the union county·stan·dard;'· ·, ========-----------------vol. xii. no. . westfielll, union...

THE UNION COUNTY·SARD;'· · , ----------------- V O L XII. NO. �. WL, UNION COUN, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGtJ 15, IHUR. $J Per Yr. lllllCopla E UNI tOIJNTY &NDAD roreeetonal aarDe. DK. C. I I . ULARK, DENTIST, 212 Front Strt, Plalnel<l, N . l. •tneee arDe. F. 8. 1'A YJOit, PRAICAL PIANO TUNER. 322 Weot Front Street, Plalneld. CAUGHT A FORGER. Two W••tſtelden Oa• ChaM Aher a Whn A•old Pl••rtoe t•eUHAND CRUIHID AT GARWOOD. It's tough . . bll•be d EverJ atardaJ Moln1 bJ e Standard Pabll•hlnr Oonoe, £ , ,1, 1IIITEHEAO, Preoldeat, ? · E. I'ABALL, lee-Preolden&• 1, •· PEARHALL . eere&J·Treuar er, O FFICE HoURS j8 to 12 A. . 1.P to 3 P. M. oi< lence , r Sayer St., Elitb, N. J. J. S, Ferri& ROll H. P. Darllug, of Wtld, hRd Kn nclt i DI uפ en Itt New York lꜵt TudRY, lo which a pr of forged chk& wno canht by tbdr efforts antllo<l hnul tbe ro. A. E. J. t •2 an ploye of the Pr· I•Tnbh•I D, at Garw, and 1• W•leld. While be WHI oפ�t1n1 a machi Ia the couy'o f1orv, .Way, one band wu · aught and ob undr a fa11ing wel1ht. Be wao bnght WPotHeld lld the lnjn band el atteutlon from " J•bcu. IIParY . &TIOTL I ADVAOI. o•oo-ITADARD Balldl••ob on Applition. James Moffett, ca rpe nter and Builder, !1 8t., IERCANTILE CELEBRITIES Almost as noted as The State of N.J. AND ON BA LE AT THE BEE HIVE, IEWARI. Write about 1111 y of them nnd we'll send full pnl'ticulnrs. The $39.00 Bicycle 1M all aut the town. Thertl'8 a mone)' tlter..uce t wet�n ''1'h� RmeleM" At .I and utbe at t;r,,m, That's the only diel'tlll<'e. Our" fur cuh only. Tlᵫt'� roaill fur 1 he price. Butterick Paerns. Latet )·le8 +re out. Al1 tbe lklineat or. AlP the )[onthly He. \'i�w. liutterick Jlllhliction on tltJUette, ial tuuctlonK, �tc,, a l WR ) 'a in stk. Trunks & Bass. 1 his dertment to our Mtore Is ſtll•<l with the ꝏrto o! tr· il+1' na. · HOl trunka, nd . K d reu ca. We' dotn• a Il bulneu tꝏ. Prlee ſtn for it bnide+ the aue ot our ltk, n g the month of August •tore will cl!2 at 1 o'cl k &t- open the evenin g pvlona. al anæ+tbettc or IM aclmlni+te In o . trcttn . DR. J. H. LAWLER, VETERINARY URGEON. GuAte of New \"ork Coil, Ea�rleoc- :.!h:,�·�!!� il · : .r o �i; !oliJ פrform . 171 Nob Annue, Plalneld, N. J. l det. Tolepbone Con"'"' Olce. PAUl, Q, OLIVEit, Atef ot w and ollcltor In CnrJ, STANDARD Bnll dlng, Wteld,N. J. LLIU .• tO• A I&f'J.U.TY. &Y&iIU I, orrtra OPK --· ------- 1'HEO. R. HAUVEY, D. D. 8. OrncE-Fint National Bank Bui l ding. Hoon-9 to 12 a.m. 1 to p. +1. WeBtehl, N. J. DR. W1o. C. C. ROSENTHAL, DE�IST. DIX BUILDING, 4�210 Broad �trt. Elizath, S. J, ONE INUTE'S WALK F DET, Lonwdhdance teleJ)bone, "tH F'' CRAIG A. MARSH, COUNSELLOR AT LA W, R FRONT ld SOMERSET STS. PLAI NFIELD, N. J. Money to loan on flnml amllJort RKe. :EL a. R. of K. �. (AnthriLdt t'n11l u�tl eduh'eh·, Jn�urhl cl�a.nllu�H JUlt·ornfort .I WEITFIBLD POITOIB, ULY 1, I. M. M. 8cUDPBRo Ptmuter, A. c. FIR, t. . , and Mono¥ Order Clerk. A. H. CLARK, noral liver¥ Clerk. )lAlL CLOSE. For Now York, Phllolphla, T renton, I be Nortbeut uth, uthwest and way KtaUo t at 7:l a. m. 2:1& P• m. and &:l p. 10. For Plalnſtold Euton and way otallono at 7: a. w. aod t:W p. m. MAI OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Wl ehl ferenceven. IUVINO R. DOUGLAS, AuENT, MMERCIAL UNION AUR- ANCE CO., L' t' d . . Of Lont lon, Ealand. ,}:tna Fire ln'anrance Co., lla�tford, Uonn. Wb�n ·•le to ltand the journey, he wae lakeD to ble bome In range. . � -- U•htnl•' •It, on a young couple to have t heir new home wrecked hy fire. Fur- niture, house and cvery- thnig gone. Dudle Ave. and El m St. P. 0. s+1 The two W�otel<lero lu qnotlon a re mploy..J In !be <1fllc of the Col+1e פrfume and I J> company, on ,John otrt. The villain In tl te play c+me h i- to the olc of the comn y to lll'cbM•e glo, +nd tender a worth!" . bPck In p+yment. He W rgarled a o ueplclouo lꝏkln+ פnon, an<l two Pin- kerton dettiM wre <ltdetly œnt for, while + dely . wu puIY m a<le In getting tbe g• . meth h IJ In tbe p lnp awaken the mau'e 8 on, +11d o the detiV ar- be tꝏk to bt hl& . M-. Ferrie a rling ue c. aud thro n gh their pff, + lt�an nbt and ae the l . he two who sue cb- YI t he - gratnlatlol lo and · applaof t h�lr frld1, and are lioni In the oc of the comD . The s Tnna1 evening, did a gat de of d+ +1age in Snmmlt and vlelnlty. A lar+e n umr of tr- we otruek hy Jlgbtnlng. Gr t'mpll'o l iden W bit and a bam owu by Jœl 0. Van. th bnlld· lnp were dl1 da and oet on , bot were su by tclen t work. No Insurance "eddie, + · hy did drop e the floor!" C. B. HANN, CARPENTER & BUILDER. Jobn1 prpt!, attend to. -- - of core ma1 dln at l.ugth b eo. but tbe &uell want quick relief; and e Mluute Congb Care will Ye It to them. A fe cnre for child. It Ia "the only barmleee r that prnc Immediate rol te. " J. F. Donall. 1 on either. Not a d ol- lar in the world to sta a new home wit h, all owing to carelessness or thoughtlessness. "Well, I ba Y ꜳy iC II a neiD b, Dd I W - . "-Tth. tlmat Fnmi& b. Shop, North Avenne ave Clark St et, Westeld. WILLIAM U. TOWNSEND, (LeAder of the PIRinſteld Park Avenue Baptist Church Or«�heatra.l MUSICAL DIREOR AND TEACH- ER OF VIOLIN AND MANLIN. Lt'IMtnA tn·n at the re,hlem�e of tol tfleld l•UPIIA. ur term+ awl rt•feren?•s addres, O mert Street, PII\IIIHl<l, N. J. . 1'. KELLEY. FINE:CARRIAGES AND BUSINESS WAGONS. SפciKI attention given to inting, trim· min and rep a ir. Brd Strt, W teld, N. J. M. FUENCH, FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL- CLOTHS; iATTINGS. CRrpet• clalw<l, rette d and laid. Elm Strt , Wt•steltl. Near t . . ·�- CTRAL'S EARNINGS FALL. The CPntral Rallroa<l of New Jp r y WIUo• llrove Waato A Boro11•h· re rts groM Pamlnp forJntJeof.l,041, The olon of Fanw towns hip :117, a < l crPRse of 0, M2 as en m re<l ,·aile<! W l l low Grove Is agitating the with the tme month ofiRs t R r , a n d qneotlon of a rough govu· nment. net lI.�, a <l rea œ of i, 7 + . F o r Mꝏ t of the Inhabitant• are farm ro, Rnd the o i x montho endln Jnne au the r " th ey f l t ha t It is +n ln j not l ce to emo- Pa mh w .. re �.�112,h2, + < lecre+ œ of I '"' thPm y t X to F+nwl town 8,8711RMCoiiiJ•ad with th e c•orre• l •tu J . •hlp f or w+ter, el trlc lihts anti other I n I""'' of l+ot yPar, R n<l net .1, 8 .�0 - i m pr m• em •nto , wbPn tb . . y <IPrivP no 7�2, a de< rpaœ of 19,914, 1 bnet from them, It I• the i< lea of the I IIIOVPro in the 1oroject of in<·orirRtion oraaulz d Haad ofThl•wn. to indnd6 in the new rotth thnt <�· . . tion of Chuk townshi p adjuinlng Willow Thlev �ntere<l the uo of Wtlham Grove, lmt It is not known wbRt th" h n over, <>II the cono ty r uR <I, l ou - \ , n t h ne ut o f I be Cl+rk . townohip פople <1Ky nlht. Rn<l •tole a 'IRD IIty of bur iH to warl the pro cban. The ne••· On Wluea<lay ntght" ru on FI\RWl l"'"l•le, It is oRi<l , Ol'l"e the th e S.hnau I> IRce, t wn w . t el < l pr o j ect b itterly , Petition• huve O and Sp rlnHehl, was enter�<I. '""' " h . ar - œnt to the JKꝏt oce ocial. at Wash· ne•otoleu. The """ Dlht the eRr- ingtom, an<l to ConreꜲman FowiPr, to riR honse of Wilh R III Grnhe, lleKr secnrP the estbllshment of a ot ocP U ni o n , was bruk"n In t o Km l h a r u e, + 1 Will ow Oru�e. If You have been considering getting insurance-- don't wait. Go once to 0. E. PEARSALL & CO., Standard Building, Westfield, They will post you in all particulars . whi a t ul . hiRnketo 'ere tken . All It i• thonght that the st office, if the