napa valley wine train press packet (simplified chinese)


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Information about the Napa Valley Wine Train in Simplified Chinese.


Page 1: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)
Page 2: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

这几节修缮一新的1915年PULLMAN古董车非常适合放松身心,与家人朋友共度欢乐时光。旅行的部分时间您可在舒适的休闲车厢中观赏风景,另一部分的时间则在餐车中享用新鲜现做的美餐。GOURMET CARS(美食专列)是一次经典的品酒列车之旅,也是我们最受欢迎的车厢。欢迎您来亲身体验这种具有百年历史的奢华旅行。(车票包括餐费)

Page 3: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

午餐 纳帕谷品酒列车上的午餐是对纳帕谷最好的介绍。车窗外沿途有葡萄藤,酒庄和纳帕谷


两旁经过的车辆招手,或在我们的品酒列车里逗留。 *车站品酒只对21岁以上旅客开放

晚餐 在春夏两季,加州有温暖的悠长黄昏。所以旅程的绝大部分时间,您都会看到纳帕谷的

葡萄藤沐浴在金色的夕阳中 。在冬天和秋天,列车出发时太阳已经西下,您将会感受一


 酒庄之旅 纳帕谷品酒列车将为您提供纳帕谷的完整体验。您可以向我们车站里的葡萄酒推广员请教品酒知识或小试纳帕本地



Ambassador Winery Tour(尊贵酒庄之旅) Ambassador Winery Tour(尊贵酒庄之旅)是一项纳帕谷全日行程,如果您想要在


上享受两个小时的午餐,然后在Grgich Hills 站转乘公共汽车。这辆公共汽车

会将您送到Silverado Trail, 在那里您将会在两家酒庄参加私人导览的酒庄游


活动开放时间:周一到周四。 (车票包含餐费,品酒费,交通费)

       Domaine Chandon Winery Tour (Domaine Chandon酒庄之旅) Domaine Chandon酒庄是纳帕谷最著名的气泡酒酿造商,以其精致的气泡酒和美


受由三道主菜组成的午餐,然后在Yountville 下车,一辆小巴已经等候在车站

,将直接带您到Domaine Chandon酒庄。在那里您将享受到一般游客没有的待遇




Grgich Hills Winery Tour (Grgich Hill酒庄之旅) Grgich Hills酒庄的创建者是Mike Grgich。这位酿酒师是今天纳帕谷扬名世界

的奠基者之一。Grgich Hills酒庄在他的充满开拓精神的领导下,成为了纳帕谷

酿制生物酒的先锋。请先在北行的列车上用午餐,然后在Grgich Hills酒庄下



此项活动从周日到周五开放 。(车票包括餐费,品酒费,需与他人拼桌)


登记 10:30 品酒讲座 10:35 登车 11:00 列车出发 11:30 列车回站 14:30

登记 17:30 登车 18:00 列车出发 18:00 列车回站 21:30

登记 ~10:30 车站品酒 10:35 登车 10:50 列车出发 11:30 转乘公共汽车 13:30 参观第一家酒庄 13:45 乘坐公共汽车 14:45 参观第二家酒庄 15:00 乘坐公共汽车 16:00 返回品酒列车车站 16:30

登记 ~10:30 车站品酒 10:35 登车 10:50 列车出发 11:30 转乘公共汽车至

Yountville  Station车站 14:00

开始参观Domaine  Chandon  酒庄


乘坐公共汽车 15:30 回到品酒列车车站 16:00

登记 ~10:30 车站品酒 10:35 登车 10:50 列车出发 11:30 在Grgich  Hills下车 12:30 重新登上品酒列车 13:30 列车回站 14:30

Page 4: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

活动 品酒列车一年四季都会举行很多特别活动,从美酒配美食活动到夜间剧场“神秘谋杀案”。因为这些活动广受欢



与酿酒师共进午餐 纳帕酒胜在能为配酒菜肴增添风味,这是举世闻名的;而与酿酒师共进午餐活动则是感受纳帕顶级美食配美酒的绝


Macdonnald 和 葡萄酒主任Ryan Graham会设计一套菜肴,从而使酒和菜的风味互相增进,将两者搭配之妙发挥到极

致。届时我们邀请的酿酒师,主厨 Kelly和Ryan都会在列车上与您分享他们关于葡萄酒,美食和纳帕的知识。


月光晚宴 坐在Vista Dome Car(拱形观景车厢)中,窗外是月光下绵延不绝的葡萄藤,晚餐浪漫无比。这样的活动每月只有



游客重要信息 您在前台登记之后,请随意参观车站。欢迎您去车站葡萄酒商店逛逛,和我们知识渊博的葡萄酒主任Ryan Graham聊





您的车票上会印有GE, PE, GL, PL, Vista Dome(拱形观景车厢), Silverado(西尔维拉多车厢),您参加的活动或者酒庄游的名称。这就是您的登车组名。您不必急着上车,但是我们也不想要您在车外等太久,所以请耐心等待,




Gourmet Car(美食专列)的“座位” Gourmet Car(美食专列)中有两种“座位”。持有“First Seating” 的乘客将于旅程前半程,即向北开的半程中,坐在用餐车中,然后在向南开的后半程中坐到休闲车厢中。持有“Second Seating”的旅客则会在旅程的前半段坐在休闲车厢中品尝前菜,然后与往南的后半程中移到用餐车厢,享用主菜。

