杂的长句 法律文件的句子,根据其内容有长有短,但长句出现的频率相对较高。长句的形成,是因为句子中有众多起修饰作用的定语和状语,如: If, after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial,

municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any

provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of

implementation of any law, regulation , decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or


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which materially and adversely affects a Party’s economic benefit under this Agreement, then

upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party, the Party shall promptly

consult and decide whether(i)to continue to implement the Agreement in accordance with the

original provisions thereof as per the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People’s

Republic of China; or(ii)to effectuate necessary adjustments in order to preserve each Party’s

economic benefit under this Agreement on a basis no less favorable than the economic benefit it

would have received if such law, regulation, decree or rule had not been

adopted,amended,repealed or so Interpreted or implemented.




Unless otherwise provided for herein, failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any

right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver thereof, not shall any

single or partial exercise of any right , power or privilege preclude further exercise thereof or

exercise of any other right, power or privilege.A waiver by one of the parties at any time of a

breach of any term or provision of this Agreement committed by the other party shall not be

construed as a waiver by such party of any subsequent breach to be committed by the other party,

nor shall it be construed as a waiver by such party of its rights under such provision or any of its

other rights under this Agreement.

上面的这条合同条款中,有这样一些源自动词的抽象化名词,如: failure, delay, waiver,

exercise, breach;被动结构则有 unless otherwise provided for herein, shall not be construed as


0.4 法律翻译的标准


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具体而言,翻译时对法律文件的每一个词(包括虚词)都不能掉以轻心,尤其是用在法律英语里的常用词(如前文第二节第二段所列举的一些词),应该按其在法律语境中的意思进行翻译(如将 action 译为“诉讼”,而不是“行动”)。即使是平时不大起眼的介词,如 at, in, on 等也应给以足够的重视,如下面一句句子中的几个介词分别指明“土地”的不同位置,必须——准确翻译出来,否则以后有可能引起合同争议。 Party A represents and warrants that there are no conditions at, on, under, or related to, the real

property constituting all or any portion of the Land which presently or potentially pose a hazard to

human health or the environment, whether or not in compliance with law and there has been no

manufacture, use, treatment, storage, transportation, or disposal of any hazardous or toxic

substance, pollutant, or contaminant on the Land nor any release of any hazardous or toxic

substance, pollutant, or contaminant into or upon or over the Land.


0.5 法律翻译的基本要求法律翻译工作者除了应具备从事一般文字翻译所必需的能力外,在英语和汉语的功底


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1 Assignment / Transfer


1. Neither Party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Party's prior

written consent, except to (i) any corporation resulting from any merger, consolidation or

other reorganization involving the assigning Party, and (ii) any entity to which the assigning

Party may transfer all or substantially all of its assets; provided that the assignee agrees in

writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and provides

documentation as evidence that the assignee has the ability and capability of meeting all of

the obligations under this Agreement.

2. Without prior written approval, no Party shall assign any and all of its rights and interests and

delegate its responsibilities under this Agreement to any third party. However, Party B shall

have the right to assign its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities hereunder to an

affiliate; provided that Party B shall continue to warrant that such affiliate will complete the

purchase of the equity interest in the manner contemplated by this Agreement.

3. Neither Party hereto shall assign this Agreement or any of its rights and interests hereunder

without the other Party's prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Notwithstanding the above provision of this Clause, (a) Party A shall have the right to assign

its rights to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity as long as Party A remains liable to

perform all of its obligations under this Agreement as applicable, and (b) Party B may,

without the consent of Party A, assign in whole, but not in part, its rights hereunder to any

subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity of Party B or its ultimate parent company (provided

that any such assignment to any such subsidiary shall not be deemed as a release of Party B's

obligations hereunder unless Party A shall have given prior written consent to any such

release and Party B shall remain liable to Party A in respect of any breach of this Clause).

Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void.


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4. Transfer of Registered Capital

a) Either Party may transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to the Company

to any third party, provided that it first obtains the unanimous approval of the Board and

the approval of the Approval Authority and complies with the provisions of this Article.

b) When a Party (the "Disposing Party") wishes to transfer all or part of its registered

capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice (the "Notice") to the

other Party (the "Non-Disposing Party"). The Notice shall state that the Disposing Party

wishes to make the transfer and shall specify the interest it wishes to transfer, the terms

and conditions of the transfer, and the identity of the proposed transferee (the


c) The Non-Disposing Party shall have a preemptive right to purchase the whole of such

interest (i) on terms and conditions no less favorable than those specified in the Notice

or (ii) at a fair market value appraised as set forth in paragraph (e). If the Non-Disposing

Party elects to exercise its preemptive right, it shall notify the Disposing Party in writing

(the "Acceptance Notice") within thirty (30) days of the actual delivery of the Notice to

the Non-Disposing Party that it intends to purchase the whole of the interest to be


d) If the Non-Disposing Party fails to respond in writing to the Notice within such thirty

(30)-day period, the Non-Disposing Party shall be deemed to have consented to the

transfer. If the Non-Disposing Party consents, or is deemed to have consented to the

transfer, the Disposing Party may transfer such interest to the Transferee, on the terms

and conditions set forth in the Notice, but not otherwise, provided that such transfer

takes place within six (6) months after the delivery of the Notice and that the Transferee

agrees in writing to become subject to and to comply with the terms and conditions of

this Contract and the Articles of Association. The Disposing Party shall provide the

Non-Disposing Party with a duplicate of its executed transfer agreement with the

Transferee within fourteen (14) days after the agreement is executed.

e) If the Non-Disposing Party elects to purchase the interest to be transferred at fair market

value, the Non-Disposing Party shall state in the Acceptance Notice that it so elects, and

shall include in the Acceptance Notice a list of at least two (2) internationally recognized

accounting firms with experience in conducting valuations in China. The Disposing


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Party shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving the Acceptance Notice, by notice in

writing delivered to the Non-Disposing Party, nominate one of the accounting firms

whose names were provided by the Non-Disposing Party to value the interest to be

transferred. The Non-Disposing Party shall arrange the valuation, which shall be

completed within three (3) months after the delivery of the Acceptance Notice.

参考译文转 让

1. 任何一方未经另一方事先书面同意,不得转让本协议的全部或部分,除非转让给( i)涉及转让方的因兼并、合并或其他重组而产生的任何公司,(ii)转让方可以向其转让全部成绝大部分资产的实体;但受让方须书面同意受本协议所有条款和条件约束,并提供文件证明受让方有资格、有能力履行本协议项下的全部义务。

2. 任何一方未经事先书面批准,不得将其在本协议项下的任何和全部权利和权益让与及将其在本协议项下的责任委托给任何第三方。但乙方有权将其在本协议项下的权利和权益让与及将其在本协议项下的责任委托给一家关联公司,但是乙方应继续保证该关联公司将以本协议拟定的方式完成对股权的购买。

3. 本协议任何一方未经另一方事先书面同意(该另一方不得无理拒绝同意),不得转让本协议或其在本协议项下的任何权利和权益。尽管本条有上述规定,但(a)甲方有权将其权利让与任何子公司、关联公司或继承实体,只要在适用情况下,甲方仍有责任履行其在本协议项下的全部义务,山)乙方可以无须经甲方同意,将其在本协议项下的全部(而不是部分)权利让与乙方的任何予公司、关联公司或继承实体或其最终的母公司(但是向任何该等子公司进行转让,不应被视为解除乙方在本协议项下的义务,除非甲方已事先书面同意予以解除,且乙方若违反本条规定仍须对甲方负有责任)。任何试图违反本条规定进行的转让均为无效。

4. 注册资本的转让a) 任何一方均可将其在公司注册资本中的全部和部分出资转让给任何第三方,但该

等转让首先项经董事会一致通过及审批机构的批准,并符合本条的规定。b) 一方(“转让方”)欲将其全部或部分注册资本出资额转让给第三方时,应向另



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c) 非转让方有优先权,(i)按不逊于通知规定的条款和条件,或(ii)按(C)段规定,以经评估的公平市价购买全部该等股权。如果非转让方决定行使优先权,应在转让方向非转让方实际送交通知后三十(30)天内,以书面形式通知转让方(“接受通知”),表明其有意购买拟转让的全部股权。

d) 如果在上述三十(30)内非转让方未能作出书面回应,即被视为业已同意转让。如果非转让方同意、或被视为同意转让,转让方只可按通知规定的(而不是其他的)条款和条件,将该等股权向受让人转让,但转让须在通知发出后六(6)个月内进行,且受让人须书面同意服从和遵守本合同和章程的条款和条件。转让方应在与受让人签署转让协议后十四(14)天内,向非转让方提供经其签署的转让协议副本。

e) 如果非转让方决定以公平的市价购买拟转让的股权,应在接受通知中表明其此等意向,并在其中列出至少两(2)家在中国进行评估方面具有经验的国际知名会计事务所名单。转让方应在收到接受通知后三十(30)天内,向转让方送交书面通知,提名非转让方提供的两家会计事务所之一对拟转让的股权进行评估。非转让方应对评估作出安排,评估应在送交接受通知三(3)个月内完成


1. The rights and obligations of the JVC under this Agreement may not be assigned or sub-

contracted in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Party A.

2. Should one Party assign all or part of its registered capital, prior written consent shall be

obtained from the other Party, in addition, the other Party shall have a preemptive right on the

same terms and conditions to the extent permitted by law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party hereby waives its preemptive right in the case of any

assignment of all or part of the other Party's registered capital to an affiliate of the other

Party. Each of the Parties further agrees to cause the director(s) it has appointed to the Board

of Directors to vote in favor of any such proposed assignment. If, as a result of its corporate

restructuring, Party A transfers its equity interest in the CJV to one of its newly-founded

affiliates ("Party A Affiliate"), Party A shall provide Party B with a written assurance

guaranteeing the performance of the obligations under this Contract by Party A Affiliate.

3. If a Party ("Intending Transferor") intends to sell or otherwise transfer (collectively referred


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to in this Clause as "Transfer") all or part of its equity interest in the JV Company

(collectively referred to in this Clause as "Transferred Equity Interest"), it shall first send a

written notice ("Transfer Notice") to the other two Parties, stating its intention to make the

transfer, the quantity of the Transferred Equity Interest, the conditions for purchase thereof

and the identity of the proposed transferee. The other two Parties shall have the preemptive

right to purchase the Transferred Equity Interest. If the other two Parties exercise their

preemptive right to purchase all (but not part) of the Transferred Equity Interest, they shall,

within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Transfer Notice, purchase the Transferred Equity

Interest at a price equal to the selling price set out in the Transfer Notice. If the other two

Parties fail to exercise such preemptive right to purchase or pay the selling price to the

Intending Transferor within the ninety (90-day period, they shall be deemed to have given

their prior written consent to the proposed transfer. When the Intending Transferor transfers

the Transferred Equity Interest, the actual conditions for such transfer may not be more

favorable than the conditions for purchase set out in the Transfer Notice. Where the Intending

Transferor is either Party B or Party C, and Party A cannot increase its Equity Ration in the

registered capital of the JV Company due to the restriction imposed by Chinese law, then

Party A shall have the right to assign its preemptive right of purchase to a third party

approved by Party A.


1. 未经甲方事先书面同意,合营公司在本协议项下的权利和义务不得全部或部分转让或分包。

2. 如果一方转让其全部或部分注册资本,应事先获得另一方的书面同意。此外,该另一方在相同的条款和条件下,在法律允许范围内有优先购买权。尽管有上述规定,如果一方将其全部或部分注册资本转让给一家关联公司,另一方则在此放弃其优先购买权。各方进一步同意促使其向董事会委派的董事投票赞成该等拟议的转让。如果由于甲方进行公司重组而将其在合作经营企业中的股权转让给其新成立的关联公司之一(“甲方关联公司”),则甲方应向动方提供书面保证,确保甲方关联公司履行本合同项下的义务。

3. 若一方(“拟转让方”)意欲出售或以其他方式转让(在本条中统称“转让”)其在


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2 Breach and Infringement

1. If Party A materially breaches this Contract, Party B or it; successor in interest is entitled to

terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract. If Party B materially

breaches this Contract, Party A is entitled to request Party B, by issuing a written notice, to

redress the breach within fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. If Party B fails to

redress the breach within the fifteen (15) day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the

Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract.

2. If a Party materially fails to perform any of its obligations under this Contract or if a Party's

representation or warranty under this Contract is materially untrue or inaccurate, such Party

shall be deemed to have breached this Contract. The Party in breach shall have thirty (30)

days from receipt of a notice from the other Party specifying the breach to correct such

breach if it is remediable. The Party in breach shall in any case be liable to the other Party for

all damages caused by the breach. Liability for such damages shall not be waived in the event

the non-breaching Party terminates this Contract under Article X. All remedies provided for

herein and under law shall be cumulative.

3. The Licensee shall promptly notify the Licensor, in writing, of any acts of infringement or

suspected infringement or acts of unfair competition involving the Trademarks and of any

applications or registrations of confusingly similar marks which may come to its attention.

The Licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or call on the Licensor to take any

proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters; provided, however, that the Licensor may, at its

own discretion and cost, prosecute or otherwise stop or prevent such actual or threatened

infringement in the name of both the Licensor and the Licensee or either of them, and in each

case the Licensee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the Licensor.

4. Infringement and legal proceedings

a) The Licensee shall give the Licensor in writing full particulars of any use or proposed

use by any other person, firm or company of a trade name, trademark or get-up of goods

or means of promotion or advertising which amounts to or is likely to amount to

infringement of the rights of the Licensor in relation to the Licensed Trademarks or


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contravention of the Anti-unfair Competition Law as soon as it becomes aware of such

use or proposed use.

b) If the Licensee becomes aware that any other person, firm or company alleges that any

of the Licensed Trademarks is invalid or that use of the Licensed Trademarks infringes

any rights of another party, the Licensee shall immediately give the Licensor in writing

full particulars thereof and may make no disclosure of information or admission to any

third party in respect thereof.

c) The Licensor shall conduct all legal proceedings in respect of any infringement or

alleged infringement of the Licensed Trademarks and any claim or counterclaim brought

or threatened to be brought in connection with the use or registration of the Licensed

Trademarks and shall in its absolute discretion decide what to do. The Licensor shall not

be obliged to bring or defend any proceedings in relation to the Licensed Trademarks if

the Licensee decides in its sole discretion to do so.

d) The Licensee will, at the request of the Licensor and at the Licensor's expense, give full

cooperation to the Licensor in any action or claim brought or threatened to be brought in

respect of the Licensed Trademarks, including joining in as a party to any proceedings.