e xplot . to were evulently the work ""'- 'llrPd , wonl<l ahl the movement for o f an orgRDIZet1 RD of hRr t �M thte \"M ro u gh govettllen t. Anutlu•r tter t'ru Mr. McOarrah. thRt lo Oin thru uh the collnty. ___ __ •·- De<ll' Bro. H•ur•u/1: BKrn• In oth"r place• iu the connty In 1H94 I wao connni••ioue•l hy the have ln entN'<l in a •imiiKr m Hnuer ; [any II <lay'• work I• l<t by sick D emoerats of We•tehl to lit the au<l the fRI'IIIPI'H Rre th o runhly ar.m••·l heR<IHehe, l'llliOe<l b iu< liPHtion 1111<1 " DenwcrKtil' Colnmu" that wa• vnhli•h- over the IIIRiter. They are keeli n their •tomHch tronhle•. DeWitt's Little Earh· eel Wekly in the SIHIHIRr<l. 1 knol!' •tahle•Pcnrel\" lked, 1111<l if the •I•· RiserRre the mo•t effectnnl pill f,;r tlmt whHt "" writtn therein rPtlectetl S. D. WlEll, vrt'<IRtiou• coniinne. they will o rgnuize U\"et·colning Hnch tlicnltieH . ,J. F. llor- the ,-i .. ws of the pRt·ty iu \Ve•tfieltl then, f or protection aKiost tlw thieve<. VHII. when only ohl a111l trit'd DemrKtic GRADING OF ALL DEHCRIPTIONS. . --- ----------- --- - - - - - --- - - . - . . _ print'il•le• were +1tvocatetl. Thnt t'olnmu tauuchlv �tootl fol' �ouwl JUOil, for tht• 'tifnn't>lllUt u l ll w antl or1ler. for the tlh·nn'PUH.>nt u all hnill Plltt•rpr·is> fl',)IU th" �tah· or Ft>tlf'r a l �•l\'l'l1111t'Ut, awl o}•}to�t·fl what o\11' H••pnl.Jau frh•wls t"dl prn l'tion, whit·h "tht�t•ry" i� m.liuly r•pou�iblc fur the tlmawl 1111W t\;r pro t,.diuu to iln•t'. It al�o nppnetl all the "itlinc\llt'l'Uci�" n( tlu• Popali . t�. in· clmlill all form� of (ltJJitkal HocialiW t\tU\l"UUlUl\\1\\�tU. VAH1'IO & fh:t:U.\1, \\'uttK Ot' At.J, KIND� Uut: .T IIUitT �OTIC'. �-\�11 t'UH IH'll,lJI�<l l'l"HI'U.;E�. l'rkt· Ht'I\IIJIRIIIL•. A,f,lr•·�- 1'. 0. Box 1. \\"t•ttlt•ltl. HL·�IdL•ru·t· : Flr·.t t rt•t•t. ===========�--· --·_- = C. E. PEARHALL & CO. , REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. Office of THE UNION Cm;NTY STANDARD, \V e•tHel<l, New ,J er•ey. l•h�al Antl �uburhan HnNt For �Al and To Rut. Fire hraru·� p in Flht·Vlaba Comnies. ltentM VnllJ�. JAMES It DAHY, CARPETS CLEANED MADE AND LAID. GENEHAL JoBBING, Broad Strt, We•tſteld, N.J. P. 0. A< h'esB, x 363. H. F. IITCUELL, PRAUTIVAL PAINTER -AND- PAPER HA�WER, IN A BRANCHES. Residence: Cumrland St., Westfield, N. J. P!t Oce x 269. dtgtoue ottcee. C ONOREGATIONAL CHURCH OJ CHRI8'£. Rev. Hllnr)· Kotctwn, , undaf Mornl, rvice 1 o'clk. 8undaycbꝏl IJ +. YouD ple'• Pra f er Mt1+ + : p, +. EvontD 8ervlceo 7:Q o'clk. General Pray mt1+ + , W day, 8 p, +. A boartf welcome to l. ETHODIT EPIOPAL CR, v. Wm H. Rutb tor. Union Pl. MundaY morol V :n" 1 1t f �i�!�"�.a:Ev!; n·lce ;: o'clk. Clo mtlnK, "vent at i:� o'clk. General ar•r M tn, lneluy eventnp, a I o'clk. e a e t · you a hearty welcome to t� rvlc�s. It not 11\entltled w ith aoy other Coa · ption we abould Jtld t o e you amon our �Jlar attendant& and ꝏJ lovtte you t o maUe thia church your home. If those l'l'inciple were souUtl fron1 the time of ,Jo·e>OII until 1�91, tlwy nre eflllally �onn<l tl> cllly: an(l J a.tlVdcat- F f thl th t e< l them ouly can•e they were tlw All Bd Street Trolley Cars Stop In nt o ' s e rges f'riul'ipl of my J> Krty au my own, Retail Store In New Jery, In the very Hea of Newark. tOI in for Democratic sncce•• only through their merits. Bnt these are periotls wbil'h. however, ar� uf comparat ivl y short clurn.tion . D A t St "11 when the wiles of the <lelllHgogtte CKJ · uring ugus our ore Wl ture the unthinkin maiolity. "eon �picnons example of which recently nl . . d minate(l at Cbil'ago. be Open on Frl d ay Evenlngs an The ulorerof th "Demratic ' Colnmn o f 1�114, 11re uow 11•ke<l by the · l mK j ority of tlw reeeut •o·•tlled Dt•uw Closed after 1 O'clock Saturdays c ratic eonventi m . . to gh·e their �lll'l•o•t . t o the \'ery prutciiJI�• tlutt nuttl J uiy lvt they hH<I ever 1oersist�ntly oppo•e<l No man who i• a Demoerat from prin· Stimulating August Bargain · Sale of Odds and · Ends. na Result of our Sami·Annual Stock Takln1 Fi&ures cut down to cost, ci1•le e.m consistently support BryKn and wRII, for. in loi ng so. he wonlt l d eliberately r•J•n<liKte the fnn<lHmental p rinciples of mocrRcy, and reod"r all the aid that It io poQ1ible for him to give dtroy his J>Krty. "Men who have work for the Dem- oqatic y in oer to carry out cer- tai n nncipiN cannot work, nor vote for cand dat who reject and O those p l p i H, " n they ure Demmts m principle. nnd ll ev thnt the sne- c of the Chi<'ago nominet•s maus the 'rmanent <liwrnption of their JI Rrty. Demratic prloclpt . will ever onr- vive tewrry defeat, hnt no J>Krty <'an tmrv\vſt tbRt e m braces cialn, cutmunism, or any form of rep udiation . Re&tfnlly, T . McGARRAH. "Wb•l"Vee, my lady, every ol nR l e plrt ed to aoheol Bat I've one t biD ll yoo that will ple you-1 aged to + +ve all la•t yr'• j 1"- . Irate Cn•tomer-Take thi• rubbish back. I p+i y o u for renl ivory ll Hnd i• is nothinR bnt vnlcRnite. Sturekeeper-l'm v�ry Horry, sir, but It'• not my fault. I bought them for re a l African ivory, hut it hns como to ruy kuowledge Hiuc:e that thn elephanto hll\'ll t aken to weariu falso tu•k•.-AII Slopur'•· nio-Faith, Pat, wbat doin ? Pnt-Conuuittiu ooicide. niH-Why doo't yez put tbe ro onnd yer neck? Pat-Sore and Oi i, but I cꝏldn't pt me blth.-Troth. S. PLAUT i CO., m Now York, Pbllolpbla, T renton, tho Nont, utb and uthwe•t at 7:&, 8:> m.: 1:10 and &:10 P• m. Fi&ures cut down below cost, Fl&ures cut down to your price, Tbe wo "wb" uæd in cal lin1 ou a b to atop, i8 merely + vuriu u t and ewphatio fono of "ho," forwer)y Ud the 1e •�n+ + This is eily proved, for Chaucer bu "bo" in tbe UP ol "hlt" ("Oꜷtbu Tal� "). When Kin1 Edwa IV h to tbi• ezclatl. be tully tod it iut "whꝏ." "Th the kyDo פiDR tbe cell �lie ( ouæt), cut bl at, and. with bi+h voi, i w hꝏl" ( "Ezeta Hi1 " Pl a 1 1 J Which 1d the tOUI C U d DO w.-Not d Queri Elder-W by, Jꝏk, I tt , W dwn. Jꝏk-Na. That W DD ma, I* WM -ither . -- 18 e x ac tl wbat we mean. There'& neltber honor or pfit In fꝏl- 1•1 p le . e d on't want to œl1+ pl+no just for the Xk e o� k 11 eth 1 •g lhe pro t ou it. · We want our co8towera to go ound IIU a t ae I t bln+a tbe y C au t a a. We'y e en til yniD oue at he In New ark, and we "' ct to here at Je+8t thirty l . We ll ve tim•• u many uotre o any otbe r Jervy dler, and the a two r euouo for lt-rst, l & lalleo t prlc e8 ; �nd, 80 In c 1uaraut wltb every loatroweut. CAS H, INST ALMENTS OR RBNTBD. LA UTER CO., New JN'& ptt lo u• l n. 8&7 6 8&8 IROAD STREET, NEWARK. S T rlu��· �.�Jrt�nflat 11 o'clk. Munday olat 0,B o'cl, at Ella Hall, corner Br and Prꝏt •trtM. Y ONfl EN' l'HRI8'I'IAN ASUCIA· 1'lON. Elw lret. O�n d&tl)'o exc�pt und&)', to )'OUil wen, trmu 10 a. n&. t o 10 I'· w. In tho lln� rꝏm will o found oko, ij. n o ' !� ,W:; d 1 w. Mu•lc aud •&ken. According tbe character of th goods, but our uaual bigb andard of quality atill mainind, s� WORTH OF FURNITURE at acrlfl� Prices at this Oreat le. By reaaou of tbo extremely low price& that will prevail at thia lie, we will uot &end any urtiele of fnruitnl'e C. 0. D., exchamge uuy, or rcrve auy, uuleX tho fnll pric hna boou pa tid. HAHNE i CO., NEWARK, N. J. . _,. "Well, Ule , did li le the 2ODP" "Pow'fole , M J" "Whe did the ph e b zt?" " dat tion ob ript whu do Paul piuta bla pial to e F "-Wubl Tlw The whole ayam is draio an<l uuderwloed by indo l ent ul aod_ou •ore8. Wla Wih Bᵫl ve <dly cN th•m. I& 2 tbe t pe cure nown. J. . rnil. Eld-, m+ +, wba' 1 pi&J; w'• mt awfo' pltyi-JndJ.