付账 如果您购买了任何酒类,在下车之前服务员会向您呈上账单,包括您在旅行全程中消费的酒类。

小费 按惯例旅客会留小费,但这不是强制要求。如果您对我们的服务满意,每位旅客可以考虑留给您的服务员5-10美金


司机的特别福利 如果您一行人开车前来纳帕谷, 我们建议您的团队选定一位成员作为返程司机。如果您担任司机,请来我们的前台



Page 5: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

美食 我们的主厨Kelly Macdonald致力于用最高档的食材为旅客烹制最精致的菜肴。我们

* 使用本地蔬果 * 烹制采用水耕法栽种的蔬菜和莴苣 * 使用新鲜的,加州本地渔场养殖的鱼类和贝壳类海鲜 * 使用新鲜的,用钓鱼方式捕捉的鱼类 * 使用以人道方式养殖的肉类 * 不使用含化学添加剂的产品 * 不使用含生长激素的肉类

 我们的火车 铁轨的历史 纳帕谷品酒列车的历史几乎跟加利福尼亚州一样悠久。此火车轨道是在1864年由旧金山第一位百万富翁Samuel











CNG(压缩天然气)火车头 品酒列车的追求之一,就是用最新的高科技为古老的机器注入活力。我们的压缩天然气火车头就是一个很好的例

子。2001年,我们的工程师把电脑控制的高科技压缩天然气发动机装进了1950年的Alco FA火车头,换下了原来的柴


 渡轮信息 在您预定好纳帕谷品酒列车之后,您可以乘坐BayLink ferry渡轮或者公共汽车 去Vallejo。请提前一天致电我们,我们会为您安排一辆私人穿梭巴士将您接至纳帕谷品酒列车车站。随后您可体验品酒列车午餐或者酒庄之旅活动。接

下来在纳帕市中心度过愉快的下午时光。纳帕是品酒,购物和温泉水疗的好地方。傍晚搭乘穿梭巴士回到Vallejo, 正好能坐上回旧金山的渡轮。也就是早上8点10分离开旧金山,晚上7点回到旧金山。

1) 致电纳帕谷品酒列车:+1.800.427.4124;或者在网上预定穿梭巴士,但请至少提前24小时预 定。 2) 早上8点10分登上BayLink Ferry渡轮或者旧金山的公共汽车前往Vallejo。点击此处获取具体指导步骤。 3) 享受从旧金山到纳帕谷葡萄酒王国最便捷的旅程!



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常见问题 问:坐轮椅的人士可乘坐纳帕谷品酒列车吗? 答:纳帕谷品酒列车是一列古董列车,故乘坐轮椅的人士需要特别注意以下几点问题:

1) 登车时乘客需要爬几步比较陡的阶梯,如果您有困难爬阶梯,我们可以用升降机将您抬上火车。 2) 如果您需要轮椅,我们强烈建议您是用我们车上的小型轮椅,因为这是唯一一种品酒列车上保证放得下的轮椅。我们不能保证您的私人轮椅一定能在车上放得下。

3) 在Gourmet Car(美食专列)和Silverado Car(西尔维拉多车厢)上都可以使用列车专用的小型轮椅。 4) 若要搭乘Vista Dome car(拱形观景车厢),走台阶是必不可免的。 5) 当火车在运行时,使用轮椅活动是不安全的。需要轮椅的乘客请遵照乘务员的指示挪动轮椅。 6) 如果一位行动不方便的乘客想要在车内四处走动,其团队中的一员必须在旁陪伴协助。 7) 在现阶段,我们还无法接待行动不方便的人士参加任何酒庄之旅。


题,请致电+1-800-427-4124。 问: 什么是"Seated with others"(与别人拼桌)或"Fill-in Seating"( 拼大桌)? 答: 在我们的特别活动中,有很多因为广受欢迎,导致座位常常不够。根据火车传统,如果您只有一位同伴,你们




问 :可以携带儿童上纳帕谷品酒列车吗? 答 : 我们当然欢迎小朋友来到品酒列车,而且部分活动有专门的儿童菜单和儿童价。携带幼儿的家长请注意,因为幼儿可能无法在座位上静坐整整三小时,而火车一直在运行,且偶尔可能还会有急刹车,所以请您不要让孩子独自一

人在火车上四处行走。因本列车为餐车,且车上厕所也较狭窄,故不能在车上为孩子更换尿布。McKinstry Street 车站里的洗手间内设有尿布更换台。出于安全考虑,您不能将儿童推车带上车,也禁止使用婴儿背带或抱带,但是我


问 : 有何着装要求? 答 : 着装基本上都很随意,取决于当天的天气以及您参加的活动的具体情况。晚餐时可以穿得比较隆重,尤其是喜欢鸡尾酒会风格的旅客。如果晚上天气较凉,建议您带件夹克衫,但还是取决于您自身的情况。在列车上多带一件衣


