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신학논단 제69집 2012. 9

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theology journal of Korea


  • 69

    2012. 9

  • 69

    2012. 9

  • 69

    7 : , , 35(1871-1918) : (1871-1887) 65 : 2013 (WCC) 10 99 125(Elementarisierung) 155 : 183 : 1:1-22 219 243Dong-Young KimPrayer in the Intermediate Area of Illusory Experience 277

    / 315 / 317 / 323 / 329

  • Table of Contents


    Sang-Eon ParkA Study on the Influence of Social Trinity on the Practical Meanings in Contemporary Trinitarian Theology 7

    Chan-Woong ParkEine Untersuchung zum Judentum des Josephus: Seine Interpretation von Jesus, Caligula, und Petronius 35

    Hyun-Suk ParkThe Relationship between Church and State in the German Empire(1871-1918): Focusing on the Bismarcks Kulturkampf 65

    Hyun-Ju BaeThe Ecumenical Ecclesiology in the New Testament: Encountering the 10th General Assembly of the WCC in Korea 99

    Yong-Gi BaigLiberation and Political Protestant of Korea in the Period of the U.S. Military Government 125

    Sung-Hyun SohnThe Model of Elementarization in the Past and Current Discussion 155

    Byung-Hak LeeArmageddon War as Protest against Imperialism and War and as Wish for Peace: Juche Ethics of the Apocalypse of John 183

    Sa Ya LeeGod of Moabite Women: An Exegetical Research on Ruth 1:1-22 219

    Jeong-Uck HwangPrince Sohyeon and Adam Schall von Bell 243Dong-Young KimPrayer in the Intermediate Area of Illusory

    Experience 277

    Notes for Contributors / 315

  • 1) *


    . , . . , .


    , . , , ,

    * , 1) 6:4.

  • 8 69 (2012)

    . .2)


    , . , . , . . , , . , .4) . ? ? . , .5)

    2) J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, 5th ed. (London: Continuum, 2000), 83-86; / , (: , 2011), 38-39.

    3) 1:1-2.4) (John Hick) . John Hick,

    God Has Many Names (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982); . James A. Pike, A Time for Christian Candor (New York: Harper & Row, 1964).

  • 9

    , . .

    , , .

    II. ( )

    ( ) , . . . (logos), /(ousia), /(hypostasis), (schesis) .6) , . .

    5) (Thomas F. Torrance) . Thomas F. Torrance, The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 2.

    6) / , : (: , 2008), 97; J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, 9-17; Diogenes Allen, Philosophy for Understanding Theology (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1985), 6-7.

  • 10 69 (2012)

    . 3-4 (ousia) . ousia , , , () . ? , . , , , .7) (Tertullian) .

    , , , (summum magnum). . , .8)

    , (ousia), (hypostasis) . . . , . (ousia) . (ousia) . . . .

    7) . .

    8) Tertullian, Adversus Marcionem, 1. 3. in The Early Christian Fathers, ed. & tr. Henry Bettenson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969).

  • 11

    .9) ( ) .10)

    . , () . (ousia) (hypostasis) , . , , . . , . . , . . ? ? . ? . . , . , . . , . . .

    9) Roger E. Olson, The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 530.

    10) Karl Rahner, The Trinity, tr. Joseph Donceel (New York: Herder & Herder, 1970), 5-17.

  • 12 69 (2012)



    (economic Trinity) (immanent Trinity) .11) (oikonomia) (theologia) , .12) , , . , . (Ted Peters) (God as Trinity) .

    ( ) . ( ) .13)


    11) . / , (: , 1982), 185. .

    12) G. L. Prestige, God in Patristic Thought (London: S.P.C.K., 1952), 57-58; Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1993), 20.

    13) Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 20-21.

  • 13

    , , .14) , , . , , .15) , , , , . . , , . (John ODonnell) , . ( ) .16)

    14) , . , , . - ... , . , , 145-146.

    15) (Eberhard Jngel) , . . Eberhard Jngel, God as Mystery of the World, tr. Darrell L. Guder (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983), 346.

  • 14 69 (2012)

    17) . .

    , . , , .18) . , 3-4 .


    .19) (Karl Rahner) .20)

    16) John ODonnell, The Mystery of the Triune God (New York: Paulist Press, 1989), 38-39; , : , 317.

    17) C. M. LaCugna, Making the Most of Trinity Sunday, Worship 60 (1986), 210-224. 3-4 . .

    18) . , : , 49.

    19) . . Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 22-23.

    20) . W. Kasper, The God of Jesus Christ (London: SCM, 1984), 270. . Eberhard Jngel,

  • 15

    .21) - . .22) . (Catherine M. LaCugna) (Leonardo Boff) , . , . 23) , .24) .25) . , . , .

    God as the Mystery of the World, 369-370. . James P. Mackey, The Christian Experience of God as Trinity (London: SCM, 1983), 197-201.

    21) Karl Rahner, The Trinity, 21-24.22) Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 96-97; W. Kasper,

    The God of Jesus Christ, 274; Thomas Torrance, Toward an Ecumenical Consensus on the Trinity, Theologische Zeitschrift 31 (1975), 338; , , 145; , : , 305.

    23) , 325.24) , 325-326.25) Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 97.

  • 16 69 (2012)

    . , . . () () . .

    . , . . . . ? ? . .26) , , . .27)

    26) . Eberhard Jngel, The Doctrine of the Trinity: Gods Being is in Becoming, tr. Harton Harris (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1976), 104.

    27) . Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 22.

  • 17



    . . , , . . , . . .

    . . , . , . , (social Trinity) .28)

    28) 2 , , , , , . Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Social Trinity and Tritheism, Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement: Philosophical and Theological Essays, ed. Ronald Feensta

  • 18 69 (2012)

    , (Jrgen Moltmann) 2(Cornelius Plantinga Jr), (Leonardo Boff),29) (Anne E. Carr), (Joseph Bracken),30) (John Zizioulas) . .31) (Jrgen Moltmann) .


    . , 33),

    and Cornelius Plantinga Jr. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1989). 2 .

    29) .

    30) . Joseph Bracken, The Triune Symbol: Persons, Process and Community (Lanham: University Press of America, 1985), 7. . Joseph Bracken, The Holy Trinity as a Community of Divine Persons, Heythrop Journal 15 (1974), 166-182.

    31) Kenneth Leech, The Social God (London: Sheldon Press, 1981), 6.32) , , 33.33) .

    . Mary Daly, Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Womens liberation (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973), 19. , . Rosemary Radford Ruether, Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology (Boston: Beacon Press, 1983), 60-61.

  • 19

    , .34) . .

    . . (vestigium Trinitatis) .35)

    (perichoresis) , . .

    , . , , . .36)

    , . (Cappadocia) . .37) .


    34) Stanley J. Grenz, Rediscovery the Trinity: The Trinity in Contemporary Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2004), 117; Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 36, 70.

    35) , , 175.36) , 200.37) Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 38.

  • 20 69 (2012)

    . , .38)

    , (Basil of Caesarea), (Gregory of Nazianzus), (Gregory of Nyssa) 4 , (homoousios) . (ousia) (hypostasis) .39) .

    . ousia hypostasis , , .40)

    . . , .41) . ,

    38) , : , 344.39) T. R. Martland, A Study of Cappadocia and Augustinian Trinitarian Methodology,

    Anglican Theological Review 47 (1965), 256; , (: , 2008), 134-135.

    40) Basil, ep. 236. 6. in The Later Christian Fathers, ed. & tr. Henry Bettenson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972).

    41) H. A. Wolfson, The Philosophy of the Church Fathers I (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956), 321.

  • 21

    .42) .

    , . , . , .43)

    , .44) . .45) . , , .46)

    42) C. M. LaCugna and K. McDonnell, Returning from the Far Country: Theses for A Contemporary Trinitarian Theology, Scottish Journal of Theology 41 (1988), 194; J. D. Zizioulas, The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity: The Significance of the Cappadocian Contribution, Trinitarian Theology Today, 49-50.

    43) Basil, ep. 38. 3, 4. in The Later Christian Fathers.44) , : (: , 2007), 167.45) , .

    . , . . Basil, ep, 38. 8; ? . . , . . , : , 171.

    46) . . John D. Zizioulas, Being as Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church (New York: St. Vladimirs Seminary

  • 22 69 (2012)


    .47) (Theodore de Rgnon, 1831-1893) , , .48) . , , , .49)

    . , . , . , , . , .

    , .

    Press, 1985), 41. 47) , (: , 2003), 32.48) Michel Rene Barnes, Agustine in Contemporary Trinitarian Theology, Theological Studies

    56 (1995), 237-238.49) .

    . . , . Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life, 34.

  • 23

    , . . . .50) .

    . , . . . . , .51) , . . , . . . , .

    50) . . Wolfhart Wolfhart Pannenberg, Sytematic Theology, vol. 1, tr. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991), 334.

    51) Maurice Wiles, Some Reflections on the Origins of the Doctrine of the Trinity, Journal of Theological Studies 8 (1957), 93.