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    ======== -----------------VOL. XII. NO. ���. WESTFIELll, UNION COUNTY, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGtJST 15, IHUR. $J Per Year. lllllf'Copla 5C·

    =---TIE UNION tOIJNTY 8T&NDAD l)roreeetonal aarDe.


    212 Front Street, Plalntlel

    Thnt t'olnmu �tauuchlv �tootl fol' �ouwl JUOilt>\", for tht• t-'tifnn't>lllt>Ut ut' lllw antl or1ler. for the tlh·nn'PUH.>nt ut' all hn!-�illt>!"'"' Plltt•rpr·ist->:-; fl',)IU th" �tah· or Ft>tlf'ral �•l\'t>l'l1111t'Ut, awl o}•}to�t·fl what o\11' H••pnl.Jh-au frh•wls t"dl prn tt-•l'tion, whit·h "tht�t•ry" i� m.liuly r•• .-.pou�iblc fur the tlt:'mawl 1111W t\;r pro t,..diuu to ['i.iln•t'. It al�o nppn�etl all the "itlinc\llt'l'Ucit>�" n( tlu• Popali ... t�. in· clmlillJC all form� of (ltJJitkal Hociali."!W t\tU\l"UUlUl\\1\\�tU.

    VAH1'I!'i:O & fh:!lo:t:U.\1, \\'uttK Ot' At.J, KIND� Uu:"'it: .-\T :O:.IIUitT �OTIC'I!:.

    �-\�11 t'UH IH'll,lJI�OII until 1�91, tlwy nre eflllally �onn cllly: an(l J a.tlVdcat-

    F f thl th La t ely short clurn.tion.

    D A t St "11 when the wiles of the Krty.

    "Men who have worked for the Demoqatic pRrty in order to carry out certain r,nncipiN cannot work, nor vote for cand datee who reject and OJipod in the 1ame •�n1111. This is eusily proved, for Chaucer bu "bo" in tbe 8tlU80 ol "hlllt" ("Oauterbury Tale��"). When Kin1 Edward IV had to woe tbi• ezcltUDatlou. be lllltulllly torn


    lJ!iiQt:E ROOK COVER. A LETTIA 'AQ ... MR. MOODY. ��ooooooooooooa��oa����MX� - ARTISTIC BINDING FOR CHOICE

    "-PEA COVERED PUBLICATIONS. ..... .,One ll.-quii'P��t �lmhltt t"lnp" and

    ,._ Eaert•l.., of fh,.ul Tuh' lh•rnrah• 'W'IIh rt•n anti Ink !i"kt"trh nr a Wat•r -rn.-.1.,..

    ftt.'\\' �'11\'l:lt I� f't!L!JI·D .\�II )I.\ !IE. 'Efh_>tl, nr a :--kt'tC'h in Jh'll and iuk, if tlllt' WT'\•f1•r.-;, nr in oil:- �ltghth· 1.dhkd. Tlw ldll·rin;..: ill t!1•· app••r'ltt• ,:,.!.Jd' of tlw t'll\'"1' �h·�ultl 1��· �Jit•·l··�:-- au�l. qnainl and ourl iw·d ill g. lit\, ..-ith faint t"ttdw:-- of n·d.

    Tbc• ll tJITttW rlhltoln, wllli'il H ' l '\'t ·..; a.; tlt' only "hirlfliu-.:." pa:-::o:t·� thr•,ngh tl11· f'",.·�k "itllllt'Wh•·l't' tlt':tr it . ..; c·t·!lkr a11tl np tb'-' �dtt�lto lt'llj..nl1 of tlw bad\ of tht· Cll\'· t.r. t� illl! in a (':tr,·k:-o:-; lit tit• how at tht· top. Tht• wltolt•'t·d i:-o d:dnt�· in th1· eE"Crt·mt·.

    'Tlte "ht•s:o; artistic il· lo..;tratioH:-< �o nnwh thP ht•ttt·r. Hu('h n. \tl l'Y a fri,

    'II'DN:iug authority, il'l tlw lwMt titutl for .�fUtlt> ontthHJr PX('rdst·. Tho!oit' who do�h1i in autPhn•akfu:d walli.M or J,tymtm�· .aiH llrt.' wal'llt'tl, too, that. "t.•arly tnorn· �t.'li:t•n·i:;e" il4 al'i muUh and needK tti.mul.ation rather t lmn furtlwr tuxinK. .S!.ll l t · lmt tlw•Hth•!>it t'XPI'l�isu �o;houltl lxl 1Ukt.'ll until tlH' t·xhau:-:tt•tl �'�YI'itt>JU huH ""'�-'II I'U}lplh·d with alnuulaut uou!·bh:Jtt'llt.

    lt, tht· t•arlr afkrw •oil, estweially if a :tftttHlay cliHw ·r lw takt·u, tlu.J ru:;ult;o; tJt' Lt'htal lah•r art· unt, al'i a rnh•, �ati�· 1'1rt••I'\", lwf'aU;oit• tligt· .... tilll l awl :Otlll!lll ttl••ugitt t'allnHt lll'OC'I'I'tl tllgt'thc •r. 'l'hi:-: ia.•.-r i:-o a \n·IJ r•·•·o�uizt•cl ow• hy 1dl iir-.uu wurkt·r;-., aucl tht·l't\ aro ,..:ontHt'lithu· th�tswlw think it till' ht•ight ,,f t' l'UI'lty lt'� pupils awl tt·adu·r:-o alikt• that sdHMI -t:L•U}tl bl' ill �t ·:--:--iou �It t}H� aftt•l'JlOOil . f't\•IU IHHlJl UUtil aftt•l a o 'doek tht•l't' is • i'�''l't't'Ptihlt• tli:--iw ·liuatt�m to work.

    ��.·-· l'lll!!}larativt• alJst•ltlt•t•tricity ·Ln•JH tlw arJuu.�plil'l't' wakt• . .; rJw I11·Wl .& ·-��-r awl indw·,·s drint of rioh milk�ll!D i• bottur. Stir iuto it h"lf 11 plot � lolb, ohreddlld vllr)' flue, IUIOl a well tlll&eJI e1p. Coull a llllout.ll 1114 �

    Laying of Flag Stone Sidewalks and Curb a Specl�lty. EST,nATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION,

    East Broad Street,

    J. St. IR\/ING, Dt:AL);R IN

    CoAh, -LUr«BE�, B•II�IIJ llttrllll IIII�IIJI, .. � llt�IIIJ ••••.

    Fertilizers for Lawn, Gurden und Field.

    Office and Yard---Central Ave., near R. R. Crossins, Westflel�. OrdWPr wonltl tellll to !nil .-vt�n l"�ttlow it.- l''"'' of rn·cHhlt'liotl 1\1111 th� tl�nu•n•l for it would )'l'lll'tit·nlly t'PIIMt'; tlmt f,., thttre wottlcl ht" 110 mort� •lnl111ro t•oittP!4 of vonr "nuhnutt�•l tit>· mntul'!'' Thnt �olnt'thiul( nf thi!4 khul won }f) ot't'tlr !11 pro\'t•n by thP f1u·t that wt> ah't'lltiV lmvH mort > �ih•t>r cloJlnr,. tlum nrtt !'t;ttttil'ttcl hy tr1ult>. Of tht'. 4:10 othl 111illin11 ""ih·pr tlollnrM l'nhwcl "'lllt't> FPh.t�;�. tht>rt- IU'P IJWI't' thnn a;, milliou of t}wm I 'fiUI( idlt� ir1 tlu-� 'J'rPd�IU'.'' to thl�' witht�n : �����- papt·r ont n�otnilll'lt tl�t'IH \\'h\' i• it th11t thev 111\' tim• t•ll•··: \\' h; ...... i"' tlw "tlt•mnn•i" w.-'twnl'�"n tnndt :1bnnt·: It' Wt> tiwl it impoi'l:-�ihlt• to tll"t> what �iln•r \\t• nh·t>aclr lul\'t>, t'rt�m wht>IIC't' i:-� to t•ouu• tlu� ;lt•umwl for nu ntJiimi lt't) HIIIOtlllt of it•: \\'hut I'Uil J't' :ootth from I"Ht'h )t>Ki�la.tinn lmt rt'l11·1t1in finn nwl tlio�a:-�h·t·� I ('ottft>"'H I l'ttll l"t>t'

    $75 CAIN 011 INfta[I:MiN!I Buys .SCRIVEN A HAND'� new bl1h·1rade 1rb��

    � .. �COMET This bicycle is manufactured by �RIYEN a

    and fullr guaranteed. No expense ts spared to make this best bicycle on the market, Bring in your old wheel rrake an exchange for a "Comet."

    Scriven tr Hand, � -· -- --- -------

    rtnthiu.L(' .-ho�t> ,Ions :\loop\',

    7.::. H EHE is 110 occnsio11 !or 8l'llt1ing out of tow11 for Milk and c.._ � )lount Amrnt C n•nmery i� nhle to supply all tlt>mnntls. Onr milk :ulll errt•t>i\�P Amrri('I\1M rt>a) (lt•\'otiou tn �rt•at itlt·nl!'-1. Our Drititda kirt�nwu thouflht lt.>i a },ot'dt.� of .,zrafh:ritul ... autl not hitlfot t·l�t·, wltt•r,·a�, in Apih· of "Kl't'tlling ah!'inrpt it u iu•rial thiu�:-�, tht• national lift• wn�o� grap· plilllot with mij.('hty t>thit·al a11tl political hlt·aa�o�, whi('h tht• Ml'ltl:-:hw·�1'-l 11.1111 irn•· H}IOJH�ihility t•f pohti,· iau�o� nlight l'iOBll'· tinw�o� 11i�tort, hut ('OUltl 111 \'1'1' �o�titlt•. J. .. ,·ig-h Hunt, a� Low�·ll n:o:t·fl to l'PntiiHl n�. lhmt'H rirt• l'K'arcPly �-tr••at t·nou�h to clo llllU'h PX�'C.·ution ovt•t· MPU. Curlvlt· �lll>t'rt'd; Wt' r.•mtn•cl hiH clp4flP})1'-Iill ancl for.,a\'P. Hu�kiu t>mptit'fl tiH' viall'i of hil4 t•lo· qnPnt of our \'t·tu:ratiou for hi!"! propht>t'l'l tnt':-Vt'U Vtmtun•tl now tUJtl tlwn to "l"'"k of th�lll· thing• 118 j(rt'Ut; but the words •its U.•ttt •r on their lips 'hun on oul'l�timatPR fnrniKhetl on npplkntiotl.

    JOHN INGRAM, Broad Street, Westlleld,

    Has u new stock o! imported

  • OREAT REDUCTION .., ., .... ..... .............. .,_ , .... a .. •·-- ·-Spt�ing Suits and Pantalopns

    Whell lprlq reponttq t• oontllm· pia� OIIIIUIJell('tl at tbe top of the .._ Ulcl-'· down to tbe bQttom. The 1m lllllld lhoal\1 be the 11J1M8 room. Cle1111 oat the llfBle If there b• been a ft!V lD lt. Wltb 10111' old111' ...,.._ take oa& tbe 111011! lOOt wblob lull oollected dur· lq the blOW)' 1'111)'11 Ita winter. The oellt -AT

    WATSON'S .;. FIN D I NG w hav m t d u p t ( ( rr n y F l l' E OAR· 'MENTS for this s a! ( O , we have decided to sell t hem RE· OARDLE.SS OF CO.ST. Everything must he sold as we never carry new good s.

    over any stock , but start each season with fresh

    m0\'8 aboald be fOI' tho ol_,t. BmptJ oat eYei'J article, w•b the lbel'l'el and dn1t the wall1. Tbon put It lD order. The wlntm clothe�! PMk away. Pollow· log thla cloan oat the bureau drawen and Into tlrom depo1lt all the ftxiDM!I of tbe dl'ellling table, IICarf•, plnouohlona, eto., which the dirt and dn•t will al!oot. Turn your next attcntloo to tbe hea"7 curtain• RDd port.ICI'tl& Aftm •baking them Olllcl'ully folnr· rha•cd at any hout. 'l'ht>)" lll't lruued Hnwothh· A.nd nratly. Not u thrt>l\tl u1 lht> fabr ic t s l njuretl. Tbe rt•Hult ls perfoct �M�.t .. iHfnctlon to �·uu , amd�to U!t, The American Steam Laundry

    ' Elizabeth, N. J,

    MOREY .t LaRUE, Propa. WdVtm eRlJ!j llontlay• and Thunu.IR)'S tu

    \\�eHtlleld. A poHhll nmile1l to the uftlce will re

    cei\·� pl'olllpt ntt�ntion.