问 : 车上可以吸烟吗? 答 : 车站内,列车上或列车的观景台上都是严禁吸烟的。 问 :我们可以中途下品酒列车吗? 答 : 现阶段,只有参加Ambassador Winery Tour,即尊贵酒庄之旅, Domaine Chandon酒庄之旅 和 Grgich Hills Winery酒庄之旅活动的旅客才可以在中途下车。  

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在您预定好纳帕谷品酒列车之后,您可以乘坐BayLink Ferry渡轮或者公共汽车去Vallejo。请提前一天致电我们,我们会为您安排一辆私人穿梭巴士将您接至纳帕谷品酒列车车站。随后您可体验品酒列车午餐或者酒庄之旅活动。接下来在纳帕市中心度过愉快的下午时光。纳帕是品酒,购物和温泉水疗的好地方。傍晚搭乘穿梭巴士回到VallejoVallejo, 正好能坐上回旧金山的渡轮。也就是早上8点10分离开旧金山,晚上7点回到旧金山。


Page 8: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)


第一步:预约品酒列车车票  如果您想乘坐Vallejo Ferry Terminal (Vallejo渡轮终点站)与品酒列车车站之间





在预定品酒列车车票时在网上或在电话上购买的。  周一至周五  购买渡轮票  

这就是San Francisco Ferry Building旧金山渡轮大楼。具体地址是: 1 Ferry Bldg., San Francisco, CA 94511。周一至周五, 开往Vallejo的 BayLink Ferry 渡轮早上8点10分在大楼靠海的一侧出

发。如果是周末, Route 200 Baylink Bus,即200路Baylink 公共汽车早上8点10分在Ferry Building渡轮大楼北边的Embarcadero St.街的公共汽车站出


购买船票请从大钟楼下的Ferry Building渡轮大楼正门进入。  一直向前,您会走到一条宽阔横向的中央走道,向右转,然后您就会看到

“Bay Crossings”牌子的店,这就是卖BayLink ferry渡轮票的地方。

上面这张照片就是"Bay Crossings" 里面的样子。"Bay Crossings" 商店一般早上7点50分开门。


找到您要乘坐的渡轮  朝着海湾方向走,经过“Peet's  Coffee  and  Tea”咖啡店,走出渡轮大楼,朝左转(即朝北走),你就会看到下图中的渡轮。  


这就是开往Vallejo的登船口Gate B,即B登船口。请注意,在这个登船口,这个时间会有两辆渡轮差不多同时出发。请您仔细看,确保您上的是Vallejo Ferry渡轮,而不是Tiburon Ferry渡轮。上船之后,找一个座位,然后就可以放松了。

Page 9: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

 周末  找到您的公车  

请注意,"Bay Crossings" 售票店可能周末的时候不会准时开门,所以请您直接走去位于Ferry Building 渡轮大楼北边Embarcadero Street街上的BayLink Bus stop公共汽车站。公共汽车票时15美金一人,请准备好零钱,车上不找零。


登上前往the  Napa  Valley  Wine  Train纳帕谷品酒列车的穿梭巴士   当您到达Vallejo后,下船。上岸后,往右转。  您会看到"Ferry Terminal, Tourist Information",即“渡轮站,旅客信息”的牌子。我们的穿梭巴士




 怎样在网上预定穿梭巴士  如果您想要在网上预定穿梭巴士,首先确定您已经了解购买BayLink ferry渡轮票或者从旧金山出

发的公共汽车票的全部步骤,然后 访问我们的预约页面您点击之后,电脑将会开启一个新的品酒列车预约页面。

1. 选择您想要预约的项目。从旧金山乘坐BayLink  ferry渡轮或者公共汽车前来的旅客可以选择任何午餐列车项目或者酒庄之旅项目。  

2. 选择您要参加的项目,点击您计划出游的日期,选择您要预定的车票数量,选择“book  now”  (立即预定)  

3. 填写所有必需信息(即有“ *”标记的栏目),并且确保在“Vallejo  <-­>  Napa  Round  Trip  Shuttle”(即Vallejo与纳帕谷往返穿梭巴士)字样前面的方框打勾  

4. 确保在每一位需要乘坐穿梭巴士的团队成员名下的方框上打勾。    如果您在预约之后改变主意要放弃预约,或者您在预约过程中遇到什么问题,请致电+1-­800-­427-­4124联系我们的预约部门。    

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Napa Valley

Wine Train®

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 0 0 . 4 2 7 . 4 1 2 4

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

Celebrating20 years

Call or checkour websitefor details

Napa ValleyWine Train

to Calistoga

First ST.



l S


McKinstry ST.





to VAllejo

to Hwy 80



Directions from San FranciscoFollow the signs that lead to the Bay Bridge and cross the Bay Bridge. After crossing the bridge, continue on I-80 North, headed towards Sacramento. Stay on the freeway. When you cross the Carquinez Bridge and pay a toll, this means your exit is close. Exit Napa/Columbus Parkway (exit #33). Follow CA-37 West to Highway 29. Turn right heading North on Hwy 29. Exit Napa/Lake Berryessa. This road becomes Soscol Ave in Napa. Continue on Soscol Ave. Turn right on First Street, then turn left of McKinstry Street. Train station is on the left.

