lect 23 24

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  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Creative Individual

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    1. Traits of Creative person

    2. Beliefs of a creative person

    3. Motivation to creativity

    4. Creativity- An Adult Function

    5. Blocks to creativity

    6. Strategies for unblocking

    7. Stories of rural innovators in India

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    BASIC CONCEPTS Creative thinking represents a combination of

    logic and intuitive approaches Being creative means dealing with the aspects and

    possibilities of today and tomorrow That requires a person to be open to everything

    new, do not stick to things that we are all used to,do not adhere to yesterday so much

    Creativity does not mean dreaming, it meansproductive managing of specific tasks. Only a creative approach to the problem solution

    can be successful.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Creativity in organizationsto enhance creativity in business, three components

    are needed: Expertise (technical, procedural & intellectual

    knowledge), Creative thinking skills (how flexibly and imaginatively

    people approach problems),

    and Motivation (especially intrinsic motivation).


  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Creativity and economics Joseph Schumpeter: creative destruction- the way in

    which old ways of doing things are endogenously destroyedand replaced by the new.

    Paul Romer: the recombination of elements to producenew technologies and products and, consequently,economic growth. Creativity leads to capital, creativeproducts are protected by intellectual property laws.

    The creative classas important driver of moderneconomies. Richard Florida in The Rise of the CreativeClass, 2002 popularized the notion that regions with "3 T'sof economic development: Technology, Talent and

    Tolerance" also have high concentrations of creativeprofessionals and tend to have a higher level of economicdevelopment.

    Important aspect to understanding Entrepreneurship.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Stages of creative process Orientation: Need identification, intention to

    create Preparation: Information collection, problem

    formulation Incubation: seeking solution, evaluation of

    variants, unconscious thinking Illumination (Eureka!): synthesis, creation of

    ideas Realization: transformation of the idea into realityVerification: evaluation, learning, improvement

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Barriers to creativity - 1

    The value of getting things right time can induce a fear ofmistakes and experimentation.

    So can a blame culture where people become afraid ofmaking mistakes.

    Managers who are not as secure as they should be can resist

    or block ideas that are not their own or which they see asthreatening.

    A culture that over emphasizes cost containment,processes, consistency or efficiency.

    A reward system that too exclusively celebrates gettingthings done fast with no mistakes.

    A general fear of risk taking, wanting to analyze everythingto death, to wait and see what others do in the marketbefore acting.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Barriers to creativity - 2 A lack of explicit funding for experimentation. A strict requirement to demonstrate the value of an idea

    before it has a chance to prove itself.

    A tendency to shoot down novel ideas as a way of scoringpoints. An over allegiance to past successes, proven experience and

    tried and tested methods. A suspicion of novelty, a fear of the unproven.

    A resistance to learning from mistakes or trial and error, atendency to blame external factors or other people forfailures rather than to learn from them.

    Short termism - a drive to meet short term financial goalsrather than to invest in the future.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    1. Sensitivity to surroundings and problems

    2. Idea Fluency

    3. Flexibility and openness

    4. Imaginative- more imp than knowledge,5. Curious and inquisitive

    6. Perseverance- hard work and application of time (design)

    7. Tolerance of ambiguity

    8. Courage and Challenge

    9. Constructive Discontent- ability to see a need forimprovement

    10. Ability to suspend Judgment and criticism

    11. Optimistic- see good in bad

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    1. Problems can be solved.- faith, experience,commitment of time and energy

    2. Problems lead to improvements.

    3. A problem can also be a solution.-find good idea inbad solution

    4. Mistakes are welcome.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    1. Hedonism or materialism desire to live with pleasure2. Career Success-achievement and progress in career

    3. Desire for original achievement-accomplish somethingnovel in life4. Power and authority-5. Self Esteem or personal development-to become what

    ones want to be

    6. Affiliation-7. Altruism- believe in helping others and doing good8. Security- protection of interest of life-assurance of

    needful fulfillment

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Your Challenge [Here] What exactly are we doing and


    Whos the boss? Whos on the team?

    How much time do we have?

    How much money do we have?

    What is out of bounds?

    How do we keep score?

    What happens if we succeed?Fail?


  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    1. Age and creativity-

    2. Individual Ego States and creativity

    Adult Ego and creativity Natural Creativity

    Nurturing Parent

    Little Professor

    Adaptive Child

    Critical Parent

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Ego State Description Contribution

    Critical Parent Controlling, critical,traditional, rules,regulations, policies


    Nurturing Caring, nurturing,protecting, encouraging,guiding


    Adult Rational, evaluative,positive perceptiveness,self confidence, risk taking


    Natural Child Curiosity, initiative,

    fearlessness probing


    Little Professor Divergent thinking,innovativeness


    Adaptive child Adjustment, acceptance Negative

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Blocks.. Myths:

    1. Every problem has only one solution- only one right

    answer2. The best solution has already been found

    3. Creative answers are complex technologically.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Blocks to creativityAttitudes

    1.Natural resistance- problem

    2.Laziness- It cant be done3. Lack of confidence- I cant do it

    4. Fear of ridicule-what will people think

    5. Opponent within ones head-disagree ,too expensive

    ,too risky

    6. Prejudice-preconcieved ideas

    7. Disregard for some solutions-

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Barriers to creativity - 1

    The value of getting things right time can induce a fear ofmistakes and experimentation.

    So can a blame culture where people become afraid ofmaking mistakes.

    Managers who are not as secure as they should be can resist

    or block ideas that are not their own or which they see asthreatening.

    A culture that over emphasizes cost containment,processes, consistency or efficiency.

    A reward system that too exclusively celebrates gettingthings done fast with no mistakes.

    A general fear of risk taking, wanting to analyze everythingto death, to wait and see what others do in the marketbefore acting.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Barriers to creativity - 2 A lack of explicit funding for experimentation. A strict requirement to demonstrate the value of an idea

    before it has a chance to prove itself.

    A tendency to shoot down novel ideas as a way of scoringpoints. An over allegiance to past successes, proven experience and

    tried and tested methods. A suspicion of novelty, a fear of the unproven.

    A resistance to learning from mistakes or trial and error, atendency to blame external factors or other people forfailures rather than to learn from them.

    Short termism - a drive to meet short term financial goalsrather than to invest in the future.

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Inhibitors of Creative ThinkingPersonal Block Problem SolvingBlocks

    Contextual Blocks

    Lack of self-confidence

    A tendency to conform

    A need for thefamiliar/habit-bound


    Emotional numbness


    Excessive enthusiasm Lack of imaginative


    Solution fixedness

    Premature judgment

    Habit transferUse of poor


    Lack of disciplined


    Poor language skillsRigidity

    Scientific reasoning

    provides a panacea

    Resistance to newideas


    Negative attitude

    toward creative thinking

    Autocratic decisionmaking


    An over-emphasis on

    competition or



  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Strategies for unblockingAwareness-identify blocks. introspection

    Analysis and diagnosis-

    Help from credible source-guidance andencouragement from expert

    Inoculation-move from low risk to high risk


    Goal setting

  • 8/13/2019 lect 23 24


    Employees allowed to spend 15% oftheir time each week innovating

    products which they do not have toaccount for

    a.Allows easy access to funding forideas that appear viable

    b.Rewards tied to innovationc.Spends 6-7% of the firms revenueon R&D each year