nmii 02 outlaw scenarios

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  • 7/29/2019 Nmii 02 Outlaw Scenarios


    Aspart of our reuamped Outlanders couerage,oue'ue ecided to re-preseltt tbe old Outlanders scmariosonce again. As many ofyou uill probab[,, haueread eaflier in this issue, be Outlanu ules aren't currmtlypart of tbe Necromunda galne per se, but this scerwrios seenx erfectly suitable for regular gnngs andprobably neuerneeded o be Outlaw scenarios n tbefirst place.Let us knou nbat you tbink!TEF!RAIN EXFERIENtrEStarting with the attacke4 each player takes it in +D6 Survives. If the fighter survivesthe battleturn to place a piece of terrain, either a ruined then D6 points are eamed. Even lightersbuilding structure, a connecting walkway or a who are wounded and taken out receivebaricade. experience for taking part.EANEi=i +5Before setting up, the defender splits his gangintoone or more groups, each comprising two orthree models. The defending player takes thegroup that includes his leader and places it in theopen anywhere on the table.The attacker then sets up 2D5 of his models,choosing which of his fighters he wishes to makethe hit. All the attacking fighters must be set up +1Obehind cover and hiding more than 16" awayfromthe opposing leader; D3 of the attackersmay startthe game in overwatch.Once the affackers are set up, roll aD6 for each ofthe defending groups on the table belowD6 ResultThe group must be set up within 6" of thegang leader.4-5 The group must be set up more than 12"awayfiom eitherthe attackersorthe gangleader.l-3 The group is not set up at the start of thegame. Roll aD6 for the group at the startof each defender's tum: on a 6 they mayenter play on a random table edge

    (determined in the sameway as n the Hit& Run scenario).=iTARTINEi THE EAMERoll a D6. On a 1-3, the attacker starts the gamewith the first tum, usually with a poignantquotation like 'Varsqua, you scumbag! Ya goin'down!!!!" On a 4-6, the defending leader sensessomething's wrong and comes out blasting so thedefender gets the first turn instead.ENDINEi THE EiAMEIf the defending gang leader goes out of action orthe attacking player botdes out, the game endsimmediately The attacking player can also end thegame by moving all of his models which are notdown or out of action offany table edge.The defending player is very much fightlng for hislife so he will not bottle out voluntarily orotherwise. The attacking player is determined andout for blood so he does not have to start makingBottle rolls until he's suffered 5O%casualties.

    Per Wounding Hit. A fighter earns5 points for eachwounding hit he inflictsduring the batde. Make a note on thegang roster every time a fighter scores ahit and wounds his target. Though youcan scoremultiplewounds from one shotusing some weapons, only 5 points areeamed when this happens, not 5 pointsperwound.Defending Leader. If the defender'sleader doesn't go down or out of actionhe eams an extra 10 E4perience pointsand a considerable bolstering of hisreputation.

    SFEtrIALIf the attacking gang manage to take out theopposing leader (ie, make him roll on the SeriousInjury table rather than take him to the cinema orout for a meal!) roll a D6.

    ResultThe attackersmove in and take over onerandomly selected piece of thedefender's territory while their leader isrecovering from his injuries, or being putin a hole in the ground as the casemaybe.The attackers extort money out of thedefending gang's temitory while theirleader is out of the picture. Thedefending gang loses hdf OOn of theirincome and it goes to the attackersinstead.