1. 如果甲方实质性违反本合同,乙方或其权益承继人有权终止本合同或要求得到损害赔偿。如果动方实质性违反本合同,甲方经发出书面通知,有权要求乙方在收到书面通知后十五(15)天内改正违约行为。如果乙方在十五(15)天期限内未予改正,甲方则有权解除合同并要求得到违约赔偿。

2. 如果一方实质上未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,或一方在本合同项下的陈述或保证实质上是不真实的或不准确的,该方应被视为违反了本合同。违约方应在收到另一方指明其违约行为的通知后三十(30)日内,纠正其违约行为(若该违约行为是可以纠正的)。无论如何,违约方有责任赔偿另一方因该等违约而造成的一切损害。如果守约方根据 X 条终止本合同,违约方仍应给予损害赔偿。本合同规定的及法律规定的一切救济应是累积的。


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3. 一旦被许可方获悉涉及商标的侵权行为或涉嫌的侵权行为,或涉及商标的不正当竞争行为,以及引起混淆的类似商标的应用和注册,被许可方应立即书面通知许可方。被许可方无权就上述任何行为起诉或要求许可方起诉,但许可方可自行决定并自付费用,以许可方和被许可方双方名义或任一方名义,对实际发生或似将发生的商标侵权行为提起诉讼,或以其他方式阻止或防止该等侵权行为。无论许可方采取前述何种行动,被许可方均应提供许可方所要求的一切合理协助。

4. 侵权和法律诉讼a) 被许可方一旦获悉任何其他人、商行或公司使用或拟使用的商品名称、商标、商品


b) 如果被许可方获悉任何其他人、商行或公司宣称受许可商标是无效的或受许可商标的使用侵犯了他方权利,应立即以书面形式将详细情况告知许可方,并不得向任何第三方披露有关此方面的信息或对此做出承认。

c) 对于受许可商标所受到的侵权或侵权指控,以及就受许可商标的使用或注册提出或似将提出的索赔或反索赔,许可方应进行一切法律诉讼,并完全由其自行决定采取何种行动。如果被许可方自行决定就受许可商标提起诉讼或进行抗辩,许可方无义务就此提起诉讼或进行抗辩。

d) 对于就受许可商标提起或拟将提起的诉讼或索赔,应许可方要求并由许可方支付费用,被许可方将给予许可方充分合作,包括作为当事人参与任何诉讼。


1. If any party fails to perform any of its obligations in any material respect under this

Agreement or breaches any of the terms or Warranties set out in this Agreement in any

material respect, then without prejudice to all and any other rights and remedies available at

any time to a non-defaulting party (including but not limited to the right to damages for any

loss suffered by that party), the non-defaulting party may, by notice either require the

defaulting party to perform such obligations or remedy such breach, or treat the defaulting

party as having repudiated this Agreement and rescind the same. The rights conferred upon

the respective parties by the provisions of this Clause are additional to and do not prejudice


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any other rights the respective parties may have.

2. In the event that Licensor or Licensee becomes aware of an actual or threatened infringement

of a Patent anywhere in the Territory, that party shall promptly notify the other party in

writing. Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation to bring, at its own expense, an

infringement action against any third party and use Licensee's name in connection therewith

and to name Licensee as a party thereto.

3. In the event of the institution of any suit by a third party against Licensor, Licensee or its sub-

licensees or distributors for patent infringement involving the manufacture, use, sale,

distribution or marketing of the Product anywhere in the Territory, the party sued shall

promptly notify the other party in writing. Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation

to defend such suit at its own expense. Licensor and Licensee shall assist each other and co-

operate in any such litigation at the other's request without expense to the requesting party.

补充翻译练习参考译文1. 如果任何一方未在实质性方面履行其在本协议项下的任何义务,或实质性违反本协议


2. 如果许可方或被许可方得知区域内任何地方实际发生或似将发生的专利侵权行为,该方应立即书面通知另一方。许可方有权利但无义务针对任何第三方提起侵权诉讼,并在诉讼中使用被许可方的名称,以及指定被许可方为诉讼的当事人,诉讼费由许可方负担。

3. 如果有第三方在区域内任何地方就涉及产品的制造、使用、销售、分销或营销,对许可方、被许可方、或被许可方的分被许可方或分销商提起专利侵权诉讼,被诉方应立即书面通知另一方。许可方有权但无义务对该等诉讼进行抗辩,费用由许可方自理。在任何该等诉讼中,许可方或被许可方中的一方应另一方请求,应向请求方提供协助并与请求方合作,但不得向其收取费用。


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3 Confidentiality


1. Each Party undertakes with the other Party that it shall treat as strictly confidential all

information received or obtained by it or its employees, agents or advisers as a result of ente-

ring into or performing this Agreement including information relating to the provisions of

this Agreement, the negotiations leading up to this Agreement, the subject matter of this

Agreement or the business or affairs of the other Party or any member of the other Party's

group of companies and that it shall not at any time hereafter make use of or disclose or

divulge to any person any such information and shall use its best endeavors to prevent the

publication or disclosure of any such information.

2. From and after the date of this Agreement, Party A shall, and shall cause its affiliates and

successors to, use the same efforts to maintain the confidentiality of any Confidential

Information as Party A used to maintain the confidentiality of such information prior to the

date hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Party A and its affiliates and successors shall,

after prior notice to, and consultation with Party B, be permitted to disclose any such

Confidential Information to the extent legally required or necessary for obtaining appropriate

regulatory licenses or approvals.

3. All Proprietary Information disclosed by either Party or its affiliates to the CJV in accordance

with the provisions of this Contract and the Technology License Agreement and/ or the

Trademark License Agreement to be entered into between an affiliate of Party B and the CJV

on or about the date hereof substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix X shall be

used by the CJV and its personnel solely for the CJV's account and purposes. Each Party and

any of its affiliates shall maintain the secrecy of all Proprietary Information that may be

disclosed or furnished to it by the CJV or the other Party and its affiliates, and neither of the

Parties or their affiliates shall disclose or reveal any such Proprietary Information to any third

party without explicit written authorization from the other Party. Any Proprietary Information


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obtained by the CJV or a Party or its affiliates may be disclosed only to the designated

employees of the CJV or that Party and its affiliates whose duties so require for the

implementation of this Contract. The CJV and each Party and its affiliates shall take all

reasonable precautions (including the conclusion of confidentiality contracts with each such

employee) to prevent such employees from using and disclosing the Proprietary Information

in contravention of this Article 3.

4. "Confidential Information" means all documents, software and documentation, reports,

financial or other data, records, forms, tools, products, services, methodologies, present and

future research, technical knowledge, marketing plans, trade secrets, and other materials

obtained by Consultant and Client from each other in the course of performing any Services,

whether tangible or intangible and whether or not stored, compiled, or memorized physically,

electronically, graphically, in writing, or by any means now known or later invented.

Confidential Information includes without limitation records and information and

Consultant's Information (i) that has been marked as proprietary or confidential; (ii) whose

confidential nature has been made known by Client or Consultant; or (iii) that due to its

character and nature, a reasonable person under like circumstances would treat as

confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing. Confidential Information does not include

information which (i) is already known to the recipient at the time of disclosure; (ii) is or

becomes publicly known through no wrongful act or failure of the recipient; (iii) is

independently developed by the recipient without benefit of the other party's Confidential

Information; or (iv) is received from a third party which is not under and does not thereby

breach an obligation of confidentiality. Each party agrees to protect the other's Confidential

Information at all times and in the same manner as each protects the confidentiality of its own

proprietary and confidential materials, but in no event with less than a reasonable standard of

care. Consultant will deliver to Client all Confidential Information and all copies thereof (and

all other property obtained from or through Client) when Client requests the same or

immediately upon termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs earlier, except for one

copy thereof that Consultant, may retain for its records. Neither party shall, except with

respect to those of its employees with a need to know under this Agreement, use or disclose

to any person, firm or entity any Confidential Information of the other party without such

other party's express, prior written permission; provided, however, that notwithstanding the


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foregoing, Consultant may disclose Confidential Information to the extent that it is required

to be disclosed pursuant to a statutory or regulatory provision or court order. The

confidentiality restrictions and obligations imposed by this Section 4 shall terminate two (2)

years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement.


保 密

1. 各方向另一方承诺,其将对因签订或履行本协议而由其或其雇用、代理人或顾问得到或获得的所有信息,包括与本协议的规定、为达成本协议进行的谈判、本协议的标的、或另一方的或另一方集团公司任一成员的业务或事务相关的信息严格保密,且在此后任何时候均不使用或向任何人披露或泄露任何该等信息,并竭力防止该等信息的公布或披露。

2. 自本协议之日起及其后,甲方应尽力并应促使其关联公司或承继人尽力对机密信息进行保密,一如其在本协议之日前为该等机密信息保密。尽管有前述规定,甲方及其关联公司和承继人经事先通知己方并与动方协商后,应允许其仅按照法律要求,或为获得有关管理部门的执照或批准而披露必须予以披露的任何该等机密信息。

3. 任何一方或其关联公司根据本合同及乙方一家关联公司与合作经营企业于本合同同日或稍后签订的技术许可协议和/或商标许可协议(其格式见附件五)的规定,向合作经营企业披露的所有专有信息,仅供合作经营企业及其人员用于合作经营企业的自身利益和目的。各方及其关联公司应对合作经营企业或另一方及其关联公司向其披露或提供的所有专有信息保密;未经另一方明示的书面授权,任何一方或其关联公司不得向任何 第三方披露或透露任何该等专有信息。合作经营企业或一方或其关联公司获得的任何专有信息,只能披露给为执行本合同其职责需要其知悉该等信息的合作经营企业或该方及其关联公司的指定雇员。合作经营企业和各方及其关联公司应采取一切合理的预防措施(包括与每一个该等雇员订立保密合同),防止该等雇员违反本条规定而使用或披露专有信息。

4. “机密信息”系指在履行服务期间,顾问和客户相互间获得的一切文件、软件和文献资料、报告、财务数据或其他数据、记录、格式、工具、产品、服务、方法、现在和将来的研究、技术知识、营销计划、商业秘密及其他资料,无论是有形的还是无形的,无论是否以实


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1. During the term of this Agreement, all the oral and written information, including but not

limited to manufacturing technologies, procedures, methods, formulas, data, techniques,

experiences, know-how, and business information ("Confidential Information") to be

provided by Party A to Party B shall be treated as strictly confidential and shall be used only

for the purpose set forth herein. Title to such information and the interest related thereto shall

remain with Party A at all time.

Party B agrees to take all necessary steps to prevent Confidential Information from being

disclosed to third parties and shall require its personnel to abide by the same confidentiality

regulation. Party B shall not disclose Confidential Information to anyone other than to such

persons who require access thereto for the exclusive purpose provided hereunder and who are

aware of their obligations of confidentiality hereunder.

2. Party A acknowledges that the System, all technical documentation delivered to Party A by

Party B hereunder, and all other information relating to the design, development,


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configuration, use, installation, operation and maintenance of the System constitutes

confidential or proprietary information of Party B, and Party B acknowledges that Party A

may provide confidential or proprietary information to Party B hereunder (collectively

referred to as "Confidential Information"). Each Party agrees to use Confidential Information

received from the other Party only for the purpose contemplated by this Agreement and for

no other purposes. Except as specified in this Agreement, no other rights express or implied,

including but not limited to licenses, of trademarks, inventions, copyrights, patents, or any

other intellectual property rights whatsoever, are granted hereunder or by the conveying of

Confidential Information. Confidential Information provided is not to be reproduced in any

form except as required to accomplish the intent of, and in accordance with the terms of, this

Agreement. Each Party shall provide the same care to avoid disclosure or unauthorized use of

the other Party's Confidential Information as it provides to protect its own similar proprietary

information. Confidential Information must be kept by the receiving Party in a secure place

with access limited to only such Party's employees, contractors, or agents who need to know

such information for the purposes of this Agreement and who have similarly agreed to keep

such information confidential pursuant to a written confidentiality agreement which reflects

the terms hereof. Except as provided herein and unless otherwise specified in writing, all

Confidential Information (i) remains the property of the disclosing Party, and (ii) must be

returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed after the receiving Party's need for it has

expired. At the request of the disclosing Party, the receiving Party shall furnish a certificate

signed by a director or authorized office of the receiving Party certifying that Confidential In-

formation not returned to the disclosing Party has been destroyed.

补充翻译练习参考译文1. 在本协议期限内,甲方向动方提供的一切口头和书面信息,包括但不限于制造工艺、


2. 甲方确认,系统、乙方根据本协议向甲方交付的一切技术文件以及与系统的设计、开发、


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4 Definition and Interpretation


1. "Affiliate" means any person or company that directly or indirectly controls a Party or is

directly or indirectly controlled by a Party, including a Party's parent or subsidiary, or is

under direct or indirect common control with such Party. For the purpose of this Agreement,

"control" shall mean either the ownership of fifty per cent (50%) or more of the ordinary

share capital of the company carrying the right to vote at general meetings or the power to

nominate a majority of the board of directors of the Company.

2. "Proprietary Know-how" shall mean processes, methods and manufacturing techniques,

experience and other information and materials including but not limited to the Technical

Information and Technical Assistance supplied or rendered by the Licensor to the Licensee

hereunder which have been developed by and are known to the Licensor on the date hereof

and/or which may be further developed by the Licensor or become known to it during the

continuance of this Agreement excepting, however, any secret know-how acquired by the

Licensor from third parties which the Licensor is precluded from disclosing to the Licensee.

3. "Proprietary Information" means the information, whether patentable or not, disclosed to the

CJV by either Party or its Affiliates or disclosed by the CJV to either Party or its Affiliates

during the term of this Contract, including technology, inventions, creations, know-how,

formulations, recipes, specifications, designs, methods, processes, techniques, data, rights,

devices, drawings, instructions, expertise, trade practices, trade secrets and such commercial,

economic, financial or other information as is generally treated as confidential by the

disclosing Party, its Affiliates, or the CJV, as the case may be; provided that when such

information is in unwritten or intangible form, the disclosing Party, its Affiliates or the CJV

shall, within one month of making the disclosure, provide the other Party and/or the CJV

with a written confirmation that such information constitutes its Proprietary Information.