St. Helena

121 to Hyw 37 & Hyw 101




Not to scale


Markham Merryvale Louis Martini V. Sattui Raymond Franciscan Rutherford Hill Rutherford Ranch Beaulieu Vineyard Mumm Napa Peju Provence ZD

Culinary Institute Greystone Cellars Sutter Home Hall Flora Springs Milat

Provenance Grgich Hills

Rubicon Robert Mondavi

Robert Mondavi

Far Niente Napa Cellars

Dominus Domaine Chandon

Chateau Chevre Franus Newlan

Laird Estate



Carneros CreekDomaine Carneros


Cakebread Turbull Cellars Opus One Robert Sinskey Silverado Vineyards Stags Leap Chimney Rock Clos Du Val Signorello Van Der Heyden

Sequoia Grove

St. Supery


Whitehall Lane


Page 11: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)






Board: 10:50am Depart: 11:30am Return: 2:30pm DINNER

Board: 5:50pm Depart: 6:30pm Return: 9:30pm Schedules may vary


GOURMET EXPRESS DINING 3-Course Lunch $ 94 4-Course Dinner $ 99

CHAMPAGNE VISTA DOME CAR 4-Course Lunch includes glass of sparkling wine $124 5-Course Dinner includes glass of sparkling wine $129


3-Course Lunch, Private Tour & Tasting $119


3-Course Lunch, Private Tour & Tasting $139


3-Course Lunch, Private Tours & Tastings $184


4 or 5-Course Dinner, 1 child per adult free $99-129


4-Course Dinner, 1915 Period Drama $145


5-Course Dinner, with (2) glasses private label wine $154


4-Course Lunch, guest Vintner & paired wines $154


5-Course Dinner, paired with regional wines $154-225

Above prices are per person and include meal, coffee/tea, dessert, service charge, sales tax & train fare. Gratuities are optional.

Prices & Timetables subject to change.




24-hour advance notice of cancellation required for refund of payments. 5-day advance notice required for some special programs.

707.253.2111 • 800.427.4124 • WINETRAIN.COM








Page 12: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley

Wine Train®

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 0 0 . 4 2 7 . 4 1 2 4

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

Celebrating21 years

Call or checkour websitefor details



Vintner Lunches

Every Friday Lunch

from Fri, Mar 5 to Fri, Nov 26 Some holiday weekends excepted

Moonlight Escapes Romantic moonlight dinners: Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 27, Apr 30, May 28, Jun 26, Jul 26, Aug 23, Sep 23, Oct 23, Nov 21, Dec 19

Winemaker Dinner Series

Appellations Sat, May 15: Russian River Valley Sat, Jun 12

Varietal Voyages Thur, Jul 15 Thur, Aug 12

Thur, Oct 7

Winemakers: Thur, Jul 29

Holidays Valentine’s Day: Feb 13, 14 Easter: Sun, Apr 4 Mother’s Day: Sun, May 9

Father’s Day: Sun, Jun 20

Independence Day: Sun, Jul 4: Thanksgiving: Thur, Nov 25

New Year’s Eve: Fri, Dec 31

Santa Trains Dec 13 - 15 2:30pm -5:00 pm Dec 18 - 24 8:00 am-10:30 am

Murder MysteryJan 16; Feb 6; Mar 6, 20; Apr 10, 24; May 7, 21; Jun 4, 17; Jul 9, 22;Aug 6, 19; Sep 2, 17; Oct 1, 14;Nov 5, 20; Dec 3, 17.

Family Date Night Mar 13; Apr 16; May 16; Jun 5, 19; Jul 10, 24; Aug 8, 22

Dates subject to change, please call to confirm final schedule

Thur, Sept 16Sat, Aug 21: Sinatra Family Estate

Page 13: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley

Wine Train®

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 0 0 . 4 2 7 . 4 1 2 4

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

Celebrating21 years

Call or checkour websitefor details



Join us for an old fashioned holiday...

Valentine’s Day Feb 13 and 14

Easter Sunday Sun, Apr 4

Mother’s Day Special Brunch menu Sun, May 9 Father’s Day Special Barbeque and Beer menu Sun, Jun 20

Independence Day Fireworks special, watch the sky light up in Yountville Sun, Jul 4

Thanksgiving Traditional lunch and dinner menus Thur, Nov 25

7 Courses of Christmas Executive Chef Kelly Macdonald’s holiday extravaganza! Thur, Dec 9

Santa Trains

Dec 13-15; 2:30 pm-5:00 pm Dec 18-24; 8:00 am-10:30 am

New Year’s Eve Reception, dinner and dancing Fri, Dec 31

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Napa Valley

Wine Train®

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 0 0 . 4 2 7 . 4 1 2 4

1275 McKinstry Street

Napa, CA

Celebrating21 years

Call or checkour websitefor details



Jul 26 - Thunder Moon

Aug 23 - Red Moon

Sep 23 - Corn Moon

Oct 23 - Harvest Moon

Nov 21 - Frosty Moon

Dec 19 - Cold Moon

Price includes: Welcome glass of sparkling wine, five course meal, 2 glasses of selected wine, sales tax, and train fare. Dates subject to change, please call to confirm final schedule.

