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  • 7/30/2019 vlsi ab


    Traffic Control System

    The objective of the project is to design a traffic control system for a 3 way crossing. Herethree roads cross each other. In our design, one road one have the highest priority. Any momenta vehicle arrives the crossing it would have a GO signal. The other two roads, would have a

    STOP signal at that moment. W hen there is no vehicles on the crossing and there are vehicles on

    the sec on d road to cross the highway; third road would have a STOP signal and second RoadVehicles would have a GO signal. But it depends on Highway traffic density. It highway trafficdensity is high then second road would not get a GO signal, vehicles on third road would keepgoing.


    In this project a UART is modeled using verilog HDL. UART is a device that has the capability toboth receive and transmit serial data. UART exchanges text data in an American Standard Code forInformation Interchange (ASCII) format in which each alphabetical character is encoded by 7 bits andtransmitted as 8 data bits. For transmission the UART protocol wraps this 8 bit sub-word with a startbit in the least significant bit (LSB) and a stop bit in the most significant bit (MSB) resulting in a 10 bit

    word form. At UART transmitter controls transmission by fetching a data word in parallel format anddirecting the UART to transmit it in a serial format. Likewise, the Receiver must detect transmission,receive the data in serial format, strip of the start and stop bits, and store the data word in a parallelformat.

    Since the UART is asynchronous in working, the receiver does not know when the data willcome, so receiver generate local clock in order to synchronize to transmitter whenever start bit isreceived. Asynchronous transmission allows data to be transmitted without the sender having to senda clock signal to the receiver. The transmitter and receiver agree on timing parameters in advanceand special bits are added to each word which is used to synchronize the sending and receiving units.

    Design of 16 bit RISC Processor using Verilog

    This project includes the designing of 16-Bit RISC processor and modeling of its componentsusing Verilog HDL. The instruction set adopted here is extremely simple that gives an insight into thekind of hardware which should be able to execute the set of instructions properly. Along withsequential and combinational building blocks of NON- pipelined processor such as adders andregisters more complex blocks i.e. ALU and Memories had been designed and simulated. Themodeling of ALU which has been done in this project is fully structural starting from half adders.Complex blocks have been modeled using behavioral approach i.e. Memories, whereas simple blocksi.e. Adders had been done through structural approach.

    Implementation of Huffman decoder in fpga using verilog

    Compression technology has gained significance due to various reasons. A typical audio cliplasts for at least 3 minutes. This would amount to a storage requirement of around 8-9MB for PCM

    audio samples. Storing of an uncompressed signal requires a large amount of space. Datacompression reduces the number of bits required to store and transmit the information . Due to theexplosion of multimedia applications, effective compression techniques are becoming essential.Huffman coding is a loss- less compression technique, often used in lossy compression schemes asthe final step after decomposition and quantization of a signal. Huffman coding uses unique variablelength code words and no Huffman code is prefix of the other codes in the table. For a givenprobability density function of symbol set, by assigning short codes to frequently occurring symbolsand longer codes to infrequently occurring symbols, Huffman's minimum redundancy encodingminimizes the average number of bi t s required to represent the data . Huffman coding is one of theVariable Length Coding (VLC). Huffman coding is useful for the reduction of bit-rate by exploringstatistical redundancies and to encode a "minimum set" of information using entropy-codingtechnique. Usually entropy coders exploit the symbol probabilities independent of previous symbol ,and hence they are optimal for uncorrelated sequences.

    Simulation and Synthesis of Advance Encryption Standard Algorithm

    This project implements fully pipelined FPGA of AES Encryption and Decryption (acronym forAdvance Encryption Standard, also known as Rijndael Algorithm).The implementation of AES has beenmade both in sequential and pipeline architectures and we are able to compare the results as an areatime trade-off. In sequential architecture, the design occupies 2744 CLB slices and achieved athroughput of 258.5 Mbits/s and there is no use of extra memory resources like FPGA BRAMs. On theother hand, pipeline design occupies a total of 2136 CLB slices and achieved a throughput of 2868Mbits/s. Both designs were realized on VirtexE family of devices (XCV812). The performance figures

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    achieved by our implementations are not only efficient in terms of throughput but also area occupiedby them are among the most economical reported up-to-date.

    AES has a fixed block size of 128 bits and a key size of 128, 192 or 256 bits, whereas Rijndaelcan be specified with key and block sizes in any multiple of 32 bits, with a minimum of 128 bits and amaximum of 256 bits. AES operates on a 44 array of bytes, termed the state. For encryption, each

    round of AES (except the last round) consists of four stages. a) SubBytes - a non-linear substitutionstep where each byte is replaced with another according to a lookup table (known as S Box). b)ShiftRows - a transposition step where each row of the state is shifted cyclically a certain number of steps. c) MixColumns - a mixing operation which operates on the columns of the state, combining thefour bytes in each column using a linear transformation. d) AddRoundKey - each byte of the state iscombined with the round key; each round key is derived from the cipher key using a key schedule.