  • 7/29/2019 Nmii 02 Outlaw Scenarios


    Outlaws utill ofien attack apiece of ligbtly guarded terdtory in tbe bopes of drtuing off thegua,rdsandransacking it before reinforcemmts arciue. An attack like this can uirtually destroy a bolestead or asma.ll senlem.ent as tbe thieues descmd on it and loot anytbing of ualue, and it's one of tbe reasonshiuers seekprotection from local gangs. Of course, Iocal gangs sometirnes do exactly the same thingand blame it on tbe Outlaus,..TERRAINStarting with the attacker, each player takes it intuln to place a piece of terrain, either a ruinedbuilding structure or a connecting walkway Onceall the other pieces of terrain have been placed,the defender may place up to five baricades andthe watch-tower.Once you have placed the terrain, the defenderplaces all six Loot counters. The Loot countersmay be placed an)'q/here on the tabletop (not onthe upper levels of buildings or walkways) at least8" away fiom any table edge and with eachcounter within 8" of another one. These Lootcountefs represent the valuable pieces ofequipment and stores of food, ammunition, rawmaterials, etc, which the attackers are uying to ripoffEANEi=iThedefendersetsup first. Hedeplop up to D6ofhis gang as grards, choosing which fighters hewishes to put on guard duty Guards may beplaced anlurhere on the table at least 8" awayfromany table edge.The attacker then deploys his gang within 4" of arandomly selected table edge.

    =iTAFTINEi THE EiAMEIt is assumed hat the guards have ust spotted theattackers and are in the process of raising thealarm. To represent this point of inevitableconfusion, both sides roll a D6 and the one thatrolls highest goes first.FItrFTNEi UF LT]trITIoot counters may be picked up by any modelthat passes over them during its movement. Afighter car. carry any number of pieces of lootwithout a.ffectinghis movement or ability to shootor fight.Fighterswho go out of action drop Loot counterswhere they happen to be at the time. Removethemodel but leave the counters in place. Modelscan transfer loot to other models in base-to-basecontact during the Shooting phase, but neithermodel may shoot during the turn.If a fighter takes an enemy out of action in hand-to-hand combat he automatically captures anyloot the model is carrying.FIEINFEF!trEMENTsAt the start of the game the defender divides anyfighters not deployed as guards into groups of


  • 7/29/2019 Nmii 02 Outlaw Scenarios


  • 7/29/2019 Nmii 02 Outlaw Scenarios


    When.an Outlaw gang mjoys some successeg bqt can expect to be bunted douvt by Watcbmen or oldenemies. Tbe hunters knout tbqt can find news of tbe Outlrruts at one illegal trading post or anotberIn tbis scenario, tbey bauegot rnore tban thqt bargained for and actually run into tbe men tbey'rebunting outside a trade post. As tbe! catcb sigbt of eacb otber botb sides stand tbeir ground, handshouering ouergnn butts and eyes narrowed m,eruzcingly.Tbe bunters sAuour tbeir momertt of uictorybut tbe Outlaus knou tbeir comrades are meaking around bebind their opponents and should be inposition to open up on tbem... any... second...nout!TEF!F!AINThe terain represents a small wastezonesettlement. Eachplayer takes it in tum to place apiece of terrain, either a ruined buildingstructure, a connecting wa.lkwayor baricade. It issuggested hat the terrain is set up within an areaof 4' x 4' or thereabouts.THE EANEi=iThe defending player rolls a D6 to seehow manyof his gang are facing down the hunters. Thesefighters are randomly selected from the gang,they are not chosen by the defending player.Thehunting player useshis entire gang.The hunters and the defending fighters takingpart in the face dovm are set up roughly in themiddle of the table. They are deployed L6" apartwith all models at ground level and in a positionwhere they are in full view of each other. Roll adice to see who sets up finst. Each gang must setup in a line with no model more than 1" awayfrom any other model. The rest of the defendinggafig can set up anlurhere on the table but notwithin 16" of the hunters. They must start thegame hidden.