4. "Encumbrances" include any option, right to acquire, right of preemption, mortgage, charge,


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pledge, lien, hypothecation, title creation, right of set-off, counterclaim, trust arrangement or

other security or any equity or restriction (including any relevant restriction imposed under

the relevant law).

5. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

a) headings are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this


b) words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;

c) words importing a gender include any gender;

d) an expression importing a natural person includes any company, partnership, joint

venture, association, corporation or other body corporate and any governmental agency;

e) a reference to any law, regulation or rule includes all laws, regulations, or rules

amending, consolidating or replacing them, and a reference to a law includes all

regulations and rules under that law;

f) a reference to a document includes an amendment or supplement to, or replacement or

novation of, that document;

g) a reference to a party to any document includes that party's successors and permitted


h) a reference to an agreement includes an undertaking, agreement or legally enforceable

arrangement or understanding whether or not in writing;

i) a warranty, representation, undertaking, indemnity, covenant or agreement on the part of

two or more persons binds them jointly and severally; and

j) the schedules, annexures and appendices to this Agreement shall form an integral part of

this Agreement.



1. “关联公司”指直接或间接控制一方(包括其母公司或子公司)或受一方直接或间接控制,或与该方共同受直接或间接控制的任何人或公司。在本协议中,“控制”系指拥有在股东大会上有投票权的百分之五十(50%)或 50%以上的公司普通股股本,或拥


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有任命公司董事会中多数董事的权力。2. “专有技术”指本协议签订之日,已由许可方开发和为许可方所知,和战在本协议持续期间可能由许可方进一步开发和为许可方获知的工序、方法、生产技术、经验及其他信息和资料,包括但不限于许可方根据本协议向被许可方提供的技术信息和技术协助,但许可方从第三方获得的不允许向被许可人披露的任何秘密技术除外。

3. “专有信息”指在本合同期内,任何一方或其关联公司向合作经营企业披露的、或合作经营企业向任何一方或其关联公司披露的不论可否获得专利的信息,包括技术、发明、创造、诀窍、配制、配方、规格、设计、方法、工序、工艺、数据、权利、装置、日样、 指示、专门知识、商业惯例、商业机密以及披露方、其关联公司或合作经营企业(视情况而定)通常视为机密的商业、经济、财务或其他信息;但是,如果该等信息不是以书面或有形形式披露的,披露方、其关联公司或合作经营企业应在披露后一个月内,向另一方和/或合作经营企业提供该等信息系其专有信息的书面确认。

4. “权利负担”包括期权、收购权、优先权、抵押、押 j己、质押、留置、押汇、所有权的产生、抵付权、反诉、信托安排或其他担保、或股权、限制(包括有关法律规定的任何有关限制)。

5. 在本协议中,除非上下文另有要求,a) 标题仅为行文方便而设,并不影响对本协议的解释;b) 单数词包含其复数,反之亦然;c) 单一性别的词包含其各种性别;d) 自然人的含义包括公司、合伙企业、合营企业、关联企业、法人团体或其他法人和政

府机构;e) 凡反提到的任何法律、法规或条例,包括修正、合并或替代该等法律、法规或条例


f) 凡提到的文件,包括该文件的修正件、补充件或替代件;g) 凡提到的文件的一方,包括该方的继承人和被许可的受让人;h) 凡提到的协议,包括承诺、约定或法律上可强制执行的安排或谅解,无论是不是

书面形式;i) 两人或两人以上的保证、陈述、承诺、赔偿、约定或协议,各人共同和分别受其约束;j) 本协议的附表、附录和附件构成本协议不可分割的部分。


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1. "Control" means the power of any entity to direct the affairs of another entity whether by any

of the following means or otherwise:

a) beneficial ownership of or entitlement to acquire shares or assets of the other;

b) power to exercise voting rights in relation to the other;

c) power to appoint members of the supervisory board, board of directors or bodies legally

representing the other; or

d) power to operate, direct or manage the general affairs of the other.

2. "Technical Information" shall mean all technical data, drawings, designs, formulae,

specifications, processes, methods of manufacture, computer programs or other software or

technical documents and similar intellectual property rights of or developed by the Licensor

as of the date hereof or to be developed by the Licensor during the term of this Agreement

relating to the Product, including improvements thereto.

3. The headings used in this Contract are for ease of reference only, and in no event shall the

substance of any paragraph or the intent of the Parties be interpreted or controlled by such


4. References to:

a) Clauses and Schedules are to clauses in and schedules to this Agreement (unless the

context otherwise requires) and the Recitals and Schedules to this Agreement shall be

deemed to form part of this Agreement;

b) "person" shall include body corporate» unincorporated association and partnership

(whether or not having separate legal personality);

c) writing shall include any methods of producing or reproducing words in a legible and

non-transitory form; and

d) masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter and the singular number shall

include the plural and vice versa.

补充翻译练习参考译文1. “控制权”指任何实体,无论是通过下列任一途径还是通过其他方式监督另一实体的事务的权力:a) 拥有另一实体股份或资产的受益所有权或收购另一实体股份或资产的权力;


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b) 行使与另一实体相关的投票权的权力;c) 任命合法代表另一实体的监事会、董事会或机构成员的权力;或d) 经营、监督或管理另一实体的一般事务的权力。

2. “技术信息”指本协议签订之日,许可方拥有的或已开发的、或在本协议期间内许可方开发的与产品(包括产品的改进)有关的一切技术数据、图纸、设计、公式、规格、工序、生产方法、计算机程序或其他软件或技术文件及类似知识产权。

3. 本协议中的标题仅为方便参考而设,不得用于解释或控制协议任何条款的实质内容或各方的意向。

4. 凡提到的:a) 条款和附件,系指本协议的条款和附件(除非上下文另有要求),且本协议的事

实陈述部分和附件应被视为本协议的组成部分;b) “人”,包括法人团体、非法人社团和合伙企业(无论是否具有单独的法律人格);c) 书面形式,包括任何以清晰和永久的形式产生或复制文字的方法;以及d) 阳性词,包括其阴性和个性形式,单数调包括其复数形式;反之亦然。


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5 Entire Agreement, Amendment and Language


1. All the appendices to this Agreement shall be an integral part of this Agreement. This

Agreement and all its appendices shall constitute the entire agreement between the Parties

with respect to the subject matter set forth herein and supersede any and all previous oral and

written discussions, negotiations, notices, memoranda, documents, agreements, contracts and

communications between the Parties relating to such subject matter.

2. The terms and conditions herein contained, including the Appendices hereto, constitute the

entire agreement between the parties hereto. This Contract shall supersede all previous

communications, either oral or written, between the parties. Amendments modifying or

extending the Contract shall be binding upon both parties only if in writing and signed by a

duly authorized officer or representative of each party.

3. This Agreement, entered into as of the date written above, constitutes the entire agreement

between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and shall be in addition to and not in

derogation of the provisions of the Supply Agreement. No terms or provisions of this

Agreement shall be varied or modified by any prior or subsequent statement, conduct or act

of either of the Parties, except that the Parties may amend this Agreement by written

instruments referring to and executed in the same manner as this Agreement.

4. This Agreement, including any Statement of Work entered into pursuant hereto, constitutes

the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all

prior and contemporaneous representations, proposals, discussions, and communications,

whether oral or in writing. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement

and the specific provisions set forth in a Statement of Work, the provisions of the Agreement

shall control, except to the extent the provisions in a Statement of Work expressly provide


5. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its


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subject matter (no party having relied on any representation or warranty made by any other

party which is not contained in this Agreement) and no variation of this Agreement shall be

effective unless made in writing and signed by all of the parties.

6. Amendments to this Contract may be made only by a written instrument signed by a duly

authorized representative of each of the Parties and, unless prior approval from the Ex-

amination and Approval Authority/the appropriate government department is statutorily

required» such amendments shall become effective upon the signing by the duly authorized

representatives of both Parties.

7. This Agreement shall be signed in four (4) counterparts and all such counterparts taken

together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument. The Parties shall sign a

Chinese language version of this Agreement as soon as reasonably possible. Should there be

any discrepancy between the two language versions, the English version of this Agreement

shall prevail.

8. This Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in any number of counterparts and on

separate counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed an original but all of

which shall constitute one and the same instrument and shall be binding on all parties. A

party may execute this Agreement and the documents referred to herein on a facsimile copy

counterpart and deliver its signature and seal by facsimile.



1. 本协议的所有附件是本协议不可分割的一部分。本协议及其附件构成双方就本协议规定的标的达成的完整协议,并取代双方先前与该标的有关的一切口头和书面的洽谈、谈判、通知、备忘录、文件、协议、合同和通讯。

2. 本合同所包含的条款和条件,包括合同附件,构成合同双方的完整协议。本合同取代双方以前所有的口头或书面通讯。对合同所作的修改或扩充,只有采取书面形式并经双方正式授权的主管人员或代表签署后,方能对双方有约束力。

3. 文首载明的日期签订的本协议,构成双方关于本协议标的完整协议,是对供应协议规定的补充而不是减损。任何一方均不得以先前或以后的声明、举动或行为修改或变更本


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4. 本协议,包括根据本协议订立的工作一览表,构成本协议双方关于本协议标的的完整协议,并取代双方先前的或现在的所有陈述、建议、讨论和通讯,无论是口头的还是书面的。若本协议的规定与工作一览表的具体规定发生冲突,以本协议的规定为准,但工作一览表另有明示规定的除外。

5. 本协议构成双方关于协议标的的完整协议(各方均依赖于另一方在本协议中的陈述或保证),对本协议的任何修改,只有通过书面形式并经双方签字后方能生效。

6. 对本合同的修改,只能通过各方的正式授权代表签署书面协议进行。除法律要求须经审批机构/政府有关部门事先批准外,该等修改经双方授权代表签字后立即生效。

7. 本协议签署本一式四(4)份,四份文本视为共同构成同一份协议。双方应尽快签署本协议的中文文本。协议的英文文本和中文文本如有不一致之处,以英文文本为准。

8. 本协议各方可签署任何数量的协议文本,并在各份文本上签字。每份文本一经各方签署均视为原件,所有文本构成同一份文据,对各方均有约束力。一方可签署本协议和本协议提及的文件的传真件,并通过传真交付其签名和印章。


1. This Agreement and the schedules hereto constitute the entire agreement between the Parties

relating to the subject matter hereof and supersede all previous writings and understandings

related hereto.

2. Any amendments to this Contract shall become effective only after a written agreement to

effect the amendments signed by Party A and Party B has been approved by the Examination

and Approval Authority.

3. This Contract is executed in English and Chinese. Both language versions shall be equally

authentic. Each Party acknowledges that it has reviewed both language texts and that they are

substantially the same in all material respects.

4. This Agreement is executed in Chinese. If necessary, it may be translated into other

languages. However, if there is any conflict, ambiguity or discrepancy between the Chinese

version and a version in any other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.

5. This Contract shall be written in both Chinese and English. Both versions are equally

authentic. Each version shall be in eight (8) counterparts. Each of the Parties shall hold one


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counterpart of each language version. The remaining counterparts shall be submitted to the

Examination and Approval Authority for approval or reference, or retained by the CJV, as



1. 本协议及其附件构成双方关于本协议标的完整协议,并取代双方先前有关本协议的一切书面文件和谅解。

2. 对本合同的任何修改,只有在甲、乙双方签署的实施修改的书面协议经审批机构批准后方能生效。

3. 本合同的签署本有中文和英文两种。两种文本具有同等效力。各方承认其业已审阅合同的两种文本,中文本和英文本在一切重要方面大体相同。

4. 本协议以中文文本签署。如有必要,本协议可译成其他文字。但是,如果本协议的中文文本和其他文本之间存在矛盾、歧义或不一致之处,则以中文文本为准。

5. 本合同用中文和英文写就。中文文本和英文文本具有同等效力,两种文本各一式八(8)份,双方执中文文本和英文文本各一份。其余文本按要求报送有关审批机构审批、供其参考,或由合作经营企业保存。


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6 Force Majeure and Notice


1. Force majeure means an event beyond the control of a Party, as a result of which the Party is

unable to perform its obligations under this Contract. An event of Force Majeure includes,

but is not limited to, prohibition or acts by government or public agency, riot, war, hostility,

public disturbance, strikes, other labor disputes and work stoppages, failure or interruption of

transportation or other utilities, epidemic, fire, flood, earthquake, storm, tidal wave or other

acts of nature.

Force majeure preventing a party from performing any of its obligations under this Contract,

in whole or in part, may be asserted against the other party only if the prevented party gives

notice by registered mail of the inception and cessation of the force majeure within fifteen

(15) days in each case enclosing a confirmation by the proper authorities or published

information attesting the reality of the facts and the accuracy of the data supplied. A party

claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force

majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Contract.

2. Should any Party be directly prevented from executing this Agreement or be delayed in

performing this Agreement by any event of force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon,

flood, fire and war and other unforeseen events, the happening and consequences of which

are unpreventable and unavoidable, the affected Party shall notify the other Parties without

delay and, within fifteen (15) days thereafter, provide detailed information regarding the

events of force majeure and sufficient proof thereof, explaining the reason for its inability to

perform or the delay in the execution of all or part of this Agreement. A certificate issued by

the Chamber of Commerce or other appropriate authority where such circumstances occur

shall be sufficient proof of the existence of such circumstances and their duration. The Parties

shall, through consultations, decide whether to alter the Agreement to reflect the effects of the

event of force majeure on the performance of this Agreement or to terminate the Agreement

in the event that such force majeure persists for a period of six (6) months or more.


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3. If one Party is prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Agreement due to

an event of force majeure, the time for performing the obligations under this Agreement

specifically prevented from performance by such event of force majeure shall be extended by

a period equal to the period of delay caused by such event of force majeure. The party

claiming inability to perform its obligations due to an event of force majeure shall take

appropriate measures to minimize or remove the effects of the event of force majeure and,

within the shortest possible time, do its best to resume performance of the obligation (s)

affected by the event of force majeure. If an event of force majeure occurs, neither party shall

be responsible for any damage, increased cost or loss which the other party may sustain by

reason of such a failure or delay of performance, and such failure or delay shall not be

deemed a breach of this Agreement. All other obligations under this Agreement and the time

for performance thereof shall not be affected thereby.