  • 24 69 (2012)

    . . .52) , , .53)

    . , . , () , ? . , . () . , .54) . ?.

    , .55) (interpenetrate) . .

    52) , , .

    53) . .

    54) John ODonnell, The Mystery of the Triune God, 106-109.55) G. L. Prestige, God in

    Patristic Thought. . .

  • 25

    . .

    . . . . , .56)

    , .57) .

    () . . , . . ... , .58)

    . . , . . . , ,

    56) , , 212-213.57) ,

    . P. Wilson-Kastner, Faith, feminism and the Christ (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983), 131-133.

    58) , , 211-212.

  • 26 69 (2012)

    , . . , , . , , , . , . . , .59) . .

    V. :

    , .60) , , . .

    59) , , 173.60)

    . , . , . , : , 442-443.

  • 27

    . , . , .61) , .

    , . , . . , , , , . . . . . . , , , . .


    61) . , , ? , . , , 16.

    62) ,

  • 28 69 (2012)


    . , , . . .64)

    , . , . . , . , , .65) . .

    . , . . . , . .

    63) .

    64) , , 216.65) , ,

    , .

  • 29

    . , , .

    (Keywords) , , , , (Social Trinity, Immanent Trinity, Economic Trinity, Perichoresis, Practical Meaning)

  • 30 69 (2012)

    , / . : . : , 2008).

    , / . . : , 1982.

    . . : , 2003., / . . : ,

    2011.. : . : , 2007.Allen, Diogenes. Philosophy for Understanding Theology. Louisville:

    Westminster John Knox Press, 1985.Bettenson, Henry. ed. & tr. The Early Christian Fathers. Oxford: Oxford

    University Press, 1969._______. ed. & tr. The Later Christian Fathers. Oxford: Oxford University

    Press, 1972.Bracken, Joseph. The Triune Symbol: Persons, Process and Community.

    Lanham: University of America Press, 1985.Daly, Mary. Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Womens

    liberation. Boston: Beacon Press, 1973.Grenz, Stanley J. Rediscovery the Trinity: The Trinity in Contemporary

    Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2004.Hick, John. God Has Many Names. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982.Jngel, Eberhard. God as Mystery of the World. tr. Darrell L. Guder.

    Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983._______. The Doctrine of the Trinity: Gods Being is in Becoming. tr.

    Harton Harris. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1976.Kasper, W. The God of Jesus Christ. London: SCM, 1984.Kelly, J. N. D. Early Christian Doctrines. 5th ed. London: Continuum,

    2000.Leech, Kenneth. The Social God. London: Sheldon Press, 1981.Mackey, James P. The Christian Experience of God as Trinity. London:

  • 31

    SCM, 1983.ODonnell, John. The Mystery of the Triune God. New York: Paulist Press,

    1989.Olson, Roger E. The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of

    Tradition and Reform. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1999.Pannenberg, Wolfhart. Sytematic Theology. vol. 1. tr. Geoffrey W. Bromiley.

    Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991.Peters, Ted. God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life.

    Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1993.Pike, James A. A Time for Christian Candor. New York: Harper & Row,

    1964.Prestige, G. L. God in Patristic Thought. London: S.P.C.K., 1952.Rahner, Karl. The Trinity. tr. Joseph Donceel. New York: Herder & Herder,

    1970.Ruether, Rosemary Radford. Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist

    Theology. Boston: Beacon Press, 1983.Torrance, Thomas F. The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three

    Persons. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996.Wilson-Kastner, P. Faith, feminism and the Christ. Philadelphia: Fortress,

    1983.Wolfson, H. A. The Philosophy of the Church Fathers I. Cambridge:

    Harvard University Press, 1956.Zizioulas, John D. Being as Communion: Studies in Personhood and the

    Church. New York: St. Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1985.

  • 32 69 (2012)


    A Study on the Influence of Social Trinity on the Practical Meanings in Contemporary

    Trinitarian Theology

    Sang-Eon Park, Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of TheologyYonsei University

    This article traces the development of discussion about the Trinity in contemporary christian theology. In the development of trinitarian doc-trine, there have historically emerged positively profound insights such as the distinction between the immanent and economic Trinity and the doc-trine of vestiges of the Trinity in creation. These insights have led to fur-ther creative explorations about the nature of God and Gods activity in the world. In the Christian tradition, there are two kinds of the Trinity: the immanent Trinity and the economic Trinity. The immanent Trinity re-fers to the reciprocal relationships of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit im-manent within the essence of God. The economic Trinity, by contrast, re-fers to Gods relationship with creation, i.e., the acts of the triune God with respect to the creation, history, salvation, the formation of the Church, the daily lives of believers, etc., describing how the Trinity oper-ates within history in terms of the roles or functions performed by each of the persons of the Trinity.

    In the twentieth century, social trinitarians including Jrgen Moltmann and Leonardo Boff started to have a deeper appreciation of the economic Trinity than in previous centuries, by making it even more economic, i.e., by exteriorizing it toward the realm of creation more, than before. For Moltmann and Boff, the Son of the economic Trinity is no longer identical

  • 33

    with God the Son of the ontological Trinity. For Moltmann, the ex-teriorization process goes even further because he regards not just the Son but all the three persons of the economic Trinity as three distinct centers of consciousness and action. Theology must contribute to make Christian practice a theologically-based action and confession. This as-pect is important for the practical theology. In order to be Christian wor-ship, liturgy and life, it must refer to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our prayers, praises, and baptism as it is written in Scripture. In this article, we have studied how the social Trinity relates the Christian life with social practices.

    : 2012 4 15 : 2012 5 23 : 2012 6 7

  • : , , *1)

    2) **


    - , . () .1)

    , , , - . 1 . , . , . .

    * 2008 () (KRF-2008-327-A00254).

    ** , 1) , / , , 2

    (: , 2008) .

  • 36 69 (2012)

    , - . . 40 , .2)



    (sophos anr) . . [= ] , . , [] . . , . . . . 3)

    2) , , . , , . R. Laqueur, Der jdische Historiker Flavius Josephus. Ein biographischer Versuch auf neuer quellenkritischer Grundlage (Giessen: Munchow Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1920) . , . , .

    3) , , 18:63~64, .

  • : , , 37

    . () , .4) , , .5) , .6) , , , . . , . , .7)

    . , , , , .8) , , . , ,

    4) , , () , 24 (1999), 96-114 .

    5) . F. Dornseiff, Lukas und Christ, ZNW 35 (1936), 129-155; ders., Zum Testimonium Flavianum, ZNW 46 (1955), 245-250.

    6) . E. Norden, Josephus und Tacitus ber Jesus Christus und eine messianische Prophetie, NJKA 16 (1913), 637-666; N. J. Birdsall, The Continuing Enigma of Josephus Testimony about Jesus, BJRL 67 (1984), 609-622; S. Zeitlin, The Christ Passage in Josephus, JQR n.s. 18 (1928), 231-255. (S. Zeitlin) . Ibid., 237-246.

    7) . A. Whealey, Josephus on Jesus: The Testimonium Flavianum Controversy from Late Antiquity to Modern Times, SBL 36 (New York: Lang, 2003).

    8) J. P. Meier, Jesus in Josephus: A Modest Proposal, CBQ 52 (1990), 87.

  • 38 69 (2012)

    (phaskontes hoti) .9)

    ,10) 10 (Hierapolis) (Agapius) .

    . . . . , ( ) . , , . , , .11)

    . 10 .

    (185-254) . , . .

    18 , .

    9) E. Bammel, Zum Testimonium Flavianum, in Josephus Studien. Untersuchungen zu Josephus, dem antiken Judentum und dem Neuen Testament. Festschrift fr O. Michel, ed. O. Betz u.a. (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1974), 20.

    10) S. Pines, An Arabic Version of the Testimonium Flavianum and its Implications (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1971) .

    11) J. Maier, Jesus von Nazareth in der talmudischen berlieferung, EdF 82 (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978, 19922), 42f .

  • : , , 39

    , , .12)

    , , . . .

    (U. Victor).13) , 16 . , , . .

    , , . , - . (sophos anr) , . , , .

    12) , , 1:47. , , 10:17.

    13) U. Victor, Das Testimonium Flavianum. Ein authentischer Text des Josephus, NovT 52 (2010), 72-82.

  • 40 69 (2012)

    , . , ,14) 15)(the Younger) . , 16) . (ho Christos houtos n) (ho) , , . . (Chrestus) . . , 2 , . , 17) . , . . . .

    14) [] (Christus/Chrestus) . , , 15.44.3.

    15) . . (Christo) , . , , 10.96.

    16) [] (Chresto) . , , 25.4.

    17) , 20:200.

  • : , , 41

    , . . . () 10 , . ?

    , 18) .


    (paradoxn ergn poits) .19) paradoxa erga .20) paradoxa , 21) , , .22)

    18) , () , 96-114 . , , .

    19) , : - , 26 (2001), 238-253 .

    20) 70 , () . (paradoxa kai thaumasia erga). , 43:25. 2 paradoxa . , 4:80; 7:54 .

