lecture9_dynamic properties of soil_updated.pdf

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  • 1CE 601: Dynamic Properties of Soil

    Soil Properties

    Monotonic Loading (Shear strength properties of soil)

    Angle of Internal Friction () Cohesion (c)

    Dynamic Loading (Dynamic properties of soil)

    Shear Modulus (G)

    Damping Ratio (D)

  • 2Dynamic Properties of Soil

    Shear Modulus G = V 2Shear Modulus, G .VSShear wave velocity = VS (m/sec)

    Mass density = /g) (Kg/m3)Unit weight of soil = (KN/m3)Acceleration of gravity = g (m/sec2)Acceleration of gravity g (m/sec )

    Damping, D = decay in energy

    Shear Modulus (G) is measured in KN/m2 & Damping (D) in %

    Dynamic Properties of Soil

    Low Strain Amplitude test

    For strains (10-6% to 10-4%)

    Frequency range: 10 Hz to 200Hz

    Vibratory loading (Rotating Machinery etc)

    High Strain Amplitude test

    For strains (10-4% to 10-2%)

    Frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 2 Hz (in general)

    Blast loading, Earthquake

  • 3Dynamic Properties

    High Strain Amplitude testg p

    Cyclic Triaxial Test

    Cyclic Simple Shear Test

    Low Strain Amplitude test

    Bender Element Test

    Resonant Column Test

    Cyclic Triaxial Test (High strain amplitude test)

    Dynamic properties of properties of soil using Cyclic Triaxial system:

    1. Shear Modulus (G)

    2. Damping p gratio (D)

  • 4Dynamic Properties of Soil using Cyclic Triaxial Test

    dStress Dynamic aStrain Axial

    DDamping EModulus Young Dynamic

    Grain size distribution: Kutch soil

    KutchSoil(Dhori)( )Gravel 0%Sand 19%Silt 81%

    Sample Remouldedwatercontent 25%bulkdensity 1.78gm/ccRemarks 14%Micapresent


  • 5Dynamic Behavior of Kutch soil

    Strain Controlled Dynamic Triaxial Test(0.5 Hz, 1% strain amplitude, Effective confining pressure =300 kPa)

    Kutch soil

    Kutch soil

  • 6Grain size distribution: Sabarmati soil

    SabarmatiSoilGravel 0%Sand 86%Silt 14%

    Sample Remouldedwatercontent 20%bulkdensity 1.90gm/ccRemarks frombanks

    ofsabarmati river

    Strain Controlled Dynamic Triaxial Test

    Dynamic Behavior of Sabarmati soil

    (0.5 Hz, 1% strain amplitude, Effective confining pressure =300 kPa)

    Sabarmati soil

  • 7Sabarmati soil

    Dynamic Behavior of soil using Cyclic Triaxial setup


    C h i

    Soil w/c c Liquefaction G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5(%) (gm/cc) (kPa) (deg) (noofcycle) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

    Kutch 25 1.78 0 28 12cycles 10082 7101 5310 4334 3501 2894Sabarmati 20 1.90 0 26 5cycles 8824 4570 2584 1434 827 475


  • 8Dynamic Behavior of Soft clay

    Strain Controlled Dynamic Triaxial Test(0.004 Hz, 3% strain amplitude, Effective confining pressure =300 kPa)

    SoftclaySand 0%

    Sachan (2012)

    Sand 0%Silt 2%Clay 98%

    Sample Slurryconsolidatedwatercontent 49%bulkdensity 1.75gm/ccRemarks Commerciallyavailable

    Kaolinite clay

    Soft claySachan (2012)

  • 9Cyclic Instability in Slurry consolidated specimens of soft clay

    Dynamic Behavior of Soft Clays using Cyclic Triaxial Testing

    CyclicInstabilityinSlurry consolidatedspecimensofsoftclay

    Soil w/c c Cyclic

    Instability G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5(%) (gm/cc) (kPa) (deg) (noofcycle) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)


    consolidated) 49 1.75 0 21


    ECP) 1810 1029 817 715 659 603


    Cyclic Simple Shear Test (High strain amplitude test)

    Digitally controlled Electro-mechanical actuators are used to apply the stress or strain controlled loading

    OutputOutput: : Shear modulus (G), Damping (D)

  • 10

    Cyclic Simple Shear System

    Cyclic Simple Shear Test (High strain amplitude test)


    DDamping GusShearModul

  • 11

    Dynamic properties of Dynamic properties of Sand (SW) using Cyclic simple shear

    Bender Element Test (Low strain amplitude test)

    Bender Elements (made by Piezoelectric material)

  • 12

    Bender Element Test (Low strain amplitude test)


    i iti d t l dacquisitionandcontrolcardWindowsbasedBenderelementsystemcontrolandacquisitionsoftware

    Bender Element Test (Low strain amplitude test)

    Piezo-ceramic elements distort or bend when subjected to a change in voltage. g

    Two Piezoelectric bender elements are placed opposite one another and inserted a small distance into a soil sample. One bender element work as source and other as receiver.

