web viewin order to say we did something in the past (i ran/talked/ate, etc) we need to take the...

Download Web viewIn order to say we did something in the past (I ran/talked/ate, etc) we need to take the verb (doing word) and put on the appropriate ending;

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




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(Pecyn Iaith Blwyddyn 9Y Penwythnos)

Enw: ___________________________________

Dosbarth: _______________________________

Athro: __________________________________

Y Gorffennol

In order to say we did something in the past (I ran/talked/ate, etc) we need to take the verb (doing word) and put on the appropriate ending;

Below is an example of the verb chwarae (to play) in the past tense




I ais i

Chwaraeais i

I played

You - aist ti

Chwaraeaist ti

He - odd e

Chwaraeodd e

She - odd hi

Chwaraeodd hi

Owen - odd Owen

Chwaraeodd Owen

We - on ni

Chwaraeon ni

You(p) - och chi

Chwaraeoch chi

They - on nhw

Chwaraeon nhw

**Some verbs need to lose a letter before adding on the endings. This rhyme will help you to work out which letters drop off;

eds will roll,

egs will break,

and i, o, u, a fiver.

Dyma rhai berfau defnyddiol: - Here are some useful verbs


To open


To eat


To sing


To walk


To play


To hear


To lose


To fall/drop


To sleep


To read


To start


To sit


To win


To finish


To wear


To watch


To swim


To run


To score


To talk


To shop


To travel


To drink


To write


To buy

Ysgrifennu/Datrys Problem

Yn eich llyfrau, rhowch y berfau isod yn y gorffennol yn y person cywir.

In your books, write out the following verbs correctly.

1. I finished Gorffenais i

2. You ate - __________________________________________________

3. He watched - _______________________________________________

4. She wore - _________________________________________________

5. Owen scored - ______________________________________________

6. We travelled - ______________________________________________

7. You(p) read - _______________________________________________

8. They sang - ________________________________________________

9. I bought - __________________________________________________

As with everything of course, there are exceptions to the regular rule. Most verbs follow the pattern above; however 4 DO NOT follow this pattern and MUST BE LEARNT.

They are: To Go, To Come, To do and ToHave.

Es i Des i Gwnes iCes i

To go

To have

To come

To do


Es i

(I went)

Ces i

(I had)

Des i

(I came)

Gwnes i

(I did)


Est ti

Cest ti

Dest ti

Gwnest ti


Aeth e

Cafodd e

Daeth e

Gwnaeth e


Aeth hi

Cafodd hi

Daeth hi

Gwnaeth hi


Aeth Owen

Cafodd Owen

Daeth Owen

Gwnaeth Owen


Aethon ni

Cawson ni

Daethon ni

Gwnaethon ni


Aethoch chi

Cawsoch chi

Daethoch chi

Gwnaethoch chi


Aethon nhw

Cawson nhw

Daethon nhw

Gwnaethon nhw

These are called the IRREGULAR VERBS as they do not follow the regular endings pattern that ALL other verbs follow. Learn these, and you know that any verbs that are not; To go, To come, To do or To have, follow the regular pattern.

Erbyn hyn rydych chin gyfarwydd r amser gorffennol rheolaidd ac afreolaidd. Profwch eich dealltwriaeth isod;

By now you are familiar with the past tense, both regular and irregular forms. Test your understanding below;

I ate - ______________________________

You played - __________________________

She danced - _________________________

He talked - __________________________

Carys bought - _______________________

We went - __________________________

You had - ___________________________

They went - _________________________

Es i - ______________________________

Aeth hi - ___________________________

Ces i - _____________________________

Cawson ni - __________________________

Daeth e - ___________________________

Gwnaethon nhw - ______________________

WWW: Giving marks out of ten, how would you rate your knowledge of the past tense at the moment?


EBI: What do you need to do to improve this?



Beth wnest ti dros y penwythnos? What did you do over the weekend?

Es i i gig/cyngerdd - I went to a gig/concert

Chwaraeais i bl-droed I played football

Es i ir ganolfan hamdden I went to the leisure centre

Es i allan ir dre I went out to town

Es i i Gaerdydd I went to Cardiff

Es i i disgo I went to a disco

Arhosais i yn y t I stayed at home

Gyda pwy? With who?