    21) G. Kittel, Art. paravdoxo, ThWNT 2 (1973), 258. 22) G. Vermes, The Jesus Notice of Josephus Re-Examined, JJS 38 (1987), 6, 8.

    . E. Bammel, Zum Testimonium Flavianum, 9-12; M. Smith, Jesus the Magician (San Francisco: Seastone, 1978), 45; G. H. Twelftree, Jesus in Jewish Tradition, in Gospel Perspectives: The Jesus Tradition Outside the Gospels, ed. D. Wenham (Sheffield: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1985), 303, 310.

  • 42 69 (2012)

    . smeia terata , paradoxa , .23) paradoxa erga .24) , . .

    (sophos anr) (didaskalos) . . 25) 26) . . . .

    1 . . . .27)

    23) , , 2:223.267; 3:38. . ( , 10:235), (, 1:53) , . paradoxa . , , 2:91.

    24) , 9:18225) , 8:165.26) , 10:266-268.27) G. Theien, Urchristliche Wundergeschichte: Ein Beitrag zur formgeschichtlichen

    Erforschung der synoptischen Evangelien, SNT 8 (Gtersloh: Gutersloher Verlagshaus, 1974), 264.

  • : , , 43

    28) . . .

    .29) , .

    (pollous) . epag (epgageto), , .30)

    , . , , , .31) .

    . , .32)

    28) P. W. Barnett, The Jewish Sign Prophets - A.D. 40-70: Their Intentions and Origin, NTS 27 (1981), 679-697 .

    29) , , 114 (2001), 129-152 .

    30) W. Bauer, epag, Wrterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Griechisch-deutsches Wrterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der frhchristlichen Literatur (Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 19986), 569 , , . , . , , 1:173.

    31) .32) , , 20:167~168.

  • 44 69 (2012)

    .33) .34) . .35)

    . . .36) . , . , .

    . . , 1 . , . . (pollous de kai tou hellnikou)

    33) , 20:97~99.34) , 18:23; 20:102; , , 2:117.35) , , 18:85~87.36) .

    . . , 18:118.

  • : , , 45

    , . , . , , . . . , , ?

    . ( ), . . , pau , .37) .38) , .

    ? pau , thorube( ) ,39) stasis (, ) .40) . .41) ,

    37) , , 1:254; 2:494.647; 3:238; 5:355; 6:239.329; , , 4:; 13:293; 14:433; 18:58.62; 20:109; 117; , , 23.173.

    38) , , 2:316; , , 19:147.39) , 18:58.40) , 18:62.41) , 18:55-59.

  • 46 69 (2012)

    . .42) , . (pau) . . , .43) .44)

    . , . . , . (, phylon) . .

    . ( 5:35~38). , . , .



    70 1

    42) , 18:60~62.43) , 18:58~59.44) , 18:62.

  • : , , 47

    40 .45) . , . , 2:184~203 , 18:261~309 .46)

    - . . , , , , . .

    . . 2, 4 , 63 .47) , .48)

    45) . A. Winterling, Caligula: eine Biographie (Mnchen: Pantheon, 2003); A. A. Barrett, Caligula: The Corruption of Power (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990), xix , . . , : , Canon & Culture 4 (2009), 27~52 .

    46) , , 197~337 . , .

    47) (Gesetzloser) . , 17:11. 48) . N. H. Taylor,

  • 48 69 (2012)

    1 . , () (andrias), .49)

    , 350) .51) , . . 1 38 . 1 , . .

    Caligula, the Church of Antioch and the Gentile Mission, Religion & Theology 7 (2000), 1-23 . , . N. H. Taylor, Palestinian Christianity and the Caligula Crisis. Part 1. Social and Historical Reconstruction, JSNT 61 (1996), 101-124 , . M. Karrer, Der Zweite Thessalonicherbrief und Gottes Widersacher, Horizons in Biblical Theology 29 (2007), 101-130 2:1~12 .

    49) , , 2:185 (andriantes), , , 18:261,301 , , 188, 265, 337 (andrias) .

    50) 3 , , 5. , , 370 .

    51) , , 18:257-260.

  • : , , 49

    .52) (Apion)53) . , . , .

    . .54) .55)

    . 2 , .56) - 1 . .57) .

    52) , 18:257.53) - , .54) E. M. Smallwood, ed., Philonis Alexandrini: Legatio ad Gaium (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1961),

    264 .55) ,

    , . , , . , 41ff. .

    56) 3 , 2 .

    57) (, , 5:9.2), 66~70 - .

  • 50 69 (2012)

    , .58)

    . . .59) . , , , . 60) , .

    , 1 , . , .61) 41 1 24, . , .



    58) , , 2:187.59) G. Theissen, Lokalkolorit und Zeitgeschichte in den Evangelien: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte

    der synoptischen Tradition, NTOA 8 (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989), 157 .

    60) , , 18:301; / , (: , 2001), 826f.

    61) , . . , , 337f.

  • : , , 51

    . . , . 62) (asebeia) . .63)

    . 1~2 , (existato), (arch) (ektheiaz). (atimia tou theiou) (politeuomai).64) , .

    . , . ektheiaz , . 19:4 , (ektheiaz), (tim) . .

    , 18:256, , (politeuomai) . , .

    62) .63) , , 2:184f.64) , , 18:256.

  • 52 69 (2012)

    . (asebeia) (apotheosis) . , 1 .65)

    . , 19:1~113 . , ,66) . . (oinos)67) (semeia)68) . .

    1 .69) 1 (theos) . 1 , 1 .

    . .

    65) . . , 118; / , : (: 2009), 313 , , .

    66) , , 19:1~3.67) , 19:88.68) , 19:94.69) , 19:343-352; 12:21-22 .

  • : , , 53

    , .70) . .

    - . , . , .



    . . , , . . , , . . , .71)

    , .

    70) , , 826f. .71) , , 2:201.

  • 54 69 (2012)

    . 72)

    . , (prothymia) . . . . , ( ) (aret) , .73) . (beltin) , . .74)

    75) (philoi) , . . .

    76) . . , . (mania) (sebasmios) (deinos)

    72) , , 18:261~281.73) , 18:264, 266.74) , 18:262.75) , 18:269~272.76) , 18:273~278.

  • : , , 55

    .77) (sebasmios) .

    78) . (apologetic historiography) . , . , , () (beltin) .79) . , , . , .

    80) , . , (epideiknymi). . (epiphaneia) , . .

    81) . , .

    82) .

    77) , 18:277.78) , 18:279~283.79) , 18:281.80) , 18:284~288.81) , 18:298~304.82) , 18:305~309.

  • 56 69 (2012)

    , .83) . , , , .84)


    .85) , . .86)

    . . (Memmius Regulus) . . , (smeia) .

    83) . , 107. M. Karrer, Der Zweite Thessalonicherbrief und Gottes Widersacher, 121, n.64 , 28:7~8.10 .

    84) , , 18:305-309.85) . ,

    . . , , 245.

    86) . , , 18:304.

  • : , , 57


    . . . 1 . . , . . . .


    . . . . . , 10 , ,

    87) , 19:8~10.

  • 58 69 (2012)


    (Keywords) , , , , (Josephus, Judaism, Jesus, Caligula Crisis, Petronius)

  • : , , 59

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    Bauer, W. epag. Wrterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Griechisch-deutsches Wrterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der frhchristlichen Literatur. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 19986: 569.

    Birdsall, N. J. The Continuing Enigma of Josephus Testimony about Jesus. BJRL 67 (1984): 609-622.

    Dornseiff, F. Zum Testimonium Flavianum. ZNW 46 (1955): 245-250._______. Lukas und Christ. ZNW 35 (1936): 129-155.Karrer, M. Der Zweite Thessalonicherbrief und Gottes Widersacher. Horizons

    in Biblical Theology 29 (2007): 101-130.Kittel, G. Art. paravdoxo. ThWNT 2 (1973): 258.Maier, J. Jesus von Nazareth in der talmudischen berlieferung. EdF 82.

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    Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978, 21992.Meier, J. P. Jesus in Josephus: A Modest Proposal. CBQ 52 (1990): 76-103.Norden, E. Josephus und Tacitus ber Jesus Christus und eine messianische

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    Laqueur, R. Der jdische Historiker Flavius Josephus. Ein biographischer Versuch auf neuer quellenkritischer Grundlage. Giessen: Munchow Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1920.

    Smallwood, E. M. ed. Philonis Alexandrini: Legatio ad Gaium. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1961.

    Smith, M. Jesus the Magician. San Francisco: Seastone, 1978.Taylor, N. H. Caligula, the Church of Antioch and the Gentile Mission.

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    Twelftree, G. H. Jesus in Jewish Tradition. In Gospel Perspectives: The Jesus Tradition Outside the Gospels. ed. D. Wenham. Sheffield: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1985.

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    Vermes, G. The Jesus Notice of Josephus Re-Examined. JJS 38 (1987): 1-10.Victor, U. Das Testimonium Flavianum. Ein authentischer Text des Josephus.