Jan 30 - Wolf Moon

Feb 27 - Snow Moon

Mar 27 - Crow Moon

Apr 30 - Pink Moon

May 28 - Flower Moon

Jun 26 - Strawberry Moon

After your glass of sparkling wine, relax and order from the gourmet menu as the silver vineyards pass by your window.

Everything you need to create an escape from the ordinary.

Package price: $154

Maximum seating: 24 couples.

Experience Executive Chef Kelly Macdonald’s specially crafted menu by the light of the full moon in our 1952

Vista Dome railcar

Escape the pressures of everyday life in the moonlit vineyards of Napa Valley

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Napa Valley

Wine Train®

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 0 0 . 4 2 7 . 4 1 2 4

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

Celebrating21 years

Call or checkour websitefor details



Package price: $135

Groups of 17 to 300 may choose an existing schedule of

performances or work with our sales team to create a private

murder mystery.

Jan 16

Feb 6

Mar 6, 20

Apr 10, 24

May 7, 21

Jun 4, 17

Jul 9, 22

Aug 6, 19

Oct 1, 14

Nov 5, 20Dec 3, 17

Sep 2, 17

Murder Mystery Dinner Theater features a murder mystery drama and a complete gourmet dinner aboard the lavishly restored 1915 Pullman Dining and Lounge cars.

The Detectives' Club Meeting on the Napa Valley Wine Train:

The Detectives' Club published a book of stories which became an immediate best seller. The five million dollars in royalties will be shared among the living detectives at midnight. Can you guess who will still be alive at the end of the evening?

Come prepared to mix and mingle, dress the part, or just get down to business and solve the murder.

Boards at 5:50pm returns at 9:30pm. Seated with others.

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Napa Valley

Wine Train®

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 0 0 . 4 2 7 . 4 1 2 4

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

Celebrating21 years

Call or checkour websitefor details



Vintner’s Lunches

Price: $154 Every Friday lunch from Mar 5 to Nov 26. Some holiday weekends excepted.

Winemaker Dinner SeriesAPPELLATION DINNERS

Price: $154 Sat, May 15: Russian River Valley;


Thur, Jul 15; Thur, Aug 12; Thur, Oct 7


Price: $154 Thur, Jul 29; Fri, Sept 17

Please call for details on guest vintners and tastings.

Our Special Wine Events combine the culinary talents of our Executive Chef Kelly Macdonald with the vast wine knowledge of Wine Director Ryan Graham. Learn more about wine while enjoying wines paired to a specifically designed menu. Most of our Special Wine Events take place in our elegant Vista Dome.

This weekly gourmet dining experience, often the first to sell out, centers around a special guest vintner who joins you on the train, shares stories and answers questions about wine.

Enjoy a culinary journey that pairs gourmet food with wine from world renowned appellations such as: Napa Valley, South Africa and New Zealand. This gourmet dinner is designed to highlight wines from a specific wine growing region.

Discover what makes a varietal unique. Ryan Graham explains how terrain, climate and even growing locations can have a dramatic effect on a wine's flavor and food pairing possibilities. This dinner focuses on the attributes of a specific grape varietal such as, Merlot or Chardonnay.

If you ever wanted to get up-close and personal with your favorite winemaker, then this dinner is for you. Chef Kelly's menu is specifically crafted to enhance the winemaker of the evening's wines. Learn about their wine, ask questions or just enjoy how the food and wine taste together.

Sat, Jun 12

Price: $154

Price: $169 Sat, Aug 21; Sinatra Family Estate

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Napa Valley

Wine Train®

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 0 0 . 4 2 7 . 4 1 2 4

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

Celebrating21 years

Call or checkour websitefor details



Ambassador Wine TourFeaturing ZD Wines March- Nov

Monday-Thursday 10:30am-4:30pm $184

Friday-Sunday 10:30am-4:00pm $139

Upon finishing your dessert course in our luxurious 1915 Pullman lounge car, top it off with a tour and tasting at the world renowned Champagne house, then shuttle back to the station.

Grgich HillsSunday-Friday 10:30am-2:30pm $119

After tasting the wine from the family-owned, organically farmed, and biodynamically grown grapes, re-board the train for a final dessert course during a leisurely paced return to the Napa station.

Price Includes:

Three course meal (does not include beverages), sales tax, private tour and tasting at the above wineries and train fare.

Year Round

Year Round

Enjoy a gourmet three course lunch in an elegant antique dining car as you journey northbound through the Napa Valley. Disembark for a private tour and tasting at one (or more) of these world famous wineries

Dine on the Train, then travel by luxury motorcoach to two of Napa Valley’s best wineries. Take in the private tours and tastings, then relax for a scenic drive as you return to the station.

