英文(一)補救教學助理的任務 施雅俐 jasmine 2010.7.6. approaches...

英英 英英英英英英英英英 (一) 英英英 jasmine 2010.7.6

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: 英文(一)補救教學助理的任務 施雅俐 jasmine 2010.7.6. Approaches 校內教師的想法: 綜合參與補救教學的教師對助理的期許 校外專家的觀點:


施雅俐 jasmine


Page 2: 英文(一)補救教學助理的任務 施雅俐 jasmine 2010.7.6. Approaches 校內教師的想法: 綜合參與補救教學的教師對助理的期許 校外專家的觀點:


• 校內教師的想法: 綜合參與補救教學的教師對助理的期許• 校外專家的觀點: 解讀校外專家評選優良助理時提供的建議

Page 3: 英文(一)補救教學助理的任務 施雅俐 jasmine 2010.7.6. Approaches 校內教師的想法: 綜合參與補救教學的教師對助理的期許 校外專家的觀點:

People involved in this programme

Line manager學生學習資源組



Client: 教師



Page 4: 英文(一)補救教學助理的任務 施雅俐 jasmine 2010.7.6. Approaches 校內教師的想法: 綜合參與補救教學的教師對助理的期許 校外專家的觀點:

你要提供什麼服務給客戶?To teachers:

• 瞭解教師希望你協助的部分• 協助教師順利使用網路學園

To students:

• 協助全體學生順利使用網路學園• 課輔 改變對英文學習的意願 / 態度 期中期




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How you’ll be measured at the end of term

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How you’ll be measured

at the end of term

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(四)總評 14. 截至目前為止,我對於該教學助理感到滿意。

15. 我希望下個學期該助理能夠繼續輔導我的班級。

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1. 助理能夠定期向我回報工作狀況。2. 助理會讓我知道工作遇到的難處。3. 助理清楚知道我對於課程教學助理的角色定位。4. 助理對於各項工作能夠盡心負責。5. 助理具有充分專業知識。6. 助理與我的溝通與互動良好。

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1. 助理能夠定期向我回報工作狀況。2. 助理會讓我知道工作遇到的難處。3. 助理清楚知道我對於課程教學助理的角色定位。4. 助理對於各項工作能夠盡心負責。5. 助理具有充分專業知識。6. 助理與我的溝通與互動良好。

Keep teachers informed of student progress

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(二)網路學園課程7. 助理定期登入網路學園檢視同學學習情

形。8. 助理會定期發布公告。

• 運用「到課統計」追蹤失蹤者,試著拉回迷途羔羊。 • 每週定時批改• 與教師商量測驗時間安排機制及重開原則,該如何處理未能順利完成測驗者。

• 運用「課程公告版」建立 助教學生聯絡網• 公告什麼? - 平台使用注意事項 - 課輔注意事項 - 公告 提醒 分享 鼓勵• 進階版:互動區課程討論

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9. 助理每週均有提供實體輔導時段。10. 助理能夠配合學生需求提供適合的輔導

時間。• 上校務行政系統查詢課輔系班級共有的空堂。• 如遇放假或請假,務必補課。• 請假務必事先告知,切忌放鴿子。

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(三)實體輔導11. 助理輔導內容與課程緊密配合。12. 助理能夠激發學生學習興趣,引導正確學習態度。13. 助理充分備課,善用各項教學技巧。

Willingness Attitude



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校外專家意見 1

All TAs should run a needs-analysis

survey at the beginning of the

remedial class find out exactly what

students need so that they can set up

specific goals on what specific skills

(listening, speaking, reading, writing,

vocabulary or grammar) to focus.

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My response to this comment …• So, what is a needs-analysis survey?

• How can you make a needs analysis


• What can you do after the survey?