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  • 62 69 (2012)


    Eine Untersuchung zum Judentum des Josephus: Seine Interpretation von Jesus,

    Caligula, und Petronius

    Chan-Woong Park, Dr. Theol.Lecturer, Faculty of Liberal ArtsMyoungji University

    Diese Arbeit untersucht, wie Josephus sein Judentum versteht. Durch seine Werke hat Josephus versucht, seine Religion im Rahmen der hellenistisch-rmischen Welt positiv vorzustellen, und neu zu deuten. Die Caligulakrise im Jahr 40 kann als eine Prognose fr den j-dischen-rmischen Krieg verstanden werden. Durch diese Erfahrung ha-ben die Juden gesehen, da ihre eigene Tradition bedroht werden konnte, wenn die herrschenden Rmer versuchen, die hellenistische Kultur zu erweitern. Josephus hlt diese Krise fr eine Bedrohung zum jdischen Monotheismus, d. h., Bedrohung zur Glaube. Josephus sagt die Apotheose des Caligulas ab, und hinsichtlich seiner Glaube ist er ein Jude. Dennoch begrenzt die jdische Glaube nicht die positive Heiden. Der Porkurator Petronius ist also ein Model fr eine positive rmische Gestalt. Er wird als ein Gottesbefrchtiger dargestellt. Beim doppleten Urteil fr beiden rmischen Politiker hat Josephus ein Prinzip, d. h., ob jeder jdischer Glaube passt oder nicht. In diesem Zusammenhang knnte die Darstellung Jesu besser verstanden werden. Jesus ist bei Josephus sehr positiv dargestellt. Jesus wird bei vielen auch von der Seite der Hellenen nachgefolgt. Er ist ein Mann der Weisheit, wie Salomo und Daniel. Also Josephus hat diese drei Personen, Jesus, Caligula, und

  • : , , 63

    Petronus im Bezug auf jdische Tradition und heidinische Kultur gedeutet.

    : 2012 8 3 : 2012 8 21 : 2012 8 28

  • (1871-1918) : (1871-1887)

    1) *


    (313), () () . , , .

    18 , . .

    18 19 . 1555 (Augsburger Religionsfrieden) . , , . , ,

    * ,

  • 66 69 (2012)

    , , 1803 .1) (Skularisierung) .

    1871 , . , (Ultramontanismus, ) . (Kulturkampf, 1871-1887)2) . (1871-1887) (Otto von Bismarck, 1815-1898) , (Zentrumspartei) . , .3)


    1) Johannes Wallmann, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands seit der Reformation, 5., verb. und erw. Aufl. (Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000), 172f; / , (: , 2006), 220f.

    2) (Kulturkampf) 1858 (F. Lassalle, 1825-1864) , 15 1873 1 17 (R. Virchow, 1821-1902) . , (Kultur) , , . Georg Denzler und Carl Andresen, Kulturkampf, in Wrterbuch Kirchengeschichte (Wiesbaden: Marix, 2004), 353.

    3) Stan M. Landry, That All May Be One? Church Unity and the German National Idea, 1866- 1883, Church History 80/2 (2011), 285; / , . (: , 2007), 31.

  • (1871-1918) 67

    , . , .4)

    (1871-1914) . 19 5) , .6) . (, ) 2 1960 , , , .

    1961 (Hamburg) (Fritz Fischer, 1908-1999) 1 , (Fischer-Kontroverse) . , , , . , (Hans-Ulrich Wehler, 1931- ) (Jrgen Kocka, 1941- ) (Bielefelder Schule) (Sonderweg) , (1870-1945) .7)

    4) , 1870 , ( , 2003), iv-v.

    5) (Heinrich von Treitschke, 1834-1896), (Theodor Mommsen, 1817-1903) .

    6) , (Kaiserreich: 1871-1918), ? 27 (2000), 83.

    7) , 86f.

  • 68 69 (2012)

    19 , , , . 1980 (Magaret Anderson), (Johnathan Sperber), (David Blackbourn) .8) , , 19 , , , .9) , , . , .10) 1990 (Helmut W. Smith) , (high culture) . .11)


    8) Vernon L. Lidtke, Catholics and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany: A Comment, Central European History 9 (1986), 116f; , 1870 , 2f.

    9) Margaret L. Anderson, Piety and Politics: Recent Work on German Catholicism, Journal of Modern History 63/4 (1991), 682-690; , 1870 , 3.

    10) David Blackbourn, The Politics of Demagogy in Imperial Germany, Past and Present 113 (1986), 152-158; , 1870 , 3f.

    11) Helmut Walser Smith, German Nationalism and Religious Conflict. Culture, Ideology, Politics, 1870-1914 (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1995), 20-41; , 1870 , 4.

  • (1871-1918) 69

    , , , . , . , . .

    , . .

    , , , , , .

    II. (Kulturkampf, 1871-1887)

    1. , ,

    , 1871 . (Preuen), (Bayern), (Sachsen), (Wrttemberg) 22 (Hamburg), (Frankfurt), (Lbeck) 3 . . ( ) , 1(Willhelm I., 1797-1888) , (Otto von Bismarck, 1815-1898)

  • 70 69 (2012)

    . , .12)

    , (Kleindeutsche Lsung)13) , .14) , , , , .15) , . (Grodeutsche Lsung)16) ( ) .17) - .18)

    12) , (: , 2003), 183.13) 1848-1849 (Frankfurter Frstentag)

    , (Grodeutsche Lsung) (Kleindeutsche Lsung) . , . () , .

    14) , (Kaiserreich: 1871-1918), ? 27 (2000), 81f.

    15) , . , (: , 2010), 523.16) 13) .17) , , 187.

  • (1871-1918) 71

    1) (Zentrumspartei)

    19 . 19) . 1830 .20) , . , 1871 - .

    , (Zentrumspartei) .21) 1870 (Ludwig Windthorst, 1812-1891) () (Emmanuel von Ketteler, 1811-1877) .22) 62% 36% , 1890 106 .23)

    18) Landry, That All May Be One? Church Unity and the German National Idea, 1866-1883, 281.

    19) ()(Ultramontane, ).20) , 3 ():

    , 21 (2011), 5; Rudolf Lill, Der Ultramontanismus. Die Ausrichtung der gesamten Kirche auf den Papst, Kirche im 19. Jahrhundert, hrsg., von Manfred Weitlauff (Regensburg: Pustet, 1998), 76-94.

    21) , : , 23/2 (2005), 126.

    22) Wilhelm Nutzinger, Das Kaiserreich 1871-1918, 2. Aufl. (Bamberg: C.C. Buchners, 2006), 52.

    23) Ibid., 54; Volker Berghahn, Das Kaiserreich 1871-1914 : Industriegesellschaft, brgerliche Kultur und autoritrer Staat, Gebhardt Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, hrsg., von Jrgen Kocka, 10. vllig neu bearbeitete Aufl., Bd. 16 (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2003), 162.

  • 72 69 (2012)

    , , .24) 25) , . 1 , .26) , , . 27) .

    2) (Nationalliberale Partei)

    (Nationalliberale Partei) (Fortschrittspartei) , 1867 (Rudolf von Bennigsen, 1824-1902) (Karl Twesten, 1820-1870), (Eduard Lasker, 1829-1884), (Friedrich Hammacher, 1824-1904) 19 .

    24) , : , 126.25) , ,

    . Ibid., 125; Manfred Groetemaker, Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert. Entwicklungslinien (Bonn: BZP., 1996), 259.

    26) , , 524.27) ,

    , , .

  • (1871-1918) 73

    , . (Parlamentarisierung) 28) , 29) . (Kulturkampfgesetzgebung) (Friedrich Sell) , (Karl Heinrich Pohl) .30)

    , . , () 1 .

    . () .31) , . .32)

    28) (Wolfgang Sauer), (Michael Strmer), (Hans-Ulrich Wehler) ; Armin Heinen, Umstrittene Moderne. Die Liberalen und der preuisch-deutsche Kulturkampf, Geschichte und Gesellschaft 29 (2003), 140.

    29) (David Blackbourn), (Margaret Anderson) . Ibid., 141.

    30) Ibid., 140f.31) Rudolf Virchow, National-Zeitung (1874/2/24.); Heinen, Umstrittene Moderne. Die Liberalen

    und der preuisch-deutsche Kulturkampf, 144.

  • 74 69 (2012)

    1874 1875 . 1878, , .33)


    . , , , , 34) .35)

    () , 1817 , (Konkordat) , 1818 , , .

    (Febronianismus) (Baden), (Wrttemberg), -(Hessen-Darmstadt)

    32) Ibid., 144.33) Wilhelm Nutzinger, Das Kaiserreich 1871-1918, 48f.34) , , (Rheinland)

    , , -(Schleswig-Holstein), (Sachsen), (Thringen) (Hessen) , (Franken), (Wrttemberg) , (Baden) , . (Bayern), , . , (1871-1918) , 22 (2011), 98.

    35) , 1870 , 21.