4. Notices or other communications required to be given by one Party pursuant to this

Agreement shall be written in Chinese and may be delivered personally, sent by registered

airmail (postage prepaid), by courier service or by facsimile transmission to the address of

the other party set forth below or to such other address as may from time to time be

designated by such party through notification to the other party. The dates on such notices

shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:

a) Notices given by personal delivery shall be deemed effectively given on the date of

personal delivery, provided that receipt shall be acknowledged in writing by the

receiving party;

b) Notices sent by registered airmail (postage prepaid) shall be deemed effectively given

on the tenth (10th) day after the date on which they were mailed (as indicated by the


c) Notices sent by courier shall be deemed effectively given on the third (3rd) day after

they were sent by courier service;

d) Notices sent by facsimile transmission shall be deemed effectively given on the first

(1st) business day following the date of transmission, as indicated on the document in


During the valid term of this Agreement, if any party changes its address at any time, it shall

forthwith notify the other party in writing of such change.


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1. “不可抗力”指一方不能控制的、导致该方不能履行其在本合同项下义务的事件。不可抗力事件包括但不限于政府或公共机关的禁令或行为、动乱、战争、敌对行动、民众骚乱、罢工、其他劳动纠纷和停工、交通或其他公用事业的停顿或中断、流行病、火灾、水灾、地震、风暴、海潮或其他自然灾害。一方因遭受不可抗力而不能全部或部分履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,可以通知另一方不可抗力的存在,条件是遭受方应在不可抗力发生和终止后十五(5)日内,分别用挂号信向另一方发出该不可抗力的起始和终止的通知,并附上有关当局的证明或公开发布的消息,证明事实真相和所提供的材料的准确性。声称不可抗力的一方有举证责任,证明不可抗力与未履行本合同规定的该方义务有直接关系。

2. 如果任何一方因不可抗力事件,如地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争、其发生和后果不可预防和不可避免的其他意外事件的直接影响,而不能履行或延迟履行本协议,受影响的一方应立即通知另一方,并在此后十五()日内提供有关不可抗力事件的详情和足够的证明材料,解释其不能履行或延迟履行本协议的全部或部分条款的理由。不可抗力事件发生地的商会或其他有关部门出具的证明,应足以证明不可抗力事件的存在及其延续 的时间。如果不可抗力事件持续时间超过六(6)个月,双方应通过协商决定变更协议以反映不可抗力事件对履行本合同的影响,抑或终止本协议。

3. 如果一方因不可抗力事件而不能履行其在本协议项下的任何义务,受不可抗力事件影响的本协议项下的义务的履行时间应予延长,延长的时间相等于该不可抗力事件所导致的延误时间。声称遭受不可抗力事件而不能履行义务的一方,应采取适当措施减少或消除不可抗力事件的影响,并努力在尽可能短的时间内恢复履行受不可抗力事件影响的义务。如果发生不可抗力事件,任何一方无须因不可抗力事件未能或延迟履行其义务,而对另一方可能蒙受的任何损害、费用增加或损失承担责任,且该等未履行或延迟履行不应被视为对本协议的违约。本协议规定的所有其他义务及其履行时间不应受此影响。

4. 一方根据本协议要求发出的通知或其他书信应以中文书写,可由专人递送、以航空挂号(预付邮资)、快递或传真方式发往收件方的以下地址,或该方不时地通知发件方


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的指定地址。通知视为有效送达的日期按以下方法确定:a) 专人递送的,在专人送达之日视为有效送达,但收件方应书面确认已收到通知;b) 以航空挂号(预付邮资)邮寄的,在寄出日(以邮戳为凭)后的第十(10)日视

为有效送达;c) 交快递发送的,在快递发送后的第三(3)日视为有效送达;d) 以传真发出的,在传送日(以所传文件上的日期为凭)后的第一(1)个营业日视



1. If one Party has been prevented from performing its responsibilities stipulated in the Contract

because of an Event of Force Majeure, it shall notify the other Party in writing within fifteen

(15) days after the occurrence of such Event of Force Majeure, and both Parties shall use

reasonable endeavors to mitigate damages, to the extent possible. If an Event of Force

Majeure occurs, neither Party shall be responsible for any damage, increased costs or loss

which the other Party may sustain by reason of such a failure or delay of performance, and

such failure or delay shall not be deemed a breach of this Contract. A Party claiming inability

to perform due to an Event of Force Majeure shall take appropriate means to minimize or

remove the effects of the Event of Force Majeure and, within the shortest possible time,

attempt to resume performance of the obligation affected by the Event of Force Majeure.

2. Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be considered properly given if sent by

registered airmail or courier or by facsimile to the address of the other Party indicated below

or to such other address as the addressee shall have furnished in writing to the addresser and

shall take effect on the date of dispatch.

3. Notices required or permitted under this Contract shall be effective if given in writing,

written in English, sent by registered airmail, or by telex or facsimile confirmed by registered

air mail letter, return receipt requested, addressed as follows; unless otherwise specified in

this Contract, notices shall be effective from the date of receipt of the telex or facsimile or in

the event a telex or facsimile is not received, eight (8) days after the service of the registered



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1. 若一方由于不可抗力事件无法履行本合同所规定的义务,应在该不可抗力事件发生后十五(15)天内,以书面形式通知另一方,且双方均应采取合理措施尽量减少损害。若发生不可抗力事件,任何一方无须因其未能或延迟履行义务而对另一方可能遭受的损害、费用增加或损失承担责任,且该等未履行或延迟履行不应被视为对本合同的违约。声称由于不可抗力事件而无法履约的一方,应采取适当方式减少或消除不可抗力事件的影响,并在尽可能短的时间内,努力重新履行受不可抗力事件影响的义务。

2. 据本协议要求发出的通知,若用航空挂号信寄往、或以快递或传真发往另一方的下列所示地址或收件人以书面形式向发件人提供的其他地址,应视为有效送达,并在发送之日生效。

3. 本合同所要求或允许的通知,应以英文书写的书面形式,用航空挂号信邮寄,或用电位或传真发出,以航空挂号信确认,并随附回执,寄至下列地址方能生效。除非本合同另有规定,通知自收到电传或传真之日起生效,或者在未收到电传或传真的情况下,挂号信寄出后,八(8)天生效。


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7 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution


1. The formation of this Contract, its validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of

disputes in connection herewith shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of

China ("PRC"), but in the event that there is no published and publicly available law in the

PRC governing a particular matter relating to this Contract, reference shall be made to

general international commercial practices.

2. If, after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial,

municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any

provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or

method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this

Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a party's economic benefit under this

Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party, the

Parties shall promptly consult and decide whether (i) to continue to implement this

Agreement in accordance with the original provisions thereof as per the relevant provisions

of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China; or (ii) to effectuate necessary

adjustments in order to preserve each Party's economic benefit under this Agreement on a

basis no less favorable than the economic benefit it would have received if such law,

regulation, decree or rule had not been adopted, amended, repealed or so interpreted or


3. Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement shall be settled under

the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by three

(3) arbitrators appointed in accordance with said Rules. The place of Arbitration shall be

Hong Kong. The language of Arbitration shall be English. In no event shall any arbitration

award provide a remedy beyond those permitted under these Terms and Conditions, and any

award providing a remedy beyond those permitted under this Agreement shall not be


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confirmed, no presumption of validity shall attach, and such award shall be vacated.

4. Any dispute arising from, out of, or in connection with, this Agreement shall be settled by the

Parties through friendly consultation. Such consultation shall begin immediately after one

Party has delivered to the other party a written request for such consultation. If the dispute

cannot be settled through consultation within thirty (30) days after such notice is given, the

Parties shall submit the dispute to China International Trade Arbitration Committee, Shanghai

Branch ("Arbitration Institute") to be arbitrated according to its rules and regulations.

There shall be three (3) arbitrators. Party A and Party B shall appoint one (1) arbitrator each.

The two arbitrators shall be selected within thirty (30) days after giving or receiving of the

request for arbitration. The chairman of the Arbitration Institute shall select the third

arbitrator. If a Party fails to appoint an arbitrator within thirty (30) days after the other Party

has appointed an arbitrator, the chairman of the Arbitration Institute shall make the appoint-


The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in Chinese language. The arbitration tribunal

shall apply the arbitration rules of the Arbitration Institute in effect on the date of the signing

of this Agreement. However, if such rules are in conflict with the provisions of the previous

paragraph of this Article, including the provisions for appointing arbitrators, the provisions of

this Article shall prevail.

The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties. No party shall appeal in

connection with the matters in relation to the arbitration award.

Each Party may request any court having jurisdiction to make a judgment for enforcing the

arbitration award, or apply with such court for judicial recognition of the award or any order

of enforcement thereof.

During the process of arbitration, the Parties shall continue to implement this Agreement

without interruption, except for the matters in dispute.


1. 本合同的订立、效力、解释、执行及合同争议的解决,均受中华人民共和国(“中国”)法律管辖。中国正式颁布的法律对本合同相关的某一事项未作规定的,参照国际商业惯例。


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2. 如果本协议签署之后,中国国家、省、市或地方政府通过任何新的法律、法规、法令或条例,修改或废除任何法律、法规、法令或条例的任何条款,或对任何法律、法规、法令或条例给予不同的解释或采取不同的实施办法,导致与本协议相冲突,或对一方在本协议项下的经济利益造成实质性的不利影响,受到影响的一方经书面通知另一方后,双方应立即协商并决定是否(i)根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的有关规定继续按照本协议的原条款执行本协议,或(ii)做出必要的调整,以保持各方在本协议项下的经济利益,使之不逊于各方在该等法律、法规、法令或条例未通过、未修改、未废除、未做出不同的解释或未采取不同的实施方法之前所能获得的经济利益。

3. 本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议或权利主张,应由根据国际商会的调解和仲裁规则委派的三(3)名仲裁员按该规则予以解决。仲裁地为香港。仲裁语言为英语。无论如何,仲裁裁决规定的救济不得超出本条款和条件允许的范围;超出本协议允许范围规定的救济不予确认,亦不得推定为有效,且该等仲裁裁决应予撤销。

4. 因本协议引起、产生于本协议或与本协议有关的任何争议,应由双方通过友好协商解决。协商在一方向另一方交付进行协商的书面要求后立即开始。倘若在该通知发出后三十(30)天内,争议未能通过协商解决,双方应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会(“仲裁机构”)进行仲裁。仲裁员为三(3)名。甲方和乙方各委派一(1)名仲裁员,两名仲裁员应在发出或收到仲裁要求后三十(测天内选定。仲裁机构主席选出第三名仲裁员。如果一方委派仲裁员后三十(30)天内,另一方未委派仲裁员,则该名仲裁员应由仲裁机构主席委派。仲裁程序以中文进行,仲裁庭应实行本协议签署日有效的仲裁机构的仲裁规则。但是,若该等规则与本条前款规定相抵触,包括与关于委派仲裁员的规定相抵触,则以本条规定为准。仲裁裁决为终局裁决,对双方都具有约束力。任何一方均不得就仲裁裁决所涉及的事项上诉。各方均可要求具有管辖权的法院做出强制执行仲裁裁决的判决,或向该等法院申请对仲裁裁决给予司法承认或发布强制执行令。在仲裁进行过程中,除争议事项外,双方应继续不停地履行本协议。


1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New York


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(USA), without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof. The United Nations

Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this


2. The Parties will make every effort to settle amicably any dispute or claim arising in

connection with the Contract. Should the Parties fail to resolve any such dispute within sixty

(60) days after one Party gives a written notice of a dispute to the other, any and all such

disputes shall be finally settled in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the

International Chamber of Commerce by three (3) arbitrators appointed in accordance with

said Rules. Any arbitration decision rendered in conformity with this Article shall be final

and binding upon the Parties. Arbitration shall take place in Geneva, Switzerland. The

proceedings shall be conducted in English. All arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing

party or, where appropriate, in conformity with the stipulations of the award. All other fees

including legal fees shall be borne by the respective parties or, where appropriate, in

conformity with the stipulations of the award.

3. Should any dispute arise from the execution or implementation of this Contract or otherwise

relating thereto, both Parties shall resolve the dispute through friendly negotiations. If the

dispute cannot be resolved by negotiations within thirty (30) days after one Party has issued

notice to the other Party requesting the commencement of such negotiations, then either Party

may submit it to the Singapore International Arbitration Center (the "Arbitration Institute")

for arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL rules of arbitration then in effect and the

following provisions:

a) The arbitration shall be conducted in the English language and three (3) arbitrators (one

appointed by each Party and the third appointed by the Arbitration Institute) may refer to

both the English and Chinese text of the Contract;

b) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties and shall be enforced in

accordance with its terms; and

c) The costs of arbitration shall be borne by the Party as designated in the arbitration



1. 本协议受(美国)纽约州法律管辖并依其解释,但该州法律关于冲突法的规定除外。41

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本协议不适用《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》。2. 双方将努力友好地解决因本合同而引起的任何争议或索赔。如果在一方向另一方发出


3. 因执行或履行本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方应通过友好谈判予以解决。如果在一方向另一方发出要求就争议开始进行谈判的书面通知后三十(30)日内,争议未能得到解决,则任何一方均可将争议提交新加坡国际仲裁中心(“仲裁机构”),由仲裁机构根据其时有效的联合国际贸易法委员会的仲裁规则和下列规定进行仲裁:a) 仲裁用英语进行,三(3)名仲裁员(双方各委派一名,第三名由仲裁机构委派)

可参照本合同的英文文本和中文文本;b) 仲裁裁决应是终局的,对双方均有约束力,且应根据其条款执行;以及c) 仲裁费用由仲裁裁决规定的一方承担。


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8 Insurance


1. The JVC shall purchase appropriate comprehensive insurance to cover various kinds of risks

as would be usual for a joint venture enterprise engaged in the same type of industry and in

manufacturing products similar to the Products including, without limitation, product liability

covering the manufacture and supply of the Products and such insurance shall be

underwritten by an insurance company registered in the PRC. The types, value and duration

of insurance shall be decided by the Board of Directors after discussion with the insurance

companies and Party B.

The premises, plant, machinery and equipment, raw materials, components and the Products

shall be insured by JVC for adequate replacement value against fire, storm, tempest, accident,

flood, theft and other risks which may destroy or diminish the value of the Products or which

may render the Products unfit for consumption.

2. Insurance shall, to the extent it is available on premium and terms comparable to those

abroad and as required by applicable Chinese law, be obtained in China and such policies will

be denominated in Renminbi or foreign currency or both, as appropriate.

The Company shall, at its own cost and expense, at all times during operation of the factory

and other facilities and during any construction work take out and maintain full and adequate

property insurance covering the buildings, contents, and other first party risks of the

Company as are customarily insured against in China.

The Company shall maintain product liability insurance, third party liability insurance and

other relevant insurance coverage in order to protect the Company, its employees, agents and

other appropriate parties from claims.