    FLASH E D INTO til it llt•COIIIl'H a dividend poyPr. Mony Bow DaobJ•aF RtutUt�d a Dalw All DQ to �;:: t��� g;�:!l, r:tR��!001�i��:u K��t l'ala& • Plc&uro, large qu .. ntitie• of ore from tho begin· Charlr·o.N{)('l Flngg of N••w York tells ning. lntere•ting •torico of bohemian lif•· in J. B. HogRin, the milliotiairo min•· Puis In the finful of hut· t(•r, 2 tablt·�lM.MJuful� of �\1�\\r, 2 c�p;� anrl a pinch of Hlllt. Hub tlw hominy Hmooth with the IH>wl uf 11 •pnon, work tlw buttt>r aml t-mJ,Car togt•tlll'r, stir in th(l milk. "1:1!• 111111 Halt, pour into a butterer •took and lot them boil about two minute•; thou add them to a quarts of IJ(I(M\ ooup otook and boil gently for two boon.

    An El·enlna Bodice. A low cut bodice fur Bll .,vooiog clress

    tbat Is c•pcoially adapted to youthful ligures Bllcl fresh complexioos Ia made In turquoii!Cl blue velvet. This bodico and

    4 FRENCH BODICB. tbe bulluon sloovoa are adonlcd wltb a bortha iu whit" mWilin, eclgtHI along tbe vwadyketl front und th" BCallnpod opau· let.. with frilling dloplaylog at each Bllgle a �tte bow. Two owall 011811 oatch down at tho waut a box plait drllpery whloh 11steucbi u 1001111 end& llll tho liklrt.

    ll:n Fo• aa laYalld. To prepare an "IlK for a •lok penon

    beat tbo 01111 until Ytlry light, add Ilea· IIODhllf to tute w1d then 1te11m Wltil thoroughly warmed thro1111b. Thl• wlll not take more than two minutes. The m011t delicate •towacb will bot able $a diae•t lt.

    -ICOI'ChJnr, mum, aunahlny aummv Ia with us In aU Ita clorY, anc:l with it comci the outlnp and the lnnlnp-the daya on the mountalnl anc:l In the sUrf, the tvenlnp In the parlor In the IOda1 wh!rL

    No matter where you go, how short or how lon1 you stay, which way you pass your vacation, there are sure to be many thlnts needcd-thlnt'a, prhaps, that you netfccted to take with you-t h i n gs you really must have to properly enjoy yourself.

    To those who have wants we would suggest our mailo()rdcr s e r v I c e-the quickest In all New Jersey -through which you can buy anything usually obtainable in a well conducted dry goods house.

    We prid� ourselves on the goodness of the quality of our stock and we are sure our prices are right.

    ��li!Sii' ,, ....

    Wjf� Cor. Broad & Cedar Sts.

    Newark, N. J,

    Walch Bros.,


    n. .. -- AH Wnrn u All .__, Their 1'-tr lo &adl•- "n.,n Are C..• -ble aad ll•ple Ia I:IIIM!t o othenAn Ela ...... IOI A .. ro. I• thero A period when a teA ROWD dOCII

    not of! or lt�elf penuaslvely Bll a gRI'Dieo• to be Included Ill ono'1 wardrobe? Tbo 11J11wer aPJIC!Brll to be that whether It I• !l)lriDR, nmmer, antumn or winter a new tea IJOWD Ia " rl""lrohl" addition. The word1 tea gown noworlaya are of wlrlo •iRDIIIOIUie. They cover all 1ortH of lnc\oor di'Cl«lih aJ't• of plain whitt• woolt•n Rhdf, nn! t'J.CJ.( l1lnt• and pink, UP>l Wt•ll llfi whitt'. In:-ott·acl of fol· lowinJC fo1implP ;u11l !-'1'\'t'Tt· tailor moclt·lH, Harp(•r's Bazar tt'll"' that till' dr•·!>i"'ml\k· f'rM makt> \'c•ry full� of hhu·k �atin ril1hon. Vc -Ktl'o Hf Yt·llow pi(ttW art• ia h.•antiful t•rt'}I IIH J..:n,�·u!", a� Ollt' of tlark J.{l'1't'll pon, with y('llow \'c•:--t t•ut low, :uHl tht• c·rt·pon :-okirt drap1·tl to ,.:htJW yt•llow pi1.llll' at the foot trim· ml'd with ht·avy iu:-.l'rtion.

    llnw tn \Inlow 11 \\'t•l"h l:tthhlt.

    IJke blllou•n•ll. d,..,epela, '�:!! !'Ilion. oonr •-h. 1ndlp��tlml an !Ureol by Hood'o PUll. TboJ tlo �

    Hood• euf!J' aM thornnKhtr. Pilla Beol alter �lnn•r pill .. II ernt!ll. A I I flriiiUtl!llb!. PrP(IQfP� by C. I. flood .t Co., l.aftl,-. Tbe untr 1'111 to !aile wiUI Rooicl'a .........

    THEODORE A. 1111. Westfield Nurseries. Fruit, Shade and Ornamea�

    TREES, And all Hard y Plants b'

    Lawn and Garden.

    rlainly rerceptible

    To Pnry ' l"ltor are tbe rt•ftfl,()ll� wb1!k rnnkt· 1 1 l•n .... Thlt· 1 1 1r U !'- to cio tht- Lho\'1Jc.•,�1: ,�,... �t,:,1ti,i;: n·��!.' u!.'�":::�:.n'���:r·�u 't·L�f'�.h:�:;: l i"'tk Vll t t · t it iniH r!'l. lu�t�:.'\.::��·��('\�.���k!11:!;

    lc•i la� 1� 1:Jn����!�� :t�::x'� Jo:n·r� oru· ha., '''"."q· ltlfl(lt·rn lll'l'lhtrH'f' A JYl ll:l'" purntn"' t11 "a'+· t wu· nhcl t':\ l•t·ll"'•·· l:n·rJ(btuc 1., 1l 1 •t1 '' !>)t»h·mufi('ully. I t 11111� itllt •rt"t � � �u fo k now t hn1 ""' tcltit F\r�t l'l't wimu nt 1l1t' !'t·w .1t'TH•y �th.t•! FU.


    Tt·t·th F.xtractt-.o1l \\" it h f �a .. ur .-\ir

    :!:.·tt ;,4"< . .'t.4

    Tt·u J.COWUtol thi� fo;t•nf"oll llTC' fal'"hionahly mmlP of t'rt•txlll :uul Hilk. Fnr iu:oOtant'P, otw UU\(le in. lthwk ('fl'\KlU. fall� full ft'om a �>'harK·d �·olm of ro�t· pink h�·a�aliJH', !>itripf'tl with j:t, tht· lar..ct, hll't'\'t';oi tu·iti..C f ' lltirPlY of lJl·;l�aliw•, with cll·t•p t'rill� c ;f ltlaffurt of tryiug to lt•arn l>y ml'llmry will mnke th

  • 4 THE U NION COUNTY STANUARD, SATll RUAY, A UO U �T J o, lMI:JU. ., Rf:Jito 1 ". 1 1. Of' Til Jo:!',I I'ITA I, II' A t.f,

    STR1:1:1· S.l lf> TO II F. Til#: IIAf'

    l:.'lT f'I,A CF. POR IT.


    I f um· 011� of the fonr millinn nn · t•mploy;•,l will l'nll ut tho• l-IT 1 N PA Ill> oftkf' IH run gil·e him 1\ joh pnlluur Wl'l'nh•tl m Hll t>u"'y c..·hair

    at rock bottom prlc•

    ea. Ul'ept 8•tnr•lnys SatnrdaJ e\'enlng 7 llll to I I , floor 2�c. (;ol �rnmen t ! ( o on•l fr

    I• tht l'l' IIIII' mnrr jnst 11':11' to 1 ,liSt>t PR\�t>

    " tr •. And lo ""'' n •• u ... In oiRII. tuent• •ntlnLJie fur hkyt•llug Here I• a eample of the•••�

    Trolley Cars frow Ralt way ••err minnie• ( t rt.l\ t· ! l 1 1 1 t · J' t t of tl"· l"'" l••e t wn It rlt•mands "'"' n·· Tlw An�tra I all �o\ o L'anw .In 1"'- I l'l'l ' e� 'J at till' l'l!!h t I I IIIll'lt'Y ShPt»el"!!(m eolort>tl. WRH R1' wttt>. ot PlnmHt>hl, sr� ft>)Cll'ltt>rt>tl H.t tht> rni!(nl']'t'III'IIIH'l' o f 0\11' i ] l tt stratt•ntl with u fttlt il'tln An D)Cly womul tnuu·� Jtropt•rty hurt> nut tht> womnn "' "'tlltt>lllt'llt l"tHtll Frnuk Fr..ehill, thP trnmp who nhnut lwr t'OIUillRint tlH' ,Tn�tu·t> i,.,"'1Wtl n war n , t>nt llgn l'lhot nwl ktllt-tl l'-\t)f>l'tlll ( Hlk nmt for ShttJt rsou "" 111 rt>Ht.Rtul ConMtnhlt> t>r· .J ... wt>JI. in Huhwuy, wJnh• n• .. t!II.I J IJ).( Pil'kt>ll 800JJ luul hun In c..•nr-�tmly In nrrt>!ll.t , Ita"' t>Ht'npt•ll llotu tht> l\lolll"' t·ourt thtt Jlri�ont'r ntlmittt>tl tlw U!olr&unlt Plin111!4 lwmw• A�o�) lum

    L·ultt "' ))nngnla fox.-tl t 'lt �th Top. Button lltlll LuP toll w01 th f1 �:. nt