  • (1871-1918) 75

    1821 (Provida sollersque) , 1(Karl I.) (Rottenburg) (Karl Josef von Hefele, 1809-1893) . , , , .36)

    1841 . 1871 12 (Kanzelparagraph) .37)

    1872, (Adalbert Falk, 1827-1900) .38) , (Posen) , , . , .39)

    4 7, , . , .40)


    36) Wallmann, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands seit der Reformation, 236-239; http://www. landeskunde-baden-wuerttemberg.de/ (- , , ); http://www.hdbg.eu/ ( , , )

    37) Berghahn, Das Kaiserreich 1871-1914, 279f.38) Ibid.39) , , 526.40) Berghahn, Das Kaiserreich 1871-1914, 279f.

  • 76 69 (2012)

    (Gustav Adolf, 18231896) . , .41)

    , .42)

    1873 , 5 (Maigesetz) . , , . , 4 . .43) ( Gymnasium) , , , (Kuturexamen) .44)

    1874-75 , , , . 5 14 , .45)

    41) Olaf Blaschke, Kulturkampf, in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwrterbuch fr Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, 4., vllig neu bearb. Aufl., Bd. 4. I-K, hrsg. von Hans Dieter Betz usw. (Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001), 1840f.

    42) , , 527.43) , 530.44) , , 188; , ( : , 2010),

    267f.45) .

  • (1871-1918) 77

    . (Mnster) (Paderborn) , . (1870) (Sedanstag, 102) 9 (Piusfest, 616) .46)

    (Rheinland) 30 65 7 17 , .47)

    , .48)

    . 1874 , 27.9% 397 100 .49)

    4(Heinrich IV, 1050-1106) 7 (Canossa) ,

    46) Jonathan Sperber, Popular Catholicism in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Society, Religion and Politics in Rhineland-Westphlia 1830-1880 (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1984); Heinen, Umstrittene Moderne. Die Liberalen und der preuisch-deutsche Kulturkampf, 153; Smith, German Nationalism and Religious Conflict. Culture, Ideology, Politics, 1870-1914, 42.

    47) 1874 , (Dsseldorf) 389, (Kln) 139, (Trier) 160, (Koblenz) 147. [Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz(LHAK) 403/6695 Zusammenstellung der Katholischen Vereine im Regierungsbezirk Dsseldorf, (1874/8/15); Kln, Trier u. Koblenz 8 ]; Smith, German Nationalism and Religious Conflict. Culture, Ideology, Politics, 1870-1914, 44.

    48) , 1870 , 24.49) , , 533.

  • 78 69 (2012)

    . 1877 , .50)


    1871-1873 . 1870 -(Reichsland Elsa-Lothringen) (Ruhrgebiet) (Saarland) , . 1873 . , , . , , , . , 1870 .

    . 1872 . .51)

    , , . (Deutsche konservative Partei, 1876 ) ,

    50) , 19 , 11 (1998), 261.51) , , (: , 1986),

    626f; , 1870 , 25-27.

  • (1871-1918) 79

    .52) ,

    1878 9 , (Perugia) (Luigi Pecci) ( 13 Leo XIII, 1810-1903) . 13 9 , 5 (1879), .53)

    1880 , .54) 1882 () , .55)

    1886-1887 13 , , , .56) .

    , . , .57)

    52) , 19 , 261.53) , , 188; , , 267f; /

    , 2 III. : (: , 2005), 294f.

    54) Denzler u. Andresen, Kulturkampf, 354.55) Ibid.56) Ibid.57) , , 535.

  • 80 69 (2012)


    19 , , .58) . .59) , , . , , . . , .60) , .


    1) (Ultramontanismus, )

    , .61)

    58) , (1871-1918) , 95.59) Manuel Borutta, Enemies at the gate: The Moabit Klosterturm and the Kulturkampf:

    Germany, in Culture Wars. Secular-Catholic Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Europe, eds. Christopher Clark and Wolfram Kaiser (Uk: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 228.

    60) Wallmann, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands seit der Reformation, 178.61) Ibid., 247.

  • (1871-1918) 81

    (Ultramontanismus, ) . , , .62)

    ultra montes, () ( ) , . , .63) 1830-1840 , . , .64)

    , 1846 9(Pius IX, 1846-1878 ) , . .65)

    1850 , 9 1864 (Quanta Cura) (Sylabus errorum) .66) 80 67)

    62) / , (: , 2005), 269.63) Klauf Unterburger, Ultramontanismus, in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwrterbuch

    fr Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, 4., vllig neu bearb. Aufl., Bd. 8. T-Z., hrsg. von Hans Dieter Betz usw. (Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005), 705.

    64) , , 269.65) , , 298.66) Borutta, Enemies at the gate: The Moabit Klosterturm and the Kulturkampf: Germany,

    228.67) 1-7 , , 8-14

  • 82 69 (2012)

    , . , 80 , .68) , 1870 1 (Dogma der ppstlichen Unfehlbarkeit) .69)

    . , .70) . () (Kampf fr Kultur) , .71)

    . , . () .72)

    , 15-18 , , , , , , 19-76 , . , , 146.

    68) .69) / , (: , 2009), 501f.70) , , 531.71) , , 130.72) , , 269.

  • (1871-1918) 83



    19 (Nationalismus) . ( ) () 73), (vlkisch) .

    , . , , (), , .74)

    , .75) (Martin Luther, 1483-1546) , .76) .

    , , (Kulturprotestantismus) . 1848 (Liberale

    73) Smith, German Nationalism and Religious Conflict. Culture, Ideology, Politics, 1870-1914, 20f.

    74) , , 30.75) , 29.76) , 30; , 1870 , 6f.

  • 84 69 (2012)

    Theologie) , , . .

    (Albrecht Ritschl, 1822-1889) , , () , . , . , , () , . .

    2) (Staatskirche)

    . . , 1613 (Johann Sigismund, 1572-1619/1620) . , , .77)

    , , (Bndnis von Thron und Altar78))

    77) , , 111.78) () 16

    . 16 (Martin Luther, 1483-1536) , . () () (Zwei-Reiche-Lehre) .

  • (1871-1918) 85

    . 1555 (Augsburg) () (cuius regio eius religio) . , . () () .79)

    . 1848 , . 80) . . (Karl Otto von Raumer, 1805-1859) .

    . 15 .81)

    (Bndnis von Thron und Altar) ( ) . , , . ; Wolfgang Benz, Informationen zur politischen Bildung. Deutscher Widerstand 1933-1945. Heft 243, hrsg., von Bundeszentrale fr politische Bildung (Mnchen: Franzis print & media GmbH, 2000), 16.

    79) , , 52 (2011), 230f.80) 147 , ,

    . , 232.81) Wallmann, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands seit der Reformation, 208.

  • 86 69 (2012)

    . (Friedrich Schleiermacher, 1768-1834) , .82) , 1866 , , 1871 .83)

    , . . 1835 - (Konsistorialverfassung) (Synodalverfassung) . 1873 , , , 1876 (Generalsynode) .84)

    5 ( ) , , . , (Landeskirche) , .

    82) Ibid., 178.83) Berghahn, Das Kaiserreich 1871-1914, 162.84) , , 258.

  • (1871-1918) 87

    , 19 . 1817 , 3 . 1818 1822 , .85)

    , , , . . , (Detusch Protestantenverein) , . 1876 (Positive Union) (Rudolf Kgel, 1829-1896) , . , 20 .86)



    85) (Herzogtum Nassau) 1817 , (Pfalz) 1818, 1821, -(Rhein-Hessen) 1822, (Hanau) 1820, -(Waldeck-Pyrmont) 1821, -(Anhalt-Bernburg) 1820, . Wallmann, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands seit der Reformation, 201; , , 250.

    86) , 199-210.

  • 88 69 (2012)

    , .87) 19 () , . .

    1848 , . (962-1806) .88) , . , , .

    1871 . , , , , , . .

    () . , .89)

    . (, )

    87) , , 59 (1987), 820-825.88) , 3 ():

    , 8-11.89) / , 1871-1919 (: , 2003), 46.

  • (1871-1918) 89

    , , , .

    , . .

    , , . , . .90)


    19 . . , .

    . , () .

    90) , 1870 , , v.

  • 90 69 (2012)

    , (, , ) . , , . , ( ) .

    . .

    . 1791 , , . .

    1948 91). 92) , .93) , . .

    91) 1. . 2. , . ( 20)

    92) 1. 2. 3. . , , 832-835; , . (: , 2007), 20-23.

    93) , , 831f.

  • (1871-1918) 91

    () () . , , . ( ) . .

    . , () . . , . , .

    (Keywords) , , , , (Deustsches Kaiserreich, Kirche und Staat, Bismarck, Kulturkampf, Ultramontanismus)

  • 92 69 (2012)

    . . , . : , 2010.

    . (1871-1918) : . 22 (2011): 87-126.

    , / . . : , 2009.. . : , 2010.. . . : ,

    2007.. 3 ():

    . 21 (2011): 3-30.. . 52

    (2011): 229-248.. . 59 (1987): 819-836.. : 19 .