Gyda ffrindiau With friends

Gydar teulu With my family

Gyda Dafydd a Peggy With Dafydd and Peggy

Ar fy mhen fy hun Alone

Beth wnest ti yno? What did you do there?

Gwaeddais i I shouted (goo-eye-th-eye-see)

( = witha = and)Dawnsiais i I danced

Chwaraeais i bl-droed/sboncen I played football/squash

Nofiais i I swam

Aethon ni ir dafarn/clwb nos We went to the pub/night club

Siaradais i merched pert I chatted to pretty girls

Siaradais i bechgyn golygus I chatted to handsome boys

Prynais i ________ newydd I bought new __________

Es i am bryd o fwyd I went for a meal

Gwyliais ir teledu I watched the TV

Gwnes i waith cartref - I did homework

Fwynheuaist ti? Did you enjoy?

Do/Naddo Yes/No

Roedd hin wych It was brilliant

(eitha quiteeitha diflas quite boring)Roedd hin anhygoel It was amazing

Roedd hin iawn It was OK

Roedd hin ddiflas It was boring

Roedd hin sbwriel It was rubbish

Roedd llawer o bobl yno There were lots of people there

Roedd gormod o bobl yno There were too many people there

Roedd gormod o fechgyn/ferched yno There were too many boys/girls there

Ysgrifenwch hanes y penwythnosau a dynodir yn y stribedi cartn;

Write about the weekends depicted in the cartoon strips below;









Very Boring!!


Darllenwch ebost Eleri ac yna gwnewch y dasg syn dilyn;

Read Eleris email and then complete the task that follows;

([email protected])

(Y Penwythnos)

(Hiya,Sut wyt ti?Dros y penwythnos es i i Gaerdydd gyda Becca a Ffion. Aethon ni am fwyd yn McDonalds. Bwytais i Big Mac a sglodion. Yna, aethon ni ir disgo. Dawnsiais i a siaradais i bechgyn golygus. Roedd llawer o bobl yno. Roedd hin anhygoel.Rhaid i ti ddod tro nesaf.Cariad mawr, Eleri xxxxx)




Ffion and Dafydd

Becca and Eleri

Becca and Ffion



Frankie & Bennies

Talked to pretty girls


Went shopping




Ticiwch yr atebion syn cyd-fynd r ebost: - Tick the answers that correspond with the email:

Nawr, ysgrifennwch ebost tebyg eich hunain yn sn am y penwythnos.

Now, write a similar email yourself, talking about the weekend.


Darllenwch a pherfformiwch y sgwrs isod gyda phartner.

Read and perform the conversation below with a partner.

(Prysur - _____________________Wedi blino - __________________Wedyn- _____________________Ymlacio - ____________________)Garyn: Smae! Sut wyt ti?

Sin: Iawn diolch, a ti?

Garyn: Dw i wedi blino.

Sin: Pam?

Garyn: Ces i benwythnos prysur.

Sin: O, ie? Beth wnest ti?

Garyn: Wel, chwaraeais i rygbi gydar ysgol dydd Gwener, wedyn dydd Sadwrn es i siopa yn y dre gyda Bethan a Stuart. Nos Sadwrn aethon ni ir disgo yn y dre a dydd Sul gwnes i waith cartref.

Sin: Wel, prysur iawn! Arhosais i yn y t dros y penwythnos. Ymlaciais i, darllenais i, gwyliais ir teledu a bwytais i fwyd Indiaidd. Roedd hi ddiflas iawn.

Garyn: O! Maen swnion grt. Dw in hoffi ymlacio!

Mewn parau, defnyddiwch y matair i drafod eich penwythnos chi. Ceisiwch ddefnyddio gymaint o ferfau phosib!

In pairs, use words mats to discuss your weekend. Try to use as many verbs as possible!

Eich asesiad diwed topig am yr hanner tymor yma ydy ysgrifennu llythyr at ffrind yn sn am eich penwythnos chi. Maen rhaid i chi gynnwys y pwyntiau canlynol:

Your end of topic assessment for this half term is to write a letter to a friend talking about your weekend. You have to include the following points:

1. Friday, you played for a team in a match. Then, you went out with your friends. What did you do, eat, etc? Was it good? Did you win/lose?

2. Saturday, you went somewhere with your family. Where did you go? What did you do, eat, drink, see etc?