    131l') de Leg!!inH,

    11.00 45t ��

    • 1 11 1 1 1 "�'� th l' tlltS\\'l'l' 11� tn ;, hat tlu· It i s a lmttl•• nf t ill• nt .l'-< '· : oe!; . l l l l•t 11 1 ! 1 ]-\\ al e• a l t' slll l l og '"llll' t i llll' 111

    nwl bnttPrV. bnt t lal lllt>tl lw luul only Rt•\' ,Tame!ll. 1'-illt.t!"'tt>r. of Summit hn'" no�t>d n WtltH.\t>u dnh .uul uot a ft. tt 1ron. l't>t't>l\'t>ll t llt' "PPollltnwnt lt!ll. Ptofto!II.!OI.ot of 1\!4 nllPgPtl in tlw t•omplaiut Natntal St•tt>lll't"!ll. m tht> AHio(lo l'hliW!II.t> Iu tlttfnnlt ot *'!OO hnil lw wnH t•otu l'ollt>Kt> l1l Foo·Chuw t'hllw nwl \\ I l l \Vp ha•l conllll(lll('etl tn tlnt tt�r 011 1'· mit ttt1l tn th� c.•um1t\' 11111 to nwntt t tml. at ont't' prut·t·ed thert•, aLTOlli]IIHlll'tl b� H. C. PI KER, � __.,� � llll' elasses 11•t•l th" St 1 " " \ IU � I ta- \ oH•ml •Pt. A h·,:"'r' t i ll• au " a 1111 tron bl 1 not < ' l l t fn l t l " .' n r l l i-[1'! t l tt· r i· ft·IPI ·c..)� t 1e ·� l?.a Jet 1 to Elizttlwth. 8nhu1l.t� m;truing-.loll rlltll 8 !!Olol l{llll With ntll' ll't:llt I Lawl·er Poull u Oll\ el lm• bt.en t'e 1 hr •e t'l'l'lerM of tlw Eiiznl>t'lh Athletrc · 1 w "'l Club l'o\.t'tt>tl thPilll'lt>h't L A W Statt>lllt>t-t at Putt-J!40U lu .. t fl'l'l uwl ;-., "'t cmulM The Trea•ur•r of 'II•• t:unutry Hnm• ll•- euongb to Ht>ll ll good thing if " Break tl u\\ 1 1 till' Moii�� ·Ol' lll< 1 ar1 1L t i l l· h,11 o k •• t • 011 t h •• otlwr snh· t i l Tl u t �tlav that th'e .Journal pull- . Lt>\Vi� Lt> Clair, nf tlw Pt-t>rlPM!ii\ �nh --- - ·----

    tmrh Many•r•l llonatfnn". know nbont it. We use our beet The tre11•nrer of the l'hiltlren'• l'm•n I fiiHI LaLor wal k :< ll).(ht t l t l'tlltgh 1 1 1 a • ·nntt-;t • I I < t, a> t ill' lll >rlol 1111> l·\Pt'\" �\·wlieattl, 'l'l lJ-.t awl {' , ,mbtut I IL1 \ 'l l Hl'l' l l . i 1 1 t ile countr.1 . · · 1 -...,.-----It rna\ hL1 intt�rl' .. t ing tn k no''

    1. · , , , . , , , , Ill!(• Compnny. ol H,u·1voo � · who h1·e• DECIDI:.S TO SHAKf T H E TOWN. t•d h \ lt ll Fallnl•it•s" nllll lll'tulllly \Y 1ile hi' wns retm uing !'wheel from Bill Per riue, 11 well known ebnrnciPI itt We•IHeltl, h11• •h•tin�c�m•hetl lum•elf tln� wt·�-k h�· drl'nlntiuK u UHJI'It rt-umrk nhlt• !Jnper tbron!(h town ln thi• t•nt••r Pt>rr1ue ""tutt>K tlmt if IL c..•t-t·tum n.u1onut of UIOIIt>\ l� tmiJ�t·llht>l] h\' tht' l'ltiZl'll"' tot' lli!ll. l1t>llt>fit, he Hg'I H''"� to lt>H\'e tht> towu fm a Vt>Hl Ht> h•t·l� ct>rtmu that ht> t"' otlt•llllg. a grt umt ter, Rl-l he hns met wuh �tU'l'P@.� I'IO fnt", nwl tlw llldtt l'Xl't>l'l�>�l\ t> lwnt, 11t n�. \\ I' Ill'!' so�·r·.' t� hun: madt· the ""'"11" of hi• who>l'l l(nl·e " l ln•t ""'I 111:111 n11r pl n tOI'I'II!t< · , l'll'h IIPighhor : I threw him to tlw gr .. mul It wn• some hut Ill' l ill'\' 11 1 , :l"aill I I P X t w�ek . Iu t ht• hnppenetl: 'l'lwu h e took Ins Wll) •low llt.ckuell of Hl'oh'h Pluin•. to '"')' the ARCHBOLD & ccuD honttl of two sil'k dnhlt't-'n for tlw Pntirt> i) "' "' 1 o te to t l'll • t lt•] >ll'"'n i ll'• �ld\ ut Wall stn•••t �lonetl 1 1 1 e1 t l'V t•n inl l ll'� anti l lnbai t .

    defeat be•·attse i t ;put u p t h e ]I l l t111 11111K u l'olller tht>rt", "' •r· h• t h•• t l tonsaHtl to the l-Ith e� hi• '''het'l •hl'l"''l '""l "�""' luwl ... l him • l ·' . . m tht> roml )Jr. Let'lmr l'tllllt' lwtue to dtd•• tutti for . Allll•I'ICII, nnd U)!:llll8t We•ttiehl. TueMtlll)', wrth 11 •prnuwd t ill• I(OI•l h.tTwo of the ehilth·en at the Country Home. hoth Hurglelll

    bread. hilll•nlt• 111111 roll• would be very acceptable Rl the home


    All modern conveniences.

    Reasonable offers solicited. We can't for the life of us see why u Wall etreet man's daughter should have a more royal bridal out· fit than the farmer's daughter.

    The great majority-the weulth producers of the W Pdt uud Southlire becoming t ired of ho.ving the re· suits of their lubor ub110rbed by clBII laws, bou�ht aud paid for by a com· par11ti vely few otouopoliar.s. 1'he light is on, and can have but one ending-the triumph of Justice over Injustice.

    the silver aide. nut it appears upon lucorjiOrt&ton are John Linder, of Brook· correspondence between Mr. G reen lyn; w. B. Elliott and J . W. &kbolwe. aud Mr. Whitehead that the former of Wt�t�tftelJ J , •• ,. n � primary lllotwy, us it wus ltl' l'n ll' It WIU oll'thl'OIIl'tl in lBj:l 11t the •lil'latinn of tho money shur.Js of Wall stn•l't who Wre truit'>t'll lll till' war ntul to-d11y, huvin� got the t'll' In Westtlehl. Mmu1ay e1•eniug, no an nnuucetl in l11ot Wt't'k'o !IT .\NDARD The meetlul( was at � o'dock,on Brnlid street, next the Bnuk hulldiug The

  • 111 IJNION c111m II'Aotu \ PloPu vou KNow. I WILL PAIS THIIouo" waeT,.lLD. I W18TF1ELD. N. I. AUG. IG, 1811. -:· R. Wh�ltiDI In lhlp- A Jre• ., •• _-;;.;;;;.:;; ••••• •• .,..,. - ••rrtc� I peno r,, Pa. &rte •- Ae,_ ft• u•••· _ _ .. _ • M -;�• Katherine Fairbairn Ia at W eot The •raollcate formed to build an elee· BEATTY -ci.ARK-Br a. ... W. H. Rt�tJ�t 1 1 · Cob a. trlc rot��l IICI't8! New 1-1. COitllf!CiiDI tb• Metbodlot ... ..._. Weotllold. 1'1. ·• Ca-11 Willlam :S. D.llu l:M hharned to New York and Philadelphia, l.o talrinlf •• Wod n-'•r •"Ain•• A••· ft, ,.,, r. ada - hula• h uudloy "· Clark, o! Jlountai!Mldo, and a. ' - · ateptl to carrr out the Jri'Nt I!C eml!, Eotell• Beatlr,ot &lloabetb, N. J. -Robtrt WhP� 11 tallln1 1111 wtiDI •r• a Treotou dlapatch. The capltallota _ at Cold 8priop, N. Y. lntereoted Include es· Mil)'Or F'ranlc A. ••nte an� .acre. -1. H. Vt&ll or Phll•delphla, Ylllted MaiOWIIn and I. Rnrr Dlirr•h.of Tren· _ __,.;..;,..�...,..===�==..,.= thla place ou Thunday. �aud I. Canby of PblllltiPlphla. �R · !lA I.K--81 Cordo W'IIJII , ... ",;��; -John J lehmltt atteaded tbe 8 be New Yor' and Phlladelpbl• Trac· E lenrJibO IO olllt. Ira c. t........ notlflcatloa' In New York. rran =a�om:::b' �:·.��:ll the war ciOIII'tl thPre were two 11reat debto r...tlr111 apon thl• govern· ment. One WM the tlebt doe to the men who had l•>ftlletl the 11overnweot money with which to carry oil Its military operatlo11o . The othPr "Pbt wao tine to the men who had wllllrt(IIY oltered their lh·PII for tbe pret�ervatloll of the Am.,rl· rail Union. The oltl oold!Prs waltetl on thPir pPnoloJJa until tblo gt'Pat debt of the Go•·er11me11t wa• well out of the way. They waited patl�11tly Olltll the HovPrllmellt of the Unlletl StHIP8 ha•l retluced 11eRrly two·thlrdo of the great lUOh�y deht." * * • • *

    I. Ja IILDER8LEEYE Dnriug August open Friday evening, closing Saturdays at 1 p. m. 11< t'u, ed ft·om their wedtllog tour Taeaday. from New York to Phlla•lelphiR, bao ' materl�tllzed periOl.'eiU"�t'tl wlthln ntu� month� frotu tb� fourh't'lllh dlly nf .lnl), 11"1-l, or tbe)' w111 1� furtl\'1'1' hm·retl trum Jlfu�uUUK or l'�l·uu•rir•W' lbt• I'IU.Illt' llllRiiHit tbt> e!U�erH�r. .J. lh:NKY 1'owsu:y,


    !IIi•• Etllth Whet ry are visiting ill Ctlr· 11egi�. Pa.

    -111nrtin WeliP• atul family are en joyl11g 11 few week• vacation at \\' ater· \'ille, N. H .

    -1\llos Lulu Howard I s t h e newly ap· pointed teacher of the school at Park·

    ThP following I• R report of the Huau ciRI olllcer of tbe Ft·.,.h Air C11111p for July, ohowlng I'I'Celt•t• of mottPJ anti provlolntJo fur the CHilli' : Collecte•l by E. L Fos, � �II : J. T. U. Durnford, e5; tiUPO ER•t artl Mtreet 1\li••inn. Plllilllleltl, *'l ; tines E. L. of l\1. E. chut·ch, Cranfor•l, t5 ;tlnPs Y. P. S. l'. E. of Pr�o. cbmcb, Cranfor•l. t�; E. R. Ackerman, Plaillllelltl, ,...., ; Ct·tmf.ortl friend; tt . 7.� : King's Daught ers, !: tlca, N. 1 . , t8: 1\lro. W. L. Pru11· teddte I• a member, wu 111 Swltserlaud tbla week.

    Dated Aul. llb, ••· -Arthar rl&�IJ bu purch.-1 Joteph --------------· l s.ttell'a hollll8 on Moa11tala R'feuae aad

    ezecatl'fe committee al10 llllknowledp waay other donatlo111 or Yetretableo and provlalou aent to the Camp b7 lrlod frleadl.

    ... --.. -PfW •• ._ . ..-c...-lmportlnl Tailors.

    will oooapy It October lit. -Mr. and Mn. William I. Family

    are at W•t My1t1c, Coua., with tbelr family, for a few weelca.

    -11181 Floreaoe Vreelaad pn a 1ac· CMifal mulcale, ThiiJ'IIday enuilll. Refretbmeatl w- eerved .

    -Frllllk 8poouer bu rented L. E.