Domaine Chandon

Seating is limited. Seated with others

Page 18: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

Wine Country Weddings

Package includes:

• Rehearsal time day prior to event at the ceremony location

• Private Coach Shuttle Service from Wine Train Station to and from the

Vineyard Estate Ceremony Location

• Stunning garden and vineyard view ceremony site at Vineyard Estate

• One bottle per two (2) guests of wine from the Vineyard Estate to serve

onboard or to take home**

• White wood folding ceremony chairs

• Setup and breakdown of ceremony chairs

• VIP Boarding of bridal party onto the Wine Train at the McKinstry St. station

• Meal and train fare for guests aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train

• Semi-private use of Gourmet Lounge & Dining Car, or exclusive use of

Vista Dome Car

• Welcome glass of sparkling wine for wedding party aboard the Wine Train

• Use of Napa Valley Wine Train station for dancing and cake cutting after

train disembarks passengers from 10:00pm-12:00am (amplified music must

be off by 12am)

• Standard Linens at Napa Valley Wine Train Station

• Cocktail Tables at Napa Valley Wine Train Station

• Bartender(s) in station from 10:00pm-12:00am – Please note beer and wine

only in the Culinary Arts Center and Station, cocktails available on the train

• Cleanup of station after event

• Preferred Vendor List provided for Bride and Groom to select Minister, Florals,

Photographer, Musicians/entertainment, Lighting, Hair and Makeup.

• 20% Service Charge & Sales Tax included

Vineyard Estate Ceremonyand Napa Valley Wine

Train Reception

Package #1

Available forDinner Experience Only

Up to 144 Guests

For events with 145-300 guests, the train must be chartered

Please inquire for availability and pricing information

Page 19: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

To ensure a perfect Wedding Day, the Napa Valley Wine Train asks that all wedding

parties observe the following guidelines:

• If the guest count reaches 50 or more, the wedding party will be split

between cars on the train. This applies to Gourmet Dining only.

• Aisles on the NVWT cannot accommodate large dresses or hoop skirts.

• Due to logistical constraints onboard the train, we cannot accommodate

wedding cakes onboard. Service of the wedding cake is to be done at the station after

disembarking the train.

• To ensure complete privacy on the train from other guests, the train must be chartered.

Please inquire with our Special Events Manager for train charter pricing and


• In preserving the elegance of the NVWT, any décor on the train may not be stapled or

taped, and attached only in a way that does not damage any part of the train.

• No rice or seed may be thrown on the train, at the ceremony location, or in the station

at any time.

Gourmet Dining (Semi Private)Up to 144 Guests

30-Day Cancellation Policy Applies*Sparkling wine toast required at ceremony

location at $6.50 per person.

** Should you choose to serve the Vineyard

Estate wine included in your package

onboard the Wine Train during your

Dinner experience and/or in the

station afterward during your reception,

you will receive 50% off the corkage fee

per bottle.

Note: Event insurance required at a minimum of $1,000,000 liability for use of ceremony site.

Vineyard Estate Ceremonyand Napa Valley Wine Train Reception

Wedding Package #1 - cont’d

Vista Dome (Private)Up to 56 Guests

Photography by Keith Rosenthal Photography, Napa, CA; Bridal Gown & Veil by The Wedding Wearhouse, Petaluma, CA; Tuxedo by Black Tie Tuxedo, Petaluma, CA; Hair by Lochelle Lei

Sullivan, Napa, CA; Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere by Beau Fleurs, Napa, CA; Aisle runner on Terrace by Classic Party Rentals, Napa, CA

Train Charters available for up to 300 Guests. For further information pricing

and customized proposal, contact Diane Fennikoh, Special Events Manager.

Page 20: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7


Diane Fennikoh

Wine Country Weddings

Package includes:

• Rehearsal time (up to 2 hours) prior to the event at the ceremony location

• Private Coach Shuttle Service from the Wine Train Station to and from the

Beazley House ceremony locations

• Up to 3 hours use of the Beazley House Mansion first floor, Gardens and

Grounds for ceremony

• Two Guest Rooms for wedding day purposes at the Beazley House – May be

used for lodging both nights

• Ceremony chairs, setup & breakdown, tables & linens

• Light refreshments as guests arrive for ceremony at the Beazley House

• VIP Boarding of bridal party onto the Wine Train at the McKinstry St. Station

• Meal and train fare for guests aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train

• Semi-private use of Lounge & Dining Car, or private use of Vista Dome Car

• Welcome glass of sparkling wine for wedding party aboard NVWT.

• Use of NVWT station for dancing and cake cutting after train disembarks

passengers from 10:00pm-12:00am (amplified music must be off by 12am)

• Bartender(s) in station from 10:00pm-12:00am – Please note beer and wine only

in the Culinary Arts Center and Station, cocktails available on the train

• Cleanup of station after event

• Preferred Vendor List provided by Events Coordinator for Bride and Groom to

select Minister, Florals, Photographer, Musicians/entertainment, Lighting, Hair

and Makeup.

• 20% Service Charge & Sales Tax included

Beazley HouseBed & Breakfast

Garden Ceremony and Napa Valley Wine Train


Package #2

Available forDinner Experience Only

Up to 125 Guests

Page 21: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

Photography by Keith Rosenthal Photography, Napa, CA; Bridal Gown & Veil by The Wedding Wearhouse, Petaluma, CA; Tuxedo by Black Tie Tuxedo, Petaluma, CA; Hair by Lochelle Lei

Sullivan, Napa, CA; Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere by Beau Fleurs, Napa, CA; Aisle runner on Terrace by Classic Party Rentals, Napa, CA

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

To ensure a perfect Wedding Day, the Napa Valley Wine Train asks that all wedding

parties observe the following guidelines:

• If the guest count reaches 50 or more, the wedding party will be split

between cars on the train. This applies to Gourmet Dining only.