    Implementation of multichannel UART on FIFO technique

    The Multi Channel Uart Contains more than one transmit/receive per uart. All the channels canoperate independently or together. Data can be received on one and transmitted on other and alsothe data rate on different channels can be same or different. The channels of the Multi channel uartare designed to reduce the CPU overhead when working with high speed modems and other devices.Here we are implementing a multi channel Uart which contains 4 Uarts.

    This multi channel uart operates in three modes one is Normal mode, second is Hub mode andlast is Bridge Mode. In Normal mode all these Uarts are completely independent in functionality, butshare common logic to reduce its overall size as compared to individual instantiations. In Hub modethe data received by the uart will be transmit by the other uarts. In Bridge mode the data received bythe Uart1is Transmitted by the Uart2 and the data received by the Uart3 is transmitted by the Uart4.In this both the Uarts operates at different Baud rates.

    Each channel performs serial to parallel conversion on data characters received from aperipheral device, and parallel to serial conversion on data characters received from the CPU. The CPUcan read the complete status of each channel at any time. Synchronization for the serial data streamis accomplished by adding start and stop bits to the transmit data to form a data character. Anoptional parity bit can be attached to the data character to enhance Data integrity. The receiverchecks the parity bit for any transmission bit errors. Each channel has its own baud rate value,receive and transmit FIFO and CPU registers. The user has control over the configuration of the coreby modifying the parameters in the top-level source file. This allows the core to be modified andreused easily. These parameters include number of channels and FIFO depth

    Design of a 32-bit RISC Microprocessor with Floating Point Unit

    This project designs a 32-bit RISC microprocessor with a floating point unit. The Floating PointUnit which can be viewed as a coprocessor to the microprocessor that was designed. The 32-bit RISCmicroprocessor with floating point unit is a more specialized device, but it still maintains a wide rangeof possible implementations. It can store and manipulate large data sets, and handle real numbercalculations that may be necessary in the field. These applications would tend to be directed to math-intensive operations, such as data processing. With a more specialized functionality that providesfaster and more accurate outputs compared to a general microprocessor. Due to the specialty of theprocessor it is often encouraged to implement it as part of a multi-core processing set. This particularprocessor can be implemented within web controllers, graphics processors, as well as mobile GPSdevices.

    Implementation of floating point arithmetic on FPGA

    Floating point operations are hard to implement on FPGAs because of the complexity of theiralgorithms. On the other hand, many scientific problems require floating point arithmetic with high

    levels of accuracy in their calculations. This project explores fpga implementations of addition andmultiplication for IEEE-754 single precision floating-point numbers. For floating point multiplication, inIEEE single precision format, we have to multiply two 24 bits. In this method existing 18 bit multiplieris replaced with a dedicated 24 bit multiplier designed with small 4 bit multiplier. For floating pointaddition, exponent matching and shifting of 24 bit mantissa and sign logic are coded in behaviouralstyle.

    Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoder

    In digital communication system, the transmitted data is presented in binary form that ismodulated to analog waveforms and transmitted through a channel to a receiver. In the channel the

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    noise and interference corrupt the transmitted signal, which is mapped back to binary bits in thereceiver. Some bit errors may occur if the interference is too strong so channel coding is often used toprevent these errors. The channel coding means that extra bits are added to the transmitted data andthese bits are then used when reconstructing transmitted data sequence in the receiver. There aremany different methods for channel coding like linear block codes and convolutional codes. In blockcoding, the encoder accepts a k-bit message block and generates an n-bit code word. Thus, code

    words are produced on a block by block basis. A provision has to be made in the encoder to buffer anentire message block buffer generating the associated code word. Generally, we have the messagecoming in serially rather than in blocks, in which case the use of the buffer may be undesirable. Insuch situations, convolutional coding might be preferred. A convolutional code is generated by passingthe information sequence to be transmitted through a linear finite state shift register. Hence, theblock of n code digits generated by a convolutional encoder at a time depends not only on the block of message bits at that time, but also on N-1 previous blocks of data. An advantage of convolutionalcoding is that it can be applied to a continuous data stream as well as to blocks of data. Like blockcodes, convolutional codes can be designed to either detect or correct errors. However, as data isretransmitted in blocks, block codes are better suited for error detection and convolutional codes aremainly used for error correction.


    FIFO is a First-In-First-Out memory queue with control logic that manages the read and writeoperations, generates status flags, and provides optional handshake signals for interfacing with theuser logic. It is often used to control the flow of data between source and destination. FIFO can beclassified as synchronous or asynchronous depending on whether same clock or different(asynchronous) clocks control the read and write operations. In this project the objective is to design,verify and synthesize a synchronous FIFO using binary coded read and write pointers to address thememory array . FFIO full and empty flags are generated and passed on to source and destinationlogics, respectively, to pre-empt any overflow or underflow of data. In this way data integrity betweensource and destination is maintained . The RTL description for the FIFO is written using Verilog HDL.