    WHllL NOTES. On Sa&'Df'day, September 12, a blcyole

    race meet will be held at the Waverq t..-clc, auder the auplt!el ot thf'lkate Fair .&.ootatlou.

    Barf• hollll8 ou Ualoa etreet aad will take �oa October let. Dr. R. Georp Hatchl11110u Jr. ,a mem·

    _William Boprt, Jr. , Edward VouiJbt ber of the ol'llllnal Moutclalr Wheelmea ud Aabny Smith left Thanday for a (llliMIJ wu eleCted treMunr of the newly teo da:r•' atay at Aabarr Parle. orpalaed Orle11t Wheelmea, of Brooll

    � the hundred• of thoueande. Matt. M: 2.'HIO; Jobo 1t: 7-8. h

    1 at hap


    Thwhen men ce

    duedftedto c.!:.'ti!�\:.a;.��u:!eeu!� ���� Ji.�� vo unteer ey were m i tilt church. to-morrow eorealq. 8ab"con811CRted," to 018 the Journal'• ject, "8eelu1J Goo lu Natan," Pa. 11: ph1'11118. Can the Journal ehow by 1·8 ; 24; 1-to. wbat .right a government may "con· Th& Pre.b7terlaa �,;Anat:JUI-JiiiiGIIN�•r· 8arc4�" the li•n of · · IIOflte men· and 'n �u.IID .. � In th� t " 8 te" th d church to·morrow may no oon - e mon�y an Mre. F. R. Baller, Jr.. lead. property of other men? It 11 an- ject, "8eelu11 God Ia Natare," Pl. ttl: oJther inetance o f property held more 1 ·1; 24 : 1 · 10.

    ova IIOTTO-Good aoode at low .,..._.


    Whea ltuylas lllou. tbem from tbe Reliable Pl .. :

    15z.t54 Faltoa St., New York. We have placed in etook a choice

    uaortmt>ot of Foreign 'l'rou�eringa at $6.oo and Suiting• at Sao.oo to me011o re. Our Diagonal, Uuftoish· et1 Wonted, or Auatri11n 'l'hibet, Coat aut! Y eat to order at $16.00 are well worth your consideration.

    -MIAI Nellie IDIJI'IUil attended the lyu. u lc veroor'a ball at the Hotel Breelia, A. C. Morrlaou, of .. nwaa ee, the f:ke HopatcoDIJ, Friday aljcbt. ::::!,u"::.t':'


    f w


    Aiu!!;: -Wallace B. R11111811, who ocoopleo ben u their caudldate for preeldeut the Loot. Badelt cottap at Oul1111d, ball aezt year.

    eacred tbao life? 1'he heartof every The W. C. T. U. an doiJll a IIOOd true woman mutt proteat lfllinat 10 work amouiJ the motherll at the F'reeh vile a wrong If the money did not Air Camp. Uuder their auplceo, after

    • • uooa talk• "lth mothen an trlvea at Y'liunteer 1t ahonld have been dra.ft- the camp every week, aad IJOOd reaoltl ed-con8act1ted. Aa another m are reported. Our Business is your Business and we want vou to kaa.

    our Business. We sell the nobbiest and most stylish

    WWe can refer to Westfield

    patrons of over 1 2 years standing.

    been appointed a depaty aherilr. The cycllat who d(•adl pol1011 Ivy Ia -Geofle W. Mllderberpr. formerly of adorlted to nee the oomwoa IWd bettntl· Weatlleld, l�oow balfowaerof tbe Piaaa fol brook bal18m , jewel weed, or opot· Hotel aad I.Juluo, at Berge" Polut. ted toocb·me-aot (lwpatleua fDIVtl of

    -Rev. Jobu G. Dyer and f-.wlly atart bota11iatll) aa a poultice. .Moodily to apend two Wl!tlka In a cPtllll(e A belated brlde11roorn of Hillsboro, at Rye Beaclt, 011 LoDIJ lala11d Sound. Or. , ml-.1 a tral11 that wu to t11ke him

    -1'be .Miueo Battle Terry, Llzsle to be lllllrrled, bat betbon11ht hlw��elf of Coowbll a11d Garetta Woodrulf leave his wheel. aud by �eorcblug arrived l\loud11y tor a week's atay at Oceau just 111 tlwe to cheer the droopllltr oplrlto Urove. of 11 wllthttr bride.

    -Ma11ager GeoriJe W. Peek I• esper· A druggist at Pater"""• N. J., pro· ie11ting a lively ron of trutle at

    bolt A Chllwbet•lilt, H�rbert Poanall, Jo 111 8. Burbling, Jr. , Ralph C. Pear· 11111. Martlu Suyder aud Leltrb Peal'llllll wlll uccoWJ.liiiiY the •lotriDIJ at the Frtltlh Air CIIWjt, Tui!Mday ltVellllli·

    --- -· "Boys will be lloyo," but yon cau't

    11tr01·d to 101111 Rllf of tb�tw. Ue ..-ly for the IJ I'tliiii iiPPI& 111111011 by bavlu.r 1>11 Wl&&'l Cbollo 1111d Cholera Cure ill &be �t��1111• 1. r. Don ill.

    - ··�·---Call C•ury uo llure Pack••••·

    A new •·r

  • Do not be deceived by infringe-ta or name, packa�te or ci�t•r.Ue. TH E O N LY G E N U I N E IIIII GBPIIfll GlgarlttiS

    .. r Ill• fee •1•11• llpatu,. of

    � . ... ...... eRd o• eecll clraren.. .. A K E �0!11! WITHIII ·T.

    The Horse Has a Fit In bR.rne� tlut.t \Jb OW !It" I ' i"' prml!l of. one plll'('ha:-in� tllt'il' lmrlll'"':-< ut

    FI NK'S .--.., Any

    pte the he .. I 1\1\!l tilw-t tu lw fonJHl in town which an• :-troulo(', lil.!hl 1U1•l 1lllrahlc awl up to datP in nil pHil lt1'1 . • \ I I klu•l"' of Jwnq coach and 1lr1\U�ht lmrn•· ... � aJ .. ,J 1111 luln•L:

    IJive ·u ... (( f'(t/1, ll'f' tan sl lil .lfll / 1 ,

    HUMPH REYS' SPEC I FIGS are sc ientifically p r e p a r e d R e n1 e d i e >; ; have been used fo t' h n l f a century with entire s u cces.>.

    ::= •·oa 1-FneP•, f'onlo(t•Ktluull, Inftnmmnttons. s-Worm•, Worm Fch·r, Worm � ·oJiL' . . • a-TrrtbinK, ( 'tlliC,l'rylnll. W nk••htlDCSI 4-Diarrht'D, of ('hlldren Ill' Adult s . , . • • '-t.:ouah•, L'old"-, Hronchitlll . 8-�rurnl1la, Tnothnche, Fne('adlP, . . . • e-Hr-adal'ht!•, !-!kk Bl'lhlacllf', r t>rtlgo. le-Dv•Pf'P•IIIt TIUioU"lWI''I, Con�tlpatloD

    1 1-ilapprt"••f"d or l'ah1ru1 l't"rlod• . . · • la-Whllet, Too Profw;e l'C'thMl:l 13-('roup,}'D&III•, fiontlll'll('S8, . ,,, 1.._..1& Rhe•m, El')'llllpelall, Entptiu •• la-RIIeu••U.•, or Rheumatic Paloa., .... Malaria, ChUla, Fever and Ane . . • • • t--..•atarrh, JaftUf'n&a, (;oh.ltn the Head •-Whoe»ln• Cou•ll, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . tlt-ll.ldo@y Dl.eaa ... , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . · • · • · • • M-Itenou• D•h111tl• · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··· · •• •-t.'rl•ary \\'eakne•••·· · · · · · · · • • " ' '' '' at--aere Tllroat, QUlniiJ', Diphtheria • . • •

    For Oood tolor and H.e�vy Orow�� ·· .. . � • Of' Hair, use 1 _·,

    '1��6�, one Bottle will do '" Wonders. Try it. •

    Wlod the yoou11 ho1b11nd wboae little de cooked her lint breakflllit for biw .... _.uiq.-New Yorll World.


    0 I z � •

    It •l< '""n · t lllltt tt>r mneh wlwthPr :-:h-k hf'at1ndlf', hilion�llf'!-1!0, iwli�e""tinu nw1 Afo(tt>rly n( CPntrttl A v�mw lhn·e hnnolt·o•ol feet : thenee nortllPI"I)" lo u point In I he o·Pnlro> of Nor!� A\· t-'lllW two hnwlrt>d ft->Pt wt•,•rly fl'otll thf' CPntrP of thP roncl nt the mtflr� !iit·t·t iun of Fourth A vt>ttn•• with Fui(] North AVPilll P ; thPill'f' nnrthPrly tn n

    p h1t ti\ t· hl�l't1n tl ft ·t-t w rt)J · t'fl :•·• 1�· of tht• t'('llh'P of Cht>,..Jitlt HtrPt>t Rud fin• hnn· r, t't tl ft·t•t H 1n1 h I'J· "'f t · t lv of tlu• c•·ntu• of Droml HtJ·ppt : thPIH'P w rth-wPRh·rly on n 1 11ru1lt1 lim• '' ith ( "ltt •;tttnt St rt•t-�t of DndlPy A l'"t•ntw tlwnc·P �o�o�tth -Wt>Rt•·rl�· l •tl .. n i d }larnll••l liufl �ix hmHlr•·tl ft Pf wt•"'t '!f Dndlt•v Avt-lllP«lit>� Dt•tifnt>�:-< i" elln!'lell t'OII· •li tion of th.., lllllt'Otl!-1 1iuit1g- of th t·t>�n1t , nw1 nn Jf•�:o< f}lp i l l filllllllli lti l l11 l'/\11 hP takPII flll1 atlt1 tid:-< tnl1t' t"t>!-ltnrl-'1) tn its normn1 l'Oil tlit iou , l�t-•arin.� wi1l l1f' t1P�tl'l l)" t•t1 for

    I , .\.t-'1' : uint• ('1\ .. 1-'� ont 1 1f t•·n lll't> t'illl !--4'11 hy ('Jitanh .. \�·hieh i� unthiug- lmt n!l i l l ftw.tu t•l) {'l lllthttoll of tltt-> l l l lh'Oll� �lll'flll't·!'i "Lc•arn, nftl'r you ha\'t• l• •ut'llf'tl tn

    NpPak, to lildt•U awl fo 1istt-n intt•11ig�·Htly , ' 1 wri tt·� Hnt h . .:\ . ..;Jnwll't·on "How to Bu u. �ocial �nc·�·,·..;:-Utioul'! a wrollf.{ tlatP do not c·orrt'L't lwr. ThP worltl l'al'f·� for tlw iu tPrt>t-�fiu� talk, not for wiH"tlH'r t11t'

    Sho-Whut's young Jouos 11oing tn live ou 1ww IH''toi married ? Hc-Oh, " fnith, hopo ;mel rhari ty• bnt the greate•t of the•o i> charity. "Brooklyn Lif.,.