3. During the term of this Agreement, Party A shall undertake, renew and maintain for its

benefit and interest, and at its own cost and expense, the following primary insurance



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a) General Public Liability Policy with Party B being named as a co-insured covering all

loss, damage or liability incurred or arising from the operation of the Services including,

without limitation, for bodily injury, death or property damage, for an amount not less

than RMB25,000,000 per accident or occurrence ;

b) Employer's Liability Policy with Party B being named as a co-insured in conformity

with local laws and regulations and accepted practice in the PRC;

c) Property Damage Policy covering its premises against all risks of direct physical loss or

damage from any cause, or if such a policy is not available, against the risks of fire and

associated risks such as explosion, electrical damage, water damage, riots, strikes, civil

commotion, terrorism, windstorms, hurricanes, cyclones, floods, burglary, theft and

other similar risks;

d) Property Damage Policy with Party B being named as the sole beneficiary covering loss

or damage to the materials, Products, Bulk Products, Equipment and other property of

Party B as a result of natural disaster or negligence or omission by Party A; and

e) Any other insurance policy or policies against such other insurable risks as shall be

normal and customary in the PRC for operations similar to that of Party A, in each case

with Party B named in the policy or a certificate of insurance as loss payee, additional

insured, or in such manner as Party B's insurance company and Party A's insurance

company may agree.

Party A shall inform Party B of any change to its insurance policies listed above which would

result in a reduced insurance coverage.


保 险1. 合营公司应购买同行业和生产与产品相类似的产品的合营企业通常购买的包含各种险



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险,保险获得的赔付应足以重置该等财产。2. 如果中国具备与国外保险费和条款相类似的保险,且中国适用法律要求进行保险,则


3. 在本协议期间,甲方应为自身利益自费购买、续买和保持下列主要保险:a) 一般公众责任险,乙方列为共同被保险人,保险范围为因履行服务而发生的或引

起的一切损失、损坏或责任,包括但不限于人身伤害、死亡或财产损坏,保险额为每次事故或事件不少于 25,000,000无人民币;

b) 雇主责任险,乙方列为共同被保险人,此保险应符合中国地方法律法规和普遍接受的惯例;

c) 财产损害险,保险范围为其场所因任何原因发生直接有形损失或损害的一切风险,若无此保险单,则为火灾风险和相关风险,如爆炸、电气损害、水损害、暴乱、罢工、平民动乱、恐怖活动、风暴、飓风、龙卷风、水灾、盗窃和其他类似风险;

d) 财产损害险,乙方列为惟一受益人,保险范围为国自然灾害或甲方的过失或不作为而导致乙方的原料、产品、散装产品、设备和其他财产损失或损害;

e) 为与甲方经营活动相似的、在中国属于正常或惯例的针对其他可以保险的风险的任何其他保险,在每一险种的保险单或保险证明中,乙方均列为损失赔偿受偿人、附加被保险人,或按乙方的保险公司和甲方的保险公司约定的其他办法执行。



1. Throughout the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall at its own expense, obtain and

maintain the following insurance policies: (a) Commercial General Liability insurance, with

coverage of not less than US $ 1,000,000 per occurrence and US $ 2,000,000 in the aggregate

for bodily injury and property damage, (b) Motor Vehicle Liability insurance for owned, non-

owned and hired vehicles, with limits of not less than US $ 1,000,000 combined single limit


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for bodily injury and property damage, (c) Workers' Compensation insurance in the amount

required by statute for all states in which the project or work is to be performed, and (d)

Professional Liability insurance with limits of not less than US $ 1,000,000 per claim.

Consultant will endeavor to notify Client in writing of any material change to its coverage as

described herein. Consultant shall furnish certificates of insurance evidencing coverage or

other acceptable evidence of self-insurance to Client upon request.

2. Insurance required under this Agreement shall be:

a) Commercial General Liability insurance including bodily injury, property damage,

personal injury, advertising injury and products/completed operations, with a limit of not

less than US $ 1,000,000 each occurrence and US $ 2,000,000 annual aggregate.

b) Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability insurance covering all persons whom

the Contractor may employ in carrying out the services hereunder. Worker's

Compensation insurance will be in accordance with the Worker's Compensation Law of

the jurisdiction where the work is performed. Employer's Liability shall be provided

with limits of not less than US$500,000 each accident; US$500,000 each disease; and

US $ 500,000 disease policy limit.

c) Professional Liability insurance covering the negligent acts, errors or omissions

committed by Consultant pursuant to rendering or failure to render professional services

pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the contract with limits of not less than

US $ 5,000,000 per claim.

Prior to the commencement of services hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish Party B with

Certificates of Insurance (or evidence of self-insurance) for all insurance required herein. Each

insurer must be reasonably acceptable to Party B, and possess a minimum Best's rating of 'AVII'

(or equivalent rating agency in the country) and licensed to conduct business in all states/countries

where this Agreement shall apply.


1. 在本协议整个期限内,顾问应自费获得并保持下列各项保险:(a) 一般商业责任险,每发生一次事故,保险额不少于 1,000,000美元,人身伤害和财产损坏的合计保险额为 2,000,000美元;(b)自有、非自用和租用车辆的机动车辆责任险,人身伤害和财


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产损失合并的一次事故保险限额不少于 1,000,000美元;(c)工人赔偿保险,保险额应达到开展项目或工作所在州的法定要求;(d) 职业责任保险,每项赔付限额不少于 1, 000,000美元。若上述保险范围发生任何实质性变化,顾问将尽力以书面形式通知客户。应客户要求,顾问应向其提供证明承保范围的证书或其他可以接受的自保证明。

2. 本协议项下要求的保险应是:a) 商业一般责任险,保险范围包括身体伤害、财产损害、人身伤害、广告侵害和产品

/完成业务保险,每次事故赔偿限额不低于 1,000,000美元,每年总计不低于2, 000,000美元。

b) 员工补偿险和雇主责任险,保险范围包括承包方为提供本协议项下服务可能雇用的所有人员。员工补偿险将适用工作履行地的员工补偿法。雇主责任险的赔付是:每次事故补偿限额不低于 500,000美元,每次疾病补偿限额不低于 500,000美元;以及 500,000美元的疾病保险限额。

c) 职业责任险,保险范围为顾问根据合同规定条款和条件提供专业服务发生的过失行为、错误或疏漏,或未能根据合同规定的条款和条件提供专业服务,每项赔付限额不低于 5000,000美元。



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9 Liability, Indemnification and Release


1. Each party shall indemnify the other from any and all losses that may arise out of breach by

such party of any of the warranties set forth in this Article, and each party shall indemnify the

other party from any and all losses that may arise out of breach by such party of any of the

agreed terms in this Agreement.

2. Without limiting any right or remedy available to the non-defaulting party at law or in equity,

upon the termination of this Agreement in accordance with Articles X, the defaulting party

shall indemnify the other party for all damages, costs, charges and expenses suffered or

incurred by it in connection with the termination due to the negligence, breach of duty or

other default or wrongdoing of the defaulting party, its servants, employees, agents or


3. The CJV shall be solely and fully responsible for the quality of the Products manufactured

hereunder, for their conformity with the Technical Data and for their compliance with the

laws and regulations from time to time in force in the Territory. The CJV shall indemnify

Party B against any loss or damage directly or indirectly suffered by Party B as a result of the

failure of the Products manufactured hereunder to comply with the Technical Data

("Defective Products") or to comply with such laws or regulations; provided, however, that

such indemnification shall not exceed the total of ex-factory sales price, costs of delivery and

transportation and other costs associated with the recall of these Defective Products.

4. Each Party hereby indemnifies the other Party and undertakes to hold harmless and defend

the other Party against any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, disbursements (including

legal and management costs) arising out of any alleged or actual breach or failure to comply

with the terms and conditions hereof including but not limited to any infringement of the

other Party's intellectual property or other rights occurring as a result of the offending Party's

fault, omission or activities in connection with the Project.


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5. Consultant hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Client from and against any

and all claims, liabilities, losses, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), or damages

(collectively "Liabilities") asserted against Client by a third party to the extent such

Liabilities result from the infringement of the Works delivered on any third party's trade

secret, trademark, service mark, copyright or patent issued as of the date of this Agreement

(collectively, an "Intellectual Property Right"); provided that Client: (i) promptly notifies

Consultant of any third party claim subject to indemnification hereunder, (ii) gives

Consultant the right to control and direct the preparation of a defense, the defense and any

settlement of any such claim, (iii) gives full cooperation to Consultant for the defense of

same, and (iv) complies with Consultant's direction to cease any use of the Works which, in

Consultant's sole judgment, is likely to be ruled an infringement on a third party's Intellectual

Property Right.

6. Each Party forever releases and discharges the other from all claims, debts, allegations,

actions, causes of action and demands, whether known or unknown, arising from or in

connection with the Claim and existing as at the date of this Settlement Agreement, including

without limitation any liability for legal costs connected with or arising out of the subject

matter of the Claim. Any other claims unrelated to the Claim that one Party may have against

another, whether prior to or after the date hereof, shall not be affected or otherwise prejudiced

by this Agreement.

Party B irrevocably waives all rights that it may have in law or contract against Party A, its

affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies howsoever arising in respect of or in connection with

the Claim.



1. 一方如果违反其在本条中的任何保证而使另一方发生损失,应向损失方做出赔偿;一方如果违反本协议任何约定条款而使另一方发生损失,亦应向损失方做出赔偿。

2. 在非违约方依据普通法或衡平法享有的权利和救济不受限制的情况下,本协议根据 X


zjp, 09/18/07,
= 裁定,判定
zjp, 09/18/07,
zjp, 09/18/07,
= 损害
zjp, 09/18/07,
= 授权,委托
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3. 合作经营企业应独家负责本协议项下生产的产品质量,使产品符合技术数据,并遵守区域内不时有效的法律和法规。如果因本协议项下生产的产品不符合技术数据(“次品”)或违反该等法律或法规而导致乙方直接或间接遭受的任何损失,合作经营企业应向动方做出赔偿,但该等赔偿不应超过次品的工厂出厂销售价、交货和运输费用及与收回次品有关的其他费用的总和。

4. 各方谨此表示,因一方被指控违反、实际违反或未遵守本协议条款和条件,包括但不限于由于该方与项目有关的过错、不作为或活动导致对另一方的知识产权或其他权利的侵犯,而引起的任何和所有索赔、诉讼、损害、支出(包括律师费和管理费),均由该违约方向另一方做出赔偿,且违约方承诺使另一方免受损害,并为其进行抗辩。

5. 顾问谨此同意,若因其交付的作品对任何第三方截止到本协议之日发布的商业秘密、商标、服务标记、著作权或专利(合称“知识产权”)构成侵权,而导致第三方对客户提起索赔、追究其责任、要求其赔偿损失和费用(包括合理的律师费)、或支付赔偿金(合称“责任”),顾问将向客户做出赔偿,使客户免受损害,并为客户进行抗辩,但客户领(i)按本协议项下的赔偿规定,及时将第三方的索赔通知顾问;(ii)给予顾问针对该索赔进行抗辩准备、抗辩和解决的控制权和指导权;(iii)对顾问的抗辩给予充分合作;和(iv)服从顾问的指示,停止使用顾问自行判断有可能被裁定为侵犯第三方知识产权的作品。

6. 各方永远免除和解除另一方因主张引起起或与之有关的、及在本协议之日存在的一切索赔、债务、指控、诉讼、诉讼事由和要求(无论是已知的抑或未知的)应承担的责任,包括但不限于承担与主张的标的有关的或因之引起的法律费用的责任。但一方在本协议日之前或之后向另一方提出的与主张无关的任何其他主张,则不受本协议影响,亦不因本协议而受到损害。




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1. Licensee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor free and harmless of and from any

and all claims, suits against Licensor, losses, property damages or bodily injury suffered by

Licensor, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting from defective manufacture or sale

by Licensee of the Licensed Products.

2. In no event shall either party or its employees, officers and directors be liable for

consequential, special, indirect, incidental, punitive or exemplary damages, costs, expenses,

or losses (including, without limitation, lost profits and opportunity costs). Client agrees that

Consultant, its employees, officers and directors shall not be liable to Client for any ac tions,

damages, claims, liabilities, costs expenses, or losses in any way arising out of or relating to

the services performed hereunder for an aggregate amount in excess of the fees paid by

Client to Consultant in performing the Services.

3. Except in the event of breach of confidentiality, in no event shall either party be liable for any

damages, including loss of data, lost profits, cost of cover or other special, incidental,

consequential, direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the Products, or provision

of, or failure to provide, support, however caused and whether based on agreement, tort

(including negligence) or any other theory of liability. This limitation shall apply even if

Party A has been advised of the possibility of such damage. The Parties agree that this is a

reasonable allocation of risk. In any event, except as otherwise provided by law, the liability

of Party B or its suppliers, whether for negligence, breach of agreement, breach of warranty,

or otherwise, shall not, in the aggregate, exceed the amounts paid to Party B (if any) for the

licenses granted hereunder.


1. 被许可方谨此同意,对于因被许可方制造或销售许可产品不当而引起的、针对许可方的任何和所有索赔、诉讼以及许可方或其雇员因此而遭受的损失、财产损失或人身伤害,包括合理的律师费,向许可方做出赔偿,使其免受损害。

2. 在任何情况下,任何一方或其雇员、主管人员和董事均不承担后果性的、特殊的、间接的、附带的、惩罚性的或惩戒性的损害赔偿金、费用、支出或损失(包括但不限于利润损失和机会费用)。客户同意,顾问及其雇员、主管人员和董事对于因履行本合同项下的服务引起的或与此有关的任何诉讼、损害赔偿金、索赔、责任、费用、支出或损失所承担


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的赔偿责任,不应超过客户为顾问履行服务向顾问支付的费用的总额。3. 除非违反保密规定,任何一方在任何情况下,对因使用产品、或提供或未提供支持,无论何种原因,亦无论基于协议、侵权(包括过失)或其他责任理论而引起的损害,包括数据丢失、利润损失、服务费用、或其他特殊的、附带的、后果性的、直接的或间接的损害,均不负赔偿责任。即使甲方已被告知有可能遭受该等损失,仍适用此等有限责任。双方同意,此乃风险的合理分配。在任何情况下,除非法律另有规定,乙方或其供应商的责任,无论是过失责任、违约责任、违反保证的责任或其他责任,其赔偿额均不超过甲方为本协议项下授予的许可证已支付给乙方的费用总额(如有)。


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10 Representations, Warranties and Undertakings

翻译实践1. Party A hereby represents and warrants to Party B as follows:

a) Party A is a company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing as a legal

person under the laws of the PRC.

b) Party A has full legal right, power and authority to execute and deliver this Contract and

all of the contracts and documents referred to in this Contract to which Party A is a party

and to observe and perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder.

c) Party A has taken all appropriate and necessary corporate actions to authorize the

execution and delivery of this Contract and all of the contracts and documents referred

to in this Contract to which Party A is a party and to authorize the performance and

observance of the terms and conditions hereof and thereof.

d) Party A has obtained all consents, approvals and authorizations necessary for the valid

execution and delivery of this Contract and all of the contracts and documents referred

to in this Contract to which Party B is a party; provided, however, that this Contract is

subject to the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority before the same may

become effective.