    All the fighters facing off are assumed to havetheir weapons holstered or slung at the start ofthe game. Until a weapon is drawn, a specialbuild-up and fast draw sequence of play is used.THE EIUILD UPEach tum of build-up has its own sequence ofplay First the hunters move, then both sides testto keep their nerve as described below If bothsidespassthis test then proceed to the next tum,and so on, until one side loses its nerve, at whichpoint the shooting starts!During the build-up, the hunters walk slowlytowards the defenders until somebody's nervefails and guns are'drawn. To represent this, thehunters may move up to 2" per tum. They mustmove towards the enemy and may not move intocover. The defenders must stay where they areand sweat it out as their attackers approach. Oncethe hunters are within 4" of the defenders thevstop.The defenders in cover can move at their normalrate but must remain in cover and end each turnhidden. If any of the hidden gang fighters isspotted by the hunters, they will realise they arebeing trapped and draw immediatelyAfter the hunterc have moved, each player mustmake a Nerve roll. The attackersroll aD6, but thedefenders are so nervous they must roll 2D6.Eachplayerwrites down their score. At the end ofthe next move, each player makes another Nerveroll, and adds it to their previous turn's score.Both players keep on rolling dice at the end ofeach move and adding it to their score until oneplayer'stotal scoregoesover L5.IMPORIAN'T:Aroll of 6 counts as 0when makinga Nerve roll, so if you roll a6, don't add it to yourscofe.Once a player's score goes over 1J, his gang'snerve has cracked and they go for their guns (seeThe Fast Draw below).THE FA5iT bRAWOnce a fighter goes for his gun, everyone drawstheir weapons and the shooting starts. For asecond or two, all hell breaks loose as guns aredrawn and shots are fired. This is called the fastdraw During the fastdraq neither side is allowed


  • 7/29/2019 Nmii 02 Outlaw Scenarios


    to move but the fighters facing offfrom both sidesare allowed to shoot. The defenders in cover maynot fire during the fast draq joining in a secondor two later instead.In the fast dmw both sides can shoot but theorder in which individual models shoot isdetermined separately To decide the firing orderroll a D6 for each model and add the fighter'sInitiative characteristic to the score. Then add + 1if the fighter has a pistol, and subtract -1 if armedwith a healy weapon. The result is the fighter'sFast Draw score.\W'orkout the Fast Draw score for each fighter -the fighter with the highest score shoots first.Work out the shot exacdy asyou would normallyOnce the first model has shot, the next highestscore shoots, hen the next, and so on. In the caseof a t te, apistol weapon will shoot before a basic,special or healy weapon, but otherwise shots areassumed o be simultaneous.This means hat it ispossible for two gang fighters to shoot eachotherat the same time! Fighterswho are hit before theyget a chance to fire, lose their shot.Once all fighters have shot, the normal sequenceof play resumes. Each player rolls a D6, and theplayer that scores the highest gets the first turn.ENDING THE EAMEThe game ends if one side fails a Bottle roll, orvolunteers to bottle out. The other sideautomatically wins the game and the side whichbottled out loses.

    EXFEF!IENtrE+D6 Survives. If the fighter survives the battlethen D6 points are earned. Even fighterswho are wounded and taken out receiveexperience for taking part.+5 Per Wounding Hit. A fighter earns5 poins for each wounding hit he inflictsduring the battle. Make a note on thegang fostef every time a fighter scofes ahit and wounds his target. Though youcan score multiple wounds from oneshot using some weapons,only 5 pointsare earned when this happens, not5 points per wound.

    +1O Winning Leader. The leader of thewinning gang earns afl extra 10Eryteriencepoints.