    The voltage in one element is varied creating shear waves through the sample, which are received by the opposite element. The input voltage, (created using a function generator) and the received signal are recorded

    i l i ill ll i h l i f h h continuously using an oscilloscope, allowing the travel time of the shear waves to be measured from which the dynamic elastic shear modulus (G) can be determined.

    Bender elements provide a reliable, cost effective alternative to undertaking locally instrumented stress path triaxial tests and can be readily performed on unconfined samples in the laboratory.

  • 13

    Bender Element Test (Low strain amplitude test)


    Small-strain modulus (Gmax) of geotechnical fill materials is a key parameter in defining the material response to static loading.

    Gmax is also important in small-strain dynamic analyses to predict soil behavior under machine & traffic vibrations.

    Bender Element Test: Cross correlation technqiue

    Typical Bender Element test results: Input


    Output Cross-correlated signals


    Cross-correlation between two signals: The cross-correlation function is a quantitative operation in the time domain to describe the relationship between data measured at a point and data obtained at another observation point. In Mathematical form, the cross correlations between two signals: X(t) and Y(t), can be defined as

    1lim ( ) ( )xy TT

    CC X t Y t dtT

    T is the total time length of the signal and is the time shift between the two signals. The above equation is simply the common area subtended by the signal X, which has been shifted by time and the signal Y. As such, for an impulse wave that has been recorded between two spaced points, will attain a maximum value for the time shift that equals the travel time of an impulse between two points.

  • 14

    Bender Element Test: Cross correlation technqiue



    Input signalOut put signal









    de o

    f the




    Out put signal

    Clean ganga sand pi' = 500 Kpa

    Cross correlation



    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2Time scale(ms)


    p p Time period =0.1

    B B'

    travel time determined by cross-correlation (tcc =0.45) method that fits at best the input and the output signals. The delayed time tm over estimated shear wave velocity

    Bender Element Test



    G = .VS2t

    Lt = * LLo = L - Lt

    shear wave velocity is calculated by dividing the corrected length (Le) by the travel time of the wave from the transmitter to the receiver; tTravel length of the wave is considered to be the length of the specimen minus the length of the bender elements (mid-to-mid distance).

    o tLe = L0 e

    L = total length of the triaxial sand specimen, e = effective height of tip of the transducer, Lo = the length between the tips of the transducers, Le = Effective length of wave propagation with increasing strain rate, and = Axial strain.

  • 15

    Resonant Column Test (Low strain amplitude test)

    The basic principle of the resonant column device is to excite one end of a confined cylindrical soil specimen in a fundamental mode of vibration by means of torsional or longitudinal excitation.

    Once the fundamental mode of resonance frequency is established, measurements are made of the resonance frequency and amplitude of vibration from which wave

    ti l iti d t i propagation velocities and strain amplitudes are calculated using the theory of elasticity.

    The Resonant Column Test provides laboratory values of Shear modulus (G) and Damping ratio (D).

    Resonant Column Test (Low strain amplitude test)

    With known value of the resonant frequency it is possible to back-calculate possible to back calculate the velocity (vs or vl) of the wave propagation and thereby G or E

    After measuring the resonant condition, the drive system is cut of and the specimen is brought to a state of free vibration.

    (a) Specimen is excited at the bottom and the response is picked up at the top (velocity or acceleration)(b) Driving force is applied on the top. The response pickup is also placed on the top

    Damping is determined by observing the decay pattern

  • 16

    tiCt e)(

    Resonant Column Test:Determination of Shear Modulus of soil (G)



    Resonant freq. f1+

    Sample Geometry+

    End restraint+

    Wave equation (torsion)


    1220 2

    Ts F


    Resonant Column Test:Damping properties of soil (D

    D = 1/21

  • 17

    Thank You