non-sugar natural sweet flavor tea

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Post on 19-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Non-sugar natural sweet flavor tea





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감로700(주 )


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제픕 소개

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사업 분야

Page 2: Non-sugar natural sweet flavor tea

【NUㅣ 워 대 뫄 교

업 望육센 태

:::: —

The gamrocheon tea is a Korean traditional he''baI tea

vvith sugar content that 1 000 tiΠ ηes higher than the

ex¡sting sugar: Hovvever in fact, it does not contain sugar

at alI and natively present non— sugar sweetness and nㄱ int

flavor vvhich is Ioved by many people stick to a diet and

avoid sugar contain¡ ng food fol' theil' svveetener neplacing

sugar and natural drink. AIso, unlike the exist¡ ng green

tea with the cold nature, it has waI'm nature that is

greatl'y helpful foI' tea of vvomen and college entrance

examinees and non— sugar natural drink non—sugar

natural dr¡ nk. Especially1 for people whose job requines

throat ovel'taxed, the smooth taste and Π-lint flavol'

pnotect the throat and alleviate the voice.

Non—sugar sweetness:

|ndigenous svveetness that does not contain sugal'

The ganㄱ rocheon tea is the only functional natura|

agr¡ cultul'al pI'oduct in Korea and its leaf contains

sweetness vvhose content is 1 000 ti∏-les highel' than

sugar but it has no propert'y of sugar. AIso, it has the

property of natural preservatives. lf this property is

scientificall'y researched and deveIoped, this tea vvould

bI'¡ ng nevv sensation to cuI'rent tea and drink rrlarket,

and become core natural additives and high valued

ravv Π-laterial in related industry of vaI'ious aneas such as

functional food(especially used as natural additives for

so'y sauce, red peppel' paste, Gimchi, p¡ ckled radish)

and raw Πㄱaterial for drug and cosmetics. AIso, its riffle

effect as an alternative to sugar vvhich highly depends

on export is expected vvhich highl'!,''' depends on export in

the future.

Off¡ ce. 1305-54, Nochusan "0, Wangsan myeon, Gangneung— si, Gangwo∩ rlo, νbrea

Facto呼 641 -22, Sair˙ndang—ro, Ga∩ g∩ eung— si, Gangwon— do, Ko¨ea

B"anch 427-ho, 23, Sanㄱ il— dae¨o 30-gil, Jongno— gu, Seoul, Ko¨ ea

¬b[ephone. +82-33-644— 1954 E— ma¡

'. gamro700@daurn. netFax. +82-33-647— 1 953 Website. wwvv gar、 nro700 kr


. ≠催 鄕 "


::' ⅛ξ

똘 =훑

謹 1翼據.::::-:::::::::::::::::●鎣


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Bus¡ ness area

: :넣酵