• Aisles on the NVWT cannot accommodate large dresses or hoop skirts.

• Due to logistical constraints onboard the train, we cannot accommodate

wedding cakes onboard. Service of the wedding cake is to be done at the station after

disembarking the train.

• To ensure complete privacy on the train from other guests, the train must be chartered.

• In preserving the elegance of the NVWT, any décor on the train may not be stapled or

taped, and attached only in a way that does not damage any part of the train.

• No rice or seed may be thrown on the train, at the ceremony location, or in the station

at any time.

Gourmet Dining (Semi Private)Up to 125 Guests

30-Day Cancellation Policy Applies

Beazley House Bed & BreakfastGarden Ceremony and Napa Valley Wine Train

Reception #2 - cont’d

Vista Dome (Private)Up to 56 Guests

For further information and pricing and customized proposal, contact Diane

Fennikoh , Special Events Manager.

Page 22: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7


Diane Fennikoh

Wine Country Weddings

Package includes:

• Shuttle Service from NVWT Station to Culinary Arts Center

• Ceremony Site at the Culinary Arts Center with standard décor (upgraded

décor can be arranged by the bride and groom through recommended vendor)

• Ceremony Chairs at Culinary Arts Center

• Cocktail Rounds at Culinary Arts Center

• Standard linens at Culinary Arts Center and Wine Train Station

• Cocktail Rounds at NVWT Station

• VIP Boarding of bridal party onto the train at the Culinary Arts Center

• Meal and train fare for guests aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train

• Semi-private use of Lounge & Dining Car, or private use of Vista Dome Car

• Welcome glass of sparkling wine for wedding party aboard NVWT.

• Use of NVWT station for dancing and cake cutting after train disembarks

passengers from 10:00pm-12:00am (amplified music must be off by 12am)

• Bartender(s) in station from 10:00pm-12:00am – Please note beer and wine only

in the Culinary Arts Center and Station, cocktails available on the train

• Cleanup of station after event

• Preferred Vendor List provided for Bride and Groom to select Minister, Florals,

Photographer, Musicians/entertainment, Lighting, Hair and Makeup.

• 20% Service Charge & Sales Tax included

Wedding Ceremony & Reception at the

Napa Valley Wine Train

Package #3

Available forDinner Experience Only

Up to 100 Guests

Page 23: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

Photography by Keith Rosenthal Photography, Napa, CA; Bridal Gown & Veil by The Wedding Wearhouse, Petaluma, CA; Tuxedo by Black Tie Tuxedo, Petaluma, CA; Hair by Lochelle Lei

Sullivan, Napa, CA; Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere by Beau Fleurs, Napa, CA; Aisle runner on Terrace by Classic Party Rentals, Napa, CA

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

To ensure a perfect Wedding Day, the Napa Valley Wine Train asks that all wedding

parties observe the following guidelines:

• If the guest count reaches 50 or more, the wedding party will be split

between cars on the train. This applies to Gourmet Dining only.

• Aisles on the NVWT cannot accommodate large dresses or hoop skirts.

• Due to logistical constraints onboard the train, we cannot accommodate

wedding cakes onboard. Service of the wedding cake is to be done at the station after

disembarking the train.

• To ensure complete privacy on the train from other guests, the train must be chartered.

• In preserving the elegance of the NVWT, any décor on the train may not be stapled or

taped, and attached only in a way that does not damage any part of the train.

• No rice or seed may be thrown on the train, at the ceremony location, or in the station

at any time.

Gourmet Dining (Semi Private)Up to 100 Guests

30-Day Cancellation Policy Applies

Wedding Ceremony & Reception at the Napa Valley Wine TrainWedding Package #3 - cont’d

Vista Dome (Private)Up to 56 Guests

For further information and pricing and customized proposal, contact Diane

Fennikoh, Special Events Manager.

Page 24: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

Wine Country Weddings

Package includes:

• Standard linens at Napa Valley Wine Train Station

• Cocktail Rounds at Napa Valley Wine Train Station

• VIP Boarding of bridal party onto the train at the Wine Train Station

• Meal and train fare for guests aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train

• Use of NVWT station for dancing and cake cutting after train disembarks

passengers from 10:00pm-12:00am (amplified music must be off by 12am)

• Bartender(s) in station from 10:00pm-12:00am – Please note beer and wine

only in the Culinary Arts Center and Station, cocktails available on the train

• Cleanup of station after event

• Preferred Vendor List provided for Bride and

Groom to select Minister, Florals, Photographer,

Musicians/entertainment, Lighting, Hair and


• 20% Service Charge & Sales Tax included

Wedding Reception at the

Napa Valley Wine Train

Package #4

Available forDinner Experience Only

Up to 144 Guests

Page 25: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

Photography by Keith Rosenthal Photography, Napa, CA; Bridal Gown & Veil by The Wedding Wearhouse, Petaluma, CA; Tuxedo by Black Tie Tuxedo, Petaluma, CA; Hair by Lochelle Lei

Sullivan, Napa, CA; Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere by Beau Fleurs, Napa, CA; Aisle runner on Terrace by Classic Party Rentals, Napa, CA

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

To ensure a perfect Wedding Day, the Napa Valley Wine Train asks that all wedding

parties observe the following guidelines:

• If the guest count reaches 50 or more, the wedding party will be split

between cars on the train. This applies to Gourmet Dining only.