    ----·- ---Ultl \·ou t:\"l�r

    Trv Elet"lrie Bitter• aH a remedy for yo in tron h)t>!'l ? I f not, g't>t R. bottle now awl J.[et relit'f. Thi� mPdiciue hns bPen fonuol to he pt'cnliurly aolHpleol lo tlw rf'lit>f nncl eure uf nl1 l, Cuu!-lti}•H.tion, Ht>at1ndiP, FniutinK �'Pt'll!'!, ur art• Nt>r· \'ot: R, Sleeple�t'l, Exeitn.h1P, ::\It>lnneholy or trouble• I with OizZJ". 8llf'll

    Dr. R. V. Pierce : Denr Str-ThAr� is "

    ...... ........ "U 1111 bappeued from a little jolle I

    tried to aet otr, " the brolaed, bllttered 1111d tattered hobo ellplaiued to tile oltl· II!DI who picked blw up. ".Jl1t fer fun, you kuow, l perpoied to the 11111111 that we or11aoill! a JIIIIIY fer tbe ach0011tlo of the tree eoj1111p of -p. I uever dremp tbq'd *Ne '* .noaa. " -ID· dilaqolil oTOUIIIIl.



    ..... -· ....... ........ .... .. - .... ... t.:•p.n•l"'•

    Ht•ro I• " \"Phit•h• for rlrRwing foo•t to bo11rol np llu• lowr•r Pnd of lhP (lr, lwt> ,.Pil, a h(Hik on upiPultnrP, all{l hP1.d11. In ow• rPJoOpt ·Pt PXtK·ril'IIC('d apiaristl'l nrP qnitt> as w•,.;lig-t>nt as hPginllt'I'H-thut ito� in fnrilishiug shode for the hin·!"!. It haM'11 conehu;;ivPly Rhowu thut


    .. . _ .. ......... ...... ........ .... a 'rwo ll_.l • .....,._ .... ., ....._. -· ftlal ... ... .,.._. .._ 'lllae -- I'll••._ M WilL A bt' Ia I I'Il wport-aa re\IIJ'IIIDII from

    a d111'1 oport fonnd hlm��elf late In the �·�niDI on tho edp of a ftat or manb yhich bordereOle•, which come nlrenrly flniKhl"l, cut . In tho rooms while tho naphthR clenncd !lug to tho IICrOI'ur"'l, or , Is ther .. forc w�·ll to storo tho furniloPre huh11 Milk enn be •hirrcrl on hra•• rorl• In somo portion of tho house whil'r, Is to form n \'f•ry ukc bnckgrow1d. ('om- not likely to be user!. Tho inftllnnunhlu mou •ilkolinc m11kes 8 \'Cry good aub- �;�ntwo of naphth11 \'apor mnke• It r•x· •titnto for the Milk. cecdlugly rlnugerous when brought 11ear

    Another very good bnckgrouud Is a ftumo. fornwrl by covering 11 bourd with mn•· Cushions, carpet• anrl wool rlrnperlcs lin nnrl nft .. nviml puHting sumo pretty mny safely be cleaned In this wuy, ru1d w111l pu(K'r 0\'cr It, thu JCpruu>Ko lontlwr if lmmerliutcly wrupped nod pudred for paper with bronzo figures hpe olnoo the dayo of tho ftrot cruoade may bo attributed to the e11iotence of this law, and even In the pn>oent century oanplnary sti'DI(Rlllll ha\'C taken pJaee Oil ito account. u .... at Britain and Rn .. la are the only two countrleo where it hu nner oecured uy foothold.

    8p11ln, Portn�ral and Holland havP within the luot I 00 yPar• t•riUied the law from their stotnte booiu, and have bt'nefttcd llJ tim changc, while Minco the n>illll of .Moria Thf'n•oa and the •eVPD yenr1' war It ""'"'" only In a modified form Ia A uotriu, nnd, pr•rhapoo, uot at 1111 In the kingrlom of Hnng11ry.

    Bot it lo otill bt forco in Denmark, bt Swrden, In Prnooia and all the other leiier11l otate1 of tho Uennan empin>, ao wcll ao In Belgium, ltuly, Roumnnlu, Sen·la, Bulgaria uod 01't'l.'ce, tho na· tlonal con�t!tutio� pf w_hl�� _ltclllfJ ?,_f n more mu•hronm churac'lt>r anrl d'l'awn up t.r CIJII¥btenl'd statesmen of tht• pres· ent c�ntury, lllight re!llloonbly oo n· )JI'Cted to be mor� up to date and fro•e frow ;q,ch lll&JrOW mvails, tho three royul widows diM· pl11ylng fur more common or•nse, enlightened stnwsmanohip anrl politirul ougacity than nny of their brother mon· urcho.

    Under the clrcum•tunres It mu•t bo u mutter of n·gret thut the 8ulic luw should debur a numbt•r of beautiful, chatming nud C'lPvt·r pr iucetutt•s from •oreeoding to tht otli'H. Thu• thPre I• the pretty Princ""" l'uulitw of Wurttt•m· bPr�. th" only child of till' pri'HPnt king and ll yooUK girl whom it iK no flXUQ'· Q'Prntinn tn dP!�eribt• UH tht• nut if �uul idtJ).

    " ..... ...... ...... ... ...... .. ........ ..... .

    .... . .. ...... ... ,... ..... . ... .. IMil!t .. .... ....... ,.., ...... ... ���-.e • .. .., . ....... ..... 1.. .... . N'l'lde W¥ II _, .. A*� all ..... ...., ..... .. ....

    ..... ........ ... ... ..... ...... ... ,.,._ • IIMI .. , ..... ...... ... ... ....... .... AI If U.r - • •lad ., .., .... __ .,.. ..... ... ... ...... nut wl .. -• ...,. • .. ...... .... ..... , ..... .

    • ..':' Polll --.... ·�· • load all ... wiiiJ. - NIJ Ia deiD'J fOWD Ud bet loJMl 011111• 011 ODO obo 10 ... tiM ....

    a.r P"""' llel- oet-Aad ooftiJ .._ whc>a ..., ...,..

    Wltbuut a tboalllt or ean Bow all tho ''""' tanuo apelde ..,..

    W- Polly to�M •bo olr. -ZiteUa Coelle'a "A 'Dolte ......

    VOL T8 DO NOT HARM PIOIN& I& .. .... .... _ n.a - - --... _

    Newopaper reporten, oopJ' ...._ and bead writPn IU'B In need or a ,.... mary ednoatjon In electriolty. ·llftrl:r DOW alld apio the DeWIIJIIIpertl .... tho doatb of 10111ebody hom tbe ..... of a given numbPr of ,.olt., or taU .e auotber'a wonderful 111nlval .,_ • celvlar the llhocll of muy t� ,.olt& Stranll" enough, In the -paper account• nobody Ia o,.er IIUW., nor hu a remiU'knble lliCapo f10111 -peree of electricity been ch� nor Ia tho dam��go oft('o done by a _. rr.•nt, nor h011 anybody e,..,r -• 'watts" figure In the wetter. Tbe bor of volt� in u cum•nt of eleoCIIIaltr io Ito "P'-'ed or preMure. The numt. at ampere• io it• volutne. Volu wid!. out umperco would be opeed � 1ubotunoo. ·> .A )i'!bt _JUolcculo moving wl&la • Rpee

    Dutter is seldom plured upon the din· uor table ou corcwoniou8 occatdous, gravies and &nuces nsunlly tWOr• uud eulouinl furuish· Its �l'l>IIHt, If oqual to two eondloo, 'lrWuld !Je plainly ar.•ou for 11 oouolderuble lugs of ull kind• romnin in furm. dl&llllluo by varioua kinds of flsbetJ, who Do not forgot that u to11spuunful of ll'ould uudoubledly upproaoh within the !Merino in half u glu•• of wutm· user! leach of tho elliJIO oyo nod sharJ' bill of a• " wusb uud gurglo ufter nwul• I• ox· tho berou, ud 10 full vlotims to their uellcnt. It •wooton• tho month nncorul, cruuw together a C'Up of llrowu ougur wtd one-half cup of butter, udd tile beuteu yolks of 4 "Ill!"• one-hnlf cup· ful of sour Ulilk In wbleh n te118poonful of soda has been dlooolved, 2 cups of flour, ono-half cupful of moiOMseH lllld one-quarter of a teaspoonful enob of ground niiHplco, cinnamon and olovea. Grouse woll a A l'atboUe All-at. .Mn. Q. b11d I" llllVere � ... 1

    her oompluints IDDde .Hr. Q==s• , .. OI'OU, 111d by alld by be laid , ) . which w•de lfrL Q. cry, Wbea · .'/ bel' littl�t lJO)' w110 bunt lot() ti!Uio · , · · "Deur mol" IBid bla father. ''� what w•y be the maiter wlih · , -· · ,

    "l've IJOt a beadao�lu head I" llllid the ehli4-Yoala'l Jlllllloli.

  • THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, SATU RDAY, AU G U ST 11\, 1 MU6. =======�=-·-=·-- ------- ---·- - ·-·-·-- ---- ---- --- ------ ----- - I :3irlklklk����lok�lklk�� ••• lk******J* I c-��1• 11 "" l ro•lllroltl•�rol '1,""""'· c I . HAMLET IJEFT OUT. �;opt;opt�;opt;opt;opt;opt����)';opt ;opt * N t>WIII'k, N . • J . , A ng. J,lth, 1 �1111. u res THI PRODUCTION OF PLAYS WITH• * JJ!A c R A N F 0 R D * . ?'·��:�:-�:�"�·�::;·: ::���·�.·;�·;·.t ... I ro•aol ! OUT THI PRINCIPAL CHARACTER. ::ort' I llll! I Krth-lt> entttl"'l "Perhii)IM 11 Munier," ,,. . l'rov• the merll of llood'• fiBr•aparllla-po•l· � * In the illot ntnnllt'r of the HTASIIAIIII 1111 I *t! 'lllil"'t" I gnrlllng a little 'lllllt'rt>l hPtWt>f'll two live, f"'rlo•ct, tM'rmanerot t1mc•. •:!. �=· �:�.w:; • .:·-.:..:' _0;:� *****_!!_�-�-�_!�����*********** 1 ���:�::��.1�:;:rch tl:�!g·;� .. �;·'E .. ::.��t��·; c.,,.. ��!�-:�:�:!:·\:�.;::�:!�:�,.�·:�;� .. �:�: i ..... " .... flto1'7' of the A.bMIIee or Po- Th,• Sfan lard iR em lffllf' f'l'cry Satur ill�!( it . Twn hon"'t>"' !'lhonlll lun·t> IK't-11 ! I ,..hnpl�· writf:�o yon tlu .. �w fpw linrR IK' Curee or Knit Uhmam, with lt!l lnt(ln�e Itching ) _..oat.M aad Bnw the .,.,.,. w .. Pa' On, dtt!J ,, , tlu• ( Til ion �V.-trH ( 'u. ·� H(oml. 1 1PI.[Ilt1 two Wt•f'lc� n�o nt ( )nkwoml hy IUl , t'll11�t> tht' rt>.JMlrtPt1 nrtiele Joll'f'lll� to hto and hurnlnM, "cRid lwncl, tt•ttN, f'te.