2. The Vendor represents, warrants and undertakes to and with the Purchaser that each of the

statements set out in Schedule A is now and shall at all times between the date hereof and

Completion (both dates inclusive) be true and accurate. The Vendor acknowledges that the

Purchaser has entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the Warranties and has been

induced by them to enter into this Agreement.

3. Party A represents and warrants that there are no conditions at, on, under, or related to, the

real property constituting all or any portion of the Land which presently or potentially pose a

hazard to human health or the environment, whether or not in compliance with law, and there

has been no manufacture, use, treatment, storage, transportation, or disposal of any hazardous

or toxic substance, pollutant, or contaminant on the Land nor any release of any hazardous or


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toxic substance, pollutant, or contaminant into or upon or over the Land.

Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims,

charges, easement, encumbrances, lease, covenants, security interest, liens, option, pledge,

rights of others, or restrictions, whether imposed by agreement, understanding, law, equity or


4. Party A warrants, agrees and undertakes to Party B that neither Party A (whether directly or

indirectly) nor any Connected Person (whether individually or jointly) shall, during the term

of this Agreement, and for two (2) years after the expiry or termination of this Agreement:

a) undertake any business which is in direct competition with the business of Party B

without the written consent issued by the legal representative of Party B;

b) solicit or entice away any customer, employee, director or supplier of Party B for

whatever reason; and

c) produce any products which is identical or similar in composition or appearance to any

of the Products without the prior consent of Party B.

For the purposes of this Article 4:

"Connected Person" means any or all of the following persons: (i) the parent company or

shareholders holding 50% or more of the equity of Party A; (ii) any corporation or business

that is affiliated with Party A; or (iii) any officer, employee, independent contractor, partner,

joint venturer or agent of Party A or of any business affiliated with Party A; or (iv) any firm

or corporation in which Party A or its parent company or affiliate company has an interest

whether such interest is legally enforceable or not.

5. The express warranties in this Agreement shall be in lieu of all other warranties, express or

implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, interoperability,

and fitness for a particular purpose.


陈述、保证、承诺1. 甲方向乙方陈述和保证如下:

a) 甲方是依据中国法律正式成立、有效存续和资格完备的法人公司。


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b) 甲方在法律上有充分的权利、权力和权限签署和交付本合同及本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同和文件,遵守并履行本合同及该等合同和文件规定的义务。

c) 甲方已采取一切适当和必要的公司行动,授权签署和交付本合同及本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同和文件,并授权履行和遵守本合同及该等合同和文件的条款和条件。

d) 甲方已为有效签署和交付本合同及本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同和文件,获得所有必要的同意、批准和授权,但本合同须经审批机构批准后方能生效。

2. 出售方向购买方陈述、保证和承诺,在附件 A 中所述各条现在和自本协议之日起至交易完成日(含本协议之日和完成日)的任何时间内均是真实无论的。出售方确认,购买方是以保证为依据、且受保证诱导而签订本协议的。

3. 甲方陈述和保证,构成土地全部或任何部分的房地产,其内部、上面、下面或其相关的部位现在不存在,也不可能存在危害人身健康或环境的情况(无论是否符合法律规定),且土地上从未生产、使用、处理、储存、运输或处置过任何危险的或有毒的物质、污染物或致污物,土地内部、上面或上空亦未曾释放过任何危险的或有毒的物质、污染物或致污物。甲方进一步陈述和保证,土地不存在任何权利主张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租约、契约、担保权益、留置权、购买权、质押、他人权利或限制,无论是以协议、谅解、普通法、衡平法还是其他方式设定的。

4. 甲方向乙方保证、同意和承诺,在本协议期限内和本协议届满或终止后二(2)年内,甲方(无论是直接或间接地)或任何关联人(无论是单独或共同)a) 未经乙方的法定代表出具书面同意,不从事任何与乙方的业务形成直接竞争的业

务;b) 不因任何理由招募或吸收乙方的任何客户、雇员、董事或供应商;c) 未经乙方事先同意,不生产与任何产品在结构或外观上相同或相似的产品。

在本条中:“关联人”指:(i)持有甲方股权 50%或 50%以上的母公司或股东;(ii)与甲方关联的公司或企业;(iii)甲方或甲方关联企业的主管、雇员、独立承包商、合伙人、合营方或代理人;或(切)甲方或其母公司或关联公司在其间拥有权益(无论该等权益在法律上是否可以执行)的公司或法人团体。

5. 本协议中明示的保证,应取代一切其他明示或默示的保证,包括对产品的适销性、不侵权、互用性和适用于某一特定目的的默示保证。


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补充翻译练习1. Each of the parties hereby represents and warrants to the other that it has the power and

authority to enter into this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder and that this

Agreement constitutes valid obligations against it in accordance with its terms.

2. The Parties undertake that as long as this Memorandum of Understanding remains effective,

the Parties shall not, whether directly or indirectly, conduct negotiations or have discussions

with any other parties concerning the establishment of any ventures or other forms of

cooperation devoted to the provision of the Services or services similar to or likely to

compete with the arrangement described in this Memorandum of Understanding.

3. The JVC hereby makes to Party A the following warranties:

a) The JVC is a company organized and existing under the laws of PRC, and has full

power and right to conduct its business within the scope of its business license; and

b) The execution and performance of this Agreement by the JVC will not violate any other

contract or obligation of the JVC or any currently effective law, regulation, decree, order

or judgment of any court or governmental agency.

4. Party A makes no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise,

and Party A specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability, non-infringement

or fitness for a particular purpose.


1. 各方谨此向另一方陈述和保证:其有权力和权限签订本协议及履行其在本协议项下的义务,且本协议根据其条款构成各方有效的义务。

2. 各方承诺,在本谅解备忘录有效期内,各方不得直接或间接与任何他方就建立旨在提供服务或提供与服务相类似的、或有可能与本谅解备忘录所述之安排形成竞争的服务的任何合资企业或其他形式的合作进行谈判或讨论。

3. 合资公司特此向甲方保证如下:a) 合资公司是依据中国法律组成和存续的公司,具有充分的权力和权利从事其营业

执照范围内的业务;b) 合资公司签署和履行本协议,不会违反合资公司任何其他合同或义务,亦不会违


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4. 甲方不作任何类型的保证,无论是明示的、暗示的、法定的还是其他保证,且明确否认对产品适销性,不侵权或适用于某一特定目的有任何默示保证。


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11 Responsibilities and Obligations


1. Party A shall exercise, and ensure that all its servants, employees, agents or contractors

exercise, all due diligence and care in the performance of the Services and each of the re -

sponsibilities so described. Specifically, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing,

Party A shall bear all responsibility for any losses or damages suffered by Party B as a result

of any mistakes, errors or omissions caused by Party A in connection with the processing and

packing of the Products.

2. The Company appreciates that whilst the Sponsor will use its reasonable endeavors to

discharge its duties as sponsor to the Company and provide the Company with advice and

assistance as described above, it remains the primary responsibility of the directors of the

Company to ensure that the Company will comply in full with and discharge its responsibili-

ties under the Growth Enterprise Market ("GEM") Listing Rules and other relevant laws and

regulations applicable to the Company. Save as described hereunder, the Sponsor does not

have any duty to monitor or otherwise to ensure that the Company is in continuous

compliance with the GEM Listing Rules and other relevant laws and regulations applicable to

the Company.

3. It is understood and agreed that each of the parties hereto is an independent contractor and

that neither party is, nor shall be considered to be, an agent, distributor, fiduciary or

representative of the other. Neither party shall act or represent itself, directly or by

implication, as an agent of the other or in any manner assume or create any obligation on

behalf of, or in the name of, the other.

4. Responsibilities of Party A:

In addition to its other obligations under this Contract, Party A shall, from time to time

throughout the period of the Joint Venture term, be responsible, at no cost to the JVC

(excepted as provided in Section X or as may otherwise be agreed by the JVC in writing), for


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the following:

a) to use best efforts to apply and take all actions necessary or appropriate on behalf of the

JVC to obtain the necessary approvals, permits, certificates and licenses for the

establishment and operation of the JVC, and use the best efforts to do, fulfill and

perform any and all acts, conditions and things required to ensure the continuing validity

and effectiveness of such approvals, permits, certificates and licenses;

b) to assist the JVC in applying for, obtaining and maintaining tax (including without

limitation income tax, tariffs, customs duties, excise taxes, business tax, and value-

added tax) reductions and exemptions and other investment incentives that may be

available to the JVC;

c) to assist the JVC in applying for, obtaining and maintaining special business

opportunities, relationships or qualifications relating to or made available by any gov-

ernment departments or agencies, including without limitation tax-advantaged import

quotas, subsidies for purchase of local raw materials, and special toll processing or

government supply contracts;

d) to assist the JVC in obtaining water and power supplies, transportation and

communications services and facilities, and use best efforts to obtain for the JVC utility

rates and quotas and other rights under the most favorable terms and conditions

available to the JVC, and to liaise with the relevant authorities effectively to achieve all

of the above;

e) to assist the directors and employees of the JVC and any employees of Party B and the

JVC's foreign contractors and consultants traveling to China in connection with the

JVC's activities to obtain all necessary entry visas, work permits and residence permits;

f) (f) to assist the JVC in preparing and presenting customs declarations, handling clearing

procedures for machinery and equipment purchased or leased outside China by the JVC,

applying for all available exemptions from customs duty, value added tax, sales tax or

other charges, and arranging for transportation of the same within China;

g) to assist the JVC in obtaining loans and other credit facilities from Chinese banks or

other financial institutions at the most favorable rates and terms available; and

h) to handle other matters entrusted to it by the JVC.


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责任、义务1. 在履行服务和履行前述各项职责时,甲方应,并确保其所有服务人员、雇员、代理人或承包商勤勉尽职。特别是,在不受前述一般性原则限制的情况下,因甲方加工和包装产品出错、失误或疏漏而使乙方遭受损失或损害,甲方应承担一切责任。

2. 公司理解,虽然保荐人将尽合理劳力履行其作为公司保荐人的职责,并向公司提供以上所述的建议和协助,但确保公司完全遵守并履行《创业板上市规则》和适用于公司的其他有关法律和法规规定的责任,仍然是公司董事的主要责任。除下文所述事项外,保荐人无责任监督或确保公司持续遵守《创业板上市规则》和适用于公司的其他有关法律和法规。

3. 双方理解并同意,合同各方均为独立承包人,任何一方不是、亦不应被视为另一方的代理人、经销商、受托人或代表。任何一方均不得直接或暗示其作为另一方代理人行事或自称是另一方代理人,亦不得以任何方式代表另一方或以另一方的名义承担或产生任何义务。

4. 甲方的责任:除本合同规定的甲方其他责任外,甲方还应在合营期间不时地负责下列事宜,而合营公司不承担费用(X 条规定的或合营公司另行书面同意的除外):a) 尽力代表合营公司申请和采取一切必要的或适当的行动获得合营公司成立和经营


b) 协助合营公司申请、获得和保持合营公司可能享受的税收(包括但不限于所得税、关税、进出口税、消费税、营业税和增值税)减免和其他投资优惠待遇;

c) 协助合营公司申请、获得和保持合营公司与任何政府部门、机构有关的或政府部门、机构提供的特殊业务机会、关系或资格,包括但不限于在税收方面有利的进口配额、采购当地原料的补贴和特殊的来料加工或政府供应合同;

d) 协助合营公司获得水电供应、交通和通讯服务和设施,尽力以合营公司可以得到的最优惠的条款和条件,为合营公司获得公用事业费率、配额和其他权利,并与有关部门进行有效联系,以完成上述所有工作;

e) 协助合营公司的董事和雇员、乙方的雇员及合营公司的外国承包商和顾问来华从事与合营公司相关的活动获得所有必要的入境签证、工作许可证和居留证;

f) 协助合营公司准备和呈报合营公司从中国境外购买或租赁的机器设备的报关文件,


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g) 协助合营公司以可以获得的最优惠的利率和条款获得中国的银行或其他金融机构的贷款和其他信贷便利;

h) 办理合营公司委托的其他事宜。


1. Client acknowledges and agrees that Consultant may, in performing its obligations pursuant

to this Agreement, be dependent upon or use data, material, and other information furnished

by Client without any independent investigation or verification thereof, and that Consultant

shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness of such information in

performing the Services. Consultant, in performing the Services, will be making

recommendations and providing advice, but all decisions as to implementing such advice and

recommendations shall be made by and be the sole responsibility of the Client.

2. Party B agrees that in the event it continues to operate or subsequently begins to operate any

other business, in addition to the requirements set forth in Section V of this Agreement, it will

not use, or permit, participate in or aid the use of any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or

colorable imitation of the Products, Proprietary Equipment or Samples, either in part or in

whole, or the Marks in connection with such other business which may cause confusion,

mistake or deception or which may dilute Party A's exclusive rights in and to the Products,

Proprietary Equipment or Samples, and further agrees not to utilize or aid or participate in the

use of any designation of origin or description or representation which falsely suggests or

represents an association or connection with Party A. Party B further agrees not to reverse

engineer, or otherwise attempt or proceed to duplicate, copy, permit, participate in or aid the

reverse engineering, duplication or copying of a specific design or know how, in part or in

whole, unique to, or owned by, Party A.