    20 (2006): 159-171.. . . :

    , 1986: 585-631.. 19 . 11

    (1998): 247-264., / . . :

    , 2006., / . .

    . : , 2007., / . . : , 2005., / . 1871-1919. : ,

    2003.. (Kaiserreich: 1871-1918), ?

    27 (2000): 81-99.. : .

  • (1871-1918) 93

    23/2 (2005): 107-137.. . : , 2003.. . : , 2002.. 1870 .

    , 2003., / . 2 III. :

    . : , 2005.. . 40 (1999): 331-352.Anderson, Margaret L. Piety and Politics: Recent Work on German

    Catholicism. Journal of Modern History 63/4 (1991): 681-716.Benz, Wolfgang. Informationen zur politischen Bildung. Deutscher

    Widerstand 1933-1945. Heft 243. hrsg. von Bundeszentrale fr politische Bildung. Mnchen: Franzis print & media GmbH, 2000.

    Berghahn, Volker. Das Kaiserreich 1871-1914: Industriegesellschaft, brgerliche Kultur und autoritrer Staat. Gebhardt Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte. hrsg. von Jrgen Kocka. 10. vllig neu bearbeitete Aufl. Bd. 16. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2003.

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    Landry, Stan M. That All May Be One? Church Unity and the German National Idea, 1866-1883. Church History 80/2 (2011): 281.

    Lidtke, Vernon L. Catholics and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany: A Comment. Central European History 19 (1986): 116-122.

    Lill, Rudolf. Der Ultramontanismus. Die Ausrichtung der gesamten Kirche auf den Papst. Kirche im 19. Jahrhundert. hrsg. von Manfred Weitlauff. Regensburg: Pustet, 1998: 76-94.

    Nutzinger, Wilhelm. Das Kaiserreich 1871-1918. 2. Aufl. Bamberg: C.C. Buchners, 2006.

    Smith, Helmut Walser. German Nationalism and Religious Conflict. Culture, Ideology, Politics, 1870-1914. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1995.

    Sperber, Jonathan. Popular Catholicism in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1984.

    Unterburger, Klauf. Ultramontanismus. In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwrterbuch fr Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. 4. vllig neu bearb. Aufl. Bd. 8. T-Z. hrsg. von Hans Dieter Betz usw. Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005: 705-708.

    Wallmann, Johannes. Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands seit der Reformation. 5. verb. und erw. Aufl. Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000.

    - , , . http://www.landeskunde-baden-wuerttemberg.de/ , , . http://www.hdbg.eu/

  • (1871-1918) 95


    The Relationship between Church and State in the German Empire(1871-1918)

    : Focusing on the Bismarcks Kulturkampf

    Hyun-Suk Park, Ph.D. Candidate Department of TheologyYonsei University

    Church, in Europe, has not only affected the history of church, but it also is of great importance from the history of Europe. Church has had a leading role across all areas of European society, and it allowed a tradi-tional society to be built.

    Social structure, which has been built around the church, however, began to change as the modern era emerged. Under the influence of Suprematism and the Enlightenment made their first appearance in the late 18th century, individual state has started to strengthen their govern-ment power, and the growth of liberalism and socialism has rapidly secu-larized the European society. Church began to be ousted from modern society, in consequence of this.

    Those circumstances of Europe also has massive influenced on the German society. The churches also endeavored to face with the stream of the times. However the way to handle the flow from the Catholic Church and the Protestant church was different with each other. Catholic church put up a stubborn resistance to a modern culture on the basis of Ultramontanism(Ultramontanismus), on the other hand, Protestant church attempted to join in the newly-emerged modern European culture, tried to accomplish the Protestant-centered cultural integration.

    Bismarck who was the Chancellor of German Empire made a de-

  • 96 69 (2012)

    termined attempt to archive a racially homogeneous nation by means of racial union, although the unification of the empire was an imperfect uni-fication of Kleindeutschtum. Pope-centric Catholic Church, however, was the main obstacles to his policy for racial union. He considered the Catholic Church as an imperial enemy, had an oppressive policy against them as a result, and it is designated as Kulturkampf.

    During the period of Kulturkampf, in Germany, a large number of Jesuit monastery had been dispersed, and also a great deal of bishops and priests were sent to prison. Besides he controlled an education and resourcing of the every priest, and forced the registration of a birth, mar-riage, and death to be ministered not by the church, but by the state ad-ministration, thus he transferred the policy which had been conducted by Catholic Church to the government department, or dissolved it.

    Kulturkampf, on the face of it, might be regarded as Bismarck, who was Protestant, implemented an anti-Catholic policy as a conflict among the denominations, however it actually based upon, rather than faith con-cern, the principle of the separation of church and state which pro-hibited the priests invention from the secular power of the major church-es and the matters irrelevant to religion. Bismarck intended to reestablish distinctly, from all aspects of society, the role and responsibility between church and state through the Kulturkampf, severely restrict the traditional vested rights of the church by putting forth a oppressive policy against the Catholic Church.

    As, despite the severely suppressive policy, the empire failed to get over the issue; an institutionary pre-modernity, its financial limitations which had been thoroughly dependant to the Prussias finance, an im-balanced application of policies that is originated in the difference be-tween widely dispersed denominations (between the Protestant church of northern Germany and the Catholic church of southern Germany), the Kulturkampf ends as a failure. Even the Kulturkampf was a failed policy, in Germany, it raised the role and authority of state and contributed to establish the foundation for modern nation. Catholic Church also had to

  • (1871-1918) 97

    handover a considerable portion of their traditional power to the state with this as a momentum.

    Far complex and various circumstances in politics, economy, society, and religion are involved in it, to concede the Kulturkampf simply as the confrontation between the German Empire and Catholic Church. In ac-cordance to the viewpoint one holds, thus, it can be read as the conflict between church and state or opposition between church and church; Catholic Church versus Protestant Church. The Kulturkampf, for that rea-son, is the issue embroiled in controversy to the present.

    : 2012 4 15 : 2012 6 7 : 2012 6 14

  • :2013 (WCC) 10 *1)

    2) **


    .1) (Churchless Christians) .2) 3)

    * 2011 . ** , 1) (World Christian Encyclopedia) 21

    20 . Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 2-4.

    2) 1977 15 , 25 . Wolfhart Pannenberg, The Church, tr. Keith Crim (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1983).

    3) 2011 1 (The World Economic Forum) (The Swiss Federation of Protestant Churches) . ? . (The World Communion of Reformed Churches) , . ,

  • 100 69 (2012)

    . (Christian Conference of Asia) (World Council of Churches) . ,4) , , . . 5) . , .6)

    . , ? . WCC 10 2013 . WCC .7) WCC

    . 2011 2 1 (www.warc.ch).

    4) , (CCA) (East Asia Christian Conference) 1957 . , - , 38 (2010), 396-397.

    5) , (: , 2003). 6)

    , , , , . , (: , 2005), 125-126.

    7) 1975 (WCC)

  • 101

    , , . .

    , , . -WCC .8) WCC , . WCC . , 21 .9)

    . ,

    (Philip Potter) , , , , , . / , (: , 2001), 6.

    8) WCC . (WCC ) . , (WCC) , (2010/6/28), .

    9) , 21 , , 21 (: , 2008), 342.

  • 102 69 (2012)

    . , .10) , .11) 12) , , , .13) 14) .

    10) Paul S. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960), 28. 1954 WCC .

    11) Paul S. Minear, Idea of Church, in The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, vol.1, eds. George Arthur Buttrick et al. (Nashville and New York: Abingdon Press, 1962), 617.

    12) ekklesia 114 . , . 62 . . (qhl; ) . . ( 19:39) ( 19:32, 41). . Ibid., 607- 617.

    13) , , , , . . P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 66- 220. , , , . L. / , : (: , 2002), 272-275. , , , , .

    14) , : 1990 (: , 2009).

  • 103

    WCC , 10 , ( 42:1-4) . , WCC . WCC .


    (sma) .15) ( 13:3) . , .16) , ,17) ,

    WCC . . , 9.

    15) . , , , . . R. Eduard Schweizer, Body, in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol.1, ed. David Noel Freedman (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 767-772. ( 7:12-14), John A. Robinson, The Body: A Study in Pauline Theology (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1952), 54.

    16) ,

  • 104 69 (2012)

    , , , , , .18)

    .19) , ( 14:22 ; 2:19-21; 10:5, 10; 13:3, 11-12; 2;24 ).20) 10 12. , , . . , . ( 12:4-6, 11, 13, 18, 28). , ( 12:12, 27). , , ,

    . Ibid., 9-10.17)

    . , 5 23 . . . Schweizer, Body, 767-772. . , , (: , 1989), 256-281.

    18) John A. T. Robinson, The Body, 9-10.19) , , , , ,

    . , ( 27:58-59 ; 1:22; 10:10). , , . A. Boyd Luter, Jr., Body of Christ, in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol.1, ed. David Noel Freedman (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 922. , , , . Jeffrey Burton Russell, A History of Heaven: The Singing Silence (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997), 188.