    ont!'litl t' eontrnl'tor. .At ln�t rt>port� tht-y wroug IU'c.•nrthng tn tlw fnct�. It �H not Curee of IJoll!l, l'lmph•"· and Rll otlu�r eru� lt WBI Sir Walt('r Srot.t wh.o fnmi.-h- 1 A ll t'0111 111 H U it·otiot1 .� fm· ( 'r•a �tford [),• nrt,. llnt �tnrtt-tl nJH1 lot•nl lnliltlt·r� Hrt' ' p..,rlmp" a Jl111rt1t>r" hnt lUI hudlo(lllttl'nnt tlun� du� tn lmtmre hlood. Ill tbe ba�· for thf' prtWl•rtnnl t'rJlf'PH· 1,orf llt• · 't f .flhould '''' �"""' fo f'. n. Jla 111, fi,�tnring on tlwm. ( 'outrnctor l''lulnl. qnlll'rPl, not worth nt nil to he rt'JHirtf'tl. Curee ()f llY"I""fl"'" "'ul olh(lr tronhlf'!I Where Ilion, •• •Hamlt•t ' wlfh Hamlrt lPft nut. " ( ·1 u uford, .Y ,/ who "'l'llflt'tl tht> �tl·t•t·t� 011 th�· H H.. f ht �(otH1tty night. AnJ.('nrd :lrtl, Tolly a jil'nntl !lhnnnf'h toni!! WR� IH't'th•d. Ia thr iutrClclUdton tH lu� ' •T"h�man ' ' fh·nt h Jti'•'P''l'ty, lt•ft tu•tdwl !'11 '\"t'rill nn· Lonlo('o nttt1 U. Ernmo wt·r�· lllnyiug !'!lrtl� Curee of mu•mnatl�m. wh(lrP llRth•nt!t wereun-� \\"rotf> Mhont a ' 'Jllayhill whirh i!l , J 't ,...,T t •FI'Ic · �-: I l l H E( ·ToHY. pnitl nct•onllt!-1 wlwu IH' n•tm'llf•tl lw1nt>, wh ... n tlwy ht11o(lll1 to tlt!>ipllh!. I ony ahlt' to wnrk ur walk rnr \\'(lt•k!ll. latd to lun·l• announC"t-.tfrilw tra�+'tly nf I ol"JuuJ:'\u '\1.4. 1 1.�. awl :\It-. Ht•nth j"' now �t•ftlilllo(' tllt'lll. LollJ.('O l.[rll�JK>tl tt pif•c" of l wmrtl, 1\(r"' Curee ''' ('atnrrh hY I'lltt'IIIIIJ.t tht! tinpurltle!l 'Barn I Pt., ' tlw t'UUI\lill.LC ou nlw1 ffonnt.l lwr llln ht>tl lwitlk ot�b Mit1f" of ft•t•dln�ot tlw rwrvt·�nt•;m llllrt• hlnml. I 1lbftl produrt difT(lfll in form from tlw 1i:l:.! I'· m. ,;:(�' 1•. I L l . 4:-1� I ' · m. 4:-tll l•· m. tlw hunk!-! of tht> H.nh.wnv. IH'Ilr li'Hilt'h 1 wr !let• K\1'0 t •n. M et: t�r �om .. Curee of That Tlrt•d t't' hiK hy rt·�tor ng

    J :'\t.l •!llt:o>!l �.\llli. .MiliM, wlwrt• tlll'y will ·!ol}lt'IHl tht• rt> • 'ltlt'.'oltit m!-4, to whkh !-!IH' n.II!'4Weretl Rlilf w�n 1tr�n1tb. Mend for book of curc!t hy nw DlRt('rial · From F.�t.!it . l>'rom "·t�,..t . uutillllt'r of t ht' nwnth A half t1oZt'll "� nny well pt•rson ('tlllltl. • �:."' :�t�; ��·������::r�"::��,�;· ��� ; �·�� �: :::: n� ::: :::: :�. ,�-�-::�:.\'e :::� ll".�:!,''r}��·:, "::�1'�-l!\�"�\:�. th���e�u�l '::::�:e �.�.���·�·.·.������:-:�.�.��:= l'rtD,.. of Denmark lr•ft nat, thon1h the ,,,; 1,, w. · •enmp ., ntH\ •nrprtse thc>"e tnhllhilillg 1•hyolelan belteveld avenue 011 TnN�Iay t'Ven - 1 be followin!( Frlol11y l crtll"'l to """ llklll of the flnot quarto, which WM print- C'Rrnival ! ing. makin11 •nch an amwnncemt'nt th11t her 11grtln rtncl l fonrul lwr olttln1 nn tbt> .S In 1603, wu ""'""" by lllllalenno. t>Vennne •·nuw on! to ot>e wh11t w11• cow- stoop of her honae, atul •he told nu• th•t - f 11 d h f •'- b NDT:,�.� •• �a,!,•,nbo

    daayt!• '· ill"- . Wlwn u ... ,_. l'Hmt> to lhPir de•tlna- •be WRM better. She hllol lllreall_ y t-n •-J o owe t e cnstomo o woe t ea- Tb� o fino�., rtf muoic' ti,';'n. "'" ho�·· dl>X · the Brtnro mo\'l'U about th·· •tall" with I �li-- Dmwn hiiH retnrnft' But if "Hamlct " hao not lx-1-n playllfeHeut -witbont the rinc other plays ha..- ' · , . . tide relntllll to the Ml>t>Cilll train run ntlve of this paper "'"" pteo�nt at the bee o ·�) 1\ t I �1 ht;> old l>rtdg:e ov�r � brook, on f'rolu Cranfuttl on 'l'tw�u1ny' A ngnHt j•relimionry exttulinu.tion of LonKo, Rtul n 11 OCCMI• 11• , I HHoulton •lreet IS Lemg wtd�oerilll! In HOt his (lrnl •�---the llt'roinC'. Tht· vlay faih·d : aurl tlu·n uig:ht. (�umunttt:'e hanng- tl.lf' matter tu t•hargt-> Hi('k ·)loifi\On i� H J>Pi�ou whil'h uutkt•Jo! Hannah BraiHl lt·ft nut Kt.·tnhh• ':-� part \\' illintu 13rt�mptou ha�o< l Jought two f t �r tlw . ,tH.'t.·ou.l �Hmlatwl.l �)f. n:t->mLerM of yon �kk. It com .. � .from tlw !'>t4.lllltH'h. and produced thP rPst of tht• pla\ und�·• lot .. ut :\luuzv �with aud w i l l :"lhurtlv the �0� ·]1 ..:v u.mntu ,Y}l'luhu�l h:t���11 'rhe 8tonmeh umk ... � 1t ont of nllill�ei'o\t ... tl the llallJ.t' II A!lllllliHhl. " Ali bPf�re, �h·· lJuild. .. . . �·ran. ,lt'l rl�lll �lllllf'l'\'� .t•, I�IH Wit It: I t'IJOd. The Lloml ,l!f'tM �t U�lll taiut:-; tltP I I I l . 1 f _ kllu\deol!(e that the t11nn \\Ollie I not Ll 1 wbu!P ho.Jy with it 1 hut s the wuy of p ayt·c. t lf.' H ·rut�lP, o.wl as ,, . t •l'e �h11 H.itlillL!' lJie v l'lt·:-: ou tht• �illew�tlk:i or at ti lh•tl at t'ranfor11 . • I · '


    GRATES JODd redt•mptliJIL uttliBallL't.· . ,�·n� tl ne to tht .o t'al' t that �"Pt>t'Ull t'Xl'lll' · your diyt>.�fion. "EVIRYTHI IIIC POR THE PIRI· heard tht> pla�· lussetl aud t.lamned lw- night wlthurit a iauteru, i� l •l'vhilJiteU Uy That n largH' mnul•t•I' ditl �1nt nHe it \ It.Th� wnv to he riel 1 1f it i� to look nfttor

    John, bowevt•r, . rf·�lly ::\li�� LT. \"'alelltillt:', of llruuklyu , i� ell· �Ions Wt't't' �·n n to A�h1�ry Par){ ou the If ymH fontl i� all prnp..,1·ly tliKt'!'ltt·cl, PLACI."-----playc.l a . thi� IH'O}It:'I"ly hy itHtolt', lwl14 it alou.L(

    The Ia wa h · f us b 1 s the w��k�. �Jif'(:ut.l �u..,etmlo(' Hlltl hns not heen aHketl ' with n few do8e8 of Shnke1· Dig-... sti Vt> ., P Y " 8 18 amo .ur r f}Ub ll. . · . · to eontnlmte one tlollur tt)\\'IU'd tl� ex · Cordittl Pocahontas, product.'.,led Ly Uctul>er 1"1· i nteol by your reJll'�•••ntative in Cr11nfor•l

    f!IIDilllan008 w e conldo't conceive. All : H. R. Heath was 111 town W ednesdlly. · it is to Le regretleR88Rge. The Wil•nn Dill, if on it• pHHHHI(e to·tllO('rntie Con�reMs, conlll uot jlo thrungh, without much acljn•tment. It i• not oo much ll high tariff or free traole, this country needs to-cl11y, Lut it is taritY •u 11r to wRtcb, only 91c, :11'c-Jn!Janette, �myrnn antl )foqll�tte HUKill. all slzt!H 3ic and up . . . . 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo . . . . . . . 8t'l 1Uc-A W"OI'Ml \Vhulow l"iblldt>, "'l•rln��t rollt>r, cumpltlttl tUc, a.nd a. 1()()(1 & foot pole complete, 181

    "·e art! now otJorin.c PIOW6 t!l.traordtnary b&riJII.hll In the Crooke, and MouM rurnt•htna llne• tb&t Will i!&)' you IO look Rfter. ' �ew and beautiful i'olprlu.c Oret1M Goodi!, New H11rhur Cape&, Novelties ID Millinery, New Lilli. . New Ribbons, New Embroldt'rle8, and In fact a.ll of our depantlllentMare juat brim fDll ot &ail latettt aud \,.,��tt of eVUflblnl ju•t aa chea11 &K you cau buy tbem in New York.

    �....._�. E DSALL'S�•_.... ... Commercial Palace, Babcock Building, PLAINFIELD, N. J.

    tU:en in, and &he people fairly ocreamed. Section A of the oewer w11s completed We went 011. First Cbarley wonld Ay, Tburscllly. Residenc"" on Foreol, Riv· �i1 is what MiMS Poo.Wontu would erside 11od Lincoln uveoueo, W•st Eud -k if llhe were present, ' and then Pl11ce 1111d Spriogtleld 11Veo11e, west or .. would talk to hillllielf. ' Where io the river clloll uow be couuect"d with the l'okey?' be would e:�claim, to which I l!t!Wer. WOilld reply: 'Lost wuoog tho ioebergs Mr. W11tterson loot his speckled hor.., r:t1 Bror.dwa7. Bnt if llhe were here 1 l11st 811turday moroiu11. He drove to bow ohe would answer yon In this Westtleld uoll L11ek un