1. 客户确认并同意,顾问根据本协议履行其义务时,可以依赖或使用客户提供的数据、材料和其他信息,而无须进行任何独立的调查和核实,且在履行服务时有权依赖该等


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2. 乙方同意,如果其继续经营或此后开始经营任何其他业务,除了遵守本协议第五条规定的要求外,不使用,亦不允许他人使用、参与或帮助他人使用部分或全部产品、专有设备或样品的任何复制品、仿冒品、仿造品或有意欺骗的模仿品,或将商标用于该等其他业务,以免导致混乱、错误或欺骗,或削弱甲方对产品、专有设备或样品的专有权。乙方进一步同意不使用,亦不帮助、参与他人使用任何会错误地暗示或表示与甲方有联系或关系的原产地标识、描述或陈述。又,乙方同意不倒序制作、试图或着手复制、仿造,或允许、参与或帮助他人倒序制作、复制或仿造甲方特有的或拥有的某一特殊设计或技术的全部或部分。


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12 Severability and Waiver


1. If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement or any document executed

in connection herewith shall .; be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect under any

applicable law, (i) the validity, legality and enforce-j ability of the remaining provisions

contained herein or c therein shall not in any way be affected or impaired and shall remain in

full force and effect; and (ii) the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be replaced

by a valid, legal and enforceable provision that comes closest to expressing the true intent of

such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision.

2. If any of the provisions of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable and unless the

invalidity or unenforceability thereof does substantial violation to the underlying intent \- and

sense of the remainder of this Agreement, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect

in any way the validity and enforceability of any other provisions of this Agreement except

those which the invalidated or unenforceable provisions comprise an integral part of or are

otherwise clearly inseparable from. That invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any

valid and enforceable application of the remaining provisions, and each such provision shall

be deemed to be effective, operative, made, or entered into in the manner and to the full

extent permitted by law.

3. Any provision of this Deed prohibited by or which is unlawful or unenforceable under any

applicable law actually applied by any court of competent jurisdiction shall, to the extent

required by such law, be severed from this Deed and rendered ineffective so far as is possible

without modifying the remaining provisions of this Deed. Where, however, the provisions of

any such applicable law may be waived, they are hereby waived by the parties hereto to the

full extent permitted by such law to the end that this Deed shall be valid, binding and

enforceable in accordance with its terms.

4. Unless otherwise provided for herein, failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any


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right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall

any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude further exercise

thereof or exercise of any other right, power or privilege. A waiver by one of the parties at

any time of a breach of any term or provision of this Agreement committed by the other party

shall not be construed as a waiver by such party of any subsequent breach to be committed by

the other party, nor shall it be construed as a waiver by such party of its rights under such

provision or any of its other rights under this Agreement.

5. The failure of either party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof

shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver by either

party of any condition or any breach of any of the terms, covenants or conditions contained in

this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing, and no waiver in any one or more

instances shall be construed as a further or continuing waiver of any other condition or any

breach of any other terms, covenants or conditions.

6. The Parties recognize and agree that their respective covenants and undertakings contained in

this Agreement are of a special and unique nature and that a breach will result in irreparable

injury for which there is no adequate remedy at law, and therefore the parties expressly agree

that if either party shall at any time breach or in any way violate this Agreement, then Party A

or Party B, as the case may be, shall be entitled to equitable relief by way of injunction (in

addition to, and not in substitution for, any and all other relief to which such party may be

entitled either at law or in equity) to restrain such breach and to compel compliance with the

obligations undertaken. Each of the parties do hereby waive any proof that such breach will

cause irreparable injury to such party or that there is no adequate remedy at law.


可分性、放弃1. 如果本协议或涉及本协议而签署的任何文件中某条或数条条款,根据任何适用法律在任何方面是无效的、不合法或不能强制执行的,则()本协议或涉及本协议而签署的任何文件中的其他条款的效力、合法性和可强制执行性不受任何影响或损害,并仍然完全有效,(ID 该等无效、不合法或不能强制执行的条款应以有效、合法和能强制执行且最能表达该等无效、不合法或不能强制执行的条款本意的条款所替代。


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2. 如果本协议任何条款被认定为无效或不可执行,除非该等无效或不可执行性实质性地违反本协议的基本意向或本协议其余部分的意义,该等无效或不可执行性不得影响本协议任何其他条款的有效性或可执行性,但已被认定无效或不可执行的条款构成其不可分割的一部分或不能与之明显分离的条款除外。该等无效或不可执行性不得影响其余条款的任何有效的和可执行的应用,且每条有效的和可执行的条款应被视为是以法律允许的方式,在法律允许的全部范围内生效的、实施的、制定的或订立的。

3. 任何有司法管辖权的法院根据实际运用的任何适用法律禁止的、或认定为不合法的或不可执行的本契据的任何规定,应在该等法律要求的范围内,尽可能从本契据中分离出来,并使之无效,而不变更本契据的其余规定。但如果任何该等适用法律的规定可以免予执行,则本契据双方在该等法律充分允许的范围内不执行该等规定,以使本契据按其条款成为有效,具有约束力和可以执行。

4. 除非本协议另有规定,任何一方未能或延迟行使其在本协议项下的任何权利、权力或特权,不应视为其放弃该权利、权力或特权;单项或部分行使任何权利、权力或特权,亦不妨碍其进一步行使该权利、权力或特权或行使其他权利、权力或特权。一方在任何时候放弃追究另一方违反本协议任何条款或规定的行为,不应被视为该一方放弃追究另一方以后的违约行为,亦不应被视为该一方放弃其在该规定下的权利或其在本协议项下的其他权利。

5. 任何一方在任何时候未要求另一方履行本协议任一条款,并在不影响其以后强制执行该条款的权利。任何一方放弃本协议的任何条件或放弃追究另一方违反本协议中的任何条款、规定或条件的行为,只有做出书面放弃方为有效。一方一次或多次放弃该等权利,不应被视为该方进一步或继续放弃任何其他条件或进一步或继续放弃追究另一方违反任何其他条款、规定或条件的行为。

6. 双方承认并同意,本协议中各自的保证和承诺具有特殊性质,违约将导致不可弥补的损害,且根据普通法得不到足够的救济,因此双方明示同意,如果任何一方任何时间或以任何方式违反本协议,甲方或乙方(视情况而定)应有权通过法院下达的禁制令(对该方依据普通法或衡平法可能享有的任何和所有其他救济的补充而不是取代)限制违约行为和迫使违约方履行其承诺的义务,而享有衡平法上的救济。各方谨此表示不要求另 一方进行举证,以证明一方违约将给该另一方造成不可弥补的损害或根据普通法得不到足够的救济。



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1. If any portion, term or provision of this Agreement shall be held illegal, void or ineffective

under, or in conflict with, any applicable law, the validity of the remaining provisions shall

not be affected thereby, and a substitute provision will be negotiated to preserve as near as

possible the original intent of the Agreement.

2. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall become or be declared illegal, invalid or

unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such term or provision shall be severed from this

Agreement and shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement; provided that if such

deletion materially affects or alters the basis of this Agreement, the parties shall negotiate in

good faith to amend and modify the provisions and terms of this Agreement as may be

necessary or desirable in the circumstances.

3. The failure of either party hereto strictly to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this

Agreement, or any of its rights granted hereunder, or to exercise any election herein provided,

shall in no circumstances be deemed to constitute a waiver of such provisions, rights or

elections nor in any way to affect the right of such party at any future time to strictly enforce

or exercise the same.

4. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, but no failure by any party to exercise, and

no delay on its part in exercising any right hereunder will operate as a waiver thereof, nor

shall any single or partial exercise of any right under this Agreement preclude any other or

further exercise of it or the exercise of any right or prejudice or affect any right against the

other. The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive

of any rights or remedies provided by law.

12.5补充翻译练习参考译文1. 如果本协议的任何部分、条款或规定根据运用法律被认定为不合法、失效或无效,或与适用法律相冲突,其余条款的有效性不应受其影响,且双方应通过谈判达成一项尽可能接近协议本意的替代条款。

2. 如果因任何原因本协议的任一条款或规定变为或被宣布为不合法、无效或不可执行,该条款或规定须与本协议分离,且被视为从本协议中删除,但如果删除该条款或规定会实质性影响或改变本协议的基础,双方应以诚信的态度进行谈判,以期在必要或可取的情况下对本协议的规定和条款进行修改和变更。

3. 本协议任何一方在任何时候来严格执行本协议的任一条款,或未行使本协议授予的任66

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4. 时间是本协议至关重要的因素。但任何一方未行使和延迟行使其在本协议项下的任何权利,不应被视为放弃该权利;单项或部分行使本协议项下的任何权利,不应排除其进一步行使该权利或行使任何其他权利,亦不应损害或影响其对另一方的权利。本协议规定的权利和救济是累积的,且不排斥法律规定的任何权利或救济。


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13 Taxation


1. All taxes, customs duties and other charges payable (i) in connection with the importation

of the Equipment to China and (ii) in the execution of this Agreement to be levied by the

Government of the PRC on Party A shall be paid by Party A.

2. "Taxation" means:

a) any liability of the Company to any form of taxation whether created or imposed in the

PRC or any other part of the world and, without prejudice to the general ity of the

foregoing, includes any tax computed on profits or income, any tax computed on capital

assets, estate duty, profits tax, provisional profits tax, interest tax, death duty, gift duty,

payroll tax withholding tax, rates, custom and excise duty, transfer tax, inheritance tax,

stamp duty, capital duty, employment taxes, value added tax, and generally any tax,

imposition, levy or rates or any amount payable to the revenue, customs or fiscal

authorities in any part of the world; and

b) all costs, interest, penalties, charges and expenses incidental or relating to the liability

referred to in (a) above.

3. All fees, expenses and other charges payable to Consultant hereunder do not include any

sales, use, excise, value added or other applicable taxes, tariffs or duties, payment of which

shall be the sole responsibility of Client (excluding any applicable taxes based on

Consultant's net income or taxes arising from the employment or independent contractor

relationship between Consultant and its personnel). In the event that such taxes, tariffs or

duties are assessed against Consultant, Client shall reimburse Consultant for any such

amounts paid by Consultant or, prior to the payment of such amounts by Consultant, provide

Consultant with valid tax exemption certificates with respect thereto. If Client is required by

law to make any tax deduction, withholding or payment from any amount paid or payable by

Client to Consultant under this Agreement, the amount paid or payable to Consultant shall be


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grossed-up to the extent necessary to ensure that Consultant receives and retains, free of

liability, the net amount equal to the amount that Consultant would have received and

retained, had no tax deduction or withholding been made.

4. It is understood and agreed specifically by the parties to this Agreement that Party B shall be

an independent contractor, and that nothing in this Agreement or in the performance of any of

its provisions is intended or shall be construed to constitute either party an agent, legal

representative, subsidiary, joint venturer, partner, employer, or employee of the other for any

purpose whatsoever. As an independent contractor, Party B agrees that it will be responsible

for and will pay all income and other national, federal, state, provincial, and local taxes and

charges assessable on it. It is understood and agreed that nothing in this Agreement authorizes

Party B to make any contract, agreement, warranty or representation on Party A's behalf, or

to incur any debt or other obligation in Party A's name, and that Party A shall in no event

assume liability or be deemed liable hereunder as a result of any such action of Party B.


税 收

1. 因(i)设备输入中国和(ii)签署本协议应缴纳的、由中国政府向甲方征收的一切税收、关税和其他费用,均应由甲方支付。

2. “税收”指:a) 公司须缴纳的由中国或世界任何其他地区设置或征收的任何形式的税收,在不损


b) 以上(a)项所述的由纳税责任发生的或与之相关的一切费用、利息、罚金、收费和支出。

3. 依照本协议应付给顾问的一切服务费、开支和其他费用,均不包括任何销售税、使用税、消费税、增值税或其他适用的税收关税或税项,该等税款应由客户独家负责缴纳(顾


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4. 本协议双方特别理解并同意,乙方是一个独立承包人,本协议的任何内容或本协议任何条款的旅行,无意表示、亦不应被理解为任何一方为任何目的可以充当另一方的代理人、法定代表、子公司、合营方、合作伙伴、雇主或雇员。作为独立承包人,乙方同意其将负责将缴纳一切应交的所得税及其其他应交的国家、联邦、州、省、和地方税收和收费。双方理解并同意,本协议无任何规定授权乙方代表甲方签订任何合同、协议,作出任何陈述或保证,或以甲方的名义发生任何债务或其他义务,且甲方在任何情况下均不应由于乙方作出上述任何行动而承担责任或根据本协议被视为应承担责任。


1. "Taxes" include all forms of taxation, estate duties, deductions, withholdings, duties, imposts,

levies, fees, charges, social security contributions and rates imposed, levied, col lected,

withheld or assessed by any local, municipal, regional, urban, governmental, state, federal or

other body in Hong Kong and elsewhere, and any interest, additional taxation, penalty,

surcharge or fine in connection therewith.

2. Consultant is performing the Services as an independent contractor and not as an employee of

Client and none of Consultant's personnel shall be entitled to receive any compensation,

benefits or other incidents of employment from Client. Subject to Article X, Consultant shall

be responsible for all taxes and other expenses arising from the employment or independent

contractor relationship between Consultant and its personnel and the rendition of Services

here-under by such personnel to Client. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to

constitute a partnership, joint venture, or fiduciary relationship between Client and

Consultant, nor shall anything in this Agreement be deemed to create an agency relationship

between Consultant and Client. Neither Consultant nor Client shall be or become liable or

bound by any representation, act or omission whatsoever of the other.


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1. “税收”包括各种形式的税征收、财产税、扣税、预扣税、关税、税款、征收、费用、收费、社会保障金,及香港特区或其他地方的任何地方、市、地区、政府、州、联邦或其他机构征收、预扣或课以的税费及与此相关的各种利息、附加税、罚款、欠费、罚款或罚金。

2. 顾问是作为独立承包人,而不时作为客户的雇员旅行服务的,顾问方任何人员均无权从客户处获得报酬、福利、或其他雇员权益。根据第X 条规定,顾问应负责因顾问与其人员的雇佣关系或独立承包关系而引起的一切税收和其他费用,并负责该等人员向客户提供本协议项下的服务。本协议中的任何规定,均不应视为构成客户和顾问之间的合伙关系。顾问或客户对于对方的任何陈述、作为或不作为概不承担责任,且不受其约束。


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14 Term and Termination


1. This Agreement shall take effect on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of ten

(10) years. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for one-year terms thereafter

unless and until terminated by either Party hereto by giving six (6) months' written notice to

the other.

2. Either Party may terminate the Contract in case of failure on the part of the other Party to

fulfill or perform any of its obligations hereunder and in the event that such failure remains

unremedied sixty (60) days after the service of a written notice as described in Article X

below by the non-defaulting Party to the other Party specifying the failure in question and

requiring it to be remedied.