    20) P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 173.

  • 105

    . ( 10:1-11, 14-17).21) . ( 11:17-34, 27, 29).22) , .23) . 12 14 13 , ( 8:1; 4:15-16). . . ( 14:20)24) ,

    21) . 1960 . . , , , , 511-512. 21 . Karen L. Bloomquist, ed., Being the Church in the Midst of Empire: Trinitarian Reflections (Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press, 2007).

    22) 11 20 (it is not the Lords supper that you eat[RSV]; it is not really to eat the Lords supper[NRSV]).

    23) ( 9:11-12).

    24) 14 20 phrn ,

  • 106 69 (2012)


    .25) , . ( 8:9), . . ( 12:27) ( 12:5). . , . ( 16:5), ( 1-2), ( 4:15) , ( 8:1, 11:12), ( 16:1), ( 1:2, 1:1), ( 1:1, 1:1), ( 2:1 ) . ( 1:2), ( 1:22, 2:14), ( 8:1), ( 16:19, 1:4, 11) . .26)

    , , , ,

    . , . , .

    25) 20 . 26) (

    16:1, 19; 1:2), ( 9:31). .

  • 107

    . , , ( 17:21) . WCC , , .27) , , . . WCC .


    . . .28) , .

    27) WCC , . (United), (Uniting), CCC[] (post-denominational Church) . , (: , 2006), 40-41.

    28) P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 70-71.

  • 108 69 (2012)

    , . . .29) ( 10:5-6) , ( 9-11).30) , , ( 14:8; 11:14).31)

    .32) . ,33)

    29) / , : (: , 1985). 53. . , 11-13, 306.

    30) P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 111. 31) Ibid. 32) laos 142 , 84

    , . . () . Ibid., 272-273, 1.

    33) ( 2:6, 15:24, 6:15, 2:12, 8:8-10; 11:25, 2:14), / ( 2:9), ( 2:9), ( 1:1; 7:4; 19:28), ( 10:1-10, 15:8-10), ( 6:15, 3:3, 2:11), ( 3:29, 4:16), ( 10:1-12, 11:23-29, 3:14; 3:22; 7:34), ( 15:16-18), ( 9:27; 11:5-7), ( 11:5, 2:9) . , ( 1:1, 1:1, 11;51-52), ( 1:1, 2:11, 11:13) ,

  • 109

    ,34) 35) . .

    .36) 20 .37) 38) ( 6:16) . , ,39) ( 11:26, 30-32). ( 11:13-24). ( 9-11)

    , , . . , . Ibid., 71-84, 105-109.

    34) ( 26:31; 2:8; 12:32; 10:16; 20:28-29; 9:7; 5:2-3), ( 2:26-27, 8:36-37) . Ibid., 84-89.

    35) // ( 4:21-31, 11:8, 12: 21), /( 6:19, 3:16-17, 2:21), ( 2:5, 9; 1:6; 5:10; 20:6), ( 12:1; 15:16), ( 5;2, 2:15, 4:18; 5:8, 8:3), ( 5:7-8) . Ibid., 89-104

    36) , , . ( 26:17), , ( 15:7-12).

    37) Rosemary Radford Ruether, Faith and Fratricide: The Theological Roots of Anti-Semitism (New York: The Seabury Press, 1979); John G. Gager, The Origins of Anti-Semitism: Attitudes Toward Judaism in Pagan and Christian Antiquity (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985).

    38) D. G. / , (: , 2003), 712, 55(Barnabas 4.6-8, 13-14; Melito, Peri Pascha 72-99).

    39) Krister Stendahl, Paul Among Jews and Gentiles (Philadelphia; Fortress Press, 1976).

  • 110 69 (2012)

    . .40)

    . 1948 , . 41) .42) , , ( 6:16) .43)

    40) D. G. , , 713. 41) (Christian Zionism) 1948

    . 2004 216 (PCUSA) . http://gamc.pcusa.org/ministries/global/ resolution-confronting- christian-zionism/. Roula Alkhouri et al., Kairos Palestine Document and A Study Guide for the Presbyterian Church(U.S.A.), (Louisville: PCUSA, 2011), 37.

    42) Naim S. Ateek, Marc H. Ellis, and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds., Faith and the Intifada: Palestinian Christian Voices (Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1992), passim. . . Edward W. Said, Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World (New York: Vintage Books, 1997).

    43) 1985 , 2009 (Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth) . www.kairospalestine.ps . 2008 , .

  • 111


    (naos) . . .44) , . (naos) ( 6:19) (naos)( 3:16-17). 2 21 22 , (naos) .45) , , . , , ( 14:58, 15:29; 26:61; 2:19-21).46) 47) . ( 2:21). ( 2:20) ( 12:10, 2:7; , 118:22) , .

    www.oikoumene.org . YMCA , (: YMCA , 2010).

    44) P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 97. 45) (hieron) 71 70

    . , .

    46) 13:2, 38; 8-9. P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 97.47)

    , ( 10:5). Ibid., 101-102. ( 12:6) ( 9:13; 12:33; 12:1 ).

  • 112 69 (2012)

    ( 4:15-16; , 2:6-7, 19), .

    . , .48) , . . ( 2-5). .49) , , .50) , , .51)

    . .52) , ,

    48) (glossolalia) , dialektos( 1:19; 2:6, 8) glssa( 14:2) . glssa ( 2:3, 26), ( 2:4, 11), dialektos glssa, .

    49) Luke Timothy Johnson, Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church: The Challenge of Luke-Acts to Contemporary Christians (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2011), 4.

    50) / , (: , 1985). 51) Hyunju Bae, Engaging in Prophetic Ministry in Asia, CTC Bulletin 25/3 (2009), 17-24.

  • 113

    ( 3:28) . (oikodom) ( 14:19; 12:19; 14:3, 5, 12; 4:12; 8:1 ). , , .53) ,54) .

    21 , . , . , , , , , , , , . WCC , , , , . .

    52) Elizabeth A. Johnson, Friends of God and Prophets: A Feminist Theological Reading of the Communion of Saints (New York: Continuum, 1999).

    53) . , : , 9/1 (2002), 204.

    54) - . (; ; ) (; ; ) . , , , , (: , 2004), 167-195.

  • 114 69 (2012)


    (kain ktisis) ( 5:17, 6:15).55) . ( 5:15). ( 6:15). ( 5:17). ( 10:45; 20:25-26; 4:5) ( 5:6). , , .56)

    (aparch)( 15:20-23; 8;23; 11:16; 16:5; 16:15; 1:18; 14:4; 2:13).57) , , . , , , . . , ( 11:16).

    55) 5 17 6 15 (kain ktisis; a new creation) , , / .

    56) P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 105-111,57) 9 .

    ( 3:9-11, 4:24), ( 5, 15), . , , , , , , , , , , . Ibid., 105-135.

  • 115

    58) , ( 15:20-23). ( 16:5), ( 16:15). ( 14:4). ( 1:18).59) , ( 8:23).

    . ,60) . ( 2:8; 3:10). ( 2:14) . , ,

    58) (prtotokos) ( 1:18; 1:5). 8 ( 11:28; 12:23) ( 2:7; 8:29; 1:15; 1:6).

    59) 2 13b (, , , ) , . NRSV (the first fruits). .

    60) . 3 , ( 5:22) . , (ecumenism), , (: , 2004), 213.

  • 116 69 (2012)

    ( 3:28) .61) 62) . . , . .

    ( 8:11) ( 8:21). , . , , ( 3:10-11).63) , ( 1:22-23; 4:15; 5:23; 1:18; 3:10-11).

    . , ,

    61) , , . , 3:27-28 , , (: , 2004), 65.

    62) , . , . H. D. Betz, Galatians (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979), 190. , 66 .

    63) John A. T. Robinson, The Body, 82-83.

  • 117

    . WCC , .64) WCC (Decade to Overcome Violence, 2001-2010) 2011 (International Ecumenical Peace Convocation) . , , , (gender justice) , , .65) , , 2013 WCC 10 .

    . 20 . 2011 . WCC 10 1 . 1 .66) . ,67)

    64) , (WCC) , , (2010/6/28), .

    65) World Council of Churches, Just Peace Companion (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2011).

    66) 2012 ( , YMCA, , , , , ).

    67) 1992 . , , : (: , 2011), . , ,

  • 118 69 (2012)

    .68) , , , , .


    , , , . , , . , , . . WCC . , , . . !69)

    2 . ,

    . / , (: , 2001).

    68) 20 (ecumenism in time) . P. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament, 15. . .

    69) . , , 417.

  • 119

    . . , . WCC .70)

    2025 . 2050 , . . (the Third World) (the Third Church) .71) 21, . WCC 2013 (Ecumenical Awakening) .72) . 21 , . 2013 WCC 10 .

    70) , , , 21 (: , 2008), 185-201.

    71) 1998 WCC 50 . Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom, 2-4.

    72) , 21 , 340, 357.