  • 7/29/2019 Nmii 02 Outlaw Scenarios


    Guilder c7rauans make tempting targets for Outlaws. Tbe penalties for attacking Guilders aredraconian but Outlaus are d.esperate,bunted men and tbe Guilder catnuons carry a mmllfortunein credits alone. Guilders bire local gangs toprotect tbeir carauans as theypass througb tbeir territory,but bixer exlteriencehas taugbt the Guilders not to let thegutrds come nea.r tbe carauan itself in casethe terrtptcttionproues too mucb. Hmce thegangs act as aanguotrdsandJlankers, fighting offmutantsand Outl4.ws tbat come anywhere near tbe carauan. For their part, the Outlaws iust Loant to getpasttbegtards and grab tbe booty.TEF!F!AINThe terrain represents ao are of ruins in thebadzones. Each player takes it in tum to place apiece of terrain, either a ruined building strucnrreor a connecting walkway It is suggestedthat theterrain is set up within art area of 4' x 4' orthereabouts.THE EANEi=iBoth sides roll a D6, the highest roller can pickwhich table edge to deploy on. The lowest rollerdeploys on the opposite table edge. Thedefending player setsup first, deploying his entiregang within 12" of his table edge. The attackingplayer hen setsup his gangwithin 24"of his tableedge, though none of his models may bedeployedwithin 16" of the defenders.=iTAFITINEi THE EAMEBoth sides roll a D6. The player with the highestscore takes the first tum.

    needs to get some of his fighters past the guards.Once the attackers get through they can pick offafew pack slaves and loot the cmavaJl' at thei-rleisure.V/henever the attacker manages to move any ofhis models off the defender's table edge, placethe models to one side until the end of the game.lfhatever happens, none of the models that breakthrough to the cara'r,anwill return in time to a-ffectthe fight with the guards.ENbINEi THE EiAMEThe game ends if all the attackers are either down,out of action or have left the table. It also ends ifthe attackers fail a Botde roll, or volunteer tobottle out. The attacking gang is making adetermined raid so he doesn't have to startmaking Botde rolls until he has suffered 50%casualties rather than 25% as normal. Note thatmodels which have left the table do not count ascasualties for the purposes of the Bottle roll.

    EiETTINEi Ttr THE trAFlAVAN The defenders are protecting the caravan as itThe caravan s only a short distance beyond the passes hrough their home ground and they willdefending gang's table edge so the attacker only

  • 7/29/2019 Nmii 02 Outlaw Scenarios


    suffer a maior loss of face if the Guilders areattacked. This means they do not have to makeBottle rolls. The defender won't bottle out in thisscenario and cannot bottle out voluntarily.LEtrTINEi THE EAFIAVANOnce the game is over total, up the number ofattacking models that broke through to thecaravul Roll a D6 and add the number of modelsto the dice roll to find out what they managed totake from the Guilders.D6 Resultl-i The attackers are miserably unsuccessful.Each model picks up D6 credits worth ofstufi but on a roll of 1 they get shot andsuffera serious njury.4-5 The attackersmanage to scavenge a fewbundles dropped by the Guilders as theyflee. Each model picks up 3D6 creditsworth of stuff67 The attackers bring down several packslaves and escapewith D6x5 credits foreachmodel.

    8-1O The attackers nail a Guilder and strip hiscoqpse,gaining D3x10 credits each.11+ The attackers gun down several packslaves and a Guilder, hauling n 2D6x5

    credits for eachmodel. EiUAFID FAYMENTThe gang guarding the caravan may collectincome as usual and is also paid 10 credits perfighter by the Guilders. However, the Guilderswill deduct 20 credits from the payment for eachattacker that gets through to the caravan and theywon't pay anything if a Guilder is killed. Nomatter x4rat happens, though, the gang doesn'thave to pay the Guilders anything (no leader isthat stupid!).EXFERIENG+D6 Survives. If the fighter survives he battlethen D6 points are eamed. Even fighterswho are wounded and taken out receiveexperience for taking part.+5 Per Wounding Hit. A fighter earns5 points for each wounding hit he inflictsduring the battle. Make a note on thegang roster every time a fighter scores ahit and wounds his target. Though you

    can score multiple wounds from oneshot using someweapons,only 5 pointsare earned when this happens, not5 points per wound.

    +5 Attacked Catavan. Each model whichmovesoffthe defender's able edgegains5 Points.

    +L0 Defending Leader.If the attackers don'tget arty men through to attack thec ravarrT he defending leader eams anefira L0 Experience poins.