• Aisles on the NVWT cannot accommodate large dresses or hoop skirts.

• Due to logistical constraints onboard the train, we cannot accommodate

wedding cakes onboard. Service of the wedding cake is to be done at the station after

disembarking the train.

• To ensure complete privacy on the train from other guests, the train must be chartered.

• In preserving the elegance of the NVWT, any décor on the train may not be stapled or

taped, and attached only in a way that does not damage any part of the train.

• No rice or seed may be thrown on the train, at the ceremony location, or in the station

at any time.

Gourmet Dining (Semi Private)Up to 144 Guests

30-Day Cancellation Policy Applies

Reception at the Napa Valley Wine TrainWedding Package #4 - cont’d

Vista Dome (Private)Up to 56 Guests

For further information, pricing and customized proposal, contact Diane

Fennikoh, Special Events Manager.

Page 26: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

Wine Country Weddings

Package includes:

• Minister with personalized wedding service

• Photography by Keith Rosenthal Photography including unlimited photography

Pre-ceremony, aboard the train for 1.5* hours, a high resolution CD of all photos

taken, and an mp3 digital recording of the ceremony. You may purchase photos

through Keith Rosenthal, or take your CD of photos to any other print processor

for prints.

*May be available for additional time on board the train at an additional charge.

• Lunch or Dinner for Bride & Groom aboard the NVWT.

• Welcome glass of sparkling wine for Bride and Groom

• 20% Service Charge & Sales Tax included

Elopements may occur during a Lunch Train or a

Dinner Train (based on availability).

This package is for Gourmet Dining or the Vista Dome Car.

Elopement & Vow Renewal at the

Napa Valley Wine Train

Package #5

Available for 2 Guests

*Add up to 10 additional guests, depending on availability,

$150 per person

Page 27: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

Photography by Keith Rosenthal Photography, Napa, CA; Bridal Gown & Veil by The Wedding Wearhouse, Petaluma, CA; Tuxedo by Black Tie Tuxedo, Petaluma, CA; Hair by Lochelle Lei

Sullivan, Napa, CA; Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere by Beau Fleurs, Napa, CA; Aisle runner on Terrace by Classic Party Rentals, Napa, CA

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

8 8 8 . 7 2 1 . 8 9 1 7

To ensure a perfect Wedding Day, the Napa Valley Wine Train asks that all wedding

parties observe the following guidelines:

• Due to logistical constraints aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train aisles on

the train cannot accommodate large dresses or hoop skirts.

• Ceremony to last no longer than 10 minutes.

• Ceremony may be held on the observation deck of the Train, weather permitting.

• In case of inclement weather, an alternative location will be provided for the ceremony.

Elopement/Vow Renewal Package Rates:Available Year Round

Your choice of experience, depending on availability

Gourmet Lunch Vista Dome Lunch

Gourmet Dinner Vista Dome Dinner

$1625.00 for Bride and Groom only

Up to 10 guests, $150 additional per person, depending on availability

Payment conditions: Full amount due with signed contract 2 weeks after reserving your date. Cancellations 30 days or more in advance receive a 50% refund. Cancellation within 30 days is non-refundable.

Elopement & Vow Renewal at the Napa Valley Wine Train

Wedding Package #5 - cont’d

Page 28: Napa Valley Wine Train Press Packet (Simplified Chinese)

Napa Valley Wine Train®

1275 McKinstry StreetNapa, CA


Diane Fennikoh

Photography by Keith Rosenthal Photography, Napa, CA; Bridal Gown & Veil by The Wedding Wearhouse, Petaluma, CA; Tuxedo by Black Tie Tuxedo, Petaluma, CA; Hair by Lochelle Lei

Sullivan, Napa, CA; Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere by Beau Fleurs, Napa, CA; Aisle runner on Terrace by Classic Party Rentals, Napa, CA

[email protected]

7 0 7 . 2 5 3 . 2 1 1 1

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Wine Country Weddings

Package includes:• Minister with personalized wedding service• Lunch or Dinner for 2 aboard the Wine Train, in Gourmet Dining or the Vista Dome Car, depending on availability*.

• 20% Service Charge & Sales Tax included

Ceremony location will be on the observation deck of the train, weather permitting.Ceremony must be no longer than 10 minutes.In case of inclement weather, an alternative location will be provided for the ceremony.

Gourmet Dining or Vista Dome Car for Lunch or Dinner$675.00

*Selected Fridays feature our Vista Dome Vintners Lunch Series, with paired wines with each course.

Elopement Package with Vista Dome Vintners Lunch$725.00

Should you choose to select your own minister, there will be a $100 coordination fee along with the cost of the lunch or dinner.

Payment conditions: Full amount due with signed contract 2 weeks after reserving your date. Cancellations 30 days or more in advance receive a 50% refund. Cancellation within 30 days is non-refundable.

Simple Elopement & Vow Renewal at the Napa Valley Wine Train

Package #6

Available for 2 Guests