  • 120 69 (2012)


    (Keywords) 10 , , , , , , (the 10th General Assembly of the WCC, Ecumenical Ecclesiology, the Body of Christ, the People of God, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Communion of Saints, a New Creation)

  • 121

    . . . : , 1989.

    . 21 . : , 2008.

    , D. G./ . . : , 2003., / . :

    . : , 1985., / . . :

    , 2001., L./ . :

    . : , 2002.. (WCC) .

    (2012/6/28). .. -

    . 38 (2010): 382-406. , / . . :, 1985.. . : , 2006. . . : , 2003. / . . :

    , 2001. / .

    : 1990 . : , 2009.

    . . : , 2004.. . : , 2005. . : .

    9/1 (2002): 183-206.Ateek, Naim S.; Ellis, Marc H.; and Ruether, Rosemary Radford eds. Faith

    and the Intifada: Palestinian Christian Voices. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1992.

  • 122 69 (2012)

    Bae, Hyunju. Engaging in Prophetic Ministry in Asia. CTC Bulletin 25/3 (2009), 17-24.

    Bloomquist, Karen L. ed. Being the Church in the Midst of Empire: Trinitarian Reflections. Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press, 2007.

    Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.

    Johnson, Elizabeth A. Friends of God and Prophets: A Feminist Theological Reading of the Communion of Saints. New York: Continuum, 1999.

    Johnson, Luke Timothy. Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church: The Challenge of Luke-Acts to Contemporary Christians. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2011.

    Luter, A. Boyd, Jr. Body of Christ. In The Anchor Bible Dictionary. vol.1. ed. David Noel Freedman. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

    Minear, Paul S. Idea of Church. In The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. vol.1. eds. George Arthur Buttrick et al. Nashville and New York: Abingdon Press, 1962.

    _______. Images of the Church in the New Testament. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960.

    Pannenberg, Wolfhart. The Church. tr. Keith Crim. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1983.

    Robinson, John A. T. The Body: A Study in Pauline Theology. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1952.

    Ruether, Rosemary Radford. Faith and Fratricide: The Theological Roots of Anti-Semitism. New York: The Seabury Press, 1979.

    Russell, Jeffrey Burton. A History of Heaven: The Singing Silence. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.

    Schweizer, R. Eduard. Body. In The Anchor Bible Dictionary. vol.1. ed. David Noel Freedman. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

    Stendahl, Krister. Paul Among Jews and Gentiles. Philadelphia; Fortress Press, 1976.

    World Council of Churches. Just Peace Companion. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2011.

  • 123


    The Ecumenical Ecclesiology in the New Testament:Encountering the 10th General Assembly of the

    WCC in Korea

    Hyun-Ju Bae, Ph.D.Professor, Department of TheologyBusan Presbyterian University

    The global Christianity in the 21st century stands at the crossroad of a drastic paradigm shift, as its great portion of population moves towards the South. At this critical time when a number of unprecedented issues are posed, the church needs to reflect and reclaim its biblical identity in its attempt to pursue one holy catholic universal church. Particularly as the 10th General Assembly of the WCC is to be held in Busan in 2013, the church in Korea needs to revisit the ecclesiology in the New Testament, and to explore it from an ecumenical perspective.

    This study examines the major images of the church in the New Testament with the view of bringing to the fore the biblical ecumenical ecclesiology. The representative concepts of the church, such as the body of Christ, the people of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and a new creation, are reviewed and discussed. Well-known as they are, these im-ages have been hardly, or insufficiently, explained in their connection to the ecumenical effort at church unity and the ecumenical churchs en-gagement in the various struggles for life, justice and peace in the con-temporary world. Therefore, while exploring each ecclesiological theme, this study attempts to provide such a connection in interdisciplinary discussions. The present article aims to lay a biblical foundation for the ecumenical ecclesiology through an investigation of the major concepts of

  • 124 69 (2012)

    the church in the New Testament.

    : 2012 7 31 : 2012 8 22 : 2012 8 31

  • *1)

    2) **


    . . . . , , . .

    , . . ,

    * 2011 .** ,

  • 126 69 (2012)

    . , , , . . .

    . . 1) . . , . , . , , ,

    1) /Sammelbegriff, , , . . /theologia tripartita, , . . Theologische Realenzyklopadie. Band XXVII (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1997), 16; , . , , , . (Politisierung des Protestantismus) , , , , , Rolf-Ulrich Kunze/ Roland Loeffler, Hg., Jochen-Christoph Kaiser, Politischer Protestantismus im 19. und 20. Jahthundert (Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2008), 27-38.

  • 127




    1 1897 8 10 1897 10 13 . . . . 1905 , 1907 7 , , , 1910 . . , .2)


    1) (agreement)

    2) , , 31 (2010), 4.3)

    , , , . 1906 (Francis Rey) , 1993 . , (: , 1995); , (: , 2002), 35-41.

  • 128 69 (2012)

    (convention) . 2) . 3) . 4) , . 5) . 6) , 1907 . . . 7) 1910 . 8) 1910 8 29 . 9) 1930 1960 .

    . . . 9 . . , . , , . .4)


    1945 9 8 24

    4) , , 14-15.

  • 129

    . 1945 9 2 1 9 7 1 38 . 4 , 1 , 2 .5) .

    ,6) (Ernst Fraenkel) , . , . , .7) . , . .8)

    5) , (: , 1971), 1, 2; , - II (: , 1984), 46-47; , , 25 (2004), 458.

    6) Richard Lauterbach, Danger from the East (New York: Harper Bros, 1947), 185. , 4 (: , 1995), 92 .

    7) , , 456-457; Geroge Thompson Brown, Mission to Korea (Seoul: Presbyterian Church of Korea, Dept. of Education, 1984), 168; / , , 1 (: , 1988), 101-102 .

    8) , , 461. , . 1945 10 9 11 , 11 2 21 , , . 1946 5 4 72( )

  • 130 69 (2012)

    , .9)

    . , . . . , . . , .10)

    1) ( ) , , , . , . . , . 2) , . 3) , . , , . , .11)

    2 . , 4, 97-99.

    9) , , 17.10) , , 454.11) , 477-478.

  • 131

    , . . . .12) .

    , , , , , .13) 10 4.3 5.10 . , . , . . , .14)

    12) 1946 1 60 , . 1945 2 . 7 5 . , (: , 2005), 145.

    13) , . / , (: , 1986), 255.

    14) 40% , 1947 9 80% . 2 , 12 . 3 1 5, 10 1946 2 5, 4 5 . , , 146-147; , 4, 104.

  • 132 69 (2012)

    . , . . , , .15)


    , . . , , . () , , , .16) 38 - . ,

    15) (: ) , (; ), (: ), (: ), (: ), . 1946 9 10 , 4.3 , , . , , 147.

    16) 85-87.

  • 133



    . 10 () . .17) 1944 10 , . 145 . , , .18) , .19)

    9 6 () . , . .

    17) 1945 8 16 , . 3 , , 16, 1 . , , 2 (: , 1985), 66.

    18) , 71-74,19) , 102,

  • 134 69 (2012)

    .20)10 8

    . , . , , , . , . . 1945 11 12 , , . , .21)


    . , 1940 , .22) 1945 9 3

    20) , (: , 1946), 136; , , 110-114.

    21) , 116.22) , , 1 (: ,

    1970), 360-365; 1942 (: , : ) , . 1943 . , , 98-99.

  • 135

    . , 11 23 . .23)

    1945 .24) 1945 12 28 4 , , 29 , , 30 .25) 1945 12 31 . , 3 . , , .26)


    23) , 100.24) 1945 12 17 (James F. Byrnes)

    . , 28 . . . , (: , 1988), 177; , , 102.

    25) , 103.26)

    . 1946 1 1 , . . 1946 2 1 , (: , : ) . , 104-106.

  • 136 69 (2012)

    .27) .28) , , . . , , .29)

    1947 2 UN , . , , 5,10 . . , .30)

    27) , 107.28) , : (: ,

    1991), 315.29) , , 107.30) 1948 2 16 , , , ,

    . 9 , 17 , . 1948 4 27 430 . , 124-125.

  • 137


    9 6 , 9 8 . .31) . . , , .32)

    . . . . , .33) == . . .34)

    31) , 1 (, 1982), 24, 48; , , , 1945 9 16 . , ( ) . (, , , ). , . , (: , 1961), 60-63.

    32) , , 119.33) , : , 1 (1983), 358.34)

  • 138 69 (2012)

    1945 10 16 . . 5 . . , . 1946 1 6 3 . , . - . UN , , . 5,10 .35)


    () , . .

    . , . , 1, 49, 51, 62.

    35) , , 121-123.

  • 139

    . , , , , , . . 1 2 .36)

    , , , 1946 1 19 , , 1946 2 15 . .37) 1946 5 , 1946 9 . 10 . 9 10 , 10 , . 10 , .38)

    . .

    36) , , 297; 1925 4 . , 1940-1941 . 1945 9 11 . , , 126, 129.

    37) , , 3 (: , 1987), 93-94.

    38) , , 131.