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What is needs analysis 資料來源: jasmine 聽的一場演講

• Problems solutions

• “ the process of determining the needs

for which a learner or group of learners

requires a language and arranging the

needs according to priorities.” (Richards,

Platt & Platt, 1985, p. 243)

• Methods : questionnaires, tests,

interviews and observations

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Some possible questions 資料來源: jasmine 聽的一場演講 • What kinds of things do you think you would

like to do in the future using English ?• What kinds of things do you think you would

have difficulties with in the English class?• What kinds of things do you think you would

prefer to learn about in this class?• How do you think you would rate yourself

between 0-10 in terms of vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, writing?

1. Can you comment on this type of survey?2. Can you predict the result if you conduct this survey

in a remedial class?

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What is needs analysis

• Problems solutions• “ the process of determining the needs

for which a learner or group of learners requires a language and arranging the needs according

to priorities.” (Richards, Platt & Platt, 1985,

p. 243)

• Methods : questionnaires, tests, interviews and observations

助教和學生共同討論(interview/discussion) ,助教分享自己的學習策略,協商出學生可行的方法。

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What can you do after the survey?

• Help students to organise learning

to achieve realistic goals.

• 參考 Worksheet – Make the Most of

Your Language Learning

Page 20: 英文(一)補救教學助理的任務 施雅俐 jasmine 2010.7.6. Approaches 校內教師的想法: 綜合參與補救教學的教師對助理的期許 校外專家的觀點:

More information for TAs

Ellis, G. & B. Sinclair. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rubin, J. & I. Thompson. 1994. How to Be a More Successful Language Learner. Heinle & Heinle

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校外專家意見 2

More than three TAs have complained about the

students’ different levels of abilities, I am not

sure why this is happening since the students

have already been placed according to their

levels (right?) and this IS a so-called “remedial

programme” which obviously should serve

those low-achievers. There should not be too

much difference in terms of their English


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校外專家意見 3

• TAs should be provided with support on how to motivate students who are passive and not willing to participate. Some TAs sound frustrated about such an issue. Perhaps a list of Do’s and Don’ts can be very helpful at the beginning of the training programme.

• Have TAs share what they have done and what challenges and possible solutions they have faced and used. Learn from each other.

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My response to these comments …是 different levels, 還是 different

characteristics/learning styles, different

extent of willingness or attitude, or

different learning difficulties?TA’s own reflection

on your practice is important.

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要瞭解英語低成就 / 低動機學習者可能的問題• 畏懼英文 / 英文課。• 用不到,沒有興趣。• 有讀書啊,可是就是考不好。• 唱英文歌看影集很有興趣,但是唸英文課本沒有

興趣。• 沒有辦法持續。• 其他(沒有標準答案,大家都來說說看)

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即使是同為初級組來受輔的學生,仍要重視其差異性,再據此發明解決方法,亦即沒有唯一的 do’s and don’ts 。


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如真要講 do’s and don’ts …

• Do identify each individual’s

differences. 學習策略不是移植,是試驗及發展出來的。

• Don’t assume that your students

don’t do this or that just because

they don’t want to. 不背單字,不做 e-

learn ,不來課輔的真正原因為何?

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• Be responsive. 運用平台,即時與學生進行互動。

• Give some kind of freedom to your learners.


吃別人替你點的就是不愛 點菜、享受自己點的菜這要練習

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校外專家意見 4

Perhaps TAs should be required to

provide the supplementary

materials they use for their classes.

It doesn’t make sense that three TAs

failed to do so.

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My response to this comment …• 不僅是上課講義,每週課前最好有 lesson

plan ,課後有 teaching log 。• 每週如即時寫 teaching log ,月底或學


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My suggestions for designing a lesson

• 每週 2 小時課輔,時間上如何安排?• One 50-min session

- Warm-up activity (no more than 15 min)

related to the core text is better

give learner control

- Core lesson (30 – 40 min)

- Wrap-up activity/Reflection (5 min)

e.g. One-minute paper

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• Make your weekly teaching objective

clear to yourself and your students.

• Classroom management tips:

- 務必準時開始,不要等人。 - 教室應清場,不要有看熱鬧的閒雜人等。 - 助教自己應該要準時。 - 定好課輔禮儀,助教自己也應該遵守。

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Q & A

Thanks for your listening.