zarina nalla

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Baby abandonment is leaving an infant in apublic place or private setting for an extendedperiod of time

    Statistics show that baby abandonment is on therise and we have a crisis

    This year alone, theMalaysian police havediscovered more than 66abandoned infants, mostof them dead by the timethey were found.

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    What approach andattitude should we adopt toimprove the situation?

    Identify the underlyingcauses of babyabandonment in Malaysia

    Look at the short-term solutions being offeredand recommendations

    Look at long-term solutions being offered andsuggest improvements

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Carrying the baby to fullterm, delivery underabnormal circumstances

    Traumatic for Mum

    Act of abandonment isan act of desperation

    We need to look at motive/ Intent of the mother : someonefinds the child or that the baby dies, post-partumpsychosis?

    What happens to the abandoned baby ? A forgotten

    concern? In Malaysia 149 babies abandoned, 66 survived.

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    First category, the most classical example, themother found herself pregnant (knew little abouther body) and was left by the father of the baby.

    Second category, were those mothers who hadvery poor social and moral adjustment in earlylife and who had difficulty in acceptingresponsibility.

    Third category, included married women whoabandoned their legitimate babies born fromextramarital affairs.

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Breakdown of the family institution; child-neglect.Family is the first place one would go for comfortand help

    Little knowledge of reproductivehealth

    Cultural stigma that emphasizesabstinence - pregnant girls areeager to hide their pregnancy

    Sexual relations is a taboo topic

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Social Stigma highest inMalaycommunity(largest

    ethnic group):inclination to judge,shameful

    Negative effects of

    Religious policing

    Fear of the Authorities

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    We need stop-gap measures to arrest the rate of

    baby-abandonment cases

    Reach out, address needs of these women at

    whatever stage they are at

    The ideal stage . Stage 1 is what we should aim

    for. (Best Scenario) In real life the story is different.

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    What we should aim for

    Our goal is to have a society of responsible men

    and women at the end of the day

    Low promiscuity

    Low inclination towards

    sexual relations

    outside marriage

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    To be educated aboutcontraception and givenaccess

    Introduce the consequencesof unintended pregnancies

    Girls must know how to

    exercise their rightstocontraception; musnt befooled

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    The option to abort the child within Msian Law

    The option to deliver the baby and keep the child

    The option of givingthe baby up foradoption, turn to baby

    hatches The option to continue

    her studies

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Penal Code

    Trace parents through DNA?The father?

    Arrest for negligent behavior?

    What will happen to thesurviving babies? They

    become STATELESS

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Baby dumping that causes thechild's death is classified asmurder, an offence whichcarries the death penalty inMalaysia.

    Of the babies dumped thisyear, more than 25% could notbe identified due to

    decomposition, including onemauled by dogs.

    Murder Case? AG Chambersdecide

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Abortion should be a realoption at public hospitals forthose who are mentallyunprepared to undergo child-birth. Needs to be regulated. It isavailable and clients cannot beexploited.

    Shelters/Baby hatches needto be publicized to be effective

    We need more Orphan-cares : 14 cases in a year oneabandoned

    Government needs to have a more humane face

    More Schools for Pregnant Teens

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Stage 1 is our Goal : we want our young to beaware of their bodies and know about reproductivehealth and opt not to engage in sexual relationsoutside marriage

    Revitalize the Family institution.This will reduce MANY social illslong term Public Campaigns : hotlines eg Kami Prihatin ,

    Schools : Sex Education

    Religious bodies

    Media : Radio programmes

    Parent education programmes

    Companies : CSR

    Work through NGOs

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla


    Responses from the Govt and Civil Society sofar

    Criminalizing Baby Dumping : misunderstood &

    sends wrong message Public Campaigns : Kami Prihatin


    Baby Hatch

    School in Malacca

  • 8/7/2019 Zarina Nalla