3. If one Party hereto shall commit any material breach of this Agreement or its representations

and warranties hereunder and fail to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days of notice from

the other Party requesting it to remedy such breach (if capable of remedy), or offer adequate

compensation therefor, the other Party may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice

to the Party in breach.

4. Upon termination or expiration of this Contract, the Parties hereto shall not be released from

their respective obligations to pay monies due or to become due to the other Party. To the

fullest extent possible under applicable law, Articles X (Warranty) and Y (Confidentiality)

hereof shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement and continue to

bind the Parties.

5. This Contract shall terminate upon expiration of the Joint Venture Term. In addition, any

Party may terminate this Contract prior to the expiration of the Joint Venture Term by

delivery to the other Parties of a written notice of its intention to terminate under any of the

following circumstances, or as otherwise provided in this Contract or under law:

a) if any other Party materially breaches this Contract and such breach is not cured within


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sixty (60) days of a written notice to the breaching Party;

b) if the JVC becomes bankrupt or is the subject of proceedings for liquidation or

dissolution by reason of insolvency or ceases to carry on business or becomes unable to

pay its debts as they become due;

c) if any other Party purports to transfer or takes any steps for the transfer of its equity

participation in the JVC in violation of the provisions of this Contract;

d) if all or any part of the assets of the JVC are temporarily or permanently expropriated by

any government authority;

e) if any government department having authority over any Party requires any provision of

this Contract to be revised or imposes conditions or restrictions upon the implementation

of this Contract in a such a way as to cause significant adverse consequences to the JVC

or any Party;

f) if any other Party shall come under the control of any third Party or Parties other than

that by which it is controlled at the date hereof or other than by an Affiliate of it for the

purposes of a bona fide reorganization;

g) if the conditions and consequences of Force Majeure prevail for a period in excess of six

(6) months and the Parties have been unable to find an equitable solution pursuant to

Article X; or

h) for any other reasons provided for in this Contract or in relevant laws and regulations.

6. Termination of this Agreement for any reason shall be without prejudice to any right of action

vested in either Party at the date of termination. Except as otherwise expressly provided

herein, the Licensee shall have no claim against the Licensor in respect of the termination of

this Agreement whether for the payment of compensation for expenses incurred or loss of

profit or otherwise.


期限、终止1. 本协议自生效日起生效,有效期为十(10)年。此后,除非一方提前六(6)个月向另

一方发出终止本协议的书面通知,本协议逐年自动延长一(1)年。2. 如果一方未完成或未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,而且未按照下述第 X 条规定在


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3. 如果本协议一方实质性违反本协议或其在本协议项下的陈述和保证,且在另一方向其发出要求其纠正违约行为(若可以纠出的通知后三十(朋)日内未予以纠正,亦未对违约行为给予足够赔偿,则另一方可向违约方发出通知立即终止本协议。

4. 本合同终止或到期时,合同双方不得被解除各自向对方支付到期或日后到期款项的义务。在适用法律许可范围内,第 X 条(保证)和第 Y 条(保密)在本合同到期和/或提前终止后将仍然有效,并继续对双方具有约束力。

5. 本协议在合营期限届满时终止。此外,在下列情况下,或本合同或法律另有规定,任何一方均可以经向另一方提交其意欲终止合同的书面通知,在合营期限届满前终止本合同:a) 如果另一方实质性违反本合同,且在收到书面通知后六十(60)日内未纠正其违

约行为;b) 如果合营公司破产,或因资不抵债而进入清算程序或解散,或终止其业务,或无

力偿付到期债务;c) 如果另一方违反本合同规定意欲转让或采取步骤转让其在合营公司中的股权;d) 如果合营公司的全部或部分资产被任何政府部门暂时或永久没收;e) 如果对任何一方有管辖权的任何政府部门要求对本合同的任何条款进行修改或对

本合同的履行规定条件或限制,从而对合营公司或任何一方造成重大的不利后果;f) 如果另一方为任何第三方所控制(在本合同之日受其控制、或为善意重组之目的

受一家关联公司控制的除外);g) 如果不可抗力的情况和后果持续时间超过六(6)个月,且双方未能根据 X 条找

到一个公平的解决办法;或h) 本合同或有关法律、法规规定的任何其他理由。

6. 本协议无论因何原因终止,不得损害终止之日任何一方拥有的诉讼权。除非本协议另有明示规定,被许可方不得就本协议的终止向许可方提出索赔要求,无论是要求许可方赔偿其所发生的费用、利润损失还是其他损失。


1. This Agreement shall come into force on the Effective Date and shall, unless earlier


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terminated in accordance with the provisions of Clause X of this Article, remain in force for

an initial period of ten (10) years from such date.

2. If one Party to this Agreement shall compound, or make arrangements with its creditors, or

be adjudicated bankrupt, or have a Receiver appointed over all or any part of its assets, or go

into liquidation (whether voluntary or otherwise) otherwise than as part of a bona fide

amalgamation or reconstruction without insolvency, then the other Party may terminate this

Agreement immediately by notice.

3. Automatic Termination ; Party A, at its sole discretion, judgment and option, shall have the

right to automatically terminate this Agreement and all rights granted herein without notice to

Party B if Party B (i) becomes insolvent; (ii) makes a general assignment for the benefit of

creditors; (iii) a petition in bankruptcy is filed by Party B or such petition is filed against, and

consented to by Party B; (iv) is adjudicated as bankrupt; (v) a receiver is appointed by any

court of competent jurisdiction for its assets and property; (vi) a substantial portion of its

assets are confiscated or frozen by any government authority; (vii) no longer has the

necessary power, authority, permit, license or certificate for conducting business as required

in this Agreement; or (viii) if any other circumstance arises that will substantially impair its

ability to perform duties and provide services as set forth in this Agreement.


1. 本协议于生效日生效,除非根据本条 X款规定提前终止,本协议首期有效期为生效日起十(10)年。

2. 如果本协议一方与其债权人妥协或达成协议,或被裁定破产,或其全部或部分资产被指定管理人,或进入清算程序(无论是自愿的还是非自愿的),并非因为资不抵债而被善意合并或重组的除外,则另一方可经向该方发出通知立即终止本协议。

3. 自动终止:甲方经自行酌情、判断和决定,有权不通知乙方自动终止本协议和本协议授予的一切权利,如果乙方(i)变为资不抵债;(n)为债权人利益进行总体转让;(iii)乙方提交破产申请,或他人针对乙方提起破产申请且得到乙方同意;( iv)被判令破产;(v)有管辖权的法院对其资产或财产指定管理人;(vi)其大部分资产被政府部门没收或冻结;(vii)不再拥有按本协议要求开展业务所必需的权力、权限、许可、执照或证书;或(viiii)发生大大削弱其旅行本协议规定的职责和义务的能力的任


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15 Title/Ownership


1. All intellectual property rights which are in existence prior to the date of the commencement

of this Agreement and which are proprietary to Party A are and shall remain the property of

Party A. Party A grants Party B a non-exclusive right to use such intellectual property rights

free of charge solely for the performance by Party B of the Service under this Agreement.

2. Title to the System or any of its components shall remain with Party A. Party B and Party A

therefore agree that no right, interest or title in or to the System is transferred to Party B

hereunder, except as otherwise set forth in Section X of this Agreement. Party B agrees that

other than provided herein, it does not and shall not claim any proprietary interest in the


3. All intellectual property rights subsisting in or used in connection with the Project, including

all the documents and manuals relating thereto, and including all intellectual property rights

owned by Party B prior to the execution of this Contract as well as all intellectual property

rights acquired or created by Party B during the term of this Contract, are and shall remain

the sole property of Party B and/or its possible licensor(s). Party A shall not during the term

of, or at any time after the expiry or termination of, this Contract in any way question or

dispute the ownership of such intellectual property rights of Party B or its licensor(s).

4. Licensor shall have and retain sole and exclusive title to all inventions, discoveries, know-

how and patents which are made, conceived, reduced to practice or generated by its

employees, agents, or other persons acting under its authority in the course of or as a result of

this Agreement. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Licensor may use, sell,

keep, license, assign, or mortgage such jointly owned inventions, discoveries and know-how,

and otherwise undertake all activities a sole owner might undertake with respect to such

inventions, discoveries and know-how, without the consent of and without accounting to



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5. The parties agree that all ideas, know-how, processes, information, drawings, documents,

designs, models, inventions, copyrightable materials and other tangible and intangible

materials authored, prepared, created, made, delivered, conceived or reduced to practice, in

whole or in part, by Contractor in the course of providing the Services, including without

limitation computer programs, computer systems, data and documentation (collectively, the

"Works") are the sole and exclusive property of the Company and shall be considered works

made for hire. In the event any such Works do not fall within the specifically enumerated

works that constitute works made for hire under the United States or any other local, national,

federal or international copyright laws. Contractor hereby irrevocably, expressly and au-

tomatically assigns all right, title and interest worldwide in and to such Works to the

Company, including without limitation all copyrights, patent rights, trade secrets, trademarks,

moral rights and all other applicable proprietary and intellectual property rights. If Contractor

has any rights to the Works that cannot be assigned to the Company, Contractor

unconditionally and irrevocably: (i) waives the enforcement of such rights; and (ii) grants to

the Company during the term of such rights, an exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide,

royalty-free license to reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform and

publicly display such Works, by all means now known or later developed. Contractor agrees

to render all reasonably required assistance to the Company to protect the Company's rights

herein above described.


所有权1. 本协议开始之日前存在的属于甲方专有的一切知识产权,现在是,以后仍然是甲方的财产。甲方授予动方非独占权免费使用该等知识产权,仅仅是为了乙方履行本协议项下的服务。

2. 系统或其任何部件的所有权始终属于甲方。因此,乙方和甲方同意,根据本协议,系统的权利、权益或所有权并未转让给乙方,但本协议第X 条另行规定的除外。乙方同意,除本协议规定外,其现在不主张、以后也不应主张系统中的任何专有权益。

3. 项目因有的或与项目相关使用的一切知识产权,包括有关知识产权的一切文件和手册,及包括动方在本合同签署之前拥有的一切知识产权和乙方在本合同期间获得或创立的


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4. 许可方对由其雇员、代理人、或经其授权行事的其他人员在本协议过程中或因本协议而作出的、构想的、付诸实践的或产生的一切发明、发现、诀窍和专利,独家享有和保留所有权。除非本协议明示规定,许可方可使用、出售、保留、许可他人使用、转让、或抵押该等共同拥有的发明、发现和诀窍,并可如同惟一的所有人一般,就该等发明、发现和诀窍进行其他一切活动,而无须征得被许可方的同意,亦无须向被许可方作出解释。

5. 双方同意,承包方在提供服务过程中创作、筹划、创造、制作、交付、设想或付诸实践的任何想法、技术、程序、信息、图纸、文件、设计、模型、发明、可获得著作权的材料和其他有形和无形材料之全部或部分,包括但不限于电脑程序、电脑系统、数据和文件(合称“作品”),是公司的独有财产,应被视为承包方受雇用而创作的作品。如果任何该等作品根据美国或任何其他地方、国家、联邦或国际著作权法,不属于具体列举的构成受雇用创作的作品范畴,承包方谨此不可撤销、明示和自动地将该等作品在全球享有的所有权利和利益让与公司,包括但不限于所有著作权、专利权、商业秘密、商标、精神权利和所有其他适用的专有权和知识产权。如果承包方对作品享有任何不能让与公司的权利,承包方无条件并不可撤销地(i)放弃行使该等权利;(ii)在该等权利期限内,向公司授予独有的、不可撤销的、永久的、全球的、免收使用费的许可,以目前已知或今后开发的一切方法,对该等作品进行复制、创作衍生作品、经销、公开演示和 公开展示。承包方同意向公司提供一切合理要求的协助,以保护本协议上文所述的公司的各项权利。


1. The Licensee expressly acknowledges and agrees that, other than the rights and licenses

granted under this Agreement, it does not hereby acquire and has no right, proprietary or

other claim to any other rights in, or to the use of, the Trademarks, patents, copyright or other

industrial property rights or technical knowledge owned, used or adopted by the Licensor.

2. Party B shall have title to the Bulk Products, Products (whether completed or semi-finished),

raw materials, labels, packaging materials and other materials purchased on Party B's account

or handled, stored or located pursuant to this Agreement at Party A's premises or in transit or


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at any time under the control of or in the custody of Party A and/ or its servants, employees,

agents or contractors.

3. The parties agree, subject to the terms of this Agreement, that upon full and final payment all

documents, designs, inventions, computer programs, computer systems, data, computer

documentation and other tangible materials ("Works") authored or prepared by Consultant for

Client shall become the sole and exclusive property of Client and shall be considered works

made for hire. In the event any such Works do not fall within the specifically enumerated

works that constitute works made for hire under the United States or any other local, national,

federal or international copyright laws, Consultant hereby agrees to assign and, upon their

authorship or creation, expressly and automatically assigns all copyrights, proprietary rights,

trade secrets, and other right, title and interest in and to such Works to Cli ent. Consultant

agrees to render, at Client's sole cost and expense, all reasonably required assistance to Client

to protect the rights herein above described.


1. 被许可方明示确认并同意,除本协议项下授予的权利和许可外,被许可方不得获取,且对许可方拥有的、使用的或采用的商标、专利、著作权或其他工业知识产权或技术知识的任何其他权利或使用无任何权利、专有权或其他权利主张。

2. 对于乙方购买的,或根据本协议在甲方的场所处理、储存或安置的,在运输途中的,或任何时候由甲方和/或其服务人员、雇员、代理人或承包商控制或保管的散装产品、产品(不论是制成品还是半制成品)、原料、标签、包装材料和其他材料,乙方拥有所有权。

3. 双方同意,根据本协议条款,在客户最终付清全部款额后,顾问为客户创作或准备的所有文件、设计、发明、计算机程序、计算机系统、数据、计算机文件和其他有形资料(“作品”),均变为客户的独有财产,且被视为顾问受雇用而创作的作品。如果根据美国或任何其他地方、国家、联邦或国际著作权法律,任何该等作品不属于具体列明的构成受雇用创作的作品范围,顾问谨此同意向客户转让,并在作品创作完成时,明确地和自动地将该等作品的一切著作权、专有权、商业秘密及其他权利、所有权和权益让与客户。顾问同意,在费用和开支由客户自理的情况下,向客户提供一切合理需要的协助,以保护本协议上述的客户的各项权利。